PS 2-3-24 *Ascension, *Gravity, *Sylvia

*First a comment:
I used to think the Medical Machine (big Pharma) was designed to keep Humanity from evolving.
  • “Some say” more and more Beings who Incarnate onto the Earth at this Time are here to “anchor the Light”… to bring their knowledge and memories of what is truly happening to the rest of us.
A few days ago, however, I had a slight “insight” into something else…
  • What “IF” the “cabal” knows what is about to unfold in this Galaxy… and what is about to unfold is that all Beings will be Upgraded to 5th Dimension Energies. This means no 3rd Dimension drugs (medicines) will be able to hold back (negatively manipulate) any Being anywhere.
  • What the “cabal” don’t understand is… negatively manipulating someone with 3D tools is like trying to nail a sheet of paper to a flame.
Last week, I began thinking about something which I thought was unique but when I mentioned it to a co-worker, she told me her High School Physical Science Teacher presented this same question to her classes:
It’s still a very good idea for “Mental Exercise”… “What if there was no gravity?”
  • Would all the moisture in the Clouds simply remain up in the Sky?
  • Would each splash from a Waterfall, or the crashing of ocean waves, cause that water to float upward?
  • Would all the water on the surface of the Earth eventually float up into the Atmosphere?
  • Would all the Beings who walk or crawl evolve into Beings who can only fly or swim?
  • Would birds lose the ability to control where they fly and how fast they do it?
  • Would bridges, cars, trains, ships and planes become obsolete?
  • Would buildings become impossible to anchor to the ground?
  • Would Skyscrapers reach to the Heavens?
  • Using a breathing apparatus, would people be able to walk to the Moon?
  • Would new types of food be invented?
  • Would new sports be invented?
  • Would people build new cities which float over the land?
  • Would some countries built border walls which reach to the upper Atmosphere?

Just something to think about.

Although it’s now been over 670-weeks since Sylvia crossed-over, I know she’s here with me every day. Some days I feel her stronger than others and last night was a very strong experience…
  • About 2-hours before I normally wake-up for work, I heard a slight “crack” sound. Similar to when you’re outside and someone steps on a dry twig but this sound was not on the floor. It was up a couple of feet and around the corner from our bedroom.
  • I laid there listening and completely focused on that sound.
  • Within a few seconds, I then heard 7-tones, one after the other. Each tone was the same pitch and made-up of a pure Sine Wave with a very quick Attack and a very short Decay. Although the Tones were fairly quick, they didn’t just play in a mechanical progression. Instead, 2 of the Tones were spaced slightly away from the one before it, creating a Pattern.
I know this was Sylvia, for several reasons.
As always, I’m including this information…
  1. …to show that experiences are still happening between me and Sylvia and
  2. …to show that anyone can “get in touch with” the Energies which surround all things. It’s just a matter of paying attention, keep an open mind, don’t take anything for granted and communicate, acknowledge and respect the many Signs, Symbols and Synchronicities which you will discover along your Path.
Question everything.

PS 1-13-24 *MentalChallenges

*First a comment:

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about the Classification of certain “Mental Challenges”, such as Autism, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), etc.

There’s a Saying:

• “Name it and claim it”
In other words, put a label on something and make it your own (step into it as if that “label” was actually “you”). The “Medical Machine” (“Big Pharma”) does this all the Time, in order to treat various Health problems a person might have… or “think” they have.
“Sometimes” this “labeling” can become a very negative situation… it’s “possible” for a “Medical Machine” worker to diagnose a Health Issue the wrong way or “purposely” diagnose a Health problem as a more severe one, in order to provide more “Health Care” (get more money).
Sometimes there might not be any Health Issue with a person but they were “Examined” at the peak of a changing Energy within that person. Think of this as the “Ebb and Flow” of ocean water on a beach.
  • You quickly look at the waves as they’re moving onto the sand. What catches your eye is the froth on the leading-edge of some waves.
  • You immediately turn to the person next to you and describe the foam. They look at the water and see clear waves but no foam.
  • Had you acted on what you saw, without further investigation, you would be treating those waters as being “polluted”… but they’re not.
A few decades ago, Sylvia learned that the Human Capsulation (the body and its many Systems, both “seen” and “unseen”) goes through many different Energies all the Time.
  • Besides the everyday Energies of Love, Joy, etc. (which can strengthen a person’s Immune System, blood composition, etc.), a person’s Capsulation must also identify and repel many negative Energies which may enter their individual space, such as Cold germs during the Winter.
If someone were to be Examined while their Capsulation is dealing with one of these negative issues, a “Medical Machine” worker would detect that Energy and give it a “medical label”. At that point, the medical worker would convince that person that they have that “dis-ease”, in order to begin “treating” it with synthetic (created outside the Human body) chemicals.
  • Yes, sometimes, a person’s Capsulation needs a bit of a boost, when dealing with a massive, negative Energy but the Human Capsulation knows how to identify, guard-against and repel almost all Capsulation intrusions… “IF” we allow the body to do its job. Once a synthetic chemical is forced into someone’s body, “for the most part” that Capsulation will no longer be capable of fighting the “dis-ease” AND protect itself from that chemical intrusion.
Anyway, my point in describing all this is to make a comment… an observation that I’ve had regarding “Mental Challenges”…
What “IF” someone who has been “labeled” as having a “Mental Condition” really has a carry-over from a previous Life? What if that person was really a “Master”… a “Zen Master”… a person who was “in-touch with”, “understood” and had “complete control over” the many Energies which swirl around and through all things?
What “IF” the “cabal” knows that there are more and more of these Master-level Beings incarnating into this 3D Realm and want to stop them from “fixing” what they are so eager to control? Since the “cabal” has infiltrated the Health Care System and turned it into a “Medical Machine” (Big Pharma), wouldn’t they try to label as many of these “crazy”, “not-normal” people as possible, in order to “treat” them with their “medicine”?
Just something to think about.
Question everything.

PS 1-5-24 *NameChange

*First a comment:
I may have mentioned part of this before but I’m going to put all the pieces together here, at this point in Time…
For most of my life, probably around 40-years, I realized that I don’t truly identify with my First Name (Paul). The ironic thing is, when I was born, my Parents lived on “Paul Street”. However, there are no Relatives in my entire family with the name “Paul” or even “Paula”.
Whenever someone says my First Name or when I see it written, I’m a bit confused… “That’s supposed to represent “me” but I just don’t feel it… I don’t know who I’m supposed to be or what Name I’m supposed to respond to but “Paul” just doesn’t feel right.
  • Today, as I thought about it being about 40-years since I noticed this, I realized that this is about the Time when my Mom crossed-over. I just found that interesting. There’s probably a connection there but I can’t find it at the moment.
About 15-years ago, I thought strongly, again, about my First Name. When I did, a word came into my mind. I looked at it and, yeah, this could work… it feels right. However, I didn’t feel as though it was Time for me to step-into that Energy. So I waited.
  • Remember, this isn’t a “legal” Name Change. It’s just a nickname which I’d like everyone to call me. If someone forgets and still calls me “Paul”, it’s not really a problem. It’s just… For most of my life, It’s been difficult for me to stop and realize that someone is actually calling “me”, when they say “Paul”. Since I’ll be Calibrating my Energies to my new Name, responding to “Paul” will be even more difficult.
When that word came into my mind, I talked everything over with Sylvia, who was still on THIS side of the “Veil”. So she’s the only Being who knows all the details… until now.
This “First Name identification” has been on my mind, more and more, for all of these last 15-years.
Near the end of November, 2023, I was beginning to receive strong Energies, which I interpreted as “2024. You need to reveal this new Name in 2024.”
I then began to think about how I would Ground that new word to “me”… If I did some type of small Ceremony, I would need a female to Speak my Name to me.
  • “Female” because, as “some say”, the Earth is now within the full influence of “Divine Feminine” Energy. So having a female Speak my Name, would be more compatible with the current Earth Energies than having a “male” do the same thing.

I searched my mind but didn’t think I knew a female with a strong enough Energy to perform this Ceremony. At that point, information came to me (from a Star Being or one of my Guides, I’m not sure) which stated that “I” could Ground this Name to myself my Speaking it into a large body of water.

Around mid-December, as I was preparing my mind to bring this Name into me, I had a Dream:
  • My perspective was up about 30-feet and looking down and on a slight angle to the ground.
  • I could see “me” kneeling in front of someone.
  • As I looked at that other person, I saw that it was My Sylvia. She was holding a Sword. (I learned later that this is the same Sword that Sylvia and I used in our Wedding Ceremony.)
  • Sylvia was now “Knighting” me to this new Name.
  • Some point, just before or after waking up, Sylvia and I talked about “when” I should reveal this Name here on THIS side of the “Veil”. We agreed on January 5th, 2024. (In the Realm of “Energy”, I wasn’t to show or mention this new Name to anyone until midnight on that Date.)
I created a document which contained my new Name, in large letters, and the Numerology for both my “Paul” and the new Name.
When we got to work today, I simply held up that sheet of paper, to show the other employees what my new Name is.
  • The Numerology on “Paul” comes out to “5”, which represents “Change”.
  • The Numerology on my new Name comes out to “11”, a Master number. (“1” represents “New Beginnings”.)
NOTE: If you want to test your Psychic abilities, go ahead and do that now. See if you can find my new First Name before I reveal it. I can tell you this about it…
  • It’s not a person’s Name.
  • It’s 2 different words put together and I’m not the first person to put them together.
  • Remember, I’m a Drummer.
See if you can guess it… I’ll count to 10…
My new Name is:

PS 12-19-23 *NameChange

*First a comment:
The following was sent to me by K.K., who is on this List. Her Comments are in response to my explaining my upcoming Name Change:
  • Very cool about the name change. In 2001-3 sometime in that space, I was working with the Shape shifted music. I got to have a healing session on a table that had crystals glued to it and speakers with their music. I listened to their Shambles album. It is a very intense piece. I was taken to the “Star Nursery” where I was created. The beings that created me sang me into being. They sang “KAFARATHA, KAFARATHA  WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH. YOU ARE OUR ONLY ONE” And more, but I don’t remember the rest. You can share this to the group.
  • BTW, I have been getting Lisa Harrison’s weekly 5 minute videos. They are good. You can pay for the whole thing. LISAMHARRISON.COM
  • KAFARATHA means beautiful flower.
Here’s the link to Lisa Harrison’s YouTube Channel:

PS 12-13-23 *Psychic, *Moon, *NameChange

*First a comment:
(written 11/27/23)
I consider being “Psychic” and being “A” Psychic two different things:
  • Being Psychic is something which everyone is naturally. Some people know it as a “gut feeling” or “woman’s intuition” and then there’s the many stories of Twins, who are separated (even across the planet) as having some sort of “magical” connection with each other.
  • Being “A” Psychic is someone who is in complete control of their Psychic ability and charges money to tap into those Energies, in order to provide information to those who require it.
So, if everyone is Psychic, how do people begin this journey?
One way is to pay close attention to all your senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch but also include your own gut feelings.
As you go about your day, focus on the immediate world around you. Examine every coincidence, accident, unusual happening, etc.
  • “Some say” the immediate world around us is actually projected outward from within each of us. So pay attention to what you have created for yourself.

The Psychic System is similar to exercising in order to improve your muscle tone and increase your strength and stamina. You will only strengthen your Psychic Energies by using them.

A good way to start this learning process is to write down, at the end of each day, those happenings which caught your attention, stood-out to you, made an impression on you. Go back through these notes every few weeks or so and you may start to notice a pattern.
As you notice those interesting things happening, recognize them, thank them and get in touch with the many processes within you, to learn how those Energies are entering “your” Awareness.
  • Sometimes a verbal message will come to you.
  • Sometimes a quick flash of an image may fill your mind.
  • Sometimes even a smell will provide you with all the information you may need.
  • Don’t discount anything.
The more you do this, the stronger and faster those Energies will come to you.
Here are 2 examples that happened to me recently.
  • I’m only including these to show how “I” sense “some” of the Psychic Energies which come to me.
Two days ago, while at work, I was working outside and thinking about an electronic Drumset that I’ve been wanting. (I have a larger, more advanced electronic Set but I want to integrate this smaller Set into that main Set. However, last Friday (Black Friday) Sylvia and I had just purchased a Multipad (an electronic drum box with 9 pads and lots of internal drum sounds). It set us back $900.
As I was thinking about the smaller Set, I told Sylvia that we shouldn’t buy it right now because, even though it’s on sale for $1,430 (a $470 discount), I didn’t think it was a good idea.
I then walked into the building and towards the Dining Room. A Waitress asked me to mop the floor.
  • She’s done this a couple of times before and each Time, she’s said: “If you’ll mop the Dining Room floor for me, I’ll pay you $10.”
  • This Time she said: “If you’ll mop the Dining Room floor for me, I’ll take care of you.” During our 30-second conversation, she said “I’ll take care of you” 3 times. So I took this as a message from Sylvia coming through the Waitress to me. My interpretation was Sylvia telling me to go ahead and buy that smaller Drumset and Sylvia will “take care of me”… make sure we have the money to pay for it.
  • So, today, after work, we ordered that smaller Drumset.
Here’s another example of “paying attention to all your Senses”…
  • When Sylvia and I arrived at work today, we walked through the area where customers can sit, shop, eat, etc.
  • As we passed by a few chairs, I noticed a woman sitting next to her dog. It was a fair-sized Golden Retriever.
  • As soon as that dog saw me, it kept staring at me. I immediately had the feeling that the dog knew me from somewhere but couldn’t place that memory.
  • I stayed calm, payed attention to my Senses and thought about what I just experienced. At that point, a brief burst of information came to me… That dog knew me from out Time together on a Starship. The Ship is called “The Royale” and that dog was working with the Lyrans in our fight against the Reptilians.
About a half-hour later, I wanted to know the dog’s name, as he was on that Starship. The name had a difficult Time getting past my Logic Mind but once it did, I knew that dog was known as “Commander Rommus”.
In “my” tiny world, all of this is real. All of it is True… but even if you don’t believe any of it, following my explanation above can help exercise your Brain and use more of its capabilities.
Question everything.
(written 12/13/23)
A couple of weeks ago, I saw the Moon sitting above some nearby hills just before Dawn. I instantly noticed that the “marks” / “splotches” / “craters” on its surface were different. There are more of them.
Have any of you noticed this?
Question everything.
A while back, I mentioned that I’m going to change my First Name — giving myself a sort of “Nickname”. However, this is more than a Nickname.
  • I mentioned that, for most of my life, I haven’t identified with my First Name, “Paul”… and my Parents lived on “Paul Street” when I was born.
  • When someone says my Name, and even when I look at it written down and try to associate that “written Energy” with “me”, it just doesn’t make sense.
  • About 15-years ago, while Sylvia was still on THIS side of the “Veil”, I had given it a lot of thought and finally zeroed-in on a Name which, I feel, works better for me. I explained everything to Sylvia and told her the Name I want to use. Right now, she’s the only Being who knows all the details.
  • “Some say” that each of us selects our First Name before entering the Birth Chamber. Somehow, we communicate this word to our Parents but either my Mother didn’t receive my message or something changed, a decade or 2 after my Birth, to cause me to no longer Resonate with that First Name.
I know enough about the Energies to understand that, for my new Name to “stick”… to “bond” with everything about me, I would need to have a Female (representing the “Goddess” / “Divine Feminine”) to speak my new Name.
It was later explained to me, from a Star Visitor Being, that I could also accomplish this “bonding” myself by speaking my new Name into a large body of water. (“Water” being the Spirit or Lifeforce and Universal connection).
During the last few months, I’ve been thinking about my Name more and more. I actually didn’t realize how much until last night…
  • While in Dreamstate, I saw part of my “renaming Ceremony”…
  • I saw myself kneeling on the ground. Sylvia was in front of me holding a Sword. Later, I learned it was the same Sword we used in our Wedding Ceremony.
  • Sylvia was “Knighting” (bonding) me to my new Name.
  • We then talked about “when” I would release that new “Sonic Signature” to  THIS side of the “Veil”. So I picked a Date and Sylvia agreed to it.
So I will announce my new Name sometime during the Earth year 2024.
Question everything.

PS 11-22-23 *Sylvia’sDesk, TwoEarths

*First a few comments:
Sylvia and I are off tomorrow, Thanksgiving. Those who have to work will receive a $25 bonus.
After we bought my current Drumset (about a year ago), I wanted to integrate the Drumset Sylvia bought me, many years ago, into it. However, I couldn’t because there’s not enough room in our Living Room.
  • Our Living Room is divided in half with my Drums and desk area and Sylvia’s wrap-around (U-shaped) desk.
At the beginning of 2023, I asked Sylvia if I could take her desk apart. I asked her every day and it took her 3-months to send me a reply…
  • One night, between Dreamstate and waking-up, she showed me a circle with the word “yes” inside it. I knew it was from her and I knew she was giving me permission to remove her desk.
…However, every day, when I started to tackle this monumental Project, I got depressed and couldn’t bear to move her things. (Yes, even after 12-years, all of Sylvia’s things, throughout our home, are exactly where she left them.)
At that point, it had been months since I had 2-days off in a row. So I told Sylvia, “I’ll move your desk the next Time we have 2-days off in a row.”
Last week, the new Schedules were Posted at work. I even had to ask the Supervisor… “Did you really give me THREE DAYS OFF IN A ROW?”
Three days in a row! So I took that as coming from Sylvia and telling me “Now, deal with my desk now!”
  • So I’ve spent more than 19-hours over the last 2-days (with one more day to go) sorting through the things in her desk area, moving some papers to other parts of our home, setting aside the MANY papers (especially the music she wrote) and decorative objects which we’ll keep, cleaning everything and throwing out those things which don’t apply any more. (I told Sylvia we’re going to focus on OUR Energy, OUR Band, OUR Logo.)
  • I’ve kept several Apple-branded items and copies of the M.A.C.S. club newsletters that we created but everything else went into the trash.
  • There are BOXES of things in the trash and a box that we’ll take to Goodwill.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to complete this Project tomorrow but my goal is to disconnect the 2-parts of her “U” desk (which I’ve done) and rotate her main desk 90 or 180 degrees and slide it agains a wall.
  • Initially, I was going to put her entire desk in the trash and keep all the papers and music scores that she created but I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that… emotionally or mentally. As it is, there were a few times, during these last 2-days, when I almost had a meltdown.
At the beginning of this year, Sylvia and I had 3 Credit Cards and owed them $8,000 total. Right now, I managed to pay-off and Close 2 of those Cards and we owe $800 on the third one. (I still have no idea how we did this. I just listen to Sylvia’s suggestions and everything just seems to work.)
  • With that said, we just bought me another piece of music gear for my electronic Drum setup. So we now owe another $900 on top of that.
  • We bought a new “Roland SPD SX Pro” Multipad. It was discounted $300 for Black Friday.
  • The Multipad is where I’ll connect the electronic Pads from my older Drumset.
On October 31st, the following was sent to me by Peggy Hamilton. (I’m on her Mailing List.) The article is by Jenny Schiltz. Here’s the link:

I would like to share with you a dream communication that I received that had snakes in it. I feel that the messages are important. Run them through your heart center and feel the meaning it has for you.

I was in a vast room, walking with my highest aspect. I saw a snake in the corner and she was laying 2 eggs.  We picked up the eggs and put them in the center of the room. We then went to a gazebo surrounded by the most gorgeous flowers and watched the eggs in the center of the room. It wasn’t long before they began to hatch, and what they hatched were bubbles that I instinctively knew represented two Earths. I watched them both fill with people and energy.

The group on the left were Souls that were able to work together, they were able to give and receive in equal measure. There was much creation and joy in this group. They simply glowed.

The group on the right seemed miserable.  They were unable to see that they were holding themselves and others back. This group appeared stuck, stuck in their ways of thinking, acting, and feeling.  I asked if I could go into that bubble and assist. I had packets of medicine that I thought could help people. My highest aspect smiled knowingly at me and gave permission.

I entered the bubble and immediately touched a man and was transported into his reality. It was a dog-eat-dog world. All he could see was that people were out to get him and he chose to get them first. I looked at my medicine packets and knew nothing could help this. I tried to talk to him but it fell on deaf ears and I walked away.

I then came across a woman who was so full of Sorrow that her tears could have created a flood. When I touched her I was able to see her world. She had a deep belief that Humanity was doomed and that the majority of people were cruel and harmful. Due to this belief, she found things that confirmed it over and over again. She submerged herself in stories of animal and child abuse, crime, torture and gross injustices. She could see no other way. I gave her a medicine packet of Hope but it was just washed away by her tears. I knew I could do nothing more so I walked away.

I looked around and I saw a woman who had incredible light that she was giving to others. She seemed different than the others and I was very hopeful that I could assist her. But when I touched her I realized that while she was able to bring in great light, but she was unable to love herself enough to keep any. Because of this lack of self-love, she attracted people that took her for granted, people who abused her good nature and were very happy to take every ounce that she was willing to give. I gave her a packet of medicine called self-love but then I watched her give that away too. I knew that until she decided she was worthy of all that she has given away she would be unable to change her situation.

I then saw another man and when I went up to him and touched him I saw his world too. He was so filled with mistrust and anger, it was aimed at people, things, the government, the healthcare system, really anything. He was so busy protecting himself from them and sounding the alarm that he couldn’t see that his feet had shackles trapping him into the reality that he was so desperately trying to warn everyone about. I tried to give him a packet of Medicine with the word Clarity on it but he didn’t trust me enough to take it.

At this point, I was exhausted. I understood that there was little that I could do. It was their perceptions that had them caught in a loop. They couldn’t see past their grief, their pain, sorrow, or their inability to forgive. I could also see who I use to be in some of the people I touched. I could remember the years of being so full of sorrow at all the pain in the world, of being taken for granted and having a deep self-loathing. I could also remember being the one to shout the alarm and how that spiraled me into a depression and anxiety that was crushing.

I exited the bubble tired and a little despondent. I went and sat with my highest aspect who says “There is nothing that you can do. You must accept the choices one makes. If you continue, you risk becoming stuck in that creation and then you will be able to do very little.” I knew she was right. I knew how easy it was to get caught up in the stories.

When I looked at the two bubbles they didn’t look any different, they were both full of the same beauty, potential, and creation. Yet it was each person’s beliefs and filters that changed how that world looked for them.  I asked why the group on the left seemed to be and create from a different space. She answered simply “They understand that they are the creators of their own reality.”

It wasn’t long before I noticed that the bubble on the right had a few people pressed up against it and they were staring intently at the bubble on the left and the light that was shining so brightly from it.  In the left bubble, there was a feeling of community, of love for self, each other and love for the Earth. It just felt like pure possibility. The people were not perfect but they were all willing to change and undo their programming.

I then saw a beautiful sight, one by one people would leave the bubble on the right and slip into the one on the left. As I watched in excitement, the bubble on the right began to get smaller and smaller.

My highest aspect grabbed my arm and with a big smile she said: “It is almost time”.

I woke joyously and with the feeling that all of us shining our light out into the world is and has worked.

Sending you all so much love ❤


PS 9-18-23 *Time, *Predictions, *ww3, Cobra

*First a few comments:
  • Remember, this Section contains information from “my Perspective”… my own “Rose Colored Glasses”. I’m not asking anyone to believe this. My goal in writing this out is to share what’s within my Mind and to hope that you will “question everything”.
It’s been a while since I’ve sensed a change in the speed of Time but I noticed it again around the middle of July. I’ve heard 1 or 2 others also mention this… Time is speeding up right now.
(I should call this “Sensings”)
Around February or March of this year, I had a flash of an insight one day. I sensed that Apple would buy Disney. Then my “Logical Mind” kicked in and I thought… “Naw. That’s crazy. What would Apple need Disney for?” So didn’t mention it here.
A few weeks ago, while watching television at work during Breakfast, a Financial Analyst mentioned something about Apple “thinking about” or “in talks to” buy Disney.
Once I thought more about that initial “insight”, I realized, yes, Apple is partly an Entertainment company. Afterall, Steve Jobs stared the movie company, Pixar, and later sold it to Disney.
So, along this “Sensing” line of Energy… I’m now feeling that the “cabal” is setting things up for an Election Lockout:
  • The many, many cargo ships, just sitting off the west coast of the U.S…
  • The attacking of President Trump over the “January 6th” situation…
  • The whispers in the shadows of a new from of “the virus” coming in a few months…
To “me”, all of this “might” be pointing to the “cabal” shutting down the 2024 Election. Think about it. What better way to forge the Election to go your way? Easy:
  • Cause enough fear to keep Society under your control,
  • declare Marshall Law,
  • keep the Elections from taking place, and,
  • your Candidate remains in the White House.

Remember, the “cabal’s” Plans are extremely Long Term. Ever since the “cabal’s” Money System was put in place, prices have always been high but look around you right now. The Financial Aspect of the surface population is WAY out of control. Think about how fast this has happened. since 2022:

  • The Dockworkers go on Strike. Supplies across the U.S. are strained.
  • The Truckers protest the lockdown because of “the virus”.
  • Prices for almost everything in the U.S. begin to quickly rise.
  • When the people complained, workers across the country demanded that their pay be raised to compensate for the higher Cost Of Living.
As I said… Now, it seems to be an on-going battle between Wages and Costs. The delivery service UPS just agreed to pay their employees between $21 and $49 an hour!!! Going to the grocery store for “a few simple things” will have you reaching into your wallet for nearly $100.
Then we have the illegal “federal reserve” saying they’re going to “raise Interest Rates in order to curb Inflation”. What? I know my Math is not very good but since when did paying “higher Interest Rates” cause retail prices to be lower?
Humanity’s Collective Alarm Clock is blaring right now. It really is Time for everyone to wake up and question everything.
I think I’ve mentioned this before but I’m seeing more facets of it lately…
Yes, there are a few battles being fought around the surface of this Planet but there will be no “world war 3” (ww3) as we’ve been led to believe… No gathering of half the Countries on the world fighting against the others with military-style warfare. Instead, this last “war” has been very carefully engineered. So much so that we are “the frogs in the slowly boiling pan of water”.
The “cabal” has been planning this “last war” for a very long Time. It doesn’t come as bombs and bullets. Instead, it comes to the Surface Population as a “virus”… as pollution… as inferior parts and products… as shortages of supplies… as questionable food… as a “fear” of the lack of “money”.
Every day, I notice more that more Countries than I realized have “bought into” the “cabal’s” Stock Market and inter-trading of various Currencies. Lately, I’ve seen that a few Countries are trying to change their own Constitution.
All of this is the “cabal’s” doing… Hidden in the shadows where they think they won’t be discovered. Using their biggest weapon the “half-truth”, they infiltrate and then control everything from the local non-profits to the Political System to the Medical Machine to the world’s Banking System.
Even the current “scare tactic”, the surge in A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is bringing “fear” to the front of people’s thinking. In my opinion, this is the “cabal’s” last-ditch attempt at introducing their “fake alien invasion”.
  • Yes, the “cabal” is also trying to bring back “the virus” and the “lockdowns”. They want the “lockdowns” in-place not only to control everyone but to also stop the next Presidential Election. They want everyone to be in such “fear”… of everything, so they can introduce “Marshall Law” and stop those Elections.
  • Do you homework, people. That “virus” which “most” of the Surface Population was in “fear” of is are re-packaged Flu particles. I heard that it was Invented in the 1950s. Lysol Disinfectant has been killing it since the 1960s. You don’t believe it? Look on the can… Do some Research and look at photos of the back of a 1960s can of Lysol Spray Disinfectant. That “virus” is listed right there as one of the ones that product can kill.
  • Please do your own Research and start asking questions.
This is not a hopeless situation because the White Hats have taken a lot of the “cabal’s” toys away and more and more people, every day, are realizing what is really going on.
In 2020, at the peak of the “virus”, there was a joke going around:
  • “Do you know why the Amish don’t have the virus?”
  • “No, why?”
  • “Because they don’t have televisions.”
Think about that… and, question everything… Every Thing.
This Report, from Cobra, was Posted on September 15, 2023…
  • Situation Update and Thailand Ascension Conference
  • The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus Chimera has been completely defeated, and is no more.
  • With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger anymore, and positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured, as there are no timelines with negative outcome remaining.
  • With the removal of the last pit and its mainframe computer, the biochips can not send audio and video signals anywhere anymore, and the main control network has collapsed. Biochips are now only dark electromagnetic portals with their power diminishing fast, and they will be removed very soon.
  • The main control network on the surface of the planet is now scalar monitoring network through cell phone 4G and 5G networks, and through wifi networks. These networks are far less reliable, as they can scan human activity with the resolution between 6 and 15 cm ( 2 to 6 inches), depending on the network used. This is the main control and surveillance tool the cabal still has in their hands.
  • The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with its subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental plane. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy’s law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane:
  • Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. They were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 year ago to run the management and control of the surface population. Since the Chimera is now gone, the are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals, receiving guidance from him. Main black nobility families such as Orsini, Colonna, Torlonia, Theodoli and Massimo claim their descent from the Roman empire. This guy is their leader:
  • Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents are about 2000 people strong.
  • Below them are about 50,000 Draconians in cloned humanoid bodies which infiltrated the surface system since 1996 as politicians, businessmen, lawyers, doctors:
  • Then there are about 400,000 members of the Illuminati network who are there willingly, and about 2 million members who were forced into it. This network is also called the brotherhood of death because someone needs to kill a human being to be initiated into it.
  • Then we have about 100 million psychopaths who can be quite dangerous under certain circumstances, such as these covid doctors and nurses:
  • Then there are about 400 million sociopaths who lack empathy.
  • Then there are about 3 billion sheeple who do not have the ability for critical thinking, and just follow the trends of the society.
  • And finally we have about 4 billion people who have the ability to think clearly at least to a degree, and they are the hope for humanity.
  • The main factor now delaying the liberation of the planet is the Lurker with subquantum anomaly. The Light forces are now removing as much of this anomaly as possible to then safely trigger the Event. They are also releasing intel gradually, because if too much is released at once, it triggers a too strong purification process of the anomaly. This is the main reason why intel is being released gradually.
  • You can help clearing the subquantum anomaly most effectively with the violet flame:
  • White fire of AN can also help:
  • Network of Tachyon chambers is one of the main networks that helps the Light forces in anchoring Light on this planet, reducing the anomaly and accelerating the process:
  • Dark forces have arrived to this planet 900,000 years ago and almost caused the extinction of humanity:
  • Now they are nearing their final defeat.
  • Big awakening is coming, and scientists are finally beginning to search for life in the center of the Galaxy:
  • Planet X is on the verge of being discovered:
  • New ideas how to colonize the solar system are being born:
  • But all of this will change soon:
  • The following part of the above book is the most interesting:
  • All that is done will be undone:
  • To prepare for the final phases, you are more than welcome to join us for the Ascension conference in Thailand in November:
  • Victory of the Light!
Be sure to visit the following webpage, in order to view the images and access the many Links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-14-23 *Sleep-Awake, *Time, *144,000, *WW3, Hypnosis

*First several comments:

  • As always, all of this information is from “my world”… through my own “Rose Colored Glasses”. My perspective. So your mileage may vary. I’m simply bringing up the many questions which I constantly wonder about. I do all of this “out there” thinking because I’m doing my best to determine “when” the “Veil” will be removed… and that’s when Sylvia and I will be reunited with each other.
This happened to me almost 2-weeks ago… During that very short moment when you’re moving from “Dreamstate” to the physicalness of your Body:
  • I felt as though there were a few of us… 5, 6, 8 people standing around talking after a night of some type of “work” on the “other side”.
  • With all of us still talking to each other, I distinctly heard a male voice say: “We’d better get you back to…” then I woke up.
  • It seemed as though he was going to say: “We’d better get you back to the other side” or “We’d better get you back to your body”.
It was just very interesting and very real. The voice was clear, casual and sounded like it was right next to me. Even though our small group was only a foot or two from each other, I think he was the closest person to me at that point in Time.
Have you ever given any thought about how deep Space travelers keep track of Time? Think about it…
When standing on the surface of a Planet, Time can be tracked by determining the Cycle of the Sun or other Natural, Celestial Bodies. However, when standing inside a SpaceCraft, which is sitting in the middle of a Solar System, there’s no way to Calculate “Time”. Sure, you can determine the Planetary Cycles around your Ship and set a Base Time but the moment your Ship is relocated, under its own power or by Natural Drift, all of your Calculations will be incorrect.
The only way to “tell Time”, while onboard a Starship is to use a machine — hourglass, clock, etc. However, even with that technique, what is your foundation Time based on?… Earth’s Time, Mars, the Moon, etc.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
I think I’ve mentioned this before… I don’t think there is going to be a “world war 3”… at least the way most people think about it…
Carol Rosen states that on Wernher von Braun’s death bed, he told her that the last card to be played by the “cabal” would be the “fake alien invasion” scenario. This would be the final way the “cabal” would use to lock down, at every level, Humanity and control everyone.
“Some say” that the “cabal” have to tell the Human Collective what they are about to do. They say it’s some type of Energy agreement between the controllers and the Beings on the surface of this Planet that they control. So we have lots of movies, books and games which explain the details to such an experience.
Some also say that if Humanity knows what the “cabal” is about to do, then the “cabal” has to change their Plans.
I’ve mentioned before that the recent surge in “Artificial Intelligence” (A.I.) information could actually considered a “fake alien invasion”. If it is, then I see this as simply a smokescreen… a diversion of what the “cabal” is really up to.
  • For one, I have not heard very much on “generative” A.I. This is where a program not only learns new things but can also modify its own Computer Code (its Program) in order to build on its newly acquired “knowledge”. Although this type of Programming could be dangerous to Humanity, remember, a Computer Program can only access the computers it’s physically connected to and can only manipulate the physical world that it’s connected to. In other words, a “dog” could use a computer keyboard to type a message which reads: “I’m going to the store to buy my own dog food”. However, if that dog doesn’t know where the car keys are or how to open the car’s door or how to drive, nothing will become of that message.
  • > Instead, the television “news” only talks about the A.I. we see in various Apps and games. Yes, what that software can accomplish may appear to be Artificial Intelligence but, from what “I” have seen so far, it’s nothing more than very detailed Programming with the ability for that software to  reference almost any type of File (photos, videos, songs, books, poetry, etc.) in order to compare what has already been created to what is being asked of it, in order to create a “similar but different” result. Think about it.
Where I see the real “WW3” taking place is in the Financial World. Although I’ve never really kept up the “Stock Market” or the world of “High Finance”, I’m seeing more and more Countries modify their Financial Structure so they can participate in the various Stock Markets of the world. Then, probably at the flick-of-a-switch, I also see the “cabal” “make or break” an entire country’s economy by simply making changes to the Stock Market.
Yes, it does sound crazy but remember what I mentioned before about how one of the early members of the Rothschild family (over 100 years ago) tricked lots of Investors into thinking that Great Britain had lost the war. They not only lost a lot of money selling their Stocks, but Rothschild then bought them up for a fraction of what they were really worth. Once the facts were known, it was too late for those Investors and Rothschild practically owned England. At one point, one of the Rothschilds was known to say: “I care not who controls a nation’s political affairs, so long as I control her currency.”
Please pay attention to the entire world around you. I believe we are witnessing the “cabal’s” Plans but those facets are so “in plain sight” that we cannot “see the forest for the trees”.
Question everything.
I’ve been thinking about this one for several months. I still don’t feel that I’ve come to a conclusion but the Puzzle Pieces are multiplying and I wanted to get them in print before I think of something else to add to this very large puzzle…
These particular “Puzzle Pieces” have to do with:
  • The number “12”
  • Timelines
  • The “Master Program”
  • Ascension
  • The “Big Picture”
> 12
There are a LOT of Systems, Ideas, Books, etc. based on the number “12”… but why?
Humans have 5-digits on each hand and 5 digits on each foot. Wouldn’t you think Ancient Humans would base their first way of counting on the number 5 or 10 or even 20 (all digits on hands and feet)? Instead we have various Systems which are based on “12”…
  • Why are there 12 months in a year?
  • > Just now, in looking for various Facts, I began with the “Moon”. I was a good ways down that Rabbit Hole before I realized: “The Calendar is based on “Days” not Moon Cycles as we are led to believe.” So why isn’t the modem Calendar made up of “13” months of 28-days each? This would total “364” days with 1-day left over, as a Free Day. (José Argüelles and his wife, Lloydine figured this out in their 1990 Work “Dreamspell”) Here’s the link:
  • Why do most companies base the packaging of their Products on “12” (12 cans to a case, etc.)?
  • > (someone might say) “That’s so those items can fit in the box.”
  • > Boxes can be made any size and any shape. A box for “10”, “11”, “8”, “13”, etc. can be made just as easily as a box which holds “12” items.
  • In the world of “Computers”, I can understand the numerical progression used because it’s based on Ones (1) and Zeros (0) — “On” and “Off”. (It’s a Binary System.) Their progression is: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc.
  • > The more I think about this progression, the more I wonder why Ancient Humans didn’t adopt this System of counting. My first guess is “Why didn’t they use the numbers of fingers and toes?” If they didn’t want to adopt that method then why didn’t they resort to Base “2”?… “I have food and I don’t have food.” “I’m inside the cave and I’m not inside the cave”.
> Timelines
“Some say” Timelines do exist. Some even say that… for every decision we make, a new Timeline is created. In recent years, some say that all the Timelines are merging into one.
“IF” Timelines do exist then the merging of Timelines is the best answer (in my opinion) for the “Mandela Effect”. (Look it up)
In the movie “The Matrix” there’s a scene where Neo see a black cat make the same movements within a minute (Deja Vu). Another Character in that movie explains: “That happens whenever they change something.” (“They” refers to the Machines, the “Master Program” which controls that Reality.)
I’ve been thinking about this lately and “maybe”… “for me”, a “Deja Vu” experience happens whenever we merge into another Timeline. Give that some thought as you go about your day.
One big facet to the “merging of Timelines” (for “me”, anyway) is that I’ve been noticing that a LOT of people have eyes which are closer together than “the Norm”.
  • While growing up, my original Timelines did not have anyone “that I saw” with eyes which were close together.
  • In the last year or so, I’ve seen, and even work with, people whose eyes are closer together than the others I interact with. Even celebrities on television and on magazine covers, have closer eye sockets than most people. In my original Timelines, those people would never been elevated to “celebrity status” because they didn’t fit the “fashion mold”.
  • Because I’m seeing a larger number of faces with a shorter eye-socket distance, I truly believe I’m not only in a different Timeline (than just a year ago) but that these Timelines are merging into the final few. I say this because “maybe”… maybe for the issue of “Resonance”, the merging of Timelines would try to match Resonances of the people it was bringing in to the foundation frequency established for that Timeline. Although each Timeline is a melting pot of cultures and mindsets, “maybe” those people who had an “extreme” Resonance of being a murderer, of a specific religion, a black person, a person who is gay, a dog lover, a cat lover, a Spanish person, a bathing beauty, etc.… maybe those people were sent to the Timeline where the Resonances are most compatible with that facet. Sort of “like attracts like”. However, now that there are fewer Timelines, the range of frequencies of each remaining Timeline is much wider and this allows for these “extreme Resonance” people, such as people with eyes closer together, to be merged into this particular Timeline.
  • In your travels, over the next week or so, please pay more attention to the people around you. Even people on television and in newspapers and magazines. Look at there eyes. Are they closer than the majority?
“Some say” all of this “Reality” is made-up by and controlled by a “Master Program”… Computer software which is so complex, it makes us believe we are touching solid objects and having various experiences.
Some also say that the Master Program “cannot”, or “can no longer” support more than 144,000 Beings.
  • You might think: “I’m real. My friends and family are real. The people I talk to in-person are real.”… but are they? What “IF” there are only certain times when each of us is… “real”… certain times when each of us can place the “experience energies” into our personal Life Path database?… and other times, we’re just, basically, mindless drones going through the motion of “existing”?
  • What “IF” every Second, millions of people (on the surface of this Planet) are switched off for a few seconds, in order for the Master Program to maintain only 144,000 individual subroutines? “IF” that’s true, then “maybe” we experience this as a “Daydream”… those very short instances when each of us experiences a sort of “gap” in thinking and movement. Sometimes this “offline” switch may be experienced when we’re doing something which only requires a very repetitive, “muscle memory” action on our part. (Repeatedly doing something which only needs certain muscles to continually do the same thing.)
Another facet to this is “miscommunication”… I’ve noticed a higher-than-average number of times “some people” just don’t understand what others are saying to them. This isn’t limited to “close-together-eyed” people talking to “non-close-together-eyed” people. This has happened to me several times but I really noticed it when it happens between others. So this is something else you may want to pay attention to. So, is this another way to determine if a person is from another Timeline? Only Time will tell.
> Ascension
So “IF” any of this is true, then why is it happening?… or, why is it happening “now”? Some say everything is coming together because of “Ascension”. Where, after a 26,000-year Cycle, everything is restarted.
Think about it… When a child is given a new toy, let’s say “Lincoln Logs”, “Legos”, “Train Set”, etc… they first use those components they way they were intended… Part “A” connects to Part “B” and this creates Item “AB”. Over Time, though, maybe through boredom… maybe through discovery, that same child might wonder what it’s like to attach Part “A” to Part “C”. Now they not only have Item “AC” but they now understand that many other combinations are possible. Isn’t this what we’re seeing in the Collective world around us?…
  • The combinations of Clothing, Music, Foods, etc. have been off the charts in recent years.
  • Even language is now pushed beyond its original design… I’m not just talking about swear words being used in everyday conversations. Some companies have been naming their Products (or Companies) using a single word: Windows, Pages, Box, Apple, etc.
  • Beyond this, companies have trying really hard to come up with unique names for their Products. Most of the television Ads for drug companies show Product names which contain very few Vowels.
If a child can create new things, using boredom or an open mind as the catalyst, wouldn’t an entire Planetary population do the same thing as it’s nearing the end of a massive Cycle?
Based on what Sylvia showed me within a minute, and told me within a few hours, of her crossing to the other side of the “Veil”, I truly believe this is where “I” am heading. I can’t speak for the Human Collective and I have no knowledge of anyone’s Life Path. I can only speak for “me”. So I don’t know if this “leading up to a major change” will be experienced by anyone else. Again, “your mileage may vary”.
Question everything.
This 1-hour video (audio only) is by Hypnosis Practitioner, Allison Coe. Here are a few highlights:
  • Her Client is on a Planet of Beings who see 3 Earths, stacked on top of each other. The middle one is the Grounding for the other 2 but now is no longer needed. So it’s dissolving. The remaining 2 Earths will attract those people who Resonate with one or the other. Not “good” or “bad”. Just “choices”.
  • The Beings her Client is talking to give the analogy of Fireflies in a jar. At some point, the lid will be removed and some Fireflies will fly out. Others will remain in the jar. Choices. The Client asks those she is talking to:”How will Humans be able to tell when that lid is lifted?” Their reply was: “Have you looked?” It’s already done.
  • >
  • With the same Client… She’s now on the New Earth described above…
  • The Client is talking to a woman who “jumped” to the New Earth “before 2025”. The woman says there was a lot of “Light Energy” coming into the other Earth, when she decided to make a conscious choice to move to the new one.  She had sat on the floor, in a circle of candles, a kept thinking of wanting to be on the New Earth. She wanted to “jump” from her “old Earth House” to her “New Earth House”. She knew this would make things easier.
  • When she finished, “most” everything looked the same. There were subtle changes, which she did discover, such as plants in her garden which weren’t there before. When she spoke with a neighbor about this, the neighbor also had noticed changes in HER garden.
  • The woman said there was no “Flash”… No drastic Event and that everyone made the “jump” at different times.
  • At one point, there’s a conversation about “how” to “jump” to the New Earth. The woman says there are 4 Stepping Stones to this. The 3rd one is “Manifestation”, which the woman had difficulty doing.
My comment: Here are a few things to think about, as you begin this part of your Journey…
  • “All things are possible”
  • In the 3rd (or 4th) Star Wars movie, Luke Skywalker is being trained by Yoda. In the beginning, Luke is levitating a few rocks. Then Yoda asks him to lift his Starship out from the water it’s submerged in. Luke begins sending Energy to his Ship and it starts to respond but Luke loses faith in what he is capable of and the Ship falls back below the water. He tells Yoda: “It’s too large.” Yoda says “No” and lifts the Ship out of the water and moves it onto dry land.
As for the year “2025”…
  • As I’ve mentioned before… Sylvia was 18-years older than me. Right now, she’s fixed her Energy at being 18-years “younger” than me. This sets up a specific Resonance, so it will be easier for me to locate her when the Time is right.
  • If we continue on with the number “18”, Because our Energies have been so intertwined for many Lifetimes, I believe that it will be 18-years (from her “crossing-over”) when we will be reunited with each other again. This means “my” year of Ascension is 2029. If things change, or if something wasn’t calculated correctly, then this could mean I’ll be with her “by” 2029.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-28-23 *Dream, *Helicopter, *Silo

*First a comment:
I haven’t had many Dreams lately, especially ones with Sylvia in them but I had one last night… although, the “Sylvia” in this one seemed to be just a “Sylvia aspect” and not my real Sylvia as I’ve experienced in other Dreams.
Although this Dream was fairly long, and involved several details of me doing various things, I don’t remember much about it. As always, this Dream was in full-color and felt as though I was actually “there”…
  • From what I can remember, all of this Dream took place outside. The day was sunny and the ground was mostly dry dirt. The area felt like a natural “bowl”… a small “valley” which seemed to be only a couple hundred feet wide and several hundred feet long. There were a few small trees scattered around with lots of dirt and a lot of dark-colored rocks (around 1-foot diameter and larger).
  • I walked around a bit and it seemed as though there wasn’t anything else in that area. At some point, though, a guy (probably in his early 30s) appeared. He mentioned something about me “going somewhere” or “doing something” that I shouldn’t have known about. I was going to tell him that I was sorry and that I would go out, come back and begin again, as if I didn’t know about whatever I had discovered… but he kept talking. So I never had a chance to make that statement.
  • At some point, he disappeared and I continued to explore my surroundings.
  • Next, I found myself near a wall of rock and dirt. I must have touched something special because now I was inside that now cave-like area and talking with Sylvia.
  • (At this point, I was thinking about the new game from Cyan Worlds, “Firmament”, which I purchased last year but haven’t downloaded yet. My thoughts were now comparing my current, cave-like experience to that game. I felt as though I needed to explore this Dream area as if I was playing “Firmament”. I began explaining my thoughts to Sylvia…)
  • “See how that door opened, when I touched this rock?”
  • “See how it’s obvious that we should go “that way”? That tells me it’s a trap. So we’ll go this way.”
  • There was no door or obvious opening, in order for us to go “this way” but I kept at it. Finally, an opening appeared. This was the correct Path. We knew this because next to us, now, was a cage made of bones that we would have found ourselves in, if we had continued on the “obvious” Path.
  • Being upset that the “cabal” would have trapped me and Sylvia in that cage, I grabbed a good-sized rock and began hammering at that cage. Being extremely old, and made of “bones”, it was easily destroyed.
  • Now, I turned toward the direction the “obvious” Path was wanting us to travel. However, there was a thick wall of glass which extended out from the dirt wall on the right up to the cage on my left. Through the glass we could see a body of water. Probably a gentle river. It seemed to be stretched out about a hundred feet from us and occupied an area off to my right which I could not see the end of. To the left, it seemed to end just past our current position.
  • I told Sylvia: “See how this glass extends up to the cage? This tells me we’re not supposed to go straight past it. It’s simply here to show those trapped in the cage that they should try to escape and go in that direction, which would be another trap; So, instead, we need to find an opening “this way.” I pointed to the wall of dirt to my right.
  • I was about to explore that area for a hidden mechanism which would open a new door when I woke up.
  • Right as I was waking up, i found myself saying: “That cage was made of “Poospon”. (“poos” rhymes with “boo”. So it’s pronounced: “POOZ-pawn”)
As I woke up, I kept repeating that word, so I could remember it. As I did, I realized it sounded like “Postpone”. Then I was given the Insight…
  • This Dream represents the world built by the “cabal”. At this point, they have no more power. All they can now rely on is the strength of their “cages” (both mental and physical) but they are so incredibly old, they will simply crumble if we “question” or “rattle” them.
  • We should now think of these “cages” as the last way the “cabal” has to “Postpone” us reaching our next, Natural level.
For “me”, this Dream represents the “cabal’s” lack of power and control over the surface population of this planet and the reason we haven’t reached “Launch Point” / “Ascension” is because Humanity’s collective beliefs are holding us back. It’s way past Time to question our surroundings and our existence… and to simply touch the walls holding us in, in order to see them easily fall away and reveal the next stage in our Evolution.
Question everything.
  • I may have mentioned this a long Time ago…
Wouldn’t Air Travel be a LOT less expensive if people traveled long distances in “Helicopters”? The Helicopter would simply fly straight up and for every hour or so that it remained in that one spot, the Earth would rotate approximately 1,000 miles.
Think about it.
Here’s the link to an article which explains how Satellites maintain their Orbits.
(…which uses Thrusters. This means, without those Rocket Engines, a Satellite would simply remain in one location and the Earth would rotate beneath it.)
Question everything.
In checking the Business News today, I noticed an entry for an Apple television show called: “Silo”.This is the first I’ve heard of it. The article seemed interesting enough for me to search for a Trailer. I found more than one.
This Trailers state:
  • “We don’t know how long we’ve been living in the Silo or who built it.”
  • “All we know is… In here, we’re safe. Out there, we’re not.”
  • Those who question, or even say they want to go outside, are jailed or drugged.
  • “What if everything we know has been a lie?”
There are cameras which show the “outer world” and it looks like an uninhabitable planet. The one person who did venture outside, wearing what looks like a Space Suit, dies within minutes.
Over Time, some of the inhabitants begin to feel as though “something’s not right” and start to question everything.
“Some say” the “cabal” tell us their Plans through Movies. I feel that this is what’s happening here with “Silo”…
  • For “me”, the “outline” of what is shown and spoken about in the Silo Trailers is exactly what the surface population of the Earth has been dealing with for a very long Time.
If we take a step back from our personal lives…
If we take another step back from “society”…
If we take yet another step back from “politics” and the “financial system”…
If we go even further and take a step back from “Nature”…
If we now find ourselves with our back against the immovable wall of “existence”, THIS is the starting point. THIS is where most of my Thoughts and Puzzle-Piece Matching begins. THIS is what “I” have been explaining since Sylvia crossed-over in 2011. THIS is what, “I” believe, “Silo” is trying to tell us.
  • When I explained a tiny bit of this to my new co-workers, fist they laughed and then they had to ask me (more than once) “You’re serious?”
Think about these facets:
  • FACT: A frog in a slowly boiling pot of water will eventually be cooked,
  • FACT: In 1815, being one of the first people to hear that Britain had WON the battle of Waterloo, Nathan Rothschild quickly sold his family’s British Stocks. This was to give the illusion that the British had LOST. Once his fellow Investors saw this, they also sold their British holdings. Then Rothschild quickly bought up all the British Stocks as he could find, using his Agents. This was the beginning of his family controlling the Financial System of England and, eventually, the world. Here’s the link to an article stating this:
  • FACT: When a piece of land is purchased (especially in the United States), the Owner only has Rights to the land itself, several feet below the ground and several feet above the ground. (Why is this?)
  • FACT: NASA… “With an estimated more than 100 million pieces of orbital debris measuring smaller than one centimeter currently in Earth’s orbit, they can be too small to track, but many are large enough to cause damage to operational spacecraft.” (Why don’t people report seeing these many pieces?) Here’s the link:
  • FACT: The “Panama Canal” connects the Pacific Ocean with the Caribbean Sea. (Why? Those 2 bodies of water occupy the same foundation. They just have different names… Take a pan [or swimming pool] and fill it at least halfway with water. This represents the above body of water. Now, place a rock [or a truck] in the center. This represents the land that the ships would have to travel through, if a Lock was built there. Yes, the water will be displaced, based on the object resting within that area. However, the water “level” will be the same, no matter which part of it is measured. So, my question is… Why is a Lock needed to bring a ship “up” or “down” from one side of that rock to the other?)
So, if these “truths” should be questioned, what about the MANY ideas the “cabal” has told “Society” to ignore?
…So, could “Silo” and other movies be telling us the Truth?… telling us to “question everything”?
Question everything.
Here’s the link to a few Trailers for “Silo”:

PS 6-12-23 *A.I., *TheUnit, Cobra

*First a comment:
*A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
With all the current talk about “A.I.” recently, especially on the “cabal’s” television networks, I began to think more and more about it.
  • Although I’ve done “some” Computer Programming in the past, I’ve never studied any Artificial Intelligence Code.
At one point, while Sylvia and I were at work last week, I saw a News Segment (on television) on this subject and instantly went into deeper thought about what could really be going on. I then received a few images and a little information, within my mind…
  • Since the “cabal” no longer has access to the technology to make the surface population believe there is an alien invasion in the sky over the Earth, they have simply scaled-back their efforts and moved the “alien” aspect to “Artificial Intelligence”
  • Think about it… Couldn’t the statement “fake alien invasion” be easily grafted onto computer software which we don’t entirely understand but could “take over the planet”?
I had read, a few months ago, that the “cabal” no longer had the ability to create their Holographic, fake alien invasion. So this made sense.
Some background:
  • After “world war 2”, the United States brought several German Scientists here. One of them was Wernher von Braun. His assistant, Carol Rosin, claims that he told her of the cabal’s plans while on his death bed. He said the last card the cabal will play is a fake alien invasion.
So, if my information is correct, then the Main Stream Media’s efforts to bombard us with Artificial Intelligence “news” is just a fear tactic by the cabal.
Question everything.
A few years ago, I wondered what our Star Visitors called “the body and its many Systems”.
  • What Humans call their “body” is really made up of several blended Systems — air, liquid, the Aura, Galvanism (Electrothermal), Psychic, Telepathic, etc.
I wanted one word which encompassed all of these facets.
During those Thoughts, a word sort of floated to the top of my Mind: “Unit”. I felt as though our Star Friends were telling me: “use this word”. So I did. It made sense. However, after a few conversations with other people, this descriptor became awkward.
A few months ago, I asked the Star Visitors for a different (and maybe a better) word for the inter-workings of what most people perceive as an outer shell called the “body”. About 2 weeks ago, they showed me another word: “Capsulation”. I repeated back the word “Encapsulation”. They then sent me “Capsulation” again. Which told me they didn’t like me adding the “en” to the beginning. They also showed me that the derivative word “Capsulate” could also be used.
So, from now on, I’ll use the word “Capsulation” when referring to “the body and its many Systems”.
Question everything.
This was Posted by Cobra on 6/8/23…
  • Situation Update
  • The Light forces have made a breakthrough on the etheric plane. They were able to destroy the Chimera / Lords of Karma dark network on the etheric plane with all their technologies, with most of the etheirc Chimera / Lords of Karma entities captured and taken to the Galactic Central sun, and a very few of the Chimera escaping to the physical plane into cloned bodies through the DARPA pit. Thus now the only location under dark control is the physical plane on the surface of this planet.
  • The few remaining dark entities on the etheric plane are disorganized, in flight, and are no longer part of the dark network. Since Lords of Karma etheric control network is gone, human beings are no longer forced to incarnate, and now they incarnate mainly based on their conscious or subconscious impulses. The etheric plane still looks like after a war zone, spiritual guides are not present, and random anomaly clouds still contain dark entities that have not been cleared yet. Human beings who die may or may not go through the etheric plane unharmed after their death process into a relatively lighter astral plane, depending on their level of awareness and their emotional state.
  • Physical biochips are in the process of being cleared, and that will still take some time. To reduce the power those biochips have on the human thinking process, the Light forces are recommending this technique:
  • Subquantum anomaly is also in the process of being cleared, but it turned out to be more dense and challenging than expected. This anomaly is the main source of negative experiences and feelings, and the main factor blocking the Event, because it still to a great degree blocks the flow of Light from buddhic plane towards the surface of the planet. The plan of the Light forces is to clear this anomaly to the degree that darkness will never again be able to manifest anywhere in the universe in the future under any circumstances, and to solve this problem once and for all:
  • Mainstream science is dimly aware of subquantum anomaly to a degree:
  • There is a lot of intel about subquantum anomaly that needs to be veiled for now and will hopefully be released to the surface population when conditions permit.
  • I can only say that subquantum anomaly is virtually omnipresent outside regular spacetime and locally impacts quantum fluctuations to the degree that dark consciousness creates a tensor field between the buddhic and physical plane. Simply speaking, there is a very low impact of subquatum anomaly throughout the universe, a low to medium impact within our solar system and huge impact on the surface of this planet, where many dark entities are still present.
  • On the surface of the planet, the subquantum tensor field is so strong that since the creation of the quarantine 26,000 years ago it almost completely distorts or even prevents travel through hyperspace on and near the surface. The strength of this tensor field has increased many times in 1996 and the years following that, because many dark entities arrived on the planet. It has actually gotten so strong that it folded into itself and formed a closed loop manifold, drastically reinforcing the quarantine.
  • This tensor field presents serious navigational problems for interstellar craft, since they can not safely operate in hyperspace near the surface of the planet because of the anomaly, and if they fly in regular spacetime, many times they get shot down.
  • Those downed craft are the subject of mainstream disclosure from a whistleblower that happened a few days ago, just in time for Pluto in Aquarius to make its first push towards Disclosure and Contact, before it exits Aquarius on June 11th:
  • And even a more detailed release from another whistleblower a few days later:
  • This already has political implications:
  • Tucker Carlson, in his first Twitter monologue seen by more than 100 million people, has addressed the issue of media censorship about UFO phenomenon:
  • Betelgeuse, a bright star in the Orion constellation, is again showing signs that it might go supernova soon:
  • The Light forces have communicated that the process of the Event may be much more chaotic than originally expected. The Event itself will include the mass arrests of more than 400,000 Cabal members, financial Reset and release of intel about the existence of the surface Cabal, secret space programs and benevolent extraterrestrial races. This whole process will take about a week or two, during which time the water, food, electricity and internet distribution channels need to remain largely intact. One part of surface human population will not take the Event process well and there will be a lot of dysfunctional behavior:
  • For this reason, intel about the coming polar shift will be released to the surface population gradually only after the initial one or two week period, when the distribution chains will be already largely stabilized.
  • After the Event, the Pleiadians will start creating Islands of Light on the surface with their technology, and these will be the only really peaceful zones on the planet, when the rest of human society will go through a rather brutal awakening process. This period is expected to take a few months, and then the Galactic superwave hits the planet.
  • My educated guess is for the Event to happen during 2025. The Light forces have NOT commented on my educated guess attempt, and it may, or may not be correct.
  • For now, the focus in the next few months will be on the clearing of the subquantum anomaly and the biochips, and from September/October things may begin to get more interesting.
  • Victory of the Light!
My comment: Regarding Cobra’s comment: “My educated guess is for the Event to happen during 2025.”… this is the first Time I’ve seen Cobra provide a Date for the Event. This tells “me”… Even if his guess is wrong, he knows we’re at a point where it’s now easier to predict something like this… and that we’re very, very close to the “Veil” being removed.
Question everything.