PS 1-25-21 NESARA, Updates, Insights

This long article covers several topics, including:
  • The “Global Currency Reset”
  • President Trump
  • The Military
  • The Republic
  • The “Revaluation” (RV) of the world’s Financial System
  • Arrests
  • …and more.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 20-minute video is by Researcher, “Santa Surfing”.
Here are a few highlights:
  • A new Political Party was recently formed. It’s called the “Patriot Party” and President Trump’s name is connected to it somehow.
  • She states that President Trump was Sworn In as the head of the “Republic” around January 11th.
  • The Narrator points out that the White House is, indeed, closed. She included a short clip from a “White House Web Cam” in her video from yesterday. In “today’s video, she shows the Phone Number to the White House and calls it. The recording says you can Press 1 to leave a Comment. So she presses “1” and then the recording says: “We’re sorry but the White House is temporarily closed.”
  • She shows a short video clip of “cabal biden” “signing” his “Executive Orders” and you can hear him say: “I don’t know what I’m signing.” It’s probably because you can clearly see that the papers he’s “signing” are “blank”.
  • She says the “2nd Declaration Of Independence” was released last week. She showed it in one of her videos at that Time.
  • She makes a good point. She says the “biden fans” are not celebrating. Why?
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

This 28-minute video is a panel of 5 Researchers, whistleblowers, Contactees, etc. They are: Robert David Steele, Charlie Ward, Sasha Stone, Simon Parkes and Sean Stone (from “Buzz Saw”, no relation to Sasha Stone, from what I can tell).
Here are a few highlights:
  • (Simon Parkes) In 2018 (or 2019), President Trump Signed an Executive Order which states that the next President cannot reverse President Trump’s Executive Orders. Specifically, the next President cannot say when the “National Emergency” ends. Only the Military’s Joint Chiefs Of Staff can do that. He says Trump is still Signing Executive Orders. Biden recently asked for details on the Aircraft the U.S. has sent to Saudi Arabia and the Pentagon told him “You don’t need to know that”. They also told him he’s not welcome inside the Pentagon.
  • (Charlie Ward) President Trump has not “stood down”. He’s created a NESARA government. He called the “Patriot Party”.
  • (Sean Stone) It’s all puppetry at this point. There’s no energy behind it.
  • (Charlie Ward) “The Destination” is that we’re going to move from darkness into Light. Into a new Financial System of fairness. What we’re going through at the moment is a very, very dirty tunnel to get there.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

1-22-21 AirFlights, Updates, Insights

This short video is by someone who seems to know a lot about the Military, Airplanes, etc. He goes by the name: “Mil Spec Ops Monkey Werx”.
In this video, he shows the Flight Path of President Trump after he left Mar A Largo, Florida.
He points out that a President always has a Red Dot on the map where is personal home is located. In this case, there’s a Red Dot on Mar A Largo. This Dot remains there, even after a person is no longer President. He shows that there’s still one over Dallas, Texas, indicating the home of “cabal bush”.
He then states that President Trump boarded a “Military” plane at Mar A Largo, flew to D.C. stayed there for 56-minutes and was then flown to Charleston, South Carolina. When President Trump’s plane left Mar A Largo, the Red Dot disappeared from the map.
The Narrator points out… If Trump was no longer the President, then why did he Board a “Military” plane? He says things are not what the appear to be.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 1-hour video is from “Santa Surfing”.
Here are a few highlights:
  • She shows a photo of “cabal biden” “signing” Executive Orders. Then she puts a previous photo next to where he’s signing with his “other hand”. So is he right-handed or left-handed?
  • She explains that “none” of “biden’s” “Executive Orders” have been Registered.
  • She shows a video clip of inside the Capital building. It shows a woman escorting “cabal pelosi” out of the building. The Narrator says the other woman is a U.S. Marshal. (I can’t verify this)
  • The Narrator shows a page on the “” website where it lists “Past Presidents”. President Trump’s photo is there but next to it is… “biden’s”. If he’s really the “President” then why is he listed as a “Past” President?
  • She then shows a Document called: “United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District Of Florida Tallahassee Division”. If you want to look it up, it’s “Case Number: 20-40375-KKS”. It also shows the words: “Involuntary Chapter 11”. That Document is dated March 4, 2020. It also states: “…with Internal Revenue Service as the entire overall transaction is only a Commercial Accounting Matter of what the Bankrupt UNITED STATES owes it’s True Creditors, which is the American People, in direct relation to the borrowed gold and National Banking Emergency Act of 1933. All Commercial Public Debt-Obligations, while transacting all business within UNITED STATES Commercial Markets, belong to the UNITED STATES, as the UNITED STATES is the True Obligor in each and every U.S. Commercial -Transaction.”. This Document is Signed: “Donald J. Trump, President / Chief Executive Officer of the UNITED STATES”. She explains how anyone can dig further to see even more information supporting this Document.
  • She then says that someone in the Capital building told the Soldiers, who were sleeping on the cold, marble floor, that they have to get out. She then shows a note which states that President Trump is now allowing the Troops to stay in HIS D.C. hotel.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
This nearly 1-hour video is a talk between Researcher Ann Vandersteel and Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward.
Here are a few highlights:
  • (Charlie currently lives in Spain) He says he saw the “Inauguration” 10-hours before it happened.
  • Ann went to D.C. on January 4th and stayed for several days. She explains what she saw and heard.
  • The U.S. is under Military control. We’re in a transition, right now, from the old “Corporation” to a new “Republic”.
  • We’re moving away from “Admiralty Law” and back to “Constitutional Law”.
  • Ann says she was awakened at 6a on January 20th by Sirens. She says there was a bomb threat at the Supreme Court.
  • Charlie says “There was no Inauguration. It was all optics.”
  • Charlie says hilary’s clone was about 2-feet too short.
  • Ann used to work for President Trump, around 1991.
  • “The Show has only just started.”
  • Papers have already been Filed to Impeach “biden”.
  • We’ve been operating under a false government for over 100-years.
  • “Biden has no power. He can Sign as many Executive Orders as he wants.”
  • There’s Marshal Law in D.C.
  • Charlie reads something that was sent to him by one of his trusted whistleblowers: (January 20th) “Loyal Military Officers published a list of people Wanted for crimes. Minutes later Congress is taken over by Military Police and 67-percent of Congressmen are Arrested”. “Tomorrow, the 23rd, House Representative, John Dilamand, submits a Motion for biden’s Impeachment, which quickly goes through, due to the fact that mostly Trump supporters are left to Vote cause all the rest have been Arrested. Harris has been Arrested at this time. So the 25th Amendment has been Invoked. The 27th… Remaining biden Administration members Nominate Trump, in exchange for Presidential Pardons.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-21-21 *Thoughts, Updates, Sather, Military, Perspectives, Insights. Wow

*First a comment:
From midnight, the night before the “Inauguration”, until late this afternoon, I was beginning to feel saddened… let down… almost depressed.
I frantically scoured my many online, alternative news resources for some feedback on “what just happened?”… but most of them were silent. Maybe they were a bit shocked.
Tonight, however, the alternative community is back, in-force! I’ve included 6 Sources in this Post and they become more encouraging as you go down this list.
What I learned is…
  • This isn’t over.
  • President Trump and the White Hats are STILL in control.
  • President Trump may be Inaugurated on March 4th.
  • Things are not what they seem right now.
  • This is History in the making.
  • This is HUGE!
  • We are witnessing the biggest change of ANY country and ANY government since the Revolutionary War and the Signing of the Declaration Of Independence.
This almost 1-hour video is from a Canadian Researcher who’s Channel is called “Deception Bytes”.
Here are a few highlights:
She points out several facets. Most of them, I had not seen or thought about. Of course, some of these things “I” can’t verify. So be sure to “question everything”:
  • She says the Marine uniforms, the drum stylings and tapestries were all contemporary with the Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the U.S. from 1869 to 1877.
  • “The book “The Last President” was written in 1896, which ws only 19-years after Ulysses S. Grant. He was, in fact the last President because America became a Corporation in 1871, which made the 19th President, Rugherford B. Hayes, a fraud to the Constitution. the author of “The Last President” was also the author of “The Adventures of Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Adventure”, which was written in the 1890’s as well. In that book, Baron’s dog’s name is Pence.”
  • Trump did not send an Airplane for biden. He had to get his own private plane.
  • The Narrator shows a video clip where there’s a vehicle moving through a street in Washington D.C. (I “think” biden is supposed to be inside. They pass a lot of Military personnel but NO ONE is saluting and a lot of them have their backs turned “away” from that vehicle.
  • She shows a note from “Team Sidney” which reads: “This is the actual results of the election. People in Germany saw this before Dominion servers were seized…” There’s also a chart of the Electoral College vote. It shows “Trump 410” and “biden 128”.
  • She states that there were “17”, gold-fringed flags behind President Trump at his Speech on January 20th. (“Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet and “Q” is where a LOT of solid Intel has been coming from.)
  • She shows a photo of the area between the White House and the Washington Monument. It’s FILLED with colored flags. However, each of the colors is grouped together and it looks like large “stripes” all the way down. The Narrator shows another image of Chinese communist colors and points out that they match those colored flag stripes. She says the cabal also placed those flags there because they couldn’t get enough people to attend the “Inauguration”.
  • She shows an article by “Zero Hedge” which is titled: “Wall Street Declares “The Beginning Of The End Of The COVID Crisis”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 8-minute video is from Researcher, Jordan Sather.
Here are a few highlights:
  • One important point that he makes right at the beginning of this video is something that I had forgotten about… At any point, President Trump could have declared “Marshal Law” and put everything under Military control… but he didn’t. Why? Does it mean that the White Hats really ARE still in control? Only Time will tell.
  • He doesn’t think the current situation, with “biden” as “president”, will be allowed to go on for very long before the Military reels them in.
Question everything.

Here’s the link (there is some “language” in this one):

This article is titled: “D.C. Troop Count Not Going Down, New Video Shows Four New Busloads of Troops Arriving!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 18-minute video is from a Researcher in Alaska.
Here are a few highlights:
  • He also mentions (and shows videos of) the Military troops that are still in D.C.… AND he shows a short video clip of at least one bus with Soldiers walking off of it.
  • He shows a photo of the “Inauguration” of “cabal harris” being Sworn In. However, as he points out, if you look closely, she placed her purse on top of the bible and her hand is on top of “that”. The Narrator states that she’s a “satanist” and they never touch the bible. (Looking closer at that photo, he says it may not be her purse because it has a zipper all around it.)
  • Around the 10:45-mark, the Narrator reads a message from “German Foreign Office”. He then shows a photo of the “Oval Office” but, looking closer, you see that it’s a Stage.
My comments: I’m a little confused on this one. Yes, it’s clear that it’s a “Television Set” but, if the information is from Germany, wouldn’t they use a pre-built “Set’ to simulate talking with “cabal biden”?
  • The Narrator shows some information from YouTube… saying that “cabal biden’s” “Inauguration” was so unpopular that the White House changed that video from “Public” to “Unlisted”. He states that there were 3,000 “Likes” and over “15,000 Dislikes” on that video.0
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 26-minute video is from “Santa Surfing” (from Hawaii).
I’m including this because she also points out several of the same facets that were presented in the above videos.
  • She shows a few more images of the “Oval Office” where “cabal biden” is Signing “Executive Orders”. However, when you look closely, you see that there are cars outside of the window that’s behind “biden”. How can that be?… because in the “real” Oval Office, those windows look out over “grass and bushes”. Look close at the frame around the top of the desk, when she compares President Trump’s desk with “biden’s”. They are different and the wallpaper is different. It’s not like that all of that changed in 1-day.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 32-minute video is a Talk between Researcher Cirsten and…
Here are a few highlights:
  • When President Trump left the White House, he “took the football”. This is Symbolic of him still being in control.
  • This all has to do with the dissolving of the “United States of America Corporation” and returning to a “Republic”. When the “Republic” Presidents were Sworn In, they did this on “March 4th”. President Trump will be Sworn In as the 19th President of the “Republic” on March 4th 2021.
  • Because of all the “satanic” Symbolism in D.C., President Trump and the White Hats are going to move the “Republic’s” Capital to another location.
  • “biden” was the first President who had to take a private jet in to his “Inauguration” because the Military doesn’t recognize him.
  • President Trump has “Retired”, not “stepped down”, as the head of the Corporation.
  • The “Executive Orders” that “cabal biden” Signed are not legal.
  • Photos of the “Oval Office” are shown. In one, you can clearly see what “cabal biden” is “Signing” as “Executive Orders”… It’s blank. No Presidential Seal, no text, nothing. He’s just signing blank paper.
  • “The entire Military is standing against them.”
  • “Haspel’s already under arrest.”
  • “We’re in DevCon 2” You have Continuity Of Government. You cannot transfer Leadership of the country during a war… during DevCon 2.”
  • The U.S. has warned China. They put a 4.5-Earthquake that blew a Dam up above 3-Gorges, which flooded 3-Gorges.”
  • The White Hats found another DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bunker in Maine with 25,000 Chinese troops inside. The White Hats used a special weapon (maybe an exotic weapon) to blow it up.
  • They’ve also been taking out DUMBS in Mexico, Mongolia and other places.
  • “biden” was installed by China.
  • The head, on Earth, of the entire cabal has surrendered.
  • They’re doing Arrests as we speak.
  • They talk about the Quantum Voting System.
  • The Declassified Documents are available on the Internet but people have to know where to look.
  • “biden” put “satanic codes” in his speech. They think they can do something but they can’t.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-20-21 Updates

(Yes, I’m usually very long-winded but I feel it’s necessary to bring those who haven’t been following this type of information to be brought up to speed… and because I want to be very clear on what I need to explain. So, yes, I will make a Point and, yes, there’s a video link at the bottom of this Section, if you want to jump ahead.)
As I’ve mentioned many times, I’ve been Tracking all types of information “on”, “off” and “inside” this planet ever since My Sylvia crossed-over in 2011. MANY times I’ve been lied to and several of those times, I’ve put out that mis-information as “fact”. We were ALL told MANY, many times… “it’s going to happen next week”… “it’s going to happen tomorrow”, etc. Whatever it was. It was always imminent. Many, many times I’ve felt like the “donkey” chasing the Carrot that he could never quite reach. I’m tired. I’m worn out but I can’t give up. I can NEVER give up… no matter WHAT happens (or what “doesn’t” happen).
I’m not in this to help the best Political Leaders “get into” or “stay” in power. Although Sylvia and I love this Country, I’m not in this to save the United States. I’m not even in this to save the Earth from bad Extraterrestrials. I’m in this “fight” / “situation” / “energy” to bring down the “Veil”. It’s only then that Sylvia and I can rest in each other’s arms, regroup and continue our Life together.
There’s a Saying:
  • “Eye on the prize”
…and, for “me”, My Sylvia is the Prize.
The many different things I’ve been Tracking all this Time…
  • the Political situation,
  • the fake “virus”,
  • the forced and unnecessary “lockdowns”,
  • Planet “Nibiru”,
  • the Moon Hologram,
  • flat Earth,
  • round Earth,
  • the X-Class Solar energy that will raise the Earth’s vibration,
  • Ascension,
  • Atlantis,
  • the Pyramids,
  • ancient history,
  • Time travel,
  • remote viewing,
  • psychic awareness,
  • Antarctica,
  • anti-gravity,
  • UFOs,
  • Extraterrestrials,
  • and a lot more…
…are simply “Measuring Sticks” / “Feedback” for me. I’m only doing all this nightly Research just to find out WHEN that “Veil” will be dissolved. That’s it.
Several weeks ago, “some” in the “alternative community” have mentioned that “January 6th”, and, later, January 20th, will be Turning Points with “something huge” happening IN THE PUBLIC’S AWARENESS. So, last week, I bought a bag of Popcorn. “Those in the know” were saying “watch the movie”, “get your popcorn”. A few days ago, I began to feel as though nothing was going to happen on January 20th. So I almost ate that popcorn at that Time. The night before last, a whistleblower stated that Television Stations had a visit by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and were told that their regular Programming would not be shown. Instead, an 8-hour message from the White Hats would be Broadcast (starting at 8a) on every Station and repeated for 72-hours.
I put that message on our Blog but I made sure to coat it with “IF, this is true” and “this MIGHT happen”, etc.
Yesterday, I was filling with positive energy that something WOULD “FINALLY” happen but, close to midnight last night, I felt as though “nothing would happen” today. When we went to bed, I had a Dream:
  • It was an odd Dream, considering what I just felt.
  • The Dream was almost real… it was “now”… it started with me waking up in the morning of January 20th, exploring the Internet and seeing that, yes, that Broadcast WAS taking place. I was still numb about it in the Dream. So happy about it but not really feeling it. Just “numb” inside.
As I write this, it’s now after 11:30p on the East Coast of the U.S. I’ve sifted through all of my alternative news websites and only 2 or 3 actually Posted something that “I” consider worth looking at.
One of them, though, I consider fairly important (link below). Some of the information she presents, I’ve heard before but she reminds us of a few things:
  • “Some” say last year (or years earlier) the “United States of American Corporation” was dissolved and that we now have gone back to being a “Republic of the United States”.
  • “Some” say there was something that President Trump did in 2020 which activated “NESARA” (Disclosure, Debt Forgiveness, etc.) and that the White Hats have 120-days (I think that’s the number) from that Date to bring NESARA to the Public’s Awareness. At that Time, they said this would bring us to March 4th. Because of all that, the real “Inauguration” will take place on March 4th 2021.
  • “Some” say that the White Hats are purposely allowing “cabal biden” to be “Inaugurated”, in order to show everyone that they are “officially” committing Treason. Also in the following video, she shows a photo from that “Inauguration” where “cabal biden’s” hand is on the “bible” but the “bible” is upside down. If you look closely, you can see the Holy Cross is upside down. This is a satanic Symbol.
So it looks as though I’m still the “donkey chasing the Carrot”… and I must continue to soften my information with “IF this is true” because… here we go again.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-18-21 Wilcock, Updates

It looks like David Wilcock may have fixed the skipping video from last night.
Here’s the link to the re-uploaded video:


This 1-hour video is a Talk between “Mel K”, who lives in New York, and Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Mel says she actually drove to D.C. a few days ago and even spoke to a few of the National Guard. They were all very calm and are not expecting an “attack”, as the “Lame Stream Media” is telling everyone. According to Mel and Charlie, it appears that the Military is doing some extra chores of gathering evidence and Arresting people in the CIA, FBI, etc.
  • Mel mentions the recent passing away of a member of the “Rothschilds” family. She states that the “virus” was just a smoke-screen and the real problem is the “vaccines”. She says the “vaccine” for this particular “virus” was Patented by the Rothschilds in 2012. and, again, in 2016. She says: “Most people don’t know that “covid” stands for Certification of Vaccine Identification.” (Charlie agrees)
  • The governments that have “Stepped Down” have done so because of Child Trafficking.
  • Charlie says… He was told “Tuesday will be popcorn day”. (watch the show)
  • Charlie then reads something he received: “I work at a mid-size Television Station. We’ve just had a visit from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), along with 2 people wearing Badges. I didn’t get close enough to see what the Agency was but we were told to prepare for all our Programming to be Pre-Empted, from 8am on Wednesday, for 72-hours. They told my boss he could be held Criminally Liable if he doesn’t allow the Feed to Air. He was almost in tears, saying I have never seen anything like this after 30-years in this business. They scared the s%@# out of him and the District Manager.”
  • The “virus” Test is bogus.
  • They explain that Pence didn’t “do the right thing”, in January 6th, because the White Hats needed the cabal politicians to “commit the Fraud” (by verifying that “biden” won).
  • “Facebook is Darpa”
  • “The entire covid thing was planned since 2012.”
  • “Uber is the brainchild of the CIA and Google combined.”
  • Charlie mentions something that he heard previously (along with most of us)… that there’s going to be a Broadcast, the Trump wants played on every single Channel, that’s a revolving, an 8-hour video of confessions…”
  • (Charlie) “From what I heard, the British government will be the last one to be taken down.”
  • “The Central Banks are bankrupt.”
  • “They” (I assume she means the White Hats)… “replaced the 5G Towers with Tesla-type Towers a long Time ago.”
  • (Charlie) “I’ve said this a million times… covid, coronavirus won’t kill you but fear will.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-17-21 *Happenings, Wilcock, Fulford, Declassification

*First a comment:
Everything I’m seeing and reading, over the last few days, from almost every Source in the alternative community, points to “something” happening “this week”… especially Tuesday (January 19th) and Wednesday (January 20th). Although “most” people “want” to see something happening where the General Public cannot ignore it, “some” people on this planet, like me and Sylvia, “need” something to happen.
  • Something huge that is “Earth-changing” or “Society rattling” will provide some much-needed feedback to “me”. It will tell me that the “Veil” is VERY close to being dissolved… and, when it does, Sylvia and I (and others) will be re-united with each other “Physically”.
So, although most “want” it and we “need” it, I must still remind everyone, including reminding myself… that I’ve been hearing “it’s happening next week” and “it’s happening tomorrow” ever since I first started Tracking all this information, which was shortly after Sylvia crossed-over in 2011.
Pay attention to the Distractions… the Diversions and if something causes you to feel “fear”, please don’t “re-Act”. Just step back, take a deep breath and calmly connect with your Feelings… your Heart Center.
So, it’s almost Time to truly Celebrate but let’s not set ourselves up for a huge let-down, either. So my suggestion is to not Celebrate until we actually “know” that something “has” happened.
Question everything.
This 3-hour, 12-minute video is an update by Researcher, David Wilcock.
I really can’t include the highlights on this because:
  1. Sylvia and I started watching it about 45-minutes before it was finished, and
  2. The “Live” video was so choppy… some of the talking was missed and several paragraphs of text, from David’s Slides, were not displayed in the video. I don’t know if this will clear-up on the Replay.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 24-minute video is an Interview of Journalist and whistleblower, Benjamin Fulford, by former CIA Agent Robert David Steel.
Here are a few highlights:
  • He starts right out saying “Nobody has seen biden. Nobody’s seen him with the naked eye. It’s all computer graphics.”
  • “We have a choice, now, between 3 Timelines. We have the biden Timeline, which will be like a 1984 nightmare, where everybody’s under lockdown and they have to have these DNA-altering vaccines that contain microchips, in order to have money and it would be a permanent enslavement of Humanity. That’s the nightmarescenario but if we have a continuation of the Trump Presidency, as is, economic collapse and major strife…”
  • The “United Nations” is a privately owned Corporation.”
  • “I guarantee you that the good guys are going to win this and we’re going to end-up with a much better planet but there’s going to be turmoil before we get there.”
My comments: “Some” of what Benjamin Fulford states is very different from other Sources I have read and heard. As with any information from any Source, even from “me”, Sylvia and I ask that everyone do their own Research and come to your own conclusions. We’re all in the same “boat” but some of us may see very different things than what the others are seeing.
  • As an example, I’m being shown this…
  • Picture all the Beings from the surface of this planet on the same Ship. The Ship is on the Ocean and not everyone can see what’s out the “front” of the Ship… some are only seeing what’s out the back. Others only see what out from one-side and others only see what’s out from the other side.
  • Maybe the Path in front of this Ship is showing nothing but Water, as far as the eye can see. However, on one-side of the Ship they see an Island and, using binoculars, they see angry cannibals watching us and ready to attack if we get too close. On the opposite side of the Ship, those people see an uninhabited Island with lots of food growing, natural places for shelter and have a peaceful feeling about it.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 4-minute video, Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, states that he will send the recently Declassified Documents to anyone who wants them. They’re free. You just have to give him your eMail address. These Documents include information on 911, the CIA, covid, hunter biden, the Flight Logs for epstein island, Chemtrails, etc.
  • “It’s going to be a big, big week.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-16-21 *pelopsy, Changes, Updates

*First a comment:
This was sent to me by E.R. (who’s on this list) thank you.
On 1/14/21, I included a Section called: “pelopsy”. As with most of the information I include, I have no “real” way of knowing whether or not it’s true. This is why I always state that everyone should “question everything”… even what “I” put out there and this is what E.R. did. His knowledge of that information comes directly from him being a Marine. For “me”, I place more credibility in his first-hand experience than any “article” on the “Internet”.
This is what E.R. sent me, in response to the “article” I included on 1/14/21:
  • “Hello Paul,”
    “As a former Marine, I must take issue with the article regarding a supposed conversation between Marine Corps Commandant, General David H. Berger and Speaker of the House, Madam Nancy Pelosi. Between those two officials, that type of confrontational conversation is just never going to happen. Period. IF the story was true, possibly the first few sentences could happen. Everything after those few, never.”
Of course, if there are other Marines, or people with other Military backgrounds, who would like to Comment on that article, please feel free to do so under that Blog Post or under this one.
Question everything.
This 22-minute video is from “Santa Surfing”.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Around the 3-minute mark, the Narrator shows articles which explain, “supposedly”… the entire Dutch government has resigned, Germany’s Angela Merkel will be stepping down, Estonia Prime Minister is missing and the Italian government has collapsed.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 1-hour video is Kelli Rivers talking to Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward and her friend, Robert Campbell.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Charlie explains some details of what really happened at the Capital on January 6th. The White Hats stole about 16 Laptops that day. The White Hats already had the evidence they needed against the Deep State but having their Laptops provides even stronger evidence.
  • When the voting fraud took place, the White Hats were watching the Dominion machines as they were processing the Votes. At one point, they saw “money coming in” and they traced that stream to a Satellite called “Leonardi”, which is owned by the Italian government and was Leased to the Vatican. When the smoke cleared, they discovered the money was coming from China and going through the Vatican.
  • “Today was the start of the collapse of many governments. We’ve seen it in Germany. The collapse of the German government. The collapse of the Dutch government. The collapse of the Kuwait government. The collapse of the Russian government.”
  • Kelli asks Charlie… “I heard Simon Parkes say that you and him and Robert David Steel, maybe, needed to be On-Call for something. What was that?” (Charlie) “We’ve been asked to do a Round Table with somebody behind-the-scenes… and we said Yes, we’re fine. We’re ready whenever it’s needed. They’d selected us to be the people that the message came out through. So I said fine.”
  • Charlie states that the head of “facebook” and “twitter” (and others) are just “playing the Role” until people wake-up. Kelli asked him if those people have already been Arrested or Cloned and Charlie just replied “yup”. “This is just Pantomime playing out.” Too many people still have too little Common Sense.
  • Charlie’s “gut feeling” is that General Flynn will be the Vice President “during the Transition”.
  • We’re moving into the world of “Nesara” and “Gesara” where we’ll be under the Law of the Land and not the Law of the Seas. So we’ll be under “Common Law” or “Constitutional Law”. “We’re all waiting for the British government to step down, cause that will happen. “At the moment, they’re just tormenting the public beyond belief.”
  • We’re (the U.S.) will be a Republic.” No more Democrats. No more Republicans.
  • (Charlie) The battle as already been won. “What we’re seeing is the Pantomime. We’re seeing it play out, with a view to waking people up. For those people that are Awake. Stop trying to Micro-Manage it. Stop trying to find out every minute detail. Sit back. Enjoy the Show, knowing the Destination is just around the corner.”
  • “It’s very easy to Con people but very hard to convince them they’ve been Conned.”
  • “No more Walmarts after 2021.” “Facebook disappearing. Twitter disappearing.” Some of these companies are too contaminated now to be broken-up.
  • “The latest Impeachment has already been thrown out.”
  • (Robert Campbell) “If Nesara has already been announced, we’re under Nesara and the “Corporate” United States has been resolved November 5th. So there is no Country to be Inaugurated IN… or no Presidency to be Inaugurated into.”
  • (Charlie) “Before all these Shenanigans, Donald Trump went to the Supreme Court to establish “if there was any Foreign interference in the Elections, it would be deemed Null and Void and he would win by Default. He clarified that before we started that.” Canada, China, Germany, Spain and more were involved.
  • (Charlie) The latest thing the Deep State are trying to do is to Inaugurate “biden” and then kill him, so they can blame it on the Trump supporters.
  • Kelli asks Robert about some information on his “facebook” page which says the “Resurrection” would happen by Easter. They talk about some information which was recently put out by “Juan O. Savin”, which explains that the things that are happening would put us out another 45 or 60 days. Robert says this would put us out to around Easter (April 4th). “Q” has mentioned that “this would be Biblical”. We Celebrate the Resurrection on Easter.
My comments: They didn’t tie-in something the President said sometime in March last year. I saw a short video clip where he’s walking with another guy outside one of the rooms in the White House and the President says something about “I’d like to see this cleaned-up by Easter.”
  • Charlie’s “gut feeling” is that something will happen on January 19th because if you reverse the numbers, you get “9-11”.
  • (Robert) Now that the Weather modification systems are under control, they Weather is turning back to normal. “I’ve actually seen real Clouds here in California.”
  • Charlie’s understanding is that President Trump will give the “Main Stream Media” one more chance to Broadcast something that he needs to get out to the people and if they fail, he will Broadcast it on the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and then he’ll Revoke their Licenses.
  • They talk about “pelosi”, “biden”, “elija cummings”, Justin Trudeau and more, being Clones. Charlie then says Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son.
  • Charlie says the “Pope” was Arrested last April-May because the he knows the people who were guarding him. He says this will be announced this March. “Every piece of information at the moment coming out now is very carefully planned.”
  • Charlie and Robert do not see a “universal, blanket lockdown” coming up. They see it as “rolling, place to place”. Temporary. They’re not going to put a lot of people in danger. President Trump is doing his best to minimize the harm to people as much as he can.

Question everything.
Here’s the link:

1-14-21 Cobra, pelopsy, Updates

This was Posted by Cobra today:
  • A Short Message to the Surface Population
  • “There will be an important timeline node from January 20th to 22nd that will to a significant degree influence the future course of events on the surface of this planet. During that time, it is very important to anchor as much Light as possible.”
  • “The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.”
  • “Instructions for the meditation will be posted at the link below, as soon as it is created:”
  • “In addition to that, you can visualize all energies across the continental United States being purified by the Violet Flame at any moment you feel so guided, from January 20th to 22nd, and also in days before and after.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

(Maybe it should be “pelousy”)
I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
This article is from “Real Raw News”.
Although it doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know, I thought it was very good feedback that, yes, the United States Military IS working for the White Hats:
  • Marine Corps. Rebukes Pelosi: WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU!
  • “By realrawnews – January 13, 2021”
  • “General David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps., refused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s request to use the Corps. to safeguard Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration from Trump supporters and insurrectionists.”
  • “Pelosi said she wanted “battle ready” reinforcements…”
  • “Her statement made the general explode, our source said.”
  • ““Don’t lecture me on patriotism, Madam Speaker. I’ve served this country with distinction for 40 years. I’ve spilled blood for our nation. What have you, a self-serving elected official, done for your country?” Gen. Berger said.”
  • “Pelosi further enraged him by saying he was answerable to Congress.”
  • ““I answer only to the president, and as I understand it, Donald J. Trump is still president and commander-in-chief. I abide in the Constitution as it was written, not your interpretation of it,” Gen. Berger admonished Pelosi.”
  • “Quoting our source, “When her intimidation tactic failed to sway Gen. Berger, Pelosi tried adifferent tactic: Begging and flattery.””
  • “If you want us to help combat his supporters, I suggest you get him on the phone and tell him that. If he orders me to, I will. Otherwise, I suggest you listen really hard to the words escaping your cracked, poisonous lips; they’re tantamount to treason. We don’t work for you,” Gen. Berger allegedly told her.”
Be sure to visit the following link, in order to read the entire article.

This 30-minute video is from “Santa Surfing”.
Here are a few highlights:
  • She says there is a “Global Broadcast Satellite” which “no media company can censor.”
My comments: I was a bit concerned about how the White Hats were going to get “real” information out to the people “IF” the “Emergency Broadcast System” (EBS) is hijacked.
  • Last week, I read that Apple was going to disable the EBS technology in their next update. So everyone was asked (by the alternative community) to turn off “Auto Update” on their devices.
  • She then shows a list of people, mostly from Italy, who have “Resigned”. That list also included the CEO of “Intel”. (Intel makes the main CPU [Computer Processing Unit] for a LOT of computers around the world.)
  • At one point, she scrolls through lots of Posts on Discord. a few Memes scroll by when I saw this one: “Those who feat the darkness have no idea what the light can do”. I just cried. (in a “good” way) I don’t know why. Maybe because… Each Time I see a powerful Node of Energy like that, I know that Sylvia and I are 1-step closer to being reunited with each other.
Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 1-12-21 Inauguration


This 26-minute video is by “Santa Surfing”.
Here are a few highlights:

  • A “substitute” for “pelosi” was acknowledged as “Temporary Speaker of the House” today. The Narrator asks “why?… Where’s pelosi?”
  • She talks about an “Emergency” that President Trump mentioned, which runs from January 11th to January 24th, 2021.
  • She shows some information which “may” indicate that President Trump has already been Inaugurated.
  • She says the CIA’s logo changed last November.
  • Blackouts in a few cities in the Middle East.


My comments: I went to the website to verify this but cannot find ANY logo, new or old.
Around the 3-minute mark, on this video, the Narrator shows a video clip. It’s a sort of “pep-rally” for “the Choir”… for us Patriots. It’s fairly powerful. I cried.
That video clip states that “January 20th” will be very important but if President Trump has already had his Inauguration, then what else is going to happen on that date? Only Time will tell.

Question everything.
Here’s the link: 

PS 1-11-21 Elections, Speech


This was sent to me by M.R. (who’s on this list) thank you.
In the following, 3-minute video, an Official from Italy explains the former head of the Leonardo SpA IT (Information Technology) Department (in Italy) was involved in the hacking of the United States Election computers and used “Encrypted Satellites” to do it.
That person (the former head of that Department) is now prepared to come forward and testify, with proof, about this.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the Italian video:


This is the 2nd or 3rd place I’ve seen “President Trump will speak on 1/12/21 from Texas. Some have said it would be at 2p CST. Others have said it would be 3p CST. According to the information at the link below, it “should” take place at 3p EST (East Coast of the U.S. Time)
I have no idea what President Trump will talk about. I can “guess” but it will be better if we all just wait.

  • Note: A few days ago, people started saying President Trump would give a Speech on “that” day. However, it never happened. So this “Speech” might also be “false information” or “delayed a few more days”.

Also note…

  • That link will take you to “YouTube”, which is owned by “Google”, which is controlled by the “cabal”. So “IF” YouTube allows that video to play “Live” tomorrow, then “maybe”, just maybe the White Hats are finally in control of that Service. Only Time will tell.

Question everything.
Here’s the link: