PS 5-30-19 *Health, *CreditCards, Predictions

*First a few comments:
(Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/27/19. I do watch and read many fragments of information, every night, but there just hasn’t been anything important enough to include.)
With my poor Math skills and rough estimate, it looks like we lost $711, for being sick with “LighteningSkin”. (“Society” calls is “Shingles”.) This is from the money we didn’t make, because we had to take several days off and the money we had to spend on Acupuncture, visit to “Sister’s Of Mercy” urgent care and the medicine they prescribed.
Financially, we’ll be ok. I’m not asking for donations. I’m only mentioning all this because some people might like to know how much a “time-off-from-work” illness can cost and for those of you smart enough to put money aside, in case something like this happens to you.
Health-wise, I seem to be doing ok. I took the last of the medicine today. My right ear is still a bit numb and the right side of my tongue is a bit swollen. Other than that, there are still some drying-up patches of skin on my face that I’d like to get rid of. It would be nice to wash my face again… and I haven’t been able to shave since all this happened, over 10-days ago.
So these last 2-weeks or so have NOT been something I want to repeat.
On top of that, there were now “3” of those black, hornet-like bugs in our home in the last 4-days or so and we’re still being invaded by “mayflies” each day. (I think it’s been almost 3-weeks now and this is about how long they do this each May) …and, today, Sylvia had me check our Bank Account activity online and I saw that someone had used our Debit Card “information” to rent a “NetFlix” movie. So I phoned the Bank and they had to re-issue that Card. What a hassle and all from someone who’s in big trouble.
  • Granted, this may have happened because an “individual” or “organization” of Hackers was simply “testing the waters”. If that purchase went through without that Account being terminated, they may have planned on making a very large purchase or large Cash Withdrawal in the next few days.
  • Note: Some of you already know all of this. For others, however, it will be an eye-opener on just “how” Credit Cards work (at least this aspect of them) This is what the cabal do not want you to know…
Before My Sylvia “crossed-over”, she had 2 or 3 Credit Cards. In our family, Sylvia was completely in-charge of managing our “Income” and “Expenses”. She’s a genius at it and I’m very far away from being “acceptable” at it. Also before Sylvia crossed-over, I never had a Credit Card in my name.
After Sylvia crossed-over, I panicked and was able to easily get “5” Credit Cards. Since I had heard that “Debt Forgiveness” was just around the corner, I loaded them up and never intended to pay them off — because that one-time “Jubilee” would cancel them out for me.
Since then, I realized that those Monthly Payments were not only annoying, and a struggle to keep up with, but I was getting more and more stressed at seeing us pay $60 on a Monthly payment but only have that Credit Card Company put $20 of it against what we owed them. YES! They were taking THIRTY-PERCENT INTEREST!!!
So about 24 or 36-Months ago, Sylvia and I decided to change our financial tactics and we created a long-term Plan. (Before this, I had asked 2 of these Credit Cards to extend our Credit Limit. The 1st Time I contacted them about this, they simply refused. Although we had very good Credit, I’m sure this was laughable for them. Several months later, I asked those companies again. This Time, one of them (let’s call them “Card-B”) gave us a $300 Credit Line increase.)
  • We would put “few” or “no” new charges on any of our Credit Cards.
  • As soon as we were able, we applied for a zero-percent Interest “Introductory Offer” Card and transfer as much of the lowest-Balance Card to that one. Then pay it off and repeat.
Once we were accepted for that zero-percent “Introductory Offer” (let’s call this the “zero-Card”), we immediately transferred the entire Balance of one of our other Cards (let’s call this “Card-A”) to that one and quickly cancelled “Card-A”.
A few weeks later, “Card-B” gave us (without us asking for it) a NINE-THOUSAND DOLLAR CREDIT LINE INCREASE!!! That’s $9,000!!!
Since we weren’t using that Card for purchases, and knowing that we would soon be transferring that Balance to another zero-percent “Introductory Offer” Card, I didn’t give it much thought.
About a week or 2 later, the “zero-card” company had sent us an invitation to another of their Cards, with a very similar Introductory Offer: “zero-percent Interest for 15-months, no Balance transfer fee, etc.” This came i the Mail. When we got home, we logged-in and indicated, “yes, we’d like to accept this Offer”. Our request immediately came back: “Declined”.
  • “What? How could that happen? We already have one of their Cards AND we have this Invitation. Why would we be Declined?”
So I phoned them.
  • When talking with someone, even on the phone, you can analyze the character of their voice and quickly steer the conversation in your favor. If your “Psychic” abilities are sharp-enough and quick-enough, you can also detect what they are NOT telling you and much more.
So I got to ask a lot of questions and learned a couple of very key pieces of information.
The biggest thing I learned was… All Financial Institutions base your “Credit Worthiness” not on how much you “owe” but on how much “potential” you have to “owe”. In other words, between the remaining 3 Credit Cards we had at that Time, we only owed a total of about $4,600 BUT the “Credit Line Limits” on those 3 Cards added up to around $14,000 and THIS is what that Credit Card company looked at.
  • So, in our mind, “Card-B” raised our Credit Line Limit to $9,000 for 2 reasons:
  • 1) Hoping that we’d stay with them, because we now had a huge spending limit, and
  • 2) In order to “keep us” from getting another Credit Card, and potentially transfer their Balance and then cancel THEIR Card.
Sylvia and I then talked about this and how to fix it.
The next day, I got on the phone and had the remaining 3 Cards “LOWER” our Credit Line Limit to $50 above what we owed them. This brought our “Spending Potential” down from $14,000 to around $4,700. Then we waited about 2-weeks, in order for our newly-adjusted Credit Worthiness to get distributed to all the Financial Institutions who needed to see it.
Next, I went back online and applied for another “zero-percent Interest “Introductory Period” Card. We were instantly accepted! I immediately transferred the Balance of the 2 remaining “30-percent Interest” Cards and then cancelled them.
Right now, Sylvia and I have 2 Credit Cards and both are zero-percent Interest for an Introductory Period.
Once we pay off these Cards, we’ll be applying for a “Credit Union” Credit Card, which should come with only 5-percent Interest.
Question everything.
In this 10-minute video, Clairvoyant, Aluna Ash, explains the current energies of this planet.
  • Around the 5:33-minute mark, she states that there’s a “Portal” opening from May 31st to June 4th.
  • She also states that Humanity has recently ended a “Collective Agreement” and a new one has now gone into affect. This new one shows “a rapid acceleration when it comes to this Ascension in our Awareness and Perception of Reality”. This takes place “July into August”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-27-19 *Bugged, *SecureTeam, Parkes, Ascension

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/21/19)
*BUGGED (5/26/19)
A “Psychic” or “Self-Awareness” technique, for looking at your Life’s Path, is to look at various facets of your Day before going to bed each night. Select the facets which stand-out for you and look them up as if they were Symbols in a Dream — a bird sining a friendly Song, unexpectedly getting your feet wet, someone telling you to eat more watermelon, getting your finger caught in a zipper, etc.
Sometimes the answer will come back in a “Pun”. This is what happened with me and Sylvia this last week. Just about the Time the yearly “mayflies” appeared in our home, I got extremely sick. (I call it “Lightening Skin”. Human Society calls it something else.) So, in both situations, we were “bugged”. (Today was the 1st day I could even wash my face in the last 7-days! Although my beard is only a quart-inch long, it’s never been that long.)
Each day, I had to flatten about 50 mayflies. Yesterday, I thought there must be a better way. So I sprayed them with “Windex”. It “crosses them over” on contact.
We won’t know for sure, until tomorrow, but it now looks as though “mayfly season” has ended. This is interesting because today’s the 1st day I’ve broken-through this sickness “barrier”.
  • Also… During all of that, a large, very black, hornet-looking bug came in through a gap in our Living Room window. (We almost never get any insects inside our home.) It took me a while but I did manage to flatten it.
  • Then, the next day, the same bug or a clone or a repeating pattern in the Matrix caused a similar bug to enter our home through a slight gap in our Kitchen window. Flattened. Done.
I just want to make a comment here about the current Consciousness of Humanity…
A couple days ago, I noticed a video by YouTube Channel: “SecureTeam”. The title was: “This may be the end of SecureTeam“.
  • He does have over 2-million Subscribers and has been working on those videos for about 7-years. I don’t always check that Channel but I do trust the information present much more than “third phase of moon” and a few others.
In that video, he said YouTube had completely de-monitized ALL of his videos. That was his only source of income for him, his wife and their young Son. He asked people to go on Social Media and ask YouTube to reinstate his money-making ability.
Within 24-hours, thousands or hundreds of thousands of people had done just that and we woke-up that morning to his Channel being completely reinstated.
  • I know there are other video-storage sites but I don’t know if they provide monetization. There must be at least one YouTube alternative.
The reason I’m including this because it shows the “pulse” of Humanity really “IS” questioning everything. It doesn’t matter if UFO’s are real. What matters is “free speech” and for everyone to think for themselves… and what those people did shows just that.
The “Veils” are almost done. We’re getting there, people. We ARE getting there.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 1-hour video, whistleblower, Simon Parkes, provides updates on the “Social” and “energy” facets of this planet. Here are a few highlights:
  • Around the 8-minute mark, he states that the Prime Minister of England has resigned.
My comment: This is VERY good news!
  • He says there have been at least 5 attempts on President Trump’s life.
  • Someone asked him a question about the “Global Currency Reset”. The questioner said it’s supposed to happen on Jun 6th. Simon stated:”I’ve certainly been told that the 1st week in June is of pivotal importance and it’s no coincidence that the President of the United States is out of the U.S. in that pivotal time.”
  • Russia and America are allies. Don’t fall for the information coming out of the media.
  • At one point, Humanity’s DNA was reduced from 12-strands to 2. This was to insure that Humans could work for their slave masters but would not be able to out-think them and get out of the “prison” they put them in. Humanity has now evolved “Spiritually”, which the bad guys can’t keep up with. “Humanity is evolving beyond the speed of the bad guys to control us. Hence, all of the desperation.”
  • He explains “Ascension” and says “we cannot be stopped”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


  • I had seen some of Neo Glimmer’s videos before. I don’t check his YouTube Channel very often but something, or Sylvia, “nudged” me to do so tonight.
The following 14-minute video is titled: “Ascension /The validation i was waiting for (ascension codes)“.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
His link to the “Codes” file didn’t work for me. So I quickly looked through the titles of his most recent Postings and found the following.
  • In this 17-minute video, he explains the Symbolism of Ascension and the “Codes” he received, through the images in a computer game.
  • He does make some very insightful Points. One of them is how “some say” Humans are moving from “Carbon-based” Beings to “Crystal-based” Beings. He says, if you’re “Crystal”, you become denser. Instead we need to move to a lighter, I think he said “Plasma”-based structure.
Here’s the link (this is part 2. I didn’t watch “Part 1”):
Here’s the link to Part 1:

PS 5-21-19 Immortals, Harrison

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
“IF” any of this is real, then think of this long Article as a “Summary” of Humanity’s history on this planet. The title of this Article is: “Immortal Spiritual Beings – Alien Interview By Mrs. Macelroy & Airl, The Grey”.
  • According to the Article, this Extraterrestrial survived the Roswell crash and was interviewed by this military person.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Part 1:
Here’s is the direct link to Part 2:
Here’s is the direct link to Part 3:
Here’s is the direct link to Part 4:


This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This was a Live Stream, from today, where Lisa answers lots of questions regarding her recent 3-Part update: Episodes 60, 61 and 62.
  • Around the 34-minute mark, Lisa states “This is the last year… BY 2020” and that many will leave before the end of this year.
  • “A lot is going to happen in the next few months.”
  • She was told “our Star is dying”. It’s dimmer than it used to be. “I think every country now has a Patent for a “Sun Simulator”.”
  • “It feels like we’re in the final push… for everything.” Your weapons are your Heart, Humor and Unpredictability.”
  • This Realm closes by 2020.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-20-19 Timelines, UFOs

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This 30-minute video is titled: “Timelines, Economic Reset, 5D UFOs – Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta-Pleiades)“.
I’m including this because, around the 15-minute mark, she provides a fairly clear explanation of how “Timelines” work. “IF” this information is true, then it shows the difference between “Collective” and “Individual” Timelines
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This is also “bonus” information…
In this 9-minute video, the Narrator explains that the person who videoed the “UFOs” actually invented the “technique” or “device” which allows his camera to see them. He also states that those “UFOs” are perfectly synced with the Earth’s orbit, posing as parts of various Constellations. Because of this, he says, they must be 2.5-Lightyears away.
My comment: What if they’re not that far away? What if these Space Objects are just outside the Satellite layer?
Just something to think about “IF” these images are real.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-19-19 *Intentions, *BossMonster, Harrison, Wilcock, LightLover, Predictions, Cobra

*First a LOT of comments:
(Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/15/19)
Yesterday, when Sylvia and I got to Waffle House we notice it’s Parking Lot was very full. I think there were only 3 parking places available. One of them was right in front of the building itself. Although there was no parking space to the right of it, we didn’t want anyone to park in the spot to the left, because they may scratch our car… but since we didn’t have much choice, that’s where we parked.
We went inside and almost couldn’t get through the door. Almost every seat was taken and there were 8 people sitting in some “waiting chairs” next to the door, waiting for a table (or even a place at the Counter). Right in front of us, at the door, were 3 “worker” guys, probably in their mid-to-late 20s. I asked them
  • “Is everyone here waiting for a seat?”
The closest guy just nodded his head but all 3 looked at us with an unspoken voice of:
  • “Yeah and you’d better not try to cut in front of us.”
“Intentions” are not really like “praying”. Intentions seem to come through your Heart and represent your “Core”… without “greed”… without really asking for anything… it just radiates your true character and when you’re Centered (I guess) the “Heart” unlocks that energy and just allows it to flow out.
So I didn’t DO anything. I didn’t even react to their energy. I just accepted the situation and stood there.
Within 15-seconds, all 3 of them left. Within another 60-seconds, a table became available and the next group ahead of us sat there. Within a few seconds after that, I saw… not only had a Counter seat become available but it was THE seat that Sylvia and I always sit at… AND it was next to another “Waffle House Regular”… a retired guy who eats there almost as often as us. So everything unfolded to our satisfaction… and quickly.
It wasn’t until we were walking to our car when we noticed the vehicle that parked in that spot to our left was the guy we sat next to. This meant no one was going to scratch our car because there’s never anyone in the Passenger Side of his truck… AND he wouldn’t be leaving before us (leaving a spot open for someone else).
So I attribute all of this to our “Intention”.
  • I’m not really ready to lay all of this “out there” but something (or Sylvia) is nudging me to do this now. Maybe Time is running out and this needs to be placed into the Mass Consciousness. I don’t know.
  • A few years before Sylvia crossed-over, we talked about “Transparency” and that it would be good if companies, politicians and all Beings practiced this. So, even though I’m about to “throw myself under the bus” / “damage what little credibility I have with some of you” I have to “practice what we preach”…
  • Keep in mind that Sylvia’s own Daughter will be reading this.
  • Also keep in mind that I answer to no one except “me” and “My Sylvia”… no one. (Remember, Sylvia crossed-over on 4/9/11… over 423-Weeks ago! However, she’s always right here with me and she knows EVERYTHING I do… and that’s the way we like it.)
Here we go…
This is the “Positive” Boss Monster I’ve been dealing with since the beginning of April 2019.
  • In a “nut shell”, an energy within me has Awakened. That’s the “Positive” part. The “Boss Monster” part… the part that I’ve gone through a LOT of “Soul searching”, questions, “trial by fire”, etc. is that this particular facet was not supposed to surface. I’ve used a HUGE amount of energy to get through this.
  • Now I’ll add some water to that “nut shell” and bring-out the details…
For the last several months, Sylvia and I would go to a “good food” but “fast food” place for Lunch once a week (while at work) on the same day and Time.
Because we go to Lunch so late, around 2p, we usually don’t have to wait in line. On this particular day, we did. At one point, I noticed a female nearby, walking around and talking to a few of the people she came in with. Early 30s and looked like a Model. I also noticed how several people in that area were trying “not” to notice her. I then glanced over at the Counter, to see how much longer we’d have to wait. Then I noticed the female taking the Orders. I told Sylvia, “she” has much better energy. I can feel that she has “Heart”. Although we had seen her many times before, this was the 1st Time I felt a connection with her… with anyone.
  • When Sylvia “crossed”, I haven’t “looked at” or even “noticed” ANY females. This has been difficult for some females at work to understand… but, after a while they have noticed it and respected it… If there’s a female in a doorway or a narrow aisle, I usually just stand a few feet away, waiting to walk past them. “Go ahead. There’s plenty of room”. (me) “No. I can’t get by. You’ll have to move.”… or if they’re wearing a dress and I have to get on the floor to fix something near them, I’ll tell them they have to move. “Why?” (me) “Because you’re wearing a dress.”
Some background…
  • When My Sylvia actually crossed-over, I remember my mind being VERY confused for quite a while. I also remember the TREMENDOUS PAIN throughout this Unit (the body and its many Systems), for MANY months. For a long Time, I thought I was having a Heart Attack. It felt like someone had thrown a Spear at me and it not only pierced my skin and my Heart but also, slightly cut into my very Soul. There are still no words to describe that pain.
  • Whenever I talked with someone who had also lost someone close to them, they also described a “great pain” but no one mentioned the “Heart Attack” or “Soul-piercing” aspects and almost no one had lost a “Significant Other”. So their experiences were similar but not exactly at the depth that I had gone through. (Yes, I do realize I haven’t “cornered the Market” on “Pain” and I do know some of you HAVE lost a very precious person in your life. I’m simply speaking of the majority of casual conversations I’ve had with some people.)
  • When Sylvia and I worked at the “grocery store”, there was a woman who lost her Mom a few years earlier. Although she was as cheerful and interactive (with the people around her) as could be expected, she had low energy and wasn’t really motivated to do much. Then, one day she told me. she just “snapped out of it” and felt that pain just go away.
  • About a month ago, the Husband of a woman, where Sylvia and I now work, had crossed-over. I spoke with her about it and she “said” she was still crying all the Time and had deep pain because of it. Then, about 2-Weeks later, she went to Europe for 10-Days. It wasn’t to visit Family. It was just a basic “Vacation”. She went with a guy from work and his Husband. I think she’s known them for years. Even if they paid for everything, so she could “get away” / “have a distraction”, that just doesn’t make any sense to me. (Yes, everyone processes “Grief” differently. I just don’t get it.)
  • I’ve mentioned, in previous Posts, that I have always known about and used “Locks” / “Fail-Safe” energies within me. I 1st discovered this while I was a teenager. I don’t remember the exact situation but I would have been trying to get myself to do something that I really didn’t want to do or that someone else was asking me to do something I really didn’t want to do — like cheat on the girl I was dating in High School. Typically, I don’t actually “set” / “program” these Locks. They seem to subtly, automatically create themselves and as they’re being formed, that particular energy is designed from the very beginning to be a Locked parameter — like the moment I realized I wanted to ask Sylvia to Marry me. I think this is a Heart-based System which “connects to” or “comes from” my very Core. These are impossible to break, manipulate, re-route, etc.
Back to explaining this “Positive” Boss Monster…
The part of me that woke-up was the energy of needing someone to talk to. So I thought maybe I could talk to the female at the Lunch Counter. However, my “Locks” instantly kicked-in… and THAT’S the way they’re supposed to work.
So I talked to Sylvia about it, throughout the next week or 2. (Note: This wasn’t a direct conversation with Sylvia. Her information, as it usually does, came to me as feelings, images, symbolisms, synchronicities, etc, over several days.)
  • As Sylvia always does… she didn’t “tell” me what to do… or NOT do. Instead, she Guided me. “What’s the purpose of what you want to accomplish?”
  • (me) “I just want someone to talk to about all this Research I’ve been doing on “the Event”… the removal of the “Veil”.”
  • (Sylvia) “You could just talk to “her” or “anyone” that you come into contact with, throughout the day.”
  • (me) “Yeah but this information takes much longer to explain than a few seconds here… a few seconds there.”
  • (Sylvia) “I’ve been doing my best to get you to expand your Diet but you don’t seem to want to explore a larger variety of foods.”
  • (me) “Wait. I could ask her to Dinner. THEN we’d have Time to talk.”
So Sylvia and I then went over what I was going to suggest and how I was going to say it:
  • “Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? NOT as a “Date”… Just two people having a nice meal, conversation and that’s it. When we’ve finished eating, you drive off. Then I drive off. I don’t want your phone number. I don’t want to know where you live.”

I would then explain:

  • “My wife passed-away in April of 2011. Since then, I haven’t even noticed another female. I still consider myself Married. So I must have put a wall around me when she left. However, when I saw you I just seemed to “resonate” with something within you. Maybe it’s a “Past Life” thing. I don’t know but, whatever it was, it cracked that wall.”
So, the next week, on that same day and Time, I went to the Lunch Counter and asked her. (Keep in mind that I rarely talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING… and I haven’t “asked anyone to Dinner” since before Sylvia and I were Dating… back in the mid-80s.)
  • (me) “Would you like to have Dinner with me sometime?…”
  • (her) “Don’t you think I’m too young for you?”
She wasn’t mean about it and I was too nervous to stick to my Script. So that’s where it ended. (I think she was about 24-years old.)
  • Her comment caused me to have a minor “mid-life crisis”. When Sylvia and I got home that day, I looked in the mirror. Usually I see what I want to see but, at that point, I took a much closer look. I wanted to see what “she” saw… what made her say that?
  • Although this Unit has now experienced 64 Sun Cycles, during this current Incarnation, I really don’t feel that old. Looking deep into that mirror, however, I saw white hairs in my mustache, probably 10-percent of gray hairs throughout the hair on my head and, probably the biggest “sign”, the full ‘bags” under my eyes.
  • Since then, I purchased a tube of something that’s supposed to reduce “eye-puffiness” but, after 3-weeks (3-times a day), hasn’t seemed to do anything. (Someone at work told me I need to get more sleep. I’ve been stuck at “6-hours” of sleep each night since Sylvia crossed-over. I just can’t get myself to go to bed earlier.)
  • Then, after lots of “energy conversations” with Sylvia, I decided to dye my hair. I did a lot of Research and watched a lot of videos on it. On the way home from work on Friday, we bought a “natural” hair-color kit and I applied it that night. I really just wanted to keep my original hair color and just get rid of those white hairs. The good news is my hair didn’t turn “green”. The bad news… It’s just now darker, almost “black”, compared to what it was. So it looks just a bit fake.
  • No, this doesn’t lend itself to being “Transparent” but I really didn’t do all this for “that girl”. I did it for “me”. My hair had become very dry and frizzy and those white hairs always wanted to “kink”. I couldn’t get them to lay flat with the rest of my hair. So, now, my hair is darker BUT it has a nice shine and looks well-cared-for hair.
So I still want to get some extra nutrition in my Diet. There’s a Mexican food place near where we work that I’d like to go back to. (Sylvia and I have eaten there a few times.)
So, I asked another girl. This Time, a female at work.
  • Note: I’m not asking “just any female”. I’m still working a lot with “energies” and when someone’s energy seems different, I then “Read” it, to see what that involves. Maybe these are people from from my “Soul Group”. Maybe there’s a “Past Life” connection, which would also imply a “Soul Group”. Time is very short now and I’m still on THIS side of the “Veil” for a reason. So I have to continue to move ahead. Plus, during all of this, Sylvia recently mentioned something she told me shortly after she crossed… “The more situations you are in… the more people you interact with, the more I can help you.”
When I “Read” the energy of that female, I was confused. Her outward appearance looks like she’s “15”. (You have to be “18” to work there.) …but the energy in her Voice felt as though she was in her mid-to-late 20s… or even early 30s.
So I asked her. This Time, I did get ALL of my words out.
She had a girlish smile on her face but looked confused:
  • (her) “Oh my. I don’t know what to say?”
Now “I” was confused:
  • (me) “That’s ok. You think about it.”
  • (her) “Ok.”
Our schedules didn’t match for a few days but when I saw her again, she stopped me as I was walking by:
  • (her) “About what we talked about… No thank you… but than you for asking me.”
  • (me) “That’s fine. Thank you for at least considering it.”
From the little information I discovered about that female since then, I “think” she’s “18”, was home-schooled and has “probably” never been asked out before. This is why she was confused. I found the words she used a bit strange. They sounded as though her Grandmother told her what to say. The energy behind them was very polite.
Although I haven’t told anyone at work I was going to ask that particular female, I had previously gotten some feedback from 2 other females at work about all of this. Including the Lunch Counter girl before I asked her. This particular part of “life’s opera” has been interesting and confusing for me. I was only asking for a “Dinner companion”. NOTHING more but when you remove “Romance” from what most people think of as a “Date”, no one knows what you’re talking about. “Dating”, these days, seems to imply that there’s “much more” that’s going to happen than just Dinner and conversation.
“Positive” Boss Monster turns dark…
Interwoven between female 1 and female 2 was the “flip side” of this… “I” was on the receiving-end of the same situation.
A female employee, retired, 67-years old, just came up to me 1-day and handed me a small piece of paper. (I had previously heard her tell another employee her age. Her Husband had crossed-over about 18-months ago.)
  • (her, pushing that paper into my hand) “Don’t you dare tell anyone.”
After she walked away, I unfolded it and saw a 10-digit number. I assumed it was a phone number… “her” phone number.
  • Note: If I was simply trying to get ANY female to go to Dinner with me, I could have EASILY asked this woman… but I didn’t because there was no energy connection of any kind… at least going from “my” direction.
Later that day, we talked and she told me that her and I had been talking to each other a lot lately and she didn’t want “me” to get into trouble. So she thought we could talk on the phone after work sometime.
  • I now knew exactly how the Lunch Counter girl felt when I asked her to Dinner. (At this point, I hadn’t spoken to the 2nd female.)
I was surprised at how quickly, easily and calmly I could deal with this situation. I don’t remember that conversation very well but, within seconds, it was diffused and she told me “Then don’t Call me”. Not in a mean way. She simply felt the casualness of being able to talk while we’re at work.
  • I have now tried to quit working at that place TWICE. Both times the Store Manager somehow “found” more money or more hours, in order to keep me working there. So “I” knew (and most of the other employee’s know) that I’m not going to “get in trouble” for talking to another employee. So, yes, I knew this woman was simply saying those words in order to have an excuse to give me her phone number.
Then, after a couple of weeks (and after I spoke with the 2nd female), Sylvia and I were sitting in the Lunch Room at work. We were the only ones in there. That retired woman came in, looked around, closed the door, came over to me, put her hands on my shoulders and said:
  • (her) “If I were a little younger, I’d be all over you.”
  • (me) “I’m only 3-years younger than you.”
  • (her) “I thought you were in your 50s?”
  • (me) “Plus, I think my wife might have something to say about that.”
  • (her) “I thought you said you’re wife had died.”
  • (me) “She didn’t “die”. She crossed-over. There’s a difference. Besides, what would your Husband say?”
She was in the middle of gathering her Lunch items and placing them on a table next to ours… About 3-feet away, she turned to me with a frustrated, almost angry look on her face and said:
  • “He’s DEAD!”
This has been an interesting exercise. Try it sometime, especially if you are free to go on “Dates”. Remember, you won’t be asking “Friends”. You’ll be asking, basically, “strangers” who you only know through “chit chat” at work or have talked about the “weather” with in a grocery store, gas station, etc. Try it. See if you can explain that it’s just “Dinner” (or “Lunch”) and nothing more. See if you can explain it AND see if they actually hear what you are suggesting. If you follow-through with this, see if (after Dinner) they say, “want to come back to my place?” or “why don’t we go for a drink somewhere?”. If they do, then they didn’t hear what you mentioned. It’s not your fault. It’s just the way this current “Society” has been programmed.
In Conclusion
I know this was a bit tricky for Sylvia… to guide me through these encounters but to also have faith in my “Locks”, so I wouldn’t go any further than “Dinner” with these females.
The 1st part of all this was confusing for me. I had somehow cracked a “shell” that was around me (that I didn’t really know about), because of the Lunch Counter female. Then, as things unfolded, I realized that Sylvia was guiding me through various hurdles and what I was supposed to be accomplishing with everything. At one point, I remember saying to Sylvia:
  • “This is what it must feel like when people go on their “Vision Quest”, guided by a Native American Shaman.”
Several of the energies I’ve been working-through lately were explained below in Lisa Harrison’s 3-part video.
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
In Part 1, she covers:
  • the 5 “Realms”,
  • “Pocket” Realms,
  • Source,
  • Home,
  • Mandela Effect,
  • “Love is all that matters”,
  • Ascension, etc.
In Part 2, she covers:
  • Schumann Resonance,
  • Transfer of consciousness,
  • “the virus”,
  • the hijacking of our Souls,
  • Notre Dame fire,
  • crown of thorns,
In Part 3, she covers:
  • Right around the 2:15-mark, Lisa mentions that a lot of people look like they aged about 20-years in the last 12-months but it’s not how they feel on the inside. “On the inside they feel better… younger.” She says… The thinking is… the more we merge with “Home”, the less there is here to keep this Avatar running… feeding it. Sustaining it.
  • “We are in the process of transferring our Consciousness Home and into our Home bodies.”
  • Because of this, we are becoming more “Home-like”. More Empathic and Telepathic and more connected to the Collective.
  • The number of people “crossing-over” in the last 3-Months has escalated 300-percent “and we’re not being told”. (She then outlines different reasons why this has happened.)
  • Lisa relates a Dream that someone had. It’s very interesting and provides good feedback as to where Humanity is at this point in Time.
  • At the 24:10-mark… “…and some people have really started to activate… come online… wake-up, very very quickly. At a pace that’s even scaring them… and for those who are going with it, staying calm and going with it and really feeling into it, they know it’s because time is short and they have to get ready for their job that they’ve chosen to do next.”
  • “Something is pointing to something that’s very very imminent.”
  • “Look for the anomalies because the more you see them “the more you’ll see them” and allow them to confirm the artificial nature of this reality.”
  • “Remember, you greatest weapon is your Heart, your Humor and your Unpredictability.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Part 1:
Here’s the link to Part 2:
Here’s the link to Part 3:
In this 39-minute video, whistleblower Corey Goode and researcher David Wilcock talk about:
  • “…underground cavern systems in the Grand Canyon, Pre-Adamite remains, contact with Native American tribes in the region, how this connects to the Antarctic Atlantis and more!”
  • They also talk about “Disclosure” and feel that Humanity is on the verge of big information being released soon.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
The following Post is from “LightLover”, Maria. Although she’s Posted a few things over the last week or so, the one resonated a bit more with me.
When she got to the part about the new energies affecting the teeth, ears and tip of your tongue, I knew Maria had tapped into some important information and that I needed to include it here.
  • For almost a week now, “once in a while” one of my ears feels as though someone hit it with a solid, metal rod. “Sometimes” I feel pain there. When it happens (which is not often) it’s VERY strong! I can’t move for those few seconds. I’m now also feeling this in some of my teeth. One side of my jaw and neck are also sending some pain “whenever” the pain in the ear happens. Lisa’s recent videos also talks about this.
LightLover’s Message:
  • “Q”TIP and Energy Report Let Go- 5/17/2019″
  • “My Fam,”
  • “Intense Ascension symptoms being felt by all as the incoming Source Waves are slamming into the Ionosphere and reverberating across all consciousness grids.”
  • “I feel a secondary plasma Wave within the First Wave…seems to be affecting my third eye area specifically…feels like my third eye is drying up…like the muscles are being overworked.”
  • “Energy Frequency is aligning to the first 4D chakra system, affecting teeth, ears and nose.”
  • “If the tip of your tongue is sore, it means your chakra is expanding btw. Try not to kiss too passionately lol!”
  • “If you taste metal, your pineal gland is quickly decalcyfying, drink tons of water, and add at least 1000mg of extra vitamin C to support your immune system. (preferably 2000 if you can swing it)”
  • “couple of shots of apple cider vinegar with the mother, for your kidneys and liver.”
  • “If your are being affected by headaches, it helps me to get in a bath and get hot water on back of my neck, our reptilian brain is upgrading, heat allows for blood flow and seems to help.”
  • “Eye sensitivity can be extreme- I do sometimes even have to wear glasses inside because my eyes are so sensitive.”
  • “The higher the dimension, the worse your human eyesight.”
  • “The Higher D’s are not Seen as linear.”
  • “You might want to cut back on coffee until this wave passes, but each person is different of course, that is how my body reacted in the past.”
  • “Also goody powder Was the only headache med I could take.”
  • “If you feel lightheaded, like you are spiraling UP- that’s the lighbody process- your vibration is rising too fast- eat something like nuts-drink water and go outside to ground.”
  • “If you begin to burn up- thats the Phoenix process, it helps to put your hands over your heart, breathe,and tell your Body to calm. Splash water on you and drink water too.”
  • “Lightbody is mind- Phoenix is body.”
  • “As you begin to fully anchor to the new grids, pay attention to your breath. You should find yourself able to breathe, the anxiety calming.”
  • “The QJ process takes 3 days.”
  • “Your Body Intelligence will guide you. Listen closely- meditate and slow down, remember no one knows how to bring you down on your knees in front of your toilet better than your own body self.(good luck trying to win that battle though…hehehe)”
  • “Love Yourself, rest, and honor your divine vessel.”
  • “At first you will notice your diet is basic- for me only white foods it seems and a little egg. I am mostly a juicer now but that can quickly change as ascension continues.”
  • “ok. gotta go. I am going fishing.”
  • “Love you guys- thank you for all your immense love and support for me through my past dark night.”
  • “I am forever grateful.”
  • “The Scorpio moon tomorrow night will bring out very intense energies, let’s ground them into the Ley Lines and let them affect the grids and clear away from the people shall we?”
  • “The Human Race has chosen to ascend with ease and grace.
  • And So it is.”
  • “Gridworkers- 3 Spiritual Spa days for Us- honor your body- go within, play, create and feel the new world awakening.”
  • “Time to ride the Divine Wave”
  • “We are all riding the wave, everything is Divinely Perfect.”
  • “Massive Disclosure is occurring throughout the world now, we have prepared for Disclosure and it is here.
  • “Our job is to transmute everything to Peace.”
  • “If you trigger, forgive and keep going. If you cannot forgive, forgive yourself for being unable to do it today, and keep going.”
  • “Just keep swimming, keep swimming.”
  • “We need to hold the space in our hearts as truth is revealed, and know that everything is exactly as It should be.
  • “Just a little bumpy right now, that’s all.”
  • “In Light and Love and Joyful Service.”
  • “M.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 8-minute video, Clairvoyant Aluna Ash explains an upcoming alignment on June 21st 2020. Here are a few highlights:
  • “There could be some pretty big Shifts taking place. There’s a Galactic alignment with the Sun… It’s going to be seen and it has to do with the different ancient points on Earth — the Vortex points, the Pyramids, Stonehenge…”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In continuing tonight’s Research, I found the following article, which seems to say similar things to Aluna’s message. The title is: “2019 Is Preparing Us For A Wave Of Ascension Energy In 2020″.
Somehow, this small part of that message caught my attention:
  • “Rise up, rise up. This our time to shine. Your soul was destined to be on this Earth at this time for these waves of ascension. You knew it was coming and you are ready for this. Keep lifting yourself higher, keep accepting and owning yourself, for that is key.”
Here’s the link:
Today’s message from Cobra is simply 2 images and the title: “The MasterKey”. (Click on the images to see a larger version.)
My comments: I have no idea what Cobra is telling us in either of these images, however, in the 1st image, notice the “Copyright” in the lower-left corner. It reads:
  • (C) ANU
According to the things I’ve read and watched, over these MANY months, “Anu” is (or was) the head of the Draco Reptilians.
The few Comments, under these images, may provide some insight into this message.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-15-19 Cobra

This message was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Situation Update
  • “At the moment of the last Archon invasion in January 1996, the dark forces have created three main dark wormhole entry points to collapse the planetary Light grid.”
  • “These three dark wormhole entry points were:”
  • “Bukavu, Lake Kivu,Congo”
  • “Ljubljana, Slovenia”
  • “Santa Monica, California , USA”
  • “Ljubljana and Santa Monica were two Ascension vortexes with the most potential for Ascension on a planetary scale, and they needed to be suppressed in order for the dark forces to continue their rule.”
  • “Wormholes were created by several etheric and plasma conventional nuclear explosions at and above the beforementioned locations (with total of about 200 etheric / plasma nukes exploding worldwide), which opened a multidimensional wormhole to the Rigel star system:”
  • “Through these Rigel-Earth wormholes, many negative entities came to planet Earth and infected it.”
  • “Among most dangerous of those entities were Chimera spiders, huge plasma spiderlike beings with plasma toplet bombs attached to their skin, smaller ones being 10-100 meters (yards) in diameter, the largest ones a few kilometers (miles):”
  • “Most of those spiders have positioned themselves above the largest cities on the planet.”
  • “As now the Cosmic Central Race is depleting their energy to the point where they are threatened with extinction, the Chimera has devised a plan to reinforce their negative energy field with 5G technology which they plan to implement in large cities with the assistance of many microsatellites:”
  • “They are also planning to reinforce that technology with nanobots:”
  • “The Light forces are taking action to counteract all this.”
  • “Since the collapse of Alpha timeline in January 2018 I am in a difficult position, as I am not allowed to release any significant intel, yet I am expected to continue with this blog. Since the collapse of Alpha timeline the operations of the Light Forces have been ramped up and have gone deep black.”
  • “There are only a few things I am allowed to say. First, since December 2017 the implementation of Mjolnir with its Wipeout strategies has angered the dark forces to the point they were willing to risk everything, situation was escalating badly to the point where full military confrontation was possible, which could lead to short and open war between the Light and the dark forces which would make the surface of this planet uninhabitable.”
  • “Toplet bomb chain reaction (even much more than strangelet bomb chain reaction) has a potential to wipe out our planet, as it is explained in a very simple way in this video:”
  • “Therefore the Light forces were forced to retreat, and cease Mjolnir operations in spring 2018, which led to the collapse of the Beta timeline.”
  • “Now we are in the Gamma timeline, which is a slow and sure way to lead the planet towards the liberation without destroying the surface of the planet in the process.”
  • “Although the dark forces have misused the retreat of the Light forces and have infiltrated the Surface Alliance heavily with many dark Draco operatives who came in cloned bodies from underground bases of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (originally coming from Taurus dark cloud), the Light is already taking certain actions to counteract this.”
  • “The problem of toplet bombs is being addressed and is in the process of being resolved slowly. Nothing more can be said about that.”
  • “The surface population is becoming more and more aware that there were cataclysmic events taking place in the not so distant past:”
  • “The surface population is also becoming aware that we are actually in the middle of a mass extinction event:”
  • “All these are signs that we are approaching an event of cosmic proportions that will radically change life on this planet.”
  • “The most accurate plan for this Event is here:”
  • “The Light forces are asking everybody to visualize the bright future of the Golden age to speed up and accelerate the process of manifesting it.”
  • “The Light forces are also asking people to go beyond their mind and contact their Soul.”
  • “Many people are experiencing benefits of Tachyon chambers:”
  • “Here we need to clear some misconceptions about Tachyon chambers. Tachyon chambers are NOT med beds. There is only one confirmed source that makes Tachyon healing chambers available, and all public chambers are listed here:”
  • “Tachyon healing chambers are NOT designed to tachionize objects, and people claiming that they can tachionize objects in their Tachyon healing chambers, or people claiming they have designed their own tachyon chambers or are even selling or promoting them, are not telling the truth.”
  • “Some people are already having indirect contact with the Resistance Movement:”
  • “This contact will only grow as we come closer and closer to the moment of the Compression Breakthrough.”
  • “Victory of the light!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-14-19 *Rainbow, *Light, *Naturally

*First a comment:
(Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/8/19)
(5/10/19) We saw a Rainbow while driving home from work. The right side of it was brighter and more defined than the left side. At one point we were outside looking at it and we could see light-rays fanning out from a central point “under” the Rainbow. It looked as though that Rainbow was being projected from the ground to the sky.
(5/10/19) Today I was thinking about the overall energy of who Sylvia and I are. At one point, my thoughts lead to a question:
  • “Are we Advanced Beings?”
My stress-levels must have been low because I felt Sylvia immediately respond with:
  • “We (you and I) don’t say we’re “Advanced Beings”. Instead, we say we’re from “Another Light”.”
My mind was partially blown for the rest of the day with that insight.
(5/14/19) Today, while at work I was helping unload a truck. At one point, I looked up at the partial floor that’s just above the Loading Dock area (like a mezzanine), to see if Sylvia was sitting up there, as she typically is.
  • She usually sits up there, waiting for me to finish whatever project I’m working on… reading a book or browsing through a “Smart Glass” device while snacking on fruit.
I sensed that she was up there. So I looked at her and said, as I always do: “Hurry! Hurry back to me!”
  • Months ago, Sylvia and I talked about this temporary, physical “separation” [or “perceived” separation] between us taking far too long… far longer than either of us expected and that, maybe, Sylvia should now think about re-entering this “Reality”, so we can be together. We talked about her doing this as a “Walk-In”.
This Time I felt her response and it was not what I expected:
  • (Sylvia) “I’m coming in naturally.”
  • (me) “What does THAT mean?”
…but I couldn’t find her answer.

PS 5-8-19 Jupiter

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/6/19)
Around the 11:10-mark, in the following video, the Narrator shows a very brief, grayscale video of Jupiter and 2 of its Moons. Then we see 2 “waves” pass in front of, and distort, not only Jupiter but also both Moons. As the Narrator explains, this is very similar to what “Crrow777” discovered, regarding the Earth’s Moon.
The Narrator comments that this may not mean Jupiter is a “Hologram”. He says there might be a very large, cloaked Starship between the Earth and Jupiter.
My comments: I’m including this because, if this is real, then we have 2 Celestial Bodies which have shown signs of “Wave Distortion”.
So is there a Starship in front of the objects or is everything in our night sky a “Projection”? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here’s the link to the “Crrow777” YouTube Channel:

Here’s the direct link to the “Crrow777” website:

PS 5-6-19 *Sylvia, Goode, Bashar

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 4/29/19)
This is yet another happening, which tells me that My Sylvia is always with me…
  • Last week, while at work, I found a “Quarter”. Big deal? Yes, because I found it on the floor in the Loading Dock area. I don’t ever remember seeing any coins on the floor in that part of the building. There are no Vending Machines or any other reason for anyone to have Coins in their hands or remove them from their purse, wallet or pocket, while in that part of the building.
  • The other reason this is “feedback” from Sylvia is that this particular Quarter is a “New Mexico” Quarter. New Mexico is where Sylvia and I met.
  • I picked-up that Quarter and put it into my pocket. When we got home, I placed it on my desk, so I would remember to include that information here. (Yes, it was last week but I’m just now getting around to writing this out.) However, when I looked at that Quarter, just now, I see that it’s changed. It’s no longer a “New Mexico” Quarter. It’s just a standard Quarter. The “Year” is important, though. This Quarter is dated “1986”, which is the year I Proposed to Sylvia. I rarely carry Cash and I never place Coins on my desk. When we have Coins in our pockets, after arriving home, we always put them into a glass jar. I went through that jar, just now, but NONE of those Quarters are “New Mexico” Quarters. So where did it go? In “my” tiny world, Sylvia changed it.
Right now, I don’t understand why Sylvia would change that Quarter into a “standard” one. Maybe in Time, I’ll figure it out.
This 44-minute video is an interview with whistleblower Corey Goode. Here are a few highlights:
  • He talks about Inner Earth and how the Tibetans hold some of the secrets to Inner Earth technologies and how some of the Monks have built buildings / temples on narrow mountain cliffs because they are guarding the entrance to the Inner Earth tunnels.
  • He explains how some Extraterrestrials can easily move through Time and Space. He says there’s a “Temporal War” going on right now where certain E.T. factions will go back in Time to change something, so the future will be in their favor. He also said Humans have been playing with Time Travel and finally realized that their simple observations have created alternate timelines. When they go back to fix it, they create even MORE timelines. At one point, an E.T. race told them to stop playing with Time. They told the Humans that “Time” is elastic. If you leave it alone, it will correct itself. Corey then says this is what “the Event” will do… “At the moment of the Flash, everything snaps back.”
  • The “Anshar”, the Inner Earth Beings, have “Consciousness Technologies” which are enhanced by Crystals.
  • He says they Inner Earth Beings have certain guidelines, regarding the assisting of the “Surface Population”. However, if there’s about to be some type of “ELE” (Extinction-Level Event), they are then “authorized” to help. “So if you see a Spacecraft appear in the sky, it means something is about to happen.”
  • Around the 32-minute mark, Corey talks about the level above the Draco Reptilian Royals, which is “A.I.” (Artificial Intelligence). Corey says there’s an entire A.I. Dimension and that the Reptilians worship that energy.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This 1-hour, 9-minute video is a “Remote Viewing” of “Bashar”, the Entity Channeled by Daryl Anka. According to Farsight’s Remote Viewers, “Bashar” is real.

Question everything.

Here’s the link: