PS 9-20-20 Wilcock, Harrison

I was finally able to go back and watch the beginning of this 4-hour, 22-minute video by Researcher, David Wilcock.
  • Basically, in the 1st 3-hours or so, he explains Time Travel, how it works, why it’s dangerous, why it’s been restricted and how the White Hats are using it to defeat the “cabal”.
  • Although Sylvia and I have heard about “Time Travel” before, this video provides enough details that I now have a sense of how a few of the “Puzzle Pieces” I’ve been carrying in my mind, find together.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This is a 2-hour, 10-minute, update of the Energies by Contactee, Lisa Harrison.
Here are a few highlights:
  • She says lots of people are having Dreams which indicate “You’re at the door”, “You’re at the gate”, ‘The door is open”, etc. and these Dreams have picked-up over the last 2-weeks.
  • She talks about the latest video from “Yellow Rose For Texas”, which I haven’t seen yet. “The transition will be seamless.”
  • The word “Plasma” has shown up a lot in the last 2-weeks. “The Veil is very thin.” Some people have seen “Plasma” Beings. They seem to “shimmer”.
  • Lots of people are having “Trump Dreams”… “even people who are anti-Trump and it changes everything for them.”
  • Lisa is asked what she thinks of “Nesara” / “Gesara”. She says see feels we “will” get something but she doesn’t think it will be called by those terms.
  • She feels there’s less and less energy in whatever the cabal “do” or “might do”.
  • Someone commented: “It feels like a fake, 3D reality that we used to live in.”
  • Someone asked if anyone else felt as though they know they should be doing something but they don’t know what it is. Lisa says she knows her Role has changed but she doesn’t know what it is now.
  • “Time is acting like an Accordion at the moment.”
  • Lisa feels as though the “New World Order timeline completely collapsed back in March.”
  • “Follow your Intuition more than ever.”
  • Someone said she had a Dream where she was on a floating Platform in deep Space. Everything was dark. She saw Lisa there but Lisa looked different. They shook hands and the woman said to Lisa: “Mission completed” and then she woke-up. Lisa also had that same Dream.
  • Someone asked Lisa what she thinks about the increase in Asteroids. She says; “I don’t feel any energy around any of the fear mongering. I feel like they have ZERO ability to pull anything off, unless they can get us to buy into it and feed it.”
  • She makes a good point… If you’re going to get involved with something, ask yourself if it’s “anti-” (anger) something or “pro-” (love) something.
  • “Halloween has a lot of energy around it.” Lisa feels that Halloween is positive.
  • “My bottom-line is that everything feels pretty good.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link (It starts at the 8-minute mark):
Here’s the link to the “Yellow Rose For Texas” video, mentioned by Lisa:
(A “Question & Answer” section which begins at the 18:20-mark.)

PS 9-16-20 *iOS14, Cassidy, Wilcock, DUMBs

*First a comment:
iOS 14
For what it’s worth…
Today, I upgraded our iPhone to iOS 14. You’ll have to do your own research, to learn whether this update will work for you. The biggest benefit Sylvia and I have seen so far is… While playing a video (in full-screen mode), if you click the “Home” button, the video will automatically resize and will continue to play while you navigate to another program. Clicking the “full-screen” button again will move back to where that video was playing by itself, with no other program behind it… or you can click the “X” (on that video) and the video will close.
One problem Sylvia and I noticed is that this upgrade didn’t fix the “Clock” problem. Every once in a while, this phone shows “9:41AM” as the Time. I’ve researched this online and have fiddled with the “Time” Settings but it continues to change from “correct Time” to “frozen Time” whenever it wants.
This 46-minute video is an interview of Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) by former CIA Agent, Robert David Steele.
Here are a few highlights:
  • She explains the real reason why the NSA and NASA were created.
  • She talks about Wormholes and visiting the Moon in a NASA “Rocket”.
  • The Reptilians
  • JFK jr
  • She says the fires in northern California were started by Humans and Extraterrestrials because they’re fighting each other.
  • She mentions a Comet (or Asteroid) that’s supposed to “hit” or “come very close to” Earth on November 3rd.
  • Weather warfare, etc.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

This 4-hour video is an update of world events by Researcher, David Wilcock.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

  • NOTE: That’s the link to David’s YouTube “Channel” page. At the Time of this writing, the actual 4-hour video was not Posted. However, once it is, you’ll be able to find it on that page.
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 1-hour video is from Reporter Cirsten W who has Researcher Gene on this particular video. Gene provides a vast number of “Deep Underground Military Bunker” locations and images. He explains which areas are now under White Hat control and which are still under “cabal” control.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
For more information from Gene, and Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, visit this page:
I haven’t watched that 42-minute video yet but I’m including it because this one also came out today and probably contains some very interesting information.

PS 7-15-20 Asteroids?

This is a 7-minute video from a “Reporter” (I think).
He claims to have Sources in the Pentagon who are telling him, in September, there will be increased Asteroid activity striking Earth.
My comments: I’ve never heard of this person or his “company” before.
Although this seems like another “bag of information” to distract us, “I” have to take all facets into consideration, because I never know where another “Puzzle Piece” will come from. Here are a few things to think about… “IF” his information is true:
  • Several months ago, “Q” has mentioned (more than a few times) “Nothing can stop what’s coming”. I’ve wondered about this. It always seemed to be an odd statement. “Q” has always talked about (or “seemed” to be talking about) “Politics” and “Society-level” happenings. To “me”, only “rocks in Space”, Earth-changes and UFO Landings would be considered “unstoppable”.
  • “IF” an “Extinction Level Event (ELE) “IS” going to hit the Earth in September then it makes sense that “both sides”, the “cabal” and the “White Hats”, would want everyone distracted… keep everyone from looking to the Skies. Why? “IF” something like that is going to hit the Earth then both sides have been Tracking it. They probably pooled their resources and determined that there’s nothing they can do to stop it. So why alarm the Earth population? If the cabal always tells the General Public what they’re going to do, then Sylvia and I saw this very scenario, years ago, in the movie: “Meteor”.
  • (Well that’s interesting. I just spent about 15-minutes looking for that movie and “Meteor” was released in 1979 — a few years before Sylvia and I met. I then looked at the Trailer for “Meteor” and the part where > the Americans and Russians admit they both have “Starwars” Missiles in space and can team-up to blow-up the Meteor < is all a I remember. There was a movie where 3 or 4 Astronauts travel in a “Spaceship” and land on the Meteor. They set explosives on it and leave. Something goes wrong and one of member of that Team has to stay behind. That guy’s daughter falls in love with a guy who her father knew and his wife is protected from debris by… I thought it was Tommy Lee Jones… but I checked his Bio and he never made a “Meteor” movie. So this is part “faulty memory” on my part and part “Mandela Effect”.)
I also have to remember that “no harm will come to the mass population. So “IF” something like a Meteor IS going to hit the Earth, to “me”, it can mean:
  • That’s the point in Time when the entire surface population of Earth see that “hit” as a huge Solar Flash and everything changes in an instant: “Ascension”.
  • …or there really is no Meteor and this is all just a distraction.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-14-20 July4th, MindControl, Gosia

JULY 4th
In a way, this is a tiny bit of “uplifting” news… although it could turn out to be very “negative” for both sides…
  • Bikers for Trump Planning to “Retake” Seattle Autonomous Zone For America
  • “Published on Jun 13, 2020 By Richard Moorhead”
  • “ANTIFA may have met their match.”
  • “A group of self-styled “Bikers for Trump” is pledging to retake Seattle’s Capital Hill Autonomous Zone for the United States, planning on dismantling the anarchist commune on the Fourth of July.”
  • “Seattle city authorities have steadfastly refused to enforce the territorial integrity of the United States and their city, instead opting to allow ANTIFA-linked militants to stake out a secessionist project openly advertising rebellion from the United States. The American motorcyclists intend to step in and fill the void left vacant by the city’s authorities, laying out their plans for the operation in a Facebook event.”
  • “On July 4th, Independence Day,a coalition of patriot groups and all who want to join are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America. antifa members are illegally occupying public property and terrorizing small businesses in the neighborhood. American patriots have agreed to come together again, remove the barricades illegally obstructing traffic, and free the people in the zone.”
  • “The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.”
  • “We are not going to hurt anybody, break the law etc. We are simply going to tear down the illegal barriers on public property, clean up the mess these communist kids made, and return the police station over to Seattle Police Department control””
  • “ANTIFA-linked secessionists accustomed to being babied by the Seattle Police Department- which was seen humbly begging for the anarchists to permit them to reenter their own conquered police precinct this week- may have another thing coming if they plan on using their usual tactics of violence and intimidation against the motorcyclists.”
  • “Preliminary reports suggest that members of the Mongols MC and Hell’s Angels are already preparing to participate in the operation, which is slated to coincide with Independence Day on the Fourth of July.”
My comments: “IF” the Bikers decide to do this, then “Thank You, Bikers” for standing-up for America!
What I want to know is, what happened to the “Militia”?
I began my nightly Research into MANY “Rabbit Holes”, when My Sylvia crossed-over, in April of 2011. At that Time, “Drake” was the loudest mouthpiece in the alternative community. One of the facets he kept talking about was the “Militia” — those modern day “Minute Men” (and women) who would help defend this Country in an instant, if anything ever happened to it on a large scale. So where are they?… or have they been in the shadows, waiting for the “right moment” to spring into action? Maybe they’ll join with the Bikers and bring the cabal’s “high school dropouts” to Justice? Only Time will tell.
One thing is for certain… Whichever group rids this planet of those “high schoolers” will be HEROES!
If this was truly about “freedom” and “breaking away from Society”, why wouldn’t the cabal simply have their “high schoolers” take over NASA, fly to the Moon and set-up a new “country” there?… oh, wait, those “high schoolers” are far too stupid for that.
Well, the cabal could still use the Ships from their Black Projects and fly to any of their Bases on the Moon, Mars, etc. oh, that’s right, this is not about “freedom”. It’s about promoting “fear” and controlling the Earth. So they actually “need” to win the next Presidential Election in November.
  • Imagine “satin” needing to win an Election. Now THAT’S funny. The cabal have actually brainwashed THEMSELVES. THEY are the ones who set-up all the Rules, Laws, Financial Systems, Social Structures, Internet, various Technologies, etc. So why are they still playing by THEIR OWN rules? What a stupid group they are!
What have you actually accomplished, cabal? Let me answer that for you… “Nothing”. Absolutely “nothing”. So, you’re declaring that part of Seattle a “country”. “Countries” must create and sustain their own Infrastructure. You don’t have any. So, guess what? At the snap of our fingers, the Americans in THIS Country can quickly and easily redirect the Cell Towers, turn off your Water and shutdown your Electricity. At that point, your “high schoolers” won’t have any more cold beer, will have run out of drugs and will be crying because they can’t connect to their Twitter Accounts… and for what? All for the “Elections”… You’re doing all this just to get “little hitlery” elected as President. Uh, you must have failed at Math, because even a 3-year old can figure this one out… Those “puppets” you want to run this planet will be behind bars long before the Elections.
Tick-Tock. You lose.
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

This 46-minute video is from the “X22 Report”.
Basically, I’m only using 1 tiny phrase from this video and giving credit where credit is due.
  • At the 41:34-mark, the Narrator says: “There’s more of us than there are of them.”
My comments: Yes, this is very obvious but even “I” got caught-up in all the current “distractions” in the world. I forgot to take a deep breath, take a big step back and realize that what the world is experiencing right now is the cabal’s “slight-of-hand”… Their “distractions”. ALL of what they are doing right now is simply to keep us under their “Mind Control”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 33-minute video is Gosia of “Cosmic Agency” explaining various facets of information which was given to her by “Anéeka of Temmer”, a Taygetan-Pleiadian. The title of this video is: “Possible False Flag Warning and Galactic Wave- Short“.
  • Gosia receives information from a few different Beings who are aboard a Starship, which is in orbit around the Earth. This information is sent to Gosai through her computer, in “text” form — typed words. So Gosia is not “Channeling” any Beings.
  • So, even though I may put “Gosia states”, she’s really repeating, in this case, Anéeka’s, words.
  • Anéeka’s job on this Starship is “Intelligence Officer”. She communicates with the “Federation” and gathers information directly from Earth’s Societies, either through Taygetan technologies or by sending people or devices to the Earth.
Here are some of the things described:
  • Anéeka warns of a possible, upcoming False Flag against the Protestors. There are lots of details but it’s better if you hear them for yourself.
  • Gosia then explains that there’s another False Flag in December of an “Asteroid” which may hit the Earth. If this is brought to the Public’s attention, it will be used as a diversion from Political happenings at that Time.
  • Around the 24:50-mark, Gosia states: “The Lunar Matrix doesn’t matter any more. Those Lunar computers are failing and now what maintains us in 3D is our own state of Consciousness and people’s Perceptions.”
  • Anéeka mentions that the Earth’s Schumann Resonance spikes during peaks of Galactic Waves coming in to the Earth.
I haven’t highlighted this very well but there are a lot of helpful details in this video.
As always, even if the information presented is “not” real, it provides everyone with another opportunity to “consider” these facets and expand your mind.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: