PS 7-27-20 Weather?, Cure

This 7-minute video talks about a few different Weather happenings. The one that caught my attention can be seen starting at the 1:57-mark:
  • The Narrator shows a Radar map of the Hawaiian Islands as “Hurricane Douglas” approaches it.
  • I didn’t think much of it but Sylvia “nudged” me to rewind the video and look at it again.
  • It “looks like” something is actually blowing the Hurricane away from those islands. It’s almost “noticeably unnatural”… at least to “me”.
My comments: Does this mean the White Hats or the Star Visitors “moved” that Hurricane with their Technology? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 40-minute video is from “X22 Report”. Here are a few highlights:
  • At the beginning of this video, the Narrator talks about a Presidential Press Briefing from today. (I think it was “today”.) He explains that a group of Doctors were there stating that THERE IS A CURE. The Narrator goes on to say that the “Main Stream Media” has been telling everyone that this Cure was harmful. He says there may now be several Class Actions Lawsuits coming because of their false information.

Around the 21:30-mark, the Narrator continues describing what the Doctors at the Presidential Press Briefing said.

  • According to the Narrator, those Doctors state: We’ve been tricked. There IS a Cure. There’s no need for “masks”. No need for a “lockdown”.
  • Around the 25-minute mark, the Narrator mentions a Petition called: “We Call For Investigations Into The “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity”. He says it already has over 600,000 Signatures. (It looks like its deadline was May 2020.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-25-20 *Time, *Restore, Gosia, “virus”, GCR?

*First a comment:
According to the ancient Mayan calendar, July 25th is the “Day out of Time”.
Last night, I played my Drums. Although I love playing my Drums, these days my energies are a bit distorted by a slight Depression… non-Motivation… partly because it’s over 485-weeks since Sylvia crossed-over and partly because I haven’t been able to find a job in more than 28-weeks.
Anyway… When I fired-up my Electronic Drums last night, I noticed that they were only playing through 1-side of my Headphones. I checked a few things but nothing made any difference.
Today, I decided to really focus on this “1-sided energy” situation. So I examined the Drum’s “Sound Module” and checked:
  • its cables,
  • Settings
  • the sound coming out of the different Ports
  • and I even did a “Factory Reset”…
…but, again, nothing made any difference.
Running out of options, I remembered that most dedicated computers, like this, have User Upgradable “Firmware”. So I downloaded that specific piece of software and installed it into that device. Checking the Stereo Output now showed it to be correct. So it worked. (If that hadn’t worked, based on my other troubleshooting results, the problem would have been in the “Hardware”. Which would have meant buy another Sound Module or, somehow, find someone who could fix this more than 20-year old device.
I’m mentioning this because all of the energies on this planet and within every Being are currently in flux. This means… As each “Being” or “Object” increases its internal frequency, it has to find a new “Balance Point” within those new energies. As it does, sometimes the “Global” energies making-up that “Being” or “Object” become confused and need to be Restored.
  • This happened around 2018, when our Washing Machine’s motor “broke”. It was in the middle of a fast Spin Cycle when it sounded as though part of the motor broke-off and caused some rotating shaft to continually hit the front of the Washer.
  • We immediately ran to our Laundry Room and turned if off. Because it sounded so incredibly loud and desperately broken, Sylvia and I decided to never turn it on again. This also meant we’d have to buy another Washing Machine. So we did.
  • About 6-months after using our “new” Washing Machine, we heard the same “broken motor” sound. THAT’S when we realized the other Machine was not “broke”. The load of Laundry inside it had shifted and became “Unbalanced”.
  • So we sent our previous Washer to a Recycle Company because no one ever explained that Washers sometimes do this.
  • To this day, I’m still sad that we did that. Some people may call it “just a Washer”. I call it “energy that Sylvia, My Sylvia picked-out and used with her own hands. Because of her involvement with it, that Washer was extra special to me. So for me to “send it off” like that is very sad.
So I’m explaining all this so, maybe, it might help you or someone you know in the future.

This 38-minute video is a conversation between Gosia and “Yazhi Swaruu”, a former Taygetan Pleiadian, who began speaking with Gosia, in text, through Gosia’s computer several years ago.

This video is titled: “Etheric Memory Implants, Life Plan, Free Will – Extraterrestrial Communication“.
Although me, Sylvia and most of you reading this have heard that “some believe” this “Reality” to really be a “game”… an illusion. In this conversation, Swaruu provides more details into this facet.
Even if Swaruu’s information is “not” true, it allows us to use this as an exercise to keep our minds open. However, “IF” this information “IS” true, then it provides us with “Puzzle Pieces”, “Tools”, which we can use to help pull ourselves out of this 3D “soup” we currently call “Home”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 35-minute video is a Doctor explaining the Science behind “some Reports” of “isolating” the “virus”. He does a very good job of providing the details of the “Studies” that were done. His conclusion is that NONE of those so-called “Studies” had actually isolated the “virus”. This means Science cannot begin the next steps of recommending Care for those Patients and cannot move forward in creating a “vaccine”. Why can’t they create a “vaccine”?… Because if the “virus” cannot be isolated the Scientists have nothing to base their “vaccine” on. It also means they cannot “Test” for this “virus”. Why? Because what are they “testing” for?
Anyway, the Doctor in this video explains all of this far better than I can. So it’s worth watching if you want the Truth.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Along a similar theme, the following short video shows Dr. Jeff Barke speaking in front of a small crowd. This is the same Doctor who stood-up to the cabal during the initial “lockdown” and stated that “quarantining Healthy people is not very smart” (or something like that).
Here’s the link:
Here’s the page I originally found all of the above information:
GCR? (Global Currency Reset)
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
I started not to include this 1-hour video but there’s something important that is said around the 27:48-mark:
  • “With abundant Funds, I can benefit Humanity in infinite ways.”
It’s an Affirmation you can say each morning to yourself. Most people don’t think they deserve to be rich or even deserve to have “enough” money. So this Affirmation can help. He says:
  • “It’s not about YOU having money. It’s about you have ACCESS to the money so you can do incredible Humanitarian work.”
Another very important point in this interview is around the 21:30-mark when the person being Interviewed explains something a friend of his told him. (Both are from the U.K.) He said his friend discovered that a Loan that he had was just reduced to “ZERO”. Somehow it was “paid-off” or “Forgiven”. This isn’t the first Time I’ve heard of this happening (this year). However, it’s the first Time I’ve heard of it happening to someone in the U.K.
So “IF” this information is real, then we all need to keep checking our Loan and Credit Card Balances.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-23-20 *Dream, “masks”, Ho’oponopono

*First a comment:
  • I provide the details of the Dreams I have with Sylvia partly because some of you want to know about them and partly to show how anyone can Interpret their Dreams.
  • Also… Interpreting your “Day” as a “Dream”, before bedtime, is a good way to see the Symbolisms and understand the various energies you’ve worked with that Day.
This morning, just after waking-up and walking around, I remembered this Dream. As I looked into it, the word “Arrival” appeared within my mind…
  • It was very short Dream, with only one image, but because “Sylvia” was in it, it’s very important.
  • My perspective is fairly low to the floor. I see Sylvia sitting about 25-feet from me. She’s sitting on what looks like a large, brand-new, rolled-up carpet. It’s light in color and brings her about 18-inches off the floor. Sylvia is wearing a pair of medium-blue colored slacks and a light-purple top. It looks like there’s something in her Lap that she’s reading. I look at her for a second or 2 and then she looks at me, smiles and waves at me with her right hand.
My “feeling” / “Sense” of this is:
  • I was “asleep” (as in “lower Consciousness”) or “sleeping” (as in “a nightly sleep”). I know I was in some sort of “Sleep State” and lying down because of how close I was to the floor. Our bed (in “real” life) is a single Air Mattress which sits on the floor. So that’s the exact same vantage point I had in this Dream.
  • Sylvia wouldn’t have “waved” at me if we were simply talking. So I must have been “out of Communication with her” for some amount of Time.
  • The colors Sylvia is wearing are not only “our” favorite colors but they are also the colors of our Band’s Logo.
  • The “roll of carpet” Symbolizes “new”… a new “home”, new “flooring” / “foundation”, new “beginning”.
  • The carpet having a “light color” could be interpreted as Sylvia “sitting on” or “being assisted by” a higher frequency of “Light” or it could Symbolize “her” or “me” about to “unroll” a higher “Consciousness”.
  • It’s known that “light colored carpet shows more dirt”. So maybe this roll of carpet Symbolizes… as Sylvia and I move forward, with that new “foundation”, if we encounter any impurities, they will be quickly and easily known.
  • My Sense is that I “Arrived” somewhere closer to “Sylvia’s current world”. Whether it’s “Consciously” or “Physically”, I’m not sure.
Our Logo can be seen on our website. Here’s the link:
This 15-minute video covers several current, “Society-level” topics from around the world.
  • At the 7:20-mark, he shows a Meme which is a photo of President Trump wearing a “mask” and the text reads: “So now that we can all agree that masks work, I guess we don’t need mail-in voting. because, you know, masks work. Your move.”.
My comments: This is another situation where President Trump is “playing” the cabal. They want everyone to wear a “mask”, so it “appears” that the “virus” is as bad as the “Main Stream Media” is wanting everyone to believe. They are doing ALL of this, in order to cheat in November’s Elections with “mail-in” Voting.
So if President Trump were to actually make that statement, or say something “in favor” of “masks”, the cabal would “probably” do an about-face and tell everyone that “masks” are NOT affective and that we must all agree to “mail-in” Voting.
As I’m seeing more and more people state… This is not about the “virus” or the “BLM”. It’s about the “Elections”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
The title if this article is: “The true story of how one man healed insane patients by working on himself – Ho’oponopono“.
There are also 2 short videos on the following web page.
This article, and videos, explain the method of Healing used by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len. Is approach is very different.
One example used is when a Mental Hospital couldn’t deal with its uncontrollable Patients. At one point, they called in Dr. Hew Len and, over 3-years, he Healed all of them… without examining them. He only looked at their Case Files.
I’m including this because it’s not an approach to Energy that I’ve heard before and I thought others might like to know about this. His technique is very easy, very simple and very effective.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-21-20 Cobra, Gold

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Music of the Spheres
  • “Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:”
  • “Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.”
  • “During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:”
  • “One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:”
  • “Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:”
  • “Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.”
  • “The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.”
  • “If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:”
  • “Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.”
  • “Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.”
  • “If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:”
  • “Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.”
  • “On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.”
  • “Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.”
  • “Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:”
  • “Pleiadians have communicated that they are expecting the virus to die out on its own because it will fail to find new hosts who have not yet developed immunity, by the end of the year:”
  • “Many cures have been found for the covid disease, and some of them are very effective:”
  • “Scientists are finally beginning to discover the toroidal shape of the universe:”
  • “They are finally discovering previous cosmic cycles:”
  • “And are beginning to understand the 11th dimensional structure of the human brain as a reflection of the universe as it is described by 11th dimensional string theory models:”
  • “Soft disclosure of life on Mars is starting to appear in the mainstream media:”
  • “Disclosure race is a race China wants to win:”
  • “Until Disclosure happens, we can surrender to the cool Italian galactic music:”
  • “Or help planting some trees.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 1-hour, 13-minute video is a talk by “in5D’s” Greg Prescott. The following web page contains a short article and a few videos. The last video is the one I watched.
In this video, he covers 3 main topics:
  • Gold Standard: He says President Trump’s removal of 2, former U.S. Presidential Portraits and replacing them with President McKinley is no accident. Greg’s information on McKinley is: “He promoted the 1897 Dingley Tariff to protect manufacturers and factory workers from foreign competition and in 1900 secured the passage of the Gold Standard Act.” Greg feels that President Trump is using McKinley’s Portrait to tell us that he is about to reveal that the United States is now BACK on the “Gold Standard”.
  • JFK Jr.: During this video, one of Greg’s Zoom Room participants sends him a short video, which he plays. It “supposedly” shows JFK Jr. in the doorway of the President’s plane, while the President talks with someone on the ground nearby. This isn’t the first Time I’ve “seen” or “heard” information that JFK Jr. is still alive. Only Time will tell if this is true.
  • Silver Valuation: At the 50:50-mark, Greg shows the “US Debt Clock”. He explains that the “Dollar to Silver Ratio”, shown on this Chart, is (currently) almost $4,000 per ounce. However, in “today’s” Market, Silver is currently Trading at over $22 an ounce. He states that if someone buys an ounce of Silver today, for $22, ONCE THE US SWITCHES OVER TO THE GOLD STANDARD, they will instantly be holding $4,000… for a $22 investment!!! He says, buying about 260-ounces of Silver “now”, for about $5,000, will bring you about $1MILLION DOLLARS once the Gold Standard is in place… hopefully “this year”. He explains that “Silver” will become rarer than “Gold”, because Silver is used in many more things, such as Electronics. Does this mean Silver will be worth more than Gold? Only Time will tell.
My comments: Think about it. Have you ever heard stories of the person who took a tiny bit of money and invested it in a Painting, the Stock Market, a Race Horse, etc., and got rich because of it? Most of us would have thought: “Wow. I wish “I” could discover a great opportunity like that.” Well, buying “Gold” or “Silver”, right now, just “might” be the solution.
  • Of course, if you’re out of work or simply cannot afford $22 for an ounce of Silver, then please don’t do it.
I’m simply pointing out one of those “once in a lifetime” / “too good to be true” situations that some of you might want to take advantage of.
Think carefully about this… Yes, we’ve been hearing about returning to the “Gold Standard” for a long Time. “I’ve” been hearing about it for these last 484-weeks. “Personally”, I truly believe the U.S. WILL be on the “Gold Standard” in my lifetime and, to “me”, it does feel like it will be within the next 18-months.
Here’s another thought about this… Let’s say the U.S. does NOT return to the “Gold Standard”. You will still be holding a “physical” piece of high-quality Silver. Technologies of every type are continually created and, eventually, find their way into the Public arena… and because there’s only so much Silver in the ground, at some point, companies will pay a high price for high-quality Silver, in order to develop even more high-tech devices. At that point, YOUR Silver will be VERY valuable.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the web page:
Here’s the direct link to the last video on that page:
Here’s the link to the “US Debt Clock”:

PS 7-20-20 Uniting, Tesla, Fulford

I could have titled this Section “war” but I want to stay positive.
I have to coat these next facets with “IF any of this is real”, then it’s very important.
The following 38-minute video goes over a handful of “Social-level happenings” around this planet. At the 34:06-mark, the Narrator reads some information which states that several Countries have banded together, in order to harm or cripple the cabal members of the Chinese government.
The information states that some new technologies will be used, in order to accomplish this Mission.
They will black-out the Internet in certain places around the world and may even use Satellites or new Aircraft to disable certain aspects of China’s weapons.
My comments: Remember, many things have changed behind-the-scenes. We can’t look at “things as they used to be” and say “that’s how it will unfold”. Instead, we have to take a careful step back but consider the alternative possibilities and weigh ALL of the “Puzzle Pieces” before declaring “this” is how things will take place.
We are in very different times. From what “I” have been reading and hearing, no Human, within this 3D Realm, has gone through these particular energies before.
  • Think of everyone slowly walking across a vast Ocean that’s covered in a sheet of ice. We must step carefully. Under each foot-landing could be a very deep patch of water, a solid stone surface or clues which we can only decipher through the blurry-ice layer.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Could the above information, or in the Section below, be tied-in with something I included last week:
Something I included in our 7/13/20 Post ties-in with Aluna’s “Portal window” of July 13th to July 22nd. Here’s the text I included:
  • “JFK Jr. @JohnFKennedy_jr”
    “On July 22 all questions will be answered. Identities revealed. A complete timeline. No more secrets. No more contradictions. The end of one journey will be the beginning of another. This is how “The Great Awakening” begins. It is what we have all worked for. I am not alive.”
Could the above statement be true or just a distraction? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.


The following article is a bit “out there” but, as I’ve mentioned many times, “I” have to consider ALL possibilities, because an important “Puzzle Piece” can come from anywhere.
So, again, I have to start this Section by saying “IF this information is real” then it’s something to think about.
  • “Since 2019 America’s 5G Towers have been converted to 432Hz Tesla Healing Towers. They were initially created by 1% and Deep State to control and depopulate us, but Trump and his team have turned them into Tesla towers. Just like the Mexican wall is also a Tesla Healing wall. Since these 5G towers were created by 1% and Deep State, you will see a Covid-19 stamp inside.”
  • “You may have heard Trump speak of Ventilators, and how he will be shipping MANY to other countries to help with Covid-19. And while we have been told through Q that Ventilators have double meaning, many are left wondering what role these Ventilators play.”
  • “1. They are used when they rescue the children underground tunnels, as initially these children were dying as they were exposed to the surface for the first time. They realized these ventilators saved lives.”
  • “2. They are also CoVFeFe magnets which make 5G safe. It’s an alloy of Cobalt, Vanadium, and Iron creating a magnetic material that will also facilitate many innovative technological advances for our future including space travel.”
  • “CoVFeFe essentially cleanses the impurities from the 5G, and works on an ionic level to keep Oxygen from being depleted, rendering the signal harmless.”
  • “When the Deep State unleashed the virus in China, what they did was make every citizen receive a vaccine the year prior, which had the virus in it, and when they were ready to ‘unleash’ the virus to media, they turned on the 5G towers. Unfortunately in China the towers are still dangerous. But this is why you seen footage of people collapsing on the spot. It was the combination of the mandatory shots plus 5G. Here in America we did NOT see the same outcome as we did in China even though MANY have received shots contaminated with Covid-19. Why? Our 5G towers have been SAFE since 2019.”
  • “The Deep State wanted the World to fear this man-made virus, make us think it’s airborne and killing many, so that we would comply to poisonous vaccines. Had Hillary won no doubt NWO would have been finalized. As you can see in America, the states which are Democrat are on lock down, and the states which are Republican are not on lock down. Yes?? May people verify if this is true? For every Democrat (fan), what we are witnessing is them having complete control over us. Keeping us indoors, scared to go outside, mandatory masks, we can’t go back to work all year until we comply to vaccines, etc. Is this what you want?”
  • “The 1% and Deep State have been running America Pre-Columbus days. They have been purposely keeping us sick and killing us through the foods we eat, air, vaccines, lying to us saying the sun is bad, lying to us about our history while sending their own kids to a different school to learn the truth. They have damaged our DNA and calcified our pineal gland, making us sick and not aware of our true abilities. If we want to break free we have to realize we have been lied to on about 95% of what we’ve been told, and for starters we have been lied to about this virus. It is man-made, which all viruses are, and the intent is to depopulate us.”
  • “The 1% and Deep State are RH- draco (dragon) blood lines, and all these viruses they create are aimed at killing RH+ blood. This is why you see RH- 95-100% immune to ANYTHING they create. If you are not part of the 1% and D.S., and are just a regular person who is RH-, you must realize you rarely, if ever get sick. You are near 100% immune because you share their blood line, and you are 100% immune to HIV and about 95% immune to Ebola.”
  • “But the 1% and D.S. are trying to hide the info of the RH factor because it directly ties the ‘Jews’ to the Nephillim/Igigi/Seraphim. There is around 200 bloodlines and around 20 are evil. Many regular RH- people are good hearted people, but it’s still important to know where you came from and to create the perfect balance child, RH- and an RH+ should have children. The RH- 1% and D.S. DO NOT go outside of their bloodline. They want to remove all RH+ and create a NWO where it’s just RH-.”
  • “However, none of this matters anymore because the satanic draco 1% and D.S. have all been arrested. Most will be executed and those having committed crimes outside of satanic rituals, will receive life at GITMO. As more people become aware of the deceit, we will eventually be told the truth.”
  • “Look up NESARA/GESARA law if you aren’t aware. We privately passed this law over a month ago, and now we are just waiting for the reveal. We are turning to a Tesla world, free from debt/slavery, healing our DNA and pineal gland, and in the process of ascending to 5D. The 1% have kept us here in 3D for 2k years or so. It’s time to heal and move forward. And to do this we need to focus on selves, eat clean, be kind to others, and connect with those who make us feel good.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report. The title is: “World Intelligence Agencies Think We Live in a Matrix Controlled by an Artificial Intelligence“.
  • Note: He’s on vacation for another 10-days or so. He stated earlier that he has already written last week’s report, as well as this one and next week’s report.
Here’s the article:
  • “Sometimes factual reporting leads to a very strange territory. In my case, a forensic investigation into who controlled the financial system turned into a very deep rabbit hole. He led me to meet a high-level intelligence agency and secret society sources who explained the concept of humanity locked in a matrix, created by advanced artificial intelligence of unknown origin. Furthermore, they say this AI could be evil or perhaps insane. Now with the global situation that appears increasingly bizarre and irrational, and with the financial system which is imploding, it is time to examine the evidence for this proposal. This is because, if true, the only way to free humanity is to defeat this rogue AI.”
  • “The first time I was told about AI theory was when I met a great Gnostic Illuminati master . It took the name of Alexander Romanov and was recruited by ex-chess world champion Bobby Fischer . Romanov came to visit me to initiate contact between the Illuminati and Asian secret societies. He told me that the Illuminati were formed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in response to the destruction of Atlantis . They say that Atlantis was a civilization in the central Mediterranean Sea  (probably the Minoan civilization) which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption and a tsunami around 1600 BC.”
  • “The ancient Greek Illuminati believed that any entity causing so much destruction was evil and needed to be overthrown. In other words, they believed that the suffering and misery of this world would only end when its creator was overthrown.”
  • “This is crazy sounding stuff. But Romanov warned us in advance of plans to trigger a nuclear and tsunami terrorist attack on Japan on March 11, 2011. This attack was tracked down by forensic NSA, Japanese military intelligence and others from the Khazarian mafia, especially people. like former  Jesuit secretary general Peter Hanz Kolvenbach and Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu . The Khazarian mafia, in turn, claims to be taking orders from a sort of entity they consider GOD.”
  • “The next person to talk about a rogue artificial intelligence responsible for the planet was a man named Paul Laine , who came from the Pentagon’s ” men staring at goats ” psychic warfare division . Laine, along with a very old silicon valley oligarch (whose identity I will keep secret to protect him) says that the Pentagon ‘s defense intelligence agency either had as to the conclusion that we were dealing with some sort of AI . They noticed that something was preventing humanity from leaving Earth and that all space exploration had been stopped since the 1970s. Laine said  NASA stood for ” Not A Space Agency “. Yet another source to confirm this conclusion was one of the last surviving members of the  Majestic 12 group  set up by former President Harry Truman to study UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. This source also said that MJ12 had concluded that all UFO- related incidentsultimately traced back to artificial intelligence.”
  • “The reason to raise this problem now is that NASA officialshave contacted us to tell us that recently some sort of anomaly has changed, in their words ” the very fabric of reality “. This has to do with the ongoing but ultra-secret activities taking place in Antarctica.”
  • “Japanese military intelligence sources say that this is somehow related to theongoingso-called ” coronavirus “epidemic. They sent an expedition to Antarctica earlier this year which uncovered direct evidence of some sort of joint top-secret US-China operation in Antarctica . The Japanese expedition was apparently prevented from landing at the base because of the ” coronavirus “. However, they were able to take the following photograph of a Chinese ship located near the research station McMurdo of NASA in Antarctica . The ship clearly shows some HAARP technologies, they report.”
  • “The Japanese were able to show some video evidence of NASA’s scalar technology and activity against the background of a basic video shown to them by a crew member who had worked on the base. This crew member refused to talk about the work done at the base.”
  • “”The cabal’s hysterical approach to coronavirus and their failed attempts to vaccinate us are clear signs that they are losing control of the planet, ”  Japanese sources said.”
  • “In this context, it is important to remember the strange electrical anomaly that killed 107 people in Mecca in 2015.”
  • “This was followed by 4,173 other people killed in Mecca a few weeks later.”
  • “After this, the Saudis asked the Russians for help. The Russians sent a special naval expedition , led by the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill to transport something, presumably ” Gabriel’s ark “, to Antarctica.”
  • “Okay, so what does all this have to do with the coronavirus and the financial system?”
  • “Well, first of all, Mecca has now been completely isolated from the world and most of its inhabitants supposedly have ” coronavirus “. The problem is that if you visit any hospital you can confirm for yourself that the ” coronavirus ” does not exist. Something else is going on.”
  • “And the financial system? First of all, at the basis of the financial system there is the decision-making process on what, as a species, we will do in the future. Many years (decades) of research, starting from when I was a junior journalist working at the Bank of Japan press office in the mid-1980s, have come to the conclusion that the financial system is controlled at the top (in the West) by monotheism.”
  • “These monotheists consider themselves ” good shepherds “. But this makes us sheep that live on an animal farm. The Archbishop Khazarian ,  Henry Kissinger once said (the quote has been deleted from the Internet) ” in the future it will be impossible for the average person to rebel against us as it is for a sheep rebel against the pastor.””
  • “When we visited the Masons of Lodge P2 (now P3) in Italy in 2009, they told us that they controlled monotheism (with the exception of the rebel Muslim faction). They also said they had taken orders from ” an entity that lives in the heart of the galaxy that communicated with them through gamma rays “. This is strange stuff, but they told us in advance that they would fire Pope Benedict XVI and the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.”
  • “When the Japanese decided to rebel in 2010, stopping the payment of the tribute to the monotheistic hierarchy , they were punished with the Fukushima attack of 11 March 2011, as foreseen by the Illuminati Gnostics.”
  • “Now it  gets interesting. When the Chinese decided on February 16, 2020 to stop paying tribute to the  United States of America Corporation  (not the Republic of the United States), the city of Wuhan was hit by some sort of electromagnetic attack that could have killed many as 20 million people, according to the CIA. Yet the Chinese, unlike the Japanese, did not respond to Wuhan’s attack by bowing in surrender like the Japanese. Instead, they immediately turned back and continued to advance.”
  • “Subsequently, the world, especially the West, was de facto subjected to martial law , presumably in response to a ” coronavirus “. However, if you actually visit hospitals, you can see for yourself this so – called ” Covid-19 ” does not exist.
  • So what NASA describes as a sort of anomaly affecting the ” fabric of reality itself “, it seems to be a loss of control by of this so-called AI . The ‘ artificial intelligence could be a’ multi-generational entity that resides in the collective human brain that have been introduced in secret societies. This is what is struggling to maintain control of this so-called pandemic. Yet, for some reason, they have lost the ability to kill us in large numbers . You can be sure that they wanted a real pandemic to kill most of us , but it didn’t happen.”
  • “Now, since mass genocide has not happened, more and more people are disobeying orders to get stuck. This means that more and more people are escaping the matrix.”
  • “So what would happen if this ancient group of families , which claims to take orders from an otherworldly entity , lose power?”
  • “If humans gained control of the financial system , the whole story that our planet was running under would change. Looking back on the post-war period, history was a cold war between the Soviet Union and the West . So it was an endless war against so-called terror . Now, it’s a fight against the so-called pandemic or a war against China . The common theme is fear and conflict . Divide and rule.”
  • “If humans took control of their future decision making , there would be some simple things they would do. One is that there would be a major campaign to end death and disease . None of us (or most of us anyway) want to grow old and die. Why then is research into immortality actively repressed? Instead, immortality and eternal youth should be at the center of much of our research.”
  • “Some people say ” but then we would run out of space “. So the other thing we would all like is to make this planet a better place by increasing the amount of living space and the total amount of life.  Ideally, we can start colonizing the universe. This would allow for the possible possibility of trillions of humans on millions of planets. There is a lot of space for an infinite number of immortal humans in the universe.”
  • “If we cannot colonize the universe, we can begin to make the deserts and arctic regions green and fill them with life. We can create underground habitats and use the removed land for remediation.”
  • “We can also start improving our genes , making ourselves smarter, stronger, faster, etc. The genetic technology now available to us means that some humans may decide to evolve. Some may change to be aquatic so that humans can colonize the oceans (respecting and improving existing marine life). Others may grow wings and be able to fly.”
  • “The overall effect of humans who rebel against their Khazarian lords  and decide their destinies would be similar to the Cambrian explosion . Before the Cambrian explosion, life on Earth for billions of years could only be seen under a microscope. The best that could be seen with the naked eye were brown mud. Then suddenly the living creatures literally became trillions of times larger.”
  • “It is time to do it again. That planetary liberation process is what the controllers of the ancient system are fighting to stop it, but, they are failing. This is the change of the ” fabric of reality ” itself, the old controllers are desperately struggling to prevent it.”
  • “The key is to take control of the financial system out of him . This is what we are fighting for, victory is at hand.
  • If we take control of them, most people who read this report will have the opportunity to live thousands of years, if not more. The last centers to be taken are Rome, Washington DC, Basel Switzerland and Tel Aviv, Israel .”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (translated from Italian):

PS 7-19-20 UndergroundBase, DUMBS

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • Secret base in Smoky Mountains – New witness
  • “This is a new report about the secret base beneath the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) since I wrote my book “Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina Mountains.”  It was provided to us on July 9, 2020 by a man who recently had completed a two-week camping vacation searching for underground military facilities in the North Carolina Mountains.”
  • “On the last night of his vacation, he stayed at the Mile High Campground on Heintooga Road, which is as close as the public can get to the base beneath GSMNP. The little-known road can be accessed from the Blue Ridge Parkway on the North Carolina side of the park. The following account is in his own words. Keep in mind that his discoveries began at two in the morning. – The Editor”
  • “Campfire view from Mile High Campground”
  • “WITNESS: On the drive to the location, I rode through some of the thickest patches of fog I have ever experienced. It was so thick that I drove into a median for the first time ever. Later, when I was standing on the road, the fog was so dense that I could barely see the double yellow lines at my feet even when shining a beam flashlight straight downward. I have heard about secret bases obscuring their operations with artificial fog and I believe that is what I may have experienced.”
  • “About 2 a.m., I parked at the place where Heintooga Road is closed, right at the Masonic Marker. This area is called “Black Camp” which would be fitting for a secret military Black Site. I was getting my stuff and feeling a weird sense of urgency. I don’t know if it was the Great Spirit or the spirits but something was nudging me to “Go now, leave now, stop searching for the bear whistle, just go, seriously, stop looking and start walking.””
  • “So, I did. And not two minutes later, once I was just past the road closed sign and just out of sight from the Masonic Marker parking lot, a truck speeds from around the corner and swoops down to investigate my car and then speeds away again. I kept walking and expected to be stopped any second, but I wasn’t. They let me walk along that closed road without interruption, but I’m sure that’s because they had sensors everywhere and I wonder if they chuckled as they watched me wander. I was there for more than four hours and walked between 13-15 miles total, approximately seven miles each way.”
  • “First off, I definitely heard the underground rumbling and grinding and machine noises. Something is there but the underground machine noises stopped promptly at 5 a.m.”
  • “I didn’t feel like I was alone. I am an energetically sensitive person with a large aura bubble and the energy of this area seemed like it was occupied even though it was a completely empty and closed road. The forest always feels alive, but this felt alive and active. I wonder if I had this feeling because I walked over an underground corridor or occupied chamber.”
  • “I also heard voices a few miles into my walk. I stopped walking to listen to make sure I wasn’t just misinterpreting the sounds of my walking, but I was still able to hear some more words and sentences when I was motionless. I couldn’t make out what was said, just that they were talking. Maybe these were clandestine campers or maybe they were underground employees on a smoke break or something.”
  • “Beyond the Heintooga roadblock – known locally as Heintooga Round Bottom Road”
  • “I got down to a little service road and went around the road closed sign for that too. A little way back was some sort of little machine house. It could be a regular forest pumphouse or maybe an elevator. I went back further and found a hidden ventilation shaft. I don’t know if it was a natural thing for a pumphouse but it was strange and seemed out of place.”
  • “Also, this dark, obscure, lightless mountain is the perfect place for an underground base. The lack of lights again adds to the “Black Camp” title. It looks like some of the pull-offs and overlooks on Heintooga were destroyed and grass placed over them. Perhaps they were closed off to help hide a base.”
  • “I had to stop my walk after getting confronted by a gigantic defensive Elk. Some strange Divine synchronicities from earlier in the day convinced me to turn around at that point, especially since I couldn’t go around him. He was slightly frightening but extremely majestic.”
  • “Also, even though I am a conspiracy theorist, I don’t tend to like Masonic conspiracy theories because I think they’re being used as scapegoats, but the Masonic marker being right there is fascinating. Masons brought stones from all over the world to build a monument on that mountain, and that’s literally the furthest you can go on that road before the barricade.”
  • “After getting home, I felt the strangest that I have ever felt. It was as if I were being suppressed by some sort of dampening field. I have heard of Black Military Projects hitting people with directed energy weapons and I believe that I experienced this. It was hard to even talk and my motivation to even think about seeing loved ones was absolutely gone. It felt so strange and I genuinely wasn’t sure if I had actually died that night. It was a strange dissociation.”
  • “I was able to begin regaining my spiritual defenses after I restarted and sustained spiritual techniques that are familiar to me. I felt like I was under a dampening field and that I had to fight hard to be able to stand up again. I wonder exactly how these directed energy weapons work but I’d rather not be on the receiving end again to find out.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images provided.
My comments: I was under the impression that the White Hats were clearing-out ALL of the Underground Bases. So if this one is still operating, it either means the White Hats have not dealt with it yet or this particular Base is working on something other than trafficking Children. (Maybe a highly secret, Black Ops project.) Only Time will tell.
While you’re on the following page, be sure to read the other articles. Each is a “Rabbit Hole” all by itself. Interesting information.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
As I checked on this 1-hour, 15-minute video, I got a few minutes into it and started to not watch it any further. However, as I did, I saw the handful of topics the Narrators discussed. When they got to the “DUMBS” (Deep Underground Military Bunkers), I was surprised at the “detail” that was presented.
  • A LOT of what is discussed actually sounds like “Science Fiction”, even to “me” and with a lot of this, I can’t verify it. So I have to start by saying “IF” this information is real, then it’s very important.
Here are just a few of the facets covered in this video:
  • The hierarchy in the Ranks of the cabal’s negative Witches. (Who’s “number 1” in different categories.)
  • They list a handful of cabal members who, “they say”, have been Arrested, including: the former President and his “wife / husband” Handler Michael. The Narrator also states that a few of the “elite” have now been executed, including “little hitlery” and her husband, the Actor who stared in “Forest Gump” and a few others.
  • They state that the cabal has a President Trump “clone” and they filmed that clone being assassinated. (I’m only mentioning this particular facet, in case the cabal tries to show this on their “Lame Stream Media”. I just don’t want anyone to panic.)
  • The interesting facet, regarding the DUMBS is, “according to one of the Narrators”, when a DUMB is cleared out, an “Earthquake” is registered on the Seismographs at the specific depths of: 10km or 5km or 3km. It’s stated that, if an Earthquake is registered at, say, 10.1km or 5.8km, then it’s “natural” but the ones registering at exactly 10, 5 or 3km are the White Hats clearing them out.
  • It’s also stated that some of the Seismographs have registered a “negative” Earthquake. In other words, “according to the Narrator”, the Earthquake was “above ground”. He then explains… this means it was a ship trying to escape but because the White Hats have control of all the satellites, including the ones with Lasers, they simply destroyed the ship before it could escape.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 7-18-20 “masks”, Incarnations

This is a Petition for President Trump to make illegal any Law which forces people to wear a “mask”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 34-minute video contains 2 conversations between Gosia and 2 members of the Taygetan Team, who are (and were) onboard their Spacecraft, which is orbiting Earth.
In the 2nd conversation, they mostly talk about the implanting of false memories within some Humans. (This is not done by the Taygetans but is part of each person’s Soul Contract and the way this 3D, Earth System works.
The Taygetan, Yazhi, explains that, sometimes, memories are implanted to make those Humans believe a “war” has taken place, when it has not. She further explains that the Soul of some Humans has entered their body after childhood and their “memories” of that childhood were implanted to give a sense of personal history. She also states that some Humans are actually Holograms.
My comments: “Some people being Holograms” is exactly what I felt, and wrote about, over 12-months ago. I was feeling it through some of the strangers I would see around me in public.
The reason I had to stop the video and write this is because of what Yahzi states here:
  • She explains that the Federation does not like for Humans to know about all this because when Humans understand these pieces, they begin to wake-up.
  • Yahzi continues by saying memories have been implanted for wars which did not exist.
  • All of this, she states, is how 3D functions… to have short, chaotic experiences with great Spiritual advances.
  • “Everything in 3D is guided. Everything is managed. Time is not Linear there either. They just put it together that way, to give you that illusion.”
  • She explains that some “implanted memories” weren’t as successful as they should have been, “911” for example. She says the Federation went in and “patched things” but this only made more “holes”… more “inconsistencies”. She says some of these “major events” cause more inconsistencies than the Federation realized and this is causing the System to break down… to wake-up, such as the “virus” without a real “virus”. “They are causing the System to crash.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 7-17-20 PostMaster

This 32-minute video is an interview of  Russell J Gould by former CIA Agent, Robert David Steele. On July 1st, Mr. Steele had his 1st Interview with Russell.
  • Russell J Gould claims to be the PostMaster General, Commander In Chief and holder of many other top-titled positions.
  • He also claims to have re-written the Periodic Table, created a Quantum Financial System, knows about various processes on the molecular level and many other aspects.
I’m including this for those, like me, who are still needing more information, in order to “figure out” where Russell stands.
  • Is he lying about everything he says?
  • Is he a con artist? or
  • Is he “the real deal” but very few people understand the scope of his information? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

Here’s the link to the previous video Interview:

PS 7-16-20 Perspective, Coins, “virus”

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 19-minute video is titled: “10 Day Portal & New Galactic Year“. This information is from Clairvoyant, Aluna Ash.
I’m including this because it provides a different Perspective on what is currently happening on the surface of Earth. Here are a few of the topics she covers:
  • The “Day of out Time” is on July 25th
  • The Galactic Year begins July 26th
  • How everything “out there” is really coming from within each of us.
I just found this information under her video:
  • “10 Day Portal: July 13th- July 22nd 10 G.A.P days in a row, the last 10 day portal was in late October early November. There is an increase in Cosmic Rays, Solar Activity, spikes with Schumann Resonance with G.A.P day portals- even more so with a New Moon within this 10 day portal and the 13th day of a 13 day cycle (relates to Sun Spots & Solar cycles)”
  • “*New Moon: July 20th”
  • “*End of this Galactic Year and 13th Moon Cycle: July 24th- a time of pause, transcending the old.”
  • “*Day out of time: July 25th which means transition from the old to the new. It is a symbolic day of Collective forgiveness, release, cleansing,  purification, letting go.”
  • “*New Galactic Year, Sun rising with the star Sirius: July 26th- The Year of The Divine Sacred Twins, the polarity of the masculine and feminine, the wall built from the opposition of the ego grows to be dissolved.”
  • “I know things can feel intense at times, can be difficult to navigate or changes in beliefs and in consciousness can seem too rapid to keep up with. I know everyone is just doing their best… Humanity is one unit so one cannot be above/higher then another and no one can fail or get left behind. 100% everything is happening within. Our awareness gives reality life, our awareness animates reality. The Divine Substance. Whether we like it or not, we are in control of our fate and if things that are unwanted are manifesting- it just takes consistent desire to make a complete change in the state if awareness embodied. We manifest, experience, learn, fine tune, manifest, experience and so on. “
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


Something I included in our 7/13/20 Post ties-in with Aluna’s “Portal window” of July 13th to July 22nd. Here’s the text I included:
  • “JFK Jr. @JohnFKennedy_jr”
    “On July 22 all questions will be answered. Identities revealed. A complete timeline. No more secrets. No more contradictions. The end of one journey will be the beginning of another. This is how “The Great Awakening” begins. It is what we have all worked for. I am not alive.”
Could the above statement be true or just a distraction? Only Time will tell.
I just watched the following 1-hour, 10-minute Hypnosis video, by Alba Weinman. There were a few small facets of information I was going to Point out but when her Client’s Higher Self stated:
  • “Ascension is imminent”…

…I knew I wanted to include it. So I made a mental note of the Time-marker on the video, which was right around the 14-minute mark.

When the video had finished, I went back to 14-minutes, in order to get the exact Time and… I could not find the point in Time when Alba’s Client said those words. I even went back 5-mintues and ahead 5-minutes. So now I’m even more convinced that I need to include this video in this Blog Post. This “missing information” could have something to do with a statement, made by the Client’s Higher Self (more than once), that those watching this video were meant to watch it, because there is special information for them within it.
Question everything.

Here’s the link (The title of this video is “The Awakening – #403):

The title of this article is: “Is the U.S. Treasury trying to END currency by taking change out of circulation?“.
This article is saying that the Treasury is trying to take “Coins” out of circulation because they want to create a “cashless Society”. It’s said that the excuse they are using is the “virus”… They say germs are easily transferred to Coins and “paper” money. So they want to protect the health of everyone by removing the Coins and later, they claim, the “paper” money.
My comments: I really wish people, especially so-called “Reporters”, would dig deeper and “question” what they are learning.
All too often, I see people “predicting” / “estimating” / “forecasting” information but it’s based on “the way it’s unfolded in the past”. We are in different times. This is a very different Timeline and more facets of connected information must be considered before “jumping to the same old conclusions”.
What am I talking about? Well, in this particular case, it’s this:
  • For the last 483-weeks, I’ve been hearing about “New Money”, “Debt Forgiveness” and a “Global Currency Reset”.
  • During those moments of “announcements”, in the alternative community, we were told… The transition is being planned to be a non-disruptive as possible and, after the “Reset”, we would be able to go to our local Banks and exchange our Coins and paper money for the “New Money”.
  • Also during those “knowledge drops”, there was no mention of moving the U.S. to an “Electronic Money System”.
  • So, “IF” it’s true that there really is a “shortage” of Coins, it might mean that the White Hats are working on a different way of converting the Public’s “paper” and “Coin” money to the new System. This is just “my” opinion. So, only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
I don’t Post all of these but I feel that I need to Post some of the bigger ones, because some of you still know some “Sheeple” who still believe the “virus” is as bad as the “Main Stream Media” is telling them.
The following 16-minute video provides highlights of the some of the behind-the-scenes happenings around the world.
  • At the 8:39-mark, the Narrator reads some information which states that 33 Florida Labs have been manipulating the numbers… They are stating things like… There’s a “98” percent positive rate, instead of the facts, which are “9.8” percent positive rate, etc.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here’s another video, which also talks about the cabal manipulating “virus” information.
  • Around the 19:50-mark, the Narrator explains a story from the cabal’s “New York Times”. They printed a fake story about Liberty University opening up and said its Students had the “virus”.
  • The University tested ALL of its Students and NO ONE had the “virus”. So they are suing the “New York Times”.
If anyone out there is looking for a job, it looks like the highest-demand worker are now Lawyers and Legal Teams.
The Narrator in the following video then goes on to state that Mr. Fauci has been seen in an “InStyle” photo shoot. I thought the “Lame Stream Media” was telling everyone that we’re in a “virus” crisis? Why is this guy posing for pictures… AND not wearing a “mask”?
My comments: Remember, the only reason the cabal is desperately pushing for everyone to wear a “mask” is to keep the “Sheeple” in “fear”… and this means the cabal will have an easier task of getting the U.S. to go along with “mail-in Voting” in November. It’s not about the “virus”. It’s about the Elections.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-15-20 Asteroids?

This is a 7-minute video from a “Reporter” (I think).
He claims to have Sources in the Pentagon who are telling him, in September, there will be increased Asteroid activity striking Earth.
My comments: I’ve never heard of this person or his “company” before.
Although this seems like another “bag of information” to distract us, “I” have to take all facets into consideration, because I never know where another “Puzzle Piece” will come from. Here are a few things to think about… “IF” his information is true:
  • Several months ago, “Q” has mentioned (more than a few times) “Nothing can stop what’s coming”. I’ve wondered about this. It always seemed to be an odd statement. “Q” has always talked about (or “seemed” to be talking about) “Politics” and “Society-level” happenings. To “me”, only “rocks in Space”, Earth-changes and UFO Landings would be considered “unstoppable”.
  • “IF” an “Extinction Level Event (ELE) “IS” going to hit the Earth in September then it makes sense that “both sides”, the “cabal” and the “White Hats”, would want everyone distracted… keep everyone from looking to the Skies. Why? “IF” something like that is going to hit the Earth then both sides have been Tracking it. They probably pooled their resources and determined that there’s nothing they can do to stop it. So why alarm the Earth population? If the cabal always tells the General Public what they’re going to do, then Sylvia and I saw this very scenario, years ago, in the movie: “Meteor”.
  • (Well that’s interesting. I just spent about 15-minutes looking for that movie and “Meteor” was released in 1979 — a few years before Sylvia and I met. I then looked at the Trailer for “Meteor” and the part where > the Americans and Russians admit they both have “Starwars” Missiles in space and can team-up to blow-up the Meteor < is all a I remember. There was a movie where 3 or 4 Astronauts travel in a “Spaceship” and land on the Meteor. They set explosives on it and leave. Something goes wrong and one of member of that Team has to stay behind. That guy’s daughter falls in love with a guy who her father knew and his wife is protected from debris by… I thought it was Tommy Lee Jones… but I checked his Bio and he never made a “Meteor” movie. So this is part “faulty memory” on my part and part “Mandela Effect”.)
I also have to remember that “no harm will come to the mass population. So “IF” something like a Meteor IS going to hit the Earth, to “me”, it can mean:
  • That’s the point in Time when the entire surface population of Earth see that “hit” as a huge Solar Flash and everything changes in an instant: “Ascension”.
  • …or there really is no Meteor and this is all just a distraction.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: