PS 5-31-21 *Sylvia, Fulford

*First a comment:
This morning, while still in that state between Dreams and being Awake… while in that Psychic layer, a moving image entered my mind. It reminded me of the image Sylvia placed within my mind just minutes after she crossed-over in 2011.
  • This animated image was faintly white with a dark green background. (Not deep green. Just dark green)
  • The entire experience felt a bit symbolic.
  • The image itself looked like a few hand-drawn, scattered leaves with, maybe, a few small branches around them. Behind this image was another one with the exact same colors. I don’t remember what the 2nd image looked like but it was definitely different from the one in front of it.
  • As soon as the front image appeared, the 2nd image was frantically trying to brush it aside or remove blocks of it, so IT could be the image in the front. However, each Time part of the 2nd image made its way through, the 1st image fought back and forced that part of itself to reappear.
  • All of this happened within about 10-seconds.
“My” interpretation of this is that Sylvia is telling me that she’s still here with me and doing her best to break-through this “illusion” layer of what we know as “Reality” but there are still some energies in place which are not allowing her to do so at this Time.
I also think Sylvia showed this to me “now” because she is seeing that the Time is very, very near when she WILL be able to step through that “Veil”.
Question everything.
This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report. The title is: “World Military and Intelligence Agencies to Remove Western Civilian Governments”. Here are a few excerpts:
  • ““Something really big is taking place Now.  Senior Members of The Cabal are going down.  Gates is out of the system now.  He has disappeared.  Not a word was spoken about him.  Now it’s Fauci’s turn.  Then, guess who’s next, Matt Hancock, followed by Boris Johnson.  Humanity is waking up.””
  • ““Gitmo is operating 24/7 processing detainees.  There are four teams working 6-hour shifts with three persons in the JAG (judge advocate generals) team.  There are currently tens of thousands of prisoners in a multi-level underground prison facility near the Thule, Greenland, U.S. Space Force Base; all Transferred from Gitmo.  Special operations forces and Marines are the only ones being used to make the arrests of the Cabal and their minions.””
  • “We can confirm that the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth, the Chinese, the Vatican, the Black Sun, the Asian Secret Societies, the Russians, and many other groups have decided enough is enough.  A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.  They have full military and agency backing.”
  • “U.S. President Donald Trump is involved and “Trump’s team are operating out of The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, near Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It is a Space Force installation and defensive bunker.  It is operated by the United States Space Force. The same as the Thule, Greenland, Air Base, also operated by the U.S. Space Force,” Pentagon sources added.”
  • “The Pentagon and CIA sources also say that “Thule Air Force Base is the new Area 51.”  They say Russia and China are competing with the U.S. military White Hats to get a solid base there.  This is because of vast underground mineral reserves found there including gold and rare earth elements.”
  • “A relative of Admiral Byrd of Antarctica fame says the Thule Base is the center of operations for The U.S. Space Force.  “We have access to off-world technology and are in constant contact with our off-world family, working side by side for the advancement and freedom of humanity,” he says.”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to read the entire article and to access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-12-21 Inauguration


This 26-minute video is by “Santa Surfing”.
Here are a few highlights:

  • A “substitute” for “pelosi” was acknowledged as “Temporary Speaker of the House” today. The Narrator asks “why?… Where’s pelosi?”
  • She talks about an “Emergency” that President Trump mentioned, which runs from January 11th to January 24th, 2021.
  • She shows some information which “may” indicate that President Trump has already been Inaugurated.
  • She says the CIA’s logo changed last November.
  • Blackouts in a few cities in the Middle East.


My comments: I went to the website to verify this but cannot find ANY logo, new or old.
Around the 3-minute mark, on this video, the Narrator shows a video clip. It’s a sort of “pep-rally” for “the Choir”… for us Patriots. It’s fairly powerful. I cried.
That video clip states that “January 20th” will be very important but if President Trump has already had his Inauguration, then what else is going to happen on that date? Only Time will tell.

Question everything.
Here’s the link: 

PS 2-10-19 *Health, Happenings?

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since January 6th)
  • I’m not providing these details to show “hey, look at me. I need some attention”. I’m including this information in case someone you know is living alone or has lost the “love of their life”. I’m also including this to show that “Society” does not train us in these things. If someone is living alone and they get very sick, if they don’t prepare something to eat, they will starve. If they choke on something, they may not even remember to call 911. In one of the Songs Sylvia wrote for our album, “Perfectionately Yours”, there’s a line: “We’re never taught how to grieve.” This planet needs more Neighborhood Bonding and it needs to teach its citizens how to “think outside the box”.
I haven’t been this sick in decades! It looks like this is what happened…
  • Last week, I spent 2 solid days painting the Ladies’ Room at work. On the 3rd day, an employee told us she was coming down with a “respiratory” thing but covered her mouth all day and did her best to avoid being around too many people. On the 4th day, I painted the Men’s Room. Even though the paint used was “low odor”, after 7-hours in those closed rooms, I could really feel it filling my lungs. What I think really hit my Immune System was when I needed to cover some bad rust spots on some metal. Although I used googles and a breathing mask, those spray-paint fumes were REALLY strong!
  • After work on that 4th day, Sylvia and I went to a nearby grocery store and, a few times, I thought I was going to pass-out. We did make it home but it wasn’t fun. I was a bit disoriented and lightheaded through that night. We went to bed early and I slept for 12-hours.
  • Friday morning, I nearly crossed-over from choking. The hot coffee and warm cereal must have dislodged a large ball of mucus in my throat (that I didn’t know was there) and I could NOT get it to move! Finally it cleared-enough where I could breathe and swallow.
  • It’s very rewarding, comforting and empowering to have your Loved One… you Significant Other “right there” by your side all the Time… but, as we me and Sylvia, when that very “part of you” crosses-over, it can be very scary at times. Being smarter than me and outside the immediate problem I was dealing with, Sylvia would have know exactly what to do and what to say to me. My stress-levels were already extremely high and every Cough hurt my head. So I was in no condition to “think” myself out of that situation. So I just kept forcing the Coughs, in order to break the mucus. It was almost like using chocolate to clean a stain from a tablecloth. My mind just wasn’t able to cope with that situation.
  • Anyway, I slept 12-hours, Thursday-into-Friday, Friday-into-Saturday and Saturday-into-Sunday.
  • I’m still not “100-percent” yet but today had to be “chore day” — put away Thursday’s groceries, pay some Bills, wash several loads of laundry (including the sheets on our bed) and take a shower.
Although these facets are very interesting, they don’t provide “me” with concrete “happenings”. So I’m not spelling them out (excerpting them). I’m simply including a reference to them, in case anyone wants to keep informed of this level of information…
Here’s a link to a 40-minute interview with former CIA Operative Robert David Steele (He talks about doing away with the IRS, taking over the Federal Reserve, a new gold-backed Currency and “something” happening, possible, on February 16th):
I found this 2-minute video on Benjamin Fulford’s website. Here’s the text that accompanies it:
  • Video of Black Sun statement by Vincenzo Mazzara
  • We received this short video from Vincenzo Mazzara of the Black Sun organization that was blocked by YouTube.  They seem to be calling for world peace and a new age.
The guy in this video doesn’t sound too happy and, near the beginning, I think he mentions that the “agreement was broken”. I feel like he’s talking directly to the “Leaders” or “other factions” of the cabal.
If you know where I can find the complete video, let me know.

This next video is 30-minutes long and the Narrator covers recent “Q” Posts. I’m including this because, around the 14:25-mark, he explains the “Q Clock”, which I had never heard of:

PS 8-31-18 *Moon, Q, Cobra

*First a comment:
(Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 8/27/18)
About a week or 2 ago, an alternative news article mentioned that the “Moon” had changed. Sylvia and I don’t typically go outside after dark. So we haven’t been able to verify this information… until yesterday. When we pulled into Waffle House for Breakfast before work, the Moon was out and there were no clouds covering it. We looked at it and talked about it and, to “us”, the Moon’s “crater pattern” HAS changed.
  • For as long as we can remember, the Moon’s “crater pattern” looked like a “rabbit”. Although the Moon has always rotated, while keeping the same side towards the Earth, that’s not what Sylvia and I saw yesterday. Instead, the “rabbit” was gone and we saw a different layout of craters.
This is a very good sign.
As always, YOUR mileage may vary.
This 19-minute video covers the recent “Q” Posts. The Narrator states that the CIA’s Super Computer, known as “Snow White”, is now offline and some of their Satellites, known as “Corona”, are also offline.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Cobra Posted 2 messages today for the “Resistance Movement”… and if my interpretation is correct, this is VERY good news!
  • “VITRIOL KEYHOLE activated”
  • “L2 domain invasion started”
My comments: I don’t know what “vitriol” means but a “keyhole” is an opening in a lockable door or device where a key can be inserted to unlock it. When I 1st saw that entry, I associated “keyhole” with “opening in the Veil”. (…but maybe that’s just “me” wanting all of this illusion to end quickly.)
“L2” should refer to “Level 2″… a 2nd Level “of” or “to” something. So I took this statement to mean the “Resistance Movement” has recently invaded the negative forces in their 2nd Level area… but is this a 2nd Level closer to the surface of the Earth (starting somewhere up in the Sky) or is the surface of the Earth referred to a Level 1 and they have now gone one Level lower (under the Earth’s crust)? Only Time will tell.
Either way, “I” take all of this as very good information.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

According to the following web page… “7 Cia Mainframe Super-Computers Down – Spy Satellites Offline”
There are LOTS of comments on the following page and most of those Commenters are awake. One Commenter summed it up nicely:
  • “We are one step closer to freedom – not tyranny!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-25-18 Fulford, Flash

This is Benjamin Fulford’s “full” weekly report. The title is: “Western civilization continues to implode as old paradigms cease to function“. Here are a few excerpts:
  • “We could go on and on pointing out signs of a major undeclared civil war in the West, but the media is so saturated with this that doing so would become redundantly repetitive again and again. The reason for this extreme high tension is impeding military action on several fronts by both the U.S. and Russian armed forces that could depose several governments and change world maps, say Pentagon, CIA, FSB, and other sources.”
  • “The other big Russian move has already started with Russian bombing (with American permission) last week of Israeli proxies near the Golan Heights.  U.S. State Department lackeys promised that the U.S. would defend Israel, but they do not control the U.S. military, who are sick and tired of Israeli antics.  So now the Israelis are freaking out and saying, “Where are our American slave soldiers?””
  • “Meanwhile, in Europe the Khazarian-appointed leaders of France and Germany are on the brink of being overthrown as part of a social immune reaction to the influx of millions of young male refugees from Muslim countries.  Khazarian bloodline ruler Angela Merkel of Germany and Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France faced open revolt from twelve other EU countries when they proposed strengthening centralized (Khazarian) control of the EU last week.”
  • “Already in the Middle East, true peace-loving Muslims have begun to take action against the pseudo-Muslim extremists who were created and financed by the Khazarians.”
  • “For this reason, an ongoing secret effort to remove the Khazarian control of the world’s financial system is of the utmost importance.  It has now been made clear that the Khazarians gained this control by illegally using stolen Asian royal gold.  The rightful owners are now claiming back their gold, and the BIS as well as other central banks have been put on notice.”
  • “Pentagon sources, for their part, say, “Trump created a space force to unleash the secret space program and its suppressed technology to benefit humankind with things like anti-gravity, free energy, holographic med beds, life extension, teleportation, cloaking, replicators, etc.””
  • “We hope this space stuff is true, but even if it is not, if Khazarian financial control is ended, many trillions of dollars will be released for projects to turn the deserts green, replenish the oceans with fish, explore the universe, etc.”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the many links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


In this 10-minute video, the Narrator describes a recent “flash of light” that’s over 200-million Lightyears away and is 100 times brighter than a Super Nova. This light is being sent out in all directions and is heading towards Earth. The particles from this Space “object” are traveling around 12,000-miles per second.

I’m including this because it makes me think of “the Event”… So could this be the “Flash” / “Pulse” from the “Galactic Central Sun” / “the Creator” that will “Enlighten” some of the Beings on this planet and move some others to “Ascension”? Only Time will tell. “IF” this is “the Event” then it matches the information provided recently by Lisa Harrison, Aluna Ash and others. I just don’t know “when” those particles from this explosion will reach us.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 3-19-18 Parkes, Fulford, Updates

This 1-hour, 50-minute video is an interview with whistleblower Simon Parkes. Here are some highlights:

  • At the 16:25-mark, he states: “Anybody Prosecuted before January 1st, 2019, will come under this Statute…” (“Military Tribunal”). This means “2018” is when these Court Cases will take effect.

My comment: When he said that, THAT’S when I knew to include that video.

  • Someone asked him about the “Wave” coming from “Galactic Center” and Simon said: “I’d put it between today, March 18th and the 21st. The 1st Wave will be a Magnetic type Wave. The 2nd Wave will be the more uplifting Wave. Some people are already feeling it. They’re feeling the edge of it.”
  • Around the 30-minute mark, he explains our upcoming transition from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th and then quickly settling into the bottom part of the 5th.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s, “full” weekly report. The title is: “The world is about to find out just how horrific the Khazarian mafia’s crimes were“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “The purge at the very tip top of the U.S. secret power structure is nearly complete, meaning a much larger purge is now about to take place, according to Pentagon, CIA, and other sources. The top leadership of the White House, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and other U.S. agencies is now composed almost entirely of white hats. This means that a systematic purge of the lower ranks is now possible. The result will be that in coming months people are going to find out just how horrific the crimes carried out by the Khazarian mafia really were.”
  • “They have also been trying to get off the planet, according to both CIA and Pentagon sources. “The cabal is stuck on earth, since the CERN portal was destroyed,” a Pentagon source says.  “What they say about CERN is correct,” a CIA source who has access to secret Antarctic bases confirms.  “The earth is on lockdown—no leaving and no entering. The Zionist Khazarian cabal is trapped here. They are being taken down,” the source continues.”
  • “Now, former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, also having been denied asylum by the UK, is asking the… Japanese government for protection, according to members of the Japanese royal family and CIA sources. The Japanese have been advised by the U.S. military to say no.  In any case, the man Obama was counting on for protection, Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, “will be stepping down within the next two weeks. He is in deep dog poop now. You are aware of the faulty steel sold to the U.S. military.  The military vehicles will crack and break up on impact with incoming projectiles. They were sold defective low-grade steel on purpose.  Bye-bye, Abe,” is what a CIA source in Asia had to say about Obama’s would-be protector.”
  • “The above-mentioned CIA source with Antarctic base access, meanwhile, has a much more esoteric explanation for the hysterical cabal Russia-bashing.  According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin has shut down three “stargates” that were located in Syria.  “Putin is in charge of the stargates there, and this is what really pisses off the cabal.  He will not let them be used to escape Judgment Day,” he says.”
  • “To deal once and for all with this horrific secret takeover of the United States by a murderous cabal, the U.S. military is recalling many retired generals and officers to active duty, Pentagon sources say.  Among those now back in active duty are Mike Pompeo, special counsel Robert Mueller, and many others, the sources say.”

Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the links provided.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


While doing tonight’s Research, I also found the following 2 videos helpful. They cover the upcoming Arrests, which I Track and also several “Society” details, which I don’t.

Here’s the link to the 1st video:

Here’s the link to the 2nd video:

PS 2-15-18 *Sign, illuminati

*First a comment:

(Sylvia and I didn’t Post anything yesterday or the day before.)

(I added this Note yesterday but didn’t send it.)

Today, while at work, Sylvia and I were working in a small Stock Room that contains  a LOT of glass shelves. We were not only re-stacking and organizing them but we’re going to gather all the glass shelves in the building and place them in that room. I told Sylvia we should call this the “Glass Room”. About a half-hour later, the Song that came on the building’s Sound System was “Heart Of Glass” (by Blondie). I told Sylvia:

  • “Very funny. I KNOW you’re here!”

Here’s a link to the Song. (Around the 2:30-mark, in this version, from 1976, Debbie Harry makes a “save the planet” statement about “nuclear energy”…)

  • “…and it can only end in the destruction of civilization.”


The title of this article is: “Alliance Insider: “There Will Be No Civilian Trials For The Illuminati”“.

  • In addition to the text in the article, there’s also an 18-minute video, on the same web page, where the Narrator reads all of that text.

“IF” any of this is true, it may shed a little more light on what’s really happening on this planet, behind-the-scenes. Here are a few excerpts (“IO” is Intelligence Officer):

  • ““Arthur: There is a lot going on right now. I would guess that nobody but me and maybe 100 people on Earth right now know what’s happening because I’m an I.O.”
  • “I’ll just give you a quick scenario and run-down. None of this is on TV and none of this may surface this year.”
  • “Arthur: Because Obama said bring me 10 aircraft carriers and we’re going to convert them to NATO and the admiral said “go fuck yourself.” They took them back out. That was the beginning of a military coup. It got worse from there as to what Bill and Hillary and Obama got into. It got much much worse. It went downhill to the point where Putin told Trump to run for president. He said to Trump “because Obama is going to put a New World Order with himself and Hillary. So somebody is going to have to take America back or you’re going to lose your country and you’re going to lose your hotels.”
  • “Obama was vicious and knew that if he got Hillary got in, everything would be okay. But what Trump did is he put in Blackwater, Seal Teams 2, 4, 6, he also brought in Delta Force, some CIA spoofs, black operative guys, and that’s his security. He doesn’t have the Secret Service. He’s got my guys. Nasty fuckers. They play to win, all the time, every time, every game. They don’t necessarily give a shit as long as the good guys survive and their mission is carried out.”
  • “Arthur: Right now, if you had 10,000 rats on fire, you’d have the Democratic Party. They don’t know where to go. They’re lashing out in every direction. They don’t know what to do. My concern right now, is I wish that somebody would start a citizens’ party. The Democratic Party no longer exists.”
  • “They have Hillary on 27 counts of treason. Putin bought the uranium so it didn’t go to North Korea and Pakistan and Afghanistan and on into Iran. We have the data, we have the facts, we have GTMO being built. There’s apt to be a 90-day window where things get tough for the average citizen. There’s a lot cooking.”
  • “I don’t know if I ever expressed this to you. The Alliance has a checkmate. Look at who Trump put in office. Five generals and two admirals. I wonder how he’s going to rule… military tribunal. The military will get our country back. It will collapse the Treasury and it will collapse the Federal Reserve.”
  • “An order was given to dark ops and special forces teams, if Trump gets sick, these 4,760 people get sick the next fucking day. So the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones, the G8, all these people live in fear that Trump will cough.”

My comments: Further on, in the article, “Arthur” states:

  • “…prepare for a 90 day window where you can take care of yourself.”

Personally, I don’t think it will take nearly that long for the various “System” within this country to begin flowing again. As long as the money continues to be distributed (earn “Pay” through jobs and pay Bills), most of the Systems should remain unbroken. So I’m not sure why “Arthur” thinks this planet will be in hard-times for 3-months.
Question everything.

Here’s the link (there is some “language”):

PS 1-15-18 *Music, *Time, *Thoughts, *Reality?, *Positives, Fulford

*First a few comments:

(Just some Music thoughts.)

I meant to mention this last week…

  • If you know anyone who’s about to buy any type of Music Gear, wait until the end of January. NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) begins on January 25th. Lots and lots of Music Equipment Manufacturers “announce” and / or “release” their biggest (most important) products during that Expo. (New gear is made available and the now-older gear is marked down… typically.)

Yesterday was our day off. I turned on our Synthesizers and had an idea for a “Patch” (sound) from 1 of them. A week or so ago, I tried a different idea in this same Synth and, just like yesterday, couldn’t accomplish it because of the limitations within this particular Synth. (It’s the “Roland System-1m”.) Here’s the link to its Product page:

I told Sylvia, maybe we should trade this in and get something more powerful.

What reminded me to mention “NAMM” right now is an eMail Sylvia and I just received…

I don’t know if that’s what Sylvia wants us to buy for the Roland’s replacement but that new Mini Brute” is very impressive.

Sylvia and I worked today. Whenever we do, we’re in the building for 8-hours. Typically, we bring our Lunch. So we spend that hour in the company Break Room.

Once Sylvia and I got home today, and stepped inside our home, I felt as though we never went to work. I had to actually “think about it”… think about some of the things we did while “at work”. Some memories did surface but it still doesn’t feel like we were in that building for 8-hours.

I’m mentioning this in case others have had a similar sensation today… or in the last few days.

This is not quite a “Mind Opening Exercise” (MOE) but just a few unfinished “thoughts” that I created today while Sylvia and I had Lunch at work…

  • Before stepping into this “Rabbit Hole”, you’ll need to leave your belief in the Earth being “round” or “flat” or “whatever” at the door.


  • I think all of the planets in this Solar System can fit inside our Sun.
  • “Some say” all of the planets in this Solar System “spiral toward” the Sun as the Sun travels through Space.
  • “Some say” there will be “3-days of darkness during upcoming Earth-changes”.
  • “Some say” the Sun is a “Portal”.
  • “Real” or “not”, I’ve seen several images of the Sun, over the last 353-weeks, which show HUGE “black areas” on the Sun’s surface.
  • “Some say” the Earth’s rotation is slowing down.

Now my “thoughts”:

  • What “IF” the “Sun’s” movement through Space is slowing down and, at some point, all of the planets that have been spiraling toward’s it will be brought “inside” the Sun. Maybe there’s a natural force, that we don’t yet understand, which will keep all the planets from harming each other while this is happening.
  • When that happens, everything goes “dark” because we’ll be “inside” the Sun.

What I can’t wrap my mind around is “why” would this happen? Whether this “Reality” / “illusion” is under the direct control of “Source”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “natural progressions” (Nature) or “Star Visitors”… that entire scenario doesn’t make sense. (In other words, I created that “idea” within my mind but I can’t figure out “why” it would happen.)

Then, even if it DID happen, what would cause the planets to leave the inside of the Sun?… or would they remain there until another “Event” happens? If ANY of this is real, does it happen on a 26,000-year cycle?

Question every… THING.

When Sylvia and I got into our car after work, I was fastening my Seatbelt when I saw the Sky out of the corner of my eye. Against the almost cloudless, blue background, I saw a very quick image of a black triangle which was pointing upward, tall and narrow. (Not all of its sides were equal.)

I then looked back at that same part of the Sky, in order to pay more attention to what I had just seen… or “thought” I had seen. However, “there was nothing there”… BUT… as I started to look-away, again, I saw 3 or 4 small, very black “streaks” in the Sky.

I then had a Thought about the “Veil” being removed or maybe “I” was breaking-down this very “Reality”… at least from the perspective of “my” tiny world.

As always YOUR mileage may vary.

Question everything.

While at work today… and for most of the day… I was filled with a very positive sensation. It felt as though something important has happened on some level.


This is Benjamin Fulfords “full” weekly report. The title is: “Tensions rise between bloodlines and Illuminati as final showdown looms for U.S. corporate government“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “Global tensions are rising visibly, as the petrodollar-funded U.S. corporate government faces a January 18th start of gold-backed yuan-denominated oil trading, even while its still-unfunded January 31st payment deadline looms.”
  • “One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say.  Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones:  “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII, SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to be a false alarm.  It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.”
  • “The attack was followed by an increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity which “may be an attack on potential submarine bases in Chile, Peru, Papua, New Guinea, or underwater,” the Pentagon sources continue.  U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency official Paul Laine has previously told this writer that numerous underwater bases exist.  These bases now appear to be under systematic attack.”
  • “In addition, “Trump seized all classified incriminating documents from the Obama Presidential Library to help the Department of Justice take down the entire Obama regime,” the sources continue.”
  • “Both CIA sources in Asia as well as Rothschild family sources in the U.S. say that in March… “is the beginning of the great financial unwind.”’
  • “The CIA source explained as follows:  “The Dow Jones will most likely reach 30,000 by mid-March.  This is the number needed to have totally drained all the remaining liquid assets of the people.  An EVENT will occur, the plug will be pulled, and the collapse will be put in motion.  This will be the ripple that turns into a global tsunami… this is their current plan.”  The source added, “What comes after the plug is pulled sometime in March is that the gold-backed currency in which Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are involved together will come online.””

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 12-28-17 *Song, Changes

*First a comment:

I’ve mentioned most of this in a previous Posting but this Song hit me hard again today.

A little background…

  • In my estimation, there must now be over 1-TRILLION songs  — pop, rock, opera, symphonic works, etc. When Sylvia and I worked in the grocery store, we probably heard a grand total of 300-songs from their use of “Pandora” (Internet radio) and other forms of music pumped into that building.
  • In our current workplace, we’ve probably heard less than 100-songs throughout the year… and then they repeat… but “why?” Why do businesses keep playing the same Songs over and over? They don’t pay fewer Royalties. (If they pay them at all.) All this seems to do is wear on the employee’s nerves.
  • Some people say they only Dream in “black & white”. Many people, including me, Dream in full color.
  • Some people have said… when they remember a Song, they hear a simple Melody in their head. I hear the entire Song… all the instruments… all the textures… every nuance. I don’t have “every single Song I’ve ever heard” stored in my memory this way but, for those that are in there, it’s like a “sonic print”… like a sound-photograph that’s etched into the walls of my mind. Now that I think about it, maybe this is why I can recall “a few” Songs within the 1st few seconds, or even the 1st “flit” of a quick note being heard. When I do this, my mind is “pattern-matching” the exact frequencies of that Song “as I remembered it”… “during that Time I etched it into my mind”. In other words, if you played just the Song’s basic Melody on a Piano, I “might” still be able to figure out what it is but it would take me MUCH longer. Sometimes I’ll hear a “sonically-imprinted” (in my mind) Song but it will be the “Live” version by the same Band and I won’t recognize it… because the “frequencies” / “essence” of the Song has changed.

Anyway… Every Time Sylvia and I leave work for the day, there’s usually a store-Song “ping-ponging” its way through my mind. I just want them to stop. So I sometimes pull-up a Song that I like from my inner-mind and play that in my head.

This morning, I still had yesterday’s “store-Songs” in my head. So, on the way to work, I decided to turn on the radio in our car… in order to “drown-out” and then “replace” the “store-Song” with something else. Anything else!

So I turned on the radio and after a few seconds of finding a Station that was actually playing some music, I heard a Song by Bryan Adams called: “Heaven”. Of course, I immediately overlaid this Song onto Sylvia and I just started crying… hard!

  • Sylvia and I don’t fit into “all” those Lyrics. I guess it’s the Song’s “sweetness”… “togetherness”… and blended with the sonic textures and the punctuations of the drums… I guess all of that together just really hit me this morning.

Although it’s been over 350-weeks now, since Sylvia crossed-over… and it still doesn’t take much for me to cry… I was a bit surprised this morning at how easily and how strong my crying was.

I guess my Point is… “IF” the person you Love more than breathing ever crosses-over, it doesn’t get any easier after 350-weeks have passed.

Here’s the Bryan Adams Song:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

This 46-minute video is an interview with Robert David Steele. He’s a former CIA agent and is now a whistleblower against the Cabal.

In this interview, he mostly talks about the past 80-years of the Cabal. He also provides a Summary of what’s been happening recently behind-the-scenes, regarding the arrests of the “middle” and “upper” Cabal members. However, the reason I’m including this is because, around the 22-minute mark, he says 2018 will be “the year of the Independent”. He says there will be no more “2-party tyranny”. So I’m including this because, “IF” he’s correct, this is a BIG change in the way the American “Society” is run and it means we’re 1-step closer to “Disclosure” and the “Veil” being removed.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 12-25-17 *Disorientation, *Time, Washington, Cobra, Wilcock, Fulford

*First a couple of comments:

Last night, Sylvia and I went to bed around 12:30a. At one point, I woke-up, looked at the clock and saw that it was 4-o’clock. I sleepingly realized that it was now 4p and we had slept 16.5-hours! What?! While slowly waking-up, I was trying to decide whether we should have “Breakfast” or “Supper”.

  • I typically like to have “Breakfast” as the “1st” meal, no matter “when” we wake-up.

So I got out of bed. Still doing my best to figure out why we slept so long, I looked out of our Bedroom and into the Living Room. It was pitch-black.(During the day, even if it’s cloudy outside, there’s still light peaking through the curtains.) Just before I could calculate what happened, I felt Sylvia tell me that it was 4-o’clock “in the morning” and that I needed to get back into bed.

  • Over these last 350-weeks, I’ve awakened many times throughout “some” nights. It’s rare, though, that I’ve woken-up at “4a” AND felt like I’ve slept all night.

That was a very strange sensation. I truly thought we had slept for more than 16-hours.

So, was I simply “disoriented” or did Sylvia and I do something special “on the other side” and that “time-point” was when she needed to return me to this 3D illusion? Only Time will tell.

I’ve been thinking about how “Time” passes recently. To “me”, different facets of it seem to be moving at different speeds. I’m feeling that the “Days” are moving at a fairly normal pace. The “Weeks’ seem to be moving much faster and the “Months” are moving even faster than that.


WASHINGTON (crossing the Delaware)
This 3-minute video was Posted around noon (Eastern Time), December 25th. It’s an update from former Army Colonel Roy Potter.

  • He shows a painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River. He says “Q” (also known as “Q-anon”) Posted this exact same picture a few days ago. He also say that Secretary of Defense Mattis Posted this picture this morning. Colonel Potter’s interpretation of this is that “it’s happening NOW”. He says he doesn’t know the details but he “says” he knows how to interpret that picture’s information.

So, he’s implying that the Light Workers are now (today) moving against the Cabal (“Deep State”) to arrest them.

Question everything.

Here’s the link to Colonel Potter’s video:

This painting was also talked about in this Jordan Sather video:

“Q’s” latest Post, number 437 (from today), “seems” to confirm that the wheels are indeed in-motion. Here’s his Post:

  • 10, [10-9]
  • Operational_window( 5-6_FDeltaC25-26
  • Secured.
  • Floor is yours.
  • Twitter FW_
  • Twitter [kill_rogue]
  • Q

The interpretation, in the following video, is… “FDelta” refers to “Delta Force” and “C” means you are Cleared to proceed on the 25th or 26th. The area is “Secured”. The “Floor is yours”… meaning “you’re good to go… go when you’re ready”.

The following video didn’t know what the rest of the message means.

  • I’ve only been subtly following the “Q” Posts but I’ve learned that every “letter”, every “bracket”, every “bold character” means something. For example… “Some say” that “Q” misspelled a word, a few days ago, because the letter “i” was missing from a word. In another Post, “Q” placed the letter “S” in brackets, like this {S]pecial]. “Some people” have said this means the recent launch of the Space-X rocket was supposed to be carrying “iridium” but it was “missing” and that a [S]atellite was somehow involved in this incident.
  • So, although most of “Q’s” Posts are designed to inform the General Public as to what’s going on behind-the-scenes, some of “Q’s” information is directed at key people around this planet.

Here’s the link to a video which explains this:


These messages were Posted today by Cobra:



  • Csublunar in progress

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

Recently, Cobra did another interview. Here is something that stood-out to me:

  • “Interviewer : What should we prepare in order to get funded by the St.Germain Trust?”
  • “Cobra : All key lightworkers will receive money from the Saint Germain trust after the Event. You can carry a piece of gold as magnetic attractor for the Saint Germain funds”

Here’s a link to a recent interview with Cobra:


This extremely long article is by David Wilcock. Usually they ARE “very” long but are easy to read because all the information flows from section to section. However, in this article, I got bored with “lots of talk but no real “new” information”. So I started skimming it, after reading quite a bit of it. Here are “some” of the topics he covers:

  • the SSP (Secret Space Program)
  • the newly-found, “secret” chamber in the Great Pyramid
  • the newly-found, “secret” chamber in a Mayan Pyramid
  • the reverse-engineered Roswell-crash UFO
  • lots of whistleblowers
  • the illuminati
  • the “secret society’s” symbolisms
  • how the Cabal use Hollywood movies to tell us what they’re up to
  • the “recently discovered”, cigar-shaped UFO, flying through our Solar System
  • Paul Ryan stepping down
  • Disclosure
  • Extraterrestrial skulls found
  • head of google resigns
  • the freezing of the Cabal’s assets
  • Space-X

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s “full” weekly report. The title is: “Merry Christmas: The 13 “Illuminati” bloodline families sue for peace“. Here are some excerpts:

  • ““After Hanukkah,Trump declared a state of emergency and signed an executive order on December 20th freezing the assets of those accused of human rights abuses and corruption, a catch-all to bankrupt the Bushes, Clintons, Soros, Obama, the Cabal, and the global Jewish mafia,” was how a Pentagon source summed up the situation. “The national emergency allows Trump to seize assets and unleash the military to carry out mass arrests and adjudicate via military tribunals, effectively imposing martial law,” the source continues.”
  • “The WDS representative said they support the idea that money should be earned, but said people-controlled central banks could print money to pay for such things as education, the military, public works, healthcare, exploration of the universe, and scientific research. The WDS negotiator also said the WDS insists on a Jubilee, or one-time cancellation of all debt, public and private, together with a one-off redistribution of ill-gotten assets. If those conditions were agreed to, the bloodlines could continue to function in a diminished role in the corporate part of the economy, the WDS representative said.”
  • “On this front, Pentagon sources are saying George Soros was not killed as was previously reported, but has been under detention and interrogation for several months. Recently he was “extracted from Atlanta to Naval Base Camp David as the cabal collapses,” the sources say. Many other big-time oligarchs have also been held in detention and incommunicado for some time, a CIA source adds.”
  • ““[U.S. Defense Secretary General James] Mattis visited Gitmo [Guantanamo Bay Naval Base] on December 21st, the winter solstice, to prepare a ‘very special place’ for Soros and the cabal, and they may get baptized,” the Pentagon sources continue.”
  • “Another person due for “baptism” is “Israeli-conflict diamond billionaire and Mossad asset Dan Gertler, who was sanctioned for his ties to Marc Rich [headquartered in Zug, Switzerland] and the Clinton Foundation,” the Pentagon sources say. “This may extend to other Jewish oligarchs as Google Chairman Eric Schmidt steps down,” they note. Now, for example, is probably not a good time to be Mark Zuckerberg of “Spybook.””

Question everything.

Here’s the link: