PS 12-27-20 *10Days, *Knights, Predictions, StarVisitors

*First a comment:
Yesterday morning, while making Breakfast at home, I began thinking, again, about what “some” are saying… That there “might” be 3-Days of darkness or even 10-days of darkness.
When I first heard about this, “I” though the Sun would go out for a short period of Time and then restart. Later, some people have mentioned that these “days of darkness” really means days without “communication”… no Internet, Television, Radio or Phone Service.
What I realized yesterday morning was… This “darkness” period may be something else… What “IF” the entire planet is about to experience:
  • Debt Forgiveness,
  • Global Currency Reset,
  • New money, backed by Gold and
  • a “Quantum” Financial System with every person on the surface of this planet receiving $1-million in a new, Quantum-protected Financial System.
Then I thought… What would the reaction be from the world’s population? Most everyone would say “I’m not working any more.” THAT would bring the entire planet to an immediate halt and it would be considered “darkness”.
  • No Services.
  • No public Transportation.
  • No Restaurants.
  • No one to Broadcast television programs,
  • No deliveries of food, retail products.
  • No manufacturing.
  • No food production. etc.
It would seem that the world has gone into “darkness”.
With that said, I’m sure the White Hats have already thought of this. Many months ago, I had heard that “when the big Arrests begin”, the White Hats will Broadcast information explaining what is happening behind-the-scenes. At that point, I’m sure they will also explain how the new System works. I’m sure there will be something built-into the new System which provides more “benefits” or “incentives” to anyone who has a job and contributes to the new System.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
For some reason, this morning I was thinking about “Medieval Knights”…
I kept seeing those “suits of Armor” and really began to question:
  • How they were able to make them.
  • How they put them on.
  • How they moved in them.
  • How they really climbed-up on Horses while wearing them. (Yes, I’ve seen movies where a handful of people hoist a Knight up onto a Horse with ropes slung over tree branches and also by using a Pulley System but what if a Knight falls off during battle or has to pee while traveling?)
  • How they could see while fighting in them. (Yes, I’ve seen movies re-enacting what Knights have done and old paintings showing various activities of the Knights.)
Think about all of that for a moment…
  • First of all, a Suit of Armor has to be Custom Made for a specific person. However, even doing that, picture someone putting their arm through a shaped-metal tube which has a hinge in the middle for your elbow. Have any of you ever put on a tight-fitting sweater which was made out of stiff material? It’s not easy and, here, we’re talking about a “metal” suit of clothing.
  • Next, let’s get a sense of what it might be like to wear a Suit of Armor while having a Sword Fight… Several people help you and you finally wearing your Armor. They hoist you onto a Horse but when you sit down, the Chest piece rides up a bit, pushing your Helmut up. Now you can’t see. You, somehow, ride to where you need to go but, you can’t see your feet or the stirrups. You try to lift one leg up while turning, so you can dis-mount but it’s too difficult to do without losing your balance or actually hitting the ground too hard and falling down.
  • Then comes the actual Sword Fight… You both, somehow, manage to waddle up to each other and square-off. You try to size-up your Opponent but you can’t see anything below his waist. If you quickly move your head, the Helmut doesn’t have a way to catch-up. So you end up only partially seeing out the eye-holes.
Then my mind drifted into “what if” land…
  • What if the first Time anyone saw a Suit of Armor it was in a Cave, Burial Mound or some type of Stone Temple.
  • what if the original creators of that Suit of Armor were Star Visitors. Maybe it wasn’t a “Suit of Armor”. Maybe it was the outer shell for one of their Robots. Maybe they left the outer shell behind when they left.
  • Since the Earthers at that Time had never seen a “Robot”, they “assumed” the “Armor” was designed for a “person”. Their imaginations could not even fantasize that the metal shell was really created for a “mechanical person”.
  • So they removed that outer shell, took it apart and examined what it was made from, what it’s purpose could be and how one of them could “wear” it.
  • Using their “mindset from that Time Period”, they would think they had discovered a great idea… Incase a man in metal and he would never be defeated by anyone wielding a Sword or Bow.
  • Of course, after the first person wearing it was seen, others copied the idea and we have the birth of “Knights” wearing “Armor”.
So, yes, the “movies” make “wearing Armor” look easy, practical and heroic but I’m questioning whether “Suits of Armor” were used “as extensively” as we have been lead to believe.
Question everything.
This 42-minute video is a Prediction update from Psychic, Louise Jones.
For “me”, most everything she covers is “supposed” to happen around the end of December 2020 and through the middle of January 2021. Here are a few highlights:
  • Huge news on the major news networks. This will affect the entire planet.
  • An announcement, at some point, which will be a distraction.
  • Riots in the U.S., England and a few other countries.
  • An overhaul of the world’s Political System.
  • New Trade Deals with Africa.
  • An announcement by Vice President Pence.
  • Something big happening around January 6th.
  • Once we get past the bad stuff, everything will be very positive.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This 1-hour, 17-minute video is with “Gosia of Cosmic Agency”. Recently, she had a “conversation” (usually they are “computer-based”) with Taytetans “Aneeka” and “Yazhi” who are “supposedly” aboard a Starship which is currently in our Solar System.
I’m including this because, “IF” this information is real, it provides a “Galactic” / “off-world” perspective of what is currently happening on the surface of this planet.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Some of the information in the start of this video matches (at least from “my” perspective) to the information given by a few others, including Psychic Louise Jones.
  • The “Galactic Federation” is currently split on whether to directly interfere with Humanity. One side (Taygetans and Andromedans) wants, among other things, to simply reveal its presence in our Skies and the others (the Federation) do not.
  • In explaining one part of their conversation, Gosia mentions the “Matrix People”. These are people who “some say” are not real but are “participating” and “contributing” to this “game” we call “Reality”.
My comments: Although I didn’t call them “Matrix People”, I did mention this at least 12-months ago.
I explained that I had a feeling… a Sense that some of the people around me, while out in Public, didn’t seem to be real. I felt as though they were simply “going through the motions”, “following a Script or a Programming”. So it’s interesting that an off-world Entity is now talking about the same thing.
  • The Federation says there is “over-population”. The Taygetans, and others, say there is not. So the Federation says it’s ok to give Humans the vaccines and if some people cross-over from them, then that’s their own Karma.
  • The Elites are afraid of the Humans. They hate them.
  • The Federation are “permissively guiding” the cabal. The Federation is “sometimes” actually giving “direct” Orders to the cabal. The Taygetans say this is illegal.
  • One of the top Politicians, who sides with the Taygetans, has organized an “Emergency Reunion” for the 31st of December. It will bring together all the rebel (on our side) off-world Races. Gosia said this has already started “opposition rioting” on the side of the Federation.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (the information begins around the 6-minute mark):

PS 6-14-20 July4th, MindControl, Gosia

JULY 4th
In a way, this is a tiny bit of “uplifting” news… although it could turn out to be very “negative” for both sides…
  • Bikers for Trump Planning to “Retake” Seattle Autonomous Zone For America
  • “Published on Jun 13, 2020 By Richard Moorhead”
  • “ANTIFA may have met their match.”
  • “A group of self-styled “Bikers for Trump” is pledging to retake Seattle’s Capital Hill Autonomous Zone for the United States, planning on dismantling the anarchist commune on the Fourth of July.”
  • “Seattle city authorities have steadfastly refused to enforce the territorial integrity of the United States and their city, instead opting to allow ANTIFA-linked militants to stake out a secessionist project openly advertising rebellion from the United States. The American motorcyclists intend to step in and fill the void left vacant by the city’s authorities, laying out their plans for the operation in a Facebook event.”
  • “On July 4th, Independence Day,a coalition of patriot groups and all who want to join are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America. antifa members are illegally occupying public property and terrorizing small businesses in the neighborhood. American patriots have agreed to come together again, remove the barricades illegally obstructing traffic, and free the people in the zone.”
  • “The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.”
  • “We are not going to hurt anybody, break the law etc. We are simply going to tear down the illegal barriers on public property, clean up the mess these communist kids made, and return the police station over to Seattle Police Department control””
  • “ANTIFA-linked secessionists accustomed to being babied by the Seattle Police Department- which was seen humbly begging for the anarchists to permit them to reenter their own conquered police precinct this week- may have another thing coming if they plan on using their usual tactics of violence and intimidation against the motorcyclists.”
  • “Preliminary reports suggest that members of the Mongols MC and Hell’s Angels are already preparing to participate in the operation, which is slated to coincide with Independence Day on the Fourth of July.”
My comments: “IF” the Bikers decide to do this, then “Thank You, Bikers” for standing-up for America!
What I want to know is, what happened to the “Militia”?
I began my nightly Research into MANY “Rabbit Holes”, when My Sylvia crossed-over, in April of 2011. At that Time, “Drake” was the loudest mouthpiece in the alternative community. One of the facets he kept talking about was the “Militia” — those modern day “Minute Men” (and women) who would help defend this Country in an instant, if anything ever happened to it on a large scale. So where are they?… or have they been in the shadows, waiting for the “right moment” to spring into action? Maybe they’ll join with the Bikers and bring the cabal’s “high school dropouts” to Justice? Only Time will tell.
One thing is for certain… Whichever group rids this planet of those “high schoolers” will be HEROES!
If this was truly about “freedom” and “breaking away from Society”, why wouldn’t the cabal simply have their “high schoolers” take over NASA, fly to the Moon and set-up a new “country” there?… oh, wait, those “high schoolers” are far too stupid for that.
Well, the cabal could still use the Ships from their Black Projects and fly to any of their Bases on the Moon, Mars, etc. oh, that’s right, this is not about “freedom”. It’s about promoting “fear” and controlling the Earth. So they actually “need” to win the next Presidential Election in November.
  • Imagine “satin” needing to win an Election. Now THAT’S funny. The cabal have actually brainwashed THEMSELVES. THEY are the ones who set-up all the Rules, Laws, Financial Systems, Social Structures, Internet, various Technologies, etc. So why are they still playing by THEIR OWN rules? What a stupid group they are!
What have you actually accomplished, cabal? Let me answer that for you… “Nothing”. Absolutely “nothing”. So, you’re declaring that part of Seattle a “country”. “Countries” must create and sustain their own Infrastructure. You don’t have any. So, guess what? At the snap of our fingers, the Americans in THIS Country can quickly and easily redirect the Cell Towers, turn off your Water and shutdown your Electricity. At that point, your “high schoolers” won’t have any more cold beer, will have run out of drugs and will be crying because they can’t connect to their Twitter Accounts… and for what? All for the “Elections”… You’re doing all this just to get “little hitlery” elected as President. Uh, you must have failed at Math, because even a 3-year old can figure this one out… Those “puppets” you want to run this planet will be behind bars long before the Elections.
Tick-Tock. You lose.
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

This 46-minute video is from the “X22 Report”.
Basically, I’m only using 1 tiny phrase from this video and giving credit where credit is due.
  • At the 41:34-mark, the Narrator says: “There’s more of us than there are of them.”
My comments: Yes, this is very obvious but even “I” got caught-up in all the current “distractions” in the world. I forgot to take a deep breath, take a big step back and realize that what the world is experiencing right now is the cabal’s “slight-of-hand”… Their “distractions”. ALL of what they are doing right now is simply to keep us under their “Mind Control”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 33-minute video is Gosia of “Cosmic Agency” explaining various facets of information which was given to her by “Anéeka of Temmer”, a Taygetan-Pleiadian. The title of this video is: “Possible False Flag Warning and Galactic Wave- Short“.
  • Gosia receives information from a few different Beings who are aboard a Starship, which is in orbit around the Earth. This information is sent to Gosai through her computer, in “text” form — typed words. So Gosia is not “Channeling” any Beings.
  • So, even though I may put “Gosia states”, she’s really repeating, in this case, Anéeka’s, words.
  • Anéeka’s job on this Starship is “Intelligence Officer”. She communicates with the “Federation” and gathers information directly from Earth’s Societies, either through Taygetan technologies or by sending people or devices to the Earth.
Here are some of the things described:
  • Anéeka warns of a possible, upcoming False Flag against the Protestors. There are lots of details but it’s better if you hear them for yourself.
  • Gosia then explains that there’s another False Flag in December of an “Asteroid” which may hit the Earth. If this is brought to the Public’s attention, it will be used as a diversion from Political happenings at that Time.
  • Around the 24:50-mark, Gosia states: “The Lunar Matrix doesn’t matter any more. Those Lunar computers are failing and now what maintains us in 3D is our own state of Consciousness and people’s Perceptions.”
  • Anéeka mentions that the Earth’s Schumann Resonance spikes during peaks of Galactic Waves coming in to the Earth.
I haven’t highlighted this very well but there are a lot of helpful details in this video.
As always, even if the information presented is “not” real, it provides everyone with another opportunity to “consider” these facets and expand your mind.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-5-20 Gosia, Cobra, RV?, TaxCuts

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
In this 32-minute video, Gosia, of “Cosmic Agency”, provides one of her conversations with Swaruu of Taygeta — a Planet within the Pleiadian System.
I’m including this because, even if this information is not real, it presents some ideas to consider.
In this particular conversation, they talk about the “Federation”, the overseeing aspect above it and how they all work together to solve problems or influence the evolution of the Beings on Earth.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


Cobra Posted this message today.
  • “It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the powerful Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.”
  • “Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.”
  • “Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us:”
  • “This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to further stabilize the timeline that will lead into the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.”
  • “We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! We can even reach one million! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.”
  • “Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th is the turning point of the 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate which has opened on January 12th with Saturn Pluto conjunction, has its turning point on June 30th with Jupiter Pluto conjunction and will close on December 21th with Jupiter Saturn conjunction:”
  • “The purpose of the whole 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate is to stabilize the Age of Aquarius positive timeline for the planet, and our activation on June 30th is the turning point of this process. This powerful activation point is located almost exactly in the middle of the whole 2020 process with 170 days between January 12th and June 30th, and another 174 days between June 30th and December 21st.”
  • “In astrology, Jupiter Pluto conjunction symbolizes great societal and spiritual reform which will bring abundance of spiritual and material wealth to humanity:”
  • “We will be doing our Age of Aquarius Part 2 meditation at the exact moment of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th , which will be at 7:48 am CEST in Paris. This equals 10:48 pm PDT on Monday June 29th in Los Angeles, 11:48 MDT on Monday June 29th in Denver, and then we cross into Tuesday June 30th for other time zones: 00:48 am CDT in Chicago, 01:48 am EDT in New York, 6:48 am BST in London, 7:48 am EET in Cairo, 1:48 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 2:48 pm JST in Tokyo and 3:48 pm AEST in Sydney.”
  • “You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:”
  • “Instructions:”
  • “1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.”
  • “2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius”
  • “3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light”
  • “4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.”
  • “5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize soft pink Light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.”
  • “Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.”
  • “Updates about the Age of Aquarius:”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
The link below is to a very short video clip on a Twitter page. President Trump mentions traveling in an “RV”. He mentions the letters “RV” several times. Is he telling the alternative community that he is currently (or already has) “Re-Valued” the U.S. Financial System, connecting it to a “Gold Standard”? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 18-minute video is from the “X22 Report”. The Narrator provides updates on some of the happenings around the world.
Here’s what caught my attention:
  • Around the 9:10-mark, the Narrator talks about President Trump’s plan to get more Stimulus for the people and businesses, Payroll Tax Cuts, etc.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the 18-minute video:
The following link is to another “X22 Report”. This one is 50-minutes long…
  • Around the 6-minute mark, the Narrator explains that President Trump has Appointed a new person to head-up the “Voice Of America”.
  • This description of “Voice Of America” is from Wikipedia: “Multimedia agency which serves as the United States government institution for non-military, external broadcasting. It is the largest U.S. international broadcaster. VOA produces digital, TV, and radio content in 47 languages which it distributes to affiliate stations around the globe. It is primarily viewed by foreign audiences, so VOA programming has an influence on public opinion abroad regarding the United States and its people”
  • The Narrator suggests that this Appointment is the 1st Step in shutting down the Main Stream Media.
  • Around the 38:55-mark, the Narrator shows a very short video clip of lightning over Washington D.C. At the 39:01-mark, the lightning forms “Q” in the sky. The “Q Post” associated with that simply reads: “Have Faith”.
My comments: Was the video “Photoshopped”? It really doesn’t matter. However, if that “Q” in the sky was NOT “Photoshopped”, then the information I’ve seen about “Q”, President Trump and the Patriots having access to the “Looking Glass” (Future Viewing) technology may just be true. Only Time will tell.
Here’s the link to the 50-minute video:
Here’s the link to the Wikipedia page:

PS 4-25-20 *Animal, Fulford, Cobra, Perspective

*First a comment:
Sylvia and I are still “dealing” with that “animal”. Usually, it appears around 8p and leaves around midnight. Last night, it didn’t arrive until about 1a. Sylvia and I went to bed around 3a but kept hearing it moving around, just under our Mobile Home… just under the front bathtub. So I kept getting up and putting on all my clothes, because I had to be prepared for “anything”.
I got up, got dressed, listened for the “animal”, went back to bed after 20-minutes or so and then all of that repeated 3 times!!!… about 15-minutes apart.
We finally got to sleep around 5:30a.
Today, it actually returned around 12-noon and seems to have left a few hours later.
I still don’t know what it is. It sounds too heavy to be a “mouse”. I feels like we’re dealing with an “intelligence”. Between that and the fact that it “sounds” heavier than a “mouse” when it move, makes me think it’s a “rat”.
Right now, it’s 3a Sunday morning. It returned a few hours ago. So I don’t know if either of us will get any sleep tonight.
So it’s still very stressful here.
This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report. The title is: “Chinese and Western Intelligence Services Hunting Down 5G Telecom Executives“.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


Sometimes Cobra provides information for the “99-percent”. Sometimes he passes messages to the “Resistance Movement”. The following message, which looks to be directed at the Resistance Movement, seems a bit odd to me.
Here’s the message:
  • “URGENT EXIT protocol fully enforced”


My comments: Is he saying the “negatives” are trying to escape… and that the Resistance Movement should stop them?… or is he saying that it’s urgent that an Exit, for the Resistance Movement, is protected? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 1-hour, 28-minute video is from Contactee “Gosia of Cosmic Agency”.
This is a conversation between Gosia and a few of the Beings aboard the Taygetean Starship orbiting Earth.
I’m including this because, even if it’s NOT true, it does provide some interesting insights which would be helpful for everyone to think about.
Here are a few highlights:
  • The first part explains that Earth is a “school”.
  • The “Federation” has taken the position that the Humans of Earth have created their own “nightmares” and will not be allowed to evolve into 5D until they learn how to solve that problem.
  • The hierarchy of the “Federation” is explained.
  • “Duality” and why these “Lessons”, on Earth, are important.
  • (There’s a lot of detail in this video; Too much to note here.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: