PS 8-5-21 SkyGrid?, President

The following 8-minute video is by a person who Tracks:
  • Solar activity,
  • Sky Phenomenon,
  • Planetary dust,
  • Earthquakes,
  • Volcanic eruptions,
  • the Schumann Resonance, etc.
He typically Posts 1, or even 2, videos per day.
In this particular video there are 2 facets which caught my attention:
  • The 1st begins at the 4:02-mark, which he has labeled: “Horizontal Plasma Flashes”. Someone in Denmark recorded “Lightening” which can be seen in the Sky as horizontal, thick Laser Beams. For “me”, these “Beams” are too perfect to be anything “Natural”.
My comments: “Some say” a battle has been ongoing, just outside the Earth’s atmosphere, since around 2012. Are these “Beams” really Laser Fire from a few battling Starships?
  • The 2nd facet begins at the 5:10-mark, which the Narrator calls: “Grid in Storm Clouds”. The “Grid” is difficult to see. (The 2, horizontal, very clear, thin lines are probably “Telephone” or “Electric” cables.)
  • Although this video is from Florida, could both videos be of the same “happening”?
It wasn’t until I saw the 2nd video clip when I realized something… What “IF” there really HAS been progress made by the Resistance Movement, as noted by Cobra? More and more of his messages state that some type of Dimensional Battle is being fought closer and closer to the Earth’s surface and that these Positive forces are working on destroying the “Grid” which, “some day”, has imprisoned the Earth and its populations for eons. Maybe the “Horizontal Lightening” in the 1st video is showing part of that Grid being charged, awakened or short-circuited. Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 22-minute video is by Researcher, “Santa Surfing”. When she got to the 19:49-mark, I just had to stop and include this information…
  • Here, she shows a photo from Dan Scavino. This is “supposedly” a very recent photo. Dan Scavino is standing next to President Trump and they “seem” to be in a room in the White House, maybe the Oval Office (not sure).
  • What really caught my attention is what Dan Scavino wrote under that photo: “We are not going to wait for 2024, the situation is alarming and abysmal. President Donald Trump will return in 2021 and we can do it together”.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 1-30-20 *Ascension

*First a comment:
This morning, I was given an analogy (yes, I had to look up that word) for explaining the energy of “Ascension”. It doesn’t feel like Sylvia is the one who provided this information to me. So this may have been one of my Guides or my Higher Self. (Of course, since I’m very “wordy”, I’ve added several details to this story. Sylvia just reminded me of something…
  • Actually, I’m not really “wordy”. Instead, I “Stream”. It’s not that I’m “Channeling”. I just seem to tap into energy on the other side of the “Veil” or within the “Knowledge Grid”, which feels like it inter-connects information to Beings, throughout this Universe. Right now, however, the Earth’s portion of that Grid is block from accessing the information within other facets of it in the Universe.)
Here’s my analogy:
  • Let’s say all of the people on Earth, actually live deep under the ground — below the more than 2-miles of the deepest part of the Ocean. All of these Beings live in huge caverns. There is plenty of room. There’s drinkable water, good food and everyone has been there for as long as history has been recorded.
  • Because it’s all everyone has ever known, no one feels the high pressure being exerted on them from the heavy Atmosphere of living near Inner Earth.
  • In one area, there’s a large Lake. Some people enjoy sitting at its shore. Others like to swim.
  • At some point, someone creates a “Breathing Apparatus”, which allows a person to breathe while under water. Although some of the swimmers enjoy exploring the various parts of that Lake, one person decides to examine the deepest areas, in order to find a “way out”… a way to “Heaven”.
  • As word travels about his upcoming adventure, “Talk” quickly circulates that this “Explorer” has lost his mind: “That’s crazy talk. Everyone knows that Heaven is “up”, above us, not “down” under the water.”
  • Those who have heard the re-told stories of the “Ancient Ones” believe that the Path of “Ascension” is “down”, much deeper into the Earth and not “up” at all.
  • Most everyone is of the belief that “going deeper” into any water will only bring you to “more water”. “The Explorer will die. That breathing machine will empty of its air before the Explorer discovers ANYTHING!” They said.
  • The “Explorer”, against all the Talk… all the Beliefs, has a “feeling” that this is something that needs to be done. So, one day, when all the “nay-sayers” have left the shore, the Explorer fits the Breathing Apparatus around his body and enters the waters of the Lake. Knowing the deeper parts of the Lake are steeped in blackness, the Explorer had previously gathered some of the luminescent mold, which lights the caverns and placed it into a crystal globe.
  • Down, down, swimming down, ever deeper goes the Explorer. At one point, there’s a sense of a stream of cooler water. The Explorer decides to follow it. Shortly after this, all of the water is cooler. Looking back, the Explorer sees that the bowl of the Lake has indeed been left behind. Pausing for a moment, the Explorer looks around. Some things appear a bit strange but the biggest change is the slight glow directly above. Not knowing that there’s still over 2-miles of water between his immediate location and “Heaven” (the surface of the Ocean), the Explorer has a sense that “swimming up” is the right thing to do.
  • The “mold-lamp” only illuminates a diameter of a few yards. As the Explorer gently rises, he can see “one” and then “another” from his land, who have also attempted to find “Heaven”.
  • One by one, each on their own, has devised their own “Breathing Machine” and believed they could find something better… beyond the Lake.
  • Upon encountering the first “Ascender”, the Explorer attempts to help them rise with him. The Ascender proclaims: “You’re not doing it right. You have to float here and wait for the Currents to raise you up.” The Explorer felt it best to simply let that Ascender “find their own way”. So he gently continued upward.
  • Later, another Ascender is seen. “I know you.” Says the Ascender. “You’re the one with all the big ideas on how he was going to find “Heaven”. I told you not to waste your time. The correct way to Ascend is to just float here until the Gods come and scoop you up.” Knowing that if the Explorer argues with the Ascender, he will waste precious machine-air. So, again, he continues upward.
  • As the Explorer slowly moves up, through the vast waters engulfing him, he notices a clarity of the waters and a lightness of the pressure on his body.
There are a few Points I’d like to make with this analogy:
  • Ascending too quickly will give us “the bends”… Symbolically, this is the disorientation we might feel as we “approach” or “move-through” the many “walls” / “Veils” that some have mentioned recently.
  • If we Ascend too fast, we won’t have “knowledge”… the “awareness” of our constantly-changing surroundings. So when we finally make it to the “surface”, we won’t understand the Journey (how we got there).
  • Because everyone is “individually” on their own Ascension “Path”, we can’t “do it for them”… and, if we stop to argue with anyone… or hold a grudge… seek revenge, or f you just “have to be right”, etc. this will only use valuable oxygen. (There’s a Saying: “If you’re fighting the System, you’re still a part of the System.”) Arguing or hating others will only keep us from our personal Path.
So as we all move through these energies, simply smile and provide information to those who ask you for it. As a few have mentioned in the last few months, the Time for “pulling someone up with you” has passed. We all must complete this “game” in our own way.
Question everything.

PS 1-29-20 MOE-TheGrid, Cobra

*First a comment:
(Mind Opening Exercise regarding “The Grid”)
A few pieces of “the puzzle” may have snapped together this morning (for “me”). Whether this is real or not, it’s still something to think about…
For this information, I’m citing the following:
  • “Some say” the Earth has been under a type of “Quarantine” for a VERY long Time.
  • “Some say” there’s a “Grid” / “Force Field” around the Earth, which keeps the Humans on the surface in an “illusion”.
  • A one point, long ago in Cobra’s Postings, he mentioned that he had gone to Russia and was taken on a ride in one of their Fighter Jets. During that flight, he said he was able to see over “the wall” / “the Grid”, etc.
  • In many of Cobra’s Posts, he mentions the last remaining, “major” obstacle, “Toplet Bombs”, which “surround” or “are near” the Earth. He’s stated that these are so powerful they damage Space-Time (or something like that). (In other words, they’re so powerful, the Star Visitors can’t simply “destroy”, “remove”, “relocate” or “deactivate” them.
  • In Lisa Harrison’s video, Episode 69, she describes what she sees as several “Layers” of energy surrounding the Earth. She says there’s a gap between each and every Layer contains a different “Pattern” / “Frequency” / “Phase” from the one before and after it. She says, as each of us “Ascends” / “becomes Enlightened”, our Resonance changes to match the next “Layer” and we easily pass through it.
  • In that same video, Lisa explains that she’s always seen a “Cube” of negative energy surrounding the Earth.
  • “Some say” this “Grid of illusion” can only be “defeated” / “deactivated” from the inside — from those who are within it.
There are other articles, videos, feelings and insights, which support what I’m about to explain but the above facets should help provide a background for this information…
  • Keep in mind that the following is based on what “I” have read, seen and sensed, as well as “my” understanding of what “I” feel is the possible “Science” of our Star Visitor friends and families.
This morning, as I thought about all of those “puzzle pieces”, my own mind showed me an energy “Sphere” surrounding the Earth. My first thought was:
  • It can’t be a “Sphere” because that would mean there’s only one. I couldn’t understand how “Layers of Spheres” (multiple Spheres) could be nested inside each other, with its projecting-technology on the “inside”.
Then I saw a Cube of energy, anchored at each corner by a “Device” of some sort. As each Field fanned-out from each Device, it merged with the other Fields, as it overlapped them. This created a flat wall between 4 Devices. Now, picture this same “wall configuration” forming a Cube around the Earth. Inside and outside of that Cube is another Cube with the same structure and energy and linked to the Cube “inside” and “outside” of it.
Let’s say that these “Cubes” create the “illusion”, a false “Reality”, for those living on the surface of this planet. Not because it’s projecting certain images but because it’s, somehow, energetically able to place an “energy block” within the mind of most Beings who live here.
Let’s say that “destroying” or “removing” those Cubes would instantly remove that “energy block” and because Humans are “currently” so dumbed-down, each un-Enlightend Being would go mad. THAT is the “risk” the Star Visitors face… THAT is the result which would tear “the very fabric of Space-Time”.
When “some say” that this illusion can only be dismantled “from the inside”, maybe it means it is “us”, the Beings on the surface of this planet, who have to get themselves “Enlightened”… “increase their personal Frequency”, in order to “Physically” or just “Consciously” move through each “Layer”.
Just some thoughts.
Here’s a link to Cobra’s website:
Here’s the link to Lisa Harrison’s YouTube Channel:

This was Posted by Cobra today:

Note: “IF” any of this is true, it’s VERY good news!
  • End Time Madness
  • “As we are now right before the dawn of the new Golden Age, a strong purification must occur before we as a planet can enter the Light. This purification is called the end time madness.”
  • “The end time madness is happening individually, with many people freaking out and showing dysfunctional behavior, but also globally.”
  • “Since they know now that their end is inevitable, the Cabal wants to destroy the surface human population in the process of their own downfall.”
  • “They attempted that in December last year by triggering the financial collapse through the repo market, and that did not work, they tried that in early January through escalation with Iran, that did not work, they tried to engineer a false flag in Virginia, that did not work, so what is left?”
  • “A global pandemic scare.”
  • “2019-nCoV is an advanced ethnic bioweapon that targets mostly Asian population:”
  • “The current epidemic is a result of covert biological warfare that goes on between China and USA.”
  • “Chinese long term military strategy against USA is based on bioweapons to a great degree:”
  • “The Chinese agents have stolen the coronavirus from Canadian lab:”
  • “And upgraded it into a bioweapon at the lab in Wuhan:”
  • “Then a USA agent, previously infiltrated into the Wuhan lab, and involved in the development of the virus, stole a sample of coronavirus and spread it into the Wuhan seafood and animal market. From then on the virus was spreading with geometric progression that can really look scary:”
  • “It is interesting to note here that Peter Salama, a renowned epidemiologist that worked for WHO and a board member of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, died on January 23rd:”
  • “The Pleiadians are working tirelessly to stop the epidemic. On Friday, January 24th, they have developed the first Stardust nanopowder to erase the virus and have spread it towards the surface of the planet from their ships stationed in Low Earth Orbit. The virus has reacted to the nanodust and mutated into a slightly less lethal and slightly more transmissible form.”
  • “Learning from the reaction of the virus, the Pleiadians have developed a more advanced version of Stardust and applied it on Monday and Tuesday (January 27th and 28th).”
  • “As as result of this, the virus is not spreading anymore with geometric progression as it was until now, and appears to be slowing down:”
  • “The Light forces are expecting that the spread of infection will even out in a week or two, with less and less new cases reported after that.”
  • “After enough attempts, the Pleiadians will be able to completely hack the virus and stop it from spreading, exactly in the same way they stopped the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918:”
  • “The viruses can only spread effectively when they receive support from the dark forces on the plasma plane.”
  • “Also, all remaining Chimera plasma spiders are extremely starved and on the brink of extinction, and now they are rushing to Wuhan and other cities with high number of infections to feed off fear and suffering.”
  • “This is a perfect trap for them, as the Light Forces can clear them much more effectively when they all gathered in such a small space and are not evenly spread around the surface of the planet anymore.”
  • “The Light Forces are now intensively clearing all the infection-supporting plasma and all plasma Chimera spiders and with this rate of purification, all plasma Chimera beings will be gone in a week or two, with only physical Chimera in US Space Command and DARPA remaining.”
My comment: Once again, the incredibly stupid cabal have “stepped right in it”. They actually derailed their own agenda! Although the “virus” is not funny, the cabal’s actions ARE… very funny! First they create this biological weapon and then they cause the Chimera spiders to rush into the Light Worker’s trap! Way to go, cabal. you might as well just turn yourselves in because, right now, you’re just taking up space.
Why is it called the “Corona” virus? Did the cabal plan on connecting this “virus” with the Sun?
Why does it seem like the cabal’s own “WHO” (World Health Organization) is in charge of “stopping” this virus? From what “I’ve” read, in the past, this is like the “fox guarding the hen house”.
I’m not saying the “virus” is not real. Instead, I’m simply questioning the “managing” of it.
  • “The Light Forces are asking everybody that feels so guided to support this clearing process by visualizing violet flame purifying all virus-supporting plasma and all plasma Chimera spiders.”
  • “People can also help stopping the coronavirus epidemic with the following meditation:”
  • “It is very important to stay calm and not give into fear. To put things into perspective, over 80,000 people died from common flu in 2018 in United States alone, and nobody seems to worry:”
  • “And 650,000 people worldwide:”
  • “For an average human being, the risk of getting this coronavirus is very low and will most likely remain low:”
  • “The best advice for anybody would be to threat this epidemic the same way as the common flu. This will take out the most of the fear.”
  • “You can check the current state of the epidemic here:”
  • “And here:”
  • “When this epidemic scare subsides, the Cabal has another trick up their sleeves:”
  • “Even that will not work, as the Light Forces are already working on the solution.”
  • “The Blue Dawn is coming:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 7-23-19 Harrison

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This 37-minute video is of Lisa Harrison who provides an update on the Earth energies from “her” perspective. Here are a few highlights:
  • She explains the difference (to “her”) between an “Out of Body Experience” and “Astral Travel”
  • She believes that we move from “Event” to “Event” and between those points, there is no “Time”.
  • “The clean-up has begun.”
  • She explains her theory on “epstein”. (“IF” this is true, which makes sense to “me”, shows how “patient” and “planned” the White Hats have been through all of this.)
  • “The clean-up is happening within all Dimensions within this Construct… Within all Elements of this Construct.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-15-19 Cobra

This message was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Situation Update
  • “At the moment of the last Archon invasion in January 1996, the dark forces have created three main dark wormhole entry points to collapse the planetary Light grid.”
  • “These three dark wormhole entry points were:”
  • “Bukavu, Lake Kivu,Congo”
  • “Ljubljana, Slovenia”
  • “Santa Monica, California , USA”
  • “Ljubljana and Santa Monica were two Ascension vortexes with the most potential for Ascension on a planetary scale, and they needed to be suppressed in order for the dark forces to continue their rule.”
  • “Wormholes were created by several etheric and plasma conventional nuclear explosions at and above the beforementioned locations (with total of about 200 etheric / plasma nukes exploding worldwide), which opened a multidimensional wormhole to the Rigel star system:”
  • “Through these Rigel-Earth wormholes, many negative entities came to planet Earth and infected it.”
  • “Among most dangerous of those entities were Chimera spiders, huge plasma spiderlike beings with plasma toplet bombs attached to their skin, smaller ones being 10-100 meters (yards) in diameter, the largest ones a few kilometers (miles):”
  • “Most of those spiders have positioned themselves above the largest cities on the planet.”
  • “As now the Cosmic Central Race is depleting their energy to the point where they are threatened with extinction, the Chimera has devised a plan to reinforce their negative energy field with 5G technology which they plan to implement in large cities with the assistance of many microsatellites:”
  • “They are also planning to reinforce that technology with nanobots:”
  • “The Light forces are taking action to counteract all this.”
  • “Since the collapse of Alpha timeline in January 2018 I am in a difficult position, as I am not allowed to release any significant intel, yet I am expected to continue with this blog. Since the collapse of Alpha timeline the operations of the Light Forces have been ramped up and have gone deep black.”
  • “There are only a few things I am allowed to say. First, since December 2017 the implementation of Mjolnir with its Wipeout strategies has angered the dark forces to the point they were willing to risk everything, situation was escalating badly to the point where full military confrontation was possible, which could lead to short and open war between the Light and the dark forces which would make the surface of this planet uninhabitable.”
  • “Toplet bomb chain reaction (even much more than strangelet bomb chain reaction) has a potential to wipe out our planet, as it is explained in a very simple way in this video:”
  • “Therefore the Light forces were forced to retreat, and cease Mjolnir operations in spring 2018, which led to the collapse of the Beta timeline.”
  • “Now we are in the Gamma timeline, which is a slow and sure way to lead the planet towards the liberation without destroying the surface of the planet in the process.”
  • “Although the dark forces have misused the retreat of the Light forces and have infiltrated the Surface Alliance heavily with many dark Draco operatives who came in cloned bodies from underground bases of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (originally coming from Taurus dark cloud), the Light is already taking certain actions to counteract this.”
  • “The problem of toplet bombs is being addressed and is in the process of being resolved slowly. Nothing more can be said about that.”
  • “The surface population is becoming more and more aware that there were cataclysmic events taking place in the not so distant past:”
  • “The surface population is also becoming aware that we are actually in the middle of a mass extinction event:”
  • “All these are signs that we are approaching an event of cosmic proportions that will radically change life on this planet.”
  • “The most accurate plan for this Event is here:”
  • “The Light forces are asking everybody to visualize the bright future of the Golden age to speed up and accelerate the process of manifesting it.”
  • “The Light forces are also asking people to go beyond their mind and contact their Soul.”
  • “Many people are experiencing benefits of Tachyon chambers:”
  • “Here we need to clear some misconceptions about Tachyon chambers. Tachyon chambers are NOT med beds. There is only one confirmed source that makes Tachyon healing chambers available, and all public chambers are listed here:”
  • “Tachyon healing chambers are NOT designed to tachionize objects, and people claiming that they can tachionize objects in their Tachyon healing chambers, or people claiming they have designed their own tachyon chambers or are even selling or promoting them, are not telling the truth.”
  • “Some people are already having indirect contact with the Resistance Movement:”
  • “This contact will only grow as we come closer and closer to the moment of the Compression Breakthrough.”
  • “Victory of the light!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 4-27-19 Parkes, Predictions, Cobra

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 4/20/19)
This 2-hour, 13-minute video is an interview with whistleblower Simon Parkes. The Interviewer does ask some interesting questions, which I’ve never heard anyone else ask Mr. Parkes.
  • Around the 1:22:00-mark, Simon explains that the “Quarantine Grid”, which surrounds the Earth, is put here by technology on Saturn. He says the Rings of Saturn are not “ice particles” but, instead, are “Crystals” which broadcast that Grid.
My comment: Sylvia and I had heard of this before but it’s good feedback to hear this same information from another source.
  • Around the 1:36:30-mark, Simon talks about DNA and “Souls”. He describes the size and shape of the Soul and says he has seen them being created.
  • Around 1:39:00 They talk about Simon’s Soul. He says his Soul was the 1st one placed within a “viable Human body”. The Interviewer asks if he has to reincarnate again, after this Lifetime, or can he “go to Source”. Simon says he has to continue coming back until Humanity is liberated. He than says: “I hope not. I hope this Lifetime sees Humanity evolve into the 5th Dimension. Then I can have that vacation.”
My comment: This is pretty much the same thing I’ve been talking about since My Sylvia crossed-over… Several hours after she left, I heard Sylvia say: “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.” This told me that “I” would NOT be crossing-over (passing-away). It tells me the “Veils” will be removed within “MY” Lifetime. So it’s very good feedback, for me, to hear Simon mention that his “feeling” is that he will probably not be reincarnating after this Lifetime.
  • Around 1:41:00, they talk about “5G”. Simon says he doesn’t have any worries about America because there are programs underway which will remove any issues with 5G.
  • Simon just made a very insightful comment… The Interviewer asked: “How can we protect ourselves from 5G?” Simon immediately spoke-up and said: No. That’s not the way to think about this. By saying “we need to protect ourselves”, what you’re really saying is: There IS going to be 5G. So, no. Instead, we should be thinking about how we’re going to stop it. By stopping it, we won’t have to protect ourselves from it. There’s a difference. The energy dealing with it is different.
My comment: This is something Sylvia and I learned a few decades ago. We’ve been doing our best to sprinkle this information in these Blogs whenever we can.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

In this 11-minute video, Clairvoyant Aluna Ash explains the current and upcoming energies on this planet.

  • Around the 3:40-mark, she states that this is the 1st “Galactic Year of the Divine Feminine” in thousands of years, at this level of Consciousness and at this place were we’re at as a Collective. “Some people are going to feel the anticipation of events that are about to unfold.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This was Posted by Cobra today. Part of it is understandable but I think all of it is really intended for the “Resistance Movement”:
  • Project 501 Update
  • “Since ANNABELLA.exe, minimum hyperphase requirements and conversion streams are all finalized and stable, their status will not be reported in future updates unless necessary.”
  • “VTXPOS requirements are more strictly enforced, limiting towards full INT YXR flow recovery.”
  • “Projects 310 and 061 in progress. DL niche in progress. Surface GDS coding fully enforced.”
  • “SD kernel clearing in progress with some AN INT multiphasic interference, surface grid ratio does not support full SD sequencing until expected 20.2.”
  • “PT intersection on hold, P501 sleeper grid activation failure.”
  • “Evaluation expected 190527.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-16-19 *Ready, Harrison, Goode

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 2/10/19)
This ones a bit strange but only because I didn’t understand what was going on at first…
  • About a week ago, part of the fire alarm System, inside the building Sylvia and I work in, had activated. The part of Management who would know what was going on were not in the building. The rest of us were running around doing our best to figure out why we were hearing an alarm and smelling smoke but could not find a “fire”.
  • At one point, I decided to simply go outside and locate a Security Officer. They oversee our building and several of the nearby businesses. As I stood there looking for any of them to appear, I saw one of them walk towards a nearby business and start to go inside. I immediately began thinking: “Don’t go in there. I need you over here.” Within 2-seconds they had turned around and came back outside. I motioned that I needed to speak with them and they started walking towards me. As this person got closer, I realized it was a female… probably in her late 20s. She felt “practical” but had lots of streaks of “purple” in her hair.
  • I explained what was going on. She “called it in” and we shared information but no solution was found. I went back inside our building and she continued on her Rounds.
  • About an hour later, she came into our building with another Security Officer. By this Time, I had just learned that there was a fire in the neighborhood and, sometimes, when the Fire Department turns off the Hydrants, a backlash (back-pressure) is created and it travels throughout the neighborhood. Buildings like ours are designed to relieve that pressure by allowing some water to flow out of the building and when this happens, an alarm goes off.
  • While I’m explaining this to both of them, I found myself in “no Time”. I did my best to not stare at her but it wasn’t easy. Time itself had frozen and I felt as though there was some type of “information” or “energy” exchange going on, on some level.
  • Later, I spoke with the 2 employees who talked to her. When I mentioned that she had “purple” in her hair, both of them said: “She didn’t have purple in her hair.”… and I spoke with both of them at different times, without the influence of the other one around. (My point here is that I may have tapped into a “purple energy” surrounding that girl. Maybe her favorite color is “purple”.) Anyway, it’s all a bit strange because I haven’t seen her “before” or “since”.
A couple days later…
  • I was looking through my usual alternative-news digest sites and saw a title: “Heal Gaia’s Heart Ritual With Merlin, The Elemental Mage And The Earth Fairies”. I watched that 19-minute video and the same thing happened. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. It was as if there was a communication going on, on some other level.
I talked to Sylvia about both of these people and she indicated that they were giving me information… telling me that the energies they command are not only ready but are pledged to help me. It was like armies, in ancient times, linking-up with another army that they have just caught-up with on their path to wherever they are headed.
When I bounced this information back to Sylvia she cleared something up… They weren’t directly saying they are giving their commanded-forces to “me”. Sylvia explained that each commanded (grouping) of certain energies is now contacting those other commanded energies nearby and stating that they are ready and pledged to the goal of the other groupings. Sylvia showed me a “grid” surrounding the Earth. Where each grid-line connects to another, there is a “Node”. Each Commander turns to their closest Node and states their readiness and willingness. In this way, the entire planetary energy network quickly states their purpose and remains ready until needed. So when those 2 moments of “lost in Time” happened, “I” was also pledging my energies to “them”. We then would contact the other Nodes nearby and do the same thing. As each contact is made, the other Nodes who responded are included in those pledges.
Here’s the link to the “Queen of the Fairies” video:
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
Lisa Harrison hasn’t Posted anything in over a month. Every night, I check her video list, to see if anything new has appeared. Today, K.K. learned of Lisa’s latest Post before I had a chance to check. (It’s all good.)
In this hour-long video, Lisa provides some updates on the energies of this planet, why it’s taken her so long to Post anything and she’s now feeling there’s something about “March”… March 4th. Her other main message in this video is:
  • “We are now in the ‘space before waking’!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


The article on the following web page, is an update from whistleblower Corey Goode. Here’s an excerpt:
  • “I have had in-person meetings with ‘El Lil’ (Anshar Elder) and Aree (Anshar Priestess) as well as strange ‘Dreamtime’ meetings’ with Aree where we are in a dimly lit cave. She is not addressing me directly but seems to be teaching or preparing others in the cave. I looked around and could see features of the other people here and there and realized they were all there to listen to what she said. She was speaking of ascension and the solar event.”
Question everything.

PS 11-30-18 *Nibiru, Lightlover, Predictions, Ocean?, Cobra, MIB?

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 11/26/18)
Wait. I’m pretty sure we Posted something yesterday but I can’t find it. It’s not in our Trash and I can’t find it in our “Send” box OR online in our Blog.
Now that I’m looking through some eMails, I KNOW we Posted something yesterday. I remember including 2 item from “K.K.” (who’s on this list) Thank you.
This one is on the Antarctica ice melting:
…and this one is about “Walk-Ins”:
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
Today, while looking through some music-gear articles and videos, I saw an article for “The 10 best new drummers in the world today“. On the page for the “Number 1” person listed, there was a Music Video. So I watched it.
  • If you like “Led Zeppelin”, then you’ll like this Song. The Band is called: “Greta Van Fleet” and their Lead Singer sounds just like Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin.
  • The reason I’m including this is because of the “visuals” used in that Music Video. They used a lot of images which “some” of us feel will be seen during “the Event”. So even if you turn the sound off, this 4-minute video may help you imagine the beginning of our Collective new phase.
Here’s the link to the video:
Here’s the link to the Lyrics:
Here’s the link to the article of new Drummers:
Maria, from the “Lightlover Journal” Blogsite, hasn’t Posted anything in quite a while. When I saw her Post from today in our eMail box, I had forgotten that Sylvia and I are “Following” her Posts. This one has some interesting insights and information:
  • “I just tapped into an incoming Source Divine Energy that feels like a Tsunami, moving through our solar system.
  • At least 12 different frequencies within it.”
  • “When I went Within to connect with it, it felt like a BREATH…like how life breathes…it was surreal the life it held within its energy…anyhoo…I got nothing so it’s a new frequency…or maybe a huge ray of walk-ins…”
  • “Back up your electronic work for there may be satellite glitches…if you got tin foil make yourself a hat…
  • or just do the only thing to do when we can’t run…drink lots of water So you don’t fry…Lolol!”
  • “Massive shifting in ALL timelines as The NEW Language Of Light Begins to anchor at the Lowest dimensions and realms of consciousness At 3D.”
  • “This in turn,shifts the grids from dark LATIN Language Of the Dark ages and all its dark mystic arts long held as SECRET from the Human Race, to the Romance languages.”
  • “The Language Of The New World.”
  • “That’s right,OLD bad juju stuff…used against the innocents….using supressed knowledge like magic and genies and all the B.S…quantum entangled reptilian off world crap false gods-no more with today’s reality.
  • (isn’t it funny I studied Latin is school…Thank goodness)”
  • “What was Magic…is today’s Science.”
  • “Here are some examples of the New Language:”
  • “(Dollar used to be positive, the new world, but now it feels like ->DOLOR(Spanish for pain)
  • “(ILLUMINATI=Past tense, old light, old information.dead..ILLUMINATED= NOW)”
  • “This language upgrade quantum disentangles the old octave consciousness and raises the available frequency above the 4D to The Christ Consciousness Grids.”
  • “Quantum mechanics applies, The Law Of Resonance at 5d brings all lower d’s UP.”
  • “This is why the New Testament carries the energy of the Old Testament, which from a multidimensional aspect is the fall of Atlantis, The Great Flood.”
  • “The Tower Of “BABBLE” no longer exists as its Sumerian timeline has fallen into the Void.”
  • “Humanity is awakening to the root chakra of Fourth Dimensional Consciousness, these are invisible, air grids.”
  • “Not like 3d- where portals are fixed and unmovable like trees and rocks, these portals cannot be seen, you have to feel your way.”
  • “GRIDWORKERS:Look to the skies, drop into your High Heart and The Birds will show you Your Portals.”
  • “CRYSTAL SYSTTERS: The New Divine Blueprint has anchored fully with ease and grace. If you are wanting to connect to space grids you will shift to triangular grids. If you want to connect to Mother then your grids will shift according to your soul’s mission.”
  • “I personally have pulled all crystals off my property and kept only one as a beacon.”
  • “This separation of timelines causes the maternal grids of the Southern Hemisphere to awaken the consciousness ESSENCE OF MOTHER And begin to balance the northern hemisphere‘s patriarchal Damaged consciousness due to the False Father (ELECTRIC) grids.”
  • “This will shift the frequency of patriarchal systems from false light( electric) to Light- Information.”
  • “Please remember that the age of Love is gone, The Age Of Light has anchored, and Light is harsh and blinding, it can drive you to the dark.”
  • “If you want to catch up on the Electric Wars, Lisa Renee with Energetic Synthesis has all the information.
  • “BOOTS ON THE GROUND: The Last Of The Guardians have incarnated or walked in, the Star Elders are All here.❤”
  • “It is such an honor to be ONE with The Heart Collective.”
  • “I have no words to describe how blissfully blessed I am.”
  • Thank you.”
  • “Will post more when I have time.”
  • “In Light and Love and Divine Service
  • By Free Will I chose to walk in Divine Will for The Greater Good Of All, For Peace And In Bliss, To assist in This Shift Of Ages.”
  • “And So It Is.”
  • “I am Maria.”
  • “I am Source.Sovereign.Free.”
  • “Lightlover1964″”
My comments: I found these 3 statements very interesting:
  • “Gridworkers: Look to the skies, drop into your High Heart and The Birds will show you Your Portals.”
  • “I personally have pulled all crystals off my property and kept only one as a beacon.”
  • “To the dark the light is the dark.”
I don’t understand why she pulled all the Crystals off her property.

Question everything.

Here’s the link to her Blogsite:
This 11-minute video is an energy update by Clairvoyant “Aluna Ash”. Here are a few highlights:
  • Around the 5:50-mark, she explains that on December 21st 2018 we will merge with the 2012 timeline.
  • She goes on to say that the Sun is awakening because of Humanity and Humanity is awakening because of the energies coming from the Sun. We are interconnected with the Earth and the Sun and each is helping the other to awaken.
  • She states: “2019 is the year of the Divine Feminine”.
My comment: Does moving back to the 2012 timeline mean we’re going to experience the “Mandela Effect” again?
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
in this 11-minute video, the Narrator explains a theory he has about some recent EarthQuakes. He says all of them were detected at a depth of 6.2-miles. He believes, as “some” others have noted, that there’s an Ocean beneath the Ocean. His theory is also that this 2nd Ocean is where these Earthquakes have occurred.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here’s an update on the progress of the “Resistance Movement”:
  • Short Situation Update
  • “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There is a lot of extremely positive activity behind the scenes, but none of that can be revealed publicly, as there needs to be absolute radio silence about current operations of the Light forces. Let me just say when there will be results, everybody will be able to experience them.”
  • “On the  other hand, the Cabal is realizing more and more that they will lose, and they do not take defeat lightly. They have recently used Directed Energy Weapons in California to burn masses of people alive:”
  • “Their occult purpose behind this mass murder was to create a fire sacrifice to create a negative anomaly vortex to attract more of the cosmic primary anomaly to planet Earth to prolong their control of the planet.”
  • “The truth is that there is very little primary anomaly left outside of our planet, and dark forces find it increasingly more difficult to replenish their resources of anomalous plasma and negative entities entering planet Earth through tunnels of Set. There is a huge information war regarding intel about the plasma and anomaly status around our planet, and it is very difficult to get reliable information. It now appears that most of the remaining anomaly is coming to Earth from the Taurus dark cloud:”
  • “Extragalactic Light Forces are now rapidly clearing all remaining anomaly from our Galaxy. Most of extragalactic assistance is coming from Virgo Supercluster:”
  • “And especially from M 87 galaxy, which is increasingly being directly involved in liberation of our planet and removal of last vestiges of darkness from our universe:”
  • “To summarize this, there are drastic changes happening in our universe, and when those changes reach the Earth, the transformation will be massive.”
  • “First, the diminished solar activity is leading towards a new mini ice age very rapidly. It could happen in a few months:”
  • “Luckily, there is a greater Galactic cycle that could supersede the solar mini ice age cycle before that happens and reverse that trend, but it will inevitably lead into what some people call the Solar Flash and is in fact a Galactic Superwave, leading into the Event:”
  • “Until then, you can study the plans of the Light Forces:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
My comments: “IF” any of this is true, then it’s a very positive update. Of course, I really like this part:
  • “Luckily, there is a greater Galactic cycle that could supersede the solar mini ice age cycle before that happens and reverse that trend, but it will inevitably lead into what some people call the Solar Flash and is in fact a Galactic Superwave, leading into the Event:”
So, if the “mini ice age” “could happen in a few months” AND “a greater Galactic cycle that could supersede that” and cause “the Event”, then it means we are LESS THAN “a few months” from the removal of the “Veil”! Only Time will tell. Sylvia and I are ready.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the many links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
MIB? (Men In Black?)
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
Ok. Although I didn’t read the article, I did watch both of the videos on the web page below. I debated about whether or not to include this but I feel this is feedback on what is currently happening to the energies on this planet and to Humanity itself. So I’m including this because…
  • “IF” this information is real, then the various things the “Men In Black” (or “Artificial Intelligence”) want to keep hidden from Humanity are now being revealed because the “Veil” ” / their “Control Grid” is thinning.
  • “IF” this information is real, then the “technology” / “the mind-erasing injection” (the woman in the video was given) can no longer affect people because Humanity’s frequency has now been raised.
My comments: So, “IF” this woman’s story is true, then what is the “Master Program” or the “Reptilians” hiding in that cave?… The woman says she wandered through that cave and took pictures but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary but the “Men In Black” thought it was serious-enough to pay her a visit, kidnap her and inject her with something to “erase her memory”, which didn’t work. So why go through all of that if there was nothing in that cave?
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here’s a link to that Channel on YouTube. (It looks like the above video was Posted 4-months ago. I didn’t see any more videos on this topic, on their site.)

PS 11-18-18 *Religion, *Thoughts, *Sylvia, Harrison

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 11/12/18.)
About 3-weeks ago, while walking through the Retail area of the building Sylvia and I work in, a Customer approached us and asked a question. (He was in his late 40s and was looking for a specific type of product but couldn’t find it.)
After answering his question, he noticed my Name Tag and said:
  • (him) “Were you named after the great man in the bible?”
  • (me) “I don’t think so but I remember that we lived on Paul Street when I was born.”
  • (him) “You’re a christian man, right?” (As he said this, he put his hand out, so we could “shake hands”.
  • (me) “Not “religious”. More “Spiritual”.”
At that point, he actually pulled his hand back.) He then mumbled something about “Spiritual”. I felt as though he was trying to use it in a sentence, in order to fit-in. He then quoted some parts of the bible. I felt like he wanted to throw “holy water” on me or “save” me.
Next, as if the only thing he knew to do was to continue his “dialog of what to say to strangers”. So he mentioned that he was a funeral director and then commented…
  • (him) “Now the only question is: Where do we go when we die.”
My mind exploded: “I got this! I can help him!” I was just about to answer his question when he said he had to catch his tour bus before it left.
  • Later, I began thinking about that whole situation and thought… The “religious” tours and tour buses that we sometimes hear about must be partly designed to group like-minded people together and give them a “comfort zone”… a “support group” to be with while out of town. They must also be designed as a “cheerleader” group, to spread “religion” to anyone they may meet. They must get themselves energized, while on the bus, and then charge-out and convert people whenever they make a Stop.
As always, YOUR mileage may vary.
  • (Fires) I find it too much of a “coincidence” that California is experiencing all those fires and, where Sylvia and I live, is experiencing a LOT of rain. When I thought about this, I felt as though “some one” or “some thing” has intentionally moved California’s rain away from that area.
  • (Anti-Gravity) The other day I realized something… All of the sci-fi movies and television shows I’ve ever seen (except for the “Jetsons” cartoon), I’ve seen large and small “Space Ships” (to carry people around) but I’ve never seen personal anti-gravity “belts” or “devices”. You’d think that… once a civilization discovered anti-gravity they would not only build “Ships” but also provide individuals with their own, personal levitation device.
  • (Space) For some reason, my mind wandered the other day and I thought about that guy who was sent-up in a rocket so he could jump and set a World’s Record. What doesn’t make sense is that the Capsule he jumps from is floating there in space but when he steps-off, he “falls”. How can “he” fall but the “Capsule” remains floating? Here’s the link:
Question everything.
A few days ago, while at work, I was in the middle of a couple different Projects when I saw an image appear within my mind. It felt similar to a “Memory” but, at the same Time, didn’t feel like it was something “I” pulled-up. As I quickly looked at its energy, I realized this image didn’t come from me. There was something about it that felt subtly different. I then realized it came from Sylvia. (She was reminding my to get something that I had forgotten.) Once I made this connection, I saw that Sylvia had used an energy link within me that I typically use as a “Natural” or “comfortable” way for me to bring-in outside information… and that is my “Vision” or my “Visual Sensors”.
So now I check the various images that appear within my mind and check their “Energy Signature”, in order to determine if they were placed there by Sylvia. Once I figure this out, Sylvia and I can use this as a type of “introduction to Telepathy”.
While having Breakfast this morning, at Waffle House, I felt Sylvia say:
  • “I am now a part of you.”
I just allowed this to set-in and, later, I went back into that energy, in order to learn a bit more about what that meant…
  • I asked Sylvia if she meant that she’s one of my “Guides”. The returned response was “No, more than that. Part of my is now a part of you.”
  • I asked her if this is happening now because the “Control Grid” has been thinned. The returned response was “Gate”. She was correcting my use of the word “Grid” but I don’t know if she’s referring to a “Stargate” / “Portal” or that the “Grid” is more like a “Gate”… a “Doorway”. In Lisa Harrison’s video (below), at the 23:30-mark she mentions that “Enso, the Gate Keeper, opened the Gate on the 11th”.
In this 1-hour, 31-minute video, Lisa Harrison provides an update on the energies affecting Humanity and this planet. Here are a few highlights.
  • She begins by saying… she feels that the “deconstructing” of this illusion is now complete and that we are now in the “constructing” phase.
  • For a good bit of the last half of this video, they talk about “Super Human – A” and the “merging” of the Avatar that’s here and the Avatar that’s “home”. Then, at the 1:22:38-mark, Lisa says: “To me this merge has already started.” (This may be why Sylvia said that she’s now a part of me.)
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 9-10-18 Predictions

The 1st part of this Channeled message by “Aluna Ash” is very interesting:
  • “The old grid system no longer has Galactic support. Almost as if it has been unplugged. The old grid is the 3D matrix system and due to being “unplugged” it is no longer able to sustain itself. This shift is a manifestation of our consciousness as a collective.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link: