PS 2-14-20 *Christmas?, *Support, *Horoscope, Cobra

*First a few comments:


This afternoon, around 2p, I was sitting here at my computer doing more “Job” Research when a “feeling” / a “Sense” came over me that there was  a few feet of snow outside and it was “Christmas”. This “Sense” happened 4 or 5 times within about 15-minutes. Each “happening” only lasted for about 5-seconds.


While I’m mentioning “Time” being out of place… I think it was yesterday, when I was watching a video where the person in it said something like… he remembered back in 2015 when… My 1st thought was: “2015 hasn’t even happened yet. Wow, that guy is mixed up. It’s several years out.”


  • “Support” is a very weak title for this Section but, right now, I can’t think of one which expresses the “feeling” and “idea” of this…

This 14-minute video is a “TED Talk” from 2011. It appeared on the YouTube “Recommended” list, when I was watching a Music-gear video today.

The Presenter is Composer, Singer and Director Eric Whitacre. A few years before this TED Talk, he had released a few Songs. At one point, a young teenager liked one of them so much see made a video of herself singing it. She Posted it online and he was not only touched but it gave him the idea of getting a few random people together, to form a “Virtual Choir”, and sing one of his other Songs.

Lots of videos poured in. He had them all synchronized and made into a video of him Conducting all of them. The result was wonderful. Those at this TED Talk gave him a Standing Ovation for it. (I couldn’t stop crying.)

The video below is very worth watching.

The reason I’m including this is that all things, in their un-interfered-with State, want to “Support” others around them. Just like “Gravity” wants to pull things towards it… Air and Wind just want to “move”…  “Nature” always wants to “change”… People, no “Humans”… No “Humans”… “Beings” EVERYWHERE… when it comes right down to it, WANT to help those who need help… Someone hurt on the side of the road, for example… if another person observes this, they don’t look at the “color of their skin” or ask “what Nationality” or “what Religion” does that other person belong to… No. They just HELP… any way they can… and with the “Starseeds”, “Indigo Children”, “Rainbow Children”, etc., now filling-up the energies of this planet, they all gravitate to POSITIVES whenever they can. If they feel Moved to sing that other person’s Song, they just DO IT. That girl had NO IDEA she would spark an HUGE worldwide participation project. In fact, Mr. Whitacre did a 2nd Song collaboration with various people around the world (who never met before this). This Time, he got OVER 2,000 participants. He then shows part of that video… and I still couldn’t stop crying. Why? Because it’s like I said… The very “Nature” of Beings everywhere is to do Positive things and when THAT MANY get together to “just sing a Song”, it tells me, “Yeah. this planet is worth fighting for”… and THIS is why most of us are here at this Point in Time.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This 13-minute video is a Horoscope Reading from a “Psychic”, “Medium” named Lori Ann. (I haven’t heard of her before this.)

Although I sometimes watch “Horoscope” videos, I rarely include them. Partly because they’re a bit generalized and, typically, some of us can “Read into” them whatever we want them to state. In other words, each of us digests (interprets) information through our own “Rose-Colored Glasses”… through our own “experiences” and whatever is on our mind at that Time… and this has to be true for “my” interpretation of what I’m presenting here, regarding this particular video. However, in my quest to snap-together the many “puzzle pieces” I’m carrying (in my mind), I have to be open to and examine all possibilities where I might find another “Dot” to connect.

I’m including this because, “my” interpretation of what Lori Ann stated, tells me that the big changes “I” (we) have been waiting for “may” just unfold this year.

This is what caught my attention in this video:

  • “Getting ready to start a brand new Cycle in your life.”
  • At the 4:25-mark: “…and this could be your current Partner as well… This is really positive energy because I feel this has been a very long Time in the making for you… If it’s your current Partner, I think that the 2 of your are going to rebuild your life IN this new forward moment…”
  • You both make a great team.
  • “…and with this Cycle coming in, everything’s getting ready to change.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:



As with the above information, this Cobra Post is very similar… It shows that “maybe” something “big” or “different” is finally about to happen.

Cobra Posted this on 2/13/20:

  • “Initialize Project 502, modulation target 200223.1433Z”


My comment: Yes, this is a Coded message and is aimed at the “Resistance Movement”. What I’m noticing is Cobra’s wording… I’ve seen many Posts from Cobra, which state things like: “security breach” or “sequence in progress”, etc. but I don’t remember Cobra using the word “Initialize”. As in “set this into motion” or “activate”. What does this mean? Only Time will tell.

While looking through some of Cobra’s older Posts, in order to find the above information, I found this image.

It’s a photo of a LOT of Matchsticks, standing up, next to each other, with one lit Match beside them and the Caption reads:

  • “Who says that a single person can’t change anything?”


Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 2-12-20 Ascension

This 24-minute video doesn’t waste any Time in explaining “how” each of us can activate the “Ascension” process.
  • This video is from “Gosia” of “Cosmic Agency” and she presents information which was given to her by “Swaruu”, a Taygetan from the Pleiadian Star System.
Here are a few highlights:
  • (Gosia) “How do I build that Timeline?… How do I build that future?… How do I build that Intention to generate the frequency that will match the Ascension?”
  • (Swaruu) “You must live it, as if it had already occurred. That is how it occurs. It is not something that will happen to you. It IS and MUST BE something that YOU do for yourself. Everything is frequencies and frequencies are the result of mental perception of consciousness. You want to know how… “Fake it, until you make it”. You must LIVE in that state of mind. You must not wait for “something” to happen. You must roll-up your sleeves and “get to it”. Study. Be the change. Doing every little detail that YOU feel WOULD make a difference. There are no small details. Small things are only small from the Human perception and scale of relevance. Importance. Not for a Cosmic scale.”
In the 2nd half of this video, Gosia presents her thoughts on what Swaruu provided and Gosia brings up something that most of us has known for a long Time, but has probably forgotten… or maybe some of us (like “me”) hasn’t connected this piece of information with the “Ascension” process:
  • (Gosia) How do you fight 3D? Not by fighting, pushing against it but by focusing on “5D”… We destroy “3D”, Collectively, by “being” 5D.”
There’s a Saying:
  • “IF you’re fighting the System, you’re still part of the System.”
I’m still listening to her comments and realized something that I had thought about before…
  • It’s not like she’s presenting new information but it’s either “the way she’s explaining it” (the “words” chosen) or there’s a special “energy” attached to what she’s saying… or… or, “I” (“we”) am now ready to actually “hear” the message.
  • Anyway, what I realized is this… When all of the Beings “on” and “inside” this planet focus their Intention on “5D” / “raising our frequencies”, we begin to move onto that “Ascension” Timeline. However, if a majority of the surface population become distracted by the cabal’s “mind games” / “Society maneuvers”, then that “energy balloon” that’s about to lift us all up, will become a bit deflated.
So, as Swaruu also explained, we need to focus on the idea that “Ascension” has already happened. We need to place our attention on “5D” and allow those frequencies to pull us toward that Timeline.
This all seems almost “too simple” but maybe that’s its design… Maybe the very “Tool” which can bring all of Humanity AND this planet through the Ascension process is “hiding in plain sight”… so simple that we don’t even think about it. Maybe when some of us get close to figuring it out, the cabal bring out their Society “noise makers” and try to stir things up. “Hey, look over here!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-1-19 *StarSeeds, *Deception

*First a few comments:
Last week, while having Breakfast at Waffle House, as Sylvia and I always do before going to work, we noticed 2 children sitting at the Booth next to us. One of the Waitresses brought in her 2 girls (probably 4 and 6-years old) for a few hours (for some reason).
I do my normal “stare at my plate”, “stare at the walls” while I’m eating but then something caught my attention. At one point, I heard the younger girl tell her Mom: “Can I play some music?”. They then walked over to the Juke Box. The girl was smart enough to know she wasn’t tall enough to see the screen and immediately pushed a nearby chair in front of the music machine. She stood on that chair and quickly made some selections.
The music started playing and I told her Mom: “Did “she” play that? It’s a sophisticated song for someone so young.” Her Mom told us it’s a song from the movie “Frozen” and her daughter likes to hear it.
Then the next song played. It was “We Will Rock You” by Queen. I told the Waitress: “YOU must have picked that one.” She said: “No, SHE picked it. It’s her favorite song.”
Here’s the link to that Song:
While at Waffle House, I do my best not to really “look” at anyone. (I just don’t want to seem like I’m staring and have nothing better to do. Actually, I’m usually going over the information I read the night before and I’m seeing where all the new pieces fit in my Research.) At one point though, I glanced at the table the girls were sitting at and the youngest one looked right at me. At that point, I was Reading her “pre-Incarnation” background.
  • The younger girl is a “Commander” of that Ship. Either “fully” in-charge or “one” of those in-charge. Her older sister is a Scientist on that same Ship.
 I started to cry. No one saw me. I was crying because I saw that those 2 “children” were part of a Wave of Beings who had Incarnated on the surface of this planet, in order to help raise the overall frequencies.
  • Sylvia and I heard that Beings have been doing this for many decades. So this was not new information for me.
I was crying because Sylvia mentioned that this planet is now in the middle of the “last” Wave of Star Being helpers.
As I sat there, I wondered if their “mission” / “abilities” were hidden or protected from the cabal’s sensors. I then saw that each of them had a “Protector”. Each was at least 6-foot tall and wore a long “robe”, similar to the ones worn by the Guards who were assigned to protect the Emporer in Star Wars Episode 5. (We see them just before Luke Skywalker has that Lightsaber fight with Vader.) I couldn’t see their faces. So I couldn’t tell which Race they belonged to. However, as I “wondered”, my mind drifted a bit (or my stress dissipated) and I did manage to see their “lion-like” heads. Sylvia confirmed that those Protectors and the girls are Lion Beings from the Lyra Star System.
“IF” any of this is true, it shows that more and more, probably ALL, new Births are Star Beings who have come here to help in our collective Ascension… and “this”, in turn, tells me that we are all ever-closer to that “Veil” being removed and Sylvia and I reuniting with each other.
So. Is this just my over-active imagination working over-time?… or an insight into their energies? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Over the last few weeks, Sylvia’s “Lesson” for me to “understand”, “recognize” (see through) and “dissolve” this “Illusion” we think is our “Reality” has intensified. More and more, as things around me come to my attention, she points out that I need to stop, take a mental step back and see how some of those happenings are designed to keep me IN the Illusion.
As I immerse myself into those “Lessons” I clearly see how some of them are just waiting to pull me in to that magic trick AND, at the same Time, keep me from focusing on getting myself past the “Veil”.
Think about it… “Some say” we are all here to “experience”. No judgements. No right or wrong. Just experiences. The cabal know this but, long ago, they devised a few different Plans, which would shake us up (a jolt of “what’s happening now?”), so they could then “guide” us onto the Path of THEIR choice.
There’s a cabal saying:
  • “Order from chaos”
  • …which means THEY will create a problem and while everyone is panicking, the cabal will come forward with the “solution”.
Because the cabal still own the Main Stream Media (MSM), they can “spin” (twist) the facts to their own advantage. So it’s easy for them to make just about everyone believe THEIR solution is the best.
Think about it…
  • …from… “this” fruit is bad for you (and, later, “It’s ok. “that” fruit is NOT bad for you afterall), to…
  • …”the people in that country just insulted us. We must go to war with them.”… to
  • …”this” sports team is better than “that” sports team, … to
  • …children arguing in the Playground, etc.
All of it is designed to keep us “in the game”… in this “Illusion”. There’s a Saying:
  • “If you’re fighting The System, you’re still a part of The System.”
From what “I” have heard, over these last many months… from “my” Research, the cabal have had their “exotic technology toys” removed and the major flow of money to them has been lessened. in “my” opinion, this is why we are seeing a lot of “random” problems in various places:
  • From Hurricane Katrina (when the cabal still had Weather-Control technology), to various shootings, etc.
Yes, some people were hurt and some passed-away because of these “happenings”. Even if no one was ever injured, “some” of Humanity would still be sucked-in to the cabal’s twisted energies by including those topics in their “Water Cooler” conversations.
  • “They DID die.”
  • “No they didn’t.”
  • “Look at the facts”…
Well, if the “cabal” are in-control of a situation, there ARE no “facts” but, as you can see, the cabal only need to sprinkle a little “us versus them”… a little “doubt” into any equation and “most” people will “repeat” and “fortify” that information as if it were “fact”.
As an example of all this, let’s take a look at a situation I became aware of yesterday…
First, watch this 39-minute video:
Here are some unanswered questions, regarding that video:
  • Did the Attacker actually pass-away?
  • Why did the man with the knife take the knife?
  • Why did he run away from the crime scene WITH the murder weapon? (If he was going to hide the murder weapon, he wouldn’t be carrying it like that.)
  • Why did he take that item out of his pocket AND throw it to the ground IN FRONT OF the people who were filming him? (If he took that item from the Attacker, and was trying to help him, he wouldn’t have thrown it to the ground where everyone was watching him. Anyone one could now simply pick-up that item to see what it was.)
As the Narrator points out, many times, this is all VERY ODD. “Based on what we saw”, it just looks like it was all staged. “IF” this was staged, “why” did it happen? in “my” opinion, one reason might be… If the cabal have their money, exotic toys and mind-manipulation items taken away, the only thing they have left is “Deception”… but if it’s just “Deception”, who would care? The “cabal” would care because, as I mentioned above, this particular “happening” would get people talking, wondering and pouring their energies into “what really happened?”… and THIS is what keeps those people tied to this “illusion”.
Just some thoughts.

PS 9-11-18 *Matrix, Predictions

*First a comment:
We are now in a Time of taking back our very Reality… our “true” Reality. This is a Time of each of us going within and better-understanding who we really are… or at the very least, grounding the “Unit”, your body and its many Systems, to the Earth and connecting yourself to those energies on the other side of the “Veil”, as well as to your Star Family.
Please do not “buy into” the cabal’s “social programming”…
  • Over the last few weeks, especially the last few days, I’ve been hearing co-workers and customers at Waffle House not only “buy into” the latest “fear porn” but also “spread it”! I’ve heard some people not only mention “the hurricane” but also seem to go out of their way to explain how bad it’s going to be… and this was when it was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!… “This one’s going to be so destructive that… ” and “I’ve heard it’s the worst hurricane since 19…”
It’s only a “hurricane” because someone put a name to those swirling energies… but it’s just “energy”! It’s similar to when Luke Skywalker (in the early Star Wars movies) went to train with Yoda:
  • Luke has already been lifting and moving things with his mind and then his Ship sinks into the pond. He tries to lift it out he can’t. Luke says: “It’s too big. I can’t do it.” Then Yoda concentrates his energies onto that Ship and easily lifts it out and sets it on dry land.
If you don’t think Humanity has been programmed, then what about these thoughts:
  • When someone does something really bad, most people confront the situation themselves or call the police.
  • When someone stubs their toe, gets a headache or scratches their arm, they give it some healing attention.
  • When an annoying insect enters your home, most people get rid of it.

…but when an Earthquake shakes the building you’re in and cracks it in two… or when a thunderstorm enters your world and causes massive flooding, most people simply shrug their shoulders and say: “It’s Nature. Oh, well. Nothing can be done.” In fact, they don’t even “think” about “doing” anything about it.

If you allow the “playground bully” to make you create “fear” within yourself, he’s not only taken control of you but he or she now knows how to immediately get that same response from you EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Don’t let the bully get away with it anymore! “Individually” and “Collectively”, we have to take back our true Reality. So please practice your “energy” (psychic) exercises and don’t be “afraid” or “concerned” “IF” you ever find yourself facing a negative situation and someone hears you “talking to Nature”, in order to dissipate it.
In fact, one exercise we can all do, even for a few seconds a day, is to “remove” or “dissipate” any and all “hurricanes”.
  • I haven’t quite figured-out the real mechanics of how that type of energy is created but something deep inside me says they are not formed naturally. In other words, they’re not a part of the experiences we’re supposed to be having on this planet… It’s like being out with some friends and you order a nice, frothy cappuccino. The waitress sets it on your table while you and your friends have turned around to see something out of the window. That same “bully” walks by and stirs your drink with his finger. You turn around and notice the swirling of foam and think: “Oh, I guess it’s supposed to be that way.”
I was listening to this 28-minute video, by “Aluna Ash”, to see if there were any “pieces of the puzzle” that I could use. Then, at the 10:21-mark, she reinforced something I’ve been saying about Sylvia for over 387-weeks…
  • “A lot of this is now how we truly experience reality. Reality is existing all around us. It’s just a frequency manipulation that’s taken place and we’ve been programmed to not be able to see realms beyond this dimension. So we can’t see that our loved ones are not even dead they’re just in a different frequency and they’re literally right with us. We just can’t see them physically because we’ve been programmed and through this frequency manipulation. Now the unconscious mind is shifting, where we can experience the Spirit Realm. This is the merge with the physical — the non-physical with the physical. We can experience the 4th density. The 5th dimensional consciousness, also… but we can experience our loved ones, our ancestors, our Spirit Guides, our Star Seed Family / Galactic Family. We can experience this in a more physical way, the more we continue to transform. So the more you go through your own transformation, individually, you can experience your Guidance.”
My comment:
  • ” So we can’t see that our loved ones are not even dead they’re just in a different frequency and they’re literally right with us.”
THIS is what I’ve been saying.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: