PS 10-29-20 Cobra

COBRAThis was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.

  • Normally, I check Cobra’s website every night but with this new job, I haven’t had Time for much more than “eat, sleep, work, repeat”. Sylvia and I are working full-time, plus over-time, plus 6-days a week.

Here’s Cobra’s message:

  • Final Battle Update Part 2
  • “Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces have managed to erase the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).”
  • “The only Dracos remaining now are those physical and non-physical Dracos who are directly employed as servants to the Chimera, and the naturalized Dracos who mainly came to planet Earth more than 25,000 years ago, entered the incarnation cycle in humanoid bodies and are now incarnated as politicians, bankers, lawyers and other members of the surface Illuminati Cabal.”
  • “A very small number of naturalized Dracos also came to planet Earth in the 1996-1999 timeframe as they entered humanoid clone bodies in underground bases and then entered the surface Illuminati Cabal as lookalikes and doubles of many politicians, and they are still part of the surface Illuminati Cabal.”
  • “With the IBC gone, the only Cabal network still remaining is the surface Cabal network. Surface Cabal network will be properly addressed only after the Chimera threat is significantly diminished.”
  • “The main problem now remaining is the Chimera with their advanced exotic military technologies, especially quantum superposition toplet bombs. The Light Forces are continuing with the operations, now focusing on the removal of the Chimera fleet in Medium Earth orbit and Low Earth orbit, and clearing of the Chimera underground bases.”
  • “In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.”
  • “Now they are focusing on removal of the key Chimera spiders which form the backbone of the Matrix system in quarantine Earth. They have already managed to remove the spider queen, who was responsible for destruction of Goddess temples in Atlantis and destruction of the Goddess mysteries in the first and second Archon invasion. She was the force behind the Inquisition and more recently the force behind global child abuse networks, using Mothers of Darkness to do the dirty work (warning: graphic material):”
  • “With the spider queen gone, the child abuse networks on the surface will now slowly begin to disintegrate as they are exposed to the surface population. Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially those who hold the Goddess energy, were directly or indirectly traumatized by the spider queen in many incarnations, and those traumas will now begin to heal. Etheric spider poison which she and other Chimera spiders were emanating and using in their attacks, and was destroying many soulmate relationships on the surface, will now begin to dissipate and clear.”
  • “Exposure of child abuse networks is now going mainstream, as Taiwanese Dragon and other sources are exposing Hunter Biden and his involvement in those networks:”
  • “Taiwanese Dragons decided to go public with Hunter Biden story and intel about Chinese counterintelligence operations against the United States as a countermeasure against mainland Chinese threats to attack Taiwan. Dragon sources have repeatedly said that they will organize full disclosure of mainland Chinese secret space programs in the event of any aggression towards Taiwanese national sovereignty.”
  • “As the day of the US elections draws near, there are important astrological configurations taking place. The first one is the Jupiter-Saturn synod (heliocentric conjunction) on November 2nd at 6:52 pm UTC. Jupiter-Saturn synod will effectively trigger the Age of Aquarius for all Solar system beyond lunar orbit. At that moment, a massive operation of the Ashtar Command will commence and it will require a complete reorganization of all Ashtar Command fleet beyond lunar orbit.”
  • “It is interesting to note that the following mass meditation starts only 38 minutes after exact Jupiter-Saturn synod:”
  • “The second aspect is Mercury turning direct on November 3rd at 5:50 pm UTC. This aspect will ease the tension and uncertainty somewhat.”
  • “The third aspect is the completion of a certain cycle on November 3rd. Nothing more can be said about that.”
  • “Second wave lockdowns are now being implemented in many countries, and it is still very important for as many people as possible to join our daily anti-lockdown meditation:”
  • “Lockodown concept was engineered by Chinese Cabal members in tandem with Tedros Adhanom:”
  • To control the surface population with Covid apps:”
  • This is going too far, and we need to correct the planetary timeline back into the optimal Ascension timeline. Therefore we will be doing a Timeline Correction mass meditation at the moment of triple Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas conjunction on November 11th at 11:11 CET (equals 10:11 UTC), and you can join if you feel so guided:”
  • “The moment of this meditation will have Paris ascendant conjuncting the Galactic Center and Paris Goddess vortex will be activated to its next level.”
  • “If you are in France, you can join the Paris Sisterhood of the Rose group here:”
  • “Or Versailles Sisterhood of the Rose group here:”
  • “Exact time of the meditation for different time zones is here:”
  • “Instructions:”
  • “1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.”
  • “2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will shift the timeline back into the optimal timeline for the Age of Aquarius”
  • “3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light”
  • “4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.”
  • “5. Visualize this Light shifting the planetary evolution back into the optimal timeline. Visualize it removing all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize soft pink Light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth. Visualize your perfect life in the new Age of Aquarius.”
  • “Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.”
  • “This is now the final battle:”
  • “To win our bright future:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”

Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 10-24-20 *Job, *Rush, Financial

*First a comment:
*JOBAfter 39-weeks without a job, Sylvia and I are employed once again… but now, instead of being “Home” 99-percent of the Time, we’re at work 99-percent of the Time. Last week, Sylvia and I worked 56-hours. This week, we worked 57-hours. We’re working 9-hours Shifts, 6-days a week. (8-hours on Saturdays) By the Time we make the 30-minute drive home and fix something to eat, it’s Time to go to bed, wake-up and do it all over again.
Even at work, there’s no Time for much of anything… Breaks are strictly 10-minutes long and Lunch is 30-minutes. Sylvia and I are both slow eaters. So I really have to concentrate to eat, put everything back into our Locker, go to the Rest Room and then walk back to our work area before those 30-minutes have passed.
So there’s been very little Time to do my nightly Research.

*RUSHTonight, 10/22/20, while at work, Sylvia placed a Song in within my mind. It was “Tom Sawyer” by Canadian Rock Band, Rush. Although “Rush” is our favorite Band, I told her I can listen to it.

  • Years ago, before their Drummer, Neil Peart, crossed-over, I read, somewhere, that he had tapped into some negative energies. So I stopped listening to their Music, because I didn’t want those energies to interfere with mine. (On certain levels, negative energies like this can coat an Artist’s “Music” and, by listening to it, those energies can interfere with someone’s inner Resonance.)
  • Neil was the Lyricist for the Band, as well as being voted “Best Rock Drummer” for many years.

Sylvia then sent me some information which explained that, at that moment, Neil Peart had Resolved those negative influences and he had them lifted from this Life of his and his Songs.
This means I can now played my Drums to “Rush” Songs again!

  • When that information came through, I almost felt “relieved”, somehow.

Thank you, Neil Peart, for bringing the world your wonderful Lyrics and amazing Drumming.
FINANCIALThis 1-hour video is an information update by Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, and 3 Researchers.

  • I’ve been waiting for Charlie to provide updated information on “when” everyone will be given their own “Quantum Financial Account” with money inside it and this is the closest I’ve seen to “new” information.

This is some of what they cover:

  • The “Global Financial Reset”,
  • a few Arrests,
  • how empty New York is, etc.

Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 10-8-20 Harrison

This 24-minute video is an update from Researcher and Contactee, Lisa Harrison.
  • After almost 39-weeks without work, Sylvia and I stared my new job today. We get off at Midnight. Because I’m very tired, I wasn’t going to write-out the Highlights to this video. However, Lisa says a few things in the 1st 5-minutes are are pretty big. So I’ll at least include those.
Here are a few Highlights:
  • Lisa says this is her last video in her “Deconstructing The Construct” Series. She says “you have all you need” and if she were to continue with that Series, she’d only be repeating herself. Lisa has a feeling of “Freedom” and she says it gets stronger as we approach the end of October.
  • “We’re in the final hour.”
  • “Over the last week, a lot of work has been done.”
  • The rest of October is either going to be magical or difficult. It’s up to each person.
  • As of last week, the White Dragon is here.
  • When the video ends, the final words on the screen are: “Construct Deconstructed”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 10-5-20 *Feedback, “virus”, Fulford

*First a comment:
It’s now been over 495-weeks since My Sylvia crossed-over. I continue to do Research every night, which provides “me” with feedback of what Sylvia “showed” and “told” me within hours of her “crossing”.
Recently, though, I feel, more and more, that I want actual “Proof” that SOMETHING tangible has actually happened before including it in our Blog. This is why my Posts have been a bit skimpy.
I am so tired of being the “Donkey following the Carrot”. I need something “verified” / “in your face”… I think most of us need this now.
I still take all Facets to this “Puzzle” into consideration…
  • Society-level news,
  • Scientific information,
  • Dreams,
  • Psychics,
  • Symbolism,
  • Coincidences,
  • Theories about Time Travel, UFOs, Inner Earth, etc.
There just hasn’t been anything that “I” consider “feedback” which reinforces Sylvia’s messages to me.
I will continue my Research Journey until the “Veil” is removed and Sylvia & I are reunited with each other.
This Forum Thread is titled: “Belgium Health Experts Demand Investigation Of WHO For Faking Coronavirus Pandemic“.
The OP (Original Poster) on this Thread states:
  • “Is anyone surprised anymore about this…medical doctors and health professionals of Belgium demand investigation of WHO for creating coronavirus infodemic faking the pandemic.”
My comments: These are not “all” the Belgium doctors.
This information isn’t new. Most of us, especially in the “alternative community”, knew this months ago. It’s just nice to see the “Sheeple” waking-up.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

This is Benjamin Fulford’s full weekly report.

Although this Report is more in-line with the information “I” have heard, I’m not going to excerpt it as I normally do. I’m simply including the Link, in case someone wants to read it for themselves.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 10-3-20 Hypnosis

This 1-hour, 20-minute video is Hypnosis Practitioner, Alison Coe, reading a recent Session of one of her Clients.
  • A few weeks ago, I told Sylvia, now that Lisa Harrison has reported on her experiences with recent happenings, we need Alison Coe to provide her perspective. Now that she has, does that mean Humanity and this Planet are getting closer to “the Event”? Only Time will tell.
There’s not a “ton” of new information but there are some interesting facets.
Several times, I started write down the Highlights but was pulled back from doing so. This tells me that this video is, somehow, encoded with certain energies… If someone is drawn to watch it, then they are supposed to experience it.
My comments: I will say this, though… At a few different points in this video, her Client, in communication with another aspect of herself, talks about “Earth Changes” with high waves and volcanoes erupting. Personally, “I’m” still not feeling this. I’ve stated this several times over these last 494-weeks… Sylvia would not have left me here (on this side of the “Veil”) if I was simply going to go through a lot of hardship with an apocalyptic Earth. I’m still totally focused on what Sylvia told me, just a few hours after she crossed-over:
  • “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
If “I” was going to “cross-over” then Sylvia would have said: “YOU will be with ME soon.”
  • Note: It’s now the day after I watched that video. Sylvia is now suggesting that I include this:
  • The most important piece of information, to “me” is that the Client’s Higher Self said (more than once): “The Flash will happen BY March 2021.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

If you’d like to hear another Hypnosis Session by Alison Coe, here’s the link. (This one was released 10/3/20):