PS 3-19-21 *Royalties?, Quantum

*First a comment:
Sylvia and I have not received our Stimulus Check yet. I think today was Pay Day at work and we haven’t even received THAT money yet.
When we checked our Bank Account, to see if those 2 Checks were in there, we noticed another Direct Deposit that we didn’t know about. It was for $26.16. Its description simply read: “Broadcast Music Roy”.
It took us a few seconds to figure out what that was. We figured it “might” be some type of Royalty payment for our Music… BUT, I know, from decades ago, that Musicians are only paid about a penny or a fraction of a penny in Royalties each time a Song is played in public. So, we thought, how could we have $26 in “Royalties”?
I told Sylvia we Registered with “BMI” (which stands for “Broadcast Music Incorporated”) so let’s start there.
  • BMI, and others, is a Performance Rights organization which tracks which Songs are played in Public, how often they’re played, collects the Royalties and disperses those payments to the proper people.
When I Logged-In to our BMI Account, we saw that we did earn $26.16 in Royalties… our first ever Royalties!!!

Here’s how BMI breaks down:

BELGIUM:         $0.01 – for our Song “Calling All Humans”
CANADA:          $0.02 – for our Song “Calling All Humans”
UNITED KINGDOM: $26.13 – for our Track “Dialog Inextinguishable”
Total:          $26.16
  • “Calling All Humans” is a Single that we released while in the middle of creating our Album: “Perfectionately Yours”. “Dialog Inextinguishable” is a strange one. It’s on our Album but its not really a “Song”. It’s spoken dialog, which tells part of the story in that Concept Album. So why anyone would want to play it in Public AND more than a few times, is something Sylvia and I don’t understand. We ARE grateful for the money and recognition but we’re just a bit confused on this one.
My “guess” is that there are around 10,000 Songs created every day around this planet and with everyone having equal access to the Public’s attention, even huge Singers and Bands, like Elvis and Led Zeppelin, would have a very difficult time these days, just getting the Public to notice their work. So to actually have ROYALTIES from even ONE Track… THAT is monumental for any Musician.
Here’s where anyone can go to hear all of our Songs for free:
  • Remember, our Album “Perfectionately Yours” is a “Concept” Album. The entire Album tells one story, with each Track explaining one part of it.
  • With this particular Concept Album, Sylvia and I wanted to infuse my emotions… the rawness of me facing the thought that My Sylvia had just crossed-over, with the first few Tracks being very chaotic. As the Album progresses, the mood becomes lighter and the notes become more on-purpose.
  • So, before listening to this Album, be sure to scroll down on the BandCamp page (below) and read the Notes describing what you are about to hear.
Here’s the direct link to our Band’s website:
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This 13-minute video is by Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward. He provides a basic summary of what the upcoming Quantum Financial System (QFS) is. This video is really for those who have never heard of this.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 3-15-21 *irs, Astrology

*First a comment:
Most of you have known this for a few months but Sylvia and I only check our (paper) Mail once a Month and only learned about this recently…
  • We received a mailing from the illegal “irs”, telling us that they have sent out the $600 Stimulus Checks and if we haven’t received ours yet, to contact them.
  • What we were surprised at is the information in the upper-left corner of the Envelope and the Letter itself… It reads:
  • “Department of the Treasury”
  • “Internal Revenue Service”
The Letter inside also has the Logo of the “irs”, with the same “Treasury” information. I’ve never seen ANY “irs” Documentation which also stated that they are a part of the “United States Treasury”.
I’m mentioning all this because it PROVES that the “irs” HAS been brought under the control of the U.S. Treasury. It’s a small Proof but it does count towards “something” happening.
Question everything.

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

This 6-minute video is by Astologer, Joni Patry.
She explains President Trump’s Astrology Chart. More than once, she mentioned that “the world is going to change” and that President Trump has something big that he’s going to do and all of this will happen between March 26th and April 13th, 2021.
I’m including this because the bigger news items in the Alternative Community have gone quiet and because it’s good to hear from a different perspective.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 3-12-21 *”masks”, *Song, *Helicopter

*First a few comments:
As of March 10th, Texas no longer has to wear “masks”. However, there must still be a lot of people asleep in Texas because Sylvia’s Daughter lives there and she works at a large grocery store Chain.
  • She told me, on March 10th, the Customers in that store were STILL wearing “masks”.
  • That’s like opening the door to someone’s jail cell and telling them they’re free but they remain inside. Hello people. It’s Time to wake-up. Turn off your Televisions and walk into the Sunlight.
I asked her about it just now (through eMail) and she responded by telling me: “Almost everyone wears masks everywhere here.”
  • Yikes! Come on, Texas, sleep-time is over.”
This morning, while getting ready for work… for some reason, I was thinking about a Band (called “Bread”) from the 70s that I really like. They had several Hits but, this morning, I was thinking of their Song called “If”. I was doing my best to remember the words. At the same Time, I could feel Sylvia nudge me… to, not “go there”.
I rolled the first few lines around within my mind and thought… “It’ll be ok. These Lyrics are harmless.” Then I reached the very last line and… just started crying.
Here are the Lyrics:
  • “If a picture paints a thousand words
  • Then why can’t I paint you?
  • The words will never show
  • The you I’ve come to know
  • If a face could launch a thousand ships
  • Then where am I to go?
  • There’s no one home but you
  • You’re all that’s left me too
  • And when my love for life is running dry
  • You come and pour yourself on me
  • If a man could be two places at one time
  • I’d be with you
  • Tomorrow and today
  • Beside you all the way
  • If the world should stop revolving
  • Spinning slowly down to die
  • I’d spend the end with you
  • And when the world was through
  • Then one by one the stars would all go out
  • Then you and I would simply fly away”
Here’s the link to the Song itself:
  • I listened to it, in order to be sure it was the version I remembered hearing on the radio in the 70s. It was but, again, when I got to that last line I just cried… hard. I couldn’t move for several seconds.
If you listen to that Song and like it, they have several others that are just as good. Most of them are like “If” — soft, gentle, Love Songs.
At one point today, Sylvia and I were at work but outside. I was throwing out some trash when we heard a Helicopter in the distance. As it got closer, we could see that it WAS a Helicopter and not a Plane. We kept watching it and I found it very odd that it was… coming right at us! You could not have planned its Flight Path any more accurate. It flew EXACTLY over our heads… AND it had 2-Propellers. It wasn’t very high but it wasn’t too low either. I could almost read the numbers on the bottom of it.

PS 3-1-21 MedBeds, Speech, RV

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This video was on the Charlie Ward (Financial whistleblower) website. The information within this video seems to be Channeled but, because Charlie placed it on his own website tells me that this is the information “he” has and wants to get this out to as many people as possible.
So, “IF” this information is real, then this video describes the MedBeds in more detail than I’ve seen previously.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m also including this as “extra credit”…
In this 39-minute video “Santa Surfing” explains the communications given in President Trump’s Speech on February 28th, 2021.
One person eMailed me, saying she watched that Speech but came away with “he didn’t say anything”. So I’m including this because there might be others who don’t follow “Q” or “NESARA” or any of the other facets which are still be stirred behind-the-scenes.

Question everything.

Here’s the link (She starts providing background information around the 2-minute mark):
RV (ReValuation)
In this 1-minute video, Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, makes only one statement:
  • When President Trump talks about the “vaccine” it’s really the Code Word for “RV”.
My comments: “IF” Charlie’s information is real, then this is what “I” understand about Charlie’s role in all this:
  • Several times, over the last 18-months or so, Charlie has stated that there are certain things he cannot talk about, because he is under an “NDA” (Non Disclosure Agreement). This means he is Legally bound by that Agreement and if he mentions anything which is connected to that Document, he can be Sued.\
  • Last week, Charlie mentioned that he was under a “Commercial NDA” but now he is under a “Military” NDA. (I can only guess that this means he is now in Confidential communication with those people who are “even closer” to the Source of what’s going on behind-the-scenes than he was before.
  • Charlie has described NESARA (National) and GESARA (Global) many times in those 18-months. Basically, this umbrella of facets contain elements of: Debt Forgiveness, a new Financial System based on real Gold, a Quantum Computer-based Financial Accounts for everyone, etc. “Some” also say that this umbrella also contains the idea of releasing “Disclosure” — the Official revealing that UFOs and Star Visitors are real.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: