PS 12-29-20 Cobra

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This was Posted yesterday by Cobra:
  • Age of Aquarius Activation Report
  • “Our activation was a huge success, we have reached the critical mass many times over with about 400,000 people participating in the meditation.”
  • “The meditation sent a strong flash of energy into the planetary energy grid, with tectonic plates reacting and volcanoes erupting:”
  • “Exactly at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st, a very strong pulse of pure galactic Love energy has reached the surface of the planet from M 87 galaxy. The pulse lasted for about 10-15 seconds, but it was strong enough to instantly remove about 10% of all remaining primary anomaly that is accumulated close to the surface.”
  • “Many people meditating have felt this pulse, and it has brought instantaneous emotional and spiritual, and sometimes even physical healing to some people. Many traumatic events were erased from the energy fields of certain Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and huge healing of the heart took place.”
  • “From then on, clearing of the primary anomaly on the surface of this planet is taking place.”
  • “The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996. Many Light beings and goddesses were present in their energy bodies around people meditating, and they have managed to take a quite detailed sample of the Matrix structure. With greater understanding of the quantum structure of the Matrix, they are now removing exotic quantum dark technologies with full speed. They have also begun with gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity, and you can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:”
  • “And here:”
  • “The Light Forces are also continuing with the removal of the Chimera and this goes quite well in full alignment with their plan. They have already managed to remove over 50% of all Chimera underground bases, among them almost all of the ultra deep Chimera underground bases which are located more than 8 miles deep, just above the Mohorovicic discontinuity, the boundary between Earth crust and mantle:”
  • “Also, over 50% of the physical Chimera spiders are already gone. The Light Forces have also removed the spider king who was the main occult force behind countless wars throughout human history.”
  • “There is another pair of physical spider king and spider queen still remaining. They came from Rigel star system in 1996 and are since then situated in a Chimera underground base below Congo. The male counterpart is now the main occult force behind the quarantine status of planet Earth and the occult force behind coronavirus lockdowns (quarantine phase 2), whereas the female spider is the main occult force inhibiting Soul contact and unconditional love. They will both be removed soon.”
  • “In September 2019, I have warned about Jesuit plans for their version of the financial Reset which they have scheduled for January 2020:”
  • “The Jesuits are well versed in astrology, and they knew for a long time that Saturn Pluto conjunction in January 2020 was the greatest opportunity to trigger their plans, and this is when they triggered first public announcements about the coronavirus. Let us explore what is behind their plans.”
  • “After the formation of BRICS / Eastern positive alliances in 2014 and 2015, the Jesuits have shifted their main base to China and moved many Cabal agents there. Those agents took many positions within the Chinese government in the 2015-2019 timeframe, and immediately started the project of infiltrating the West:”
  • “Most people are not aware that communism is a Jesuit creation:”
  • “What is even less known is that some of those Chinese agents infiltrating the West are actually positive Red Dragons posing as CCP members.”
  • “Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs.”
  • “Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and George Soros, together with certain people at the top levels of Chinese government are their main minions who made the pandemic and lockdowns possible:”
  • “To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:”
  • “Jesuits lack creativity, and the only thing they managed to do is to steal the idea and to plan for the inverted version of the positive financial Reset:”
  • “Jesuit, Rothschild and Rockefeller factions have made trilateral agreements to join forces in their plans:”
  • “Nevertheless, the negative Great Reset will NOT be successful:”
  • “Although their plans will come very close to actually manifesting:”
  • “Meanwhile, positive Dragon forces are working silently behind the scenes. Most of their plans can not be made public yet, the only thing I can say is they are supporting Chinese civilian space exploration, trying to make it accessible to international community in preparations for Disclosure:”
  • “As scientists are researching radio signals from Proxima Centauri:”
  • “Ding Yu, a Chinese pop singer, who was appointed as space music promotion ambassador by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Communication center in June, was singing a song named The Age of Aquarius on Chinese national TV on December 19th, promoting our meditation:”
  • “My team has arranged a full translation of the famous Haim Eshed exopolitical interview from Hebrew into English. Although intel in that interview is not 100% correct, the interview itself will be interesting for many:”
  • “Positive factions have managed to infiltrate the Space Force, removing some of the Chimera agents from there. At some point in the future, the Space Force may play a role in the First Contact between humanity and the Ashtar Command:”
  • “An updated version of The Portal book with the posts from this blog is available here:”
  • “And a book about Tachyon chambers here:”
  • “The best is yet to come:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-19-20 UndergroundBase, DUMBS

This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • Secret base in Smoky Mountains – New witness
  • “This is a new report about the secret base beneath the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) since I wrote my book “Underground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina Mountains.”  It was provided to us on July 9, 2020 by a man who recently had completed a two-week camping vacation searching for underground military facilities in the North Carolina Mountains.”
  • “On the last night of his vacation, he stayed at the Mile High Campground on Heintooga Road, which is as close as the public can get to the base beneath GSMNP. The little-known road can be accessed from the Blue Ridge Parkway on the North Carolina side of the park. The following account is in his own words. Keep in mind that his discoveries began at two in the morning. – The Editor”
  • “Campfire view from Mile High Campground”
  • “WITNESS: On the drive to the location, I rode through some of the thickest patches of fog I have ever experienced. It was so thick that I drove into a median for the first time ever. Later, when I was standing on the road, the fog was so dense that I could barely see the double yellow lines at my feet even when shining a beam flashlight straight downward. I have heard about secret bases obscuring their operations with artificial fog and I believe that is what I may have experienced.”
  • “About 2 a.m., I parked at the place where Heintooga Road is closed, right at the Masonic Marker. This area is called “Black Camp” which would be fitting for a secret military Black Site. I was getting my stuff and feeling a weird sense of urgency. I don’t know if it was the Great Spirit or the spirits but something was nudging me to “Go now, leave now, stop searching for the bear whistle, just go, seriously, stop looking and start walking.””
  • “So, I did. And not two minutes later, once I was just past the road closed sign and just out of sight from the Masonic Marker parking lot, a truck speeds from around the corner and swoops down to investigate my car and then speeds away again. I kept walking and expected to be stopped any second, but I wasn’t. They let me walk along that closed road without interruption, but I’m sure that’s because they had sensors everywhere and I wonder if they chuckled as they watched me wander. I was there for more than four hours and walked between 13-15 miles total, approximately seven miles each way.”
  • “First off, I definitely heard the underground rumbling and grinding and machine noises. Something is there but the underground machine noises stopped promptly at 5 a.m.”
  • “I didn’t feel like I was alone. I am an energetically sensitive person with a large aura bubble and the energy of this area seemed like it was occupied even though it was a completely empty and closed road. The forest always feels alive, but this felt alive and active. I wonder if I had this feeling because I walked over an underground corridor or occupied chamber.”
  • “I also heard voices a few miles into my walk. I stopped walking to listen to make sure I wasn’t just misinterpreting the sounds of my walking, but I was still able to hear some more words and sentences when I was motionless. I couldn’t make out what was said, just that they were talking. Maybe these were clandestine campers or maybe they were underground employees on a smoke break or something.”
  • “Beyond the Heintooga roadblock – known locally as Heintooga Round Bottom Road”
  • “I got down to a little service road and went around the road closed sign for that too. A little way back was some sort of little machine house. It could be a regular forest pumphouse or maybe an elevator. I went back further and found a hidden ventilation shaft. I don’t know if it was a natural thing for a pumphouse but it was strange and seemed out of place.”
  • “Also, this dark, obscure, lightless mountain is the perfect place for an underground base. The lack of lights again adds to the “Black Camp” title. It looks like some of the pull-offs and overlooks on Heintooga were destroyed and grass placed over them. Perhaps they were closed off to help hide a base.”
  • “I had to stop my walk after getting confronted by a gigantic defensive Elk. Some strange Divine synchronicities from earlier in the day convinced me to turn around at that point, especially since I couldn’t go around him. He was slightly frightening but extremely majestic.”
  • “Also, even though I am a conspiracy theorist, I don’t tend to like Masonic conspiracy theories because I think they’re being used as scapegoats, but the Masonic marker being right there is fascinating. Masons brought stones from all over the world to build a monument on that mountain, and that’s literally the furthest you can go on that road before the barricade.”
  • “After getting home, I felt the strangest that I have ever felt. It was as if I were being suppressed by some sort of dampening field. I have heard of Black Military Projects hitting people with directed energy weapons and I believe that I experienced this. It was hard to even talk and my motivation to even think about seeing loved ones was absolutely gone. It felt so strange and I genuinely wasn’t sure if I had actually died that night. It was a strange dissociation.”
  • “I was able to begin regaining my spiritual defenses after I restarted and sustained spiritual techniques that are familiar to me. I felt like I was under a dampening field and that I had to fight hard to be able to stand up again. I wonder exactly how these directed energy weapons work but I’d rather not be on the receiving end again to find out.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images provided.
My comments: I was under the impression that the White Hats were clearing-out ALL of the Underground Bases. So if this one is still operating, it either means the White Hats have not dealt with it yet or this particular Base is working on something other than trafficking Children. (Maybe a highly secret, Black Ops project.) Only Time will tell.
While you’re on the following page, be sure to read the other articles. Each is a “Rabbit Hole” all by itself. Interesting information.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
As I checked on this 1-hour, 15-minute video, I got a few minutes into it and started to not watch it any further. However, as I did, I saw the handful of topics the Narrators discussed. When they got to the “DUMBS” (Deep Underground Military Bunkers), I was surprised at the “detail” that was presented.
  • A LOT of what is discussed actually sounds like “Science Fiction”, even to “me” and with a lot of this, I can’t verify it. So I have to start by saying “IF” this information is real, then it’s very important.
Here are just a few of the facets covered in this video:
  • The hierarchy in the Ranks of the cabal’s negative Witches. (Who’s “number 1” in different categories.)
  • They list a handful of cabal members who, “they say”, have been Arrested, including: the former President and his “wife / husband” Handler Michael. The Narrator also states that a few of the “elite” have now been executed, including “little hitlery” and her husband, the Actor who stared in “Forest Gump” and a few others.
  • They state that the cabal has a President Trump “clone” and they filmed that clone being assassinated. (I’m only mentioning this particular facet, in case the cabal tries to show this on their “Lame Stream Media”. I just don’t want anyone to panic.)
  • The interesting facet, regarding the DUMBS is, “according to one of the Narrators”, when a DUMB is cleared out, an “Earthquake” is registered on the Seismographs at the specific depths of: 10km or 5km or 3km. It’s stated that, if an Earthquake is registered at, say, 10.1km or 5.8km, then it’s “natural” but the ones registering at exactly 10, 5 or 3km are the White Hats clearing them out.
  • It’s also stated that some of the Seismographs have registered a “negative” Earthquake. In other words, “according to the Narrator”, the Earthquake was “above ground”. He then explains… this means it was a ship trying to escape but because the White Hats have control of all the satellites, including the ones with Lasers, they simply destroyed the ship before it could escape.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 6-17-20 StGermain, Pleiadians

I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)
It looks like Morgan Le Fay posted this information but it was originally “written” or “Channeled” in 1938 (details below).
I’m including this because it’s a great reminder in these chaotic times… to remind us that each of us not only “has the power” but also that we create our own world from within each of us… Something good to think about, right about now.
  • “Not one thing can touch or enter your world except you feed your life energy into it by the power of your attention.”
  • “Saint Germain told us:”
  • “I want to say something to you tonight. I have never said this before to the students, but dear people, there are a few individuals really vicious in the world, but oh, there are hundreds of thousands of people whose heart are of gold – whose love and intense feeling to bless each other and humanity is wonderful. And when I have looked upon you blessed students here in your earnestness and holding the guard here in your city, I bless you each one. There is no power that can touch you or your world, except your own “Mighty I AM Presence,” unless you accept it in your feeling world. Oh, I plead with you, stand more firmly over your own feeling world. Analyze what is going out from it. Stand guard that no discordant thing come into it. There is where the great tragedy in life comes, beloved ones, because mankind keep on and keep on accepting the discord of the outer world into their feeling world, and the precious ones don’t even know they are doing it.”
  • “I tell you, if at any time in the world we could weep for our fellowman, it would be then. Those who in their intellect are so earnest and determined to have the light and strength, and yet, unknowingly, they keep on accepting these conditions as having power over them. Don’t you see, beloved ones, there is not a thing in your world, once you come to know your “Presence,” that has power over you, except your own “Presence”? Not one thing can touch or enter your world except you feed your life energy into it by the power of your attention.”
  • “Oh precious ones, won’t you just contemplate that with me for a moment tonight? Think of it! There is no means of anything out here in the world of action finding an entrance into your world except through your own power of attention, and the energy which goes through your attention to an objective which is limiting or discordant. That is the only way discord can come back into your world and find an anchorage there. Otherwise, it would pass you by.”
  • “-“
  • “Discourse given in Jan 9, 1938, published in ‘The Voice of the I AM,’ May 1982, pages 6-7, book:
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the above information:

Here’s the link to Morgan Le Fay’s facebook page:

  • This is long but I had already poured and formatted the entire Channeling before I realized I had the link to the original website.
I’m including this because, although it’s a “Trance Channeling”, it explains the battles between the dark, Extraterrestrial forces and Humanity, assisted by aspects of the “Galactic Federation Of Light”. Some of these facets match what I had read from other Sources and some are new to me.
If you don’t believe in any of this information, then it’s an opportunity to use these ideas to help keep your mind open. Remember the Saying: “All things are possible.”
  • Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces: Storm Update: 06/17/2020
  • “Me: Hello, Soren, do you have time for an update?”
  • “Soren: Hello, Sharon, how is it going?”
  • “Me: Well, to be honest, I think we’re all sitting here waiting with anticipation of what’s to come. Daily developments in the The Storm are happening. We’ve got good intel sources here on the ground, which is great. But hearing from your perspective as to what’s happening is always better.”
  • “Can I ask some specific questions first?”
  • “Soren: Of course. Go ahead.”
  • “Me: I see three or four mother ships around me right now. If I look facing north, one is at 10 o’clock and I know that that ship is the Mangaram and that’s Commander Erron’s, but there’s one at 2 o’clock, and then one at about roughly 6 o’clock. Commander Erron told me they fly in the pattern of the flower of life and the reason they twinkle is that they’re alternating in frequency, even going between dimensions, to reduce being detected.”
  • “Soren: Yes. Your governments are friendlier towards our ships; some have had to admit defeat against us, others are embracing us with open arms, as you say. Then there are the cabal forces which still try to shoot us down. We love that they come to us, because it makes taking them out a lot easier. LOL”
  • “Me: Yeah, helpful when your enemy shows up at the door.”
  • “Soren: We have no enemies. We don’t see them that way. They are simply beings who, for various reasons, reject universal law and for that reason, they can’t remain in our galaxy.”
  • “Me: Good, yes, that’s another good way to look at it.”
  • “Now, are there any hotspots where there is more fighting around? Ivo said that he’s still fighting over Area 51 although the Light has it. He says the cabal forces or dark military is still trying to get it back.”
  • “Soren: Yes, they don’t like losing. LOL”
  • “As for hotspots, always Antarctica. For as cold a place as it is, it’s the ground zero of this entire operation. Get Antarctica and you either control or release the world from control, whatever your agenda. And ours is to release it, of course.”
  • “Me: Why there?”
  • “Soren: Antarctica is full of your world’s history. There are ancient ruins there, some of which are still operational, that are underground. There are buried ruins, there are computerized systems still functional, there are even giants sleeping in stasis….well, they’ve been woken up.”
  • “Me: Oh! I just got this huge intuition – Antarctica is like an “operations center” for this planet. This is how they’re changing the weather, creating the climate belts, this is how they decide where water will be and where there will be deserts.”
  • “Whose systems are these? False Matrix or do these come from Antiquity?”
  • “Soren: They were started in Antiquity, then they were overtaken and made to create the false Matrix.”
  • “Me: Did we have weather control in Antiquity? Was there a need for that?”
  • “Soren: No.”
  • “Me: What were these computers for then?”
  • “Soren: What do you use computers for?”
  • “Me: Playing Solitaire, what else? LOL”
  • “Soren: Well, they had computers for more extensive projects than winning a Solitaire game, LOL, they had them for the same reasons you have technology in your businesses and industries.”
  • “Me: Oh I see. So these were hijacked to change the weather and to create a false reality for us?”
  • “Soren: You’re on artificial timelines.”
  • “Me: Oh, so that’s why they protect Antarctica so ferociously, because it’s the central computer for all the computers on earth that create the false reality.”
  • “Soren: One of them. There are other mainframe computers as well.”
  • “Me: Yeah, I know there’s one under Denver airport.”
  • “Soren: So when we gain Antarctica, we can take away all the mind control, release the false image of what your earth looks like to you now and return it to the natural Lemurian timelines.”
  • “Me: So these are somehow repressed while these artificial timelines have prevailed?”
  • “Soren: Yes. They are there but few are populating them now. Only powerful earthlings are populating the Lemurian timelines and so are the Agarthans, of course. Many of you are jumping back and forth between the real and the fake timelines as your frequencies change.”
  • “Me: Yes. They don’t look different to me, though.”
  • “Soren: Because you don’t believe they should be. What you know is what you believe. What you believe you dub overtop of what is really there.”
  • “Me: Okay, Soren, I see things sometimes like piping coming out of the St Lawrence River as I sit in the park. I see many ships flying around and suddenly disappearing. Me and my brother Merton, who flies a ship around me all the time, like to work to shoot them down. This is Lower Earth Orbit that I’m seeing, and there is what everybody sees but there is also what I’m catching glimpses of in LEO, ships flying around, pipes taking water from our rivers and telepathically, I saw a bunch of buildings that look like barracks above us.”
  • “Soren: You’re seeing dark installations. Yes, you’re seeing beyond the normal capacity for a third dimensional human. You’re getting your psychic vision back.”
  • “Me: So is this really prolific? And are you taking out these installations as well?”
  • “Soren: Yes. We have to take them out. They’re in a frequency slightly out of alignment with your eyesight as well as the fact that you have implants or shields that keep you from seeing them. Some people can though, and they see the extraterrestrial life that’s surrounding you all the time. Most don’t. They’re unaware of them.”
  • “Me: So just think, someone’s having a dinner in their dining room and there are half a dozen life sized reptilians and insectoids watching them eat, as well as their normal guides and angels. Crowded space. Yes, I’ve heard hissing one night at 4 a.m. which told me there was probably a reptilian in my living room although I couldn’t see it. I just alerted Archangel Michael. It amazes me sometimes how calm I am in situations like that but when I have to deal with earthlings, it’s anything but calm.”
  • “Soren: It’s what you’ve learned.”
  • “Me: I’d love to see a battle going on between your forces and these reptilians.”
  • “Soren: We’d love to show you. You can look astrally.”
  • “Me: Okay. I’ll meditate on that. Where else are you fighting?”
  • “Soren: Where aren’t we fighting? LOL”
  • “Me: Okay, so pick anywhere I guess. The fact that there are 3 motherships around me must be a clue as to how much battling there is going on. I’d love to just hear one “boom” or see an explosion.”
  • “Soren: We can work on that. LOL”
  • “Me: So as to the Alliance’s military forces that are fighting around the world, cleaning out the bases, how is that going?”
  • “Soren: It’s nice to have some help. They’re working with us and some of your men and women are seeing things that they’re having trouble dealing with.”
  • “Me: Like children?”
  • “Soren: That too, that’s hard for many of them to take, but they’re walking into completely alien environments that they had no idea existed, and doing battle with 8 foot tall reptilians, mantises and giant spiders.”
  • “Me: Sounds like more PTSD.”
  • “Soren: We’re helping to heal them. Many of them have been taken out of service and sent for healing because they never expected to see any of this. Some of these troops were already aware and take it more with a grain of salt, but others are scared to death. We have to watch them and make sure they don’t compromise the fight. It’s not uncommon for a Pleiadian to step in to a human body and work with the human to help them through a battle. They’ve got munitions they have never used nor ever thought they’d ever have to use.”
  • “Me: Yes, just thought they’d be using guns. Now they’re using something out of Superman comic book.”
  • “Soren: It’s hard to debrief them beforehand because there’s a lot of resistance. In the real tough cases, we don’t let them fight because their resistance, their denial is going to be the death of them. So we monitor their reaction and don’t put them in on front lines.”
  • “Me: What about the light warriors? Where are we working at night?”
  • “Soren: Mostly in the bases as well. There are so many bases, just an extensive labrynth of cities underground, we can use all the help we can get.”
  • “Me: Where do I go?”
  • “Soren: Area 51, where else?”
  • “Me: I know I wake up feeling pretty rough some mornings. There might be any number of reasons but I put some of it down to battling the dark at night time. What would a typical night time scenario look like?”
  • “Soren: LOL After you’ve met up with Ivo?”
  • “Me: Yeah, we’ll skip that. After Ivo and I have had alone time, I mean.”
  • “Soren: LOL You go on raids.”
  • “Me: So would any light warrior be doing this as well?”
  • “Soren: Yes. Typically you go out on raids. You’d be transported down under the surface and would replace ETs doing battle there with the Alliance forces.”
  • “Me: Can the Alliance forces see the Pleiadians?”
  • “Soren: Some can. They use night time vision as well so they can pick up images of us more easily.”
  • “Me: Oh yeah, that makes sense. Would you ever lower your frequency enough for them to see you?”
  • “Soren: Sometimes, but not if we’re fighting. Our frequency is our advantage.”
  • “Me: Yes, you’re even faster than anyone of lower frequency, of course. So you’re in the tunnels or bases fighting with Alliance forces. How does it all unfold?”
  • “Soren: The Alliance forces do their work according to their own training. They stick to what they’ve been told to do, as any militia would. We are there looking for beings they’re not aware of and we know who they’re aware of.”
  • “Me: So, you’re there in case of ambushes.”
  • “Soren: Or any being that comes in on a frequency change to stage a surprise attack, yes, we know of this and prevent it.”
  • “Me: Why is it important for the Alliance to do this work? Can’t you do it all?”
  • “Soren: Your people are obliged to do fifty percent. It’s your planet and your liberation. The GFL doesn’t do rescues, they aid the planetary forces in achieving their goals. This is your battle, your war. Because it has a galactic impact, we’re allowed to work with you.”
  • “Me: So would it be safe to say that Alliance forces are speaking to Ashtarr Sheran?”
  • “Soren: It would be safe to say that. We have many GFL leaders who communicate with forces on the planet. Everything is structured to bring a liberation to your world and it’s because both are working together that this will be accomplished.”
  • “Me: Okay, so I’m in the bases as an earthling light warrior. What am I doing?”
  • “Soren: You’re using your telepathic powers, your telekinetic powers, and you’re using energy discharges from hands, eyes and feet in order to overwhelm enemy forces and allow Alliance soldiers to get by them and rescue children, and others trapped in the bases. While the dark forces are incapacitated, you are debriefing them and asking if they wish to stand trial or help with the Light liberation of earth. They are being rounded up and put on jailing ships to be taken to a planet where they are jailed, sometimes it’s the moon, sometimes it’s one of the moons of other planets in your system, and in the case of key persons, they may be taken to the Pleiades for debriefing.”
  • “Me: So we’re just dropping them, taking them down in numbers and incapacitating them for arrest by light forces?”
  • “Soren: Yes.”
  • “Me: Would it be safe to assume that we are working in our local areas?”
  • “Soren: No. You work in the States. Key locations are being taken down first, later on others. Canada is not as key as the States is and the States must be overtaken first by its own military. There are troops in Canada as well, but there aren’t as many bases in Canada. The U.S. is a key location.”
  • “Me: I see. When will we see a change of government in Canada? I want the government to change to a non-globalist government.”
  • “Soren: There are still 6 months left in 2020. Within 2020 you’ll see major changes yet, and following that major world changes in the next 2 years.”
  • “Me: Thank you Soren.”
  • “Soren: Thank you Sharon. Keep in touch.”
  • “Me: I will!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 1-16-18 *cabal, Cobra

*First a comment:

(They don’t deserve our Respect. So I won’t capitalize that word.)

This morning, as Sylvia and I drove to work, we saw a lot of “Chemtrails” / “Contrails” / “straight clouds” whatever you want to call them. We haven’t seen these a several months. So why “now” and where did the cabal get the money to pay for them?

I thought we were completely done with this nonsense in the Sky. As I was complaining to Sylvia this morning about this, she mentioned that they are scared. They are afraid we’ll see the proof in the Sky. So they cover it up.

So the big, bad, might cabal are now running scared? It’s about Time those tables are turned. Let THEM squirm for a while.

  • Most of the Time, when Sylvia and I see “Chemtrails”, they always coat that part of the Sky where the Sun is located. In “my” opinion, if the cabal wanted to harm any of the life on this planet with their “cloud spraying”, they would make sure the ENTIRE Sky was covered with their chemicals… but, because only the “Sun” seems to be their target, it tells “me” that they simply want to keep everyone from seeing something… something so important, so obvious that it would convince a lot of people about a lot of “Rabbit Holes”.

So if “Chemtrails” cost the cabal a pile of money, AND their money is quickly running out, WHERE did they get the money for today’s efforts? That spraying must be extremely important to the cabal or they would not have spent that valuable (and now, hard to get) phony money.

  • cabal idiot 1: “Should we continue with the next false-flag item on our list?”
  • cabal idiot 2: “No! We have to keep them from seeing the sky. It has to be sprayed!”
  • cabal idiot 1: “…but we’re almost out of money.”
  • cabal idiot 2: “If they see what’s in the sky, everything we’ve done will be for nothing.”

The cabal Puppet Masters are so “all powerful”… “all controlling”… I’m being reminded of an 1956 Episode of “The Honeymooners”. In the Episode, “The Loudspeaker”, the 2 main characters talk about the “secretive Lodge” they belong to. (“Character 1” works as a Bus Driver. “Character 2” works in the sewers of New York.)…

  • (Character 1) “I got a call today from the Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler.”
  • (Character 2) “YOU, got a call from the Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler?”
  • (Character 1) “That’s right… and I’ll bet your jealous. I’ll bet you never got a call from the Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler.”
  • (Character 2) “What are you talking about. He doesn’t have to call me! He works right next to me down in the sewer!”

Here’s the link to that Episode:


This was Posted by Cobra today:

  • “Operation Mjolnir”
  • “Operation Mjolnir is a special operation of the Light Forces to enforce implementation of the Galactic Codex within quarantine Earth.”
  • “Mjolnir, also called Hammer of Thor (compare Norse: Thor, Roman: Iuppiter, Greek: Zeus, Egyptian: Wsir, late Atlantean: Astar) , is a special undisclosed technology of the Galactic Confederation that will make sure Galactic Codex is respected again in quarantine Earth sector:”
  • “One aspect of Mjolnir technology is detection of any dark being simply by measuring the amount of quantum anomaly that being emanates with negative thoughts, emotions and actions. Another aspect of Mjolnir technology is a foolproof containment and processing technology that can remove any dark being from its domain and process it according to the Galactic Codex. That processing usually takes place in Ganymede sort facility.”
  • “Operation Mjolnir is in full effect since November 2017.”
  • “In sublunar space, the Light Forces that belong to Galactic Confederation are approaching all members of various dark factions in a no-nonsense manner, giving them an option to accept the Light or else be taken to the Galactic Center for restructuring:”
  • “The main faction making problems recently is the so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). IBC is a Chimera-controlled negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network and went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996. They have created their own network of underground cities, connected with high speed trains. Their underground network is independent from US military underground network (constructed since 1950s and cleared by the Resistance after 2000), independent from the Chimera underground network (constructed 26,000 years ago and now almost completely cleared by the Resistance) and independent from Agartha underground network (created 26,000 years ago and expanded in the last few decades when the Resistance joined that network):”
  • “Below the surface, Illuminati Breakaway Complex has teamed with native Earth Dracos and Reptilians and also with Dracos and Reptilians that have entered this Solar System in the 1996-1999 timeframe during the last Archon invasion. In 2014, top levels of Illuminati Breakaway Complex were taken over by the Chimera. Since 1996, IBC was developing their own secret space program that was cooperating both with Draco fleet and the so-called Dark fleet. Now this secret space program with a significant fleet of cloaked ships is the most powerful negative faction present in sublunar space and is the main focus of Operation Mjolnir.”
  • “Currently, Illuminati Breakaway Complex consists of about 200,000 Illuminati and Dracos, controlled by the Chimera. IBC is responsible for majority of missing children since 2015 and they used them as slaves in their underground bases:”
  • “Information about IBC could not be released until now, because they would retaliate by creating untold amount of suffering for those captives. One part of Operation Mjolnir was the Resistance freeing the vast majority of those captives since the beginning of January 2018 and then Pleiadians taking them to a certain planet near the Pleiades star cluster for recovery and healing.”
  • “Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also responsible for a great deal of scalar and directed weapons attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially for the current wave of attacks that started in November 2017.”
  • “Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also connected to about 1 million native Reptilians that live on the surface especially in Africa and Latin America but also on other continents and are known as vampires:”
  • “Other secret space programs tend to gravitate closer to Earth in Low Earth Orbit and clearing of these is responsible for more visible effects of the current space war:”
  • “The Hawaii missile was a secret space program weapon directed to Hawaii that was removed by the Galactic Confederation before it entered the atmosphere.”
  • “Mysterious Zuma satellite (USA 280) was successfully launched in orbit and is involved in the current space war. Until recently, it was possible to track the position of this satellite here:”
  • “Another satellite, NROL-47, is also involved in the current space war in Low Earth Orbit:”
  • “This satellite was or was not developed by a positive faction within the Chimera-controlled NRO:”
  • “NRO is one of the main organizations with its primary purpose of maintaining quarantine Earth status and constantly monitoring any possible involvement of Galactic Confederation with quarantine Earth domain.”
  • “Mission patch for NROL-47 reads Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt, which translated from Latin means “evil never wins” or “dark ones never prevail”.”
  • “The image on the patch depicts St. George slaying the dragon that demanded human sacrifices:”
  • “Putting this in the modern language it means victory of the positive humanoid species over predatory Draco species in this last phase of the Galactic wars.”
  • “We will finish this update with a video of Operation Mjolnir that might be interesting to many:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-11-17 Cobra

This is the text version of a recent interview with Cobra. Here are some excerpts:

  • “In regards to the March 28 update, you confirmed that Rockefeller is indeed dead and is hiding on the plasma plane. Can you tell us is he captured yet?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, actually, he is no longer in this planetary system. He will very soon be on his way to the Central Sun.”
  • “Now, in some of your previous posts, you had mentioned that strangelet and toplet bombs were said to be tied to the Unholy Four and major Cabal members. You indicated previously that arrests could trigger these bombs. Is this still the case?”
  • “Cobra: There is still a problem with it, but there are, I would say, certain plans and certain approaches of the light forces that can circumvent this.”
  • “I will not go in detail here, but it’s a complex subject. So I cannot give a straightforward answer. In some cases, bombs could be triggered. In some cases, it could be prevented. And there are plans underway which will completely eliminate this.”
  • “Cobra: Actually strangelet bombs have been removed completely. What we have now is the toplet bombs.”
  • “Rob: Okay. So I guess the question is, would they be able to stop the toplet bombs?”
  • “Cobra: I would say, again, in a few cases yes. This reaction has not completely mastered yet, but they are getting closer and closer. And when they will be able to completely master this, I would expect the Event to happen.”
  • “Rob: Okay, so that’s very good news. And obviously at the time of the Event, if not a little bit before, a lot of this technology would be brought down with one order by the Galactic Confederation.”
  • “Cobra: This will be completely shut down at the time of the Event, if not a little bit before. It will be completely shut down.”
  • “Cobra: Okay. The main technologies are so-called morphic chambers. Morphic chambers are . . . I would say are artificial intelligence constructs which influences the plasma field and shapes the plasma field with strong electromagnetic fields and scalar waves.”
  • “It’s actually a technology that shapes and designs the plasma plane around the planet. And whole planetary surface is under the influence of this technology.”
  • “And since last week, the Galactic Confederation forces are removing this. And this is what triggered for the first time in human history the reaction of the Chimera Group, because they said, “If the Galactic forces intervene, we will create World War III.” So this is why this Syria situation is happening now. Because for the first time in human history, the Galactic forces are clearing this out.”

Question everything.
Here’s the link: