PS 7-15-20 Asteroids?

This is a 7-minute video from a “Reporter” (I think).
He claims to have Sources in the Pentagon who are telling him, in September, there will be increased Asteroid activity striking Earth.
My comments: I’ve never heard of this person or his “company” before.
Although this seems like another “bag of information” to distract us, “I” have to take all facets into consideration, because I never know where another “Puzzle Piece” will come from. Here are a few things to think about… “IF” his information is true:
  • Several months ago, “Q” has mentioned (more than a few times) “Nothing can stop what’s coming”. I’ve wondered about this. It always seemed to be an odd statement. “Q” has always talked about (or “seemed” to be talking about) “Politics” and “Society-level” happenings. To “me”, only “rocks in Space”, Earth-changes and UFO Landings would be considered “unstoppable”.
  • “IF” an “Extinction Level Event (ELE) “IS” going to hit the Earth in September then it makes sense that “both sides”, the “cabal” and the “White Hats”, would want everyone distracted… keep everyone from looking to the Skies. Why? “IF” something like that is going to hit the Earth then both sides have been Tracking it. They probably pooled their resources and determined that there’s nothing they can do to stop it. So why alarm the Earth population? If the cabal always tells the General Public what they’re going to do, then Sylvia and I saw this very scenario, years ago, in the movie: “Meteor”.
  • (Well that’s interesting. I just spent about 15-minutes looking for that movie and “Meteor” was released in 1979 — a few years before Sylvia and I met. I then looked at the Trailer for “Meteor” and the part where > the Americans and Russians admit they both have “Starwars” Missiles in space and can team-up to blow-up the Meteor < is all a I remember. There was a movie where 3 or 4 Astronauts travel in a “Spaceship” and land on the Meteor. They set explosives on it and leave. Something goes wrong and one of member of that Team has to stay behind. That guy’s daughter falls in love with a guy who her father knew and his wife is protected from debris by… I thought it was Tommy Lee Jones… but I checked his Bio and he never made a “Meteor” movie. So this is part “faulty memory” on my part and part “Mandela Effect”.)
I also have to remember that “no harm will come to the mass population. So “IF” something like a Meteor IS going to hit the Earth, to “me”, it can mean:
  • That’s the point in Time when the entire surface population of Earth see that “hit” as a huge Solar Flash and everything changes in an instant: “Ascension”.
  • …or there really is no Meteor and this is all just a distraction.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-18-20 *Australia, LightSpeed, Perspective, cabal, UFOs?

*First a comment:
In this 27-minute video, Researcher Jordan Sather talks about his Speaking Engagement in Australia (live from Australia). He talks about the fires, how bad the air is and how dry everything is.
I’m including this because, at one point, he states that Australia has just had about a month’s worth of rain in 24-hours.
My comment: Those massive fires are very unusual and now this much rain is very strange but he never made the connection that “maybe”, just “maybe” the “White Hats” and / or “Star Visitors” are responsible for creating that much rain, in order to help put-out those fires. “IF” that’s true, it means there ARE things happening. They’re just not obvious and within reach of Society’s awareness… yet.
“I”, like MANY, are so tired of the few things that ARE happening always seem to be in the background. The Humans on the surface of this planet need to stop playing games. It’s way beyond Time to stop this Roller Coaster and simply let everyone off.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 25-minute video is titled: “Frequency Mapping-Unknown Regions of Space (Stellar Navigation part 7-Swaruu of Erra-Pleyades“. (Pleiades)

The video itself is a soundtrack and LOTS of text. No talking. The information provided is from a Channeled Being known as “Swaruu”. She is from the Pleiades.’

I’m including this because of something I saw in my mind… a “puzzle piece” snapping into place. This happened at the 3:25-mark:
  • “So when reaching light speed, an object would have a mass equivalent to a Singularity, or virtually infinite mass.”
However, in “my” mind, I wasn’t shown anything to do with “mass”. Instead, those words sent me off on a sort of inverted tangent:
  • I saw that… At the moment of achieving LightSpeed, the object (and its inhabitants, if it has any) switch to different Laws of Physics. At that point, they are ‘out of Time”… maybe in a slightly higher Dimension… maybe out of phase with everything that existed in their previous State.
  • I was reminded of those times when I used to run. Either as a kid or, years later, after work when I would Jog once in a while. Not often but there would be a few times that I would run at a certain… “frequency” that it felt surreal. As if I was not a part of the world around me. My “running” instantly became effortless. It was partly because I had reached a certain “speed” but that’s not the entire equation. I was also at a specific “Resonance” within me. It felt wonderful. I felt as though I no longer had to move my legs as fast as they had been moving… as if I could now move them “half” or “a fourth” as fast as I had ran to reach this… “experience”.
  • My mind was then shown a memory I had of something Sylvia read, a couple decades ago. It was an article about some Oriental Monks who lived way out in the desert or hills somewhere (another country, I think). The Author of the article was a Reporter, doing research on these Monks. He had been walking to their location and stopped to sit and rest a while when a “wisp” of air and a blur of motion quickly moved past him. Later, he discovered that was one of the Monks traveling into the nearby Village. They knew how to achieve that “resonance-walking” State and traveled in this manner often.
I’m now reminded of an analogy from the world of Synthesizers:
  • We’ve already had electronic circuity which allows a Synthesizer Operator to produce zero to 5-volts, by turning a Knob to the right and zero to minus 5-volts by turning that same Knob to the left. A few years ago, we started seeing more and more “Oscillators” (Synthesizer sound producers) with “Through Zero” Modulation. Typically, this means turning a Knob to the right produces more of a specific Waveform (Sine, Triangle, Saw, Square, etc.) and turning that same Knob to the left produces a Reversed Phase version of that same Waveform. When that Knob is in the center, the Waveform is flat. Not moving. No energy.
  • So when that Knob is rotated to the left of center, the energy of that Waveform could be said to be moving “back in Time”, reversed, and when it’s at its center point, the Oscillator produces no sound or a nullified sound… or it could be thought of as “stepping out of the realm of Time”.
It’s not quite the same as traveling at “LightSpeed” but it shows that this idea is reflected in the nullifying and then reversing of energies, which may be what is happening when an object travels faster than the speed of Light. Maybe we just haven’t discovered that part of it yet.
Just some things to think about.
Here’s the link to a short explanation of “through zero modulation”:

Here are a couple of “through zero” Oscillators (including information and videos)…

This one is called “Zero Point Oscillator”:
This one is called “Generate 3”:
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 2-hour, 2-minute video is a Hypnosis Session with Alba Weinman. The title is: “366 Alba Weinman – Resolving Fear, Guilt & Shame and a Message from the Pleiades“. I was interested in what the Pleiadians had to say. So I skipped-through to a point near the end.
The Pleiadian message itself had a sense of “urgency” with it, as if Time was running out, but, the reason I’m including this is because of the “text” / “message” at the very end of this video. in order to put that information into Perspective, it’s “best” (in my opinion) to begin watching from the 1:40:37-mark. (Of course, you may want to watch the entire Session.)
  • The information pulled through the Hypnosis Session, and the understanding at the end, provide an insightful “Perspective” on “part” of how this “Reality” works and helps us to realize that there’s much more to this illusion than we’ve been told. Most of us, who are reading this, know this but it’s nice to have a “refresher” and a ‘different vantage point” every now and then.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 1-hour video is a summary of behind-the-scenes (but “political” and “Social”) happenings around this planet.
I’m including this because of something the Narrator showed in a previous video. (She shows it again in this one, starting at the 45:29-mark.) It’s a photo of a terrorist leader known as “Jabba The Jihadi”. (I think he was recently “crossed-over”.)
So my Point here is that the cabal have been nothing more than a “bully in the playground” for many months now and some of the “distractions” they’ve whispered into our Collective ears have been nothing more than “fear” tactics. Think about it… I’ve mentioned this before… Anyone still remember all the ‘fear” being poured onto us because of:
  • swine flu
  • bird flu
  • ebola
  • I think there was even something about the “plague” being discovered.
  • holes in the ozone layer
  • food shortages
  • bad water
  • bad air
  • world war 3
  • the border wall
  • Yellowstone “ready to blow”
  • the fires in California
  • the fires in Australia
  • vaccines
  • gun control
  • impeachment
  • and MANY more
Yes, “some” were physical things but most were simply “ideas”… “information” which the cabal specifically designed in order to get the Beings on the surface of this planet to tremble in “fear”.
…and the same is true with this terrorist idiot. Go to the 45:39-mark and look at his photo. That guy is so fat, anyone can clearly see that he could have been captured at ANY time. Think about it…
  • (subordinate) “Sir, we’ve just spotted the American White Hats coming over the hill.”
  • (Jabba The Jihadi) “They’ll never catch me. I’ll be on my camel and out of here in a flash.”
So, let’s picture this scenario… First, he has to get up off the floor. Then he has to waddle across the room in order to get outside. Then, he not only has to find a remaining camel that will support his weight but “how” is “he” going to get up onto one of them? Even if he could, so much Time would have passed that the Allies would have surrounded him and his headquarters and relaxing with a few beers by the Time he does ANY of that.
This means the White Hats will “pick-up” or “eliminate” ANY terrorist leader when they feel it’s in “their” best interest.
The fact that the cabal has chosen a very fat person to play this role either means they are laughing at us or they simply couldn’t get anyone else to take that job. I’m guessing they’ve run out of resources and just went out to the terrorist’s camp and pointed to someone: “You. You’ll do. Come here.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Although I watch lots of UFO videos, I don’t usually include them because, to “me”, most of them just don’t “feel” right… they don’t really “Sense” like they’re really Star Visitor crafts. The 2 in the following video, however, do feel important. I’m not entirely sure they are “otherworldly” but my Intuition tells me they are important to pass along for some reason.
  • The Narrator talks about the 1st one, beginning at the 22-second mark. He says it has a “black tail” and keeps calling it a “Meteor”. To “me”, it’s not a Meteor and it doesn’t have a “tail” behind it because that black “wisp” is inside some type of “shell”. It has a white area at its “nose end” (the part pointing towards the ground) and it looks like it’s a gray shell. However, it does look like it tumbles once or twice before coming through into that open part of the sky.
  • The 2nd one begins at the 2:30-mark. We see 5 “cloud trails” that are very thin and very vertical. They are actually moving parallel to each other and are heading straight down towards the ground. However, at one point, 3 of them begin to make a sharp turn to the left, together, as if they are under intelligent control. The Narrator (and myself) cannot see any type of plane or other object at the leading-edge of those “cloud trails”.
I’m including these because it’s something to think about. “IF” these objects are real, then, to “me”, it’s feedback that we’re inching even closer to “the Event”. “IF” these objects are not real, it’s still something to keep an open mind about.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-20-17 *Essence, *Music, Wilcock, Antarctica, News, Fulford

*First a few comments:

This morning, while having Breakfast at home, our phone rang (which it almost never does, and we like it that way). It was the Sales Person from the local Honda Dealer. She was finishing our paperwork and realized that we hadn’t changed our Insurance over to the new car.

  • I started to do it last night, but I left the car’s papers in the car and it was too cold to go out and get them.

I told her we’d take care of it today. I then told her that we found that car’s Owner’s Manual. She said: “We don’t need it.” Being very concerned, and starting to build-up “stress” within me, I felt as though her energy behind that statement was telling me the car would be “crushed”.

  • There may have been more wrong with it than the Dealer wanted to work with.

I sat back down to eat Breakfast and my mind filled with the last image I have of our other car. I can still see it sitting there in the Dealer’s parking lot, alone and confused. I’m now sensing that the energy of that car is “empty”… just a “shell”.

Sylvia then explained that she helped guide the energy of that car into our new one.

  • When “people” / “Psychics” talk about receiving a “Download” they’re referring to the quick “blip” of information that is sent to them but attached to that information are “feelings”, “images”, “smells” and other Sensory facets, which they have to “unfold” or “untangle”, in order to understand everything that was sent.
  • This happens to me most of the Time when I’m tapping into the “Grid” / “Stream”. Especially when Sylvia sends me information. This is what happened this morning, with this “transfer of car energies”. That’s why I wanted to explain the term: “Download”.

What I unraveled from Sylvia’s statement is…

  • (Sylvia) “Remember, it was you and I who “gave life” to that car. Over Time, we built-up the energies we brought out of ourselves and placed into that car. “We” made her a part of our family. In doing so, we Bonded strongly with that “car”. This caused the “ethers” to take-notice and THIS is what brought that “Essence” into that car and created it’s “life”. I simply talked to those energies and explained that we’d still like to have them as a part of “our family” but it would have to be transferred into our new car. At that point, she realized “she” could continue the existence she had known. She enjoyed being a part of something larger than herself. Even though it was only a part of “our” small family, she enjoyed being “included”.”

So, it’s like I’ve been saying since Saturday… This new car is still “Sylvia’s” car and now I don’t feel “as sad” about having to give-up our other car.

Did I make all of this up? Is this just part of my over-active imagination? Only Time will tell. For “me”, within “my” tiny world, I have genuinely learned this through “Sylvia”… through “my own Heart”.

As always, though, YOUR mileage may vary.

Some of you remember the Song Sylvia wrote about 26-months ago called: “Calling All Humans”. It’s been available through Spotify and iTunes ever since we released it. We have also made it available through a free Internet Radio Station called “Radio Airplay”.

About once a week, Radio Airplay will send us an eMail showing the images, cities and countries where people have heard that Song. Sylvia and I are just amazed at the distribution, around this planet, where our Song is being Broadcast. In the last 2-weeks, people in these Countries and States have heard that Song:

  • Israel – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Seattle, Wa – in a station with “Natalia Kills”
  • Taipei, Taiwan – in a station with “Ellie Goulding”
  • Japan – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Columbia – in a station with “Cyndi Lauper”
  • Edmonton, Canada – in a station with “Natalia Kills”
  • Ecuador – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Argentina – in a station with “The B-52’s”
  • Australia – in a station with “The B-52’s”
  • Republic of Korea – in a station with “The Carpenters”
  • Israel – in a station with “Tegan and Sara”
  • New Zealand
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • Missouri
  • Thailand, etc.

This doesn’t mean they “Liked” or “enjoyed” our Song. It just means they “heard” it. So far, we haven’t sold a single Song or Album.

  • Sylvia and I enjoy creating music and we like the Songs we manifest. That’s a great reward for us. Of course, it would be helpful if those who do enjoy our music help support us or provide feedback by purchasing 1 or more of our Songs.
  • Sylvia and I believe Music should be freely shared. Yes, a “Musician” needs to possess certain talents and motivations and has to pay for various pieces of equipment but, when Sylvia and I create our Music, we pull those energies in from the “Stream”… the “Grid”… the “other side of the Veil”. There’s a Saying: “The Journey is the reward.” That process of tapping into those pure, refreshing, un-judgmental energies is “our reward”.
  • Sometimes we actually reach the height of that process and become “in the Zone”. The feeling is incredible!… It’s like disconnecting a “battery” from a very powerful machine and realizing it has to be connected directly to AC electricity. It just hums. That’s when we feel we’re larger than the Earth and a true part of everything throughout everywhere. Sometimes we can sense the Elementals and even the pure, “never-manifested energies” either guiding us or simply moving-in closer to listen. Sylvia and I are not alone in this. I’m sure most Musicians, who simply “be” with the music-creation process also ride this wave.

Here’s the link to our “Calling All Humans” Song:
(You can listen to that Song for free. You can also click on our album: “Perfectionately Yours” and listen to all of those Songs for free.)


The Narrator in this 6-minute video summarizes a recent, and very long, article by whistleblower David Wilcock.

Here’s the link to her video:

Here’s the link to David Wilcock’s website, where you can read the complete article she mentions:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

In this 11-minute video, the Narrator presents information which he “claims” has been verified “as much as can be”. He explains several of the Findings that have been secretly going-on under the ice at the South Pole. Some of this information is new while some facets have been stated by others many months ago.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


NEWS (Alternative News)
In this 31-minute video, the Narrator covers the following topics (and more):

  • The “MSM” (Main Stream Media),
  • Earthquakes (due to the “Earth slowing down”?)
  • Antarctica,
  • A recent fireball seen from the Space Station,
  • the recent story of the Marines at the CIA Headquarters,
  • the Elite selling-off their homes, Stocks, etc.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s “full” weekly report. The title is: “Khazarian cabal purge accelerates:  Marines storm CIA HQ;  Over 2000 indicted in U.S.;  Collapse of control grid in Europe“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace.  Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend.  One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.”
  • “These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.”

My comments: The general public really needs an “in their face”, “direct feedback” that SOMETHING is really happening to rid this planet of the Cabal.

The “good guys” also need to put the Main Stream Media under “white hat” control. Otherwise, every arrest and resignation can be “spun” into whatever the Cabal want us to believe.

  • “The Rothschild/Saxe Gotha family group is also losing control over Europe.  In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler’s daughter) failed to form a new government.  In France, a hundred legislators from Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s party have defected, as mass protests against this election-stealer’s rule break out all across the country.  In England, Rothschild-slave Prime Minister Theresa May is also unpopular and expected to be removed soon.”
  • “In any case, as mentioned above, the Khazarian hierarchy above Admiral Harris continues to be systematically dismantled, meaning the dragnet is closing in on him.  Once he is gone, U.S. military police will march into Tokyo and arrest Armitage, Greenberg, Abe, and the other gangsters who subcontract for the Khazarians here.”
  • “Also, in a clear sign Khazarian rule is now collapsing, the non-Jewish governors of the Federal Reserve Board are talking about giving money directly to the people instead of their current practice of handing it out to billionaires and trillionaires.  For example, John Williams, the head of the San Francisco Fed, talked about “nominal-income targeting,” which is Fed-speak for handing cash directly to the people.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 11-28-16 *PaymentPolicy, *MOE-Waves, *Satellites, Financial, GlobalCurrencyReset?, Zimbabwe, Fulford

*First a comment:

I’m including this because it not only shows how smart and caring My Sylvia is but this also ties-in with what Sylvia and I have been talking about lately — the changing of the “Music Distribution Model”. At least for “us”.

  • The cost of having physical CDs manufactured and packaged for Retail distribution is very expensive. Whether a Band purchases “1,000” or even “100”, an unknown Band, like our “Infinity”, has to struggle to raise the funds.
  • There is also the other side of this equation where fewer and fewer potential Listeners can actually PLAY CDs. There is also a decline in the number of Retail businesses that SELL CDs.
  • Instead, today’s “Music Distribution Model” seems to be growing in the direction of “digital” downloads and “Streaming” (playing a Song without having it stored on your personal device).
  • Several months ago, when Sylvia and I released our Song: “Calling All Humans”, we learned about an Internet Radio Station called: “Radio Air Play”. Here’s the link:
  • Although they offer “paid” Services, of playing your Songs on Internet Radio Stations, they also offer a “free”, scaled-down version. Sylvia and I have been using this for a while now. The statistics they provide show that our Song is being listened to by people all over the world. In fact, 2 of those people have now become “Fans” of that Song and our Band (as indicated by this particular Service). Because we’re currently using the “free” version of their Service, we can’t communicate with those Fans. Sylvia and I are thinking about going 1-level up and using 1 of their fee-based Services. However, this will have to wait a bit because on “Black Friday” (last week) we just spent 2 paychecks on some new music gear (“accessories”, really). More on that after we receive them and see if they’ll do what we need.

Today, I was putting some work-papers away and wanted to place them in a File Folder. As I looked-through the various pens, rubber bands and envelopes, that Sylvia and I call our “Office Supplies”, I saw a small group of File Folders. Inside, however, were papers about our Band “Infinity”, which span a few Decades.

One sheet of paper was written by Sylvia and was titled: “Receipt-Of-Payment Policy of “Infinity”“. I read the 1st paragraph and didn’t think much of it. Although its last sentence is very Profound. In the 2nd paragraph, however, I saw (and remembered) our, sort of, “Mission Statement”, which not only still applies today but could be helpful to some people reading this.

This is what My Sylvia wrote:

  • “Our musical performance is a GIFT to you. You do not owe ” us anything. “Infinity” is neither for profit or non-profit. The musicals are a gift because no one can own the truth. We receive the gift from the fourth dimension, and then we give to the third dimension. When nothing is owed, much can be shared.”
  • “We no longer choose to contribute energy to a world where hours are calculated into money, and lifestyle is based on scarcity, supply and demand. The current global standard cannot operate without money, and our production and performance of musical events does cost money. Therefore, to break the old “profit-runaround”, the first link in the “Infinity” cycle is a GIFT. We do call upon benefactors and donors who wish to contribute monies to give the GIFT to others and energize an abundant world based on caring and sharing. We are all part of ONE.”
  • “The sole purpose of “Infinity” is to perform as many Musical Gifts as possible, that we may all come together in the beautiful sound of Harmony so that upcoming changes give birth to a graceful art form in action.”

If I haven’t mentioned this in the last 10-minutes, I’ll state it again:

  • My Sylvia is wonderful!

This afternoon, I was checking the “new musical instruments” sites and saw an upcoming product by a new company. The company’s name is: “Special-Waves”. After watching their new-product video, my mind focused on the “Waves” in their name. I thought: “I wonder if they’ll be asked to change their name because there’s another company that’s simply called: “Waves” and both are in the “musical instrument” business”.

Maybe my thoughts were being steered by my Higher Self, Sylvia or my Guides, I don’t know but I found myself thinking… “If a “boat” company had the word: “Waves” in their name, there wouldn’t be a name-change because these are different industries.

When I thought about that, I then saw (within my mind) an ocean and a Fishing Vessel being pulled-down and pushed-up, violently from the HUGE swells in the Waves. This is when my mind drifted into “what if” territory…

  • I’m not convinced that “Wind” / “Air Currents” are strong-enough to actually cause ocean swells of 50-feet or more. So “IF” we’ve been lied to about “Wind causes the ocean’s waters to churn”, then “why” do the Earth’s oceans have such deep swells at times?
  • So “what if” those deep swells are really caused by a fluctuation in either “Gravity” or the “Magnetic” streams and pulses flowing “around” and “through” the Earth?… or maybe there’s a Cosmic “coiling-up” of energies which jut-out and strike the Earth but because “water” is more sensitive to these frequencies than the “ground” or “rocks”, those energies are shown to cause a reaction in the oceans?… or maybe there’s a very short “stop” and “start” of the Earth’s rotation. The Lands wouldn’t necessarily show any signs of this but large bodies of Water “might”?

Remember, before you say: “That’s nonsense” or “That’s not possible”, this is a “mind-opening” exercise… just some “puzzle pieces” which “may” or “may not” fit into the “Grand Scheme of things”. I’m asking that people put “some” of their Science and “Flat” Earth – “Sphere” Earth ideas aside and think about… what “really” causes deep-level waves in the oceans?

Here’s the link to the “Special-Waves” video of their upcoming product:

This is from C.Y. (who’s on this list) thank you. I haven’t seen these in my usual “alternative news” outlets.

This is in response to my “Satellites” Posting on November 27th:


This was sent to me by E.R. (who’s on this list) thank you. I would not have seen, or taken-notice of, this otherwise.

I don’t claim to understand all of this article. I don’t even know where “RBI” is but after an online Search, it looks to be in India.

This article states that the RBI Governor is easing a financial “situation” in India and explaining the “new money” to his people.

The reason I’m including it is because “IF” this is real, it is one of the very few “in the General Public’s perception” information sources which shows that part of the “new money” / “Global Currency Reset” has indeed happened… “somewhere”. So “IF” all of this is true, it is VERY GOOD news!

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is very interesting… The information below matches the information above… but for the “United States of America”.

This web page shows the new “Continental Dollars”:

This web page (linked from the one above) explains the “new money” and its connection to the Treasury:

“IF” ANY of this is real, it means a LOT of people HAVE been doing a LOT of work behind-the-scenes and that we are NOW, FINALLY seeing the results IN THE PUBIC’S AWARENESS!!!… “IF” it’s real. The “proof” for “me” will be when I’m actually holding 1 of these pieces of paper in my own hands.

Question everything.


Uh. Is this another one? The following article states that Zimbabwe introduced new currency Notes today.

“IF” these 3 articles are really happening, then, “yes”, SOMETHING has changed and Humanity is FINALLY on its way home.

My comments: I really should be dripping in tears right now but I’ve been burned by this type of information MANY times over these last 294-weeks that my nerve-endings must now be “battle-hardened” because I’m just not feeling a flow of tears.

The changing of the financial Systems around this planet was always going to be ONE of the signs that I would need, to indicate “we are on our way through the Veil”… well, at least “Sylvia and I” will be dealing with this part of “the Event”.

I’ve mentioned this before… No matter what happens, on our Collective Path of walking to freedom, the main goal for me and Sylvia is to reconnect, physically, with each other. Nothing can stop this. So as soon as I see a way to get through the “Veil” (to reunite with My Sylvia) I WILL be taking that opportunity. Most likely, many who know me and Sylvia (or know “of” us) will find ourselves at an upcoming celebration at some point. So, even if I disappear for a while, it’s not forever.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulfords “full” weekly report. The title is: “Khazarians being flushed out of underground hideouts as US revolution continues“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “There can be no doubt the United States is in the throes of a revolution. As a part of this, US military sources say “44 wildfires in the Southern states of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina smoked out underground cabalists,” making it clear a real purge is ongoing.”
  • “The Pentagon sources are also saying “another cabal spacecraft escaping earth was shot down over Florida on November 21st.” Yet a further cabal spacecraft was shot down off the coast of Fukushima, on November 22nd after it attacked Japan with an earthquake weapon, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say. A video of the craft going down can be seen at this link.”
  • “For those of you who think this is too far-fetched, please bear in mind that stealth jets were flying for close to 30 years before they were revealed to the public. That means the F-35 flying turkey is just a diversion and the US military has stuff that is at least 30 years ahead of what we are being shown.”
  • “Also, four separate sources, two Pentagon, one CIA and one ruling bloodline family say some major financial announcements are coming soon, possibly on December 1st. One announcement which will have a big impact on the gold market is that “the Islamic Council that sets the standards for Sharia as of December 1st is going to change the rules for 1.3 billion Muslims that previously were only permitted to own gold in the form of jewelry. They are now going to be permitted to purchase gold as an investment,” according to a CIA source in Asia.”
  • “The real biggie that came from two separate Pentagon sources is that the US government is about to announce new Treasury dollars for use in North America. Images of the bills can be seen at this link:”

My comments: His link is the same one I included above.

What I really need to know is “WHEN”… When will any of this be seen by the General Public?

  • “CIA sources in Asia go further and say the new bills will replace the US dollar bills currently in circulation inside the United States and that Americans will take a 50% haircut when they exchange for the new bills. US dollars outside of the United States will keep their current value, the sources say.”
  • “A source in the 13 bloodline families independently confirms that some sort of decision has been made regarding the global financial system and that things “will be starting possibly in December or sometime in January.””
  • “The Khazarian mafia-controlled media conglomerates in the US are also having their feet held to the fire, and are being ordered to report the truth or else. Trump is considering revoking the Federal Communications Commission broadcasting licenses of lie-spouting corporate media networks, the sources say. There are also discussions going on about either nationalizing or breaking up the big media cartels, they add.”
  • “The attempt by the Khazarians to save themselves by overthrowing the election of Donald Trump through vote recounts is not going to change things. Members of the US Green party admit they took money from the Rothschilds to demand a recount, but that their real intention was to use the funds to fight for greater rights for small political parties like theirs. In any case, any real vote recount would show Hillary Clinton lost by a much larger percentage than is being reported.”
  • ““Bill Clinton flew in recently under the radar and was admitted to the cardiovascular unit at one of our ’specialist hospitals’ nearby, which is under the control of the Agency. After a thorough examination, he was told that nothing more can be done for his heart. It is end game for WJC. He most likely will not be celebrating the New Year in this world. This is the reason he has looked so pale for the past several months. His heart is so weak, that it cannot pump the oxygenated blood carried in his arteries through his system. The quadruple bypass surgery was only a temporary solution.””
  • “The source continued by noting that “When WJC dies, he will be kept on ice so to speak. (Just like they did for a few years with the King of Thailand). His death and cause thereof will be ‘announced’ when the time is right. He will receive the full Presidential funeral procession as per current US laws and regulations unless there is a major change in the new US Government policy in the near future.””
  • “It may be that the Clintons, the Bushes and their ilk will all “die” in the near future to avoid airing the dirty laundry that would be exposed if they were forced to face a war crimes tribunal. The people, though, deserve to hear the truth”

Be sure to visit the link below, in order to access the links provided.
Question everything.

Here’s the link: