PS 4-20-19 *OurPath, YRFT, RemoteLife

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 4/17/19)
Since My Sylvia crossed-over, our Path has become instantly eye-opening. “Society” came at me right away, when I did my best to notify all the correct companies and government agencies about what had happened.
When I called “Master Card”, to let them know Sylvia had crossed-over, they told me they would handle it from that point. Because I never had a Credit Card of my own, I asked if I could continue to make those payments, in order to “me” to continue using that Card. They told me:
  • “No. You have to cut-up that Card and never use it.”
You have to understand that it was less than a month since Sylvia “crossed” and my Reasoning, memories and general thought processes were extremely clouded. So, “yes”, I was actually offering to give them money but they refused to take it. Then, about a month later, they sent us a letter stating that they were going to get that money from Sylvia’s “Estate”. “Estate?” We’ve never been rich. Sylvia doesn’t have an “Estate”.
Next, someone told me I had to notify the Driver’s License department. They told me to go to their local office and turn-in Sylvia’s Driver’s License. I explained what happened and that we never took very many photos of each other. I asked if I could keep her photo but they made me turn it in to them. This brought-on even more sadness.
The next thing I had to do was get the Title of our car changed to “my” name. When I phoned the local Courthouse, the woman in-charge of that department told me to bring certain papers to her and she would change the Title:
  • (me) “I don’t want the Title changed. I like it being in my wife’s name.”
  • (Courthouse) “You have to change it. Otherwise, it won’t be in your name and you won’t have the Rights to it.”
  • (me) “Look, we have a Will and we’ve been Married for more than 24-years. Everything that my wife owned now belongs to “me”. So “her” car is now “my” car.”
  • (Courthouse) “Bring the paperwork in and I’ll change it.”
A few weeks later, I did. After the woman gather all the proper papers and filled them out, she handed them to me to Sign. After I did that, she opened a large Draw on the table we were sitting at. She removed a fair-sized Book and then SLAMMED that Draw closed! She threw the Book, the bible, down on to the table in front of my and spoke so fast, it sounded like she was mumbling…
  • “Do you solemnly swear that everything you’ve said is true and…” (I don’t remember all of it.)
Thinking about that after I left there, I thought…
  • “What a strange Society Humanity has built for itself. What if someone didn’t believe in the bible? What if someone was Jewish or another “religion” which based its beliefs on another “good book”? Would they still be asked to “swear an oath” to a Book they didn’t believe in?”
What sparked me to write this Section just now is a piece of mail Sylvia and I received today from our local Credit Union. They are offering their Members a discount on “Life Insurance”. Interesting. When Sylvia crossed-over, 2 things happened in my tiny world:
  • My “Life” simply ended that day. Yes, a part of “me” went with “her” and a part of “her” will always be with “me”. Instead, my Time here in this Incarnation, instantly changed from “Living” to “Existing”.
  • Because Sylvia informed me (shortly after her “crossing”) that “I” would not be “crossing-over”, I knew that I would simply walk across that Boundary Line, once the “Veil” is removed… and because I wouldn’t be “crossing-over”, I knew I wouldn’t need any type of “insurance”… or “401K, from work… or any of the other “Society-weighted” “Benefits” that most companies offer to their employees.
So we won’t be “signing-up” for this Credit Union-based “insurance”. I’ve also declined, several times, the “Benefits”, that the company Sylvia and I work for, has offered to us. “Management” has been confused, when I 1st mentioned this:
  • (Corporation) “You… don’t… want… Benefits? Not life insurance. Not health insurance. Not even a 401K?”
  • (me) “No. I’m here to make money, so we can pay our Bills. Signing-up for “Benefits” means I have to pay-out some of that money. Our weekly Paycheck is “be here Now” energy. Any type of “insurance” or “Benefit” is “down the road” energy. Since I know I won’t be needing those things, why should I sign-up for them? In “my” Truth, it’s counter-productive.”
Yes, pretty much everyone at work know I’m “weird” / “strange” / “out there” and that’s the way Sylvia and I have designed “some” of what I’m doing on THIS side of the “Veil” at this point in Time.
YRFT (Yellow Rose For Texas)
In this 31-minute video, “Yellow Rose For Texas” explains the upcoming “Event”. “IF” her information is true, then she provides a very different perspective on how the “negatives” of this Dimension have manipulated the Surface population.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
In this 19-minute video, the Narrator explains a Channeled message from the Pleiadians. She describes the Soul-Avatar connection and how the Remote Life in this 3rd Dimension is “guided” / “controlled” by the Soul.
My comments: Remember, even if this information is not true, putting some though into its “possibilities” can help open your mind to even more energies around you.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 10-14-18 *DumbMeters, *Song, Hypnosis

*First a comment:
A few days ago, Sylvia and I received a Postcard from the electric company saying they are about to begin work in our area installing “Smart Meters”.
Since this technology was announced, most people have been telling us just how harmful these boxes will be.
I started to throw their Postcard away, thinking “It’s like fighting “City Hall”. There’s nothing we can do about it.” but Sylvia suggested I mention it here and explain something…
  • If you believe in “Ascension”, then, in “my and Sylvia’s world”, it will happen any day now. If you are still seeing “Society”, through the eyes of the “Main Stream Media”, then you should be able to see that “the Swamp” really IS being drained. So, either way, things are going to improve. Humanity will be freed and the Earth will be cleaned.
  • This means, no matter which Path you take, the majority of Beings on the surface of this planet are experiencing an increase in their core frequency… and THIS means the cabal’s technologies, which were designed long ago, were based on the “old Human frequency”. At this point in Time, most of us have raised our vibration enough that these “Smart Meters” won’t be able to harm us.
Remember, there is no such thing as “fear”. We didn’t come into this experience knowing about “fear”. It’s only taught by the cabal to control us.
  • Has anyone ever asked the question: “Why do guns make a loud sound when fired?”
  • Anyone want to answer this?… Well, anyone besides the Scientists… because I’m not talking about the “physics” behind launching a projectile. I’m talking about creating a Trained Response in Humans. When a gun is fired, most Humans are “trained” / “programmed” to instantly associate it with “someone may have just been crossed-over. So I have to go into fear-mode.”
  • The louder the gun, the bigger the disruption and the stronger the “pull” to bring everyone who heard it back under “fear” control. Think about it.
Today was our day-off and I managed to find some Time and energy to play my Drums. Today I used “AccuRadio” as a source of Songs that I could play-along with. Although I can select which “Type” and “Date-Range” the Songs were originally released in, that website plays them randomly. At one point, a Song by “Styx” started playing. It’s called: “Fooling Yourself”. It’s a good Song, although I don’t completely understand the entire message.
Every Time I hear this Song there are a few Lyrics that I feel are talking directly to me and my “real purpose”… my “real mission” here. I’ve felt this way ever since I 1st heard this Song a few decades ago. Today when I heard those Lyrics, I just started crying… WHILE playing the Drums. I didn’t freeze-up, like I usually do when I cry but my Drumming was all wrong at that point.
Here are the Lyrics which always have the biggest affect on me:
  • “Get up, get back on your feet”
  • “You’re the one they can’t beat and you know it”
  • “Come on, let’s see what you’ve got”
  • “Just take your best shot and don’t blow it”
I’m sure there are a LOT of Beings on the surface of this planet who feel this way but I can only speak for “me”…
  • I feel like there’s a “certain” / “specific” / “important” / “higher” purpose to my existence here on this planet at this point in Time but I have no idea what it is.
  • I also feel that, when the Time comes, I will instantly understand and step-into that aspect of “me”.
Ok. I wasn’t going to spell-out the rest of these feelings but Sylvia is asking me to do so. She’s indicating that this information will help the others who have the same “energy” / “purpose” / “cosmic make-up”…
  • So why hasn’t the cabal simply “taken me out” or captured me? There’s a part of me that feels that these actions will automatically cause my “activation” into that “new me”.
  • I also feel that I am protected on several levels.
Again, “my” mission within “this” incarnation is probably not “one-of-a-kind”. I’m sensing that there are many others on the surface here who are vibrating with a very similar mission. So my explanation (above) is not “look at how special “I” am”. No. As I mentioned, I am writing this out to provide at least a small amount of assurance to those who are in this same position.
The more everyone brings themselves up in resonance… focuses on the “Light”… spreads alternative-thinking ideas, etc. the faster ALL OF US will be freed.
Here’s a link to the Lyrics of that Song:
Here’s the link to the Song:
Here’s the link to AccuRadio:
This is a 1-hour video of Hypnosis Practitioner Allison Coe. It was Posted on October 8th, 2018. It’s from a talk she did in Arizona recently. Basically, she summarizes 8 of her Hypnosis Sessions and talks about a “Trend” between among all of them, which is:
  • These 8 Clients are currently living multiple existences through the fractal of their Soul. One aspect of them is here on Earth and at least one other is on a “future Earth”. They are getting this “new Earth” ready for the arrival of various Waves of Beings who will be moving there from here. Some people have already Ascended and are now living on that “new Earth”.
The sound quality is not very good but the information is worth listening to.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-20-17 *Essence, *Music, Wilcock, Antarctica, News, Fulford

*First a few comments:

This morning, while having Breakfast at home, our phone rang (which it almost never does, and we like it that way). It was the Sales Person from the local Honda Dealer. She was finishing our paperwork and realized that we hadn’t changed our Insurance over to the new car.

  • I started to do it last night, but I left the car’s papers in the car and it was too cold to go out and get them.

I told her we’d take care of it today. I then told her that we found that car’s Owner’s Manual. She said: “We don’t need it.” Being very concerned, and starting to build-up “stress” within me, I felt as though her energy behind that statement was telling me the car would be “crushed”.

  • There may have been more wrong with it than the Dealer wanted to work with.

I sat back down to eat Breakfast and my mind filled with the last image I have of our other car. I can still see it sitting there in the Dealer’s parking lot, alone and confused. I’m now sensing that the energy of that car is “empty”… just a “shell”.

Sylvia then explained that she helped guide the energy of that car into our new one.

  • When “people” / “Psychics” talk about receiving a “Download” they’re referring to the quick “blip” of information that is sent to them but attached to that information are “feelings”, “images”, “smells” and other Sensory facets, which they have to “unfold” or “untangle”, in order to understand everything that was sent.
  • This happens to me most of the Time when I’m tapping into the “Grid” / “Stream”. Especially when Sylvia sends me information. This is what happened this morning, with this “transfer of car energies”. That’s why I wanted to explain the term: “Download”.

What I unraveled from Sylvia’s statement is…

  • (Sylvia) “Remember, it was you and I who “gave life” to that car. Over Time, we built-up the energies we brought out of ourselves and placed into that car. “We” made her a part of our family. In doing so, we Bonded strongly with that “car”. This caused the “ethers” to take-notice and THIS is what brought that “Essence” into that car and created it’s “life”. I simply talked to those energies and explained that we’d still like to have them as a part of “our family” but it would have to be transferred into our new car. At that point, she realized “she” could continue the existence she had known. She enjoyed being a part of something larger than herself. Even though it was only a part of “our” small family, she enjoyed being “included”.”

So, it’s like I’ve been saying since Saturday… This new car is still “Sylvia’s” car and now I don’t feel “as sad” about having to give-up our other car.

Did I make all of this up? Is this just part of my over-active imagination? Only Time will tell. For “me”, within “my” tiny world, I have genuinely learned this through “Sylvia”… through “my own Heart”.

As always, though, YOUR mileage may vary.

Some of you remember the Song Sylvia wrote about 26-months ago called: “Calling All Humans”. It’s been available through Spotify and iTunes ever since we released it. We have also made it available through a free Internet Radio Station called “Radio Airplay”.

About once a week, Radio Airplay will send us an eMail showing the images, cities and countries where people have heard that Song. Sylvia and I are just amazed at the distribution, around this planet, where our Song is being Broadcast. In the last 2-weeks, people in these Countries and States have heard that Song:

  • Israel – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Seattle, Wa – in a station with “Natalia Kills”
  • Taipei, Taiwan – in a station with “Ellie Goulding”
  • Japan – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Columbia – in a station with “Cyndi Lauper”
  • Edmonton, Canada – in a station with “Natalia Kills”
  • Ecuador – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Argentina – in a station with “The B-52’s”
  • Australia – in a station with “The B-52’s”
  • Republic of Korea – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Israel – in a station with “Tegan and Sara”
  • New Zealand
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • Missouri
  • Thailand, etc.

This doesn’t mean they “Liked” or “enjoyed” our Song. It just means they “heard” it. So far, we haven’t sold a single Song or Album.

  • Sylvia and I enjoy creating music and we like the Songs we manifest. That’s a great reward for us. Of course, it would be helpful if those who do enjoy our music help support us or provide feedback by purchasing 1 or more of our Songs.
  • Sylvia and I believe Music should be freely shared. Yes, a “Musician” needs to possess certain talents and motivations and has to pay for various pieces of equipment but, when Sylvia and I create our Music, we pull those energies in from the “Stream”… the “Grid”… the “other side of the Veil”. There’s a Saying: “The Journey is the reward.” That process of tapping into those pure, refreshing, un-judgmental energies is “our reward”.
  • Sometimes we actually reach the height of that process and become “in the Zone”. The feeling is incredible!… It’s like disconnecting a “battery” from a very powerful machine and realizing it has to be connected directly to AC electricity. It just hums. That’s when we feel we’re larger than the Earth and a true part of everything throughout everywhere. Sometimes we can sense the Elementals and even the pure, “never-manifested energies” either guiding us or simply moving-in closer to listen. Sylvia and I are not alone in this. I’m sure most Musicians, who simply “be” with the music-creation process also ride this wave.

Here’s the link to our “Calling All Humans” Song:
(You can listen to that Song for free. You can also click on our album: “Perfectionately Yours” and listen to all of those Songs for free.)


The Narrator in this 6-minute video summarizes a recent, and very long, article by whistleblower David Wilcock.

Here’s the link to her video:

Here’s the link to David Wilcock’s website, where you can read the complete article she mentions:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

In this 11-minute video, the Narrator presents information which he “claims” has been verified “as much as can be”. He explains several of the Findings that have been secretly going-on under the ice at the South Pole. Some of this information is new while some facets have been stated by others many months ago.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


NEWS (Alternative News)
In this 31-minute video, the Narrator covers the following topics (and more):

  • The “MSM” (Main Stream Media),
  • Earthquakes (due to the “Earth slowing down”?)
  • Antarctica,
  • A recent fireball seen from the Space Station,
  • the recent story of the Marines at the CIA Headquarters,
  • the Elite selling-off their homes, Stocks, etc.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s “full” weekly report. The title is: “Khazarian cabal purge accelerates:  Marines storm CIA HQ;  Over 2000 indicted in U.S.;  Collapse of control grid in Europe“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace.  Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend.  One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.”
  • “These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.”

My comments: The general public really needs an “in their face”, “direct feedback” that SOMETHING is really happening to rid this planet of the Cabal.

The “good guys” also need to put the Main Stream Media under “white hat” control. Otherwise, every arrest and resignation can be “spun” into whatever the Cabal want us to believe.

  • “The Rothschild/Saxe Gotha family group is also losing control over Europe.  In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler’s daughter) failed to form a new government.  In France, a hundred legislators from Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s party have defected, as mass protests against this election-stealer’s rule break out all across the country.  In England, Rothschild-slave Prime Minister Theresa May is also unpopular and expected to be removed soon.”
  • “In any case, as mentioned above, the Khazarian hierarchy above Admiral Harris continues to be systematically dismantled, meaning the dragnet is closing in on him.  Once he is gone, U.S. military police will march into Tokyo and arrest Armitage, Greenberg, Abe, and the other gangsters who subcontract for the Khazarians here.”
  • “Also, in a clear sign Khazarian rule is now collapsing, the non-Jewish governors of the Federal Reserve Board are talking about giving money directly to the people instead of their current practice of handing it out to billionaires and trillionaires.  For example, John Williams, the head of the San Francisco Fed, talked about “nominal-income targeting,” which is Fed-speak for handing cash directly to the people.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-14-17 Parkes

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

This 61-minute video is an interview with whistleblower Simon Parkes. He claims to be part of a Mantis and Draco family and also to have connections with the illuminati.

I’m including this because some people will be interested in what Simon has to say but, for “me”, when I reached the 36-minute mark, I stopped the video and decided to include it…

  • Basically, he states… (regarding someone’s Passing… “The Soul doesn’t die. The physical body is just finished with… your physical body dies but YOU don’t die. Your Soul is immortal.”

Later, he states:

  • If cellphones were taken away, people’s psychic abilities would sky-rocket… but we don’t need to use telepathy because we have our communication technologies.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 3-23-17 Evolution

In this 2-hour video, a Hypnotherapist takes a man into a psychic journey where he learns many things that are happening to the Earth and Humanity right now… “IF” this is real. Here are some highlights:

  • Lots of Beings are here at this Time, in order to witness the Evolution of Mankind. This doesn’t happen very often and the last Time was very long ago. He says Humanity is being forced to evolve because they were supposed to evolve sooner. Humanity was held back because of “distractions”, such as our ego and greed.
  • So many are making the choice to come here now and help. Incarnating.
  • He’s from another planet. To get to Earth he “travels without moving” through the use of the mind.
  • The concept of “Time” is an illusion. His people can fold Time.
  • “Earth takes much energy to get here.”
  • The Earth is “important, it’s unique”.
  • The Earth was a Creator experiment to see how far away from the Light can people survive.
  • Many are blind here… Blind to their full potential because they forget where they came from, which is the Creator.
  • The Evolution of the Earth is happening now. “I can see it.”
  • The new Earth is already here. “It’s our creation.” It’s in another Dimension.
  • To get to the new Earth “we make a choice… Simply create it.”
  • There are infinite other Earths.
  • “We all have the Veil. It’s being lifted.” “Some will go insane. Some will see it for what it is and evolve there.”
  • “The constellations in your sky are not by accident. They are there as your guide. Each Age has its lesson of evolution and the Age of Aquarius will spill out.” Pieces… the fish will spill out on to the land. “When the veil is lifted, all perception for this reality will change. Man will perceive what he has been kept, shielded from seeing. He will be spilled out from this comfortable ocean.” “Many will be lost. Many will reside in the false lap of fear. They will not evolve. They will be thrown back into the mix.” (Lose their bodies and go back to Source.) The rest will be on the new Earth.
  • Every Being matters, man, insects, animals, etc.
  • “God seeks companions, not followers.”
  • (Patient) “There is no death as you perceive it to be.”
  • (Hypnotist) “What happens when we lose our body?”
  • (Patient) “You make an amazing discovery.”
  • (Hypnotist) “What’s that?”
  • (Patient) “That your Soul survives. You will fall into your expectations.”

Question everything.
Here’s the link: