PS 12-31-20 Financial

This 1-hour video is by Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward.
Here are a few highlights:
  • The “virus”, lockdowns, riots and other negative things that have been happening were put in place to protect the Public and to keep us occupied. Once the “Global Financial Reset” is completed, all of those things will go away.
  • Charlie states that things are supposed to begin on January 1st.
  • The Military is already in place. The “cover story” is that they are around the country because they are distributing the “vaccines”.
  • He explains the “plan” of the “new world order”. It’s VERY negative. Fortunately, they can’t do this now.
  • “We’re going through a difficult phase but we’ll come out of it just fine.”
  • (Charlie currently lives in Spain.) He says, the number of “politicians” who have already been Arrested and moved to Guantanamo Bay will blow your mind. He says they were Charged with Treason and there’s only one Sentence for that.
  • The “vaccinations” are a smoke-screen. They are only putting on a show, in order to create fear. Some of the people being “vaccinated” are actors. Some were blackmailed. Some are just stupid. If someone tells you… you must get the “vaccine” before they will allow you to “whatever”, then just refuse it.
  • The Time for all of us to convince the “Sheeple” around us, about what is really going on around the surface of this planet, is over. It’s when they come to you. That’s when it’s your job (the job of those who are truly Awake) to explain what is really happening with clarity and with compassion.
  • All of this comes back to the Children… Pedophilia.
  • From Charlie’s Sources, he says around 70-percent of Government is corrupt and 80-to-90-percent of Hollywood is corrupt.
  • Charlie wants us to keep in mind that most of the people, in every country, all around the world are wonderful people. It’s the “politicians” that are corrupt. So don’t hate the people, their country or their culture, just because you might hate the way their country has been operating.
  • “The period of darkness will end on the 7th of January and the period of light will be from the 7th to the 17th and 21st will be the Great Awakening.”
  • “Don’t panic. Don’t be fearful.”
  • The Financial Reset is going on as we speak.
  • “It was very, very important for William Barr to step aside. It was so he could give Evidence. He couldn’t give Evidence as the Attorney General. He’s also in charge of the NESARA legal team.”
  • “Sidney Powell is the only Prosecutor allowed to Prosecute for Treason in a Military Court.”
  • Charlie’s been invited to the Presidential Inauguration. So he will be going.
  • “The bad Reset has been completely beaten now. That was the intention of this whole virus and vaccine and everything else, right from the start… was the bad Reset was to come into play. It’s just that it got hijacked by Trump discretely… The shutdown has been done by the deep state and the cabal but it’s been managed by Trump and his team.”
  • “Next year’s going to be unbelievably wonderful.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-29-20 Cobra

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This was Posted yesterday by Cobra:
  • Age of Aquarius Activation Report
  • “Our activation was a huge success, we have reached the critical mass many times over with about 400,000 people participating in the meditation.”
  • “The meditation sent a strong flash of energy into the planetary energy grid, with tectonic plates reacting and volcanoes erupting:”
  • “Exactly at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st, a very strong pulse of pure galactic Love energy has reached the surface of the planet from M 87 galaxy. The pulse lasted for about 10-15 seconds, but it was strong enough to instantly remove about 10% of all remaining primary anomaly that is accumulated close to the surface.”
  • “Many people meditating have felt this pulse, and it has brought instantaneous emotional and spiritual, and sometimes even physical healing to some people. Many traumatic events were erased from the energy fields of certain Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and huge healing of the heart took place.”
  • “From then on, clearing of the primary anomaly on the surface of this planet is taking place.”
  • “The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996. Many Light beings and goddesses were present in their energy bodies around people meditating, and they have managed to take a quite detailed sample of the Matrix structure. With greater understanding of the quantum structure of the Matrix, they are now removing exotic quantum dark technologies with full speed. They have also begun with gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity, and you can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:”
  • “And here:”
  • “The Light Forces are also continuing with the removal of the Chimera and this goes quite well in full alignment with their plan. They have already managed to remove over 50% of all Chimera underground bases, among them almost all of the ultra deep Chimera underground bases which are located more than 8 miles deep, just above the Mohorovicic discontinuity, the boundary between Earth crust and mantle:”
  • “Also, over 50% of the physical Chimera spiders are already gone. The Light Forces have also removed the spider king who was the main occult force behind countless wars throughout human history.”
  • “There is another pair of physical spider king and spider queen still remaining. They came from Rigel star system in 1996 and are since then situated in a Chimera underground base below Congo. The male counterpart is now the main occult force behind the quarantine status of planet Earth and the occult force behind coronavirus lockdowns (quarantine phase 2), whereas the female spider is the main occult force inhibiting Soul contact and unconditional love. They will both be removed soon.”
  • “In September 2019, I have warned about Jesuit plans for their version of the financial Reset which they have scheduled for January 2020:”
  • “The Jesuits are well versed in astrology, and they knew for a long time that Saturn Pluto conjunction in January 2020 was the greatest opportunity to trigger their plans, and this is when they triggered first public announcements about the coronavirus. Let us explore what is behind their plans.”
  • “After the formation of BRICS / Eastern positive alliances in 2014 and 2015, the Jesuits have shifted their main base to China and moved many Cabal agents there. Those agents took many positions within the Chinese government in the 2015-2019 timeframe, and immediately started the project of infiltrating the West:”
  • “Most people are not aware that communism is a Jesuit creation:”
  • “What is even less known is that some of those Chinese agents infiltrating the West are actually positive Red Dragons posing as CCP members.”
  • “Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs.”
  • “Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and George Soros, together with certain people at the top levels of Chinese government are their main minions who made the pandemic and lockdowns possible:”
  • “To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:”
  • “Jesuits lack creativity, and the only thing they managed to do is to steal the idea and to plan for the inverted version of the positive financial Reset:”
  • “Jesuit, Rothschild and Rockefeller factions have made trilateral agreements to join forces in their plans:”
  • “Nevertheless, the negative Great Reset will NOT be successful:”
  • “Although their plans will come very close to actually manifesting:”
  • “Meanwhile, positive Dragon forces are working silently behind the scenes. Most of their plans can not be made public yet, the only thing I can say is they are supporting Chinese civilian space exploration, trying to make it accessible to international community in preparations for Disclosure:”
  • “As scientists are researching radio signals from Proxima Centauri:”
  • “Ding Yu, a Chinese pop singer, who was appointed as space music promotion ambassador by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Communication center in June, was singing a song named The Age of Aquarius on Chinese national TV on December 19th, promoting our meditation:”
  • “My team has arranged a full translation of the famous Haim Eshed exopolitical interview from Hebrew into English. Although intel in that interview is not 100% correct, the interview itself will be interesting for many:”
  • “Positive factions have managed to infiltrate the Space Force, removing some of the Chimera agents from there. At some point in the future, the Space Force may play a role in the First Contact between humanity and the Ashtar Command:”
  • “An updated version of The Portal book with the posts from this blog is available here:”
  • “And a book about Tachyon chambers here:”
  • “The best is yet to come:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-27-20 *10Days, *Knights, Predictions, StarVisitors

*First a comment:
Yesterday morning, while making Breakfast at home, I began thinking, again, about what “some” are saying… That there “might” be 3-Days of darkness or even 10-days of darkness.
When I first heard about this, “I” though the Sun would go out for a short period of Time and then restart. Later, some people have mentioned that these “days of darkness” really means days without “communication”… no Internet, Television, Radio or Phone Service.
What I realized yesterday morning was… This “darkness” period may be something else… What “IF” the entire planet is about to experience:
  • Debt Forgiveness,
  • Global Currency Reset,
  • New money, backed by Gold and
  • a “Quantum” Financial System with every person on the surface of this planet receiving $1-million in a new, Quantum-protected Financial System.
Then I thought… What would the reaction be from the world’s population? Most everyone would say “I’m not working any more.” THAT would bring the entire planet to an immediate halt and it would be considered “darkness”.
  • No Services.
  • No public Transportation.
  • No Restaurants.
  • No one to Broadcast television programs,
  • No deliveries of food, retail products.
  • No manufacturing.
  • No food production. etc.
It would seem that the world has gone into “darkness”.
With that said, I’m sure the White Hats have already thought of this. Many months ago, I had heard that “when the big Arrests begin”, the White Hats will Broadcast information explaining what is happening behind-the-scenes. At that point, I’m sure they will also explain how the new System works. I’m sure there will be something built-into the new System which provides more “benefits” or “incentives” to anyone who has a job and contributes to the new System.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
For some reason, this morning I was thinking about “Medieval Knights”…
I kept seeing those “suits of Armor” and really began to question:
  • How they were able to make them.
  • How they put them on.
  • How they moved in them.
  • How they really climbed-up on Horses while wearing them. (Yes, I’ve seen movies where a handful of people hoist a Knight up onto a Horse with ropes slung over tree branches and also by using a Pulley System but what if a Knight falls off during battle or has to pee while traveling?)
  • How they could see while fighting in them. (Yes, I’ve seen movies re-enacting what Knights have done and old paintings showing various activities of the Knights.)
Think about all of that for a moment…
  • First of all, a Suit of Armor has to be Custom Made for a specific person. However, even doing that, picture someone putting their arm through a shaped-metal tube which has a hinge in the middle for your elbow. Have any of you ever put on a tight-fitting sweater which was made out of stiff material? It’s not easy and, here, we’re talking about a “metal” suit of clothing.
  • Next, let’s get a sense of what it might be like to wear a Suit of Armor while having a Sword Fight… Several people help you and you finally wearing your Armor. They hoist you onto a Horse but when you sit down, the Chest piece rides up a bit, pushing your Helmut up. Now you can’t see. You, somehow, ride to where you need to go but, you can’t see your feet or the stirrups. You try to lift one leg up while turning, so you can dis-mount but it’s too difficult to do without losing your balance or actually hitting the ground too hard and falling down.
  • Then comes the actual Sword Fight… You both, somehow, manage to waddle up to each other and square-off. You try to size-up your Opponent but you can’t see anything below his waist. If you quickly move your head, the Helmut doesn’t have a way to catch-up. So you end up only partially seeing out the eye-holes.
Then my mind drifted into “what if” land…
  • What if the first Time anyone saw a Suit of Armor it was in a Cave, Burial Mound or some type of Stone Temple.
  • what if the original creators of that Suit of Armor were Star Visitors. Maybe it wasn’t a “Suit of Armor”. Maybe it was the outer shell for one of their Robots. Maybe they left the outer shell behind when they left.
  • Since the Earthers at that Time had never seen a “Robot”, they “assumed” the “Armor” was designed for a “person”. Their imaginations could not even fantasize that the metal shell was really created for a “mechanical person”.
  • So they removed that outer shell, took it apart and examined what it was made from, what it’s purpose could be and how one of them could “wear” it.
  • Using their “mindset from that Time Period”, they would think they had discovered a great idea… Incase a man in metal and he would never be defeated by anyone wielding a Sword or Bow.
  • Of course, after the first person wearing it was seen, others copied the idea and we have the birth of “Knights” wearing “Armor”.
So, yes, the “movies” make “wearing Armor” look easy, practical and heroic but I’m questioning whether “Suits of Armor” were used “as extensively” as we have been lead to believe.
Question everything.
This 42-minute video is a Prediction update from Psychic, Louise Jones.
For “me”, most everything she covers is “supposed” to happen around the end of December 2020 and through the middle of January 2021. Here are a few highlights:
  • Huge news on the major news networks. This will affect the entire planet.
  • An announcement, at some point, which will be a distraction.
  • Riots in the U.S., England and a few other countries.
  • An overhaul of the world’s Political System.
  • New Trade Deals with Africa.
  • An announcement by Vice President Pence.
  • Something big happening around January 6th.
  • Once we get past the bad stuff, everything will be very positive.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This 1-hour, 17-minute video is with “Gosia of Cosmic Agency”. Recently, she had a “conversation” (usually they are “computer-based”) with Taytetans “Aneeka” and “Yazhi” who are “supposedly” aboard a Starship which is currently in our Solar System.
I’m including this because, “IF” this information is real, it provides a “Galactic” / “off-world” perspective of what is currently happening on the surface of this planet.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Some of the information in the start of this video matches (at least from “my” perspective) to the information given by a few others, including Psychic Louise Jones.
  • The “Galactic Federation” is currently split on whether to directly interfere with Humanity. One side (Taygetans and Andromedans) wants, among other things, to simply reveal its presence in our Skies and the others (the Federation) do not.
  • In explaining one part of their conversation, Gosia mentions the “Matrix People”. These are people who “some say” are not real but are “participating” and “contributing” to this “game” we call “Reality”.
My comments: Although I didn’t call them “Matrix People”, I did mention this at least 12-months ago.
I explained that I had a feeling… a Sense that some of the people around me, while out in Public, didn’t seem to be real. I felt as though they were simply “going through the motions”, “following a Script or a Programming”. So it’s interesting that an off-world Entity is now talking about the same thing.
  • The Federation says there is “over-population”. The Taygetans, and others, say there is not. So the Federation says it’s ok to give Humans the vaccines and if some people cross-over from them, then that’s their own Karma.
  • The Elites are afraid of the Humans. They hate them.
  • The Federation are “permissively guiding” the cabal. The Federation is “sometimes” actually giving “direct” Orders to the cabal. The Taygetans say this is illegal.
  • One of the top Politicians, who sides with the Taygetans, has organized an “Emergency Reunion” for the 31st of December. It will bring together all the rebel (on our side) off-world Races. Gosia said this has already started “opposition rioting” on the side of the Federation.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (the information begins around the 6-minute mark):

PS 12-22-23 Stimulus, NESARA

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This 3-minute video, from December 22nd, is of President Trump explaining that the new “Stimulus Package” contains too much money for the cabal.
He does state that he wants $2,000 to go to every American However, the cabal “politicians” have to remove their pay-off money first.
I’m including this because I know the cabal’s Main Stream Media will “spin” this, in order to make President Trump look bad. So, yes, he stopped our $600 checks but he also stopped the dirty “politicians” from giving our Tax Money to the bad guys.
My comments: Sylvia and I are out of work again.
  • No work for 39-weeks. Worked for about 3-weeks. Then for a different company for about 3-weeks and, now, haven’t worked since Thanksgiving.
  • (I’m just summarizing this, in case anyone needs this information. I’m not asking anyone for money.)
So, yes, we could really use that money. (Even though it’s only $600.) However, there are good people in this country who are worse-off than us. So we know they could have really used that boost, no matter how small.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


  • NESARA: National Economic Security and Recovery Act
  • GESARA: Global Economic Security and Recovery Act.
This 1-hour video is Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, and 2 guests. They talk about the current, behind-the-scenes, happenings.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Around the 6-minute mark, they talk about NESARA. Charlie says his “feelings” are that “NESARA” will be active on Tuesday, December 29th and “GESARA” will be active on January 1st.
My comment: Several different alternative news sources have mentioned that something is “supposed” to happen on January 6th. I’ve even seen President Trump’s tweets asking people to go to Washington D.C. on January 6th and that: “Will be wild.” Most of us thought this meant “chaos” and “riots” but, with Charlie’s “feelings”, maybe January 6th will be a huge, planetary Celebration. Only time will tell.
  • Charlie says England’s latest lockdown was activated because the European Union was about to send its Military into England, in order to take control of it.
  • We’re entering a new Cycle of energy. We are moving out of a “negative-dominant” energy and into a “positive-dominant” one.
  • One of the guests says Trump’s “Astrology” is very good. “He is destined to take the world into the next phase.”
  • Charlie says “The battle is already won. This is just pantomime because it’s Christmas.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-21-20 Q

I just found a very interesting message at the top of the following web page.
The message talks about “Q” and states that the White Hats are in a very touchy phase of a very special Operation. They are asking people to not interfere with what is about to happen. Once the Operation is complete, they will let the Public know about it.
“IF” that information is real, then it is pretty big.
Question everything.

PS 12-20-20 *Contacts, Psychic, Updates

*First a comment:
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
Here are the updated Contacts for 4 alternative news sources that I recently found.
I’m passing these along, for those who follow these people but haven’t figured out where they went when “Social Media” banned them.
X22 Report: 2 videos per day. One focusing on Financial News and the other focusing on everything else.

Daniel Lee: General, alternative, Society-level news.
Jordan Sather: General, alternative, Society-level news.
Charlie Ward: Financial whistleblower.
While we’re wrapping-up 2020, I’d like to include something I’ve been thinking about for several months…
I’ve been Tracking a lot of Puzzle Pieces and following a lot of “alternative-source” people ever since Sylvia crossed-over in 2011. The list of Topics I’ve been Tracking has, basically, remained constant. However, the people reporting on them have “peaked” and “faded” many times. Some of them have simply stopped appearing on my radar.
So, as something to think about as we end this extremely chaotic year and look ahead to a very Positive 2021, I’d like to list a few of the Topics and People that have faded (for the most part) from “my” perspective, over the last several months:
  • Corey Goode
  • Emery Smith
  • Erin Rothschild
  • Clif High
  • Neo Glimmer
  • Yellow Rose For Texas
  • Kerry Cassidy, etc.
  • Nibiru
  • Agartha (Inner Earth)
  • Sphere Being Alliance
  • Galactic Federation
  • Secret Space Program
  • Everyone’s Birth Certificate Accounts at the Federal Reserve
  • Portals
  • Operation Looking Glass
  • Montauk Project
  • Baltic Sea Anomaly
  • Ascension
  • The flipping of the Earth’s magnetic field
  • Antarctica
  • The melting of the glaciers
  • The hollow Moon
  • Time travel
  • Anti-Gravity
  • Zero-Point Energy
  • Nano Technology
  • Quantum computers
  • Black goo
  • Pyramid technology
  • Stone spheres found around the planet
  • Strange sounds coming from nowhere and everywhere, etc.
Just some things to think about.
This 22-minute video is a Reading from Psychic, Louise Jones. It’s from a few days ago but provides updates on the various happenings around this planet.
Although a lot of what she covers in this video has been known for some Time, I’m including this because it may provide a few new facets to some of you and a different perspective to those who haven’t considered the “Psychic Realm”, when gathering your “Puzzle Pieces”.
Here are a few highlights:
  • She says there are some important things happening around December 20th, 21st and 27th.
  • She also says there is something huge to watch for around January 4th, 5th and 6th. She also sees a Blackout during these days. Probably an Internet Blackout but it could be electrical.
  • She mentioned something about a Military Court and an Executive Order.
  • Everything she talked about, she feels, will happen sometime between now and February.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
“IF” the following information is real then it provides some good updates on what is currently happening behind-the-scenes.

  • Note: The article mentions “Juan O. Savin”. I’ve now seen 2 videos with him. He never shows his face.
It seems to be a good Summary of what the White Hats are doing.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-18-20 *Dream

*First a comment:
It’s now morning. Sylvia and I have just gotten out of bed. I want to write this out while the energies are still fresh in my mind…
  • I know I titled this Section “Dream” but this wasn’t a Dream. It was in the very tiny space between the Dream State and when a person’s energies fully return to their Unit (the body and its many Systems).
  • I remember almost waking up and then I actually “heard” a voice.
  • (With my background as a “Synthesist” / “Sound Design” (creating sounds from scratch), I can pick most sounds apart, to find some of their underlying layers. Everyone can do this but I’ve doing it for a very long Time.)
  • (I also work a lot with “energies”. So some of this comes from the Psychic Realm.)
  • The voice I heard was a woman in her 40s. She has short, dark hair.
  • It was a mature voice, casual but direct. I could feel her sitting at a desk, in front of a microphone. I also felt as though someone, a man, off to her right, several feet away was watching some type of control panel. At the proper moment, he signaled her to say something… one word, into that microphone.
  • The word I heard was:
  • As that word was sent to me, I could see the letters. They were all capitalized and vertical, as if they were moving down through a narrow tube to get to me.
  • The entire experience lasted only 2-seconds.
  • The voice wasn’t Sylvia’s
After waking-up, I showed Sylvia that part of my mind, so she could understand what I had just experienced. I told her:
  • …but what about “Snowflakes”?
  • Is it a “timing”… Something will happen when “I” see Snowflakes?… or
  • Watch for the Snowflakes… but are they “Symbolic” or as a “product”?… or
  • Is that Coded energy?… but Coded for who?… For “me”? What am I supposed to do with that information?… or Coded for those Reading this… and what will “they” do with this energy?
  • I guess, only Time will tell.
The experience itself was very real. The voice was in my ear, as if someone were standing in the same room but my Sense is that she was nowhere near here. I don’t have a sense about her being on the surface of this planet or in Agartha (inner Earth) or off-world.
  • That’s a lot of specifics but as I said, anyone can do this. You simply have to “believe” in yourself and be very open to the idea that there are Layers and Energies surrounding every “one” and every “thing”. Everyone taps into those Energies but, because of the cabal’s Programming, shrug them off as a bad Dream or a “gut feeling” (good or bad), etc.
  • Just like a lover of Fine Art can look at a painting and tell whether the Artist was “right” or “left” -handed, these Energies can be Sensed, examined and interpreted. You just have to be aware of them and, like a “muscle”, you have to repeatedly go through the process of pulling out of them whatever you understand at that moment… and, like I mentioned above, the fresher the information… the sooner you write it out, the more you will glean from it.

PS 12-15-20 *MacM1, *Sylvia, Cobra, Financial

*First a comment:
After 20-hours of setting up our new Mac mini M1, I’m still at it. As I mentioned previously, for most people, it would take less than an hour from opening the box to having everything personalized and ready-to-use. I’m doing everything manually.
One of the things that I had a problem with is transferring our Music Library from our old Mac mini to this new one. When I initially did Imported all of our Song Files to this new Mac, only ONE Song actually appeared in the new Music program. It was a Song by “Switched-On Bach” Composer, Wendy Carlos.
However, when I looked at our iPhone, I saw that ALL of the Songs appeared in THAT program. I’m still puzzled as to how I moved them into the “Mac” but only appeared in the “iPhone”.
I was finally able to transfer our Songs by:
  • deleting all of them from the Mac and the iPhone,
  • turning OFF “ICloud Syncing”,
  • removing the cable which connects the Mac and the iPhone
  • togehter and
  • Importing them into the Mac mini again.

Once that was complete, I entered (by hand) all of the Artist and Album names and then added the Album Artwork.

Once all of that was done, THEN I turned ON iCloud Synching and, after that, I re-connected the cable between the Mac and the iPhone. When I did, all of the Songs were automatically copied from our iCloud Account to the iPhone’s Music program.
  • Here’s a tip on how to get rid of that annoying “U2” Album that never seems to go away…
  • Trying to remove this Album from the “Mac’s” Music software only allows you to “Hide” that Album and its Songs. However, when I used the iPhone to do the same thing, I saw that it allows you to “Delete” the Album. When I did that, the Album and its Songs no longer appeared in the iPhone OR the Mac.
I also had a problem with “Contacts”. At one point, I noticed “several” but not “all” were tripled, at least one Group was empty and an entry that I added to the iPhone, a month ago, didn’t show-up in the Mac. So I fixed those problems manually.
I still haven’t found a way to create a “Bootable”, external, Big Sur drive.
In case anyone’s wondering…
  • The new Mac mini is about 1.5-inches wider and deeper… and about a half-inch shorter than our 2009 Mac mini.
  • The M1 Mac mini only has 2-USB Ports, 2-Lightening Ports, 1-Ethernet Port, 1-HDMI Port (for video) and 1-Sound Out Port. That’s it. Our previous Mac mini had a lot more connections.
  • Is the new Mac mini M1 “blink-of-an-eye” fast, compared to our previous, 2009 Mac mini? No. However, even though our older Mac had a “Core 2 Duo” Processor, we have much more peace-of-mind in the 8-Core M1 Chip that Apple created. Partly because it has 8-Processors and partly because “Apple” created it. This means Apple’s Operating System and hardware are matched on many more levels than with previous Processors from Intel or Motorola.
  • With that said, the new Mac does take only 19-seconds to get to the Log-In screen, from when its Power Button is pressed, versus 60-seconds with our previous Mac mini.
  • Our 2009 Mac could not be upgraded beyond OSX version 10.11.6, El Capitan, which is 4 or 5 versions behind “Big Sur” (MacOS 11). So it’s been nice to see everything just work and everything to be completely compatible with our iPhone SE (2nd Generation) and all the websites we visit (especially when paying Bills).
  • Apple has changed the Boot Commands. They don’t work. Instead, you have to hold the Mac mini’s Power Button for a few seconds, on Bootup, and then click “Options”, in order to get access to those extra Tools. (It took me a bit to learn about this. So I thought it was important to pass-along.)
I’m not going to continue including information about this new Mac in our Blog Posts. (It’s just not the place for it.) This is just something that Sylvia encouraged me to purchase right now and something we’ve been setting up together. So I thought others might want to know how Sylvia and I are interacting with this new technology.
When I was sorting our nearly 200 Songs into their Album groupings, I didn’t remember how a few of them sounded. So I had to Play them. This wasn’t too bad until I clicked on the Songs that Sylvia not only wrote and played but also sang to.
A few of those were our Rehearsal Songs — recorded as we were working on the Notes, Instrumentation and how we should play our parts together to form the actual “Song”.
…and some of those Rehearsal Songs begin with Sylvia talking.
I haven’t heard those Songs in a VERY long Time but they were still difficult for me to fight-off those wonderful Memories… and when I heard Sylvia’s voice… well, let’s just say I had a mini-meltdown.
It’s now been over 505-weeks, since My Sylvia crossed-over… but, even today, when I heard Sylvia’s voice, those beautiful Memories of her came rushing back into my mind. Each Time, I have to fight them off because they remind me that she’s not “physically” here with me right now… and if I allow those Memories to run through my mind for too long, they begin to scratch-away the wall I’ve placed between “me Psychically being close to her” and “realizing that 505-weeks is a VERY, VERY long Time to be without her”.


This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Age of Aquarius Activation Update and a New Cobra Interview
  • “Time is slowly approaching for the Age of Aquarius final activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass, and even exceeding it significantly.”
  • “If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation, start dissolving the Matrix, and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the Age of Aquarius.”
  • “Next six days will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in almost 40 languages:”
  • “The main page with instructions for the activation is here:”
  • “Many people are supporting our activation.”
  • “Corey Goode:”
  • “Kauilapele:”
  • “Kelley Rosano:”
  • “Sementas das Estrelas:”
  • “Prepare for Change:”
  • “And many others.”
  • “All articles, videos , interviews, facebook groups ad meme posters about the Age of Aquarius activation are gathered here:”
  • “Open letter to invite spiritual leaders to our meditation is here:”
  • “Age of Aquarius Twitter account is here, and you can retweet if you feel so guided:”
  • “Main facebook event for our meditation is here:”
  • “Many Youtube channels have created playlists of promotional videos for our meditation in many languages:”
  • “Promotional anime video playlist is here:”
  • “Guided audio meditation videos in 38 languages are located in this Youtube playlist:”
  • “Live stream for the meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC on December 21st here:”
  • “If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, tt is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact, which is at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st. Timetable for other times zones is here:”
  • “Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent.”
  • “There will be two important moments before the activation where you are encouraged to meditate as well, as you will assist in the buildup of energies before the activation and assist in reaching the critical mass for our main meditation on December 21st.”
  • “These two moments of astrological and planetary significance, when this additional booster meditation will be very effective, are:”
  • “1. Saturn entering Aquarius on Thursday, December 17th at 5:04 am UTC”
  • “2. Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday, December 19th at 1:08pm UTC”
  • “You can convert that time into your time zone here.”
  • “Audio guided meditation playlist for both booster meditations in 31 languages is here:”
  • “And instructions for booster meditations are here:”
  • “A new Cobra interview has been conducted by Sisterhood of the Rose to bring more awareness of our Age of Aquarius activation.”
  • “The transcript in English is here:”
  • “In Polish here:”
  • “With transcripts in many other languages coming soon.”
  • “And the Youtube video is here:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Cobra also mentions a recent Interview. Here are a few highlights (Debra is the Interviewer):
  • “Cobra: Okay. this is not just a regular grand conjunction, which actually   happens every 20 years. As you have said, it is the first conjunction in an   air sign, and specifically in a sign of Aquarius, you know, in about 200   years. It is the closest grand conjunction in about 600 or 800 years. And it   is a conjunction that will be easily visible in the evening sky with naked   eyes. Also there are some other astrological configurations, which are part of   this grand conjunction, and this is especially the grand trine between Jupiter   and Saturn which are conjunct, with Alcyone which is the central star of the   Pleiadean star cluster, and also are trining the M87 galaxy in Virgo cluster,   which is one of the most important extra-galactic sources for the planetary   evolution.”
  • “And this grand trine will create super powerful energy flash going through   our solar system and entering also towards the surface of the planet, and   especially through the critical mass meditating. We will have a great flash of   energy going through the surface planetary grid, and that will shift the   timeline quite significantly if we reach the critical mass.”
  • “And   also this grand conjunction happens a few hours after the winter solstice.   Winter solstice is actually a moment of very ancient Goddess celebration, a   festival. It is the turning from darkness into the Light. It is the first-born   Light of the new year of the new cycle, which actually astrologically and   esoterically begins on the 21st of December.”
  • “So this is the actual   New Year’s Day. And this grand conjunction happens a few hours after this New   Year’s Eve, which is very significant, astrologically speaking. So all those   configurations are not all. We have preparatory strong aspects coming in   starting from December 10th and ongoing. I have released details about this on   my blog. So we have four major astrological configurations in December among   those, and there are also some other less significant ones – there are too   many to mention. So we will be having a very intense build up towards that   day, and then a strong energetical breakthrough on December 21st.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Yes.Well, if we reach or even exceed the critical mass, which is 144,000 people, what impact will we see in our physical world?”
  • “Cobra: The first thing that will happen will be the beginning of   deconstruction of the matrix construct around on this planet. There are many   advanced, exotic negative technologies that are controlling humanity in the   last 25,000 years influencing our consciousness – scalar devices,   electromagnetic fence, implants, biochips, different things that are part of   daily reality without people even realizing it, which have shut down our   consciousness. And this is going to begin to be deconstructed on that day, if   we reach the critical mass. So real cosmic Light will begin to fall into the   planetary sphere and onto the planetary surface. And this is the real great   awakening. Humanity hasn’t seen an awakening like this since the times of   Atlantis.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Wow. Does that mean some of the fog that Lightworkers experience and their difficulty in connecting to Source will be more clear?”
  • “Cobra: This will finally be addressed. Those situations are expected to improve first slowly, and then accelerate improving drastically. So connection with the Source with positive energies will be much easier when the quarantine, all those technologies, begin to clear. It will be much easier for us to connect with the Source and with higher planes of existence.”
  • “Debra: Okay, good. Because I was curious at what point will we start to see these effects – can we expect to see or feel anything already in the first month or two?”
  • “Cobra: Actually at the moment of the meditation, there will be the first effect when people will be able to feel that flash of energy. And yes, the effects can definitely be felt within a month or two, or even sooner. (Great) I can’t give any exact estimates, but one or two month timeframe will be a good description of where we can expect at least an energetic effect. And when there is a critical mass of energetic effects, this will precipitate on the physical plane as well.”
  • “Cobra: Many people who are alive right now have been born in this incarnation specifically for this mission to bring the new Age of Aquarius into reality. And this is the key moment in their lifetimes, in our lifetimes, basically. It is the key moment where we can unify and create a statement in the energy field that will last forever.”
  • “Debra: Wow. So this is it.”
  • “Cobra: Yes, this is it.”
  • >
  • “Cobra: The situation is that we are still in the final battle until the exact moment of the Event. So the dark ones, of course, will try to hijack the timelines again in 2021 as much as they can. But if we reach the critical mass, they will be much more stable. There will be much less negative surprises. And so the final outcome will be much better. For example, we have reached the critical mass in the meditation in January barely, but we have. If we would not have reached the critical mass in January, we would be in a totally different world right now. We would be in a more “New World Order” situation right now.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Interesting. Yeah, I wanted to ask you to what extent are the dark forces afraid of this Aquarian energy? You know, if this energy is so positive, would they, as you said, that sounds like they’re going to try to misuse it. Would they try to destroy it or try to escape it? “
  • “Cobra: They cannot destroy it. Because it’s so powerful. It enters every pore   of the surface of the planet. They cannot escape it because they have nowhere   to go. So they have to face it. The only thing they’re trying to do is to   create as much fear as possible because fear is a barrier against that energy.   This is the reason why they are creating all this, all those lockdowns and all   that fear propaganda about the virus, because they want to keep humanity in   the vibrational frequency of fear, as a shield against those Aquarian   energies. And of course, those energies are of a galactic and extra-galactic   nature. No amount of their engineering can stop extra galactic energies from   coming here.”
  • >
  • ”Debra: Wow, well, that is definitely a problem in our society. So we definitely should be aware of that. With this Aquarius energy coming in, will our powers to manifest increase? And what can you recommend that would help us all use this, the positive side of this new Aquarius energy?”
  • “Cobra: Actually, yes, because Aquarian energy will begin to fry the matrix.   It will begin to clear the matrix, and when all those different elements of   the matrix are gone, manifestation process will be much easier. And, of   course, the highest purpose is to focus on the most positive aspect of the   Aquarian energy – and that is a spiritual connection with your higher self.   That’s number one.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Okay. Can you update us on what percentage of the Chimera is left, both in ships and underground?”
  • “Cobra: Yeah. The ships are gone. The Chimera fleet is gone. It has been removed. So what is happening now is the clearing of the underground bases, which is in progress. I cannot give percentage, but I will say that their fleet, their starships spaceships are gone. The Chimera is not able to live, they are not able to go beyond Low Earth Orbits. It’s not possible because the Galactic Confederation can stop them and remove them.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Interesting. Can you share with us right now how close are these Galactic Confederation Light ships to the surface? “
  • “Cobra: Ships can come quite close. I would say the vast majority of them are   right now in Low Earth Orbit. Some of them are stretching outwards, through   the whole sublunar space. And of course, there’s a vast fleet beyond sublunar   space throughout the solar system, which is already in their final position   with their finger on the trigger to start the Event, you know. So what is   happening closer to the Low Earth Orbit I am not at liberty to comment as of   yet.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Okay. Question about where are the souls going now of people who die – are they met by the Ashtar ships to be held until the Event or are the Archons still guarding them and putting the soul back into the reincarnation cycle?”
  • “Cobra: Unfortunately, the Archons are of course still guarding. This is still part of the matrix construct. So people who die are intercepted by the Archons and are still kept in the incarnation cycle.”
My comments: Ok. I have to chime-in on this one. Either Cobra’s information on this “where do people go when they cross-over” situation is wrong or My Sylvia is even MORE Special than “I” know her to be… because I know exactly what happened to Sylvia before, during and after she crossed-over. Even now, these more than 505-weeks after her “crossing”, I know, deep down, “I know” she is not being harmed… not captured… not “stuck” anywhere. I know she’s here with me “all” or “most” of the Time. I know she’s done some exploring of the realm she is now within. Some of this “exploring” is because my girl is a perpetual student and some of it is because she was invited to “take tours” and ‘learn” about various parts of her current world… both on the surface and inside the planet.
So, although I can’t verify the other facets of what Cobra is saying. I “CAN” state this his “die” information does not have anything to do with My Sylvia.
If anyone reading this has loved ones on the other side of the “Veil”, I can’t speak for what they are currently experiencing, because I don’t know their Life Path. I only know “for certain” what My Sylvia is experiencing.
  • “Debra: I’d like to speak to you now a little bit about some current events, and of course, a primary concern on everyone’s mind is the COVID-19 vaccine. Those people who are “asleep” wonder anxiously when they can get it, thinking it will allow them to get back to their normal lives, while those who are “awake” wonder anxiously how they can NOT get it. But on all sides, it feels like we are currently living in a science fiction movie, with desperate actions of the dark to rush in their New World Order dystopian agenda, and to keep the masses entrenched in fear. Is the dark rushing their plan because of the higher planetary vibration that the Age of Aquarius brings that will expedite the arrival of the solar flash and the Event?”
  • “Cobra: Actually, yeah, the dark forces are aware of the Event coming, of the Age of Aquarius, of the solar flash, of the galactic flash. They are all aware. I mean, the top leaders of the dark forces are aware of this and they’re afraid of it. They know that this is going to happen and they would like to prevent it. And actually, the fact that they have executed their plans in this year, it means that they know this is coming soon. It is a sign of their despair and their fear and not a sign of their strength. They have activated their plans because they know that this is coming soon, and this is what they’re doing to prevent it.”
  • “Debra: And of course, we know they won’t be able to prevent it. Correct?”
  • “Cobra: Of course, they will not be able to prevent it. They can bring us some very difficult moments, but they will not be able to prevent the planetary evolution and planetary liberation. It’s not possible.”
  • >
  • “Debra: Okay. Very good. We have talked about so much here. I appreciate everything we’ve discussed. In closing, can you share some inspiring words to people in terms of getting through this time now, before the Event through until planetary liberation?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. The first good news is that the year 2020 is almost over, and a year like this will never happen again. So this is the first good news. The second good news is we are preparing this great meditation and it’s a huge opportunity for us to make a big step forward and we are really getting closer. So we have just to continue until we are victorious.”
Here’s the direct link to that Interview:
This 52-minute video is a talk between Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, and 2 other gentlemen.
I’m including this for those who have not heard about NESARA, GESARA, the upcoming change in the world’s Financial System, gold-back currencies, the Quantum Financial System, etc. However, around the 37-minute mark, Charlie states:
  • Anyone who has any type of Bank Account now, already has a mirrored “Quantum Financial System” Account in their name. It’s just not known by the general public yet.
  • Later, Charlie states that there’s been 150,000 Arrests, Guantanamo (prison) has been expanded to 5-times its capacity and is now overflowing. They have moved a prison ship into that area to deal with the extra prisoners. Over 1,700 flights went there last week.
  • The United Kingdom “corporation” has recently been shut down.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-12-20 *Dream, *MacM1, Wilcock

*First a comment:
This Dream came to me a couple nights ago…
  • I was in our home. (Not something I’ve seen in “awake” life.) We have lived there for several years.
  • It was nighttime. I was missing Sylvia, because I had not seen her for a couple of days. I was talking with my Dad about something. (My Dad crossed-over a few years before Sylvia.)
  • While he and I were talking in the Living Room, I heard the Telephone ring in the next room. (Dining Room or Kitchen. I’m not sure.) I heard the Answering Machine recording the Call and I heard Sylvia’s voice! I immediately went into frantic, “I’ve got to get to that phone RIGHT NOW” mode, as I rushed into the next room.
  • I’m full of high-energy and very frantic that I can’t seem to get the Answering Machine to let me talk to Sylvia. So as I shout at the phone… “Sylvia… Sylvia… Sylvia…”, I’m desperately doing my best to switch the main button from “Answer” to “Talk” but nothing I do works. I’m still focused on Sylvia’s voice during all of this and I hear her say: “I think it’s time to send 2-pizzas the the Rego house.” (That’s all I remember her saying.)
My interpretation…
  • To “me”, this “house” of ours is on the other side of the “Veil” — where Sylvia and my Dad currently exist. Our home felt real, like Sylvia lives there and I meet her there during some of my “Dream State” times. For my Dad to be there during this particular “Dream”, and me not seeing (or remembering) his face, tells me that he was in this Dream as an “aspect” — a facet which lets me know that “I” am on the other side of the “Veil”.
  • In “Dream Interpretation”, hearing a voice through a device, such as a Telephone, indicates communication with someone on the “other side”. So, even though I noticed the Signs, telling me that I was “on the other side”, Sylvia’s voice through the Answering Machine reinforced that.
  • Sylvia suggesting that she is going to have “2” pizzas be delivered to our home tells me that her and I will be enjoying them together… because we’ll be re-united.
  • Overall, this Dream is very positive and tells me that the Time is now here (from “Sylvia’s” perspective) when the “Veils” will be removed.
For many, many months, Sylvia and I have been struggling with this 2009 Mac mini. So, during this last Black Friday sale day, we bought a brand new, Mac mini with Apple’s newly-released “M1” Chip inside. We’ve been getting to bed around 5a, these last few nights, because of it. Right now, I have put around 20-hours into setting it up. Not because it’s complicated but because I wanted to be sure we didn’t carry any “baggage” into this new computer.
For most people, unboxing, configuring and begin using a new Macintosh would take less than an hour. Because I didn’t want to use Apple’s handy automation software, to bring Files and Settings from the old Mac to the new one, I had to transfer every manually.
We also purchased a new UPS (Battery Backup) unit and that took a while to untangle cables and connect everything correctly.
The only thing I haven’t accomplished yet is making an external, Bootable drive with this latest MacOS and all of our Settings.
  • In making this new Mac and its Operating System even more secure than previous versions, Apple used a software “Seal” within the hard drive and, right now, only Apple seems to have the software tool which can properly create a new one, whenever a “Bootable” drive is made. Sylvia and I even paid to upgrade our “Carbon Copy Cloner” software today, which stated that it can create Bootable drives but after many hours and a lot of research, I couldn’t get it to work. (Yes, I also upgraded “Big Sur” to version 11.0.1)
It’s nice having everything work again. It’s nice having cutting-edge technology. As we’re paying our Bills, we’re starting to see web pages that we’ve never seen. For example, when paying our phone Bill today, instead of being taken to a 2nd website to enter the payment information, everything was quick and easy on one web page.
  • That company didn’t make any changes. It was because our Mac now has the latest technology and can interact with the latest, underlying security features on that website.
Sylvia’s reminding me… The only other thing I couldn’t accomplish was transferring our Music Libary across.
  • I did an “Export” from the older Mac and an “Import” on the new one but the Songs just didn’t appear in the new iTunes. This new Apple SuperDrive (CD/DVD drive) we bought is going to get a lot of use… because now we have to feed it all of our Music CDs, in order to get those Songs into this new Mac. (Yes, I could still use Apple’s “Migration Assistant” for this but, in my experience, other Files also get transferred in the process, even though you only select “Music”.)
Anyway. Even though I’m still looking for a job, it’s still a good feeling that our “communication to the world” is the best it can be.
This almost 3-hour video is a talk between David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley.
Maybe it was “just me” but I didn’t feel that the information present was Resonating with what is truly happening behind-the-scenes right now. I just kept hearing a lot of negatives.
With that said, they do talk about “Disclosure”, beginning just after the last hour-mark.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 12-9-20 CryptoCurrency

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
In this 51-minute video Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, talks with 2 others about the “XRP” Crypto Currency. They also talk a little about NESARA, the upcoming Quantum Financial System, how XRP is used and how it’s going to skyrocket in the next few months.
My comments: Several months ago, Sylvia had me take $10 and buy “XRP”. It was selling for 24-cents a Coin at that Time. About a month ago, I saw it quickly move up to over 60-cents. Right now, it’s hovering around 60-cents a Coin.
Because “some say” XRP is part of the new Quantum Financial System, just seeing it spike like that told “me” that something was finally happening behind-the-scenes, regarding the upcoming Global Financial Reset.
I’m not telling anyone to buy XRP or any Crypto Currencies. I’m simply stating what Sylvia and I have done. With this video, we are even more hopeful that something big “might” happen with XRP and to be a part of it, before it actually happens, is a great feeling.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: