PS 10-29-20 Cobra

COBRAThis was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.

  • Normally, I check Cobra’s website every night but with this new job, I haven’t had Time for much more than “eat, sleep, work, repeat”. Sylvia and I are working full-time, plus over-time, plus 6-days a week.

Here’s Cobra’s message:

  • Final Battle Update Part 2
  • “Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces have managed to erase the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).”
  • “The only Dracos remaining now are those physical and non-physical Dracos who are directly employed as servants to the Chimera, and the naturalized Dracos who mainly came to planet Earth more than 25,000 years ago, entered the incarnation cycle in humanoid bodies and are now incarnated as politicians, bankers, lawyers and other members of the surface Illuminati Cabal.”
  • “A very small number of naturalized Dracos also came to planet Earth in the 1996-1999 timeframe as they entered humanoid clone bodies in underground bases and then entered the surface Illuminati Cabal as lookalikes and doubles of many politicians, and they are still part of the surface Illuminati Cabal.”
  • “With the IBC gone, the only Cabal network still remaining is the surface Cabal network. Surface Cabal network will be properly addressed only after the Chimera threat is significantly diminished.”
  • “The main problem now remaining is the Chimera with their advanced exotic military technologies, especially quantum superposition toplet bombs. The Light Forces are continuing with the operations, now focusing on the removal of the Chimera fleet in Medium Earth orbit and Low Earth orbit, and clearing of the Chimera underground bases.”
  • “In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.”
  • “Now they are focusing on removal of the key Chimera spiders which form the backbone of the Matrix system in quarantine Earth. They have already managed to remove the spider queen, who was responsible for destruction of Goddess temples in Atlantis and destruction of the Goddess mysteries in the first and second Archon invasion. She was the force behind the Inquisition and more recently the force behind global child abuse networks, using Mothers of Darkness to do the dirty work (warning: graphic material):”
  • “With the spider queen gone, the child abuse networks on the surface will now slowly begin to disintegrate as they are exposed to the surface population. Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially those who hold the Goddess energy, were directly or indirectly traumatized by the spider queen in many incarnations, and those traumas will now begin to heal. Etheric spider poison which she and other Chimera spiders were emanating and using in their attacks, and was destroying many soulmate relationships on the surface, will now begin to dissipate and clear.”
  • “Exposure of child abuse networks is now going mainstream, as Taiwanese Dragon and other sources are exposing Hunter Biden and his involvement in those networks:”
  • “Taiwanese Dragons decided to go public with Hunter Biden story and intel about Chinese counterintelligence operations against the United States as a countermeasure against mainland Chinese threats to attack Taiwan. Dragon sources have repeatedly said that they will organize full disclosure of mainland Chinese secret space programs in the event of any aggression towards Taiwanese national sovereignty.”
  • “As the day of the US elections draws near, there are important astrological configurations taking place. The first one is the Jupiter-Saturn synod (heliocentric conjunction) on November 2nd at 6:52 pm UTC. Jupiter-Saturn synod will effectively trigger the Age of Aquarius for all Solar system beyond lunar orbit. At that moment, a massive operation of the Ashtar Command will commence and it will require a complete reorganization of all Ashtar Command fleet beyond lunar orbit.”
  • “It is interesting to note that the following mass meditation starts only 38 minutes after exact Jupiter-Saturn synod:”
  • “The second aspect is Mercury turning direct on November 3rd at 5:50 pm UTC. This aspect will ease the tension and uncertainty somewhat.”
  • “The third aspect is the completion of a certain cycle on November 3rd. Nothing more can be said about that.”
  • “Second wave lockdowns are now being implemented in many countries, and it is still very important for as many people as possible to join our daily anti-lockdown meditation:”
  • “Lockodown concept was engineered by Chinese Cabal members in tandem with Tedros Adhanom:”
  • To control the surface population with Covid apps:”
  • This is going too far, and we need to correct the planetary timeline back into the optimal Ascension timeline. Therefore we will be doing a Timeline Correction mass meditation at the moment of triple Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas conjunction on November 11th at 11:11 CET (equals 10:11 UTC), and you can join if you feel so guided:”
  • “The moment of this meditation will have Paris ascendant conjuncting the Galactic Center and Paris Goddess vortex will be activated to its next level.”
  • “If you are in France, you can join the Paris Sisterhood of the Rose group here:”
  • “Or Versailles Sisterhood of the Rose group here:”
  • “Exact time of the meditation for different time zones is here:”
  • “Instructions:”
  • “1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.”
  • “2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will shift the timeline back into the optimal timeline for the Age of Aquarius”
  • “3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light”
  • “4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.”
  • “5. Visualize this Light shifting the planetary evolution back into the optimal timeline. Visualize it removing all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize soft pink Light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth. Visualize your perfect life in the new Age of Aquarius.”
  • “Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.”
  • “This is now the final battle:”
  • “To win our bright future:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”

Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-14-20 Cobra, “masks”, Fulford

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Progress Report
  • “Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event.”
  • “A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:”
  • “The Solar System beyond Lunar orbit is already entering the Age of Aquarius as last vestiges of primary anomaly are being removed from there. Massive influx of angelic Light energies is now being experienced throughout the Solar System and people who are sensitive to energies are able to connect with it.”
  • “Clearing of Draco fleet is proceeding according to the plan and Light Forces have communicated that the probability of Draco alien invasion is now less than 1%, probability of fake Illuminati alien invasion is 7%, probability of US-China war is 9%, whereas probability of US civil war remains at 35%.”
  • “Mjolnir technology that the Light Forces are using is actually quantum cannon technology which emits a strong scalar field through the quantum foam and forces all matter waveforms from quantum superpositioned state into physical manifestation. This forces all Draco ships to appear into the physical and they are then immediately contained by the Galactic Confederation and their personnel processed through the Ganymede sorting facility:”
  • “Mjolnir motherships are positioned in a giant dodecahedron just beyond Lunar orbit and are emitting strong Mjolnir forcefield towards the Earth.”
  • “When Light Forces were clearing Draco fleet they have rescued many hostages, among them twin souls of many key commanders within the Galactic Confederation. Those commanders were threatened by the Draco that their twin souls would be tortured if the commanders would not cooperate with the Draco and sabotage many plans of the Light Forces. This is how the Draco were able to create many delays and setbacks and this is why the coronavirus pandemic could not be stopped in January and February.”
  • “Those twin soul hostages were rescued and compromised commanders taken to Confederation motherships outside our Solar System, where they will be able to get healing and then they will repair as much as possible the damage they have created.”
  • “Those compromised commanders were also responsible for spreading of much of fake intel through many Lightworkers channels in the last few years. This is one of the main reasons why most channeling sources are not reliable. The other reason is that those Lightworkers have a belief system that they know everything, and they appear to be speaking with authority, when in reality they are mostly clueless. The third reason, already stated many times, is the dark force infiltration of the Ligthworker community.”
  • “Now with that major sabotage exposed, the Light Forces are able to progress much more effectively with much less delays. After they remove the Draco fleet, they will begin systematically clearing the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC):”
  • “The vast majority of Cabal members in the IBC and also on the surface are naturalized Dracos, meaning they came from Draco star system many thousands of years ago and then took incarnation cycles on Earth by incarnating in human physical bodies while keeping Draco energy bodies.”
  • “They now unsuccessfully want to create their own version of the Reset and push this planet into technological dystopia:”
  • “They also unsuccessfully want to spread new, mutated versions of the coronavirus:”
  • “As solid scientific evidence that covid-19 has been created in the lab is finally available:”
  • “They are using the energy of the coming Saturn Chariklo conjunction on September 21st to create as many lockdowns as possible worldwide by artificially pumping up the number of coronavirus cases by misusing the PCR coronavirus testing:”
  • “They are using the lockdown situations to start testing how people would react to FEMA camps, in Ohio and Quebec:”
  • “Understandably, people are protesting against it:”
  • “And against lockdowns in general as well, for example in this massive protest in Berlin:”
  • “This protest was a major victory in the occult war against the dark forces, as it started to heal the so-called Prussian negative timeline.”
  • “Main protest took place in the Great Star square in Berlin (Der Große Stern), in the center of which is the Victory Column (Die Siegessäule):”
  • “On the top of the column is a big statue of goddess Victory which is the center of the Berlin Goddess Vortex. This vortex was reactivated during the protest and started to heal the Prussian timeline:”
  • “Prussian timeline was initialized in the early 19th century by dark Prussian occultists and envisioned dystopian soulless technological civilization dominated by Prussia. This timeline is responsible for Nazi secret space program which includes Neu Berlin underground base in Antarctica (now in the hands of IBC) and for creation of the Dark Fleet.”
  • “The Jesuits are now using their puppet George Soros:”
  • “To create a color revolution in the USA:”
  • “Trump, on the other hand, may use Insurrection Act to counteract this:”
  • “Positive Military may, or may not use the Insurrection act, to trigger the Delta Option shortly after the election:”
  • “Jesuits want to polarize the surface population to either idolize or hate Trump:”
  • “They are using the energy of emotional investment into Trump as a tool to engineer civil war in the USA. Light Forces are therefore asking everybody to remove their either positive or negative emotional investment from Trump and just calmly and rationally observe the situation and try to put as much Light as possible into it.”
  • “And send some loving energy to animals:”
  • “And connect to beauty:”
  • “Or read this book:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This was Posted today on Benjamin Fulford’s own website:
  • Masks DO NOT Protect Anyone – Even In Operating Rooms!
  • By Benjamin Fulford Letters to the Editor
  • Dear Benjamin Fulford,
  • “As a person who went to medical school, I was shocked when I read Neil Orr’s study, published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
  • Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries.
  • They wore no masks for six months and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years.
  • And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks.
  • Their conclusion: ‘It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all’ and that wearing a mask during surgery ‘is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.’
  • I was so amazed that I scoured the medical literature, sure that this was a fluke, and that newer studies must show the utility of masks in preventing the spread of disease.
  • But to my surprise the medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses.
  • • Ritter et al., in 1975, found that ‘the wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room environmental contamination.’
  • • Ha’eri and Wiley, in 1980, applied human albumin microspheres to the interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, wound washings were examined under the microscope. ‘Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments.’
  • • Laslett and Sabin, in 1989, found that caps and masks were not necessary during cardiac catheterization. ‘No infections were found in any patient, regardless of whether a cap or mask was used,’ they wrote. Sjøl and Kelbaek came to the same conclusion in 2002.
  • • In Tunevall’s 1991 study, a general surgical team wore no masks in half of their surgeries for two years. After 1,537 operations performed with masks, the wound infection rate was 4.7%, while after 1,551 operations performed without masks, the wound infection rate was only 3.5%.
  • • A review by Skinner and Sutton in 2001 concluded that ‘The evidence for discontinuing the use of surgical face masks would appear to be stronger than the evidence available to support their continued use.’
  • • Lahme et al., in 2001, wrote that ‘surgical face masks worn by patients during regional anesthesia, did not reduce the concentration of airborne bacteria over the operation field in our study. Thus they are dispensable.’
  • • Figueiredo et al., in 2001, reported that in five years of doing peritoneal dialysis without masks, rates of peritonitis in their unit were no different than rates in hospitals where masks were worn.
  • • Bahli did a systematic literature review in 2009 and found that ‘no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative wound infection was observed between masks groups and groups operated with no masks.’
  • • Surgeons at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, recognizing the lack of evidence supporting the use of masks, ceased requiring them in 2010 for anesthesiologists and other non-scrubbed personnel in the operating room. ‘Our decision to no longer require routine surgical masks for personnel not scrubbed for surgery is a departure from common practice. But the evidence to support this practice does not exist,’ wrote Dr. Eva Sellden.
  • • Webster et al., in 2010, reported on obstetric, gynecological, general, orthopedic, breast, and urological surgeries performed on 827 patients. All non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries, and none of the non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries.
  • • Lipp and Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found ‘no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials.’ Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same.
  • • Carøe, in a 2014 review based on four studies and 6,006 patients, wrote that ‘none of the four studies found a difference in the number of post-operative infections whether you used a surgical mask or not.’
  • • Salassa and Swiontkowski, in 2014, investigated the necessity of scrubs, masks, and head coverings in the operating room and concluded that ‘there is no evidence that these measures reduce the prevalence of surgical site infection.’
  • • Da Zhou et al., reviewing the literature in 2015, concluded that ‘there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that face masks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination.
  • ‘Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and it was killing them. At least three children died during Physical Education classes — two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask. Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere. The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have
  • mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55.
  • All 13 states that have death rates higher than 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them.
  • ‘We are living in an atmosphere of permanent illness, of meaningless separation,’ writes Benjamin Cherry in the Summer 2020 issue of New View magazine. A separation that is destroying lives, souls, and nature.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report. The title is: “Khazarian Mafia circling the wagons around the US election and their Manchurian Candidate“.
My comments: I’ve been noticing, more and more, that Fulford’s “reports” seem to be the “opposite” of what “I” am hearing from several other Sources. I don’t know if he’s being given false information or if he’s “flipped” to the dark side or has always been a “Sleeper” agent… or is he simply part of the White Hats and giving-out “distracting” information, in order to fool the enemy? Only Time will tell.
Because of this, I decided not to “excerpt” this article as I normally do. I’m simply including it in order for everyone to decide for themselves.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-21-20 Cobra, Gold

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Music of the Spheres
  • “Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:”
  • “Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.”
  • “During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:”
  • “One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:”
  • “Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:”
  • “Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.”
  • “The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.”
  • “If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:”
  • “Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.”
  • “Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.”
  • “If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:”
  • “Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.”
  • “On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.”
  • “Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.”
  • “Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:”
  • “Pleiadians have communicated that they are expecting the virus to die out on its own because it will fail to find new hosts who have not yet developed immunity, by the end of the year:”
  • “Many cures have been found for the covid disease, and some of them are very effective:”
  • “Scientists are finally beginning to discover the toroidal shape of the universe:”
  • “They are finally discovering previous cosmic cycles:”
  • “And are beginning to understand the 11th dimensional structure of the human brain as a reflection of the universe as it is described by 11th dimensional string theory models:”
  • “Soft disclosure of life on Mars is starting to appear in the mainstream media:”
  • “Disclosure race is a race China wants to win:”
  • “Until Disclosure happens, we can surrender to the cool Italian galactic music:”
  • “Or help planting some trees.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 1-hour, 13-minute video is a talk by “in5D’s” Greg Prescott. The following web page contains a short article and a few videos. The last video is the one I watched.
In this video, he covers 3 main topics:
  • Gold Standard: He says President Trump’s removal of 2, former U.S. Presidential Portraits and replacing them with President McKinley is no accident. Greg’s information on McKinley is: “He promoted the 1897 Dingley Tariff to protect manufacturers and factory workers from foreign competition and in 1900 secured the passage of the Gold Standard Act.” Greg feels that President Trump is using McKinley’s Portrait to tell us that he is about to reveal that the United States is now BACK on the “Gold Standard”.
  • JFK Jr.: During this video, one of Greg’s Zoom Room participants sends him a short video, which he plays. It “supposedly” shows JFK Jr. in the doorway of the President’s plane, while the President talks with someone on the ground nearby. This isn’t the first Time I’ve “seen” or “heard” information that JFK Jr. is still alive. Only Time will tell if this is true.
  • Silver Valuation: At the 50:50-mark, Greg shows the “US Debt Clock”. He explains that the “Dollar to Silver Ratio”, shown on this Chart, is (currently) almost $4,000 per ounce. However, in “today’s” Market, Silver is currently Trading at over $22 an ounce. He states that if someone buys an ounce of Silver today, for $22, ONCE THE US SWITCHES OVER TO THE GOLD STANDARD, they will instantly be holding $4,000… for a $22 investment!!! He says, buying about 260-ounces of Silver “now”, for about $5,000, will bring you about $1MILLION DOLLARS once the Gold Standard is in place… hopefully “this year”. He explains that “Silver” will become rarer than “Gold”, because Silver is used in many more things, such as Electronics. Does this mean Silver will be worth more than Gold? Only Time will tell.
My comments: Think about it. Have you ever heard stories of the person who took a tiny bit of money and invested it in a Painting, the Stock Market, a Race Horse, etc., and got rich because of it? Most of us would have thought: “Wow. I wish “I” could discover a great opportunity like that.” Well, buying “Gold” or “Silver”, right now, just “might” be the solution.
  • Of course, if you’re out of work or simply cannot afford $22 for an ounce of Silver, then please don’t do it.
I’m simply pointing out one of those “once in a lifetime” / “too good to be true” situations that some of you might want to take advantage of.
Think carefully about this… Yes, we’ve been hearing about returning to the “Gold Standard” for a long Time. “I’ve” been hearing about it for these last 484-weeks. “Personally”, I truly believe the U.S. WILL be on the “Gold Standard” in my lifetime and, to “me”, it does feel like it will be within the next 18-months.
Here’s another thought about this… Let’s say the U.S. does NOT return to the “Gold Standard”. You will still be holding a “physical” piece of high-quality Silver. Technologies of every type are continually created and, eventually, find their way into the Public arena… and because there’s only so much Silver in the ground, at some point, companies will pay a high price for high-quality Silver, in order to develop even more high-tech devices. At that point, YOUR Silver will be VERY valuable.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the web page:
Here’s the direct link to the last video on that page:
Here’s the link to the “US Debt Clock”:

PS 7-19-20 UndergroundBase, DUMBS

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • Secret base in Smoky Mountains – New witness
  • “This is a new report about the secret base beneath the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) since I wrote my book “Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina Mountains.”  It was provided to us on July 9, 2020 by a man who recently had completed a two-week camping vacation searching for underground military facilities in the North Carolina Mountains.”
  • “On the last night of his vacation, he stayed at the Mile High Campground on Heintooga Road, which is as close as the public can get to the base beneath GSMNP. The little-known road can be accessed from the Blue Ridge Parkway on the North Carolina side of the park. The following account is in his own words. Keep in mind that his discoveries began at two in the morning. – The Editor”
  • “Campfire view from Mile High Campground”
  • “WITNESS: On the drive to the location, I rode through some of the thickest patches of fog I have ever experienced. It was so thick that I drove into a median for the first time ever. Later, when I was standing on the road, the fog was so dense that I could barely see the double yellow lines at my feet even when shining a beam flashlight straight downward. I have heard about secret bases obscuring their operations with artificial fog and I believe that is what I may have experienced.”
  • “About 2 a.m., I parked at the place where Heintooga Road is closed, right at the Masonic Marker. This area is called “Black Camp” which would be fitting for a secret military Black Site. I was getting my stuff and feeling a weird sense of urgency. I don’t know if it was the Great Spirit or the spirits but something was nudging me to “Go now, leave now, stop searching for the bear whistle, just go, seriously, stop looking and start walking.””
  • “So, I did. And not two minutes later, once I was just past the road closed sign and just out of sight from the Masonic Marker parking lot, a truck speeds from around the corner and swoops down to investigate my car and then speeds away again. I kept walking and expected to be stopped any second, but I wasn’t. They let me walk along that closed road without interruption, but I’m sure that’s because they had sensors everywhere and I wonder if they chuckled as they watched me wander. I was there for more than four hours and walked between 13-15 miles total, approximately seven miles each way.”
  • “First off, I definitely heard the underground rumbling and grinding and machine noises. Something is there but the underground machine noises stopped promptly at 5 a.m.”
  • “I didn’t feel like I was alone. I am an energetically sensitive person with a large aura bubble and the energy of this area seemed like it was occupied even though it was a completely empty and closed road. The forest always feels alive, but this felt alive and active. I wonder if I had this feeling because I walked over an underground corridor or occupied chamber.”
  • “I also heard voices a few miles into my walk. I stopped walking to listen to make sure I wasn’t just misinterpreting the sounds of my walking, but I was still able to hear some more words and sentences when I was motionless. I couldn’t make out what was said, just that they were talking. Maybe these were clandestine campers or maybe they were underground employees on a smoke break or something.”
  • “Beyond the Heintooga roadblock – known locally as Heintooga Round Bottom Road”
  • “I got down to a little service road and went around the road closed sign for that too. A little way back was some sort of little machine house. It could be a regular forest pumphouse or maybe an elevator. I went back further and found a hidden ventilation shaft. I don’t know if it was a natural thing for a pumphouse but it was strange and seemed out of place.”
  • “Also, this dark, obscure, lightless mountain is the perfect place for an underground base. The lack of lights again adds to the “Black Camp” title. It looks like some of the pull-offs and overlooks on Heintooga were destroyed and grass placed over them. Perhaps they were closed off to help hide a base.”
  • “I had to stop my walk after getting confronted by a gigantic defensive Elk. Some strange Divine synchronicities from earlier in the day convinced me to turn around at that point, especially since I couldn’t go around him. He was slightly frightening but extremely majestic.”
  • “Also, even though I am a conspiracy theorist, I don’t tend to like Masonic conspiracy theories because I think they’re being used as scapegoats, but the Masonic marker being right there is fascinating. Masons brought stones from all over the world to build a monument on that mountain, and that’s literally the furthest you can go on that road before the barricade.”
  • “After getting home, I felt the strangest that I have ever felt. It was as if I were being suppressed by some sort of dampening field. I have heard of Black Military Projects hitting people with directed energy weapons and I believe that I experienced this. It was hard to even talk and my motivation to even think about seeing loved ones was absolutely gone. It felt so strange and I genuinely wasn’t sure if I had actually died that night. It was a strange dissociation.”
  • “I was able to begin regaining my spiritual defenses after I restarted and sustained spiritual techniques that are familiar to me. I felt like I was under a dampening field and that I had to fight hard to be able to stand up again. I wonder exactly how these directed energy weapons work but I’d rather not be on the receiving end again to find out.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images provided.
My comments: I was under the impression that the White Hats were clearing-out ALL of the Underground Bases. So if this one is still operating, it either means the White Hats have not dealt with it yet or this particular Base is working on something other than trafficking Children. (Maybe a highly secret, Black Ops project.) Only Time will tell.
While you’re on the following page, be sure to read the other articles. Each is a “Rabbit Hole” all by itself. Interesting information.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
As I checked on this 1-hour, 15-minute video, I got a few minutes into it and started to not watch it any further. However, as I did, I saw the handful of topics the Narrators discussed. When they got to the “DUMBS” (Deep Underground Military Bunkers), I was surprised at the “detail” that was presented.
  • A LOT of what is discussed actually sounds like “Science Fiction”, even to “me” and with a lot of this, I can’t verify it. So I have to start by saying “IF” this information is real, then it’s very important.
Here are just a few of the facets covered in this video:
  • The hierarchy in the Ranks of the cabal’s negative Witches. (Who’s “number 1” in different categories.)
  • They list a handful of cabal members who, “they say”, have been Arrested, including: the former President and his “wife / husband” Handler Michael. The Narrator also states that a few of the “elite” have now been executed, including “little hitlery” and her husband, the Actor who stared in “Forest Gump” and a few others.
  • They state that the cabal has a President Trump “clone” and they filmed that clone being assassinated. (I’m only mentioning this particular facet, in case the cabal tries to show this on their “Lame Stream Media”. I just don’t want anyone to panic.)
  • The interesting facet, regarding the DUMBS is, “according to one of the Narrators”, when a DUMB is cleared out, an “Earthquake” is registered on the Seismographs at the specific depths of: 10km or 5km or 3km. It’s stated that, if an Earthquake is registered at, say, 10.1km or 5.8km, then it’s “natural” but the ones registering at exactly 10, 5 or 3km are the White Hats clearing them out.
  • It’s also stated that some of the Seismographs have registered a “negative” Earthquake. In other words, “according to the Narrator”, the Earthquake was “above ground”. He then explains… this means it was a ship trying to escape but because the White Hats have control of all the satellites, including the ones with Lasers, they simply destroyed the ship before it could escape.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 4-2-20 *Employers, Gosia, Harrison, Cobra, Children

*First a comment:
There’s been more continually-appearing “alternative news” information in the last 3-weeks than I’ve ever seen. This is why our recent Blogs have been so long.
These 12-weeks of Job Hunting have been very frustrating. Part of the problem is my own pickiness… but another part of the problem is what “some” of the Companies except from their Employees.
This is “mostly” for “Employers” but does cover some information any Job Hunter may not know yet…
My requirements for the next Job I will align with is really more “practical” than being “picky”. As I read-through every Job Description, I calculate what is expected and then I look at my “requirements” and “restrictions”.
  • Requirements:
  • I need a “Day” Job. I still want to “start” or “join” a Band. To do that, I need my “Nights” free and being a Musician, most Performance Jobs require those Performers to entertain until midnight, 1a or even 2a in the morning. Then there’s some wind-down Time and a late-night meal. I’ve done this before. I was in a real “working Band” for 2-years in the 70s. I even did some Recording Studio work. So I know what’s involved. All of this also means I can’t take a Job which begins before 8a. For “me”, Clocking-In at 8a means Sylvia and I would have to get up at 4:30a. During any Night we had a Gig, we’d be “going to bed” between 3a and 4:30a.
  • Restrictions:
  • > Travel – With my previous Job, I was only traveling 6-miles to work. So I’m a bit spoiled on that aspect. However, I’m willing to travel about 15-miles for my next Job. (The bulk of the “Warehouse” Jobs seem to be about 18-miles from our home.) The town we live in is only 11-miles across. So there should be “something” for me without traveling very far.
  • > Temperature – I don’t mind working in “warm” or even “hot” environments. Sylvia and I hate being “cold”. This would eliminate “Cooler” work, “Freezer” work and any Job working outside or in a Warehouse which keeps their doors wide open in the Winter.
  • > Job Type: Although I’m looking for “Stock”, “Warehouse”, “Cook”, “Dishwasher”, “Office” Jobs, etc., I really can’t do “assembly line” work. Constant repetition like that is just not for me.
  • > Number of Hours: I don’t mind working 8-hour days or less but some of those Job Listings are for 10 and 12-hour Shifts!
I’m writing all of this out so anyone who’s interested will understand “why” I haven’t been able to connection with another Job for 12-weeks… AND to help those of you who may “now” or “soon” be looking to switch Jobs.
  • DO NOT do what “I” did… Do not quit your current Job, in order to focus more Time on looking for your next Job. That decision has been a disaster for me and Sylvia — even without the “stay at home” situation.
I would advise you to outline your own Requirements and Restrictions:
  • What hours are you “able” and “willing” to work?
  • How far from home are you willing to travel for that Job?
  • What is the minimum “Pay” and minimum number of “Hours” you are willing to accept? etc.
Very few” of your Job Listings actually provide the information a potential Job Hunter might need. If you’re responsible for creating a Job Listing, please:
  • Don’t just state: “Day Shift” or “First Shift”. Some Employers call “4a” the “First Shift”. Please be specific. “Hours: 7a to 4p”.
  • Spell-out just how many hours a new Employee is required to work. Don’t just state: “Part Time” of “Full Time”. Some companies hire people as “Part Time” but if you dig long enough into their work practices, you might see that their current Employees are always calling in Sick, which means other Employees will have to fill-in those Jobs and Hours. So a “Part Time” Employee might have to work 40-hour weeks… or more. So please spell this out: “This is a “10-hour Shift”, etc.
  • Stop Listing your Jobs MULTIPLE TIMES! Yes, it’s true that a new Job Researcher might not see a Job you Posted last week but if every Employer only Listed their open Jobs ONCE, the massive List we currently have to sift through would be much smaller and more potential-hires would see YOUR Listing. It’s very aggravating to see a Job Title that you’re interested in, only to click on it and discover it’s the same Job you Researched 2-days ago.
  • I’ve read SO MANY Job Listings now that I can sometimes read the mind of the person doing the Hiring. Sometimes they seem frustrated or confused that “no one” or “very few” people are even responding to their Postings. This is because your location is either too far from those who “might” apply or they see that they would have to work 12-hour Shifts. So, in “my” opinion, you can fix this by doing 2 things: 1) increase your Pay Rate for those Jobs. This will give Potential Employees an incentive to travel a little farther. 2) Stop abusing your Employees! A “Manufacturing” Job is not for everyone. The constant repetition can be mind-numbing!… AND when you then make your Employees work 10 and 12-hours a day, this only compounds the problem.
  • > “Well, we’d rather have ONE Shift… Where our Employees work ’round the clock but the laws and the Unions say we can’t do that. Having 8-hours Shifts means we’d have to double or triple our current overlap of handing-off to the next Crew, checking the machines, explaining where everyone left-off, etc.”
  • > No. It’s still not right. What you’re describing is a good use of “Robots”… “Automation”. When you run people in a repetitive environment AND make them sustain that work-level for more than 8-hours, you will experience “sleep” / “rest” deprivation and this, in-turn, leads to mistakes in Production and Safety concerns.
  • And stop stating that your new Employees must have “Day”, “Night” and “Overnight” availability. Most of those Jobs are “Part Time”. Making themselves available for pretty much any part of the Day or Night, those people will not be able to get a 2nd Job, if they need one. This is why we continually see Jobs available for these companies. You’re not “getting” or able to “keep” Employees because this is not fair!
This 18-minute video, from March 24th, is from “Gosia of Cosmic Agency”. She’s a Contactee of Beings from Taygeta Pleiadian.
Here’s what caused me to stop the video and write this out:
  • At the 13:42-mark, she explains that the “Federation” has reacted to the Earth’s current situation. They have placed some of their people and resources on the ground in strategic locations. “The use of force has been authorized for surgical purposes, involving regressive Reptiles in contact or coordinating or controlling the satanic genocidal camps.” Basically, since this is a war between “Humans”, the Federation of United Planets is removing the non-Human Entities, in order to take away this unfair advantage. (In her next video, she explains that this attack on the “dumbs” (underground Bases) and Reptilian Arrests have been going on since 2009. It’s just that “now” they are doing this on a much greater scale.)
  • This is a battle of Consciousness.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here are a few highlights from her 2nd video (from March 25th):
  • Around the 16:45-mark, Gosia reads Swaruu’s notes… Many of those who are there (on Earth, I think) are also here, onboard the Ship or on other Planes. So it is from this expanded point-of-view lead to the decision for the Federation to intervene.
  • Things will not go back to the way they were before. “Paranormal activity is greatly accelerated.”
  • “Humanity IS Reality. They must live as they want to be.”
  • Barriers (between 3D and 4D) are dissolving. “Reality is breaking.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
There’s more…
This Gosia video is from April 1st. It’s 2-hours long and was done Live. During this video, “Aneeka of Temmer”, a Taygetan aboard an Earth-orbiting Starship, “text-chats” with Gosia in real-Time.
Here are a few highlights:
  • She says the Taygetans scanned several Hospitals around the planet and saw that they were empty.
  • They also saw that some Doctor’s offices were broken into and the only thing noticed was that their “Death Certificates” were changed, so that they indicate the coronovirus as being the Cause.
  • Around the 51-minute mark, Gosia states that there is NO “virus”. (This is from Research, including “boots on the ground”, done by the Taygetans.) She says, if the cabal release a “Virus” they would have no control over it. However, if they simply used their “Media” to “create” a “virus”, then they CAN control every part of it — “where” it hits and how “lethal” it is supposed to be.
  • Around the 57-minute mark, Aneeka responds to a question about the incoming Comet. Aneeka says these are Code Words. Any time you hear “Asteroid” or “Comet” they are passing messages. “Asteroid large Starship approaching”.
  • Someone asked if they can see the Earth’s Energy Field. Aneeka says: “Yes and it is rising fast.”
  • There are more Extraterrestrial Crafts surrounding the Earth at this time. More than ever before. They referred to this as looking like a Walmart parking lot.
  • Aneeka says the “virus” is not the problem. “Focus on “why” this is happening.”
  • Aneeka is asked: “Is the Event a trial run for another Event?” Her answer: “If referring to the “virus”, yes, this is a cover-up for other things we are still looking into. If referring to “the Event” (that everyone is talking about), you ARE in full progress. It is NOT a trial.”
My comments: As I’ve mentioned several times, over these last 468-weeks, once “the Event” begins “just before” or “during” that Time, “some” or “all” Beings on this planet will see, hear, feel and Sense “Anomalies” and “Bleedthroughs”.
  • Someone asked about the “Flu Shot”. Aneeka stresses: “Avoid the Flu Shot. Data suggests that most people falling sick now have taken the Flu Shot. So that relates to Remote Activation using 5G or even 4G.”
  • The “False Alien Invasion” may be to cover-up the real Extraterrestrial presence here, like the Federation but, also, could be part of the cabal lies to control the people. It is a possible scenario and has been known since the 1970s.”
  • Someone asked about the Moon. Aneeka: “The Moon is still there. Nothing new with the Moon. Hologram is failing, though. You may catch the glitches, if you watch closely.”
  • The “virus” Tests are “bogus and part of the scam.”
  • “If you have “Flu” symptoms, quarantine yourself and treat it as the “Flu” because that is what it is.”
  • Someone asked if this is a cover to stop the “Ascension”. Aneeka: “This is lowering everyone’s vibration and frequency. So we can say, it is to stop “Ascension”. Yes.”
My comments: That’s the big one. Right there. That’s a HUGE “puzzle piece”. It fits in nicely as to “why” the cabal have unleashed this “virus”, “accidentally” or “on purpose” and why do it “now”?
We knew “fear” lowers people’s frequency. We know it’s Time for the Earth and all Beings “on” and “inside” this planet to “Transition”… to “Ascend”. So it makes perfect sense that the cabal would try to stop this with their old “fear” tactics. However, their timing tells me that “the Event” is EXTREMELY close or they wouldn’t have wasted this last big “Ace up their sleeve” at this point in Time. So, I’m still thinking “the Event” will happen this year.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 11-minute video is from Contactee and Experiencer Lisa Harrison. Up front, Lisa says these are a few things she forgot to mention in her last video. Here are a few highlights:
  • “Light will be shown in all the dark places.”
  • “The world is not getting worse. You’re just seeing what it’s always been.”
  • “Now the real work begins.”
  • “Many of us have come here for this moment.”
  • She’s seeing lots of people who, in the past, have fought the System but who have now thrown-up the White Flag and are believing all the Propaganda that’s being thrown at them now. All because of “fear”. “I’ve seen people who have been Light Workers… Light Warriors, for YEARS, dropping the ball. Right now. THIS is the moment you came here for. THIS is the moment you fought for.”
  • “Every time you do a renovation, the place looks bad before it looks good.”
  • “Your job is to not be in fear. Your job is to NOT question yourself. Your job is to not doubt your knowing… and be that Voice, that presence of calm and peace and truth for everybody else around you who is.”
  • “We’re at a Tipping Point. It’s only going to take one more little movement to tip the scale either way… Although, I do believe we have the upper hand.”
  • “I do believe this is done and written and whatever. Even having said that… It means you did what you’re questioning, whether or not you should do. You did it. So move forward, knowing that you’ve already done what you, right now, might be scared to do. That you already did and you succeeded at what you’re questioning is the right thing. As long as it’s coming from your Heart. As long as it’s coming from a place you know is right. Stand your ground. The scales are about to tip… and what is about to follow YOU will be needed for… if you stand your ground now.”
My comments: Thank you, Lisa, for all the work you do.
As I’ve mentioned many times… We are almost there, people! We are in the “darkest before dawn” stage right now. We are seeing History in the making. We are seeing our true and positive Timeline slide into place before us. Once these next few steps are complete, each of us will not only regain our True “Reality” but we will be facing some VERY POSITIVE opportunities — to go move to the New Earth, to go back to our work on a Starship, to return to our Home Planet with our Family and Friends, etc. I know everyone is tired. I know the battle here in 3D has been unexpected and thick but we are almost there. This is not the Time to give up or give in.
Eye on the prize!
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is from Cobra, today:
  • Cobra Interview with Sisterhood of the Rose and a Short Meditation Update
  • “Energies for our mass meditation are already building up and you can listen to this new Cobra interview, which brings some clarity into the current situation:”
  • “Or read the transcript here:”
  • “Pleiadian fleet has communicated that they will drastically increase their presence in Low Earth Orbit, stratosphere and atmosphere near the planetary surface in the next few days for our mass meditation.”
  • “For the next few days, if you look at the western sky after the sunset, you will see a powerful conjunction of Venus and Pleiades, which will be exact about one day before our mass meditation:”
  • “Pleiadians will be using this conjunction as a very powerful portal that will permanently secure the presence of the Pleiadian fleet in the inner Solar System.”
  • “My credible sources have communicated that “three days of darkness” internet blackout will definitely NOT happen until Easter.”
  • “You can check the current status of global internet here:”
  • “Certain areas on the planet may experience internet slowdowns because of intense internet usage so it might still be a good idea to print the instructions for the meditation or take a screenshot with your cellphone:”
  • “You can also write down the exact time of the meditation for your time zone:”
  • “Thousands of  people are sending me emails stating that they would like to participate in the meditation. It is NOT necessary for people to send me emails to sign up for the meditation. They can simply do the meditation at the exact moment and they can find all instructions here:”
  • “And everybody can find promotional and guided meditation videos in about 40 languages here:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following link, in order to see the images and access the Links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here are some excerpts from Cobra’s Interview, from April 2, 2020 (“Debra” is the Interviewer):
  • “Cobra: The dark forces have initialized this pandemic a few months ago as you have said to promote dystopian New World Order society. Now the lights forces are using the situation, especially the situation of global mass quarantines, to further their plans for the Event. Actually, this quarantine situation is a great opportunity for the Light Forces to evaluate the behavior of the surface population and to create much better module models of how the surface population will react when the Event happens. So they are gathering precious, valuable intel right now which will make the Event operation much, much easier when it really happens.”
  • “Cobra: First, the good news is that all plasma entities are basically gone. We are now dealing with etheric and lower astral entities which are much easier to deal with. The Light Forces are using this quarantine status on the planet with people self-isolating as a wonderful tool to drastically accelerate the clearing of all those entities. Some of those entities have been around the surface of the planet for thousands of years; jumping from generation to generation, from mother to her children, and then to grandchildren. The same entity was possessing the family line for many centuries and now, as you have said, energy fields of people are not overlapping anymore because of social distancing so those entities are being starved.  “
  • “They need interaction, physical interaction, physical proximity of other entity-infested people to sustain themselves, to maintain their presence. They’re being starved out, and to a certain degree, the spread of those entities is similar to infection with a virus. It is actually a type of energy virus which has infected humanity 25,000 years ago. Not only the physical coronavirus is being removed, also all those entities and energetic viruses are being removed, which will drastically improve the state of humanity. So regardless of the fact that this coronavirus is not a pleasant situation, it can be quite scary sometimes, but the outcome will be dramatically positive from the evolutionary perspective. Much of the old archon infection will be simply starved out and will be gone when those mass quarantines are over.”
  • “Cobra:  Jupiter Pluto conjunction happening now is not yet the synodic cycle. This Jupiter Pluto conjunction is seen from the surface of planet Earth. Synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto conjunction comes on July 31st; this is when you will see Jupiter Pluto conjunction from the center of the Sun. But this actual conjunction as seen from Earth on April 4th and 5th is a very powerful trigger. It is basically the most powerful trigger since January 11/ 12th when we had our last mass meditation, and this energy has a huge potential for a breakthrough of light. This is the moment where the Light Forces can take the lead, can take hold of [inaudible], and they can actually start dictating what will happen in this dynamic situation.”
  • “Cobra: I would say that Easter of this year is another quite powerful energy portal. I cannot comment on what will happen there or what might happen then. But I would say the timing of the galactic superwave is not yet determined to the degree that could be released publicly.”
  • “Cobra: OK, we are still in a war. Light Forces are doing whatever they can, and the dark forces are doing whatever they can in their one way. The basic positive timeline has been secured, so that means that there will be the Event, there will be Ascension, there will be the liberation of the planet. That is secure, but we would like to make our journey to that particular moment as smooth as possible, as positive as possible. By reaching the critical mass we will ensure that this goes much easier. But again, we are in the war and there are surprises so I will not make any predictions about what will happen. I am sure that if we reach the critical mass, our future will be much brighter and our way to the final goal will be much easier.”
  • “Debra: Ben Fulford states that Project Blue Beam is in the works for a last attempt fake Armageddon show. Do you see this happening?”
  • “Cobra: No. There are people who have plans, factions that would like to do this, but it is not technically viable. The Light Forces have too much power and too many resources to prevent this from happening. So it’s not realistic. I am not expecting this.”
  • “Cobra: Yes, this plan is being implemented to a certain degree. The dark forces are making some progress in installing those 5G networks on the surface and in orbit. But the Light Forces are also developing technology to counteract it directly. So again, it’s a war.”
  • “Cobra: Actually the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the process towards the Event because the Light Forces in their effort to stop the virus have accelerated the clearing of the plasma plane so much that the Event will basically happen sooner than expected.
  • “Cobra: As I said, the Event is expected to happen before the end of 2025. That is the goal.”
  • “Debra: The Event, but not necessarily Ascension.”
  • “Cobra: Ascension is a process. It is not something that would happen overnight.”
  • “Debra: Right. Is the plan still to have three waves of ascension?”
  • “Cobra: Yes.”
  • “Debra: How long after the event will the first wave occur?”
  • “Cobra: It is expected, I would say, one or two years after the Event.”
  • “Cobra: Yes, conditions on higher planes have improved. It is not as dark as it was. So for those who have transitioned from the physical existence, now things are getting progressively better.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 11-minute video is an “alternative news” update. Here are a few highlights:
  • At the 3:43-mark, the Narrator shows a photo of a Hospital scene, supposedly onboard one of the newly-docked Hospital Ships. A nurse comments that the I.V. (Intravenous) Bag on that Patient’s mobile bed is for “Nutrition”. The thinking is that the White Hats are rescuing captive Children from various underground tunnels and, because they may have been starved, or worse, they have been immediately taken onboard those Ships for treatment.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 3-20-20 *Peak, *”virus”, Cobra, 10Days?, DNA, Cure

*First a comment:
This morning, Sylvia and I got up, walked into our Living Room and open the Blinds as we always do. We look out to check the Clouds and to get a general sense of what Nature is doing.
We noticed something very odd. There was an “Oil” truck sitting in the driveway of the next door neighbor’s house. Sylvia and I were both confused… Uh, there is NO “Winter”. So why is there a “Fuel Oil” truck in their driveway? We questioned it, thought it was very odd and went back and forth a few times looking out the window and turning to start Breakfast.
Just I as turned that last Time, it hit me…
  • Wait! I turned around and looked out the window again. What!? Sylvia, look at the truck. It’s from “Peak” Oil. It’s “Peak”! (Although I had been staring right at that very large “PEAK” word, printed on the side of the truck, I didn’t really “see” it… until now.) Does this mean this “virus” situation has “peaked”?
Actually, the U.S. is almost halfway through the suggested 15-day “social distancing”, requested by President Trump. So maybe we ARE at the “peak” of this energy right now. Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the “Peak Oil” page. (Scroll down a little, to see a photo of the truck we saw.):
With talk of “Chloroquine”, a Malaria drug, actually killing this “virus” and now (see “Cure” below) of yet another Cure, there is no reason for anyone to panic. There is no “fear”. None.
So if you know anyone who is highly stressed about all of this, or see people over-buying in grocery stores, please remain calm yourself and “think” before you “RE-act”.
  • If the store is out of Toilet Paper, they can use Tissues or Baby Wipes.
  • If the store is out of Hand Sanitizer, they can use Isopropyl (rubbing) Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide…
…and here’s a link to a few more:
Here’s a link which shows how you can make your own:

This was Posted today by Cobra:

  • A New Cobra Interview And a Short Message to the Surface Population
  • “A Cobra interview has been created by We Love Mass Meditation to bring more clarity in the current planetary situation and to help spread the word about our coming Ascension Timeline meditation.”
  • “You can listen to the interview on Youtube:”
  • “Or read the transcript here:”
  • “On Sunday, March 22nd at 3:58 Am UTC, Saturn will enter the sign of Aquarius. You can join our booster meditation taking place at that moment, to plant the first seeds of the coming Golden Age:”
  • “Since now until our main meditation on April 4th/5th, the Light Forces are asking everybody to visualize the Violet Flame purifying the surface of the Earth, removing all fear and removing all viruses. You can do his simply for a few seconds or minutes many times daily every time after you read any coronavirus related news.”
  • “People in infected areas are asked to invoke Command RCV Stardust protocol as often as possible to help the Pleiadians in stopping the virus. All Command RCV Stardust instructions, videos, images and other resources are gathered here:”
  • “Those who feel so guided can also do the Flower of Life meditation to strengthen the positive energy grid on the surface of the planet in those challenging times:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the image and access the many links provided.
Question everything.

Here’s the link:
On that page, there is a link to an Interview with Cobra. (It’s in “video” and “written” versions.) It was also Posted today.
Here are a few excerpts from that Interview (“Hoshino” is the Interviewer):
  • “Hoshino: Are the Light Forces already removing all remaining reptilians, draconians and Archons on non-physical planes? What significant changes can we expect in our daily life once those entities are being completely removed?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. What is happening now is an extremely fast accelerated removal of all remaining negative entities on non-physical planes. When these planes are completely cleared, the energy around us will be better. It will be a taste of a new age coming. The next phase of this operation is to remove all entities living inside the auric field of all surface population. When those entities are removed, behaviors of a certain amount of human beings will improve significantly as well.”
  • “Hoshino: Is it possible that the global financial system collapses before April 4th?”
  • “Cobra: Yes.”
  • “Hoshino: Silver plunges to 2011 lows, but the market is running on physical silver. Do you know what is going on?”
  • “Cobra: The faction which would like to keep the current Financial system is manipulating the market price so basically everything.  There are certain investment funds which are in desperate need for liquidity and they are selling their silver. This is one thing that’s happening. There are other people who are buying silver which is now on sale; knowing that in the next phase of the financial collapse the price of silver will skyrocket. So there are lots of price manipulations going on from one faction by selling silver cheaply and the other faction using this opportunity to buy silver cheaply.”
My comment: I saw this a couple of days ago. I noticed that Silver was selling below $11 an ounce. I told Sylvia, I wish we had some money (and a job), so we could buy some Silver.
  • “Hoshino: What is the current status of the black nobility families and the Jesuits? What are they planning?”
  • “Cobra: There are two factions in Black nobility which are now trying to settle scores in war that was happening before within those two factions for many hundreds and even thousands of years. One of those factions has ordered this virus to be created at certain locations around the world. They would like to crash the economy.  They would like to take over and create a system of complete domination. Of course, Jesuits are their minions. This plan will simply not work as the situation is right now. Globalization is not an option anymore.  Human Society will be transformed in a way that will not allow those plans to be even remotely possible anymore.”
  • “Hoshino: Resistance Movement suggests the surface population keep one month of food and daily necessities for global medical quarantine. Should we maintain such an amount of storage until the Event happens?  Or it’s okay to scale it down to two weeks after the pandemic is contained?”
  • “Cobra: I would say you will need to use your own guidance because the situation is quite fluid. Even when this pandemic is over, things will not get back to what they were before. The world as we know has ended. Things are changing now. We are in the final phase. As you are aware of the graph of phase transition, we are in the last phase before the Event. This phase will be very turbulent and surface human society will not be stable anymore from now on.”
My comments: That was an interesting statement! This means more people are waking-up, so the world will not be the same… and it means, the world around us has changed, so the people will not experience those same energies again.
Maybe the “people” and “the planet” are each raising each other’s frequency.
…and his statement:
  • “we are in the last phase before the Event.”
Is VERY helpful.
As I’ve recently mentioned, THIS year could bring EVERYTHING together. This means we are currently moving through the various energies “exponentially”.
“Jedi” is now asking questions…
  • “Jedi: What energy properties do Jupiter and Pluto have such that the Light Forces decide to organize ascension timeline meditation at the moment of Jupiter Pluto conjunction?”
  • “Cobra: Jupiter and Pluto conjunction is a very powerful aspect; it is the most powerful aspect in this time period. The energy of this aspect is a potential big breakthrough. This big breakthrough can manifest in different ways. It can manifest drastically in improving the conditions for the Light Forces to intervene on the planet. It can drastically reduce the pandemic. It can drastically create more favourable conditions for disclosure. It can drastically improve the possibility of a mass arrest scenario. There are many things in play, and Jupiter and Pluto together have the potential to create a big fortune for Humanity. So, this is the best possible moment for meditation like this.”
  • “Jedi: If this meditation successfully solidifies the positive timeline and counteracts all plots of the dark forces, will the remaining plasma toplet bombs be the final obstacle in our way to the Event?”
  • “Cobra: The remaining toplet bombs will be one of the major remaining obstacles.   It is impossible to predict exactly how things will develop because there is free will involved. There are many factions involved.  We cannot exactly predict all this last phase will go on.  It is one of the most unpredictable phases in human history but we know the final outcome which is very good and it is the Event.”
“Patrick” is now asking questions…
  • “Patrick: What does blue dawn mean?”
  • “Cobra: Blue dawn is a coded word that means the dawning of the age of Aquarius. it is the blue energy of the Galactic Central Sun which is being activated. This energy when activated will completely transform the surface of the planet and that you are experiencing already. It has been doing that already. Because this changes the society although the dark forces have released the virus, the Light Forces can be the intelligence and the consciousness of the Galactic Central Sun. They are using that opportunity to completely transform human society. The change is irreversible. It cannot be reversed anymore.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
10 DAYS?
In this 14-minute video, the Narrator reads some messages from an Austrailian doctor (psychiatrist, I think) who says he’s studied “Q” and has put the pieces together.
  • Note: “Some” or “all” of what the Narrator reads is from an article by “Sorcha Faal”, who “some” say is a CIA Operative, created to provided dis-information. So consider that when reading this.
Basically, the doctor says that after there will be “10 Days of Darkness” after the “shutdown”, which seems to imply the time-period were in right now (and ends on April 1st). He says, from April 1st to April 10th there will be no Internet, television, radio, etc. There will be electricity but the only communications will come from the Emergency Broadcast System. The information it pumps-out will be the “Truth” about the cabal, the real history of this planet and what the deep state has been doing to keep everyone under their control.
In other words, the only thing everyone will be able to do is watch and listen to this information. Meanwhile, the White Hats will be:
  • resetting the economy,
  • putting the world on a “Gold” Standard,
  • erasing everyone’s Debt,
  • getting rid of the illegal Federal Reserve,
  • getting rid of the illegal IRS and
  • distributing the stolen wealth back to the Citizens of this planet.
There may also be official “Disclosure” (the revealing of our Star Visitor families) at this Time as well.
Only Time will tell.
So, I’m including this in case anyone out there was thinking the same as “me”… Once we reach April 1st, everything will be back to normal… we can all buy food and go back to work… but, if that is just the BEGINNING of 10 more days of staying home, then it might be a good idea to go out and buy a little more food now.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 23-minute video is from Gosia, a Taygetan Pleiadian Contactee. She says her messages from them are not “Channeled”.
Here are a few highlights from this video:
  • Around the 12:30-mark, the Taygetan states: “That is what the Intelligence community is saying. That it is bioweapon. We see no virus at all. They do. Discrepancy there. But there is an explanation here that makes it all fit. That the weaponised strain, highly danerous that hit Wuhan badly at the beginning of this year returned to normal strain due to normal DNA reversibility humans do not know about. But we, and you, do! Viruses reproduce by the billions and billions making several generations return to normal in days only! Factor not anticipated by human military bio labs!”.
My comment: This is what I mentioned in yesterday’s Blog… that “some” have said the “virus” has mutated… but “mutated” downward — weakened.
This reinforces what more and more are saying… that this “virus” is not as bad as the standard “Flu”. The “Taygetans” are actually saying it’s not even as bad as the Common Cold.
Gosia’s contact goes on to explain the weakened mutation of the “virus” in more detail.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This was sent to me by M.R. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • Doctor ZAPS coronavirus with a hair dryer – truly!
  • “The dreaded coronavirus or COVID-19 can be killed with heat from a hair dryer according to Dr. Dan Lee Dimke, PhD. He apparently was on to this type of cure way back in 1984 when his book “Conquer the Common Cold & Flu” was published.”
  • “Dr. Dimke (L) is a bona fide Renaissance Man.  He’s an author.  He speaks six languages and can read 12. He’s the CEO of an Internet information and marketing firm that focuses on health solutions and cross-cultural topics.”
  • “He also is a SCUBA diver, jet helicopter pilot, hypnotist, astronomer, futurologist and plays more than 20 different musical instruments. He’s lectured and performed for audiences in more than 120 countries.”
  • “In 1999, he stood virtually alone in publicly predicting the looming “Y2K Crisis would go down in history as perhaps the greatest non-problem of the 20th Century.” He was right.”
In the above article, there’s a link to a 5-minute video, where the doctor explains how “heat” kills this “virus”. I have included that link below.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here’s the link to the above article:

PS 9-5-19 Cobra

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • 2020
  • “On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues. Areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly that exist mostly in intergalactic space (called Islands of Paradise) are still not stabilized, but interstellar intel sources report vast positive changes happening throughout the universe that are indicators of the cosmic phase transition.”
  • “Surface population of this planet is finally beginning to taste true Galactic consciousness, as it is becoming aware that there are far better places than planet Earth:”
  • “As we are getting closer to the transition, the Light Forces are still asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, until the moment of the Compression Breakthrough, to assist in stabilizing the energy grid around the planet utilizing Flower of Life meditation:”
  • “At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful. All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:”
  • “The Jesuit-backed bankers are now openly advocating their own version of the financial Reset:”
  • “Mark Carney was educated by the Jesuits at St. Francis Xavier College in Edmonton, Alberta:”
  • “The Jesuit plan is to engineer a worldwide financial collapse in January 2020, and then introduce a cashless global financial system where Libra or similar globalist cryptocurrencies would replace US dollar, everybody would pay with their smartphones and global social score would determine their solvency.”
  • “Most likely, the financial collapse would be triggered via cascading events that would put a critical mass of central banks into bankruptcy:”
  • “The only thing I can say about the Jesuit plan is that there are certain things Jesuits are not aware of.”
  • “My only other comment about January 2020 situation is the following picture, as I did not yet receive clearance to say more:”
  • “Jesuit agents have infiltrated also at least 80% of the alternative media. This situation will be addressed when the time is right.”
  • “The awareness that 2020-2025 era is a period when there might be an irreversible collapse of the old system, is slowly going mainstream:”
  • “The following intel about the hit contract on Epstein by Koch brothers has been confirmed by reliable sources:”
  • “The Archon invasion of 1996 is in its final phases. It is darkest just before the dawn, and now the Draco/Reptilian elements of the surface society are openly promoting cannibalism:”
  • “The reason for those excesses is that Reptilians are being cleared out from the surface of the planet and therefore they are freaking out. Independent surface intel sources are claiming that many of the fires in Brazil and central Africa are in fact Light Forces clearing out the remaining Reptilians:”
  • “In the next few months, there will be drastic increase of activity in sublunar space, and the military is taking notice:”
  • “In the next few months, if things go according to the plan, I will be able to release much more intel than I could in the last 18 months, and hopefully I will be able to be much less cryptic in my intel releases.”
  • “Recently I have noticed an increase of negative, disrespectful, stupid and meaningless comments on my blog. Two courses of action remain open. One, to approve strictly and only comments that are meaningful and bring value to community and two, to disable comments section altogether. The choice is yours.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the many Links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-24-19 Cassidy

In this 41-minute video, alternative Researcher and Interviewer, Kerry Cassidy, provides brief information on various behind-the-scenes topics. Some of this information goes deeper than I’ve herd before and some pieces seem to conflict with information I’ve heard or read previously.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-19-19 *Intentions, *BossMonster, Harrison, Wilcock, LightLover, Predictions, Cobra

*First a LOT of comments:
(Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/15/19)
Yesterday, when Sylvia and I got to Waffle House we notice it’s Parking Lot was very full. I think there were only 3 parking places available. One of them was right in front of the building itself. Although there was no parking space to the right of it, we didn’t want anyone to park in the spot to the left, because they may scratch our car… but since we didn’t have much choice, that’s where we parked.
We went inside and almost couldn’t get through the door. Almost every seat was taken and there were 8 people sitting in some “waiting chairs” next to the door, waiting for a table (or even a place at the Counter). Right in front of us, at the door, were 3 “worker” guys, probably in their mid-to-late 20s. I asked them
  • “Is everyone here waiting for a seat?”
The closest guy just nodded his head but all 3 looked at us with an unspoken voice of:
  • “Yeah and you’d better not try to cut in front of us.”
“Intentions” are not really like “praying”. Intentions seem to come through your Heart and represent your “Core”… without “greed”… without really asking for anything… it just radiates your true character and when you’re Centered (I guess) the “Heart” unlocks that energy and just allows it to flow out.
So I didn’t DO anything. I didn’t even react to their energy. I just accepted the situation and stood there.
Within 15-seconds, all 3 of them left. Within another 60-seconds, a table became available and the next group ahead of us sat there. Within a few seconds after that, I saw… not only had a Counter seat become available but it was THE seat that Sylvia and I always sit at… AND it was next to another “Waffle House Regular”… a retired guy who eats there almost as often as us. So everything unfolded to our satisfaction… and quickly.
It wasn’t until we were walking to our car when we noticed the vehicle that parked in that spot to our left was the guy we sat next to. This meant no one was going to scratch our car because there’s never anyone in the Passenger Side of his truck… AND he wouldn’t be leaving before us (leaving a spot open for someone else).
So I attribute all of this to our “Intention”.
  • I’m not really ready to lay all of this “out there” but something (or Sylvia) is nudging me to do this now. Maybe Time is running out and this needs to be placed into the Mass Consciousness. I don’t know.
  • A few years before Sylvia crossed-over, we talked about “Transparency” and that it would be good if companies, politicians and all Beings practiced this. So, even though I’m about to “throw myself under the bus” / “damage what little credibility I have with some of you” I have to “practice what we preach”…
  • Keep in mind that Sylvia’s own Daughter will be reading this.
  • Also keep in mind that I answer to no one except “me” and “My Sylvia”… no one. (Remember, Sylvia crossed-over on 4/9/11… over 423-Weeks ago! However, she’s always right here with me and she knows EVERYTHING I do… and that’s the way we like it.)
Here we go…
This is the “Positive” Boss Monster I’ve been dealing with since the beginning of April 2019.
  • In a “nut shell”, an energy within me has Awakened. That’s the “Positive” part. The “Boss Monster” part… the part that I’ve gone through a LOT of “Soul searching”, questions, “trial by fire”, etc. is that this particular facet was not supposed to surface. I’ve used a HUGE amount of energy to get through this.
  • Now I’ll add some water to that “nut shell” and bring-out the details…
For the last several months, Sylvia and I would go to a “good food” but “fast food” place for Lunch once a week (while at work) on the same day and Time.
Because we go to Lunch so late, around 2p, we usually don’t have to wait in line. On this particular day, we did. At one point, I noticed a female nearby, walking around and talking to a few of the people she came in with. Early 30s and looked like a Model. I also noticed how several people in that area were trying “not” to notice her. I then glanced over at the Counter, to see how much longer we’d have to wait. Then I noticed the female taking the Orders. I told Sylvia, “she” has much better energy. I can feel that she has “Heart”. Although we had seen her many times before, this was the 1st Time I felt a connection with her… with anyone.
  • When Sylvia “crossed”, I haven’t “looked at” or even “noticed” ANY females. This has been difficult for some females at work to understand… but, after a while they have noticed it and respected it… If there’s a female in a doorway or a narrow aisle, I usually just stand a few feet away, waiting to walk past them. “Go ahead. There’s plenty of room”. (me) “No. I can’t get by. You’ll have to move.”… or if they’re wearing a dress and I have to get on the floor to fix something near them, I’ll tell them they have to move. “Why?” (me) “Because you’re wearing a dress.”
Some background…
  • When My Sylvia actually crossed-over, I remember my mind being VERY confused for quite a while. I also remember the TREMENDOUS PAIN throughout this Unit (the body and its many Systems), for MANY months. For a long Time, I thought I was having a Heart Attack. It felt like someone had thrown a Spear at me and it not only pierced my skin and my Heart but also, slightly cut into my very Soul. There are still no words to describe that pain.
  • Whenever I talked with someone who had also lost someone close to them, they also described a “great pain” but no one mentioned the “Heart Attack” or “Soul-piercing” aspects and almost no one had lost a “Significant Other”. So their experiences were similar but not exactly at the depth that I had gone through. (Yes, I do realize I haven’t “cornered the Market” on “Pain” and I do know some of you HAVE lost a very precious person in your life. I’m simply speaking of the majority of casual conversations I’ve had with some people.)
  • When Sylvia and I worked at the “grocery store”, there was a woman who lost her Mom a few years earlier. Although she was as cheerful and interactive (with the people around her) as could be expected, she had low energy and wasn’t really motivated to do much. Then, one day she told me. she just “snapped out of it” and felt that pain just go away.
  • About a month ago, the Husband of a woman, where Sylvia and I now work, had crossed-over. I spoke with her about it and she “said” she was still crying all the Time and had deep pain because of it. Then, about 2-Weeks later, she went to Europe for 10-Days. It wasn’t to visit Family. It was just a basic “Vacation”. She went with a guy from work and his Husband. I think she’s known them for years. Even if they paid for everything, so she could “get away” / “have a distraction”, that just doesn’t make any sense to me. (Yes, everyone processes “Grief” differently. I just don’t get it.)
  • I’ve mentioned, in previous Posts, that I have always known about and used “Locks” / “Fail-Safe” energies within me. I 1st discovered this while I was a teenager. I don’t remember the exact situation but I would have been trying to get myself to do something that I really didn’t want to do or that someone else was asking me to do something I really didn’t want to do — like cheat on the girl I was dating in High School. Typically, I don’t actually “set” / “program” these Locks. They seem to subtly, automatically create themselves and as they’re being formed, that particular energy is designed from the very beginning to be a Locked parameter — like the moment I realized I wanted to ask Sylvia to Marry me. I think this is a Heart-based System which “connects to” or “comes from” my very Core. These are impossible to break, manipulate, re-route, etc.
Back to explaining this “Positive” Boss Monster…
The part of me that woke-up was the energy of needing someone to talk to. So I thought maybe I could talk to the female at the Lunch Counter. However, my “Locks” instantly kicked-in… and THAT’S the way they’re supposed to work.
So I talked to Sylvia about it, throughout the next week or 2. (Note: This wasn’t a direct conversation with Sylvia. Her information, as it usually does, came to me as feelings, images, symbolisms, synchronicities, etc, over several days.)
  • As Sylvia always does… she didn’t “tell” me what to do… or NOT do. Instead, she Guided me. “What’s the purpose of what you want to accomplish?”
  • (me) “I just want someone to talk to about all this Research I’ve been doing on “the Event”… the removal of the “Veil”.”
  • (Sylvia) “You could just talk to “her” or “anyone” that you come into contact with, throughout the day.”
  • (me) “Yeah but this information takes much longer to explain than a few seconds here… a few seconds there.”
  • (Sylvia) “I’ve been doing my best to get you to expand your Diet but you don’t seem to want to explore a larger variety of foods.”
  • (me) “Wait. I could ask her to Dinner. THEN we’d have Time to talk.”
So Sylvia and I then went over what I was going to suggest and how I was going to say it:
  • “Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? NOT as a “Date”… Just two people having a nice meal, conversation and that’s it. When we’ve finished eating, you drive off. Then I drive off. I don’t want your phone number. I don’t want to know where you live.”

I would then explain:

  • “My wife passed-away in April of 2011. Since then, I haven’t even noticed another female. I still consider myself Married. So I must have put a wall around me when she left. However, when I saw you I just seemed to “resonate” with something within you. Maybe it’s a “Past Life” thing. I don’t know but, whatever it was, it cracked that wall.”
So, the next week, on that same day and Time, I went to the Lunch Counter and asked her. (Keep in mind that I rarely talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING… and I haven’t “asked anyone to Dinner” since before Sylvia and I were Dating… back in the mid-80s.)
  • (me) “Would you like to have Dinner with me sometime?…”
  • (her) “Don’t you think I’m too young for you?”
She wasn’t mean about it and I was too nervous to stick to my Script. So that’s where it ended. (I think she was about 24-years old.)
  • Her comment caused me to have a minor “mid-life crisis”. When Sylvia and I got home that day, I looked in the mirror. Usually I see what I want to see but, at that point, I took a much closer look. I wanted to see what “she” saw… what made her say that?
  • Although this Unit has now experienced 64 Sun Cycles, during this current Incarnation, I really don’t feel that old. Looking deep into that mirror, however, I saw white hairs in my mustache, probably 10-percent of gray hairs throughout the hair on my head and, probably the biggest “sign”, the full ‘bags” under my eyes.
  • Since then, I purchased a tube of something that’s supposed to reduce “eye-puffiness” but, after 3-weeks (3-times a day), hasn’t seemed to do anything. (Someone at work told me I need to get more sleep. I’ve been stuck at “6-hours” of sleep each night since Sylvia crossed-over. I just can’t get myself to go to bed earlier.)
  • Then, after lots of “energy conversations” with Sylvia, I decided to dye my hair. I did a lot of Research and watched a lot of videos on it. On the way home from work on Friday, we bought a “natural” hair-color kit and I applied it that night. I really just wanted to keep my original hair color and just get rid of those white hairs. The good news is my hair didn’t turn “green”. The bad news… It’s just now darker, almost “black”, compared to what it was. So it looks just a bit fake.
  • No, this doesn’t lend itself to being “Transparent” but I really didn’t do all this for “that girl”. I did it for “me”. My hair had become very dry and frizzy and those white hairs always wanted to “kink”. I couldn’t get them to lay flat with the rest of my hair. So, now, my hair is darker BUT it has a nice shine and looks well-cared-for hair.
So I still want to get some extra nutrition in my Diet. There’s a Mexican food place near where we work that I’d like to go back to. (Sylvia and I have eaten there a few times.)
So, I asked another girl. This Time, a female at work.
  • Note: I’m not asking “just any female”. I’m still working a lot with “energies” and when someone’s energy seems different, I then “Read” it, to see what that involves. Maybe these are people from from my “Soul Group”. Maybe there’s a “Past Life” connection, which would also imply a “Soul Group”. Time is very short now and I’m still on THIS side of the “Veil” for a reason. So I have to continue to move ahead. Plus, during all of this, Sylvia recently mentioned something she told me shortly after she crossed… “The more situations you are in… the more people you interact with, the more I can help you.”
When I “Read” the energy of that female, I was confused. Her outward appearance looks like she’s “15”. (You have to be “18” to work there.) …but the energy in her Voice felt as though she was in her mid-to-late 20s… or even early 30s.
So I asked her. This Time, I did get ALL of my words out.
She had a girlish smile on her face but looked confused:
  • (her) “Oh my. I don’t know what to say?”
Now “I” was confused:
  • (me) “That’s ok. You think about it.”
  • (her) “Ok.”
Our schedules didn’t match for a few days but when I saw her again, she stopped me as I was walking by:
  • (her) “About what we talked about… No thank you… but than you for asking me.”
  • (me) “That’s fine. Thank you for at least considering it.”
From the little information I discovered about that female since then, I “think” she’s “18”, was home-schooled and has “probably” never been asked out before. This is why she was confused. I found the words she used a bit strange. They sounded as though her Grandmother told her what to say. The energy behind them was very polite.
Although I haven’t told anyone at work I was going to ask that particular female, I had previously gotten some feedback from 2 other females at work about all of this. Including the Lunch Counter girl before I asked her. This particular part of “life’s opera” has been interesting and confusing for me. I was only asking for a “Dinner companion”. NOTHING more but when you remove “Romance” from what most people think of as a “Date”, no one knows what you’re talking about. “Dating”, these days, seems to imply that there’s “much more” that’s going to happen than just Dinner and conversation.
“Positive” Boss Monster turns dark…
Interwoven between female 1 and female 2 was the “flip side” of this… “I” was on the receiving-end of the same situation.
A female employee, retired, 67-years old, just came up to me 1-day and handed me a small piece of paper. (I had previously heard her tell another employee her age. Her Husband had crossed-over about 18-months ago.)
  • (her, pushing that paper into my hand) “Don’t you dare tell anyone.”
After she walked away, I unfolded it and saw a 10-digit number. I assumed it was a phone number… “her” phone number.
  • Note: If I was simply trying to get ANY female to go to Dinner with me, I could have EASILY asked this woman… but I didn’t because there was no energy connection of any kind… at least going from “my” direction.
Later that day, we talked and she told me that her and I had been talking to each other a lot lately and she didn’t want “me” to get into trouble. So she thought we could talk on the phone after work sometime.
  • I now knew exactly how the Lunch Counter girl felt when I asked her to Dinner. (At this point, I hadn’t spoken to the 2nd female.)
I was surprised at how quickly, easily and calmly I could deal with this situation. I don’t remember that conversation very well but, within seconds, it was diffused and she told me “Then don’t Call me”. Not in a mean way. She simply felt the casualness of being able to talk while we’re at work.
  • I have now tried to quit working at that place TWICE. Both times the Store Manager somehow “found” more money or more hours, in order to keep me working there. So “I” knew (and most of the other employee’s know) that I’m not going to “get in trouble” for talking to another employee. So, yes, I knew this woman was simply saying those words in order to have an excuse to give me her phone number.
Then, after a couple of weeks (and after I spoke with the 2nd female), Sylvia and I were sitting in the Lunch Room at work. We were the only ones in there. That retired woman came in, looked around, closed the door, came over to me, put her hands on my shoulders and said:
  • (her) “If I were a little younger, I’d be all over you.”
  • (me) “I’m only 3-years younger than you.”
  • (her) “I thought you were in your 50s?”
  • (me) “Plus, I think my wife might have something to say about that.”
  • (her) “I thought you said you’re wife had died.”
  • (me) “She didn’t “die”. She crossed-over. There’s a difference. Besides, what would your Husband say?”
She was in the middle of gathering her Lunch items and placing them on a table next to ours… About 3-feet away, she turned to me with a frustrated, almost angry look on her face and said:
  • “He’s DEAD!”
This has been an interesting exercise. Try it sometime, especially if you are free to go on “Dates”. Remember, you won’t be asking “Friends”. You’ll be asking, basically, “strangers” who you only know through “chit chat” at work or have talked about the “weather” with in a grocery store, gas station, etc. Try it. See if you can explain that it’s just “Dinner” (or “Lunch”) and nothing more. See if you can explain it AND see if they actually hear what you are suggesting. If you follow-through with this, see if (after Dinner) they say, “want to come back to my place?” or “why don’t we go for a drink somewhere?”. If they do, then they didn’t hear what you mentioned. It’s not your fault. It’s just the way this current “Society” has been programmed.
In Conclusion
I know this was a bit tricky for Sylvia… to guide me through these encounters but to also have faith in my “Locks”, so I wouldn’t go any further than “Dinner” with these females.
The 1st part of all this was confusing for me. I had somehow cracked a “shell” that was around me (that I didn’t really know about), because of the Lunch Counter female. Then, as things unfolded, I realized that Sylvia was guiding me through various hurdles and what I was supposed to be accomplishing with everything. At one point, I remember saying to Sylvia:
  • “This is what it must feel like when people go on their “Vision Quest”, guided by a Native American Shaman.”
Several of the energies I’ve been working-through lately were explained below in Lisa Harrison’s 3-part video.
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
In Part 1, she covers:
  • the 5 “Realms”,
  • “Pocket” Realms,
  • Source,
  • Home,
  • Mandela Effect,
  • “Love is all that matters”,
  • Ascension, etc.
In Part 2, she covers:
  • Schumann Resonance,
  • Transfer of consciousness,
  • “the virus”,
  • the hijacking of our Souls,
  • Notre Dame fire,
  • crown of thorns,
In Part 3, she covers:
  • Right around the 2:15-mark, Lisa mentions that a lot of people look like they aged about 20-years in the last 12-months but it’s not how they feel on the inside. “On the inside they feel better… younger.” She says… The thinking is… the more we merge with “Home”, the less there is here to keep this Avatar running… feeding it. Sustaining it.
  • “We are in the process of transferring our Consciousness Home and into our Home bodies.”
  • Because of this, we are becoming more “Home-like”. More Empathic and Telepathic and more connected to the Collective.
  • The number of people “crossing-over” in the last 3-Months has escalated 300-percent “and we’re not being told”. (She then outlines different reasons why this has happened.)
  • Lisa relates a Dream that someone had. It’s very interesting and provides good feedback as to where Humanity is at this point in Time.
  • At the 24:10-mark… “…and some people have really started to activate… come online… wake-up, very very quickly. At a pace that’s even scaring them… and for those who are going with it, staying calm and going with it and really feeling into it, they know it’s because time is short and they have to get ready for their job that they’ve chosen to do next.”
  • “Something is pointing to something that’s very very imminent.”
  • “Look for the anomalies because the more you see them “the more you’ll see them” and allow them to confirm the artificial nature of this reality.”
  • “Remember, you greatest weapon is your Heart, your Humor and your Unpredictability.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Part 1:
Here’s the link to Part 2:
Here’s the link to Part 3:
In this 39-minute video, whistleblower Corey Goode and researcher David Wilcock talk about:
  • “…underground cavern systems in the Grand Canyon, Pre-Adamite remains, contact with Native American tribes in the region, how this connects to the Antarctic Atlantis and more!”
  • They also talk about “Disclosure” and feel that Humanity is on the verge of big information being released soon.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
The following Post is from “LightLover”, Maria. Although she’s Posted a few things over the last week or so, the one resonated a bit more with me.
When she got to the part about the new energies affecting the teeth, ears and tip of your tongue, I knew Maria had tapped into some important information and that I needed to include it here.
  • For almost a week now, “once in a while” one of my ears feels as though someone hit it with a solid, metal rod. “Sometimes” I feel pain there. When it happens (which is not often) it’s VERY strong! I can’t move for those few seconds. I’m now also feeling this in some of my teeth. One side of my jaw and neck are also sending some pain “whenever” the pain in the ear happens. Lisa’s recent videos also talks about this.
LightLover’s Message:
  • “Q”TIP and Energy Report Let Go- 5/17/2019″
  • “My Fam,”
  • “Intense Ascension symptoms being felt by all as the incoming Source Waves are slamming into the Ionosphere and reverberating across all consciousness grids.”
  • “I feel a secondary plasma Wave within the First Wave…seems to be affecting my third eye area specifically…feels like my third eye is drying up…like the muscles are being overworked.”
  • “Energy Frequency is aligning to the first 4D chakra system, affecting teeth, ears and nose.”
  • “If the tip of your tongue is sore, it means your chakra is expanding btw. Try not to kiss too passionately lol!”
  • “If you taste metal, your pineal gland is quickly decalcyfying, drink tons of water, and add at least 1000mg of extra vitamin C to support your immune system. (preferably 2000 if you can swing it)”
  • “couple of shots of apple cider vinegar with the mother, for your kidneys and liver.”
  • “If your are being affected by headaches, it helps me to get in a bath and get hot water on back of my neck, our reptilian brain is upgrading, heat allows for blood flow and seems to help.”
  • “Eye sensitivity can be extreme- I do sometimes even have to wear glasses inside because my eyes are so sensitive.”
  • “The higher the dimension, the worse your human eyesight.”
  • “The Higher D’s are not Seen as linear.”
  • “You might want to cut back on coffee until this wave passes, but each person is different of course, that is how my body reacted in the past.”
  • “Also goody powder Was the only headache med I could take.”
  • “If you feel lightheaded, like you are spiraling UP- that’s the lighbody process- your vibration is rising too fast- eat something like nuts-drink water and go outside to ground.”
  • “If you begin to burn up- thats the Phoenix process, it helps to put your hands over your heart, breathe,and tell your Body to calm. Splash water on you and drink water too.”
  • “Lightbody is mind- Phoenix is body.”
  • “As you begin to fully anchor to the new grids, pay attention to your breath. You should find yourself able to breathe, the anxiety calming.”
  • “The QJ process takes 3 days.”
  • “Your Body Intelligence will guide you. Listen closely- meditate and slow down, remember no one knows how to bring you down on your knees in front of your toilet better than your own body self.(good luck trying to win that battle though…hehehe)”
  • “Love Yourself, rest, and honor your divine vessel.”
  • “At first you will notice your diet is basic- for me only white foods it seems and a little egg. I am mostly a juicer now but that can quickly change as ascension continues.”
  • “ok. gotta go. I am going fishing.”
  • “Love you guys- thank you for all your immense love and support for me through my past dark night.”
  • “I am forever grateful.”
  • “The Scorpio moon tomorrow night will bring out very intense energies, let’s ground them into the Ley Lines and let them affect the grids and clear away from the people shall we?”
  • “The Human Race has chosen to ascend with ease and grace.
  • And So it is.”
  • “Gridworkers- 3 Spiritual Spa days for Us- honor your body- go within, play, create and feel the new world awakening.”
  • “Time to ride the Divine Wave”
  • “We are all riding the wave, everything is Divinely Perfect.”
  • “Massive Disclosure is occurring throughout the world now, we have prepared for Disclosure and it is here.
  • “Our job is to transmute everything to Peace.”
  • “If you trigger, forgive and keep going. If you cannot forgive, forgive yourself for being unable to do it today, and keep going.”
  • “Just keep swimming, keep swimming.”
  • “We need to hold the space in our hearts as truth is revealed, and know that everything is exactly as It should be.
  • “Just a little bumpy right now, that’s all.”
  • “In Light and Love and Joyful Service.”
  • “M.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 8-minute video, Clairvoyant Aluna Ash explains an upcoming alignment on June 21st 2020. Here are a few highlights:
  • “There could be some pretty big Shifts taking place. There’s a Galactic alignment with the Sun… It’s going to be seen and it has to do with the different ancient points on Earth — the Vortex points, the Pyramids, Stonehenge…”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In continuing tonight’s Research, I found the following article, which seems to say similar things to Aluna’s message. The title is: “2019 Is Preparing Us For A Wave Of Ascension Energy In 2020″.
Somehow, this small part of that message caught my attention:
  • “Rise up, rise up. This our time to shine. Your soul was destined to be on this Earth at this time for these waves of ascension. You knew it was coming and you are ready for this. Keep lifting yourself higher, keep accepting and owning yourself, for that is key.”
Here’s the link:
Today’s message from Cobra is simply 2 images and the title: “The MasterKey”. (Click on the images to see a larger version.)
My comments: I have no idea what Cobra is telling us in either of these images, however, in the 1st image, notice the “Copyright” in the lower-left corner. It reads:
  • (C) ANU
According to the things I’ve read and watched, over these MANY months, “Anu” is (or was) the head of the Draco Reptilians.
The few Comments, under these images, may provide some insight into this message.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 4-27-19 Parkes, Predictions, Cobra

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 4/20/19)
This 2-hour, 13-minute video is an interview with whistleblower Simon Parkes. The Interviewer does ask some interesting questions, which I’ve never heard anyone else ask Mr. Parkes.
  • Around the 1:22:00-mark, Simon explains that the “Quarantine Grid”, which surrounds the Earth, is put here by technology on Saturn. He says the Rings of Saturn are not “ice particles” but, instead, are “Crystals” which broadcast that Grid.
My comment: Sylvia and I had heard of this before but it’s good feedback to hear this same information from another source.
  • Around the 1:36:30-mark, Simon talks about DNA and “Souls”. He describes the size and shape of the Soul and says he has seen them being created.
  • Around 1:39:00 They talk about Simon’s Soul. He says his Soul was the 1st one placed within a “viable Human body”. The Interviewer asks if he has to reincarnate again, after this Lifetime, or can he “go to Source”. Simon says he has to continue coming back until Humanity is liberated. He than says: “I hope not. I hope this Lifetime sees Humanity evolve into the 5th Dimension. Then I can have that vacation.”
My comment: This is pretty much the same thing I’ve been talking about since My Sylvia crossed-over… Several hours after she left, I heard Sylvia say: “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.” This told me that “I” would NOT be crossing-over (passing-away). It tells me the “Veils” will be removed within “MY” Lifetime. So it’s very good feedback, for me, to hear Simon mention that his “feeling” is that he will probably not be reincarnating after this Lifetime.
  • Around 1:41:00, they talk about “5G”. Simon says he doesn’t have any worries about America because there are programs underway which will remove any issues with 5G.
  • Simon just made a very insightful comment… The Interviewer asked: “How can we protect ourselves from 5G?” Simon immediately spoke-up and said: No. That’s not the way to think about this. By saying “we need to protect ourselves”, what you’re really saying is: There IS going to be 5G. So, no. Instead, we should be thinking about how we’re going to stop it. By stopping it, we won’t have to protect ourselves from it. There’s a difference. The energy dealing with it is different.
My comment: This is something Sylvia and I learned a few decades ago. We’ve been doing our best to sprinkle this information in these Blogs whenever we can.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

In this 11-minute video, Clairvoyant Aluna Ash explains the current and upcoming energies on this planet.

  • Around the 3:40-mark, she states that this is the 1st “Galactic Year of the Divine Feminine” in thousands of years, at this level of Consciousness and at this place were we’re at as a Collective. “Some people are going to feel the anticipation of events that are about to unfold.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This was Posted by Cobra today. Part of it is understandable but I think all of it is really intended for the “Resistance Movement”:
  • Project 501 Update
  • “Since ANNABELLA.exe, minimum hyperphase requirements and conversion streams are all finalized and stable, their status will not be reported in future updates unless necessary.”
  • “VTXPOS requirements are more strictly enforced, limiting towards full INT YXR flow recovery.”
  • “Projects 310 and 061 in progress. DL niche in progress. Surface GDS coding fully enforced.”
  • “SD kernel clearing in progress with some AN INT multiphasic interference, surface grid ratio does not support full SD sequencing until expected 20.2.”
  • “PT intersection on hold, P501 sleeper grid activation failure.”
  • “Evaluation expected 190527.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link: