PS 2-28-20 *CV?, Cobra

*First a comment:
As I’ve mentioned, in previous Posts, I don’t typically Track “Society-level” information. However, I’m seeing a negative energy, associated with that popular “virus”, which is trying to whisper in Society’s Collective ear… AND I haven’t seen anyone put the following “puzzle pieces” together…
Here are the “puzzle pieces” I want to use, in order to make my Point:
  • This video (linked below) is by Mishel, an alternative news Researcher:
  • At the 52:51-mark, she discusses an article titled: “Here Are The 425 Billion Reasons Why WHO Refuses To Call The Covid-19 Outbreak A “Pandemic”“. (“WHO” is the “World Health Organization.)
  • Here’s a link to a Lysol spray disinfectant called: “Lysol I.C. Disinfectant Spray”.
  • On that page, click on the “Kill Claims” Tab and you’ll see a list of Bacterias, Fungi and Viruses that this spray kills. Notice that it kills “Tuberculosis” (at least a Strain of it) and 2-types of “Influenza”!
  • This article is from “2018”. The title is: “Bill Gates to donate $12 million to fund research for universal flu vaccine“.
  • (A video will begin playing when you access that page. Just Pause it.)
  • Near the end of that article, notice this: “At the talk in Boston, Gates compared the need to prepare for a pandemic in the same way a military prepares for war, emphasizing the need to improve generic antiviral drugs that can be distributed widely to lower the chances of as many people as possible from getting sick.”
  • This article is from a couple of weeks ago and is titled: “Bill And Melinda Gates Donate $100 Million To Coronavirus Vaccine Research And Treatment“.
  • Yes, the same Bill Gates that started Microsoft. Is he playing “the good guy” because his name is on one of the MANY Indictments yet to be unsealed? Only Time will tell. “Some” say that the cabal ALWAYS have the Antidote before they release any type of Human-harming energies. Think about that… If the cabal thought, for a single second, that the “virus” would harm THEM, they would ALL disappear down the closest underground city so fast you’d think you were seeing things. Are the “puppets” still in Washington D.C.? Are any of the currently-arrested cabal screaming that they don’t want to go to jail because they’ll catch the “virus”? Think about it.)
I just spent over an hour looking for a video that I saw a few days ago but I can’t find it. This video shows a woman talking about her theory that “5G” is what triggered the “virus”. She also explains that the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship also has 5G technology onboard. Later, in that same video (i think), is shown a black & white video clip of a few people in China with breathing masks on. One woman, closest to the camera is standing there, begins to lean forward and backward and then falls over, face first. However, while she’s falling, she quickly puts her arms out in front of her, in order to cushion her fall. Sure this type of reaction is possible with a sickness such as this but I just thought it was a bit suspicious. So why was she just standing there?… and why was someone filming her?
  • This video is by an alternative news Researcher. At the 5:13-mark, he talks about the “virus” and states that he deals with things within his “sphere of influence”… the things he can control.
In the last week or 2, I’ve “read” or “heard” a Psychic, an Experiencer and a Whistleblower say that this “virus” will wind-down in about 2-weeks… about the 2nd week of March.
So, if we connect some of these “puzzle pieces”, what do we have?
  • Have any Humans “crossed-over” because of this “virus”?
  • Probably
  • Is 5G, Chemtrails and Fluoride making this “virus” worse?
  • Maybe
  • Has the cabal created this “virus”?
  • Most likely
  • Did the cabal have a cure for this “virus” before it was released?
  • “IF” they created it, then “yes”.
  • Since most of “Society” has learned the truth about vaccines, will the cabal now release a “vaccine” which will defeat this “virus”?
  • Yes… There’s an illuminati Saying: “Order out of chaos”. In other words, the cabal creates a problem and then becomes the ‘good guy” by stepping-in and offering a “solution”… and this allows them to herd the “Sheeple” into any situation they want AND the “Sheeple” will BEG them for that “solution”.
I’ve said, many times, that I don’t believe any large-scale harm will come to the surface population. So “be aware” of what’s going on around you BUT do not feed into the “fear”. When this is over, then let’s see how many Humans were affected by it.
So is this “virus” stoppable? Yes:
  • Keep your “Nutrition” up. “Some” say lots of Vitamin C and Sunshine will help.
  • Do not hold any “fear”.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Keep your stress-level low.
  • Keep your “Intentions” high.
  • Follow your Truth and think through your Heart.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Mishel’s video:
  • Note: Around the 36:26-mark, she makes a good point that “maybe” Biden is faking his oncoming Alzheimer’s disease, in order to get softer treatment from the Light Workers, once the Indictments are open.
  • At the 40:36-mark, she shows a Post, with the text: “China just announced they will allow rice imports from the U.S. for the first time in their history.” Maybe they will… but “maybe” this is also a message for the Light Workers, saying: “We surrender.” “Surrender” what?… why?… I don’t know. It’s just a thought.

This is Cobra’s update on the “virus”;

  • Endtime Madness Continues
  • “Last week, when it became clear that China is winning over Coronavirus, the dark force Zionist agents have released three new different genetically modified strains of the virus, different from Wuhan strain, in key strategic areas.”
  • “First one, in South Korea into a controversial cult whose leader claims to be an incarnation of Jesus who will take 144,000 people to heaven:”
  • “Second one, among top level of Iranian government:”
  • “Third one, near Milan in Italy to suppress Goddess Vortexes in Northern Italy and facilitate spread across Europe:”
  • “Therefore we are including all those three areas in our main meditation to stop the virus:”
  • “Special meditation for Italy is still active and very much needed:”
  • “Despite the indices that life in Italy appears to be going back to normal:”
  • “While the cintamani grid in the most infected areas in Italy is now successfuly completed, we need cintamani stones in Qom and other places in Iran, and Daegu and other places in  South Korea, to be planted as soon as possible.”
  • “Anybody located in or near those cities willing to assist can contact for instructions.”
  • “More and more evidence is surfacing that 5G networks severely compromise the immune system and are the main reason for higher mortality rate (4%) in Wuhan:”
  • “Now, Israeli scientists say they will have the vaccine ready in a few weeks:”
  • “Sources are claiming that this vaccine includes new, more powerful versions of biochips to control the surface population and that this is the real reason this virus was released in the first place, to pave the way for 5G / biochip / digital currency / social credit score / self-quarantine global New World Order dystopia.”
  • “On top of that, conflict between Turkey and Russia is escalating:”
  • “With thousands of refugees about to be released into Europe from Turkey:”
  • “A new mass meditation has been created to deal with this situation:”
  • “All this madness is the final purification of darkness before the breakthrough.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
My comment: The most important information in all of that is “Hope”. It’s in the last line:
  • “All this madness is the final purification of darkness before the breakthrough.”
The “Breakthrough” is “the Event” / “Ascension” / “the Great Change.
Only Time will tell.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the many links provided.

PS 2-26-20 *JobSearch, cabal

*First a comment:
Last Monday, Sylvia and I drove to the 1st “possible Employer” on my list. We got within a few hundred feet of the building when the fingers on my left hand began to get numb. I mentioned this to Sylvia and within 30-seconds, the fingers on my right hand also became numb. By the Time we parked, about 3-minutes later, both of my hands were numb. I couldn’t shake that energy. I kept telling Sylvia to fix it.
Once we drove out of that parking lot, my hands went back to normal. Very strange. I took that as a Sign that Sylvia did not want me to work there.
  • While we were there, I talked to an employee — a Cashier, I think. I asked her how early the Dock Workers go in to work. She said around 7a. I also asked her what the Starting Pay is. She told us she had been working there for a year. When she 1st started, she was paid $9.11 an hour. Now she makes $9.20 an hour. So, with that low-amount of Pay AND a very unfair Pay Increase, I thought there would be no chance that they would start me off with $12 an hour, which is what I was making at my previous Job.
So I’m including this information for 2 reasons:
  1. To show how a “Sign” can “appear” / “manifest”.
  2. To show that some companies can be very unfair in how they pay their employees.
Question everything.
This 1-hour video is from an alternative news Researcher, named Mishel. I touch-base with “some” of the “Society” news through a few of these types of YouTube Channels. What caught my attention in this video is at the 27-minute mark. She shows a video clip which shows Obama and a currently-running politician in a side-by-side video — one from many years ago (Obama) and one from recent days (the other person). The purpose of that comparison is that both of those “people” are using a LOT of the very same words, phrasings and terminology.
My comments: To “me”, this ties-in with something I included a week or 2 ago… which stated that the cabal have forgotten how to fight. This same lack of creativity… lack of direction can be seen in those Speeches. The cabal has truly lost its way. It’s just on auto-pilot:
  • (cabal 1) “What should we do?”
  • (cabal 2) “I don’t know. We’re doomed.”
  • (cabal 3) “Wait. Why don’t we just do what we did before?”
  • (cabal 1) “What? Use the same Speech? Won’t people figure it out?”
  • (cabal 3) “No. No. Those useless eaters are so dumbed-down they’ll never realize we’ve taken over the world.”
  • (cabal 2) “I thought your boss was named in those latest Indictments.”
  • (cabal 1) “Oh… that.”
Mishel’s video then shows that Disney CEO Bob Iger to step down and that Bob Chapek is to take over. The part that really caught my attention was the statement that this would happen: “Immediately”.
My comment: Usually, when the head of a LARGE corporation, like Disney, leaves his or her Post, they do so months after making that announcement. So I found this “immediacy” to be “telling” that something special has happened to Iger. “Indictments?” Threats of arrest? Only Time will tell.
There’s one piece of very good news at the end of her video. She shows an article where 2 guys have found a way to create “Leather” out of “Cactus”.
My comment: Even when Sylvia was on THIS side of the “Veil”, I told her I’m giving up all Leather. I replaced my wallet, shoes, belt, etc. with non-Leather products. No, the alternatives don’t last as long as their Leather counterparts. However, I’d rather buy a new pair of shoes every year than know that an animal has given its very life so I can put something special on my feet!
I’ve also mentioned to Sylvia… What if the creation of Leather products was never known? We would be using a lot of other techniques to develop long-lasting products. So shame on you, “Humanity”. You’ve gotten lazy!
Leather from Cactus? Bring it on! FINALLY, someone is thinking outside the box!
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 2-23-20 Channeling

The information within this 11-minute video was Channeled. The title is: “The Event, Planetary Liberation Moves into High Gear! Pleiadian Light Forces“.
Recently, I have been hearing “some” say that something special will happen during “May, 2020”. The information in this video, states something will happen this “April”. Regardless of the timeframe, “I” have to consider every possible “puzzle piece”. So I’m including this, in case others want to examine this information for themselves.
While reading the Comments, below this video, I found this, which I feel is very interesting:
  • “Emily W”
  • “I had a chaotic dream a month ago or so and a person told me look to the sky on April 20th. Something beyond comprehension will be happening. I have never had a vision or anything before. It may be nothing. But I felt I should share it here after hearing that message.”
My comments: The basic information here is that the “Solar Flash” will happen at the end of 2020. However, “some” of the information provided in this video contains facets of information previously mentioned somewhere on the Internet. For example… The video uses the term “Compression Breakthrough”. The first Time I heard this was almost 400-weeks ago by Cobra, who claims that the word “cobra” is a combination of the words “COmpression BRAkethrough”. Then there’s a brief mention of the Schumann Resonance Chart, from a couple of days ago, which contains a blacked-out section.
So is the person behind this video really “Channeling” or simply stating things we all want to hear? I truly want to believe this information but I’ve been burned before by false information. So I’ll be sifting through it over the next week or so and cautiously watching to see if any of these “puzzle pieces” match-up with any others that I’m carrying (in my mind).
So maybe the “May, 2020” timeframe, stated by Lisa Harrison and others, has been moved forward. Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link (yes, the “Narrator” is a computer voice):

PS 2-22-20 Separation?

This was sent to me by M.R. (who’s on this list) thank you. I would have never seen this otherwise.
This is a Channeling Session where Mary Ennis brings-through an Entity called “Elias”.
As I was reading this particular Session, I had to stop at this paragraph:
  • “Now, what happens with individuals at times, especially if they are very bonded and very connected to that other being, is that there becomes this element of perception that if you stop crying, if you stop weeping, if you stop missing, then you are somehow betraying the relationship; that you should forever after be expressing in this manner because that is the indicator—that is, in a manner of speaking, the proof of how important this individual is to you, how important the relationship is to you and has been to you, and how close and engaging the relationship is. But in actuality, the whole point of grieving is to move you in that direction to the point in which you realize that there isn’t the separation that you think there is, that you aren’t any less connected and you aren’t any less interactive; you are simply interactive and connected physically in a different manner, in a different capacity.”
My comments: (For me and Sylvia, it’s now been 463-weeks since she crossed-over.) This is describing me and Sylvia. We have both been EXTREMELY fortunate to actually find each other within this Incarnation. Then, when Sylvia crossed-over, because our Bond was so complete… so unquestioning, she continued including me with her new “world” as much as she is able to. Because Sylvia started this within a few minutes after her crossing, I was not only able to receive her entire “message”, but we both cemented that particular “new” connection when it was at its strongest. This is why I KNOW what I now know about her current situation… why I know she’s here with me most of the Time… why I know when she’s “nudging” me in a certain direction, etc.
  • Even when My Sylvia was on THIS side of the “Veil”, she never “told” me to do “anything”. She’s always very open, loving and considerate of others… especially with “me”.
So, yes, Sylvia is still with me. She never really left my side… and, just as it’s stated in the paragraph above, we’re “connected in a different manner”… but we’re still very much connected to each other.
For those of you out there who don’t “feel” or “sense” your Loved One on the “other side”, it could be that they are involved with a project which takes their “focus” away from you briefly or because “you” have been stressed or have blocked their energies somehow.
  • Keep in mind that “Time” does not hold the same Measurement for those on the “other side” as it does for us on “this” side of the “Veil”. So don’t think “he or she has forgotten me”. For that other person, they may only feel a sense of a “month” or 2, compared to “you” measuring your Time apart in “years”.
I think I’ve mentioned this long ago but it’s important for those who have Loved Ones on the “other side” but don’t understand some of this…
  • That person’s “Character”, their “Individuality”, will remain with them. Sylvia loves to play music and I know she’s still a “Musician” because she showed me her bedroom (she’s staying with her Mom) where she has a Piano and I saw her playing it. This was months after she “crossed”.
  • So if your Loved One enjoyed being outdoors… or learning… or singing, etc., then they will retain that “character” trait.
  • Your Loved One “may” or “may not” change their name, when they reach the “other side”. It just depends on different things. In Sylvia’s case, she is still using that name. She did this so I could Tune-In to her energies a bit easier.
  • Many years after my Mom crossed-over, we met for Lunch one day. It was a planet in another Solar System and we met just outside a small sandwich shop within a large city. She told me she was a Liaison between 2 different planets. (When she was on “this” side of the “Veil”, she was always a Cook. She was very good at it and loved it.) I don’t remember what we talked about but I’m pretty sure she changed her name. However, I’m currently not allowed to know what it is.
  • Several years after my Dad crossed-over, he came to visit. Sylvia and I were home. I think she was in another room. I was near the Living Room — standing there. My Dad just “appeared” in the middle of the Living Room. I saw him in my mind as if I had put-on special eyeglasses. (When my Dad was on “this” side of the “Veil” he was almost always a Carpenter.) He stood there for at least 30-seconds with a half-smile on his face. He said: “They build with Shapes over here.” A few more seconds passed and he just disappeared. I haven’t seen him since. However, I do feel him around me, “some times”, when I’m intensely working on building something out of wood and struggling with it. At those points, if I really focus on his energy, I can feel him guiding me… showing me how to accomplish what I’m trying to do.
Again, this is not about “me”. I’m simply the person having these experiences and happy to share them with others. In other words, I’m happy to share these experiences (my “personal” and “very real” experiences) with anyone, hoping it will help others understand a little more about their own Loved Ones who may currently be on the “other side”.
I”m still reading the information in this Session. I’ve come to a few paragraphs which begin with:
  • “Now; what that means is that individual will continue to generate objective reality. They don’t remember their death for a time framework, and therefore they immediately begin creating reality that appears to be physical, appears to be the same as what they are accustomed to.”
My comments: Elias is describing the disorientation of the person who just crossed-over. He forgot to state that this does not happen to EVERY person who crosses. This didn’t happen to Sylvia. Her Parents, who crossed-over many years before, came to the foot of her bed about a week before she crossed. Then, during those first few minutes of Sylvia crossing-over, before walking with them, she stopped and presented me with some information. Then she left with them. The next day, less than 12-hours later, Sylvia went back to Hospice to see me. I had gone back because I couldn’t stand the horrible emptiness at home without her. This is when Sylvia actually “spoke” to me and said:
  • “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
So, what I’m pointing out here is that the information “Elias” is presenting does not apply to “every” person who has crossed-over.
Question everything.

Here’s the link to this Session as “Text”:

Here’s the link to this Session in “Audio” form:
Here’s the link to Mary Ennis’ website:

PS 2-21-20 Predictions, Harrison, RemoteViewing

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you. I would have never seen this otherwise.
This 56-minute video is titled: “Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan 2010 interview with ‘whistle blower’ – “China catches a cold”“. Although this video is from “2010”, Bill Ryan, the Narrator, states that his information comes from a Whistleblower back in “2005”. So far, I still didn’t put a lot of weight into “me” finding any helpful “puzzle pieces”. Then I saw what K.K. wrote in her eMail to me:
  • “At about 40 minutes he talks about time traveling humans coming back from the future”
So I decided I need to look at this.
While watching something else… another important piece of Feedback, caught my attention. That’s when I had stopped the video and began writing this out:
  • Around the 24:32-mark… The Narrator tells us that the Whistleblower states… “A major, geo-physical event”
My comment: At the 32:07-mark, when the “Blue Sun” is shown, it just made me stop the video and stare at it. I don’t know why. I had the feeling that… “Yeah. That’s what the Sun is supposed to look like… That’s what the Sun is supposed to look like just before “the Event”.”
Only Time will tell.
  • Around the 38:50-mark, he begins talking about “Visitors”. He says the Roswell “Visitors” were “us” from the future. “They weren’t Extraterrestrials. Their Craft is basically an amplifier of those inside. It works on their “Consciousness”. They were Time Travelers.”
  • “We’re being deliberately dumbed-down.”
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

This was Posted late tonight. It’s an announcement video, which shows these words:
  • “Lisa M. Harrison and The LMH Crew”
  • “Present”
  • “Stories from Home “The Next Path” “
  • “We have introduced some of our friends.”
  • “We have shared their stories”
  • “We know you have questions”
  • “Join us for the next live webinar where we focus on your questions and share the latest discoveries we have found on this journey”
  • “Sunday, March 1 2020”
  • “Go to”
  • “for details”
My comment: I checked her website just now and didn’t see anything about this upcoming Webinar. So it must be a bit early for that.
Here’s the link:
This 57-minute video is Psychic, Louise Jones, doing a “Remote Viewing” of a planet called “Kepler”.’
I’m including this because I think it’s been a while since I’ve included a Remote Viewing session. This is for those who are curious as to how this type of Psychic experience is described. For those of you who want to do this for yourself, I strongly suggest you first get some training in doing this AND have someone knowledgable about this with you when you actually step into this role.
  • I’m coming from… I’ve had “some” Training in this and have done a few Remote Views myself.
The “Training” and “having an Assistant at your side” is not because you might not know to activate these energies. They are for your personal protection.
Is Louise “faking it”… or maybe it’s just her “imagination”… or is she actually having a real, Remote experience? No matter which it is, remember that having the proper “Training” and “Focus” are very important. The Training will also help you to explain the “energies” you are receiving. Hesitating for a split-second or not focusing completely on those energies will instantly cause your “Ego” and “Rose Colored Glasses” to cloud that experience.
So, as for my including of this… Whether Louise’s experience was real or not doesn’t matter. Even if it’s “not”, use the information she provides to build “the scenes she describes” within your mind. They are sent from her to you with love and happiness energies. Creating those scenes with those energies and later, as you remember them, “reinforcing” those energies, you will ground even more Light onto planet Earth. So all is good.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-20-20 *Bond

*First a comment:
I was watching a music-gear Podcast today and in this week’s Episode, the Guests mentioned a Song for the new “Bond” film. I don’t keep up with much within the “Society” realm these days, so, after the Podcast, I listened to the Song. I didn’t find it quite as powerful as the Guests described.
Then I began thinking about the actual “title” of the new James Bond film: “No Time To Die”.
  • “Some say” the cabal provide Humanity with clues as to some of their Plans for harming the surface population. However, with the “Light Workers” gaining more and more control of this “Reality”, maybe this particular “title” (or even the story of this film) could be a message from the “Light Beings”, telling us to not give up… that this is “no Time to die” because “the Event” / “Ascension” or “something special” is about to happen. (A couple of days ago, “Q’s” message was: “Game Over”. Does this all tie together? Only Time will tell.)
Note: I’m taking this title as “this is not the Time to give up”. The movie company is “probably” wanting us to think of this title as “there’s no Time to let anyone down”

Question everything.

Here’s the link to the new James Bond theme Song, sung by Billie Eilish:
Here’s the link to the James Bond movie page, where you can watch the Trailers:
Regarding the Section “Signs & Symptoms” in our 2/3/20 Post:
…and, regarding Signs, Feedback and most every possible combination of things has been thought about or manifested… Today, I saw a new “off the beaten path” product being announced by Guitar pedal, Synthesizer company. This product contains a technology called: “Granular Synthesis”.
  • Basically, you send some type of Sound into a “Granular Synthesis” product… ANY type of Sound. It could be a melody, a bird chirping, someone talking, water bubbling… anything. Using a Granular Synthesizer, you can isolate a very small part of that Sound… down a very small “blip” (or smaller). These small Sounds are called “Grains”. You then use the features of that product to modify that Sound. Stretching its Pitch, adding-to or removing some of its Harmonics, reversing its Envelope, etc. With these modifications, you can actually create almost ANY other Sound. So it’s possible to change the Sound of someone coughing, into a Violin… or the Sound of a Squirrel barking into a Timpani drum… and these aren’t limited to “short” bursts of new Sounds. You could create sustained Organ Sounds, the Sound of a boulder rolling down a hill, etc.
  • “Granular Synthesis” is not something Sylvia and I like to use in our Song-writing, music-making work because we feel as though it “cheating”… why start with a Sound which is probably going to be changed into a completely different one when you could have simply started with that “end-result” Sound? Maybe it’s just my “old school” background with Synthesizers… I was taught to use the various Sound sources and modifiers within a Synthesizer to bring-out and shape the final Sound that you’re after. “Granular Synthesis” technology was never within my scope of awareness when I was learning how to use Synthesizers (back in the early 70s).
My Point here is that this is yet another piece of Feedback (for “me”) that Humanity on this planet is running out of ideas of who to be creative… how to dissect something, in order to come-up with something “different”… or just “new”. So, here, the technical, music-gear engineers have gotten down to a very tine (the smallest?) portion of a Sound, taken it apart and have provided tools for anyone to piece it back together in a whole new way.
This technology has been around, at least in “my” awareness, for at least 36-months but, again, I feel this is another way of being told “it’s no time to die”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to a 14-minute video which explains “Granular Synthesis” (I didn’t watch all of it but it should provide good information):
This video also explains “Granular Synthesis” but using a different piece of music gear from the link above. (29-minute video) This one may be illustrated a little better, at least at the start of this video:
Uh… then on the other end of the spectrum we have Feedback that tells “me” there are either several people “deeply asleep” (like “Sheeple”) or the MSM (Main Stream Media) is really hard at work “spinning” this story…
The following article, from February 21, 2020 states: “Supreme Oreos are selling on eBay for over $10,000“… and that’s for a pack of THREE!!! WHY!? They’re “red” in color and they’re just “OREOS”!
So, “IF” this story is real, some of us will have to drop-back and help those still-asleep Humans, before we go through the exit door of this “Game”.
  • I’ve mentioned before that the Time of “forcing” or “directly Guiding” our friends and loved ones through this “illusion” is over. However, we can still “teach by example”… Show your family and friends that “you” don’t listen to the lies and distractions of the MSM… That you “question” and “research” all of the “news” that crosses your Path… That you continue to remain Positive by keeping your “eye on the prize”, etc. From “my” perspective, if we don’t all contribute to this now, some of us will have to help the “sleepers” when “the Event” happens, by clearing the “fog” which will confuse their minds.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-18-20 Cobra

This was Posted by Cobra today. “IF” it’s true, it’s VERY good news…
  • Endtime Madness Update
  • “The coronavirus scare has manged to keep a large part of human population in fear and a large proportion of China under quarantine.”
  • “Having so many people quarantined has enabled the Light Forces to completely clear all plasma Chimera spiders and all other Chimera entities from the non-physical planes. Now the Light Forces are removing all remaining plasma Archon, Draco, Reptilian and other entities with full speed and when such a large proportion of Chinese population stays at home, this not only prevents the spread of coronavirus, but also the spread of plasma entities which are now effectively being starved out in China, leading to a chain reaction of entity removal on a planetary scale, never experienced before.”
  • “The spread of coronavirus follows a sigmoid (logistic) curve:”
  • “and is already beginning to peter out.”
  • “Chinese expert Zhong Nanshan is expecting the peak of the outbreak in mid or late February, and the infection to be over by April:”
  • “Prediction model from JP Morgan yields a similar result, with the infection peaking in a few weeks:”
  • “One of the more effective ways to deal with the coronavrus infection is vitamin C:”
  • “And lots of clean, fresh air:”
  • “Pleiadians have developed a new protocol for virus removal that can help people in the infected areas, primarily in Hubei province in China, but also elsewhere on the planet.”
  • “If you know, feel, or fear that you have contracted the virus, or would like to disinfect the area around you, you can repeat three times in your mind.”
  • ““Command RCV stardust”.”
  • “The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to help remove the virus. This new protocol is still in development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback. Those who will use this protocol, are welcome to report its effects in the comment section on my blog where this article is posted. Please be aware that this protocol is NOT a substitute for medical treatment.”
  • “Our mass meditation every 4 hours can help the situation also, and you are encouraged to participate:”
  • “In most areas of the planet the coronavirus infection can be compared to a bad flu, with coronavirus mortality rate worldwide outside of Hubei province being 0.6 percent , and worldwide common flu mortality rate being 0.1 percent.”
  • “In Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak, the mortality rate is still around 3% due to high number of cases who can not get proper medical treatment as there are simply not enough hospitals and medical personnel.”
  • “Apart from that, situation in Wuhan is not as bad as many media outlets would like to portray. Here is a report from Wuhan from my sources on February 6th:”
  • “Some alternative media are spreading false information about “population culling” in China. This is what my sources from Wuhan had to say about this on February 11th:”
  • “But, Chinese government is still trying to hide the existence of its military bioweapons program in Wuhan that is the source of this coronavirus:”
  • “Chinese do not want to lose face and would never admit that their bioweapons program went out of hand and that a Zionist infiltrator stole a sample of virus from Wuhan lab and set it free to infect the Chinese people.”
  • “The question here is, who killed Dr. Plummer?”
  • “A certain mainland Chinese Dragon group has communicated that if the situation with the coronavirus is not resolved very very soon, they will release evidence about Chinese Secret Space program through Chinese media outlets.”
  • “On Saturday, there was a top level strategic summit in the Tycho lunar base where representatives of all major non-surface Light factions have come to a mutual strategic agreement on how to proceed with the planetary liberation operations. This new, reinforced plan will be executed with precision and efficiency. All non-surface Light factions have agreed to form a strategic alliance, which is called Atlantis Alliance.”
  • “Galactic Confederation ships will be much more active in Earth’s atmosphere in the next few weeks and months, and many people are receiving dreams and visions about this:”
  • “Betelgeuse, one of the main stars in Orion, is showing early signs of potentially going supernova:”
  • “The Blue Dawn is coming.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
My comments: So, once again, we see the back-firing-stupidity of the cabal. “IF” Cobra’s information is real, then the cabal has indirectly allowed the Light Workers to more easily go in and exterminate those “plasma Chimera spiders”. This ties-in with what “Yellow Rose For Texas” mentioned in my “YRFT” Section yesterday:
  • “We heard “The El have forgotten “how to fight”.”
It’s very simple, cabal, all you have to do is release all of those inner, in-bred beliefs of “hate”, “anger”, “control of THEM over YOU” and “control of YOU over OTHERS”. It IS very simple!
The “99-percent” have had more than enough of your games! So gather all of your cabal “friends” and just throw yourselves into the nearest bottomless pit. The rest of us are now leaving. We’ll let ourselves out. (Uh, whoever’s last out the door, please turn the light out.)
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-17-20 *2001?, *MartinLutherKingJr, Fulford, YRFT, Harrison

*First a comment:
I continue to tell Sylvia the “Time” and “Date” every day… throughout the day. At one point last week, when I did this, hearing myself say “2020” caught my attention — as it’s done many times. This Time, however, I stopped what I was doing and Centered myself. I then slowly began saying each “year” that has “supposedly” already passed… “2019”, “2018”, etc. I didn’t get a Sense of “change” until I got to “2001”. If I was merely locking onto My Sylvia, and fooling myself about all this, I may have simply stopped at “2011”, when she was still on THIS side of the “Veil”… or “2009” before she became sick… or even “2012”, when this planet had “supposedly” moved “through” or “into” a new realm of energy.
If you want to do this for yourself, simply sit quietly, no distractions, and slowly count back each year — either out loud or in your mind. While doing this, “feel” the energy surrounding that yearly number. If you find that ANY year “number” feels more “real” to you than “2020”, please let me know.
Yesterday, one of my “alternative news digest pages”, someone Posed a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. I knew he was a great man and that his wisdom will be remembered forever but I hadn’t heard much about his famous Sayings. So this quote gave me an “oh wow!” moment:
  • “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
I’m including all of this because… it’s worth including.
I then did some Research, to see if anyone had Posted a list of his other quotes, and found this web page… with lots of them. Here are just a few of the one I find very insightful:
  • “The time is always right to do what is right.”
  • “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
  • “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
  • “We may have all come from different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”
  • “Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.”
  • “Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself.”
Very powerful. Thank you Mr. King.
Here’s the link to more inspiring quotes from Marin Luther King, Jr.:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s weekly report. Although the “full” version will be available, online, starting on Thursday, I want to point-out something that is important…
A few times in the Past, I’ve mentioned that the cabal have very little left which they can use to cause “mass” / “wide-spread” problems. I said their “last” and “biggest” Tool is “fear”. The kind which they breathe into the ears of Humanity through their still-controlled MSM (Main Stream Media) outlets.
In this report, Mr. Fulford does a good job of outlining the “problem” / “fear” the cabal has spread and the “Year” they did it. They’re important. So I’m going to include them here:
  • 1999/2000: Y2K is gonna kill us all.
  • 2001: Anthrax is gonna kill us all.
  • 2002: West Nile Virus is gonna kill us all.
  • 2003: SARS is gonna kill us all.
  • 2005: Bird Flu is gonna kill us all.
  • 2006: E.Coli is gonna kill us all.
  • 2008: The bad economy is gonna kill us all.
  • 2009: Swine Flu is gonna kill us all.
  • 2010: Bp Oil is gonna kill us all.
  • 2011: Obamacare is gonna kill us all.
  • 2012: Mayan “End of the world”
  • 2013: North Korea is gonna kill us all.
  • 2014: Ebola is gonna kill us all.
  • 2015: Disney Measles AND ISIS are gonna kill us all.
  • 2016: Zika is gonna kill us all.
  • 2017: Fake news is gonna kill us all.
  • 2018: Migrant Caravans are gonna kill us all.
  • 2019: Measles is gonna kill us all.
  • 2020: Coronavirus is gonna kill us all.
Think about this the next Time you hear someone talk about “the end of the world” or “we’re all doomed”, etc. It’s just the “cabal”… That last, snot-nosed bully in the Playground doing his very best to make sure the kids around him don’t realize that there are a LOT more of THEM than there are of HIM!
  • “I’m gonna take your Lunch Money. Tomorrow, I’ll be hiding behind a tree or I’ll be around the corner…and… I’ll get your Lunch Money.”
  • “Hey! Look at me. Don’t look at them.”
  • “I’m telling you. I’m gonna jump out from behind a tree and beat you up. Then I’ll just take your Lunch Money. I will. You’ll see… Uh… err… and I’m BIGGER than you.”
  • “Don’t talk to them. What are you all talking about.”
  • “I’ll be right here… uh, tomorrow… and I’ll be taking your Lunch Money… and, uh… and don’t try to run… you can’t run… uh, because I’m fast. I’m real fast… and I’ll catch you… Uh… err… Uh, I hear my Mom calling. I have to go now… but, uh, I’ll be back tomorrow… You’ll see…”
I’m still feeling that there will be no more “large-scale” problems with “Humanity” or “this planet”. So no matter WHAT the cabal tell you, don’t believe it.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
YFRT (Yellow Rose For Texas)
In this 24-minute video, “Yellow Rose For Texas” explains the current energies of this planet and the Humans on its surface. The title is: “Update 2 11 20 Ur is Done“.
  • Note: She uses several “shortcuts” / “Codes” when describing certain things. At one point, many months ago, I saw a short listing by someone of what those Codes mean but I could not find it when I Searched just now. From the “Comments” under the following video, at least 2 Commenters state that “UR” is “the main city of the Underworld”.
One thing which I thought was interesting is this:
  • “The law is: Nothing of the Old can move forward. They are actively wiping Histories now. This affects your memory.”
  • “We heard “The El have forgotten “how to fight”.”
My comments: “IF” this is true, then this may shed some light on the various, and stupid, disturbances the cabal puppets in politics have responsible for. Most of their actions have been completely childish and their “attacks” on the Humans are now predictable and very transparent:
  • “Oh, look. Another virus attack. This Time it’s in China… and now look, their Main Stream Media” is trying to tell everyone that millions have already died from it. Hey… isn’t that footage from the SARS attack, years earlier?”
  • “They are still going to crash the markets, but don’t fear this, the “fix” is already there, to catch the fall out. You won’t be stranded.”
  • “Arrests are about to occur, on Earth.”
  • “Eve said that if the people activate their Chi or Ki, and focused their Intent on Wiping the Negative energies, it will clear off the remaining residual bad energies the System is pushing onto the populations. She also said if you want to immediately change the energy around your body, snap your fingers. The vibration alters the energy around you.”
  • (regarding the “Negatives”) “They will see a flash, and from their perspective… we’ll be gone from their view. The earthquakes will strike, meteors will rain, and the sun will go NOVA.”
  • “We need to start letting go of our expectations of “here”, to realize our rewards waiting “there. You have a life. You have family. You have homes, ships, and worlds to be in. We should look forward to seeing friends and family.”
  • “Focus your mind & hearts on moving forward Home.”
  • “The End of Lifetimes of Captivity & Torture comes within a Single Split-Second of Time. In seconds, 4, 10, 20… is The Beginning of Honor, Love & Joy which Lasts an Eternity.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link (It’s a “video” of scrolling text, with music):
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • When K.K. sent this to me, this morning, I was in the middle of Searching, online, for a Job. I saw that her eMail was about a new “Lisa Harrison” video so I stopped immediately, in order to watch it. (I told K.K. “I always feel that Lisa is in-touch with something very important. I do my best not to pull all of my “puzzle pieces” from her energy-basket but when Lisa talks I listen.”)
  • After watching this video, I turned off my computer and Sylvia and I went out, in order to do some “physical” Job Research. After supper, I continued my nightly Research and completely forgot about Lisa’s very important video… until just now, when we were about to go to bed. So I don’t really have Time to write-out any excerpts from it.
This is what Lisa wrote in the Description Box, under the following video:
  • “Been an active 3 weeks culminating in both messages from Home and energetic experiences that suggest ‘the pull from this realm has begun'”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-15-20 *Support, Earth, cabal

*First a comment:
In yesterday’s “*Support” Section, I forgot to make another Point…
  • A few Decades ago, Sylvia and I had talked about “Life’s Purpose” and how some people have Incarnated on the surface of this planet to make sweeping changes and touch LOTS of lives. Others, however, may have come in to only fulfill their own personal missing experiences. Sometimes, as Sylvia and I have discussed… sometimes someone will Incarnate just to “press the correct button at the correct Time” or, in the girl who “just felt like recording herself singing a Song”, she not only started a Trend but her one, tiny action has touched so many lives… and brings tears of joy to just about everyone who sees this in action.
My Point with this is… No “Life”… No “Being” is insignificant. No matter how great your influence on others or how minimal your “financial” and / or “life” energies may become, ANYONE… EVERYONE “can” make a huge difference.
NEVER give up! Eye on the prize!
Here’s the link to that very special “Choir” video:

I watched most of this 9-minute video. The part that caught my attention was when the Narrator explained that “the Air Pressure was so low, it caused Norway to cancel some of its Propeller Flights. The Narrator states… When Air Pressure is too low, the plane’s instrumentation can’t accurately calculate where the “ground” is.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
In this 2-minute video, alternative-news Researcher, “Dahboo 7”, states that politician Bloomberg is suggesting that little Hitlary will be his running mate.
My comments: As I’ve mentioned many times, I don’t typically Track “politics”. However, this move, to “me”, is a very obvious “cabal” strategy being unfolded. Now that they’ve made this announcement, I can clearly see that this was the cabal’s Plan all along…
  • Hold Bloomberg back from the main debates and general public speeches.
  • Push the “has-beens” / the “don’t wants” / the “already made a fool of themselves” out front. Put them on display for the public to ignore and boo.
  • Once the “puppets” have been laughed at, that’s when they show the “Ace up their sleeve”. Inch Bloomberg out there onto the “public stage” and when the general public has had enough of the “puppets”, let Bloomberg make the announcement that the cabal have known about for the last 24-months or so… That “little Hitlery” will be his “Running Mate”. Then (and here’s where “I” see the very obvious handwriting on the wall), “IF” Bloomberg becomes “president”, he simply hands it over to “her”. SHE was the cabal’s MAIN “candidate” all along! Since she’s very unpopular now, the cabal’s thinking (probably) is… If she’s in the background during the Campaign process, the public will feel more at-ease with her being up there.
  • In other words, the cabal never intended for anyone but Bloomberg and little Hitlery to run against Trump.
The woman in the following video is not “little Hitlery”. She far too young-looking and doesn’t have that “demon-brainwashed” look in her eyes. Maybe she’s a “Clone”… maybe she’s been surgically altered to “look” like “the original” but she’s not “little Hitlery”.
By moving “little Hitlery” to a position behind the cabal’s “presidential candidate”, she won’t have to be in the spotlight or attend as many Speeches as Bloomberg. So “IF” that woman in the video is NOT “little Hitlery”, this will be a great way to shield her from public examination.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-14-20 *Christmas?, *Support, *Horoscope, Cobra

*First a few comments:


This afternoon, around 2p, I was sitting here at my computer doing more “Job” Research when a “feeling” / a “Sense” came over me that there was  a few feet of snow outside and it was “Christmas”. This “Sense” happened 4 or 5 times within about 15-minutes. Each “happening” only lasted for about 5-seconds.


While I’m mentioning “Time” being out of place… I think it was yesterday, when I was watching a video where the person in it said something like… he remembered back in 2015 when… My 1st thought was: “2015 hasn’t even happened yet. Wow, that guy is mixed up. It’s several years out.”


  • “Support” is a very weak title for this Section but, right now, I can’t think of one which expresses the “feeling” and “idea” of this…

This 14-minute video is a “TED Talk” from 2011. It appeared on the YouTube “Recommended” list, when I was watching a Music-gear video today.

The Presenter is Composer, Singer and Director Eric Whitacre. A few years before this TED Talk, he had released a few Songs. At one point, a young teenager liked one of them so much see made a video of herself singing it. She Posted it online and he was not only touched but it gave him the idea of getting a few random people together, to form a “Virtual Choir”, and sing one of his other Songs.

Lots of videos poured in. He had them all synchronized and made into a video of him Conducting all of them. The result was wonderful. Those at this TED Talk gave him a Standing Ovation for it. (I couldn’t stop crying.)

The video below is very worth watching.

The reason I’m including this is that all things, in their un-interfered-with State, want to “Support” others around them. Just like “Gravity” wants to pull things towards it… Air and Wind just want to “move”…  “Nature” always wants to “change”… People, no “Humans”… No “Humans”… “Beings” EVERYWHERE… when it comes right down to it, WANT to help those who need help… Someone hurt on the side of the road, for example… if another person observes this, they don’t look at the “color of their skin” or ask “what Nationality” or “what Religion” does that other person belong to… No. They just HELP… any way they can… and with the “Starseeds”, “Indigo Children”, “Rainbow Children”, etc., now filling-up the energies of this planet, they all gravitate to POSITIVES whenever they can. If they feel Moved to sing that other person’s Song, they just DO IT. That girl had NO IDEA she would spark an HUGE worldwide participation project. In fact, Mr. Whitacre did a 2nd Song collaboration with various people around the world (who never met before this). This Time, he got OVER 2,000 participants. He then shows part of that video… and I still couldn’t stop crying. Why? Because it’s like I said… The very “Nature” of Beings everywhere is to do Positive things and when THAT MANY get together to “just sing a Song”, it tells me, “Yeah. this planet is worth fighting for”… and THIS is why most of us are here at this Point in Time.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This 13-minute video is a Horoscope Reading from a “Psychic”, “Medium” named Lori Ann. (I haven’t heard of her before this.)

Although I sometimes watch “Horoscope” videos, I rarely include them. Partly because they’re a bit generalized and, typically, some of us can “Read into” them whatever we want them to state. In other words, each of us digests (interprets) information through our own “Rose-Colored Glasses”… through our own “experiences” and whatever is on our mind at that Time… and this has to be true for “my” interpretation of what I’m presenting here, regarding this particular video. However, in my quest to snap-together the many “puzzle pieces” I’m carrying (in my mind), I have to be open to and examine all possibilities where I might find another “Dot” to connect.

I’m including this because, “my” interpretation of what Lori Ann stated, tells me that the big changes “I” (we) have been waiting for “may” just unfold this year.

This is what caught my attention in this video:

  • “Getting ready to start a brand new Cycle in your life.”
  • At the 4:25-mark: “…and this could be your current Partner as well… This is really positive energy because I feel this has been a very long Time in the making for you… If it’s your current Partner, I think that the 2 of your are going to rebuild your life IN this new forward moment…”
  • You both make a great team.
  • “…and with this Cycle coming in, everything’s getting ready to change.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:



As with the above information, this Cobra Post is very similar… It shows that “maybe” something “big” or “different” is finally about to happen.

Cobra Posted this on 2/13/20:

  • “Initialize Project 502, modulation target 200223.1433Z”


My comment: Yes, this is a Coded message and is aimed at the “Resistance Movement”. What I’m noticing is Cobra’s wording… I’ve seen many Posts from Cobra, which state things like: “security breach” or “sequence in progress”, etc. but I don’t remember Cobra using the word “Initialize”. As in “set this into motion” or “activate”. What does this mean? Only Time will tell.

While looking through some of Cobra’s older Posts, in order to find the above information, I found this image.

It’s a photo of a LOT of Matchsticks, standing up, next to each other, with one lit Match beside them and the Caption reads:

  • “Who says that a single person can’t change anything?”


Question everything.

Here’s the link: