PS 8-29-20 NESARA, Arrests, “cabal”, Power

This 1-hour, 50-minute video is an update from whistleblower, Charlie Ward. He does repeat several facets that he’s mentioned in other videos. However, he does state a few things which are new.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Charlie said… he realized this morning what “Q” is. He said: “It stands for Quantum.”
  • Around the 30-minute mark, he talks about the Protests in Germany. He says there are between 2 and 6-million people there, Protesting the corrupt government. They won’t leave until the government steps down. He said one of the Airlines has told their customers… If you’re successful, we’ll refund your money. So they are encouraging people to go there and Protest.
  • Charlie says the “Wall”, between Mexico and the U.S., we really started by President Trump to kick-start the Steel Industry here.
  • The “MedBeds” have been hidden away for years by the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) and bill gates because they didn’t have Shares in them. Charlie says the MedBeds will scan the person and repair the damage, if any, or it will produce a Report, so others can do the work. Charlie feels that President Trump has had MedBeds built since he came into Office.
  • Charlie’s explained “Tik Tok” in other videos but this Time he’s provided more information… He says his Son, Justin, uses Tik Tok. (From what I understand, it’s a Chinese-based company that spies on Children and, somehow pedophiles use that technology to spy on Children.) Charlie says everyone’s telling him to get his Son off of Tik Tok. Charlie says, no. He wants to know about any pedophiles who try to get his Son to “cooperate” with them. Charlie says: “Let’s put it this way. I know a lot of “Characters”.” He says he can get anyone’s IP Address (their computer or phone’s location), anywhere in the world, within 30-minutes… Even if they’re using “VPN” (a technological privacy wall). Charlie says, then there will be a knock of that pedophiles door and they will be in big trouble.
  • Charlie says only between 10 and 20-percent of what the cabal has done on this planet will be released to the Public, because it’s just too horrible to think about. He says, putting all the gory details out there will only corrupt people’s minds and we need to Clear everyone’s minds. As Charlie and the Interviewer were talking, Charlie had an “insight”… He said: Remember when they had all those Field Hospitals around the country. They were there for the Children they rescued. Remember when they showed the “Ventilators” being brought into those places? Maybe they weren’t “Ventilators”. Maybe they were MedBeds. He knows the rescued Children will be the first to use them. So maybe the White Hats have already been doing that.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


“According to the following web page”, “IF” that information is real, then it’s all done except for the Public revealing.
That web page not only lists which cabal members have been Arrested and who has “turned” but it also describes some of the meetings President Trump has had and which countries have now joined him.
This website, as well as a couple other Sources, have mentioned that the White Hats are in control of everything and the “negative” things that are currently happening, are being “allowed” to happen by the White Hats, in order to get the “Sheeple” to WAKE UP.
My comments: Part of me says “that makes sense” but part of me says “why are they allowing violence?” Cities are being destroyed. People are being beaten or crossed-over. That part does not make any sense… If they have the information and resources to stop the negativity, then why are they allowing that aspect to continue? Only Time will tell, I guess.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This short article “claims” to be written by someone “in’ or “associated with” Special Operations.
This is basically what they wrote to “antifa”:
  • “_______________________________________________________________”
  • “We have Antifa and Black Lives Matter dead to rights!”
  • “When President Trump mentioned we can “solve this in a matter of an hour” he was speaking from Intel briefing from Special Operations:”
  • “POTUS has give SpecOps standby orders…”
  • “You have no idea the power of Surveillance…”
  • “You have no idea the accuracy of SpecOps operators to execute a mission.”
  • “Lethal Force is not only available, it will be the only force.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This message is from whistleblower, Charlie Freek.
  • “Trump is not just the Supreme Leader in the U.S.… he is now de facto leader of all 210 countries world wide… YOU ARE NOT ALONE… you are NOT GOING TO BE EITHER Vaccinated or 5G’ed… and why are the Chinese Flying in waves of airplanes to country after country??? We were asked not to say anything, but this is ridiculous with so many of you… so here goes a BRIEF explanation to hold you over…”
  • “The Chinese are flying in TESLA TOWER Parts all over the world… and this is the NEW Chinese Republic that is behind this… they have asked Chinese workers to work as long as they freely will to HELP the rest of the world heal… so STOP PANICKING… there is a Plan, and it is the MOTHER of all plans…”
  • “The Many have been PLAYED by the cabal with this Covid-19, now it’s our turn to have the LAST LAUGH… and the NOOSE is coming FAST for ALL these Demons… and there won’t be any deals, no reprieves… just EXECUTION after EXECUTION as we rid this perfect Earth of the utmost Evil we have ever known…”
  • “BREATHE… RELAX… You are NEVER Alone…”
My comments: “IF” the Chinese really HAVE built parts for creating “Tesla Towers”, then it means we are about to have “Tesla’s” free-energy. From what I understand, his Tower was to broadcast “energy” / “electricity” to various devices all around the world. This means there won’t be a need for “every one” and “every device” to have a “container of energy”, even if “Zero-Point Energy” is released. “Broadcasted” energy would be even better, simply because each device will just use the energy that’s surrounding it… AND, since this is “supposed” to be Nikola Tesla’s own technology, it won’t be harmful to people or the planet.
The way things are rolling-out, it “seems” as though many facets to this puzzle will be released to the Public in 2020. Of course, only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-28-20 Children

This 1-hour video is another Interview with Charlie Ward.
Here are a few highlights:
  • They talk a lot about the many Children that are being rescued, around the world.
  • Around the 25-minute mark, one of the Interviewers asks Charlie about President Trump: “…and he’s also getting help off-planet isn’t he?” (Charlie) “Without a shadow of a doubt.”
  • Trump’s taking down “seriously powerful people”.
  • He explains “GESARA”.
  • He’s asked “When will we see the MedBeds?”
  • “The W.H.O. (World Health Organization) will cease to exist. They’ve got nothing to do with health. They’re a drug dealer. That’s all they are.”
  • He’s asked: “With no Debt, how do we buy a house?”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-25-20 *UnTalked, Fulford, Revaluation, Harrison, BraTracking, GESARA

*First a comment:
  • That’s the title that popped into my mind. I searched my mind for another word or term but was immediately brought back to “UnTalked”
I’ve been thinking about these facets, lately (just “my” opinions”)…
Here are just a few of the “alternative news” / “behind-the-scenes” “Puzzle Pieces” that I haven’t been hearing about (at least on the “in your face” level) in the last few months:
  • Nibiru,
  • black goo,
  • Secret Space Program,
  • Fluoride in our Water Systems,
  • Chemtrails,
  • Antarctica,
  • UFOs,
  • Mars,
  • the Moon,
  • anti-gravity technology,
  • 5G
Here are just a few of the current Services, Processes that Society will no longer be needing, once the upcoming changes are in place:
  • Income Tax software or services (like H & R Block),
  • Banks – (The new Financial System was explained by Charlie Ward in a video I included a few days ago.) If you want to buy a “High Ticket” item, such as a house, car, yacht, college, etc., you will simply go to your new Financial Account (based on “Quantum Blockchain technology) and ask others to add some money to your Account. They will want to do this because, when they do, “their” Account will be increased.
  • Credit Cards – These are also based on the cabal’s illegal “money” System. All “Debt based” transactions will no longer be allowed.
  • Federal Reserve and all “Central Banks” around the world, including the IMF (International Monetary Fund), etc.
  • IRS – From what “I” understand, there will be some type of “flat tax” on certain “goods and services”.
  • “Bloated” Government
I’m sure I’ve missed several but those should give everyone some things to think about.
This video is a new, weekly talk between Benjamin Fulford and Robert David Steele.
Benjamin Fulford and Robert David Steele stated that they will provide short, weekly videos (for the foreseeable future), in order to update people on what their “Insiders” have been telling them.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is the link to Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report:
Here are a few excerpts:
  • “”Fortunately, there are growing signs of some sort of  astonishing military action against the cabal , possibly as early as September, several sources agree.”
  • “Of particular interest is the total blackout of satellites over a large area of ​​the South Atlantic. The story at the link below speaks of a sort of ” magnetic anomaly” forcing operators to shut down satellites that cross the South Atlantic. If you look at the map, you see that it is centered right on Buenos Aires , Argentina. Nazi sources say this is to cover up a major military deployment.”
  • “Finally this week we can report that multiple sources speak of some sort of imminent financial recovery. Pentagon sources say the Zionist-controlled SWIFT international bank transfer system has been removed while the ” quantum financial system is online”.
  • “Two different Dragon family sources say huge funds are being prepared for a campaign to repair the planet. We are reluctant to give specific dates, but many sources say something could happen as early as September. Given all the false alarms we’ve seen, believe it  when you see it realized.”


In the following 1-hour video, Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, talks to 2 people who live in Australia. They cover the various happenings in Australia during the entire video.
  • Around the 12:20-mark, Charlie begins to talk about the new, world Financial System, which was started (according to Charlie) on August 2nd. He then says the “Swift” / “Fiat” Financial System will be turned OFF on August 31st. (We’ve heard all of this last week, from Charlie. However, he then states “The actual date that it takes full control is either the 10th or 11th of September.” (In the last week’s videos, Charlie stated that the new Financial System would be “turned ON” on September 1st. He says it will be official known on the 10th or 11th of September. This is worldwide.)
  • He just said Judy Shelton is now in-charge of the Federal Reserve. (This is the first I’ve heard of this.)
  • September will be a difficult month, in order to cover-up the Financial transition. (This doesn’t make sense to me.)
  • Charlie mentioned that the tightest lockdowns in Australia are in those cities where the underground areas are being cleared out.
  • “Fear will kill you. Covid won’t.”
  • “The people who died, of so say “covid-19″, every single one of them, had had a Flu Vaccine. Not one person in the world, who didn’t have a Flu Vaccine, was affected by covid-19.”
  • Within 120-days after GESARA is declared, there has to be an Election. These will be the new rules for every Country.
  • “Tax won’t exist, other than a Purchase Tax, between 13 and 17-percent on non-essential items.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Charlie Ward did 2 other videos today. These are “Part 1” and “Part 2”. They’re 1-hour each.
Here are a few highlights from Part 2:
  • Around the 17-minute mark, Charlie explains “Q”.
  • Around the 44:45-mark, Charlie explains how wearing “masks” will lower your Immune System and when the cold weather comes, old people will have problems staying healthy. He says “That’s genocide.”
  • He says there’s a “2nd lockdown” coming, probably in September. Charlie says they’re doing this to cover up the transition from the old Financial System to the new one. He also says there will be a number of deaths. However, these will be from suicides, heat attacks and those people who were supposed to have Operations a few months ago but couldn’t because “they were told” the hospitals were full. Charlie also says the “lockdown” will cover-up the final Arrests around the world.
  • “We’re moving into a far better world.”
Here’s the link to Part 1:
Here’s the link to Part 2:
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This 1-hour, 14-minute video is an Update from Lisa Harrison. She also skipped a number in naming this one. It’s Episode 80.
Here are a few highlights:
  • We are on the “Rainbow Bridge”
  • Lisa feels as though something big is going to happen very, very soon… maybe the 28th.
  • She says there’s a Prophecy, from New Zealand, which says, when the 3-Gorges Dam breaks, it will be the beginning of the Earth Changes.
  • NESARA, GESARA (global financial changes) feels “soon”.
  • “Our “energetic” as well as our “3D” eyesight is changing and sometimes we’re getting little glimpses of what’s really there. ‘Cause this is an illusion. There’s something right behind it. The Veil is so thin.”
  • She feels that there will still be “something in the Skies” but we all need to use our own Intuition to determine if it’s an alien invasion, Project Bluebeam or people from Home. She doubts that they have the means to pull that off any more.
  • “We have to write ourselves out of this Story, in a way that we can actually handle… the Story.”
  • “Based off messages from “Home”, when this place ends, there’s one of two places to go… Home or the Temporary Realm.”
  • “Water holds Light.” She’s had messages from Home stating that we should be sure to drink more water. “The more hydrated you are, the more Light you can hold.”
  • The “Rainbow Bridge” is a metaphor. “It means, to me, that we are in the process of extracting ourselves.” (from the Matrix)
  • “Very common to feel like you no longer need food. People’s relationship to food is changing dramatically and constantly… just go with it. Follow what you body is telling you.”
  • Some people may feel as though they’re in a Void. Lisa feels that it means you left the old System but haven’t connected to the new one yet. “Meditate and set your Intention to connect to the bigger part of you or the next step in your path or whatever feels right.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
  • Around the 3:30-mark, in the following video, the Narrator shows a short clip of 2 women who “say” they recently purchased Bras from Victoria’s Secret. In that clip, they peel parts of the Strap and reveal what “they claim” is a Tracking Device. “They” say it’s not a “Security Device”, to reduce theft from their stores.
The Narrator in the following video points-out that the head of Victoria’s Secret is (or was) friends with Epstein.
I’m including this in case it does turn out to be part of a real “women-Tracking” System.
  • Around the 11:20-mark, the Narrator shows another short video. This one shows a Doctor, wearing a “mask” and using a Vape, so you can easily see the smoke-like particles easily going through the material of his “mask”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 50-minute video, Charlie Ward provides a few more facets to what is “supposedly” really going on, behind-the-scenes, with the upcoming Global Financial Reset.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Around the 19:30-mark, he is asked how much money will be in everyone’s new “Quantum Blockchain” Financial Account. Charlie explains that this amount will be different for everyone.
My comments: This tells “me”, yes, everyone will start that new Account with some amount of money. In other words, it probably won’t be starting at zero… but will there be a minimum amount everyone can expect?… $1, $100, $10,000, $1,000,000? Only Time will tell.
  • Around the 29:20-mark, Charlie is asked about the upcoming release of the “Med Beds”. (Charlie mentioned this new technology in another video but never explained it.)
  • “The old Doctor System has been completely controlled by money.”There are 6,000 Patents that are going to be released.” “The World Health Organization is nothing more than a front-up drug dealer.)
  • “The next shutdown will be to cover the arrest of those people.” (He’s talking about the corrupt Politicians of Europe and in America.)
  • Charlie says the President of Iraq has fired his entire Political lineup and will be brining in people he can trust. He also says Iraq will be the first Economy to be Revalued and once they’re Revalued, the rest of the dominoes will fall.
  • Charlie explains that is someone wants to exchange, say the “Iraqi Dinar”, they will go to an “Exchange Center” and explain what they plan on using the money for and THAT will determine what the Exchange Rate is.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-21-20 Updates, CryptoCurrency, Financials

*First a comment:
I thought there was only 1 “deep whistleblower” video available right now but it seems like there are 5… from one Source.
“IF” what I’m now hearing is real, then ALL of this is “History in the making”. We are being told about a few very MASSIVE changes which are about to unfold ON THIS PLANET. Please keep an open mind and do your own Research!
In this 45-minute video there are 3 people who seem to have deep-level contacts from Sources around the world.
Here are a few highlights:
  • They say that 96-percent of the D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bunkers) have been cleared-out from the U.S. They also give the percentages for South America, Europe, Australia, etc.
  • They describe the “cities” under these D.U.M.B.s
  • They talk about “Clones” and describe the 4 different types and how they are created.
  • They talk about Richard Branson and his 17-islands where he caters to the “high”  Elite. They said these 13-families are actually above the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. (I always thought the Rothschilds were part of those high-level families.)
  • They explain that there’s a shift in power in the Middle East. This happened when Trump “empowered the U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates). “Not Dubai, as a place, but more to do with Abu Dhabi, which is the Old School, Old Mentality. Humble. Very, very powerful and good people.” They said it’s going back to the “original true Sect that is the original true Muslin, not what was written by Muhammed… but what was actually written by Ishmael.”
  • They talk about the books which were recently taken out of the Vatican. “…including the 60-foot high books”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 1-hour video, Charlie Ward talks with 2 others, who seem to know about the new, upcoming, world Financial System.
Here are a few highlights:
  • A “Crypto Currency” which is actually backed by Gold and is based on Quantum Physics… and is part of the new Voting process, which will be used around the world.
  • Charlie then talks about the “Fiat” / “Swift” Financial System in America and that it will be switched OFF on August 31st, 2020. He stated that the new Financial System was switched ON August 2nd, 2020. They did this so it could run in parallel to the old System. He said the new paper money for the U.S. is ready to be rolled-out… and when it is, most people won’t even notice the difference. They’ll be told it’s just a slight change in the design of the money. The new paper money will be phased-in and the old, “cabal” money will be phased-out.
  • Saint Germain’s Trust. There was a lot of Gold in the Vatican but it’s been taken out and placed into Fort Knox.
  • Gold has been purposely kept down and when the Revaluation happens Gold will go up but they don’t know by how much. The same with Silver and any Precious Metals.
  • We’ll be Voting through a new “App” from the Treasury. “That’s actually our new Bank now.”
  • “The Debt is completely and utterly illegal and it’s immoral.” Debt Forgiveness will happen very, very, very soon. It’s happening in some places already. Charlie’s already had hundreds of eMails and messages saying that their Credit Card Debt, Student Loans, etc. have suddenly been zeroed-out and nobody can explain why. He says a lot of people have suffered. They lost their houses. They lost their businesses through corrupt, banking cabals. These people will be compensated.
  • They agree that the new Financial System will not be hackable. So it will cut down on fraud and many other negative aspects of “money”. (My “guess” is that “Banks” will begin to fade away after September 1, 2020.)
  • The “Vaccines” are just a smokescreen. Even the story about Putin’s Daughter “getting a Vaccine”. “Vaccines” were the Plan of the “new world order”. It’s not going to happen.
  • They talk about the “Clones” and how they are not very good Clones.
  • “Trump is totally in control of CNN right now. Totally. He’s totally in control of these Clone’s Social Media Accounts.”
  • Charlie was asked: “Do you believe there’s going to be any type of Black Out?” Charlie’s response: “I honestly do and I think we’re coming up to the perfect time for it, in September.” Charlie thinks they will take down the Internet.
  • One of them made a great observation: “Never hate something you don’t understand.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This 1-hour, 20-minute video is also with Charlie Ward. This Time he is joined by 3 other people. (I’ve never heard of any of them.)
Here are a few highlights:
  • (If I heard this correctly…) Charlie explains… As of a few weeks ago, “a” or “some” “Dragon Bonds” were cashed in a Swiss Bank, which produced 100-Trillion Dollars. This then Cleared, 100-percent Cleared the U.S. Debt, the Russian Debt, the Indian Debt and the Chinese Debt. This Debt was to pay the Interest on Loans from long ago. “The minute the money was paid back to the “Federal Reserve”, who Lent the money, a Subpoena issued against the “Federal Reserve” for Fraud and the money was Seized and nobody outside a close circle knows that that happened. As of today, America doesn’t have any Debt. The “Debt Clock”, right now, is merely for show… for those who don’t know what’s really going on. “We will start to see the Forgiveness of Debt in the month of September and a lot more.”
  • The other 3 people seem to have a highly Religious background. One of them has a Son who is a Prophet. (I’m using her, his Mom’s word.) The Son said God has told him that Washington D.C. will turn “red” this coming Election. His Mom, had a Dream which showed every State changing from whatever color it was… to “red” this November.
  • Charlie doesn’t think the “Electoral College” will be used during this Election. He also thinks the “Democrat” and “Republican” Parties will be dissolved after this Election. There are good people and bad people in both “Parties”. We should simply Vote for the “people” and not the “Party”.
  • The “little hitlery”, who spoke at the Democratic Convention was a Clone. Not the best copy ever made and doesn’t contain a Soul.
  • “Religion is divisive.” Charlie says he believes in Faith and God. (I stand corrected.) They are now talking about the number of people in this world who have been mislead about “Religion”. (The 4 people in this video seem to not be following “Religion” but, instead, a true Faith in God.
  • The last Arrests will be the high-level Politicians and Elite and the final removal will be the Main Stream Media. There will be difficult times in September. “It’s time to hibernate. Knowing that the war’s going out there and he’s draining the last little bits of the Swamp.” The last high-level people to be Arrested will be Chiefs of Police, high-ranking Military Officials and Elite who are well-protected.
  • Charlie explains the “Alliance”.
  • Charlie states: “The Chinese Communist Party has been removed. Because of the way things work, even the Chinese people don’t know this yet.
  • The Trump Team has planned all of their moves with Military Precision. They set traps for the cabal and the cabal have jumped in with both feet and the cabal has fired all of their bullets far, far too early and have nothing left.
My comments: Right now, it’s 11:15p and I’m eating Supper while watching this. They keep coming out with such VERY hopeful information… I just keep crying, making it difficult to eat.
I’m crying because we are so very close to all of this happening. I can feel it.
  • Remember, my goal in waking everyone up and seeing the “Global Financial Reset” actually take place is selfish… Once this happens, this Planet will exponentially go through the next Phases of this puzzle: Official Disclosure of Star Visitors and the release of exotic technologies, such as Zero-Point Energy, anti-gravity devices, space travel, etc… and somewhere in there will be “the Event”, which is when the “Veil” is removed and Sylvia and I are re-united with each other.
  • “Between now and the end of the year, we’re going to go through an RV, a Revaluation.”
  • Charlie talks about the Iragi Dinar. He says they’ve tested the upcoming Revaluation of different Currencies with 100 people and each person was asked what they were going to use that new Wealth for. When they said they would use it for “Humanitarian Aid”, they became incredibly rich. One guy, who said that, actually went out and bought a Plane and a Ferrari. A few days later, his new Crypto Currency Account was zeroed-out. (He lost all that money.)
  • Someone asks Charlie about Real Estate. He says “Real Estate will drop by between 50 and 80-percent in value and it will go back to when my grandparents were alive, where you could buy a House for 2-year’s Salary. Next year, you will not be able to get Mortgages because a Mortgage is translated to a Debt Pledge.” If you want to buy a House, but can’t afford one, there will be people in the Blockchain who will help you out.
  • The new Financial System will be about “Humanitarian Matters”. If you use your Crypto Currency Account to help people, your money will grow. “It’s about Humanity and moving the world in a better place.”
  • Charlie says it’s Trump’s Team who is currently Posting about “defund the Police”, just to see if they can wake people up.
  • Right now, there are still a lot of people who are still very much Asleep. Charlie said there was a guy in England driving his car and wearing a mask. He also had glasses on and they steamed-up. He got into an accident and they fined him for WEARING a mask. One of the women in this video said her Son’s friend went to the hospital, because he didn’t know what was wrong with him. They told him he had pneumonia and they attributed it to him WEARING a mask.
My comments: Wow! What great information!!!
One thing no one talked about, in any of the above videos, is the “Re-Distibution Of Wealth”. This is where each person on the surface of this Planet receives a portion of the money that the cabal has stolen from Humanity, over the last several hundred years. This includes the “Saint Germain Trust”.
Will everyone’s “Crypto Currency Account” simply be opened with, say, 1-Million Dollars? Because if they just move everyone’s existing Checking and Savings Accounts over to the new System, most of us will have a “Zero” Balance.
When Charlie mentioned that Houses would be revalued down to the prices of the 1950s (or so), he didn’t mention if everything else would be revalued — especially vehicles. If we’ll be able to buy a new Home for, say, 12,000, does that mean we’ll be able to buy a new car for $4,000? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-20-20 Elections, Predictions

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
I’m only including this because I thought a lot of you could use a good laugh right now. (Since Sylvia “crossed-over”, I don’t do any laughing but I can see that this short clip could be very funny. Why? Because it shows the “cabal” making fools of themselves… again.
Starting at the 12:28-mark, the Narrator shows a clip of the “Democratic National Convention”. Granted those in the “Audience” are supposed to “Social Distance”, which is ridiculous, but you can actually count the number of people there, very easily.
Then they show a very large screen filled with about 25 squares. Each square contains the video of a “Virtual Attendee”. However, the Narrator points-out that 3 of those squares a DUPLICATES. The “cabal” not only couldn’t fill all the chairs in that room but they couldn’t even get enough people to agree to be part of the Virtual Audience!!!
My comments: Hey “cabal”! You’re little group of halfwits are just a joke. Why don’t you save yourselves a LOT of stress and just turn yourselves in? You have no clue as to what you’re doing and the more you continue to do, the more you expose your stupidity. You’ve become more of a “clown show” than you were before. So you’ve actually topped yourselves. Wow. What an accomplishment.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 30-minute video is Psychic, Louise Jones, providing Predictions of upcoming world events. Pretty much everything she “Predicts” are things I have heard from other Sources.
One Insight in this video is at the 26:42-mark where Louise states:
  • “…and I want to leave you with this thought tonight… If the Media never told us about this virus, would you ever have known it existed?”
Although she mentions an upcoming “staged event”, she does state that we are protected and that things will be getting better soon.
She mentions:
  • Julian Assange,
  • Edward Snowden,
  • empty hospitals,
  • false flag events,
  • arrests,
  • President Trump, etc.

I’m including this “Psychic” facet of information because it provides a different perspective from the other Sources I include.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 8-19-20 Updates, NESARA

It seems that every Time whistleblower, Charlie Ward, talks there’s extremely interesting information provided.
Here are a few highlights from this 40-minute video:
  • He said that he just got off the phone with one of his very high-up Insiders.
  • He said the new Financial System was being tested, behind-the-scenes, and everything is working perfectly. He said it will “probably Launch September the first and the old Swift System will cease to exist on August the 31st.”
  • It seems like the “Interviewer” also has Insider connections… She states: “Comey was Arrested 4/4, Lisa Page, who slept with Comey, McCabe and with Strok, was Arrested 4/5 along with Peter Strok… along with James Clapper and James Brennen was Arrested 4/6… that is confirmed with General Moore.” Comey and Page were released with Ankle Monitors because they talked.
  • Charlie said “he” (I assume means “Trump”) removed 12 “Families” in Venice and the Vatican. He said this was the “head of the beast” that Trump has referred to.
  • They both state that “60 Preists were put to death”.
  • They both say Kamala Harris is a clone… and it’s not a good one.
  • Charlie said there are 2 stories about President Trump’s brother: One is that he was poisoned and the other is that they tried to poison him so they faked his death and he’ll be revealed later. However, Charlie hasn’t been able to verify this yet.
  • They both state that the “Main Stream Media” is full of lies, which most of us knew. Charlie said “they” (the White Hats) are concerned that there might be a lot of suicides and heart attacks once the Truth is revealed.
  • Charlie said Boris Johnson (of England) is a clone. The real one has crossed-over.
  • “Things are changing rapidly.” Charlie is excited “…and exited is an understatement”.
  • “Everything’s planned very, very carefully.” They’re arresting people around the world. “They’ll get it all done by Labor Day.”
  • “Trump is in 100-percent control right now. Not 99.9. He’s in 100-percent control. He’s letting it play out right now, trying to wake people up but they’re not.” The people are so badly programmed by television, they haven’t got a clue as to what’s going on.
My comments: It’s WAY past Time to turn off your televisions and do your own Research. Even if you’re still using your television to “check the Weather”, you’re being programmed. The longer those people wait, the more-shocking their “wake-up Call” will be.
It’s almost here, people. If the “Global Currency Reset” does happen on September 1st, then those… “Sheeple” have less than 10-days to WAKE-UP!
  • “The Voting System is being completely changed as we speak.” “They’re going to use the Blockchain System for Voting.” Digital Voting. It is 100-percent controlled (by the White hats). Charlie said he just received this news today. No “Mail-In” Voting. Charlie states that “the Prediction is that he will win every single State and his majority will be over 90-percent.” This has nothing to do with “Democrats” and “Republicans”. This “Vote” is about good versus evil.
  • Charlie just said… Those who are involved with Pedophelia are facing an automatic death sentence, unless you cooperate with President Trump. Those who do, will get a Life Sentence.
My comments: If I understand Charlie’s information correctly, and “IF” his information is real, then on September 1st 2020 U.S. (and maybe even the entire world) will see a “Global Currency Reset” and “Debt Forgiveness”… and the United States will be back on the “Gold Standard”. That should also mean “Gold” and “Silver” will rise dramatically.
  • “Debt Forgiveness”, from “my” understanding, means that all bank-related Debt will be zeroed-out: Bank Loans, Car Loans, Student Loans, Credit Card Debt, Mortgages, etc.
Our last, and only, Credit Card is almost maxed-out. I wish we had a few more we could fill-up right now. I’d go out and buy some Land but it would be a bit tricky convincing the cabal’s banksters that Sylvia and I are “good Credit risks” when I haven’t worked for 32-weeks. Hmm. There must be another way buy some things and still have the “cabal” pay for them before that September 1st deadline.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 30-minute video does a good job of explaining:
  • Global Currency Reset
  • The Gold Standard
  • Debt Forgiveness
  • The re-distribution of wealth
  • The transformation of the IRS
  • and much more.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-17-20 Elections, Fulford

This 1-hour video is an interview of 2 people by former CIA Agent, Robert David Steele. These 2 men “supposedly” have high-level connections to what is really going on behind-the-scenes.
Here are just a few highlights:
  • One of the men states that he has medical proof that “Kamala Harris” is a man.
  • Mr. Steele is concerned about the Elections but he’s told that the President and his team have been carefully placing bait within various aspects of what’s happening and, before the Elections, the cabal that are involved will be placing their necks in those nooses.
  • “We are looking at the greatest landslide victory in the history of politics.”
  • They’re still saying JFK jr is alive.
  • They say everything is so very controlled by the White Hats. It may not look it from the general public’s point of view but the White Hats are truly controlling everything.
  • They mention NESARA a lot. (This is the Global Currency Reset, Debt Forgiveness, Gold Standard, etc.)
  • “The whole world is on the verge of massive, massive change.”
  • “Donald Trump is in 100-percent control, not just of America, but of the rest of the world.”
  • Around the 45-minute mark, one of them explains the Holy Land in Israel. He says if you look at that Region from a Satellite, you’ll see a Tesla Coil. The Sea of Galilee is the Head, etc. He says that Region actually provides important energies for the Earth and this is why the evil ones needed to gain control of that area but the White Hats are going to change all of this soon. (They explain this much better than I have.)
  • “This is a new start. This is a revelation. This is the great awakening.”
  • It sounded like the huge explosion in Beirut, recently, was done by the White Hats because they were taking-out the cabal doomsday weapons.
  • There will be a complete re-examination of the Educational System. Since the 1920s, we’ve been using the Rothschild’s / Rockefeller Model for Education.
  • Many of the “Antifa rioters” that have been Arrested, particularly in Seattle and Portland, have been “Teachers” and “Lawyers”.
  • The Trump Team has left nothing to chance. Everything is unfolding according to their Plan.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report. The title is: “Covid-19 campaign is sign of Full Satanic Rebellion against the Creator“.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 8-16-20 Mental, Bikers, USPS

This video provides an update on “Society-level” Political information. What caught my attention begins at the 4:11-mark. The Narrator plays part of a Speech by Biden, introducing Harris, just a few days ago.
My comments: Based on the very short clip of that Speech, I’m convinced that Biden does not have the “Mental” problem he wants everyone to believe he has. He not only didn’t fumble over any words or lose his place, but he actually memorized that Speech.
His delivery of those words, his actions and his energy during that Speech are not the Signs of someone suffering any Mental issues.
In the very next story, the Narrator reads an article by a “Teacher” who is concerned that, with “online learning”, Parents will now be able to see and hear exactly they are teaching in various Classes, especially Sex Education.
My comments: Just when I didn’t think even the “cabal” could get “stupider”. They actually messed-up their own plans of keeping Students in lockdown.
So which is it, “cabal”?… keep the Students home, so their Parents can’t go back to work (and see the nonsense you’re teaching) or allow Students to go back to School, so their Parents CAN go back to work, which will open the Economy of the United States?
Take your pick, “cabal” because it looks like, whichever way you roll the dice YOU LOSE.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I sure am grateful that a vast majority of Bikers are on our side — Pro-Trump and Pro-Q.
I’m including this short video for those who might like to watch something funny. It shows a small part of the 80th Annual Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. It looked like there were 10,000 Bikers there. This video also shows a handful of “Antifa” thugs who thought they’d try to start something. Talk about “Stupidity”. Major “Stupidity”!!! If it wasn’t for the Police Officers, the Bikers would have destroyed the thugs.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (This video does not show any violence):
This next video is from the “X22 Report”.
Around the 15-minute mark, the Narrator explains that the “USPS”, the “United States Postal Service”, is not a “Government” Agency.
I’m including this for those people who think the “Post Office” is under the wing of the Federal Government.
My comments: I figured that out years ago. I knew this because their website is: “” and not ““.
Years ago, when I researched this, I found a Forum Thread somewhere which had Postal workers asking the same question: “Are we a part of the Federal Government?” One person actually came out and said something like:
  • “Regarding “this” and “this”, we are part of the Government but regarding “this” and “this” we’re not.”
I’ll bet their Paychecks aren’t issued by the Federal Government either.
In this same video, around the 21:20-mark, the Narrator shows a short clip from the Sturgis Biker Rally and explains that “Antifa” was very stupid for even showing up. In this clip, it shows one of the cabal’s thugs actually kicking one of the Biker’s bikes as he was driving by… BIG MISTAKE. HUGE MISTAKE. Every Biker there, started walking towards the “thugs”. The Police had to step-in and protect them. It’s very funny, just how stupid the cabal is. You can’t make this stuff up!
Around the 25:40-mark, the Narrator show a short video clip of a record number of Boaters, over 1,000, who signed up for Pro-Trump / Pro-America Boat Parade in Madeira Beach, Florida. (It looks like way more than 1,000)
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-14-20 Energies, Updates

I just couldn’t think of a better title but “Energies” doesn’t do this Section justice.
This 2-hour video is an interview of Greg Halpern by former CIA Agent, Robert David Steele.
Greg’s long Biography can be found under the video but he also explains his background within this video.
Here’s just a few highlights of Greg’s life:
  • Greg has had 13 Near Death Experiences,
  • is a Channeler of Pleiadian information
  • he’s a software programmer and very successful businessman
  • he seems to have very inside information on the inner-workings of various aspects of Government. His knowledge and Energy reminds me of another person interview by Robert David Steele, named Russell J Gould.
  • They cover a TON of information.
One of the things Greg is sure about is: “Trump will win all 50 States, keep the Senate and take back the House.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Here’s the link to the interview with Russell J Gould:
Here’s the link to the previous video of Russel J Gould:
This 20-minute video shows:
  • …around the 10:30-mark: that President Trump is wanting to send $3,400 to families of 4,
  • …wants to send “Rent” money.
  • This video also shows 2 different Police Officers rescuing 2 people from an on-coming Train!!!
  • Around the 19:30-mark, she explains the upcoming “Debt Forgiveness”.
  • She then explains the removal or restructuring of the “IRS”.
  • At the 23:33-mark she shows a Post where someone writes: “whoever wants national mail in voting, put $5,000 Cash in an envelope and mail it to yourself, I double-dare you!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 8-13-20 TaxCut, Codes

At the 9:54-mark, on the following video, the Narrator shows information which states that President Trump will terminate the Payroll Tax at the end of this year!!!
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is another video from “Santa Surfing” where she shows a few “decodes” of President Trump’s recent online messages. These seem to imply that something is about to happen “soon”, very soon.
My comments: I don’t know if these “Codes” are real or how the people involved are revealing the behind-the-scenes messages but “IF” this information IS real, then it’s very, very hopeful.

Question everything.

Here’s the link: