PS 8-1-21 *Changes, *Screws?

*First a comment:
Last week, me, Sylvia and a former co-worker were having Lunch at a local restaurant. At one point, the co-worker was talking when I felt “something”… an “Energy”, but I couldn’t quite analyze it. So, while continuing to focus on the Energy, and looking away from the co-worker, I said “Stop”. She didn’t really hear me because she kept talking. So I continued to repeat myself: “Stop… Stop”. She finally did and I had to “go within” to sift through what my Sensors were picking up. This took about 15-seconds of the 3 of us being silent.
I then explained what I Sensed, while still partially deep in Thought:
  • “The Energy was only a wisp… very faint and not within an organized “shape”. It slowly floated through the building and I just happened to connect with part of it.”
  • The Energy itself was very good. “Something’s changed. Something changed but it’s very Positive. This Energy isn’t just “here”. I feel that it started within a centralized point and sort of “exploded out” in all directions. My guess is that it originated somewhere under the Earth. Not “Inner Earth” (Agartha) but somewhere below the Earth’s crust. I’m being shown a cross-section of the Earth and it looks like this Energy began many miles down… where the hard crust and the hollow Earth meet.”
Is any of that actually “Real”? It happened to “me”. So, yes, it’s true for “my” world… my immediate perception of experiences. Is it true for “you”? You’ll have to speak with your Heart for the answer. I’m simply sharing what I perceived.
Question everything.
This is such a very minor thing but it’s been on my mind for a while now and I feel like I’m now being “nudged” to mentioned it here…
I’ve been Following a YouTube Channel called “Cosmic Agency”, for several years now. It’s headed by a woman named Goshia. In the beginning, her and her boyfriend (I think it’s her boyfriend) were living in Spain. Now they’re in Finland.
Anyway, Goshia claims to be receiving information directly from a few Star Visitors. Most of the Time, this information simply appears as text on her computer screen. Rarely, there’s an actual in-person meeting. (I think that’s what she explained once or twice.)
  • In several of her “Technology” videos, I listened very carefully, to see if I could detect any double-talk, gibberish or information which I don’t remember existing… from my “Memories” / “Feelings” of my Incarnations in Star Life (Starship life). After each examination, I could not find any discrepancies. So, for “me”, Goshia’s information (that “I” have listened to) is real and correct.
The Beings Goshia is in contact with are Taygetans. They have provided information on many different topics:
  • The Galactic Federation
  • The Pleiadian Star System and its people
  • How their Taygetan Starship works
  • The mindset of the Taygetans
  • How the Universe works and much more
In one of her videos, probably in 2019 or 2020, Goshia was communicating live (on her computer) with a Taygetan crew member. I don’t remember which video or what they were talking about but, at one point, the Taygetan says something like:
  • (Taygetan) “Oh. One of the screws just fell out of my chair.”
  • (Goshia) “Did you say “screw”?”
  • (Taygetan) “Yes.”
  • (Goshia) “You’re such an advanced race. Why do you still use screws?”
  • (Taygetan) “They’ve been proven to work and they do the job so why re-invent something that already works?”
What’s been bothering me is my inner knowing about this subject. It’s not a “knowing” as in “I have a Memory of how things are held together on Starships. It’s more of a “Sense”… a deep, inner “Feeling” that I have.
Over the last week or so, as I thought about this I realized that every Extraterrestrial Culture has its own Technology. Yes, there are some commonalities sometimes but there are also Technology “Foundations” / “Cores” which are not as duplicated (more rare).
As I went further within this “Thought Energy” I found some “information”… a “belief” that I’ve had for decades… which is “Technology Cooperation”…
  • I believe that every THING, every WHERE is made-up of the same Primary Energy. “Some say” that some Starships have been created in such a way that they are Sentient (self-aware)… Conscious. I see this type of “Technology” as being made-up of Cell-like building blocks and THIS is the foundation of what I’m calling “Cooperative Technology”. This is why a Starship can have no doors or windows but if someone inside wants to go outside, they indicate, to the Ship, that there needs to be a Divide in the Cells at that point in the wall so they can get through. Once through, those Cells re-join.
  • This same “Technology” is used in basic things like “Chairs”. No “Screws” are necessary because the pieces which make-up the Chair cooperate with each other and bond together to form an organized, Chair-like unit.
  • …and that’s why I was surprised that the Taygetans didn’t use “Cooperative” Technology, at least in their Chairs.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Goshia’s “Cosmic Agency” YouTube Channel:

PS 7-25-20 *Time, *Restore, Gosia, “virus”, GCR?

*First a comment:
According to the ancient Mayan calendar, July 25th is the “Day out of Time”.
Last night, I played my Drums. Although I love playing my Drums, these days my energies are a bit distorted by a slight Depression… non-Motivation… partly because it’s over 485-weeks since Sylvia crossed-over and partly because I haven’t been able to find a job in more than 28-weeks.
Anyway… When I fired-up my Electronic Drums last night, I noticed that they were only playing through 1-side of my Headphones. I checked a few things but nothing made any difference.
Today, I decided to really focus on this “1-sided energy” situation. So I examined the Drum’s “Sound Module” and checked:
  • its cables,
  • Settings
  • the sound coming out of the different Ports
  • and I even did a “Factory Reset”…
…but, again, nothing made any difference.
Running out of options, I remembered that most dedicated computers, like this, have User Upgradable “Firmware”. So I downloaded that specific piece of software and installed it into that device. Checking the Stereo Output now showed it to be correct. So it worked. (If that hadn’t worked, based on my other troubleshooting results, the problem would have been in the “Hardware”. Which would have meant buy another Sound Module or, somehow, find someone who could fix this more than 20-year old device.
I’m mentioning this because all of the energies on this planet and within every Being are currently in flux. This means… As each “Being” or “Object” increases its internal frequency, it has to find a new “Balance Point” within those new energies. As it does, sometimes the “Global” energies making-up that “Being” or “Object” become confused and need to be Restored.
  • This happened around 2018, when our Washing Machine’s motor “broke”. It was in the middle of a fast Spin Cycle when it sounded as though part of the motor broke-off and caused some rotating shaft to continually hit the front of the Washer.
  • We immediately ran to our Laundry Room and turned if off. Because it sounded so incredibly loud and desperately broken, Sylvia and I decided to never turn it on again. This also meant we’d have to buy another Washing Machine. So we did.
  • About 6-months after using our “new” Washing Machine, we heard the same “broken motor” sound. THAT’S when we realized the other Machine was not “broke”. The load of Laundry inside it had shifted and became “Unbalanced”.
  • So we sent our previous Washer to a Recycle Company because no one ever explained that Washers sometimes do this.
  • To this day, I’m still sad that we did that. Some people may call it “just a Washer”. I call it “energy that Sylvia, My Sylvia picked-out and used with her own hands. Because of her involvement with it, that Washer was extra special to me. So for me to “send it off” like that is very sad.
So I’m explaining all this so, maybe, it might help you or someone you know in the future.

This 38-minute video is a conversation between Gosia and “Yazhi Swaruu”, a former Taygetan Pleiadian, who began speaking with Gosia, in text, through Gosia’s computer several years ago.

This video is titled: “Etheric Memory Implants, Life Plan, Free Will – Extraterrestrial Communication“.
Although me, Sylvia and most of you reading this have heard that “some believe” this “Reality” to really be a “game”… an illusion. In this conversation, Swaruu provides more details into this facet.
Even if Swaruu’s information is “not” true, it allows us to use this as an exercise to keep our minds open. However, “IF” this information “IS” true, then it provides us with “Puzzle Pieces”, “Tools”, which we can use to help pull ourselves out of this 3D “soup” we currently call “Home”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 35-minute video is a Doctor explaining the Science behind “some Reports” of “isolating” the “virus”. He does a very good job of providing the details of the “Studies” that were done. His conclusion is that NONE of those so-called “Studies” had actually isolated the “virus”. This means Science cannot begin the next steps of recommending Care for those Patients and cannot move forward in creating a “vaccine”. Why can’t they create a “vaccine”?… Because if the “virus” cannot be isolated the Scientists have nothing to base their “vaccine” on. It also means they cannot “Test” for this “virus”. Why? Because what are they “testing” for?
Anyway, the Doctor in this video explains all of this far better than I can. So it’s worth watching if you want the Truth.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Along a similar theme, the following short video shows Dr. Jeff Barke speaking in front of a small crowd. This is the same Doctor who stood-up to the cabal during the initial “lockdown” and stated that “quarantining Healthy people is not very smart” (or something like that).
Here’s the link:
Here’s the page I originally found all of the above information:
GCR? (Global Currency Reset)
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
I started not to include this 1-hour video but there’s something important that is said around the 27:48-mark:
  • “With abundant Funds, I can benefit Humanity in infinite ways.”
It’s an Affirmation you can say each morning to yourself. Most people don’t think they deserve to be rich or even deserve to have “enough” money. So this Affirmation can help. He says:
  • “It’s not about YOU having money. It’s about you have ACCESS to the money so you can do incredible Humanitarian work.”
Another very important point in this interview is around the 21:30-mark when the person being Interviewed explains something a friend of his told him. (Both are from the U.K.) He said his friend discovered that a Loan that he had was just reduced to “ZERO”. Somehow it was “paid-off” or “Forgiven”. This isn’t the first Time I’ve heard of this happening (this year). However, it’s the first Time I’ve heard of it happening to someone in the U.K.
So “IF” this information is real, then we all need to keep checking our Loan and Credit Card Balances.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-21-20 Cobra, Gold

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Music of the Spheres
  • “Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:”
  • “Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.”
  • “During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:”
  • “One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:”
  • “Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:”
  • “Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.”
  • “The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.”
  • “If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:”
  • “Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.”
  • “Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.”
  • “If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:”
  • “Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.”
  • “On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.”
  • “Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.”
  • “Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:”
  • “Pleiadians have communicated that they are expecting the virus to die out on its own because it will fail to find new hosts who have not yet developed immunity, by the end of the year:”
  • “Many cures have been found for the covid disease, and some of them are very effective:”
  • “Scientists are finally beginning to discover the toroidal shape of the universe:”
  • “They are finally discovering previous cosmic cycles:”
  • “And are beginning to understand the 11th dimensional structure of the human brain as a reflection of the universe as it is described by 11th dimensional string theory models:”
  • “Soft disclosure of life on Mars is starting to appear in the mainstream media:”
  • “Disclosure race is a race China wants to win:”
  • “Until Disclosure happens, we can surrender to the cool Italian galactic music:”
  • “Or help planting some trees.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 1-hour, 13-minute video is a talk by “in5D’s” Greg Prescott. The following web page contains a short article and a few videos. The last video is the one I watched.
In this video, he covers 3 main topics:
  • Gold Standard: He says President Trump’s removal of 2, former U.S. Presidential Portraits and replacing them with President McKinley is no accident. Greg’s information on McKinley is: “He promoted the 1897 Dingley Tariff to protect manufacturers and factory workers from foreign competition and in 1900 secured the passage of the Gold Standard Act.” Greg feels that President Trump is using McKinley’s Portrait to tell us that he is about to reveal that the United States is now BACK on the “Gold Standard”.
  • JFK Jr.: During this video, one of Greg’s Zoom Room participants sends him a short video, which he plays. It “supposedly” shows JFK Jr. in the doorway of the President’s plane, while the President talks with someone on the ground nearby. This isn’t the first Time I’ve “seen” or “heard” information that JFK Jr. is still alive. Only Time will tell if this is true.
  • Silver Valuation: At the 50:50-mark, Greg shows the “US Debt Clock”. He explains that the “Dollar to Silver Ratio”, shown on this Chart, is (currently) almost $4,000 per ounce. However, in “today’s” Market, Silver is currently Trading at over $22 an ounce. He states that if someone buys an ounce of Silver today, for $22, ONCE THE US SWITCHES OVER TO THE GOLD STANDARD, they will instantly be holding $4,000… for a $22 investment!!! He says, buying about 260-ounces of Silver “now”, for about $5,000, will bring you about $1MILLION DOLLARS once the Gold Standard is in place… hopefully “this year”. He explains that “Silver” will become rarer than “Gold”, because Silver is used in many more things, such as Electronics. Does this mean Silver will be worth more than Gold? Only Time will tell.
My comments: Think about it. Have you ever heard stories of the person who took a tiny bit of money and invested it in a Painting, the Stock Market, a Race Horse, etc., and got rich because of it? Most of us would have thought: “Wow. I wish “I” could discover a great opportunity like that.” Well, buying “Gold” or “Silver”, right now, just “might” be the solution.
  • Of course, if you’re out of work or simply cannot afford $22 for an ounce of Silver, then please don’t do it.
I’m simply pointing out one of those “once in a lifetime” / “too good to be true” situations that some of you might want to take advantage of.
Think carefully about this… Yes, we’ve been hearing about returning to the “Gold Standard” for a long Time. “I’ve” been hearing about it for these last 484-weeks. “Personally”, I truly believe the U.S. WILL be on the “Gold Standard” in my lifetime and, to “me”, it does feel like it will be within the next 18-months.
Here’s another thought about this… Let’s say the U.S. does NOT return to the “Gold Standard”. You will still be holding a “physical” piece of high-quality Silver. Technologies of every type are continually created and, eventually, find their way into the Public arena… and because there’s only so much Silver in the ground, at some point, companies will pay a high price for high-quality Silver, in order to develop even more high-tech devices. At that point, YOUR Silver will be VERY valuable.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the web page:
Here’s the direct link to the last video on that page:
Here’s the link to the “US Debt Clock”:

PS 7-18-20 “masks”, Incarnations

This is a Petition for President Trump to make illegal any Law which forces people to wear a “mask”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 34-minute video contains 2 conversations between Gosia and 2 members of the Taygetan Team, who are (and were) onboard their Spacecraft, which is orbiting Earth.
In the 2nd conversation, they mostly talk about the implanting of false memories within some Humans. (This is not done by the Taygetans but is part of each person’s Soul Contract and the way this 3D, Earth System works.
The Taygetan, Yazhi, explains that, sometimes, memories are implanted to make those Humans believe a “war” has taken place, when it has not. She further explains that the Soul of some Humans has entered their body after childhood and their “memories” of that childhood were implanted to give a sense of personal history. She also states that some Humans are actually Holograms.
My comments: “Some people being Holograms” is exactly what I felt, and wrote about, over 12-months ago. I was feeling it through some of the strangers I would see around me in public.
The reason I had to stop the video and write this is because of what Yahzi states here:
  • She explains that the Federation does not like for Humans to know about all this because when Humans understand these pieces, they begin to wake-up.
  • Yahzi continues by saying memories have been implanted for wars which did not exist.
  • All of this, she states, is how 3D functions… to have short, chaotic experiences with great Spiritual advances.
  • “Everything in 3D is guided. Everything is managed. Time is not Linear there either. They just put it together that way, to give you that illusion.”
  • She explains that some “implanted memories” weren’t as successful as they should have been, “911” for example. She says the Federation went in and “patched things” but this only made more “holes”… more “inconsistencies”. She says some of these “major events” cause more inconsistencies than the Federation realized and this is causing the System to break down… to wake-up, such as the “virus” without a real “virus”. “They are causing the System to crash.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 6-27-20 Anomalies, Cobra, Wilcock, Gosia

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
In this 13-minute video the Narrator shows several images sent to him by his Subscribers. These images show various Anomalies of Plants and Animals:
  • A Flower with a “flat” Stalk
  • 4, 5 and even 6-leaf Clovers
  • A bee that looks half Praying Mantis
  • An 8-foot “fish” with the head of a Gator, etc.
I’m including this information because it’s feedback for “me” that we are in times of Great Change. Does this mean Humanity from this “old Earth” is “merging with” and “overlapping” the energies of the “new Earth”?… or are these mutations happening because all the Beings on this planet are increasingly-infused with higher energies and we’re not quite sure how to control these new Manifestation Tools? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Age of Aquarius Activation Final Update
  • “Time is approaching our Age of Aquarius activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.”
  • “Next 60 hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in over 40 languages:”
  • “A blogger from mainland China has made a blog post about our activation, and it has reached amazing 1.4 million views until now:”
  • “A comprehensive post with all information, videos and memes for our activation is located here:”
  • “Exact time for our Age of Aquarius meditation is here:”
  • “Activation of Versailles vortex will begin on Tuesday June 30th at 7 am sharp at undisclosed location in Versailles. Those who wish to participate can contact , and they will receive an email with all instructions tomorrow evening when all details are finalized.”
  • “Let’s do this:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This “video” is just a “placeholder reminder”. The title is: “David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley on Tibetan Rainbow Body!“. It’s supposed to begin at 9p on June 28th. (That’s probably “California” Time.)
The information under this video states:
  • “160,000 people have transformed their physical bodies into rainbow-colored light in Tibet, India, Bhutan, Nepal and southwest China, according to documented reports.”
  • “This appears to be the “Grand Conclusion” of all life on Earth… the true graduation we are all seeking after so many lifetimes.”
  • “Join David and Dannion in this stunning exploration of the greatest spiritual mystery on Earth!”
  • “Sign up at for David and Dannion’s weekly class that runs each Sunday through until the end of July 2020!”
That last entry looks as though this is a pay-to-watch “Class”. I guess we’ll all know tomorrow.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This 26-minute video is a “conversation” between Gosia and “Swaruu, a Taygetan Pleiadian”. This particular conversation is about the “Extraterrestrial Races”.
  • Gosia always states that her communications with the Taygetans are through her computer in “text” form and not “Channeled”.
I’m including this because of something that was mentioned around the 7-minute mark and thought others might also like to know about this. (Of course, many of you already knew this.)
  • They talk about the various Civilizations within the Pleiadian System and because the Taygetans are 5th Dimensional Beings, Gosia (as well as me) assumed every Culture on every one of those planets was also at the same level of technology — anti-gravity craft, computers, etc. but Swaruu explains that the people on some of those planets are still discovering “fire” and the “wheel”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-17-20 StGermain, Pleiadians

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
It looks like Morgan Le Fay posted this information but it was originally “written” or “Channeled” in 1938 (details below).
I’m including this because it’s a great reminder in these chaotic times… to remind us that each of us not only “has the power” but also that we create our own world from within each of us… Something good to think about, right about now.
  • “Not one thing can touch or enter your world except you feed your life energy into it by the power of your attention.”
  • “Saint Germain told us:”
  • “I want to say something to you tonight. I have never said this before to the students, but dear people, there are a few individuals really vicious in the world, but oh, there are hundreds of thousands of people whose heart are of gold – whose love and intense feeling to bless each other and humanity is wonderful. And when I have looked upon you blessed students here in your earnestness and holding the guard here in your city, I bless you each one. There is no power that can touch you or your world, except your own “Mighty I AM Presence,” unless you accept it in your feeling world. Oh, I plead with you, stand more firmly over your own feeling world. Analyze what is going out from it. Stand guard that no discordant thing come into it. There is where the great tragedy in life comes, beloved ones, because mankind keep on and keep on accepting the discord of the outer world into their feeling world, and the precious ones don’t even know they are doing it.”
  • “I tell you, if at any time in the world we could weep for our fellowman, it would be then. Those who in their intellect are so earnest and determined to have the light and strength, and yet, unknowingly, they keep on accepting these conditions as having power over them. Don’t you see, beloved ones, there is not a thing in your world, once you come to know your “Presence,” that has power over you, except your own “Presence”? Not one thing can touch or enter your world except you feed your life energy into it by the power of your attention.”
  • “Oh precious ones, won’t you just contemplate that with me for a moment tonight? Think of it! There is no means of anything out here in the world of action finding an entrance into your world except through your own power of attention, and the energy which goes through your attention to an objective which is limiting or discordant. That is the only way discord can come back into your world and find an anchorage there. Otherwise, it would pass you by.”
  • “-“
  • “Discourse given in Jan 9, 1938, published in ‘The Voice of the I AM,’ May 1982, pages 6-7, book:
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the above information:

Here’s the link to Morgan Le Fay’s facebook page:

  • This is long but I had already poured and formatted the entire Channeling before I realized I had the link to the original website.
I’m including this because, although it’s a “Trance Channeling”, it explains the battles between the dark, Extraterrestrial forces and Humanity, assisted by aspects of the “Galactic Federation Of Light”. Some of these facets match what I had read from other Sources and some are new to me.
If you don’t believe in any of this information, then it’s an opportunity to use these ideas to help keep your mind open. Remember the Saying: “All things are possible.”
  • Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces: Storm Update: 06/17/2020
  • “Me: Hello, Soren, do you have time for an update?”
  • “Soren: Hello, Sharon, how is it going?”
  • “Me: Well, to be honest, I think we’re all sitting here waiting with anticipation of what’s to come. Daily developments in the The Storm are happening. We’ve got good intel sources here on the ground, which is great. But hearing from your perspective as to what’s happening is always better.”
  • “Can I ask some specific questions first?”
  • “Soren: Of course. Go ahead.”
  • “Me: I see three or four mother ships around me right now. If I look facing north, one is at 10 o’clock and I know that that ship is the Mangaram and that’s Commander Erron’s, but there’s one at 2 o’clock, and then one at about roughly 6 o’clock. Commander Erron told me they fly in the pattern of the flower of life and the reason they twinkle is that they’re alternating in frequency, even going between dimensions, to reduce being detected.”
  • “Soren: Yes. Your governments are friendlier towards our ships; some have had to admit defeat against us, others are embracing us with open arms, as you say. Then there are the cabal forces which still try to shoot us down. We love that they come to us, because it makes taking them out a lot easier. LOL”
  • “Me: Yeah, helpful when your enemy shows up at the door.”
  • “Soren: We have no enemies. We don’t see them that way. They are simply beings who, for various reasons, reject universal law and for that reason, they can’t remain in our galaxy.”
  • “Me: Good, yes, that’s another good way to look at it.”
  • “Now, are there any hotspots where there is more fighting around? Ivo said that he’s still fighting over Area 51 although the Light has it. He says the cabal forces or dark military is still trying to get it back.”
  • “Soren: Yes, they don’t like losing. LOL”
  • “As for hotspots, always Antarctica. For as cold a place as it is, it’s the ground zero of this entire operation. Get Antarctica and you either control or release the world from control, whatever your agenda. And ours is to release it, of course.”
  • “Me: Why there?”
  • “Soren: Antarctica is full of your world’s history. There are ancient ruins there, some of which are still operational, that are underground. There are buried ruins, there are computerized systems still functional, there are even giants sleeping in stasis….well, they’ve been woken up.”
  • “Me: Oh! I just got this huge intuition – Antarctica is like an “operations center” for this planet. This is how they’re changing the weather, creating the climate belts, this is how they decide where water will be and where there will be deserts.”
  • “Whose systems are these? False Matrix or do these come from Antiquity?”
  • “Soren: They were started in Antiquity, then they were overtaken and made to create the false Matrix.”
  • “Me: Did we have weather control in Antiquity? Was there a need for that?”
  • “Soren: No.”
  • “Me: What were these computers for then?”
  • “Soren: What do you use computers for?”
  • “Me: Playing Solitaire, what else? LOL”
  • “Soren: Well, they had computers for more extensive projects than winning a Solitaire game, LOL, they had them for the same reasons you have technology in your businesses and industries.”
  • “Me: Oh I see. So these were hijacked to change the weather and to create a false reality for us?”
  • “Soren: You’re on artificial timelines.”
  • “Me: Oh, so that’s why they protect Antarctica so ferociously, because it’s the central computer for all the computers on earth that create the false reality.”
  • “Soren: One of them. There are other mainframe computers as well.”
  • “Me: Yeah, I know there’s one under Denver airport.”
  • “Soren: So when we gain Antarctica, we can take away all the mind control, release the false image of what your earth looks like to you now and return it to the natural Lemurian timelines.”
  • “Me: So these are somehow repressed while these artificial timelines have prevailed?”
  • “Soren: Yes. They are there but few are populating them now. Only powerful earthlings are populating the Lemurian timelines and so are the Agarthans, of course. Many of you are jumping back and forth between the real and the fake timelines as your frequencies change.”
  • “Me: Yes. They don’t look different to me, though.”
  • “Soren: Because you don’t believe they should be. What you know is what you believe. What you believe you dub overtop of what is really there.”
  • “Me: Okay, Soren, I see things sometimes like piping coming out of the St Lawrence River as I sit in the park. I see many ships flying around and suddenly disappearing. Me and my brother Merton, who flies a ship around me all the time, like to work to shoot them down. This is Lower Earth Orbit that I’m seeing, and there is what everybody sees but there is also what I’m catching glimpses of in LEO, ships flying around, pipes taking water from our rivers and telepathically, I saw a bunch of buildings that look like barracks above us.”
  • “Soren: You’re seeing dark installations. Yes, you’re seeing beyond the normal capacity for a third dimensional human. You’re getting your psychic vision back.”
  • “Me: So is this really prolific? And are you taking out these installations as well?”
  • “Soren: Yes. We have to take them out. They’re in a frequency slightly out of alignment with your eyesight as well as the fact that you have implants or shields that keep you from seeing them. Some people can though, and they see the extraterrestrial life that’s surrounding you all the time. Most don’t. They’re unaware of them.”
  • “Me: So just think, someone’s having a dinner in their dining room and there are half a dozen life sized reptilians and insectoids watching them eat, as well as their normal guides and angels. Crowded space. Yes, I’ve heard hissing one night at 4 a.m. which told me there was probably a reptilian in my living room although I couldn’t see it. I just alerted Archangel Michael. It amazes me sometimes how calm I am in situations like that but when I have to deal with earthlings, it’s anything but calm.”
  • “Soren: It’s what you’ve learned.”
  • “Me: I’d love to see a battle going on between your forces and these reptilians.”
  • “Soren: We’d love to show you. You can look astrally.”
  • “Me: Okay. I’ll meditate on that. Where else are you fighting?”
  • “Soren: Where aren’t we fighting? LOL”
  • “Me: Okay, so pick anywhere I guess. The fact that there are 3 motherships around me must be a clue as to how much battling there is going on. I’d love to just hear one “boom” or see an explosion.”
  • “Soren: We can work on that. LOL”
  • “Me: So as to the Alliance’s military forces that are fighting around the world, cleaning out the bases, how is that going?”
  • “Soren: It’s nice to have some help. They’re working with us and some of your men and women are seeing things that they’re having trouble dealing with.”
  • “Me: Like children?”
  • “Soren: That too, that’s hard for many of them to take, but they’re walking into completely alien environments that they had no idea existed, and doing battle with 8 foot tall reptilians, mantises and giant spiders.”
  • “Me: Sounds like more PTSD.”
  • “Soren: We’re helping to heal them. Many of them have been taken out of service and sent for healing because they never expected to see any of this. Some of these troops were already aware and take it more with a grain of salt, but others are scared to death. We have to watch them and make sure they don’t compromise the fight. It’s not uncommon for a Pleiadian to step in to a human body and work with the human to help them through a battle. They’ve got munitions they have never used nor ever thought they’d ever have to use.”
  • “Me: Yes, just thought they’d be using guns. Now they’re using something out of Superman comic book.”
  • “Soren: It’s hard to debrief them beforehand because there’s a lot of resistance. In the real tough cases, we don’t let them fight because their resistance, their denial is going to be the death of them. So we monitor their reaction and don’t put them in on front lines.”
  • “Me: What about the light warriors? Where are we working at night?”
  • “Soren: Mostly in the bases as well. There are so many bases, just an extensive labrynth of cities underground, we can use all the help we can get.”
  • “Me: Where do I go?”
  • “Soren: Area 51, where else?”
  • “Me: I know I wake up feeling pretty rough some mornings. There might be any number of reasons but I put some of it down to battling the dark at night time. What would a typical night time scenario look like?”
  • “Soren: LOL After you’ve met up with Ivo?”
  • “Me: Yeah, we’ll skip that. After Ivo and I have had alone time, I mean.”
  • “Soren: LOL You go on raids.”
  • “Me: So would any light warrior be doing this as well?”
  • “Soren: Yes. Typically you go out on raids. You’d be transported down under the surface and would replace ETs doing battle there with the Alliance forces.”
  • “Me: Can the Alliance forces see the Pleiadians?”
  • “Soren: Some can. They use night time vision as well so they can pick up images of us more easily.”
  • “Me: Oh yeah, that makes sense. Would you ever lower your frequency enough for them to see you?”
  • “Soren: Sometimes, but not if we’re fighting. Our frequency is our advantage.”
  • “Me: Yes, you’re even faster than anyone of lower frequency, of course. So you’re in the tunnels or bases fighting with Alliance forces. How does it all unfold?”
  • “Soren: The Alliance forces do their work according to their own training. They stick to what they’ve been told to do, as any militia would. We are there looking for beings they’re not aware of and we know who they’re aware of.”
  • “Me: So, you’re there in case of ambushes.”
  • “Soren: Or any being that comes in on a frequency change to stage a surprise attack, yes, we know of this and prevent it.”
  • “Me: Why is it important for the Alliance to do this work? Can’t you do it all?”
  • “Soren: Your people are obliged to do fifty percent. It’s your planet and your liberation. The GFL doesn’t do rescues, they aid the planetary forces in achieving their goals. This is your battle, your war. Because it has a galactic impact, we’re allowed to work with you.”
  • “Me: So would it be safe to say that Alliance forces are speaking to Ashtarr Sheran?”
  • “Soren: It would be safe to say that. We have many GFL leaders who communicate with forces on the planet. Everything is structured to bring a liberation to your world and it’s because both are working together that this will be accomplished.”
  • “Me: Okay, so I’m in the bases as an earthling light warrior. What am I doing?”
  • “Soren: You’re using your telepathic powers, your telekinetic powers, and you’re using energy discharges from hands, eyes and feet in order to overwhelm enemy forces and allow Alliance soldiers to get by them and rescue children, and others trapped in the bases. While the dark forces are incapacitated, you are debriefing them and asking if they wish to stand trial or help with the Light liberation of earth. They are being rounded up and put on jailing ships to be taken to a planet where they are jailed, sometimes it’s the moon, sometimes it’s one of the moons of other planets in your system, and in the case of key persons, they may be taken to the Pleiades for debriefing.”
  • “Me: So we’re just dropping them, taking them down in numbers and incapacitating them for arrest by light forces?”
  • “Soren: Yes.”
  • “Me: Would it be safe to assume that we are working in our local areas?”
  • “Soren: No. You work in the States. Key locations are being taken down first, later on others. Canada is not as key as the States is and the States must be overtaken first by its own military. There are troops in Canada as well, but there aren’t as many bases in Canada. The U.S. is a key location.”
  • “Me: I see. When will we see a change of government in Canada? I want the government to change to a non-globalist government.”
  • “Soren: There are still 6 months left in 2020. Within 2020 you’ll see major changes yet, and following that major world changes in the next 2 years.”
  • “Me: Thank you Soren.”
  • “Soren: Thank you Sharon. Keep in touch.”
  • “Me: I will!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-5-20 Gosia, Cobra, RV?, TaxCuts

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
In this 32-minute video, Gosia, of “Cosmic Agency”, provides one of her conversations with Swaruu of Taygeta — a Planet within the Pleiadian System.
I’m including this because, even if this information is not real, it presents some ideas to consider.
In this particular conversation, they talk about the “Federation”, the overseeing aspect above it and how they all work together to solve problems or influence the evolution of the Beings on Earth.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


Cobra Posted this message today.
  • “It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the powerful Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.”
  • “Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.”
  • “Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us:”
  • “This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to further stabilize the timeline that will lead into the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.”
  • “We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! We can even reach one million! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.”
  • “Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th is the turning point of the 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate which has opened on January 12th with Saturn Pluto conjunction, has its turning point on June 30th with Jupiter Pluto conjunction and will close on December 21th with Jupiter Saturn conjunction:”
  • “The purpose of the whole 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate is to stabilize the Age of Aquarius positive timeline for the planet, and our activation on June 30th is the turning point of this process. This powerful activation point is located almost exactly in the middle of the whole 2020 process with 170 days between January 12th and June 30th, and another 174 days between June 30th and December 21st.”
  • “In astrology, Jupiter Pluto conjunction symbolizes great societal and spiritual reform which will bring abundance of spiritual and material wealth to humanity:”
  • “We will be doing our Age of Aquarius Part 2 meditation at the exact moment of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th , which will be at 7:48 am CEST in Paris. This equals 10:48 pm PDT on Monday June 29th in Los Angeles, 11:48 MDT on Monday June 29th in Denver, and then we cross into Tuesday June 30th for other time zones: 00:48 am CDT in Chicago, 01:48 am EDT in New York, 6:48 am BST in London, 7:48 am EET in Cairo, 1:48 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 2:48 pm JST in Tokyo and 3:48 pm AEST in Sydney.”
  • “You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:”
  • “Instructions:”
  • “1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.”
  • “2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius”
  • “3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light”
  • “4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.”
  • “5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize soft pink Light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.”
  • “Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.”
  • “Updates about the Age of Aquarius:”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
The link below is to a very short video clip on a Twitter page. President Trump mentions traveling in an “RV”. He mentions the letters “RV” several times. Is he telling the alternative community that he is currently (or already has) “Re-Valued” the U.S. Financial System, connecting it to a “Gold Standard”? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 18-minute video is from the “X22 Report”. The Narrator provides updates on some of the happenings around the world.
Here’s what caught my attention:
  • Around the 9:10-mark, the Narrator talks about President Trump’s plan to get more Stimulus for the people and businesses, Payroll Tax Cuts, etc.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the 18-minute video:
The following link is to another “X22 Report”. This one is 50-minutes long…
  • Around the 6-minute mark, the Narrator explains that President Trump has Appointed a new person to head-up the “Voice Of America”.
  • This description of “Voice Of America” is from Wikipedia: “Multimedia agency which serves as the United States government institution for non-military, external broadcasting. It is the largest U.S. international broadcaster. VOA produces digital, TV, and radio content in 47 languages which it distributes to affiliate stations around the globe. It is primarily viewed by foreign audiences, so VOA programming has an influence on public opinion abroad regarding the United States and its people”
  • The Narrator suggests that this Appointment is the 1st Step in shutting down the Main Stream Media.
  • Around the 38:55-mark, the Narrator shows a very short video clip of lightning over Washington D.C. At the 39:01-mark, the lightning forms “Q” in the sky. The “Q Post” associated with that simply reads: “Have Faith”.
My comments: Was the video “Photoshopped”? It really doesn’t matter. However, if that “Q” in the sky was NOT “Photoshopped”, then the information I’ve seen about “Q”, President Trump and the Patriots having access to the “Looking Glass” (Future Viewing) technology may just be true. Only Time will tell.
Here’s the link to the 50-minute video:
Here’s the link to the Wikipedia page:

PS 5-30-20 *Timeline, theEvent?, Bricks?

*First a comment:
When Sylvia crossed-over, it was during the Month of April. I started hanging around that first job location, the consignment shop, in May. They hired me in June. The next bushel of Months were a blur but I remember things flipping to the end of the years:
  • November is when I got hired to the job I just left.
  • November is also when Sylvia and I had to change cars (our 20-year old car just stopped working. So we had to get another one.)
  • November was also the first Time I tried to Quit that job.
Then, in 2019, things flipped again:
  • May 2019 is when I developed “Lightning Skin”.
  • Our Car’s Lease was supposed to be finished in “November” but they extended everyone’s payments for 2-Months, which puts ours out to “February”. It’s not quite “May” but it’s no longer “November”.
I was talking to Sylvia about this today and she indicated this is because I’ve changed Timelines again.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
This was sent to me by Peg Hamilton. It’s a Channeling by Michael Love.
My comment: I have some Comments on the following information but I added then at the end of this message, in order to not influence “your” interpretation.
  • “*** The Event 2020 – Incredible 5d Energies Impact Earth! ***”
  • “Pleiadian light forces transmission 05262020”
  • “Channeled by Michael Love”
  • “* For immediate planetary broadcast to the starseeds of earth *”
  • “Begin transmission…..”
  • “Great ones, The earth alliance has confirmed that at approximately 10pm and 12am monday night, light forces fired two powerful, 40-hertz, 5d, gamma light beams towards planet earth from two different locations in earth’s solar system!”
  • “Right in the middle of the second gamma blast, the schumann resonance went dark for a period of 2.5 hours and a strong frequency shift was imprinted on the schumann graph late yesterday!”
  • “Many starseeds around the globe were well aware of this powerful energy shift as it happened!”
  • “It was communicated that during the energy blackout last night, the frames of time and events on earth were literally reset again by light forces, further aligning planet earth and it’s beings with the new-earth, vtxc crystalline, diamond light grid!”
  • “These dimensional shifts are being intelligently orchestrated by benevolent star beings working to assist planet earth in its next stage of evolution!”
  • “What is a time-line shift and why does it show up in the energy around planet earth?”
  • “A timeline shift is a literal, temporary state where the universe reverts back to a quantum zero time and zero matter state!”
  • “The dark matter point detected in the energy of the cosmos ( the black line on the schumann graph) shows this “switched off” state!”
  • “Human level consciousness usually has no awareness or recollection of these time-line shifts, however very-aware beings notice that something shifted and changed and that reality was reset!”
  • “If you look very, very close at your reality after one of these resets, material things now exist that never existed before or a thing that you remember existing now, never happened!”
  • “It can be a bit perplexing to wrap your mind around this but it is a very real phenomena that billions of people notice!”
  • “This timeline shift was “the drawing of a cosmic line in the heavens” between light and dark and a point of no return was marked in the fabric of time by benevolent light forces!”
  • “These blackout areas in the space-time field are a literal switching off of the universe and back on again! these brief timeline shifts are quick, dimensional on and off’s for the purpose of slowly stabilizing the new 5d energy around the planet!”
  • “It can be a bit perplexing to wrap your mind around this but it is a very real phenomena that billions of people notice!”
  • “The mandela effect attempts to illustrate these radical time-line anomalies!”
  • “These resets are positive and are required to shift from one dimension up to a faster-vibrating one!”
  • “As we said in previous transmissions, the new 5d, gamma timeline is 100% locked into place for the future of this planet and the outcome is known!”
  • “In data transmitted to the earth alliance last night, light forces have said, this latest earth timeline reset is part of ‘operation masterpiece’ and will serve several positive functions over the next 3 earth months for the citizens of humanity:”
  • “* To help bring new 5d earth systems online after the traumatic 3d systems failure of the past 3 earth months!”
  • “* To now allow the new energy of freedom and truth to become the dominant energy among earth civilization!”
  • “* To clear remaining primary anomaly and negative etheric and astral entities from the surface allowing more light here! this will cause the beings of earth to begin having a tendency to exhibit a more positive behavior.”
  • “* To usher in the final energy required for the grand event culmination 2020 which all intel says will occur near the end of this earth year!”
  • “From the reports we are receiving, the starseeds of earth all feel as though they are about to leap out of their bodies this evening! this feeling is due to the recent, rapid increase in frequency around the planet!”
  • “Higher realms are crashing into 3d with great force and the energetic pressure of this dimensional clash is tremendous, as you can feel it all in your body and your auric field!”
  • “Powerful, cosmic light rays from the central sun, located at the galactic core, are coming into earth on a steady basis now as beams of central sun akashic light data like the two that impacted last night, hit the earth at speeds well over 1 million mph!”
  • “These 40-hertz light rays carry packets of nano-sized magnetic, ionized particles that strip right through the human body genome, clearing out all low-vibrational energies instantly and and recode dna to a higher order!”
  • “As the light comes in, the new 5d, crystalline-cell light body is formed and developed and this causes some major disruption to say the least in the auric field, the physical body, the mind and the emotions!”
  • “A frequency change of this magnitude is so abrupt it can jar your system quite a bit!”
  • “This high-frequency photon light had an intense impact on the starseeds of planet earth and right now strong ascension symptoms are being reported by all around the globe!”
  • “Here are some reported ascension symptoms being reported after this major time-line shift:”
  • “* Flu-like symptoms”
  • “* Waves of nausea”
  • “* Third eye pressure”
  • “* Ringing in the ears”
  • “* Headache”
  • “* Body aches”
  • “* Dizziness”
  • “* Hard to balance”
  • “* Feeling super tired”
  • “* Sleep difficulty”
  • “* Heart palpitations”
  • “* Anxiety”
  • “* Extreme emotions”
  • “* Dull headache”
  • “* Accelerated dehydration”
  • “* Back/kidney pains”
  • “* Third eye pressure/sinus aches”
  • “* Feeling spaced out and disoriented”
  • “* Missing time”
  • “* Vivid dreams”
  • “* Clear etheric downloads”
  • “There is no cause for serious concern, as long as you:”
  • *Hydrate”
  • *Practice gentle self care”
  • *Avoid stress as much as possible”
  • *Get some rest/sleep and just take it slow and easy until these light codes integrate into the body.”
  • “Just take it easy dear one and practice self care during this grand shift!”
  • “Know that the current ascension symptoms you may be experiencing are result of a natural dna activation process that is occurring all across this cosmos!”
  • “The pleiadians are holding humanity’s hand right now:”
  • “The pleiadians are the grand creators of humanity!”
  • “They have always watched over humanity in a compassionate way, as a loving parent would!”
  • “They are watching everything that is happening right now on planet earth, all of it!”
  • “They have always come to assist humanity at just the right moment down through the ages and they are here again now, especially during this great time!”
  • “The pleiadians have said, “humans always gravitate towards freedom, for it is in their veins!””
  • “The human spirit will prevail during this magnificent time on your planet!”
  • “Ultimately humans are good and for the most part, they try to do the right thing!”
  • “Humans have been in the dark so long, we have to give them a bit more time to wake up! have faith, it is happening!”
  • “As your earth holiday of july 4th draws near, the whispers of freedom will soon break out into a loud voice that will be heard all around the world!”
  • “You will be a witness the total freedom and liberation of planet earth!”
  • “Even now you are witnessing a spectacular mass awakening that is building to a crescendo and it will take just a few more earth months to become complete!”
  • “Trust us, just hang tite a moment because your grand awakening event has a spectacular ending!”
  • “For now we say,”
  • “Stand for what is right, do good and be honorable in all your ways!”
  • “Be kind and allow others to be what they will!”
  • “Develop community and live in peace with all beings!”
  • “Do no harm for this is the great one law!”
  • “Be the highest, most grand version of yourself that you can be!”
  • “Love yourself and love all others and be impeccable in your character!”
  • “Realize that you are a sovereign being and there is no being higher than you in all universes!”
  • “You are the highest authority and you do not need anyone to lead you!”
  • “You are a leader!”
  • “Be a child at heart again!”
  • “Enjoy life!”
  • “Play, listen to good music, dance, enjoy art!”
  • “Re-member the ancient knowledge and you will know all things!”
  • “Trust your heart, and just be yourself, no matter what anyone thinks!”
  • “Be still and know who you truly are!”
  • “Meditate daily and you shall be full of light!”
  • “Simply be the higher being that you already are!”
  • “Being this, is your legacy!”
  • “Understand the cure for all things is nature!”
  • “Eat and drink only from its table!”
  • “Be in the golden sun!”
  • “Breathe it’s air!”
  • “Swim in its waters!”
  • “Lay your body on the earth!”
  • “The highest pleiadian teaching is this: “only vibrate high!” “this is how you ascend to the top of the universe!”
  • “Remember a thing only exists when you focus on it too much! This also means, the things you aren’t focusing on cease to be! This is quantum physics 101”
  • “What do you wish to manifest?”
  • “The pleiadians say everything changes on a collective level in november! Are you ready?”
  • “Know that all is well and as it should be as a great evolutionary changes continues to occur this grand year on planet earth!”
  • “Standby great one as we move into the next phase of the event 2020 and the appearance of the long awaited, golden age!”
  • “Thank you for coming to earth and for your great service to all of humanity!”
  • “Let us know what ascension symptoms and major life changes you may be experiencing!”
  • “God-speed!,”
  • “Michael and the Pleiadians”
  • “* You can monitor earth’s schumann resonance live on our space weather tools page:”
  • “Special credit and acknowledgment to the earth alliance, the great white brotherhood, the white dragon society, pleiadian codename: cobra, the guardians of earth and the sphere being alliance.”
My comments: I received this in eMail. I Searched online for the original Posting of this information but could not find it. If you or someone you know is re-Posting information, please include the direct link to the Source of that information — not the person’s facebook page, etc. It’s proper “Netiquette” to provide the exact web page where that message can be found. If that information is only available via eMail, then state this in your “re-Posting” and add a link to the Original Poster’s main information platform — their personal website, their facebook page, etc.
I’ve included Michael’s information in a few of our previous Posts. Although his information is “Channeled”, it does seem to resonate with me. Although there are some very helpful facets of his message, below, it feels like there’s a bit “too much” information… as if the Pleiadians are covering more aspects than necessary. I would call this type of communication “nervous talk”, where someone has finished stating their side of a Subject but doesn’t want to leave. So they continue talking about whatever comes into their mind. This is just a “feeling” and my personal “opinion” here.
Question everything.
To subscribe to Peg Hamilton’s eMail list just send your Address to her:
This very short video clip, on Twitter, shows a man filming himself with a “PALLET” of Bricks behind him. He immediately questioned “why” those Bricks “just happened” to be sitting there next to some very high-priced stores in Dallas, Texas.
He explains that there’s no construction in the area. So why did someone just leave an entire Pallet of Bricks next to those stores?

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-9-20 *Animals, *Openings? ,SharedCulture, Hamilton

*First a comment:
Sylvia and I had to do a little grocery shopping today… but, mostly, I wanted to go and get some things to keep these “animals” out of our home.
We went to Home Depot, and Lowe’s. (We went to Lowe’s twice, because I forgot to get something.) We spend over $70 and it took me about an hour to disperse all of it “inside” and “outside” our home.
Under our 3 sinks, where there’s a gap between the water pipes and the hole cut into the floor, I poured about half a bag of Mothballs. Then, I stuffed 10 Brillo Pads (steel wool with powdered soap). The last thing I did was create a wall of glue traps around each pipe.
  • Right now, there is a high-level of Mothball smell throughout our home. It’s not good, but, fortunately I don’t breathe a lot. It might be because I’m not Human. I’m not sure… but, at some point, both Sylvia and my first wife, were concerned about my very shallow breathing when I sleep.
Next, we went outside. When we got out of our car at Lowe’s, there was a 3/4-inch diameter, jet black with 2 orange dots, spider climbing on our car. I “crossed it over” but then realized we need to also buy some insecticide, in order to get rid of the spiders living in the ground under where we park our car at home.
So we bought a 10-pound bag of insecticide, which is supposed to kill 100 different types of insects. I moved the car forward and heavily dusted that entire area. We had a little left over, so I shook it out around the outside of our home.
I also put a LOT of Mothballs around the outside of our home and stuffed about half a bag into each rat hole, in the ground. I could find.
Next, I sprinkled some granules around the perimeter which are supposed to keep rodents away.
The last thing I did was spray an entire can of Bee Insecticide “on” our home, near the roof-line, where Bees like to live.
So, yes, it cost us over $70 but the protection we now have “should” keep the “things” we’ve had to deal with here, such as:
  • ants,
  • spiders,
  • rats,
  • bees,
  • and MUCH more.
When it comes to insects or dangerous animals… or anything that will negatively affect my family… I’m not playin’. I am full-on focused on dealing with it.
I thought about going to Waffle House tomorrow, just to get out of the house and get some different food. A few weeks ago, someone told me they never stopped serving Customers “inside” their Restaurants.
Just to be sure, though, I called them today.
  • (me) “Are you allowing customers to eat inside?”
  • (employee) “No. Phase One started yesterday…” (I couldn’t understand what “Phase One” was.) “Phase Two will be in 2-weeks.” (I don’t know what that is either.)
I’m just passing this information along so everyone can have this as “feedback” that this entire planet is going to open extremely slow. Much slower than it should.
This is just one example, in one State.
I eMailed Sylvia’s Daughter today, to tell her about our experiences and how a lot of people are still wearing “masks”. She told me that in Texas, where she lives, it’s mandatory.
  • In yesterdays Post, in “The Awakened” Section, I included a video where a Doctor used a microphone and P.A. System to speak with a group of people in front of a Hospital. He stated some interesting things. One them was that “masks” are not affective.
  • (Granted some people are wearing a mask, in order to deal with the current Allergy situation. This is not what I’m referring to.)
  • When the other people… the “Sheeple” wear “masks”, it not only causes them to breathe-in their on exhaust but it constantly reminds them that there is something bigger than they can handle going on. So keep your mouth shut and go along with whatever the Main Stream Media tells you. The “masks” reinforce the idea that “you have no voice”. So you must conform. This is only the “cabal” whispering in Humanity’s Collective ear.
Question everything.
Here’s the link showing the Doctor speaking (at the 15:14-mark):
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This 15-minute video is by Gosia “of Cosmic Agency” as she communicates with a Taygetan – Pleiadian through her computer.
I’m including this because they talk about something that I had not factored into my “Puzzle Pieces”… the idea that an extremely advanced 5D or even 7D Culture would actually use “simplified” or “hand-made” “technologies”.
The Taygetan explains that some of the Higher Beings realize that machines and “technologies” actually remove you from “life”. I found this to be an amazing insight. It makes sense.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This is from Experiencer and GateKeeper, Peg Hamilton.
I had to read these messages a couple of times before I realize their importance as facets of my “Puzzle Pieces”. Her “vision”… Her “experience” is telling me that Humanity and this planet are much closer to “merging” or “sliding into” our Collective next Level of “5D”.
This is what Peg wrote:
  • “”Journal Easter apr 12 2020”
  • “I slept from 10 pm to 1 am Easter  morning.”
  • “At 1 am I watched a show called Sound Breaking for an hour.”
  • “It was very interesting  about electrical sounds in the music business.”
  • “When I turned it off I watched an old comedy show for half hour.”
  • “When I turned that off”
  • “I heard a xylophone playing. The sound came from an area 3ft in front of me, full volume.”
  • “next to the bed. I was facing that way. I listened and watched.”
  • “I memorized the tune. It was four notes, repeated several times ,then “
  • “a first two of that group of notes and then it stopped. It was very clear”
  • “and strong as if the instrument was right there beside me.”
  • “There was nothing there  physically.”
  • This was my first time with this kind of phenomenon.”
  • I spent the next two hours trying to figure out the meaning of this,”
  • while also in a state of awe. I tried lots of theories, but no gut feeling.”
  • “Then I got a message. the message said this phrase”
  • “God shed his grace on thee”
  • “and then; “and crowned thy good with brotherhood.”
  • “I then knew the music was a manifestation of 5d. because I had focused”
  • “on that subject for an hour. This was instant manifestation.”
  • “The message was to answer my question.”
  • “What an Easter peg”

A few minutes later, Peg sent the following:

  • “Dear patient friends,”
  • “I am so embarrassed at my own ignorance sometimes.”
  • “The new information describes 5th dimension overlaying 3rd and 4th.”
  • “this is a new description.”
  • “When I read it, it clicked.”
  • “Back at least a year ago I sent you this experience I had about a tap dancer.”
  • “It was hilarious.”
  • “If you do not remember it was this;”
  • “I was riding beside my daughter in her car.”
  • “She put on some music I had not heard before.”
  • “I said this sounds like tap dancing music.”
  • “Immediately I saw and watched a lady  t rying to tap dance.”
  • “She really did not know how, and it was awkward  and funny.”
  • “I was laughing  and laughing- my daughter ask why.”
  • “I explained.”
  • “The dancing vision continued- what a joy it was.”
  • “I guessed my higher self provided it.It was very entertaining.”
  • “The vision overlayed the view of the road and scenery.”
  • “It was all there. nothing shadowy-just one picture over the other.”
  • “each fully visible.”
  • “Now with the new descriptions I can see that was what they were describing.
  • 5d overlaying 3 and 4 d.”
  • “I have had other visions similar but never identified them as 5d overlaying 3 and 4.”
  • “I hope this is helpful for you to identify when you have an experience  of it.”
  • “Blessings to us all”
Question everything.
To subscribe to Peg Hamilton’s eMail list just send your Address to her:

PS 5-6-20 Taygeta, Cobra, DivineFeminine

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 24-minute video is a relayed message from “Aneeka of Temmer”, a Taygetan from the Pleiades. The Contactee is Gosia from Cosmic Agency.
I’m including this because of 2 interesting things Aneeka stated:
  • At the 14:25-mark, Aneeka writes:  (COVID-19 =) “(C)overt (O)peration (V)irus (I)mminent (D)estruction – 2019. Yes. It is a military operation. It is interesting to see that it was leglly forbidden to say the word “virus”, or “coronavirus”, note that no one uses it any more, it is “covid-19″ now. It is because it is not a virus.”.
  • “…oxygen restriction makes people more prone to respiratory illnesses. Thus increasing the chances of contracting something that they will later say is covid-19. DO NOT wear masks. You will get sick.”
My comments: I wondered about this. To me, wearing a “mask” means you’re actually breathing-in your own “exhaust”. It’s similar to wanting to sleep with your entire body (and head) under the covers because it may be cold in your bedroom. You can’t do that because you will suffocate from breathing your own fumes.
  • So why has this type of mask been Invented?
  • Why are people, in some places, required to wear this type of mask?
  • … and Why do people actually do something which they know is bad for them?
  • It’s because the cabal aren’t giving anyone a chance to think for themselves. The cabal wants everyone to be under their control.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This was Posted by Cobra today:
  • Portal 2025
  • “It is time to release some intel about the coming Ascension portal of 2025. Since the collapse of Alpha timeline in early 2018, no significant tactical intel about the planetary liberation can be released, so therefore this article will speak in symbols, codes and parables that can activate your higher mind and align you with the Plan, without revealing any tactical details whose release would be to disadvantage for the Light Forces.”
  • “Everything in this universe is subjected to many cycles of various length and intensity. These cycles are actually scalar waves of cosmic energies that create interference patterns which, combined with the sum of free will vectors, shape the destiny of the universe in dynamic interplay between the Source and the primary anomaly:”
  • “We are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point is expected to occur in 2025.”
  • “First, a very powerful solar proton event that is responsible for Pleistocen species extinction (12887 years before 2000) occurred exactly half precessional cycle (12886 years) before the Galactic Alignment, which occured in May 1998 and was the moment when solstice Sun crossed the Galactic equator. The moment of Galactic Alignment was the turning point of the Ascension window for this planet, which is open from 1975 to 2025:”
  • “Second, a very powerful dynamic is happening around 2025 between the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.”
  • “About every 500 years, those three outer planets form a harmonious astrological interference pattern which triggers a new Renaissance period.”
  • “Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto in 1504 signified the peak of Renaissance:”
  • “Now, the same configuration of Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto will signify the peak of New Renaissance in 2025:”
  • “Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto configuration will start being effective in 2020 and will last to about 2030:”
  • “This configuration in 2025 will be far more powerful than in 1504 because Uranus and Pluto will both form a sextile with Neptune at apex point, with Neptune positioned exactly at point of Aries, with Pluto entering Aquarius and Uranus entering Gemini:”
  • “Third, a new 50 year Sirius B orbital cycle will begin in 2025 when Sirius B will reach maximum distance from the main star, Sirius A:”
  • “50 year Sirius cycle sends a powerful evolutionary pulse to planet Earth every 25th and 75th year of each century. Many of those pulses have triggered events that are connected to 2025:”
  • “A Sirius pulse in 1775 signified the peak of Enlightenment movement in France, formation of Mystery School in Paris by Comte de Saint Germain and the “shot heard round the world” which triggered the American Revolution:”
  • “Inside the Brotherhood of the Star, year 1775 is known as “the year of the Light”.”
  • “Interestingly enough, year 1775 also saw a loose grand trine between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto:”
  • “A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it.”
  • “Interestingly enough, both 1975 and 2025 pulses are supported by Neptune sextile Pluto, which brings very high vibrational spiritual energy to the process:”
  • “This Neptune sextile Pluto aspect will start being effective in 2020 and will extend its influence well into 2030s:”
  • “All those aspects will be so powerful that nothing and nobody will be able to resist them, and the planet and the whole Solar system will go through a transformation.”
  • “We can expect great awakening and Contact:”
  • “A great transformation of planet Earth is in the cards as well:”
  • “With the first hints already here:”
  • “The relationship between 2020 and 2025 and how the Event ties into all this needs to remain veiled for now. The only thing I can say is that the full Moon of May 7th (Wesak Full Moon of 2020) is the trigger through which Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree.”
  • “Sublunar space and planet Earth are still the center of accretion vortex for quantum fluctuations primary anomaly, and this problem will be addressed by the Light Forces in the coming weeks, months and years through iteration sequence clearing technologies.”
  • “A situation update which will address the situation on the surface of the planet will be released in a week or two.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
My comments: “2025”?!!! I’ve had more than enough of people “dangling the carrot” out there and leading us on for “one more year”, “another 18-months”, “by the year 2030”, etc. ENOUGH! It’s Time to take back our True timeline!
The very day My Sylvia crossed-over, she said to me (in my own ears):
  • “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
…and that was near the beginning of 2011. Now, it’s been well-over 473-WEEKS and I still have not been able to find her… yet.
After she crossed, I dug-in to all the “alternative news” Sources I could find. At that Time, I not only latched-on to almost all of them but I also began repeating, and believing-in, their every word. At one point, one of the Managers I worked for told me:
  • “Just because a lot of people repeat something, doesn’t make it true.”
Actually, it does.
Since that Time, I’ve change most of my Sources and I’ve taken a very cautionary approach to “instantly believing” in whatever I’m told.
About 2-weeks ago, Sylvia and I an instant and, for us, very threatening “invasion” of some type of animal under our home and within our walls. During those first 2-days and nights of no sleep, although I was never in “fear”, my heart was pounding. Especially whenever I approach a Heater Vent that I looked into and saw a “tail”. (So far no one has actually “seen” whatever we’re dealing with.)
As the days past and the “scratchings” within our walls weakened, my Energies became more reinforced. Now, when I hear those “scratchings”, I’m no where near “heart-pounding” and “highly stressed”. Instead, I find myself projecting:
  • “You want to bother us. Well, you just come NEAR me and I will pull you through the wall and deal with you directly!!!”
After reading Cobra’s Post tonight, I’m feeling the same about some of the information which is now finding its way onto my Path (from many different Sources, not just “Cobra”). I’m not accepting those energies any more! Remember the Saying:
  • “Energy follows Thought”
I have to continue to keep an open mind… to continue to examine every “Puzzle Piece”… so I may still report on some things which may seem conflicting to what I’m saying here but I am now firmly planted in the energy of “taking my True timeline back”. It’s WAY past Time for me to reconnect with My Sylvia. I’ve been completely focused on her energy this entire Time. Now, I’m simply holding my Course even stronger and more determined to get myself to that timeline where Sylvia and I are reunited with each other within the next 12-months.
  • I know that focusing on something with all of your Intentions, Energies and your Core CAN bring it into Reality. This is how we Manifest.
  • I’ve also heard stories of this happening in different places… in different times.
  • One such example, Sylvia and I learned when we watched a Documentary. (I don’t remember its name.) It was a very small village in a 3rd World country. I think this is how the information was told:
  • An old person had to walk through that village to “bring” or “get” something on a regular basis.
  • Because that person found it difficult to walk, they found an abandoned chair outside somewhere and brought it inside a multi-family home that was at one end of the village. He or she placed the chair in the small lobby, just inside the front door. They could sit and, being “inside”, they were shielded from the hot Sun.
  • Over Time, others also found this chair to be useful and sat in it as they were walking past that home.
  • As Time went on, the various stories about the chair grew and began surrounding this simple “chair” with a “mystery”.
  • More and more, people appreciated that chair so much, and were buying-into its “mystery”, that they brought it gifts of flowers, fruit, etc.
  • By the Time the Documentary people heard about that “chair”, it had almost become its own “religion”… with people in “fear” of the consequences if they didn’t bring it an Offering.
The power of “Energy follows Thought”.
So, “2025”… uh, No.
Right now, “IF” things keep unfolding as they have been, most of the major changes to “Society” will happen THIS year!
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the many images and access the Links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This 4-minute video is from Gigi Young. Under the video, she states:
  • “This month I will be launching a free public class series called ‘Isis Rising: The Cosmic Mysteries’!”
Although this video is promoting her Class, there’s no mention of it in the video itself. Instead, this video is a very positive outlook… a “remembering” that this planet… this 3D illusion… this “Reality” used to saturated with “Divine Feminine” energy and that same energy is now returning.
The video is helpful and calming. I simply thought we could all use some positive energy about now.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here’s the link, where you can sign-up for her newsletter: