PS 7-19-20 UndergroundBase, DUMBS

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • Secret base in Smoky Mountains – New witness
  • “This is a new report about the secret base beneath the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) since I wrote my book “Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina Mountains.”  It was provided to us on July 9, 2020 by a man who recently had completed a two-week camping vacation searching for underground military facilities in the North Carolina Mountains.”
  • “On the last night of his vacation, he stayed at the Mile High Campground on Heintooga Road, which is as close as the public can get to the base beneath GSMNP. The little-known road can be accessed from the Blue Ridge Parkway on the North Carolina side of the park. The following account is in his own words. Keep in mind that his discoveries began at two in the morning. – The Editor”
  • “Campfire view from Mile High Campground”
  • “WITNESS: On the drive to the location, I rode through some of the thickest patches of fog I have ever experienced. It was so thick that I drove into a median for the first time ever. Later, when I was standing on the road, the fog was so dense that I could barely see the double yellow lines at my feet even when shining a beam flashlight straight downward. I have heard about secret bases obscuring their operations with artificial fog and I believe that is what I may have experienced.”
  • “About 2 a.m., I parked at the place where Heintooga Road is closed, right at the Masonic Marker. This area is called “Black Camp” which would be fitting for a secret military Black Site. I was getting my stuff and feeling a weird sense of urgency. I don’t know if it was the Great Spirit or the spirits but something was nudging me to “Go now, leave now, stop searching for the bear whistle, just go, seriously, stop looking and start walking.””
  • “So, I did. And not two minutes later, once I was just past the road closed sign and just out of sight from the Masonic Marker parking lot, a truck speeds from around the corner and swoops down to investigate my car and then speeds away again. I kept walking and expected to be stopped any second, but I wasn’t. They let me walk along that closed road without interruption, but I’m sure that’s because they had sensors everywhere and I wonder if they chuckled as they watched me wander. I was there for more than four hours and walked between 13-15 miles total, approximately seven miles each way.”
  • “First off, I definitely heard the underground rumbling and grinding and machine noises. Something is there but the underground machine noises stopped promptly at 5 a.m.”
  • “I didn’t feel like I was alone. I am an energetically sensitive person with a large aura bubble and the energy of this area seemed like it was occupied even though it was a completely empty and closed road. The forest always feels alive, but this felt alive and active. I wonder if I had this feeling because I walked over an underground corridor or occupied chamber.”
  • “I also heard voices a few miles into my walk. I stopped walking to listen to make sure I wasn’t just misinterpreting the sounds of my walking, but I was still able to hear some more words and sentences when I was motionless. I couldn’t make out what was said, just that they were talking. Maybe these were clandestine campers or maybe they were underground employees on a smoke break or something.”
  • “Beyond the Heintooga roadblock – known locally as Heintooga Round Bottom Road”
  • “I got down to a little service road and went around the road closed sign for that too. A little way back was some sort of little machine house. It could be a regular forest pumphouse or maybe an elevator. I went back further and found a hidden ventilation shaft. I don’t know if it was a natural thing for a pumphouse but it was strange and seemed out of place.”
  • “Also, this dark, obscure, lightless mountain is the perfect place for an underground base. The lack of lights again adds to the “Black Camp” title. It looks like some of the pull-offs and overlooks on Heintooga were destroyed and grass placed over them. Perhaps they were closed off to help hide a base.”
  • “I had to stop my walk after getting confronted by a gigantic defensive Elk. Some strange Divine synchronicities from earlier in the day convinced me to turn around at that point, especially since I couldn’t go around him. He was slightly frightening but extremely majestic.”
  • “Also, even though I am a conspiracy theorist, I don’t tend to like Masonic conspiracy theories because I think they’re being used as scapegoats, but the Masonic marker being right there is fascinating. Masons brought stones from all over the world to build a monument on that mountain, and that’s literally the furthest you can go on that road before the barricade.”
  • “After getting home, I felt the strangest that I have ever felt. It was as if I were being suppressed by some sort of dampening field. I have heard of Black Military Projects hitting people with directed energy weapons and I believe that I experienced this. It was hard to even talk and my motivation to even think about seeing loved ones was absolutely gone. It felt so strange and I genuinely wasn’t sure if I had actually died that night. It was a strange dissociation.”
  • “I was able to begin regaining my spiritual defenses after I restarted and sustained spiritual techniques that are familiar to me. I felt like I was under a dampening field and that I had to fight hard to be able to stand up again. I wonder exactly how these directed energy weapons work but I’d rather not be on the receiving end again to find out.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images provided.
My comments: I was under the impression that the White Hats were clearing-out ALL of the Underground Bases. So if this one is still operating, it either means the White Hats have not dealt with it yet or this particular Base is working on something other than trafficking Children. (Maybe a highly secret, Black Ops project.) Only Time will tell.
While you’re on the following page, be sure to read the other articles. Each is a “Rabbit Hole” all by itself. Interesting information.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
As I checked on this 1-hour, 15-minute video, I got a few minutes into it and started to not watch it any further. However, as I did, I saw the handful of topics the Narrators discussed. When they got to the “DUMBS” (Deep Underground Military Bunkers), I was surprised at the “detail” that was presented.
  • A LOT of what is discussed actually sounds like “Science Fiction”, even to “me” and with a lot of this, I can’t verify it. So I have to start by saying “IF” this information is real, then it’s very important.
Here are just a few of the facets covered in this video:
  • The hierarchy in the Ranks of the cabal’s negative Witches. (Who’s “number 1” in different categories.)
  • They list a handful of cabal members who, “they say”, have been Arrested, including: the former President and his “wife / husband” Handler Michael. The Narrator also states that a few of the “elite” have now been executed, including “little hitlery” and her husband, the Actor who stared in “Forest Gump” and a few others.
  • They state that the cabal has a President Trump “clone” and they filmed that clone being assassinated. (I’m only mentioning this particular facet, in case the cabal tries to show this on their “Lame Stream Media”. I just don’t want anyone to panic.)
  • The interesting facet, regarding the DUMBS is, “according to one of the Narrators”, when a DUMB is cleared out, an “Earthquake” is registered on the Seismographs at the specific depths of: 10km or 5km or 3km. It’s stated that, if an Earthquake is registered at, say, 10.1km or 5.8km, then it’s “natural” but the ones registering at exactly 10, 5 or 3km are the White Hats clearing them out.
  • It’s also stated that some of the Seismographs have registered a “negative” Earthquake. In other words, “according to the Narrator”, the Earthquake was “above ground”. He then explains… this means it was a ship trying to escape but because the White Hats have control of all the satellites, including the ones with Lasers, they simply destroyed the ship before it could escape.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-16-20 Kryon, DUMBs?, Disclosure?

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This was sent to me by Peg Hamilton. This information was Channeled by “Kryon of Magnetic Service” on April 14th 2020.
I’m including this because of the importance of what came through in these paragraphs:
  • “Dear Human Being, the planet is in reboot mode right now. There has never been anything to create this kind of unity on the planet, not even the end of a world war. This is new. Take a look. It’s on purpose, you might say, from a virus, by the way, which came from nature but didn’t get to you naturally. I’ll talk on that some other time.”
  • “I would like to tell you right now that, when this situation is over, and it starts to come back, it’s going to come back a different way. Say goodbye to “normal.” It’s going to come back fresher. It’s going to come back with systems that are correcting themselves because they’re starting over. New ideas will abound. Industries may disappear, not because of the virus, but because of the stop. They will be recognized as no longer necessary. New industries and new inventions are going to pop up because of this.”
  • “I’m telling you that, whatever you think is going to happen, you’ll be wrong. This is the reboot regarding the energy shift we have talked about for many years. When all around the naysayers say, “Well, recovery really can’t happen with the economy we have.” They’re right! It can’t! It simply can’t happen with a stock market the way it is. You see, nothing will be “as you currently have” when it returns.”
  • “You are at zero right now, and you’re going to come rebounding back differently. There is so much hope for this planet because of this. I tell you these things in love and compassion because you’ll see, with time, that it’s true. You may have difficulty understanding why this had to happen or why that had to happen. It’s the salvation of humanity. It’s the beginning of a higher consciousness and understanding and togetherness of humanity.”
  • “You let a microbe bring you to your knees. What if, instead, the next time, it’s love? What if, next time, it’s understanding and compassion for one another? That could sweep over this planet with health, with love, and make things happen that never happened before. This is not what you think.”
  • “I give you these things, in love, to tell you there is not only hope for the future, there is hope for a different future. You’re not going to return to the same-old, same-old, and that goes for politics, and that goes for broadcast news, and that goes for what you are going to find out later – what really happened with the “outbreak” of what you call Covid-19. These things will happen because you need them, and you will correct things because of what you discover. This will be a much better planet to live on, believe me. You are not returning to the old world ever again.”
The rest of this Channeling can be found at the link below.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Kryon’s information:
To subscribe to Peg Hamilton’s eMail list just send your Address to her:

Several weeks ago, a Source of 2 explained that the White Hats were clearing-out the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bunkers) around the world. “Some” have even mentioned that this positive faction of the Military was being helped by Star Visitors.

A couple of weeks ago, someone involved with the “Pentagon’s Pedophile Task Force” told us… Whenever you hear about “Earthquakes”, they’re not “Earthquakes”. The DUMBs are being cleared-out.
Today, I saw 2 different videos, from 2 different people, report on “Earthquakes” in Nevada… Near the cabal’s “Area 51”.
So, “IF” this is caused by the White Hats, it means even those in-charge of “Area 51” will be brought to Justice.

Question everything.

Here’s the 1st video (The “Earthquakes” are talked about at the 11:02-mark):
Here’s the link to the 2nd video (The “Earthquakes” are talked about at the 2:44-mark):
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 27-minute video is an interview with a long-term NASA employee.
Here are a few highlights:
  • He claims to have seen various photographs and videos.
  • He states that he was responsible for checking-out those photos and videos, in order to show them to Scientists.
  • He states that the Moon is hollow.
  • He says there are Bases on the Moon, from Earth countries as well as from Star Visitors.
  • He states that governments “were” and “still are” working with Extraterrestrials.
  • He feels that Trump will be the one to present “Disclosure” to the people and that this will probably happen in a couple of months. (The video was Posted on May 13th 2020.)
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 4-28-20 Disclosure?, Q?, Rescues

In this 4-minute video, the Narrator shows and article, from today, and 3 video clips. The video clips, from several years ago, contain footage of “UFOs”, which Military Pilots had followed at that Time. The article states:
  • “The ariel phenomenon observed in the videos remains characterized as “unidentified”.”
Is this another facet of the upcoming “Disclosure”? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I was watching the following 13-minute video on “Comet Atlas”. One of the things the Narrator shows is a JPL page containing the data on this Comet. The JPL “Orbital Elements” are designated by a few Words and some Letters, such as “a”, “e”, “w”, “M”, etc. However, this one Letter really caught my attention…
  • At the 5:05-mark, the Narrator explains this Comet’s “q”. He then explains that “q” is: “The closest an object will get to the Sun”.


My comments: As soon as I heard that, I had to go back to get some details. (The Links are below)
So, when I heard the Narrator explain “q”, I immediately thought:
  • “Maybe Q really is JFK Jr., as some have said.”
Because President Trump is “Q+” and if my “wild guess” is correct, President Trump would be the closest “object” to the “Son” (JFK’s Son) as anyone can get.
  • Yes, I realize that “Q” is probably a Team of “close to the action” people BUT it’s entirely possible that “Q”, the person doing the actual “typing” and “Posting” is the same individual and, “IF” JFK Jr. is still alive, and protected, he would have a lot of Time on his hands. So why not be the “voice of Q” while he’s waiting?
Just some thoughts.
The Narrator states that the closest (to the Sun) fragment of Comet Atlas will hit it on May 31st. Someone in the Comments, under that video, mentioned that this date is “The Day Of Pentecost”, in the bible. So I looked that up…
  • According to the Link below, “Pentecost signals the beginning of the church age.”
  • “Another aspect of the Day of Pentecost is the miraculous speaking in foreign tongues which enabled people from various language groups to understand the message of the apostles.”
With everything on this planet now “coming together” / “being revealed”, does this Comet hitting the Sun signal a “new Age”?… an Age where Humans on Earth finally “speak to” and understand those who communicate in “foreign tongues”… our Star Visitor families? Only Time will tell.
Here’s that Link:
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here’s the link to the NASA page which explains the “Orbital Elements”:
Here’s the link to the definition of “Perihelion Distance” (or “q”):
From April 20th: The following web page, information on that page and the 3 videos are there because of the “Pentagon Pedophile Task Force”. Here are some highlights:
  • The Narrator states that the “Tents” in Central Park (New York) are being used to treat the Children that they are rescuing from under Central Park.
  • He says, the problem is that these Children have been kept in electrified cages, in darkness. So when they bring them up, a lot of them are dying because of exposure to the Sunlight. They’re trying to bring the Respirators down to the Children, in order to begin treating them down there but there’s “no” or “not enough” electricity.
  • He said: “They have Hits out on us.” (The cabal want these Heroes stopped at all cost.)
  • He says President Trump can only tell you so much.
  • Look for the Earthquakes. “When you see Earthquakes, they’re not really Earthquakes. They’re blowing up the deep underground facilities…”
  • He says it’s a “generational thing. There are 5 generations down there, in Central Park. This has been going on for decades and decades.”
  • He says that over 50,000 “Children” / “People” have been rescued so far, around the world.
  • He said the Military is rescuing Children every day… every single day.
If you watch the videos, it’s just him in his car talking. He doesn’t show anything “graphic”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (the bottom-most video is the first to watch):

PS 4-20-20 *Map, Perspective

*First a comment:
While watching a video from one of my alternative news digest sites, the Narrator showed a website which provides a Map with Real-Time updates on:
  • Amber Alerts
  • Hazmat situations
  • Forest fires
  • Disease outbreaks
  • Gang activity
  • Border security Issues
  • Presidential threats
  • Terrorism event predictions
  • Earthquakes
  • Drug interdictions
  • Non-terror aviation incidents
  • Food / medicine incidents
  • Human trafficking
If any of you would like to have access to this information, here’s the link:


This 8-minute video is by Gosia “of Cosmic Agency”. It contains information which was relayed from someone aboard a Taygetan Starcraft orbiting Earth.
Whether you believe this or not is not important. The main thing here is to keep an open mind  and see if these “Puzzle Pieces” fit within your energies… or simply keep them in your “mental basket”, in case they begin to match new “Puzzle Pieces” in the future.
So I’m including this video because it provides another Perspective on what is currently going on behind-the-scenes here on Earth. That is “IF” this information is real.
Here are a few highlights from this video:
  • The “virus” only existed as a simple “Flu”. It was never the over-hyped problem some have said it was.
  • Never get a “Vaccine”. Those who have crossed-over, due to the “virus” were previously Vaccinated — mostly Vaccinated for Influenza.
  • “War in D.U.M.B.S. confirmed” (Deep Underground Military Bunkers)
  • “it is very possible that JFK Jr. is the man behind Trump.”
  • The Federation works in the D.U.M.B.S. with armed forces of U.S.A. and other positive Militaries of Earth… and this is the reason for strange noises and Earthquakes across the planet. “Volcanic activation is related.”
  • “We confirm the rescue of nearly 5-million people, mostly Children, within the D.U.M.B.S. Some numbers go up to 20-million but we cannot confirm it.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-7-19 Wilcock

This long article, Posted today by David Wilcock on July 7th, is titled: “IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed!“.
He ties a lot of the recent behind-the-scenes events together. “Some” of the information he covers:
  • The recent California Earthquakes,
  • The epstein arrest,
  • The base at China Lake,
  • Chemtrail technology,
  • Weaponizing weather, etc.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-30-18 *Nibiru, Lightlover, Predictions, Ocean?, Cobra, MIB?

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 11/26/18)
Wait. I’m pretty sure we Posted something yesterday but I can’t find it. It’s not in our Trash and I can’t find it in our “Send” box OR online in our Blog.
Now that I’m looking through some eMails, I KNOW we Posted something yesterday. I remember including 2 item from “K.K.” (who’s on this list) Thank you.
This one is on the Antarctica ice melting:
…and this one is about “Walk-Ins”:
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
Today, while looking through some music-gear articles and videos, I saw an article for “The 10 best new drummers in the world today“. On the page for the “Number 1” person listed, there was a Music Video. So I watched it.
  • If you like “Led Zeppelin”, then you’ll like this Song. The Band is called: “Greta Van Fleet” and their Lead Singer sounds just like Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin.
  • The reason I’m including this is because of the “visuals” used in that Music Video. They used a lot of images which “some” of us feel will be seen during “the Event”. So even if you turn the sound off, this 4-minute video may help you imagine the beginning of our Collective new phase.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here’s the link to the Lyrics:
Here’s the link to the article of new Drummers:
Maria, from the “Lightlover Journal” Blogsite, hasn’t Posted anything in quite a while. When I saw her Post from today in our eMail box, I had forgotten that Sylvia and I are “Following” her Posts. This one has some interesting insights and information:
  • “I just tapped into an incoming Source Divine Energy that feels like a Tsunami, moving through our solar system.
  • At least 12 different frequencies within it.”
  • “When I went Within to connect with it, it felt like a BREATH…like how life breathes…it was surreal the life it held within its energy…anyhoo…I got nothing so it’s a new frequency…or maybe a huge ray of walk-ins…”
  • “Back up your electronic work for there may be satellite glitches…if you got tin foil make yourself a hat…
  • or just do the only thing to do when we can’t run…drink lots of water So you don’t fry…Lolol!”
  • “Massive shifting in ALL timelines as The NEW Language Of Light Begins to anchor at the Lowest dimensions and realms of consciousness At 3D.”
  • “This in turn,shifts the grids from dark LATIN Language Of the Dark ages and all its dark mystic arts long held as SECRET from the Human Race, to the Romance languages.”
  • “The Language Of The New World.”
  • “That’s right,OLD bad juju stuff…used against the innocents….using supressed knowledge like magic and genies and all the B.S…quantum entangled reptilian off world crap false gods-no more with today’s reality.
  • (isn’t it funny I studied Latin is school…Thank goodness)”
  • “What was Magic…is today’s Science.”
  • “Here are some examples of the New Language:”
  • “(Dollar used to be positive, the new world, but now it feels like ->DOLOR(Spanish for pain)
  • “(ILLUMINATI=Past tense, old light, old information.dead..ILLUMINATED= NOW)”
  • “This language upgrade quantum disentangles the old octave consciousness and raises the available frequency above the 4D to The Christ Consciousness Grids.”
  • “Quantum mechanics applies, The Law Of Resonance at 5d brings all lower d’s UP.”
  • “This is why the New Testament carries the energy of the Old Testament, which from a multidimensional aspect is the fall of Atlantis, The Great Flood.”
  • “The Tower Of “BABBLE” no longer exists as its Sumerian timeline has fallen into the Void.”
  • “Humanity is awakening to the root chakra of Fourth Dimensional Consciousness, these are invisible, air grids.”
  • “Not like 3d- where portals are fixed and unmovable like trees and rocks, these portals cannot be seen, you have to feel your way.”
  • “GRIDWORKERS:Look to the skies, drop into your High Heart and The Birds will show you Your Portals.”
  • “CRYSTAL SYSTTERS: The New Divine Blueprint has anchored fully with ease and grace. If you are wanting to connect to space grids you will shift to triangular grids. If you want to connect to Mother then your grids will shift according to your soul’s mission.”
  • “I personally have pulled all crystals off my property and kept only one as a beacon.”
  • “This separation of timelines causes the maternal grids of the Southern Hemisphere to awaken the consciousness ESSENCE OF MOTHER And begin to balance the northern hemisphere‘s patriarchal Damaged consciousness due to the False Father (ELECTRIC) grids.”
  • “This will shift the frequency of patriarchal systems from false light( electric) to Light- Information.”
  • “Please remember that the age of Love is gone, The Age Of Light has anchored, and Light is harsh and blinding, it can drive you to the dark.”
  • “If you want to catch up on the Electric Wars, Lisa Renee with Energetic Synthesis has all the information.
  • “BOOTS ON THE GROUND: The Last Of The Guardians have incarnated or walked in, the Star Elders are All here.❤”
  • “It is such an honor to be ONE with The Heart Collective.”
  • “I have no words to describe how blissfully blessed I am.”
  • Thank you.”
  • “Will post more when I have time.”
  • “In Light and Love and Divine Service
  • By Free Will I chose to walk in Divine Will for The Greater Good Of All, For Peace And In Bliss, To assist in This Shift Of Ages.”
  • “And So It Is.”
  • “I am Maria.”
  • “I am Source.Sovereign.Free.”
  • “Lightlover1964″”
My comments: I found these 3 statements very interesting:
  • “Gridworkers: Look to the skies, drop into your High Heart and The Birds will show you Your Portals.”
  • “I personally have pulled all crystals off my property and kept only one as a beacon.”
  • “To the dark the light is the dark.”
I don’t understand why she pulled all the Crystals off her property.

Question everything.

Here’s the link to her Blogsite:
This 11-minute video is an energy update by Clairvoyant “Aluna Ash”. Here are a few highlights:
  • Around the 5:50-mark, she explains that on December 21st 2018 we will merge with the 2012 timeline.
  • She goes on to say that the Sun is awakening because of Humanity and Humanity is awakening because of the energies coming from the Sun. We are interconnected with the Earth and the Sun and each is helping the other to awaken.
  • She states: “2019 is the year of the Divine Feminine”.
My comment: Does moving back to the 2012 timeline mean we’re going to experience the “Mandela Effect” again?
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
in this 11-minute video, the Narrator explains a theory he has about some recent EarthQuakes. He says all of them were detected at a depth of 6.2-miles. He believes, as “some” others have noted, that there’s an Ocean beneath the Ocean. His theory is also that this 2nd Ocean is where these Earthquakes have occurred.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here’s an update on the progress of the “Resistance Movement”:
  • Short Situation Update
  • “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There is a lot of extremely positive activity behind the scenes, but none of that can be revealed publicly, as there needs to be absolute radio silence about current operations of the Light forces. Let me just say when there will be results, everybody will be able to experience them.”
  • “On the  other hand, the Cabal is realizing more and more that they will lose, and they do not take defeat lightly. They have recently used Directed Energy Weapons in California to burn masses of people alive:”
  • “Their occult purpose behind this mass murder was to create a fire sacrifice to create a negative anomaly vortex to attract more of the cosmic primary anomaly to planet Earth to prolong their control of the planet.”
  • “The truth is that there is very little primary anomaly left outside of our planet, and dark forces find it increasingly more difficult to replenish their resources of anomalous plasma and negative entities entering planet Earth through tunnels of Set. There is a huge information war regarding intel about the plasma and anomaly status around our planet, and it is very difficult to get reliable information. It now appears that most of the remaining anomaly is coming to Earth from the Taurus dark cloud:”
  • “Extragalactic Light Forces are now rapidly clearing all remaining anomaly from our Galaxy. Most of extragalactic assistance is coming from Virgo Supercluster:”
  • “And especially from M 87 galaxy, which is increasingly being directly involved in liberation of our planet and removal of last vestiges of darkness from our universe:”
  • “To summarize this, there are drastic changes happening in our universe, and when those changes reach the Earth, the transformation will be massive.”
  • “First, the diminished solar activity is leading towards a new mini ice age very rapidly. It could happen in a few months:”
  • “Luckily, there is a greater Galactic cycle that could supersede the solar mini ice age cycle before that happens and reverse that trend, but it will inevitably lead into what some people call the Solar Flash and is in fact a Galactic Superwave, leading into the Event:”
  • “Until then, you can study the plans of the Light Forces:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
My comments: “IF” any of this is true, then it’s a very positive update. Of course, I really like this part:
  • “Luckily, there is a greater Galactic cycle that could supersede the solar mini ice age cycle before that happens and reverse that trend, but it will inevitably lead into what some people call the Solar Flash and is in fact a Galactic Superwave, leading into the Event:”
So, if the “mini ice age” “could happen in a few months” AND “a greater Galactic cycle that could supersede that” and cause “the Event”, then it means we are LESS THAN “a few months” from the removal of the “Veil”! Only Time will tell. Sylvia and I are ready.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the many links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
MIB? (Men In Black?)
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
Ok. Although I didn’t read the article, I did watch both of the videos on the web page below. I debated about whether or not to include this but I feel this is feedback on what is currently happening to the energies on this planet and to Humanity itself. So I’m including this because…
  • “IF” this information is real, then the various things the “Men In Black” (or “Artificial Intelligence”) want to keep hidden from Humanity are now being revealed because the “Veil” ” / their “Control Grid” is thinning.
  • “IF” this information is real, then the “technology” / “the mind-erasing injection” (the woman in the video was given) can no longer affect people because Humanity’s frequency has now been raised.
My comments: So, “IF” this woman’s story is true, then what is the “Master Program” or the “Reptilians” hiding in that cave?… The woman says she wandered through that cave and took pictures but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary but the “Men In Black” thought it was serious-enough to pay her a visit, kidnap her and inject her with something to “erase her memory”, which didn’t work. So why go through all of that if there was nothing in that cave?
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here’s a link to that Channel on YouTube. (It looks like the above video was Posted 4-months ago. I didn’t see any more videos on this topic, on their site.)

PS 8-20-18 *Dream, Predictions, Q, Cobra, Predictions2, Fulford

*First a comment:
In the Dream I wrote about in yesterday’s Post, I’ve been feeling very “reassured” by Sylvia’s energy because of it.
There must have been more to that Dream, and other Levels, than I initially realized because I’ve been feeling that Sylvia “helped me more than I felt” or “Sylvia and I did more together in that Dream than I can sense”. Either way, I’ve been feeling that this Dream represents a “turning point” for “just me” or “all of Humanity”, I don’t know but I am sensing that something important has changed… and it’s all “positive”.
In this 27-minute video, “Aluna Ash” does a good job of explaining how energy is siphoned-off of the “Collective” of Humanity.
  • She also states that she’s seeing the manifested happenings that she Channeled and that these are leading up to “the Event”.
  • At the 19:39-mark, she states: “Many of you are having the linking with your Twinflame right now.”
My comment: This is also feedback of the Dream I described in yesterday’s Post.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 29-minute video, the Narrator explains today’s “Q-drop”. It’s a single message from “Q” but provides some hope.
  • Basically, “Q” states that there are 3 “Movies” and we are now at “Showtime” for “Movie 1”. Although we don’t have an exact timing of when “Movie 1” will take place, “Q” also states that “Movie 2” is “coming this Fall”. So, of course, “Movie 1” must be finished before “Movie 2” begins.
My comments: This almost feeling “surreal”… I’ve been Tracking a several “Rabbit Holes”, ever since My Sylvia crossed-over (384-weeks ago) then, around last October or so “Q” enters the scene and now the Arrests that “Q” talks about AND the “Rabbit Holes” of Disclosure, Debt Forgiveness, Global Currency Reset, the Event, etc. are all building to the same peak at the same Time.
If everything happens at the same exact Time, be sure to follow your Heart and step onto the “river stone” which projects the most positive energy.
Remember, “fear” is not real. It’s been programmed into us by the cabal. So whenever you encounter “fear” (or any highly-negative energy) your very first “re-action” is to allow it to bounce off of you. It’s not yours. So don’t claim it… don’t buy into… don’t take it on. Instead, immediately recognize it and “invert” it if that helps you deal with it. The opposite of those negative energies are:
  • Love,
  • Peace,
  • Happiness,
  • Gratitude,
  • Comfort,
  • Confidence, etc.
There’s a Saying:
  • “Kill it with Kindness”
So project a lot of Love at that situation.
Remember, each of us is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than any Super Hero you’ve ever read about!

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

Today’s Post by Cobra is aimed at the “Resistance Movement”:
  • “Irreversible HVBN failure, Y4 protocol activated, GBNF activated, beta VTXC absorption into gamma initialized”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 26-minute video explains the recent Earthquakes and predicts where the next ones will hit and their Magnitude.
Although I don’t normally Track Earthquakes (unless they’re unusual), I’m including this for 2 reasons:
  • This information seems to tie-in with the “energy under the surface” that Clairvoyant “Aluna Ash” has been receiving through her Channeling.
  • In “my” opinion, the person speaking in this video is NOT “Dutch Sinse”. It’s his YouTube Channel and he does seem to know a lot about Earthquakes but the various aspects of his voice do not match more than 1-percent of what is stored in my Soundbank (within my mind) of the voice I heard as “Dutch Since” many, many months ago. I’ve listened to his videos for several months, back then and he has several aspects of “vocal character” in his voice that I’m not hearing in the following video. The nuance of the tonal structure, the rhythm of his words, the slight bending of some of the sonic frequencies when he speaks certain words… these are not there in the following video.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report. The title is: “Issues simmering over the summer may lead to war in the autumn“. Here are a few excerpts:
  • “It was patriots in the military and the ABC agencies who decided he was the lesser of two evils and used Special Forces to break into the computer centers (like the one under Denver Airport) that were being used to steal the election for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller).”
  • “Also, thanks to the military backers of the Trump regime, enough U.S. officials involved in crimes against humanity have now been removed from power for the next phase of the revolution to begin, Pentagon sources say.  The sources say that starting this autumn the close to 50,000 sealed indictments in the U.S. will finally be acted upon, and “among the first to be unsealed may be [former CIA director] John Brennan,” Pentagon sources say.  In fact, the sources say, “They are getting unsealed after the August 7 primaries, and Hillary Clinton and John Podesta may have been Gitmo’ed.”  In other words, they may have already been transferred to the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.”
  • “The removal of security clearance is a preliminary to arrests, other sources add.”
  • “In fact, Pentagon sources confirm, “The cabal underground base in northern Alaska was destroyed with a 6.4 magnitude quake on August 12th.””
  • “Furthermore, the sources state:  “The submarine that tried to nuke Trump’s Air Force One jet while flying to Singapore in June, and its home on Ketron Island, was destroyed on August 10 by F15’s and a plane ‘stolen’ from Seattle airport.””
  • “Removing criminals from the Western establishment is part of the battle for a new financial system that will heat up this autumn.”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-20-17 *Essence, *Music, Wilcock, Antarctica, News, Fulford

*First a few comments:

This morning, while having Breakfast at home, our phone rang (which it almost never does, and we like it that way). It was the Sales Person from the local Honda Dealer. She was finishing our paperwork and realized that we hadn’t changed our Insurance over to the new car.

  • I started to do it last night, but I left the car’s papers in the car and it was too cold to go out and get them.

I told her we’d take care of it today. I then told her that we found that car’s Owner’s Manual. She said: “We don’t need it.” Being very concerned, and starting to build-up “stress” within me, I felt as though her energy behind that statement was telling me the car would be “crushed”.

  • There may have been more wrong with it than the Dealer wanted to work with.

I sat back down to eat Breakfast and my mind filled with the last image I have of our other car. I can still see it sitting there in the Dealer’s parking lot, alone and confused. I’m now sensing that the energy of that car is “empty”… just a “shell”.

Sylvia then explained that she helped guide the energy of that car into our new one.

  • When “people” / “Psychics” talk about receiving a “Download” they’re referring to the quick “blip” of information that is sent to them but attached to that information are “feelings”, “images”, “smells” and other Sensory facets, which they have to “unfold” or “untangle”, in order to understand everything that was sent.
  • This happens to me most of the Time when I’m tapping into the “Grid” / “Stream”. Especially when Sylvia sends me information. This is what happened this morning, with this “transfer of car energies”. That’s why I wanted to explain the term: “Download”.

What I unraveled from Sylvia’s statement is…

  • (Sylvia) “Remember, it was you and I who “gave life” to that car. Over Time, we built-up the energies we brought out of ourselves and placed into that car. “We” made her a part of our family. In doing so, we Bonded strongly with that “car”. This caused the “ethers” to take-notice and THIS is what brought that “Essence” into that car and created it’s “life”. I simply talked to those energies and explained that we’d still like to have them as a part of “our family” but it would have to be transferred into our new car. At that point, she realized “she” could continue the existence she had known. She enjoyed being a part of something larger than herself. Even though it was only a part of “our” small family, she enjoyed being “included”.”

So, it’s like I’ve been saying since Saturday… This new car is still “Sylvia’s” car and now I don’t feel “as sad” about having to give-up our other car.

Did I make all of this up? Is this just part of my over-active imagination? Only Time will tell. For “me”, within “my” tiny world, I have genuinely learned this through “Sylvia”… through “my own Heart”.

As always, though, YOUR mileage may vary.

Some of you remember the Song Sylvia wrote about 26-months ago called: “Calling All Humans”. It’s been available through Spotify and iTunes ever since we released it. We have also made it available through a free Internet Radio Station called “Radio Airplay”.

About once a week, Radio Airplay will send us an eMail showing the images, cities and countries where people have heard that Song. Sylvia and I are just amazed at the distribution, around this planet, where our Song is being Broadcast. In the last 2-weeks, people in these Countries and States have heard that Song:

  • Israel – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Seattle, Wa – in a station with “Natalia Kills”
  • Taipei, Taiwan – in a station with “Ellie Goulding”
  • Japan – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Columbia – in a station with “Cyndi Lauper”
  • Edmonton, Canada – in a station with “Natalia Kills”
  • Ecuador – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Argentina – in a station with “The B-52’s”
  • Australia – in a station with “The B-52’s”
  • Republic of Korea – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Israel – in a station with “Tegan and Sara”
  • New Zealand
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • Missouri
  • Thailand, etc.

This doesn’t mean they “Liked” or “enjoyed” our Song. It just means they “heard” it. So far, we haven’t sold a single Song or Album.

  • Sylvia and I enjoy creating music and we like the Songs we manifest. That’s a great reward for us. Of course, it would be helpful if those who do enjoy our music help support us or provide feedback by purchasing 1 or more of our Songs.
  • Sylvia and I believe Music should be freely shared. Yes, a “Musician” needs to possess certain talents and motivations and has to pay for various pieces of equipment but, when Sylvia and I create our Music, we pull those energies in from the “Stream”… the “Grid”… the “other side of the Veil”. There’s a Saying: “The Journey is the reward.” That process of tapping into those pure, refreshing, un-judgmental energies is “our reward”.
  • Sometimes we actually reach the height of that process and become “in the Zone”. The feeling is incredible!… It’s like disconnecting a “battery” from a very powerful machine and realizing it has to be connected directly to AC electricity. It just hums. That’s when we feel we’re larger than the Earth and a true part of everything throughout everywhere. Sometimes we can sense the Elementals and even the pure, “never-manifested energies” either guiding us or simply moving-in closer to listen. Sylvia and I are not alone in this. I’m sure most Musicians, who simply “be” with the music-creation process also ride this wave.

Here’s the link to our “Calling All Humans” Song:
(You can listen to that Song for free. You can also click on our album: “Perfectionately Yours” and listen to all of those Songs for free.)


The Narrator in this 6-minute video summarizes a recent, and very long, article by whistleblower David Wilcock.

Here’s the link to her video:

Here’s the link to David Wilcock’s website, where you can read the complete article she mentions:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

In this 11-minute video, the Narrator presents information which he “claims” has been verified “as much as can be”. He explains several of the Findings that have been secretly going-on under the ice at the South Pole. Some of this information is new while some facets have been stated by others many months ago.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


NEWS (Alternative News)
In this 31-minute video, the Narrator covers the following topics (and more):

  • The “MSM” (Main Stream Media),
  • Earthquakes (due to the “Earth slowing down”?)
  • Antarctica,
  • A recent fireball seen from the Space Station,
  • the recent story of the Marines at the CIA Headquarters,
  • the Elite selling-off their homes, Stocks, etc.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s “full” weekly report. The title is: “Khazarian cabal purge accelerates:  Marines storm CIA HQ;  Over 2000 indicted in U.S.;  Collapse of control grid in Europe“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace.  Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend.  One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.”
  • “These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.”

My comments: The general public really needs an “in their face”, “direct feedback” that SOMETHING is really happening to rid this planet of the Cabal.

The “good guys” also need to put the Main Stream Media under “white hat” control. Otherwise, every arrest and resignation can be “spun” into whatever the Cabal want us to believe.

  • “The Rothschild/Saxe Gotha family group is also losing control over Europe.  In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler’s daughter) failed to form a new government.  In France, a hundred legislators from Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s party have defected, as mass protests against this election-stealer’s rule break out all across the country.  In England, Rothschild-slave Prime Minister Theresa May is also unpopular and expected to be removed soon.”
  • “In any case, as mentioned above, the Khazarian hierarchy above Admiral Harris continues to be systematically dismantled, meaning the dragnet is closing in on him.  Once he is gone, U.S. military police will march into Tokyo and arrest Armitage, Greenberg, Abe, and the other gangsters who subcontract for the Khazarians here.”
  • “Also, in a clear sign Khazarian rule is now collapsing, the non-Jewish governors of the Federal Reserve Board are talking about giving money directly to the people instead of their current practice of handing it out to billionaires and trillionaires.  For example, John Williams, the head of the San Francisco Fed, talked about “nominal-income targeting,” which is Fed-speak for handing cash directly to the people.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 1-22-17 *Music, *Candle, Hoffman, Prophecy

*First a few comments:

Last Thurday “NAMM” (National Association of Music Merchants) started and it ended today. It’s held twice a year — in January, in California and around June, in Tennessee. It’s “the largest” or “2nd largest” (after a similar German version held every July or so) in the world. It’s where Music Equipment manufacturers show their latest products and upcoming technologies and it’s attended by company representatives who purchase that type of gear for their customers. Of course, the music-industry Press is there.

So I’ve been pouring over all the articles, images and videos for the last few days, to see if there’s anything new that Sylvia and I might need. We still have a few big items on our list and, sometimes, a newer piece of technology may provide better options. Knowing about those options is very important, before buying a new piece of gear. So far, though, this particular NAMM hasn’t released any big products in the “Electronic Drums”, “Keyboards” or “Synthesizer” Categories. A couple of the biggest manufacturers simply repackaged some of their products in new “colors”.

  • Yes, sometimes, the way a Musician interacts with the “feel”, “look” and an instrument’s “accessibility” can go a long way to bringing out an inspired song BUT, when you’re playing Live, on stage, the lighting is either very dark or multi-colored. So, to “me”, when a manufacturer brings out the exact same instrument but in a different color, it means: “Hey, don’t forget about us. We’re still developing new stuff but those products are another 12 to 18-months away. So we threw some new paint on some of our current gear, so we can say “we have new stuff”.” That’s “my” take on it anyway.

I’ve mentioned in previous Postings that Sylvia and I don’t have any “Family” nearby. In fact, what few Family members we have are several States away. We don’t have a dog, cat, fish, bird or even a houseplant… BUT, we do have the 3rd member of our immediate Family. We bought him when we lived in Florida. He’s a 10-inch, stuffed bear. He’s very special to us and we treat him as our “perpetually-young”, “always sees the Positive”, “Loves animals”, Family member.

For the last several months, we’ve been burning Candles in our home. Well, 1 Candle at a Time… some times.

A couple of weeks ago, I’ve been teaching him about “Fire”. Sometimes he sits on my computer desk and when I leave a lit Candler there (just for a few seconds), I told him he can watch the Candle and make sure it behaves. I also stressed that he, and his many friends around our home, should not go near it. I know he understands this now because, lately, when I tell him to watch the Candle, he simply says “Behave”. So he knows.

This afternoon, he was sitting in his favorite spot, looking out the Living Room window so he could see and talk to his outdoor animal friends. So he wasn’t near my desk. I was doing some computer work and had a lit Candle sitting there near me. At one point, it was Time for Lunch. I got up and carefully picked-up the Candle’s dish. As I was walking past my cloth-covered Drumset, I didn’t bring my hand UP high-enough and the dish hit 1 of my Drums. The Flame instantly went out but the wax poured onto that cloth AND it speckled the floor! I told Sylvia: “So much for “me” teaching “him” about “Candles”.”

  • I watched a few videos just now, in order to learn how to remove Candle wax from “carpet” and “clothes”. I think I can handle it. So I’ll see how much I can remove tomorrow. (Yes, we have an Iron.)


I found this Posting by Jennifer Hoffman very useful in understanding the current energies on this planet:

  • “Heads up for good news! Mercury finally finishes its retrograde this week and that ties up the energy from January 2016, as this retro was a replay of that one. So, the new energy for the new year can finally begin. And all of the planets are still in forward motion, a rather rare event, so this week should see some action as things begin to move forward. They may even be moving a little too fast at times but that’s OK, it’s all good. And Mercury will conjunct Pluto this week, in its first action after the retro, that should be an interesting event. Mercury governs karma and Pluto is all about deep transformation, so just about anything could happen, don’t be surprised at what gets revealed, in your life and in the general public.”

Question everything.
Here’s the link to her facebook page:


There’s no way that I know of to truly verify this but I’m including it in case this is real…

This Prophecy comes from a man who was in a “Trance-based State” around 1944.

I was skimming through the information when I felt something from this paragraph pull on my energy a bit. I don’t know what it is but there’s something about this paragraph which wants me to include it.

My comment: I still feel, deeply, that Humanity and this planet is headed for a very Positive plateau. So please don’t be shocked by this man’s “seemingly” Negative information. “I” believe the last “obstacle” / “battle” is within our own mind. As the “Veil” is removed, some of us “may” not be able to believe what they are experiencing and try to hang-on to the older energies — similar to being dizzy and trying to force your mind to believe that the Ground is “under” you and that Trees and Walls are “vertical”.

Here’s the paragraph that caught my attention:

  • “Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomena, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe.”

Here are more excerpts:

  • “Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. This region is called “the thirteenth zone”; one also calls it “the zone of contradictions”. Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live.”
  • “The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principal, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base! The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess…”
  • “Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain.”
  • “Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it! It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 11-30-16 Seismograph, NewMoney

*First a comment:

(I didn’t Post anything yesterday.)


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

The following Forum Thread talks about yesterday’s Seismograph records showing very similar, and strange, Readings in New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, Maine, Oregon Nevada all about the same Time.

I’m including this because “maybe” this is somehow connected to an “off-world” influence. I’m just looking for Signs which tell me the “Event” is about to happen.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

Question everything.

Here’s the link to the Forum Thread:

Here’s a direct link to the video:


The following article states that a lot of people have been asking questions about the recently-released information on the new paper currency for the United States of America. The Author of that article claims to have contacted the people behind that information and has received a response.

My comment: The “response” was simply a letter telling the Author to visit a stated website, which only seems to have general information. For “me”, this was not a “response”. However, I’m including this information just the same because this “may” truly unfold into “real”, in the “General Public’s awareness” information which will benefit every Human in America.

Question everything.

Here’s the link: