PS 6-25-19 Predictions

This 36-minute video is by a Psychic named: “Utsava”. “IF” the information she presents is real, then this is VERY good news. Here are some of the topics she talks about:
  • The Global Currency Reset,
  • The new “Gold Standard”,
  • Draining the swamp,
  • The Military Tribunals started about 6-months ago,
  • She says hillary clinton, george soros, ruth ginsberg and a few others have already been executed,
  • She says JFK jr. faked his own death and created a long-term plan with Trump to defeat the deep state,
  • Work is currently being done to remove the IRS,
  • She feels that a big change to the financial system will happen in 2-weeks. (This video is from 6/22/19)
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-24-19 Hypnosis

This 36-minute video (audio only) was Posted today by Hypnosis Practioner Allison Coe.
  • Normally, Allison simply provides an “overview” / “highlight” of her Client’s session. In the following video, however, Allison reads the entire transcript. This allows the Listener to have a stronger connection to “being there”, as the Client explains her travels to her home planet.
  • They also provide information on “new Earth”, “Ascension”, “Awakening to your mission” and more.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-23-19 *Health, *StarSeeds

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 6/16/19)
Last Wednesday, while helping unload a truck at work, I hurt my back. We had already been unloading it for a couple of hours and, at one point, I was about to place a bag of clothes (about 30-pounds, no big deal) onto a rolling rack that they use. I pivoted at my waist about 2-inches, lifted my arms (with that bag) and PAIN. I couldn’t do much for the next several hours. I actually had to sit down several times. I never sit down while at work. So everyone knew I was hurting. For an hour or so, I couldn’t even completely fill my lungs with air.
Close to the time when this first happened, one of the guys asked me a question. I don’t remember what he asked but it required an answer from Sylvia. As he asked me the question, I looked up at the 2nd floor that hangs over the Loading Dock where we work. (It’s like a “Mezzanine” in a theater — if you’re standing below that floor, you can see the people sitting up there.) I looked up and “felt” Sylvia sitting there. She was using the “Smart Glass” technology that she got from Agartha (inner Earth) and was eating some fruit.) She made a comment, in response to that guy’s question. So I passed it along to him.
I didn’t think about Sylvia using the Smart Glass until we got home. (I actually thought she turned it back in to the Agarthans, the last Time she used it.)
I was sitting at my desk eating supper and my back kept hurting. Even the simple movements I was making — eating and drinking — were causing my back to hurt. Sylvia then explained that I should take a deep breath and hold it, just before doing anything which would cause my back to hurt. I did that and there was no pain. None. After an hour of this, I was fine.
  • Sylvia then explained… The Smart Glass has “Wave Guide” technology in it. This is used by the Agarthans for healing and, basically, manipulating / re-aligning organic energies. (It can actually project energy onto another Being or organic material and heal it.) However, although she could use this on herself, she wasn’t allowed to use it on “me” (or anyone on THIS side of the “Veil”)… BUT the Smart Glass did explain how the various Systems are interconnected within the shell of the many Beings here on 3D Earth. So she did some research on what I was going through and learned that if I fill my lungs with air, the expansion of that cavity would be able to connect to other parts of the System within me and re-train that “pain” energy that it doesn’t belong within my Field.
  • “Wave Guide” technology has to do with energies being both “waves” and “particles” and how any “observer” of them can manipulate and manifest using those energies.
As always, I’m including this so others can understand how Sylvia is able to help me sometimes, how we communicate with each other and how Sylvia and I are helping to dissolve that “Veil”.
This has to do with “Drumming”… but it’s much more than that.
  • In the 60s, when I first started noticing “music”, there were no “female” Drummers in major bands, on television, etc. Yes, there were those rare moments in music history when the world would be presented with the magic of Drummers like Sheila E, Chaka Kahn and Karen Carpenter but, even until the last decade, the females that “I’ve” seen, playing the Drums, have been scarce and most of them seemed to be struggling to keep a beat.
  • So, for the most part, when I was growing up, “Society” looked at females as not being able to throw a baseball, not coordinated, not able to play more than “boom-chick, boom-chick” on the Drums, etc.
Today, I was checking the various music-gear, music-lesson websites when I thought I’d take a look at “Drumeo” — a Drum Lesson YouTube Channel. I skimmed through the various videos listed and saw one that caught my attention. The title is: “Groove Illusions”. I’d never heard that phrase before and thought I’d take a look at it. Oh, wait. it’s a “girl” giving that lesson. Oh, well. I’ll watch it anyway. (I’m not really like that. I’m exaggerating here, to make a point.)
The video starts with her playing the Drums to a Backing Track (a recorded Song). The camera shows off her “prettiness”. So I tuned-out the Drums. Then I noticed “what” she was playing… Whoa! WHOA! I’d better pay attention to what she’s actually playing or I won’t be able to keep up with her lesson.
The name of this VERY professional, VERY capable Drummer is: Camille Bigeault.
I was in tears for the first 12-minutes, watching this video. Why? Because (I’m crying again, looking into that energy)… because she’s showing me: “We have arrived.” This is “feedback” to “me” that the greatest Starseeds… the strongest off-planet assistance Earth has been asking for has finally arrived and is now making themselves known… to everyone.
Camille not only “plays the Drums” but she does it effortlessly… and she’s not just “winging it”. She actually KNOWS her stuff.
This current wave of Starseeds, Indigo Children, Rainbow Children or whatever you want to call them, have come here to help bring this entire planet “Home” — out of this illusion. This alone takes focus, an inner-strength and a lot of Heart. At the same Time, most of these Beings “announce” their arrival status by doing near-miracle things.
  • Camille, for example is from France and speaks English very well.
  • Plays the Drums like an accomplished Progressive Rock Drummer,
  • Wrote most of the Backing Track music herself, etc.
Heres’ the link to Camille’s lesson:
Here’s the main “Drumeo” YouTube Channel, where you can watch Drum Lesson videos:

PS 6-16-19 *eMail, *CreditCards, *Browsers

*First a comment:
Sylvia and I are still having problems with our eMail. Right now, it looks like those of you on our eMail list did not receive our “PS 6-15-19” eMail. If this is the case, please let us know and I’ll send it out. Of course, you can always find all of our Posts on our Blogsite:
It looks like there’s another facet to the tricks the cabal’s Credit Card companies are playing…
A few weeks ago, Sylvia and I transferred the Balance of the last of our “THIRTY-PERCENT INTEREST” Credit Cards to a Zero-Percent Interest, “Introductory Offer”, Credit Card. Today, we received an eMail from the “Zero” Card, telling us the Payment Schedule and what the “Minimum Payment” is.
  • We had transferred the Balance of 2 Cards to this “Zero” Card. Each of those other Cards had us paying a “Minimum Payment” of close to $60 each, per month. So we figured this new Minimum Payment would be close to $120 per month.
The eMail informed us that our new Minimum Payment is only $38! We owe them over $3,800. So why are they only asking us for $38? Initially, I thought it was so they could keep us paying them longer but Sylvia mentioned that they are doing this to “run the clock out”… They know we have a limited number of months before that “Introductory Offer” runs out. When it does, the “Interest Charges” will kick-in and THIS is why they want us to sit back and just pay the Minimum.
I keep mentioning these things, in order to help wake-up those who are still asleep… and, for those who are “already awake”, Sylvia and I are hoping our experiences will help you gain more understanding about those parts of the cabal’s “game” YOU may be dealing with.
You must “Question Everything”!
The “Credit Card” situation reminds me of microsoft and a couple of new Browsers I discovered today. One of these Browsers is called “Brave”. The other is called “Epic”. Both go out of their way to protect the User’s privacy and keeps Websites from Tracking your Internet movement. However, both of these “new Browsers” are based on Google’s own “Chromium” technology. Why? Yes, it’s better to start from Building Blocks which have already been created but why are they using the cabal’s Building Blocks?! Why would a company base their “fully secure” Internet experience on the software developed by a company they say is not protecting the User?
This reminds me of something I read, years ago, about microsoft’s “windows” Operating System. Someone had done some digging through the windows Code and discovered a “Back Door”.
  • A “Back Door” is a part of computer software which allows someone access to a deeper level or special operations… as long as the proper authorizations are met.
The Researcher realized that if someone discovered how to access that Back Door, they could gain access to another person’s “windows” computer. He contacted microsoft about this and was told:
  • We know all about it. We put that there so we can control a User’s computer, whenever they need Tech Support. So we’re not closing that loophole.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the “Brave” Browser:
Here’s the link to the “Epic” Browser:

PS 6-15-19 *Birds, *TimeLoop?, *Dream?, *Moon

*First several comments:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 6-12-19)
Last night, around 1a, Sylvia and I heard  about 10 birds chirping-away outside. It wasn’t the amount of chirping that we typically hear in the morning but it was just a bit strange hearing them after dark.
The title of this article is: “Bizarre Real Cases Of People Stuck In Time Loops”.
I read this article a couple of days ago but it wasn’t until the next day that something caught my attention.
  • Sometimes when your mind is focused on a simple chore the “deeper mind” begins working on memories and facets of calculations, in order to determine whether to keep them or discard them and free-up that space.
I was at work doing some basic things when 2 pieces of information within my “deeper mind” just clicked into place… I told Sylvia: “It’s not a “Time Loop”. It’s a “Pattern Reset”!”
  • About 48-or 60-months ago, when Sylvia and I worked at the “grocery store downtown”, I remember standing by the front door of that building and noticing several “Pattern Resets”. That’s what “I” called them, anyway.
  • I wrote about this, in these Blogs, more than once (at that Time). An example of this is when I saw a woman and a very young girl exiting the building. I assumed they were Mother and Daughter. Let’s say the Mom was wearing a blue, flowery dress and fancy white shoes. The girl was wearing a pink dress with small-animal designs and a tan hat. Within 2-minutes, they re-enter the building. At least that’s what I thought… but looking closer, I noticed that they were not the same people. The “Mom” wore a blue dress but the pattern was different and it had some lace around the collar. The girl was wearing a very similar tan hat as the other girl but style was slightly different. The girl’s dress was also pink and had animals on it but these images were larger. In both pairs, the girl was on the right side of the “Mom” and they held hands. There were so many similarities, even with their general energies, that I thought they were the same people coming back into the store.
  • I began noticing these “Pattern Resets” more and more after that. Not everyday but it is one of the things I Scan for, when evaluating various situations.
  • To “me”, this wasn’t a “Time Loop”. “Some say” there is a “Master Program”, like the “Matrix” movie that controls “some” or “all” aspects of this “Reality”. “IF” that’s true, then those “Pattern Resets” are something the Master Program creates because it needs to fill a gap in its Programming or a “seam” in the Hologram. Whether it’s a “Mother / Daughter” Hologram, a dog, bird, vehicle, etc. the Master Program has to re-project that image onto this “Reality” because those objects were observed by others (the “non-Holograms” in the area) but the software had a glitch and couldn’t “remember” all the details. So it created the closest image it could find… the closest “Pattern”.
So, when I had that “insight” at work, I thought all of the people in the following article were really experiencing “Pattern Resets” instead of “Time Loops”. However, as I was sifting through these facets in my mind, getting ready to write this out, I realized that I couldn’t come up with an example of why those experiences were “not” Time Loops. So I still wrote this out here, in order to give everyone something to think about… “Time Loop” versus “Pattern Reset”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to that article:
  • As I was about to call this Dream “strange”, I was reminded that we refer to Dreams as being “strange” when we don’t understand them… or because a particular Dream might not follow the same “energy” or “feeling” as most of the others we’ve had. With “this” Dream, it’s the last part.
Over the last 10-days or so, this happened about 3 times…
  • I very briefly remember being sound asleep and hearing the loud CLICK and the buzzing of the Alarm Clock Sylvia and I keep beside our bed. Neither of us likes to hear this. So I quickly wake-up enough to reach over and turn it off. (This particular Alarm Clock doesn’t have a “Snooze” button. So when we turn it off, it will never sound its alarm again until we actual re-activate it.) So I turned it off and laid back down. Doing my best to not fall-back asleep, within about 15-seconds, I slowly open one eye, to see the Time. The Clock shows that we still have FOUR AND A HALF MORE HOURS OF SLEEP TO GO!!! I then drift-off to sleep. The next thing I remember is the Alarm going off. I quickly turn it off. Look at the Clock and see that it’s going off exactly when it’s supposed to — 2.5-hours later than the previous Alarm. Wait! If I’m turning it off “now”, how is that possible when I turned it off 2.5-hours ago?
  • After a day or 2, it happened again in exactly the same way. A day or 2 later, it happened a 3rd Time. This Time, when the Alarm sounded 2.5-hours early, I actually checked to see if I had turned it off… I had not! This meant that I “imagined” turning it off and then I checked it within 15-seconds later and it was still activated! This also means the Alarm never sounded at the 2.5-hours-early point… but I actually heard it… clearly… and I remember turning it off!
Each experience was very real.
I have a slight feeling that these weren’t “Dreams”. I have a small Sense that I was doing something different, when sleeping (some say we work in our “Dream State”), or I was re-inserted into this Unit improperly and, maybe there was an “energy fold” or skip in the Timeline and this caused me to actually “experience” the Alarm going off and turning it off but then shifting my energy into this Timeline (or energy-fold).
Question everything.
This is one of those “Puzzle Pieces” that recently snapped together for me. Some of you may have figured this out long ago. Even “I” had all the fragments but it just didn’t “click” until I heard a Channeled message recently from a Pleiadian.
  • For a few decades, Sylvia and I have known the Moon is really a Starship.
  • About 36-months ago, I saw a video by YouTube Channel “Crrow777”, showing a “Lunar Wave”. It’s a similar effect to when someone films a television or computer screen but the “film speed’ isn’t fast enough to match the screen’s Refresh Rate and you see lines rolling up or down the images.
In the Channeled Pleiadian message, it was mentioned that there is a “Hologram” being constantly projected over the Moon. It wasn’t until the next day, at work, when it hit me…
  • What we see as the “Moon” is really a projection! So they’re projecting a “Moon image” on top of a Starship!
For “me”, this answers several questions:
  • Several years ago, NASA purposely crashes something into the Moon and it “rings like a bell”.
  • Maybe we DID go to the Moon in “Rocketships” but, because they were “under” the “Hologram” when they landed, the General Public would have seen the surface of the “Starship”. So the cabal hired a film crew to re-enact that experience and hide the non-Extraterrestrial images.
  • Some have said that the “Moon” / “Starship” looks similar to the Star Wars “Death Star”. “IF” this is true, the indented band around its Equator would be located around the top, bottom and sides, from the Earth’s perspective. This means the “Hologram” is being projected from the Moon’s “North” or “South” Pole. This would make sense as to why the Moon rotates on its side, from the Earth’s perspective… So we wouldn’t see the activity of ships flying “into” and “out of” that band around the Equator.
  • Some Native Americans (Hopi, I think) say “The Moon was rolled into place”.
  • Some have said that the Moon looks brighter than it should… As if it’s projecting its own light.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the Pleiadian “Moon-Hologram information”” video:
Here’s the link to a video showing a “Lunar Wave”:
Here’s the link to the “Crrow777” YouTube Channel:
Here’s the link to the “Crrow777” website:

PS 6-12-19 Sphinx

*First a comment:
(Sylvia and I didn’t Post anything yesterday.)
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
The following link will take you to a Forum Thread where they are talking about hidden cavities in the Great Pyramid where Quartz Sand has been found. For “me”, this is new information and is interesting. However, in the 18-minute video, at the top of that page, there is a photo that I have never seen. It shows the 3 Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. I was under the impression that the Sphinx was within 50-to-100 feet from the Great Pyramid. The photo at the 9:31-mark not only shows the Sphinx farther away than that but it also shows that object on an angle — not perpendicular to the Great Pyramid. It’s difficult to tell but it looks like the Sphinx is perpendicular to the “space” between 2 of the Pyramids.
Then, at the 11:01-mark, there is a “drawing” of that same area. The facet which caught my attention is, once again, the “Sphinx”. This Time, however, the drawing places the Sphinx perpendicular to the “doorway” of the Great Pyramid, which is an angle that points the Sphinx in a different direction from where it lies in the “photo” (at the 9:31-mark).
My comments: “IF” the Great Pyramid was really designed to be a type of “Power Station”, then maybe the use of “Quartz Sand” was part of the “creation” or “amplification” of that Energy.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-10-19 Ascension

I found this 37-minute Channeled “conversation”, with a Being from 5D, to be very interesting. “IF” this information is real, then it provides some insights into the Ascension process as well as living on another world.
  • At the 15:56-mark, the questions “What about the Moon? Will it lose its hologram?” are asked.
  • At one point, “travel” through the Universe is mentioned. The Being from “Taygeta” states that “Space is not a vacuum. It’s a liquid.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-9-19 Ascension

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/30/19)
We’re still having some issue in “Receiving” eMail.
The computer Narrator in this 6-minute video is from June 5th. It explains the current merging of the Earth’s population onto the “new Earth”.
I’m including this because the information presented is very similar to a recent update from Lisa Harrison.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to that 6-minute video:

Here’s the link to Lisa Harrison’s recent video list:

PS 6-3-19 Parkes, Harrison, Predictions, Fulford

*First a comment:
(It looks like Sylvia and I haven’t Posted anything since 5/30/19)
  • Note: If you’ve sent me an eMail, I probably haven’t received it. The eMail Account we use for this Research has been down since last Saturday. Today, I phoned Tech Support but they were stumped. This has now gone to “Tier 2” Tech Support but they haven’t gotten back to us yet.
  • So it looks like we can “Send” from this Account but not “Receive” right now.
PARKES (6/2/19)
Typically, every 1st and 3rd Sunday, Simon Parkes provides updates and answers questions through a 1-hour radio show called “Connecting Consciousness”. Today, however, he Posted a very important 7-minute message.
  • He says the “White Hats” have a limited number of opportunities to bring certain actions to the Public’s awareness and, he says, within the next 2-weeks, we are faced with one such opportunity.
  • The “actions” he talked about are the legal actions against certain high-profile members of the cabal. So, at this point, it’s “wait and see”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


In this 7-minute video, Lisa Harrison provides an energy update and shares a few recent Dreams.
  • She now believes the “Astral Realm” has just “closed” / “been deleted”.
  • Some of her recent Dreams show the ending of a “Tree Of Life” and a new one which has just been born.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 14-minute video, Clairvoyant Aluna Ash provides and update on the current energies of this planet and of Humanity.
  • She says there’s an energy “Wave” coming in on June 5th and another on June 13th.
  • She explains that, in July, we will be in the 13th Lunar Cycle and this is part of the completion of a much larger, thousand-year Cycle and that we’re moving into the next Galactic Cycle. The 13th Lunar Cycle represents “Transcendence” — “death and rebirth”. Some people have been experiencing various physical symptoms because of these changes.
  • “Our bodies are going back to the natural rhythm of the planets.”
  • The Sky may look different to some of you.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
The title of this week’s report, by Benjamin Fulford, is: “Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency“.
The complete article won’t be available until Thursday but you can read an interesting amount of it on the following web page.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: