PS 12-28-19 Ascension, Pleiadian, AntiGravity, Antarctica, Disclosure?

*First a comment:
You can tell, by the length this Post, that Sylvia and I had the day-off today. Although I do lots of Research every night, some nights I’m just not motivated to write it all out.
This very long article was written on December 2, 2019. The title is: “Earth Alliance Update – The Event 2020 Moves Closer“.
I’m including this because it provides an update of the energies surrounding Humanity and because it provides a few details as to what will trigger “the Event” and that it will be here in “2020”… specifically “beginning in the Spring of 2020”.
Even if none of this information is true, reading it will allow your inner energies to realign with “all possibilities”. In this way, “IF” any part of this does unfold, you’ll be better prepared to help yourself and those around you at that Time.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 52-minute video is an interview with Healer and Pleiadian Channeler Christine Day.
(I’ve skimmed through this video.) Although “some” of the information presented has been brought-out by others, this video provides very gentle energy in its presentation AND it may help some of you digest this information a little easier because it provides a slightly different perspective.
I’m also including this because:
  • Around the 9-minute mark, Christine states “…there is no death”. This is exactly what I’ve been doing my best to explain to everyone, since My Sylvia crossed-over. Sylvia explained this to me, in her own way, just minutes after she left this side of the “Veil”.
  • Around the 19-minute mark, Christine states “…the Veils are getting thinner”. This is also what My Sylvia actually “said” to me, within a few hours of her passing. “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In my “PS 12-21-19” Blog Post, I included a Section called “Wilcock”. Highlighting that video, I stated:
  • “Around the 1:08-mark David talks about the Dragon Family and that they are currently working on building, and making available, “Hover Craft”… a “Hover Car”, which can take you any place in America in 90-seconds and anywhere in the world in 9-minutes.”
I’ve been thinking about this and have a few comments about this information…
  • First, we’ve been hearing about this type of exotic technology for at least a 2-decades.
  • This “faster than rockets” idea is a “Puzzle Piece” that I can’t quite resolve for myself… In the last several months, I’ve been thinking about the “Warp Speed” technology presented in the original Star Trek television Series. (I think I’ve mentioned this part before.) When traveling through “Space” you’re going to have to navigate around Planets, Meteors, Solar Wind, other Space Craft, etc. I don’t see a way for even a Super Computer to be able to navigate around the random timings of those objects.
Now, thinking about a “faster than rockets” “Hover Car”…
  • Again, there’s still the problem of how to navigate a vehicle traveling that fast. No, you’re not going to have to maneuver around “Planets” but you will encounter birds, high winds, various cloud thicknesses, personal drones, other aircraft, etc.
  • Also, there’s the “angle” equation to think about… “IF” the Earth is a “Sphere” and you want to drive your Hover Car from Boston to California, you would first raise your vehicle up to about 1,000-feet and then step on the “gas” (activate its forward motion). Right? Well, if the Earth is “curved” after traveling those 2,000-or-so miles, you’ll “probably” be sitting 3,000-to-5,000 feet in the air.
  • Traveling those 9-minutes, in order to reach a far-away destination on Earth, even a computer controlling that vehicle would have to constantly steer it downward or you’d end-up scraping the Ionosphere (or flying off into “Space”).
  • I’m not saying the Earth is “Flat” or “Spherical”. I’m simply working-through both ideas, in order to explain how a super fast vehicle would navigate across a curved surface. Of course, if the Earth is “Flat”, the craft’s computer would still have to know when to stop… when to know it reached its destination and needs to land.
I have no doubt that there does exist aircraft which can travel “as fast” or even “faster” than the speed of Light. I just wonder how those vehicles are controlled… or maybe the very nature of going that fast actually “bends” / “de-materializes” Matter and Time, allowing that vehicle (or any object) to simply travel “through” another. Even if the other object is “at rest” or not traveling as fast.
These are just some of the “Puzzle Pieces” I’ve been working on.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This article (with 2 videos) is titled: “Scientists Found the Deepest Land on Earth Hiding Beneath Antarctica’s Ice“.
The 1st video states that it was created using Date from “University of Kiel, British Antarctic Survey, TU Delft”. “IF” that information is correct AND “IF” it was interpreted correctly in this video’s 3D animation, then it provides us with a unique look UNDER the landmass of Antarctica.
I’m not convinced the 2nd video on that page is telling us the truth:
  • It states that “salt water” and “weather conditions” caused several holes to be opened throughout Antarctica.
I remember seeing a short article and some photos, titled: “Something Has Escaped From A Secret Underground Base In Antarctica?” What “IF” the 2nd video is simply covering-up the idea that “something” (more than one thing) has awakened and broken-out through the surface of Antarctica? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the article and its 2 videos:
Here’s the link to the “something escaped” video:
This short article is titled: “Nothing More to Hide? Thousands of Gov’t UFO Papers, Sighting Photos to Be Made Public in Canada“. “IF” this information is real, then we might be seeing an “inching” towards true “Disclosure” (the “official” release of Exotic Technology information and the fact that Star Visitors have been “on” and “near” the Earth for a VERY long Time.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-21-19 Disclosure?, Wilcock

This 42-minute video is an interview with whistleblower Emory Smith.
I’m including this because he presents some information on Antarctica, UFOs, Star Visitors, etc. that I hadn’t heard before.
Is this video really just a part of the upcoming “Disclosure”? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (Emory’s information begins around the 8-minute mark, just after he talks about his background.):


This 2-hour video is of Researcher David Wilcock explaining his recent Findings.
I’m including this because some of it reinforces what most of us already know but also because he has some new information which points to information being released “soon”. Here are a few highlights:
  • “The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology.”
  • Around the 22-minute mark, he talks about the Declassifying of “secretive Space Program information”.
  • At the 32:29-mark, he shows a video of him interviewing whistleblower Pete Peterson.
  • Around the 46-minute mark, Pete Peters tells David (in a July 2019 interview)… in 6-to-8-months, I’ll be able to talk about anything. (Up to that point, he had to continually get permission as to what he could reveal about the Black Projects he was involved in. According to David, this means there would be a Declassification (or true “Disclosure”) beginning in 2020.
  • Around the 1:08-mark David talks about the Dragon Family and that they are currently working on building, and making available, “Hover Craft”… a “Hover Car”, which can take you any place in America in 90-seconds and anywhere in the world in 9-minutes.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 12-16-19 Awakening, Fulford

This 37-minute video is an alternative news update from someone who Posts her Findings almost every night.
I’m including this particular video because of what she shows, beginning at the 6:23-mark:
  • She shows a short video of a speech given by Joe Biden. As he’s telling a story about Trump, a member of the audience, who’s filming Joe, “calls him out” and says he’s lying. He then says a few more things that “the Bidens” will probably be found guilty of very soon.

The specific reason I’m including this is:

  • The person with the camera is very Awake in his knowledge of what is really going on.
  • The person with the camera didn’t get arrested.
  • Biden doesn’t get angry, as “I” would have thought he would, but, instead, has a big grin on his face.
The main reason is… even with all those paid “Biden Supporters” shouting, someone in the audience, basically, stands his ground and is saying “We’ve had enough. We’re not going to take it any more!”
…and all of this supports my insisting that the Beings on this planet are finally waking-up and this means the “Veil” will be removed very soon.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is part of Benjamin Fulford’s weekly report. (The “full” version won’t be available until Thursday.) The title is: “Antarctica is under lockdown as secret space program unveiling begins“.
“IF” any of this information is true, then “Disclosure” is FINALLY moving… and moving exponentially:
  • “An unusual flurry of events and press announcements makes it clear the U.S. government is unveiling its secret space program, multiple sources agree.  We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program.  All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies.  The recent trade agreement between the U.S. and China is also linked to these secret space programs, Chinese and Pentagon sources agree.  These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.”
  • “Typically this writer does not tread lightly into the UFO world and believes extra-ordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  However, such proof is now undeniable.”
  • “The biggest evidence is a series of public announcements by multiple government officials, including U.S. President Donald Trump.  The official launching of a U.S. Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure, Pentagon officials say.”
  • “The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret U.S. military technology as part of this process.  As we have previously reported, the U.S. Navy has released patents for anti-gravity flying saucers and compact nuclear fusion.  Now we have a recently retired Air Force general talking about already existing technology that can take us “from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour.””
  • “Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly this month for the declassification of “a large amount of information about America’s military space programs.””
  • “The $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government budget since 1998, as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and others, was spent on the secret space program, Pentagon officials confirm.  Much of this technology is now being released to the general public, they say.”
  • “We are also getting far more UFO sightings around the world that are being recording on high-quality video.  If you get into the habit of looking at the sky as I have, it won’t be long before you can see for yourself with your own naked eyes.”
  • “Now that the Antarctic summer has begun, we are again getting multiple reports of strange goings-on there, too.  On December 10th, a Chilean military plane carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica.”
  • “A senior CIA officer, and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, told us:”
  • ““The Chilean military were ordered by their controllers not to go near Antarctica.  They thought they were smarter and knew more than their masters.  The C-130 has been removed.  It wasn’t who was on the plane, it was what they were carrying that resulted in ‘the disappearance.’  At this stage, there are no entries and exits taking place on Antarctica.  The Southernmost continent is on lockdown until further notice (not due to this incident).””
  • “A member of the “Cobra resistance” who has recently returned from Antarctica provided us with the photograph below.”
Be sure to visit the link below, in order to access the many links provided. (The “photograph” mentioned above was not included. My guess is that it will be available after Thursday.)

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 12-14-19 Big, Jubilee?, Stargate, Incarnations

On this Forum Thread, the OP (Original Poster) as well as several Commenters, state that they have been feeling as though “something big is coming”.
Here’s the link:
This Forum Thread talks about something that a few countries, a few cities around the world have already done… provide a 1-time “Debt Jubilee” for their citizens. Although I’ve been hearing about this for a VERY long Time, I’m now seeing that those distance drums are getting much louder.
Here’s the link:
This short article was Posted on December 11th. The title is: “Earth Alliance Intel Update ~ 12:12 Stargate Opens”.
  • LOVE HAS WON – Channeled By: Michael Love”
  • “Great Beings Of Light,”
  • “Something Powerful And Majestic Is Happening On Planet Earth!”
  • “A Super Wave Of Cosmic Energy Has Been Building To An Apex For Some Time Now And Is Headed Straight For The Planet!”
  • “Can You Feel It Coming?”
  • “Are You Ready For Something Big?”
  • “A Major Planetary Shift Is Underway As Light Forces Are Lining Up Around Planet Earth At This Hour In Preparations For The Opening Of The 12:12 Stargate!”
  • “Starseeds All Around The The Globe Are Feeling Energy Levels Rising As We Move Closer To The Grand Culmination Of The Event 2020!”
  • *Earth Frequency Update*
  • “Over The Last 48 Hours Light Forces Deflected Several Powerful Beams Of 40-Hertz, 5D, Gamma Light Towards Earth For The Purpose Of Strengthening The New Earth Grid!”
  • “These Powerful 5D Cosmic Beams Were Imprinted On The Schumann Resonance Graph! (See Link Below)”
  • *Exotic Particle Forecast*
  • “The Earth Alliance Reports That New And Rare, Inbound Exotic Cosmic Particles Referred To As Tachyon Neutrinos Have Been Detected Emanating From The Galactic Core And Are Heading This Way Now!”
  • “This New Cosmic Particle Dubbed ‘X17’ Is Fascinating Because It Travels At The Speed Of Light, Can Shapeshift Into Other Particles And Can Pass Through Solid Matter With No Interaction!”
  • “This Wave Of Cosmic Light Will Begin Impacting Earth In The Coming Hours.”
  • “23% Increase In Cosmic Radiation Measured Entering Earth’atmosphere Recently!”
  • “Coronal Frequency Adjustments Are Weakening The Sun’s Magnetic Field , Allowing Extra Cosmic Rays Into Earth’s Solar System.”
  • “Neutron Monitoring Stations Across The Planet, Show That Cosmic Rays Are Percentage Points Away From Reaching The Highest Levels Ever Recorded!”
  • *Planetary Earth Changes Update*
  • “Earth Alliance: Inbound Cosmic Pulse Track Issued For Dec 12Th!”
  • “Cosmic Particle Waves Of This Scale Can Trigger Large Disruptions Of The Geosphere Of Planet Earth!”
  • “The Earth Alliance Says Global, Powerful Magnetosphere, Earthquake And Volcanic Disruptions Are Possible Over The Next Several Days!”
  • “Ascension Symptom Reports Are Currently Elevated Among The Light Worker Community Across The Earth!”
  • “Great Ones,”
  • “Standby For A Super Energetic Time As The 12:12 Stargate Opens!”
  • “The Ascension Of The Starseeds Of Earth To 5Th Dimensional New Earth Is Imminent!”
  • “Let Us Know What Ascension Symptoms You May Be Experiencing!”
  • “Take The Best Care Of You And Do All You Can Do To Vibrate High!”
  • “Know That All Of These Energetic Changes Are Part Of A Grand Positive Process That Is Leading To A New You And A To A New Earth!”
  • “Great Blessings And Godspeed!”
Here’s the link:
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
The title of this article is: “Multiple Incarnations In A Single Lifetime: Your 5D Existence”.
I’m sending this because, generally, it explains the current energies the Beings on the surface of this planet are experiencing… and, specifically, because part of what is mentioned reinforces what Sylvia “showed” and “told” me within hours of her crossing-over. (The fact that “I”, and now it seems that many others, will not be “crossing-over” / “passing away”, in order to get to the other side of the “Veil”.) Here’s the text I’m referring to:
  • “As souls, we have all individually chosen to incarnate during this demanding new chapter in Gaia’s book of life, and chosen different purposes in doing so. As we are now able to increasingly live in a physicality that spans 5 dimensions of density, we can consciously choose our paths and life lessons along with Soul, understanding what leads us forward, as opposed to the survivalist mindsets of our previous, denser, living experience. In doing so, we have now shifted to a new design that enables us to live what we can now call an “Incarnation Within An Incarnation,” namely to be able to choose and complete numerous Soul Paths within the same body without the need for the ubiquitous death and rebirth cycle, at least not literally. This has already occurred within our lives over the last few decades, perhaps even unbeknownst to us.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-10-19 2020, Cobra

In this 25-minute video, Ralph Smart explains his Top Ten changes for 2020.
I had seen 2 or 3 of his videos in the past and thought he was a millionaire, motivational speaker. Maybe he is but the Byline on his YouTube Channel is:
  • “Ralph Smart is a Psychologist. Life Coach. Author. Counselor. Criminologist. Alchemist. Educator. Researcher. VFX Artist. Cinematographer. & Infinite Being.”
I’m including this because his Human-Nature insights are really good and because he sees 2020 as a Time when people stop “pretending” and seeking acknowledgement “out there” and, instead, turn inward to build the Inner Self. I thought his perspective might give everyone a new and positive energy to embrace.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • “It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the massive astrological configuration on January 11th/12th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.”
  • “Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.”
  • “Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us:”
  • “This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to finally trigger the process that will start the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.”
  • “We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.”
  • “There will be many massive astrological configurations from January 10th to 12th. This is surely the most powerful astrological time since the Grand Cross eclipse on August 11th, 1999.”
  • “First, there will be a penumbral Lunar eclipse on January 10th, creating a very tense and rigid energy pattern:”
  • “Then, on January 11th both Uranus and Eris will turn direct. This will release a lot of previously suppressed planetary kundalini energy. January 11th is a very powerful timeline day, and in the last few decades there were four powerful events that took place on January 11th that changed the destiny of this planet. Two of those I can mention, and they are the opening of the doorway of the 11:11 on January 11th 1992 and the Archon Invasion on January 11th 1996.”
  • “Then on January 12th we have an extremely powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will crack the global financial system open:”
  • “It will not be just an ordinary Saturn/Pluto conjunction, it will be a tour-de-force Sun-Mercury-Ceres-Saturn-Pluto conjunction, with Saturn and Pluto also on their south nodes, which will amplify the conjunction even more.”
  • “This configuration will be the pin that will burst the bubble of the current debt-based financial system. I will speak more about what is happening behind the scenes of the financial system in the first update of the Age of Aquarius activation, about a week from now.”
  • “After the Age of Aquarius activation, there will be many astrological configurations throughout the year that will lead our society through transformation that will officially begin the Age of Aquarius at the moment of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius on the day of winter solstice on December 21st, 2020:”
  • “Year 2020 will be a year of triple Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction which happens around every 700 years and happened the last time when Templars created their banking network:”
  • “That year will be also marked by beginning of 13 new synodic cycles, whereas average is only one such cycle per year:”
  • “Each of those numerous aspects will send a new flash of Light to the surface of the planet:”
  • “We will be doing our Age of Aquarius meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:11 pm PST on January 11th in Los Angeles. This equals 11:11 pm MST in Denver on January 11th, and then we cross into January 12th for other time zones: 00:11 am CST in Chicago, 1:11 am EST in Newy York, 6:11 am GMT in London, 7:11 am CET in Paris, 08:11 am EET in Cairo, 2:11 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 3.11 pm JST in Tokyo and 5:11 pm AEDT in Sydney.”
  • “You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to view the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 12-8-19 TheDirector, Harrison

The title of this 18-minute video is: “Space Mine Bombs, Shadow People, Timelines: Direct Extraterrestrial Communication”.
I’m including this because of what she explains, starting at the 14:18-mark. Basically, it’s the information that we are all “the Director of our own Reality”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


In this 5-minute video, Lisa Harrison explains the “Pancreas” energy that a lot of people are currently experiencing.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-5-19 Harrison, Cobra, Antarctica

This 50-minute video is “Deconstructing The Construct: Episode 67” by Lisa Harrison. It provides an overview of the current energies of this Realm, according to Lisa and her team. Of course, the part “I” like is when they mention that it feels like we’re all just waiting for something big to happen… as if we’re all just on the edge of a major change.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is an update from Cobra:
  • Blue Dawn / Ascension Conference Report
  • “Our Taiwan Ascension Conference was a huge success, many people said it was the best conference ever.”
  • “We had an extremely strong and dedicated group, and we were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us. This unidentified aerial vehicle (UAV) appeared above the conference venue during the lunch break:”
  • “According to sources, it was an unmanned positive Andromedan ship which was beaming supporting and healing energies to the conference attendants. This ships belongs to the Andromedan fleet that will be involved in the financial Reset operations.”
  • “During the conference, intel of planetary importance was released to the surface population, as the Light Forces were beta testing the response of the awakened surface humans. The reception was very positive, and an expanded version of this intel will be released on this blog next week together with an important update.”
  • “At this point, I can only say that the Blue Dawn is coming:”
  • “As we come closer to the final countdown described here:”
  • “Here:”
  • “And here:”
  • “Quoting Fulford:”
  • “Please be aware that all of the above is raw intel and things may turn out a little differently.”
  • “At the same time, infiltration of surface Lightworker and Lightwarrior communities is a serious problem. Light Forces are estimating that about one third of people in Lightworker groups (physical and online) are either entity possessed, MK-Ultra programmed double agents or some of them even infiltrated agents of Jesuits, Illuminati and intelligence agencies:”
  • “As I have asked the official Cobra facebook group to be closed last week, one of the admins has kicked all other admins out of the group, hijacked the group, renamed it and is now using it for purposes that neither I or the Resistance Movement can support.”
  • “A new official Cobra facebook group will be created with full alignment with Resistance Movement protocols, and all new admins will go through strict three phase screening protocol. If you wish to become an admin of the group, you can send an encrypted email with your detailed CV (300 words minimum) to  If you pass the first phase of the screening, you will receive a reply to your email with further instructions.”
  • “Also, many people claim to have contact with the Resistance and are posting “intel” of dubious quality. Some of them are only overenthusiastic Lightwarriors, whereas others are part of infiltration in this information war between Light and darkness.”
  • “As more Light comes to the surface of the planet, all will be made clear and discernment will come, and people will awaken from this strange dream.”
  • “Victory of the Light is near!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to view the images and access the links provided.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

In this 7-minute video, the Narrator points-out a strange “object” buried in the Antarctic snow. One (of many) still images of this “object” can be seen at the 1:41-mark.
My comment: The Narrator’s comments of this “object” having “wings” cannot be assumed because, to “me”, this “object” is still partially under the snow. So there’s no way to tell just how large it is or what other shapes may be revealed, once the snow is removed.
I’m including this because it’s interesting AND because this “meY’ be part of the cabal’s “Disclosure”. Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-1-19 *StarSeeds, *Deception

*First a few comments:
Last week, while having Breakfast at Waffle House, as Sylvia and I always do before going to work, we noticed 2 children sitting at the Booth next to us. One of the Waitresses brought in her 2 girls (probably 4 and 6-years old) for a few hours (for some reason).
I do my normal “stare at my plate”, “stare at the walls” while I’m eating but then something caught my attention. At one point, I heard the younger girl tell her Mom: “Can I play some music?”. They then walked over to the Juke Box. The girl was smart enough to know she wasn’t tall enough to see the screen and immediately pushed a nearby chair in front of the music machine. She stood on that chair and quickly made some selections.
The music started playing and I told her Mom: “Did “she” play that? It’s a sophisticated song for someone so young.” Her Mom told us it’s a song from the movie “Frozen” and her daughter likes to hear it.
Then the next song played. It was “We Will Rock You” by Queen. I told the Waitress: “YOU must have picked that one.” She said: “No, SHE picked it. It’s her favorite song.”
Here’s the link to that Song:
While at Waffle House, I do my best not to really “look” at anyone. (I just don’t want to seem like I’m staring and have nothing better to do. Actually, I’m usually going over the information I read the night before and I’m seeing where all the new pieces fit in my Research.) At one point though, I glanced at the table the girls were sitting at and the youngest one looked right at me. At that point, I was Reading her “pre-Incarnation” background.
  • The younger girl is a “Commander” of that Ship. Either “fully” in-charge or “one” of those in-charge. Her older sister is a Scientist on that same Ship.
 I started to cry. No one saw me. I was crying because I saw that those 2 “children” were part of a Wave of Beings who had Incarnated on the surface of this planet, in order to help raise the overall frequencies.
  • Sylvia and I heard that Beings have been doing this for many decades. So this was not new information for me.
I was crying because Sylvia mentioned that this planet is now in the middle of the “last” Wave of Star Being helpers.
As I sat there, I wondered if their “mission” / “abilities” were hidden or protected from the cabal’s sensors. I then saw that each of them had a “Protector”. Each was at least 6-foot tall and wore a long “robe”, similar to the ones worn by the Guards who were assigned to protect the Emporer in Star Wars Episode 5. (We see them just before Luke Skywalker has that Lightsaber fight with Vader.) I couldn’t see their faces. So I couldn’t tell which Race they belonged to. However, as I “wondered”, my mind drifted a bit (or my stress dissipated) and I did manage to see their “lion-like” heads. Sylvia confirmed that those Protectors and the girls are Lion Beings from the Lyra Star System.
“IF” any of this is true, it shows that more and more, probably ALL, new Births are Star Beings who have come here to help in our collective Ascension… and “this”, in turn, tells me that we are all ever-closer to that “Veil” being removed and Sylvia and I reuniting with each other.
So. Is this just my over-active imagination working over-time?… or an insight into their energies? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Over the last few weeks, Sylvia’s “Lesson” for me to “understand”, “recognize” (see through) and “dissolve” this “Illusion” we think is our “Reality” has intensified. More and more, as things around me come to my attention, she points out that I need to stop, take a mental step back and see how some of those happenings are designed to keep me IN the Illusion.
As I immerse myself into those “Lessons” I clearly see how some of them are just waiting to pull me in to that magic trick AND, at the same Time, keep me from focusing on getting myself past the “Veil”.
Think about it… “Some say” we are all here to “experience”. No judgements. No right or wrong. Just experiences. The cabal know this but, long ago, they devised a few different Plans, which would shake us up (a jolt of “what’s happening now?”), so they could then “guide” us onto the Path of THEIR choice.
There’s a cabal saying:
  • “Order from chaos”
  • …which means THEY will create a problem and while everyone is panicking, the cabal will come forward with the “solution”.
Because the cabal still own the Main Stream Media (MSM), they can “spin” (twist) the facts to their own advantage. So it’s easy for them to make just about everyone believe THEIR solution is the best.
Think about it…
  • …from… “this” fruit is bad for you (and, later, “It’s ok. “that” fruit is NOT bad for you afterall), to…
  • …”the people in that country just insulted us. We must go to war with them.”… to
  • …”this” sports team is better than “that” sports team, … to
  • …children arguing in the Playground, etc.
All of it is designed to keep us “in the game”… in this “Illusion”. There’s a Saying:
  • “If you’re fighting The System, you’re still a part of The System.”
From what “I” have heard, over these last many months… from “my” Research, the cabal have had their “exotic technology toys” removed and the major flow of money to them has been lessened. in “my” opinion, this is why we are seeing a lot of “random” problems in various places:
  • From Hurricane Katrina (when the cabal still had Weather-Control technology), to various shootings, etc.
Yes, some people were hurt and some passed-away because of these “happenings”. Even if no one was ever injured, “some” of Humanity would still be sucked-in to the cabal’s twisted energies by including those topics in their “Water Cooler” conversations.
  • “They DID die.”
  • “No they didn’t.”
  • “Look at the facts”…
Well, if the “cabal” are in-control of a situation, there ARE no “facts” but, as you can see, the cabal only need to sprinkle a little “us versus them”… a little “doubt” into any equation and “most” people will “repeat” and “fortify” that information as if it were “fact”.
As an example of all this, let’s take a look at a situation I became aware of yesterday…
First, watch this 39-minute video:
Here are some unanswered questions, regarding that video:
  • Did the Attacker actually pass-away?
  • Why did the man with the knife take the knife?
  • Why did he run away from the crime scene WITH the murder weapon? (If he was going to hide the murder weapon, he wouldn’t be carrying it like that.)
  • Why did he take that item out of his pocket AND throw it to the ground IN FRONT OF the people who were filming him? (If he took that item from the Attacker, and was trying to help him, he wouldn’t have thrown it to the ground where everyone was watching him. Anyone one could now simply pick-up that item to see what it was.)
As the Narrator points out, many times, this is all VERY ODD. “Based on what we saw”, it just looks like it was all staged. “IF” this was staged, “why” did it happen? in “my” opinion, one reason might be… If the cabal have their money, exotic toys and mind-manipulation items taken away, the only thing they have left is “Deception”… but if it’s just “Deception”, who would care? The “cabal” would care because, as I mentioned above, this particular “happening” would get people talking, wondering and pouring their energies into “what really happened?”… and THIS is what keeps those people tied to this “illusion”.
Just some thoughts.