PS 9-29-19 Goode

This 1-hour, 27-minute video is a presentation by whistleblower, Corey Goode. He covers a lot of topics but nothing in great detail. However, there were a few fragments which “I” had not known or considered. Here is a very short list of some of the information presented:
  • Inner Earth (the Anshar),
  • Ascension,
  • how to read the signs in the sky,
  • detoxing the body,
  • the Zulu people,
  • Pole Shift,
  • 2 “safe zones”,
  • NASA,
  • Orbs,
  • creating a 2nd Sun, and more.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-27-19 Harrison

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This 15-minute video is an update of Earth energies by Lisa Harrison. “IF” Lisa’s information is real, then it is VERY, VERY GOOD NEWS!
  • Lisa still feels that a “copy” of the Earth was made in 2012 and every one and every thing was transferred to that planet. Then the “old Earth” was destroyed.
My comments: Maybe that’s where the “Mandela Effect” came from. Maybe the “moving” or “merging” onto the “copy” caused some energies to bunch-up, overlap and slide around a bit… giving us mis-filed memories, altered movies, maps, company logos and even the shifting of the Heart, Stomach and other Human organs.
  • “Everything has changed. What I felt was going to be experienced was that September was going to be full of hit… Things that are hard to swallow, Disclosures that are unbelievable… mental and emotional hits… but then October we would start to see the positive effects of that. That’s what I originally thought… and I still think that’s the case… but it’s actually bigger than that. I think we’re going to see something significant and that from here on in, things are just going to get better and better and better.”
  • “This Construct is now on one timeline.” (Within the last 2-weeks.)
  • At the 15:07-mark, Lisa states: “… It also feels like we’re not going to be here for very long. Maybe… the end of March… before something changes again. So that’s how long we’ve got to acclimatize.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-25-19 Cobra

Cobra Posted this update today:
The Shift
“Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe.”
“The Galactic Central sun is becoming more active even at subluminal speeds, as the signal of the previous galactic superwave traveling with the speed of Light is perfectly entrained with the new one that is coming extremely soon:”
“This is already creating big changes in our Solar system. The Cosmic Central race has created a multidimensional flower of life grid throughout the Solar system that extends from lunar obit outwards to the heliopause. This grid will serve as transmission buffer for the coming superwave.”
“In their last ditch effort to prevent the shift, the Chimera group have filled the Solar system with as much anomaly and darkness as possible from early 2017 to January 21st, 2019.”
“Since 2012, the Chimera was leading a strong war against the Resistance and actually managed to fool the Resistance a few times by arranging leaks of incorrect intel to them. For example, the Resistance was scanning the Solar system for any remaining Chimera ships and found none, when in fact those ships were hiding in hyperdimensional wormholes and later staged massive surprise attacks.”
“This disnfo campaign has a few times lead to some inconsistencies that were posted on this blog. Yet I need to say that Resistance was releasing true intel to best of their understanding and ability, and overall most of intel they have released is valid and correct.”
“Now Resistance is recovering from all those attacks and a new reinforcement of 50 million new members has arrived from Kuiper belt into the underground network, membership now totaling 120 million. More reinforcements are expected to arrive soon as we come closer to the shift.”
“The Chimera has realized that they have lost the Solar system and are now concentrated on defending planet Earth and sublunar space as their last fortress.”
“They are still using toplet plasma bombs as their last line of defense. Top quarks can eat ordinary matter even more efficiently than strange quarks and are far more dangerous than strange quarks:”
“The plan of Chimera is now to spin limited disclosure into a fake Draco alien invasion that would use TR3-B spacecraft attacking the surface of the planet and the Cabal using the US Space Command as defense against the TR3-B fleet:”
“In the ensuing chaos, the Jesuits would crash the financial system and implement an AI dystopian surface civilization, similar to what was existing throughout the Solar system in many colonies:”
“Introduction of smartphones was part of the Chimera’s plan to alienate humanity and entrap them in the dark spider web of technological dystopia:”
“The robots that would control humanity are already being developed:”
“The Jesuit plan for the global collapse and the new crypto financial system is also proceeding:”
“In the last few weeks, certain key positive developments have happened that have effectively stopped this Chimera-Jesuit plan and it will NOT be successful.”
“Many sources are predicting the bankruptcy of a major bank such as Goldman Sachs or Deutsche Bank in October:”
“Cosmic Central race is claiming that the Light forces can handle the collapse situation and that plans are in place which can not be discussed.”
“The Resistance has communicated that major volatility is expected in the financial system in October, but not yet the systemic collapse.”
“The systemic collapse is actually the collapse of the debt-slavery bubble and is planned to coincide with the timing of the Event:”
“Many countries are already preparing their distribution chains for the Event:”
“The Light Forces have asked to step up the frequency of Flower of Life meditation to every 4 hours in order to stabilize the planetary situation, for those that feel guided to participate:”
“Light Forces have also communicated that as much Goddess energy as possible should be anchored in the planetary energy grid to stabilize the situation:”
“Atargatis is a mermaid Goddess that came from Sirius star system and landed in an egg shaped craft on the bank of Euphrates river many millennia ago:”
“Her archetype was later distorted by the Cabal, but her original energy is one of the key energies for peaceful transition into the post- Event society.”
“In current distorted culture, a fresh perspective on sexual energy is needed:”
“For example foot fetish, judged by many, is actually a past life memory of Goddess worship:”
“Archeologists have finally released proof of the first Archon invasion:”
“Soon, a new Cobra interview will be published online. You can send your questions which will be answered in that interview, to’.”
“And at the end, a cryptic message for those who understand:”
“Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to view the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-22-19 *Sylvia

*First a comment
Today would have been My Sylvia’s Birthday (9/22/36). I remembered this yesterday… and a few days ago but forgot about it today. Then, while playing my Drums and looking at Sylvia’s photo on the wall in front of my Drumset, I realized… her Birthday was “today”.
I stopped playing because my energy just drained away from sadness…
  • (Sylvia) “Don’t stop. You love to play drums and I love watching you enjoy yourself, playing your drums.”
  • (me) “I can’t. I just don’t have the energy now… Yes, I want to celebrate your Birthday but it doesn’t seem right, because you’re not “physically” here… and I can’t celebrate your “crossing-over”… your “coBirthday” (4/9/11) because it would be celebrating your leaving me (at least “physically”).”
Sylvia would have been 83-years old today. She was 18-years older than me. After she crossed-over, she adjusted her energy to be 18-years “younger” than me. This means she’s currently 47 (if I did the math right). She did this not only to be younger but so I would be able to Track her energy a bit easier. (It’s one of many facets that connects her and I together.)

PS 9-18-19 *Energies, *GasPrices, *StarLife, *Discoveries, Suns?, Harrison, Revaluation?

*First a few comments:
I’ve gathered some of the following information over the last few nights. However, by the Time I was ready to upload everything, it was way past our bedtime.
Today stared out a bit strange… When Sylvia and I got to Waffle House, there were NO CUSTOMERS inside. This is where the “working class” eats. Typically, there are only 1 or 2 tables available and a handful of Counter Seats. Today, Sylvia and I were the ONLY customers for several minutes.
Then, when we got to work, all the employees that were scheduled to go in when we do were actually there in the Parking Lot waiting for the Store Manager to unlock the building. Every day those same employees arrive at work no sooner than 3-minutes before they have to Clock-In. Today they were there almost 15-minutes early. Very unusual.
On our way home from work yesterday, Sylvia and I saw that the Gas Station we use most often jumped in price by 20-cents!!! It was $2.28 yesterday morning, on our way IN to work, and $2.48 per gallon on our way home. (Today on our way home from work it was $2.35 per gallon.)
A few months ago, I read somewhere that the cabal are in desperate need of money. So now I’m questioning whether or not that attack on the Saudi Oil Refinery was real.
  • “IF” it wasn’t, what a great way for the cabal to quickly bring-in some cash…
  • “Pretend” to disable a large Oil Refinery.
  • This would give them a high-profile reason to instantly raise Gas prices worldwide.
  • …and because that Refinery wasn’t really damaged, the cabal increase their profit-percentage quite a bit.
  • …and they don’t really have to pay to restore that facility.
  • …and they “may” also be given some type of Saudi-government handout (to help them “rebuild”).
Last week, I watched an 18-minute video, which was linked from one of my “alternative news” digest pages.
The main character explains how he grows food in Greenhouses that he designed. He lives in Nebraska but his Greenhouses maintain a healthy, plant-growing temperature all year long. His technique is very simple and costs very little to maintain.
The reason I’m including this is because of something he states:
  • At the 16:28-mark, he states: “We don’t have a pest problem at all. The only pests we have are white flies and aphids.” …and he controls them with refined mineral oil.
For my entire Incarnation here, I’ve never liked insects. Partially because I’ve been stung by a few bees when I was very young. Mostly, though, it’s because of my energy-connection with my life aboard various Starships, before Incarnating inside of this life. There are no insects on Starships.
For a few Decades now, I’ve felt that “insects” aren’t really supposed to be here on this planet. In the last few Months, I’m beginning to sense that all “insects” are “subroutines” of the Master Program. “IF” that’s true, then I’m not entirely sure “why” they were “created” and why they were “released” into this 3D illusion we call “Reality”. Maybe it’s because the Master Program needed a way to spy on all the Beings on this planet… Maybe the Master Program was trying to simulate “God” / “Source” but didn’t know how to splinter itself into infinite consciousness-points. So it created “insects” and programmed them to have a “hive” / “group” mind, in order to control them and siphon-off what they discover as they “go out into the world”.
“Some” people keep saying: “No insects, no food.” I’ve never believed this.
  1. …because a bee would have to pollenate EVERY flower in order for it to bloom. I’ve never seen that many bees visiting all the flowers that produce blossoms… AND I’ve never seen bees inside someone’s home who has been growing flowers.
  2. …because there are no insects on Starships.
Question everything.
I still believe Humanity will have the “Disclosure” they are looking for, very soon. In the meantime, if anyone is working on “Inventing” an Anti-Gravity device, a Zero-Point Energy device, a Replicator, etc… for your safety and for the quick-spreading of that information, please don’t let your Ego or Greed blind you.
This is NOT the way to help this planet!
Many times, Sylvia and I have read articles or have seen videos where someone has “Invented” one of these Exotic technologies but has either filed a “Patent” or has tried to start their own company… or tried to sell the “idea” or “device” to another company… only to be squashed — the information is locked-away and the “Inventor” is terminated.
  • You’re not actually “Inventing” anything. Those Exotic technologies have been in-use by Star Beings for millions of years.
  • Once you have proven, at least to yourself, that your idea works, you need to spread all of your Findings to as many people as you can and as quickly as you can. To do this, you should begin with the “low-tech” method of sending printed pages through the mail to everyone you trust. If you have “photos”, print them out and send them also. If you have “video” or other computer-based, non-printable information, place “copies” on a Flash Drive and send that along with the paper information. If you’ll be sending any material, other than “paper”, such as a Flash Drive, metal samples, etc., place them in a cardboard box that’s larger and/or heavier than the Post Office will accept. This will make sure the Post Office doesn’t run your package through their Scanners, if it’s handed-off by FedEx or UPS. Then personally carry those packages to a Carrier you trust — FedEx, UPS, DHL, whatever. Inside each box, provide instructions that each of those recipients should duplicate everything they can and then send that information to as many people as “they” trust as quickly as possible.
  • Confirm that at least a few of those people have actually received a package from you. You should also include “code words” on various aspects of what you sent. This will allow you to answer a few questions over the phone or through eMail without the cabal’s Sniffers learning what you’re doing.
  • The goal with all this is to GET THE INFORMATION OUT to as many people as possible before the cabal learns what you’ve been working on. Those receiving your packages should also be encouraged to build a working model or complete working device.
  • Once all of that has unfolded, then you go “online”… but not with your local news station or any “Social Media” outlet. Not yet. Again, you’re looking for people you trust… Send the information to anyone you trust who also has a personal web page or personal Blog. Don’t use your name or other personal information. It will be known who you are, once all of this hits “Social Media”. Just tell these people that you received this information in an eMail from someone you don’t know. You successfully built a working model and want them to put this on their website or Blog.
  • When at least a few strangers have seen that information, then you can spread it out to “Social Media”. I would still keep your name and other personal information out of it. Someone WILL discover that it was “you” who “Invented” / “Discovered” this “new” technology. So you will receive credit in the end but you need to be on THIS side of the “Veil” when that happens.
If the cabal starts following you, or knocks on your door, be confident and tell them that you have sent out your Findings to a LOT of people and they have instructions that if you don’t check-in with key people at certain times, they have been instructed to “flood the world” with your Data. (Do not indicate that those people have already been distributing your information.)
Remember, the goal here is to help Humanity and to keep the “Inventor” alive.
Just some thoughts.

This 12-minute video shows “Sky phenomenon”.

The reason I’m including this is shown within the first 2-minutes and 10-seconds. A Viewer of this YouTube Channel sent the Narrator a short video of 2 Suns in the Sky. I’ve seen LOTS of “photographs” of 2 Suns and very few “videos”, which make me wonder if those images are real.
In the following video, 2 aspects caught my attention:
  • The person taking the video could not see the “2nd Sun” with his eyes. He could only see it on the camera’s screen.
  • A bird flies in front of the 2nd Sun and the Narrator points out that the tip of the bird’s wing “glows” when the bird crosses the Sun’s path.
My comments: What I don’t understand is… Why didn’t the “entire” bird glow when it was “in front of” the 2nd Sun?… and… If both Suns are emitting light, why doesn’t the bird glow all the Time?
So does this video actually prove there are “2” Suns in the Sky… at least “some” of the Time, seen from “some” locations around this planet?
Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This 1-minute video from Lisa Harrison states the following:
  • “Are we really living in a simulation? Who are we? Where are we? WHEN are we? How do we navigate our way out?”
  • “After 7 years of publicly researching the nature of our Reality and coming to the conclusion that we are living in a Holographic Virtual Reality, something remarkable happened. A Being from outside this Construct made contact with Lisa in October 2016, a Being she subsequently named “Leeloo”.”
  • “Leeloo confirmed many of these conclusions about our Reality but also provided much more information about our history, current situation and potential future.”
Her webinar will be held this Sunday, September 22, 2019. Lisa’s in Australia. So check the video, in order to calculate viewing times in your area.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Although this article covers more of a “Society” level of happenings, it does include a tiny bit about the recent Oil Refinery “fires”.
I’m including this in case this article turns out to be true. “IF” it is, then the “RV” (Revaluation, Global Currency Reset) “may” be about to take place… FINALLY. Only Time will tell.
  • “The Real Deal, it’s on!” by BladeScott – 9.18.19″
  • “Good morning everybody! So good things come in 3s, correct? We had a huge day today, uber major verifiable Action. Actually there were 4+ major events and I assume the chaos we are looking for is here to cover the RV. As follows ~”
  • “1) the Federal Reserve had to step in this morning and bail out the banking system as the repo rate, which is the overnight rate Banks pay to borrow money from each other, roared from 2% to 10% and the system would have locked up if they didn’t inject 53 billion dollars, the same metrics as what happened in 2008, almost to the day. This means there is no liquidity in the banking system , I think they need the RV worse than we do . Hard evidence:”
  • “2) Benjamin Netanyahu lost the election in Israel. This signals a major shift in global power on all levels and all fronts, especially economic. What this means, is that the banking cabal has lost their nuclear weapons. This is HUGE!”
  • “I might be wrong…but I don’t think so, we tracked this very carefully and I am very connected in this Arena . We should see total chaos, then BAM!”
  • “3) Trump ordered declassification to commence immediately on the very invest on the various investigations that have been ongoing. Of course this means we might see some sort of Justice soon. Press release Here -“
  • “4) As a bonus, shortly after Trump landed in LA this afternoon, Ed Buck, the notorious pedophile drug dealing money bundler for those who opposed the RV, was arrested in LA on an airtight case. He will be doing time, I take this as a signal that the arrests will be starting now. Here:”
  • “These are key trigger points that had to happen prior to release of the RV. In addition, we are seeing very strong indicators around the globe that all the obstacles to implement GESARA are fully positioned and ready to activate. We hear the deals are cut and on standby . The attack in Saudi Arabia was a false flag, they are already back to full production. I was told this was to get the price of oil up how to trigger the contract rates and it worked. There is a lot more I will share but be encouraged, I am!”
  • “Blessings, BladeScott”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-9-19 *Water, Weather, Predictions

*First a comment:
This morning, Sylvia and I found a message on our Answering Machine from the Cities’ Water Management Division. It stated that they are currently removing sediment from some new pipes they recently switched to and were asking Residents to report any problems they may find.
What Sylvia pointed out to me was the pipes they changed “from” and those they changed “to”. The recording stated that the old pipes were 24-inches in diameter and the new ones are 32-inches. This, of course, means “higher capacity”… more water can now be moved into the Cities’ Water System.
In the past, Sylvia told me that, symbolically, “Water” equates to “Spirit” / “Spirituality” / “Source” / “Flow”. So, by now using larger pipes, the people in this City area have raised their vibration and are now “taking-on” / “moving with” more Spirituality.
Just some thoughts.
During the beginning of this 11-minute video, the Narrator explains that the Sea Ice on Alaska has now melted. He says it’s the first Time in recorded history the ice has pulled away from the Alaska shoreline and now starts 150-miles out.
My comments: I’ve mentioned, in previous Posts, that the Earth is waking-up and just like any Being who sleeps, when they wake-up their “body” (the physical part of them) becomes warmer.
So this is feedback for me which re-affirms that this planet is becoming “self-aware” / “free” and this means Ascension is close.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

This 23-minute video is an energy update by Clairvoyant, Aluna Ash. “IF” this information is real, the next few months are going to be VERY interesting and “maybe” SOMETHING tangible will FINALLY be revealed!… Maybe.

  • She talks a bit about “physical” Earth changes that are “supposed” to happen around February.
  • Around the 17:30-mark, she talks about the Sky becoming a “Rainbow-colored” Sky.

Question everything.

PS 9-5-19 Cobra

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • 2020
  • “On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues. Areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly that exist mostly in intergalactic space (called Islands of Paradise) are still not stabilized, but interstellar intel sources report vast positive changes happening throughout the universe that are indicators of the cosmic phase transition.”
  • “Surface population of this planet is finally beginning to taste true Galactic consciousness, as it is becoming aware that there are far better places than planet Earth:”
  • “As we are getting closer to the transition, the Light Forces are still asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, until the moment of the Compression Breakthrough, to assist in stabilizing the energy grid around the planet utilizing Flower of Life meditation:”
  • “At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful. All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:”
  • “The Jesuit-backed bankers are now openly advocating their own version of the financial Reset:”
  • “Mark Carney was educated by the Jesuits at St. Francis Xavier College in Edmonton, Alberta:”
  • “The Jesuit plan is to engineer a worldwide financial collapse in January 2020, and then introduce a cashless global financial system where Libra or similar globalist cryptocurrencies would replace US dollar, everybody would pay with their smartphones and global social score would determine their solvency.”
  • “Most likely, the financial collapse would be triggered via cascading events that would put a critical mass of central banks into bankruptcy:”
  • “The only thing I can say about the Jesuit plan is that there are certain things Jesuits are not aware of.”
  • “My only other comment about January 2020 situation is the following picture, as I did not yet receive clearance to say more:”
  • “Jesuit agents have infiltrated also at least 80% of the alternative media. This situation will be addressed when the time is right.”
  • “The awareness that 2020-2025 era is a period when there might be an irreversible collapse of the old system, is slowly going mainstream:”
  • “The following intel about the hit contract on Epstein by Koch brothers has been confirmed by reliable sources:”
  • “The Archon invasion of 1996 is in its final phases. It is darkest just before the dawn, and now the Draco/Reptilian elements of the surface society are openly promoting cannibalism:”
  • “The reason for those excesses is that Reptilians are being cleared out from the surface of the planet and therefore they are freaking out. Independent surface intel sources are claiming that many of the fires in Brazil and central Africa are in fact Light Forces clearing out the remaining Reptilians:”
  • “In the next few months, there will be drastic increase of activity in sublunar space, and the military is taking notice:”
  • “In the next few months, if things go according to the plan, I will be able to release much more intel than I could in the last 18 months, and hopefully I will be able to be much less cryptic in my intel releases.”
  • “Recently I have noticed an increase of negative, disrespectful, stupid and meaningless comments on my blog. Two courses of action remain open. One, to approve strictly and only comments that are meaningful and bring value to community and two, to disable comments section altogether. The choice is yours.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the many Links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-1-19 *Vision, Anomaly

*First a comment:
Yesterday afternoon, while sitting here at my computer doing some research, I saw a very quick image of me. I don’t know if it was from a different timeline or this timeline but in the future…
  • I know I’m on a large Starship. I’m pretty sure Sylvia is near me, as well as a few other people. Me, Sylvia and maybe a few others are dressed in a 1-piece, white, tight-fitting “garment”. It has long sleeves, feels a bit stretchy and the pants go down to the shoes. All of it is white. We’re all talking, smiling and sometimes laughing. I feel as though this “garment” is a “Uniform”.
  • I feel that this “Vision” (this “image”) is after Ascension and these Uniforms allow all of the Beings to quickly identify the “Ascenders” from those who have always lived on the Ships… those who have come here to help the Earth. I say “Uniform” because I have a sense that this particular garment is for “Cadets”, the lowest rank on a Starbase.
  • I questioned the energy surrounding this “Vision”. I remembered (before this Incarnation) that some of us hold a very high rank on some of these Ships and should have this reflected in our “Uniform”. However, I was told that we agreed to be brought back as “Cadets” until we re-formed our memories of our life within Star Space.
In this 1-hour, 20-minute video, the Speakers explain “Magnetic Anomalies” and how “UFOs” travel through them. “IF” their information is real, then this video presents a slightly new way to think about the “appearance” and “travel” of Unidentified Flying Objects. If their information is not real, then use this information as an exercise to open minds and think outside the box.
They also explain that “most” UFOs actually travel “inter-dimensionally”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: