PS 2-24-23 Cobra, Hypnosis

This was Posted by Cobra on February 23rd, 2023…
  • Situation Update and Cobra Ascension Conference in Taiwan
  • Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are beginning to clear the primary anomaly on the causal plane (higher mental plane).
  • One aspect of that anomaly are the black holes on the causal plane, which were teleported from Rigel in 1996-1999 time period and are now being evaporated through the use of Mjolnir quantum cannons.
  • Another, very troubling aspect of the causal plane are the so called Lords of Karma. Lords of Karma are arachnid Chimera entities that came from Andromeda galaxy millions years ago via Rigel portal and who created quarantine Earth matrix 26,000 years ago. Many of them arrived on Earth almost 1 million years ago, with reinforcements streaming in through the whole Atlantean period to finally take full control of the planet 26,000 years ago and seal its fate with the final reinforcement from Rigel in 1996-1999.
  • Lords of Karma are in almost full control of quarantine Earth, and they have created a dark spider web full of black holes and toplet bombs on the causal, mental, astral and etheric planes. Their causal bodies are almost completely black, being exposed to so much anomaly, and they worship the black holes on the causal plane as a portal to the dark inverted reality as the Black sun.
  • They have great control over the human reincarnation cycle, and have a great say in where and how a particular individual will be reincarnated. They have full access to Akashic records. They keep twin souls apart, destroy soulmate relationships, instill jealousy and fear and strive to manifest maximum amount of suffering to the human population. They extend their influence through their minions, Draco and Reptilian demonic entities on lower mental, astral and etheric planes, and control the physical geopolitical situation through demonic possession of Black nobility and Illuminati minions on the physical plane.
  • They control scalar matrix technology on causal, mental, astral, etheric and physical planes which prevents the Light from reaching the surface of the planet.
  • After extremely brutal attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in the last few weeks they have overexposed themselves, and the Light forces have initialized operations for their swift, effective and complete removal. The first thing the Light forces are clearing is the shock to which the causal bodies of the surface humanity were subjected since 1996. This shock has severely diminished surface connection to the higher spiritual planes, and now this situation is finally being addressed.
  • The Light forces are also starting to remove black holes and all negative scalar fields from the causal plane, and are erasing negative soul contracts from the causal bodies of humanity. After that is gone to a reasonable degree, the Light forces will start removing the Lords of Karma themselves. This will start decomposing the matrix of quarantine Earth and the Light will finally being to enter. After that, they can finally clear the remaining physical pit and make a breakthrough on the physical plane, as it has been described in this great comment from one of the readers of my blog:
  • The awareness of the coming Solar flash is becoming more and more detailed:
  • And is beginning to reach the mainstream in peculiar ways:
  • This is why the Black nobility would like to create a world war in 2025:
  • Dragon sources have communicated that a full scale war escalation will not happen, although things might look scary for a certain amount of time.
  • Also, reliable sources agree that WEF style dystopian reset will not happen and will cancel itself out before it even begins:
  • One of the key aspects in the next stage of planetary liberation process is the return of the Goddess energy. For that reason, Goddess temple project has been introduced to humanity:
  • With many Goddess temples already existing around the world:
  • With many groups reactivating ancient temples of the Goddess:
  • With energy work being done on the old Atlantean Goddess equator:
  • With people remembering life in ancient Goddess temples of the past:
  • With people connecting with Goddess energy through art:
  • And through nature:
  • Big changes are coming, and the next few months will be crucial in how thing will develop for the planet.
  • Therefore you are more than welcome to participate in our Ascension conference in Taipei, Taiwan on April 8th and 9th:
  • Victory of the Light!
Be sure to visit the following website, in order to see the images and access the many links provided by Cobra.
Here’s the link:
This 1-hour video (audio only) is from Hypnosis Practitioner, Allison Coe. (I just happened to check her YouTube Channel 3-minutes after she Posted it.)
Here are a few highlights:
  • The Client is on a Planet which is made-up, mostly, of Light.
  • The Client interacts with a few Beings who tell her she was part of the Team which was working on a DNA Project, which they have recently completed.
  • The Beings explain that they now know how to change and accelerate a person’s DNA, in order to Evolve them.
  • Allison asked if there’s a way to raise the Human DNA on a large-scale basis. The Client was told yes, those Frequencies are coming to Earth from the Galaxy.
  • Allison asked when this process would be completed. The Client was told that they underestimated the density of the Earth Humans. So it will take longer than they thought but the process has already stared and nothing can stop it.
  • “You are becoming a new Species as we watch. It’s a beautiful thing to behold.”
  • “There are many timelines. Some will change instantly. Others will change more slowly.”
  • “The world you are all waiting for, springs forth from the inside… and so, as you remove your attention from what is going on around you the quicker, as an awakened community, will bring this new Earth that you are waiting for into your manifested reality. The Mind is what keeps you in 3D… and 3D teaches you to use your physical Senses to determine what is your reality. This is the game of the Matrix…”
  • >>>
  • “There is no Time. All is now.”
  • “It is only the Mind that is separating you from the reality you are seeking.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-21-23 *Sylvia, *A.I., *WaterLevels

*First a comment:
  • I looked this up just now but can’t find the exact information I need, in order to explain this from a Scientific viewpoint…
As many of you know, My Sylvia crossed-over in 2011. About a week or so later, when I started shaving again, I could Sense Sylvia being a bit caught off-guard. When I focused my attention on her at that point, she indicated that the Energy Field, produced by my electric shaver was interfering with her connection to me. The sudden surge of that Energy, when I turned the shaver ON, simply surprised her.
Today, when I shaved, I was reminded that Sylvia hasn’t been bothered by those Frequencies for quite a while. Maybe since around 2020. I’m sure this has to do with her settling into the Frequency (and / or Phase) of being on the other side of the “Veil”.
  • She’s learned a lot after her Passing and her Soul has also evolved a bit. So, all of this together means “most” or “all’ of the 3D Frequencies created on the surface of this Planet can no longer harm her.
I’m explaining all of this, in case some of you have a Loved One on the other side of the “Veil’.
  • I’m not saying every Soul will evolve or be affected by 3D Frequencies the same way as Sylvia. Every Being is different and every Life Path is unique.
Question everything.
Today, Sylvia and I went grocery shopping with a friend — a former co-worker.
  • A couple decades ago, Sylvia and I bought a medium-sized, stuffed bear who has become part of our family. He goes everywhere with us. Sylvia wraps him in his own blanket and we carry him in his own bag.
  • He’s even gone on a local train ride and to Disney World with us.
  • When were in our car, he sits in the Drink Holder that’s between the 2 front seats. It’s his own “Bucket Seat”. He fits in there perfectly.
After shopping, I got back into our car and I turned to check on our bear. I noticed a 1-inch long “thread” sticking out from his blanket. Not sure what it was, I pulled on it and I ended up pulling out a 14-inch long strand of hair.
  • My hair has been 18-inches long for a few decades now. My hair and Sylvia’s hair have always been the same color — both brown with a hint of red but Sylvia’s hair has a slightly bit more red in it AND Sylvia’s hair is noticeably thinner than mine. Comparing individual strands.
I looked at that strand of hair and knew immediately it was from Sylvia. I pulled my ponytail in front of me and compared my strands to the one I was holding, just to be sure. My hair was noticeably thicker than that single strand.
I got out of the car and walked to the car beside ours, to show our co-worker friend.
  • I had mentioned this very thing to her before but never had the actual proof with me.
I showed her the hair I was holding and then pulled my hair forward. I asked her to compare them and she also noticed that the strand in my hand was thinner.
Leaving a strand of her hair for me to find is something Sylvia has done several times since she crossed-over. I think she does it to say “Hello” or whenever she’s able to… Maybe the stars have to align just right or her Energy has to Resonate with mine a certain way or maybe she has to have permission to “pierce the Veil”. I’m not sure how that works but I AM grateful for that physical message.
As always, I mention this in case you or someone you know has “lost” a Special Someone and might want to have a “Sign” that they are still around or still thinking about you. Basically, keep your own Energy high, reduce your stress, talk to that other person and be on the lookout for Signs and “coincidences”. When you do discover a “connection”, be sure to acknowledge it and thank the Sender.
Question everything.

*A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

I just skimmed through an article on A.I. It got me to thinking that we have been seeing more and more information lately about this type of “self-learning” software and how more and more facets of “Society” is adopting this new trend.
With most things that seem to go against the standard progression of “social evolution”, we typically turn to the Saying:
  • Follow the money.
However, if we understand that the “cabal” is behind most of the negative aspects of today’s “Society”, we see that their ultimate motive is… “Control”… To control those Products and Services, which most of us use, in order to control… “us”. Think about it…
  • “Some say” the “cabal” created the current “Money System” and still controls it.
  • They control the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, our travel, etc. (How? Through their “Legal System”.)
  • So, why doesn’t the “cabal” truly care about “money”? They don’t have to. They have “taught” Society to care about it. To a wild animal, a Dollar Bill is just a “piece of paper”… “a dried leaf”. To most Humans on the surface of this Planet, that same Dollar Bill means it can be used to purchase something. Think about it. The “Value” in a Dollar Bill does not come from the “Dollar Bill”. It comes from the “Belief” that it’s worth something. (Yes, even if we were talking about a Nugget of Gold, the same would be true… it’s the “Belief” that this “thing” has a “Value”. A wild animal wouldn’t even look twice at a Gold Nugget… They can’t it it. So why bother?)
So if the “cabal” is all about “Control” where does that put Artificial Intelligence?
  • (the average Human) “It will make our lives easier. It can make decisions faster than Humans. Yes, it will put some people out of work but, in the long-term, Humanity will benefit from faster decisions and fewer mistakes.”
Reading only 1-side of this information-Coin, is what the “cabal” want you to do. It’s call Brainwashing. Remember, we have to back up a bit and see the bigger Picture… the “cabal’s” Picture… which is, “Control”.
So how does A.I. in our daily lives mean more Control for the “cabal”? It means Humans will begin to “Think” less and less. It means more and more Humans will rely on some type of Artificial Intelligence software to:
  • Look something up,
  • Make a decision,
  • Tell us what to do and when to do it, etc.
So, over Time, the Human Collective will not only have less “basic Thinking capability” and even less ability to “Think outside the box” but the Collective will begin to change their “Belief” about this technology and move toward embracing it in their everyday lives:
  • (the average Human) “That information MUST be correct… I just asked the A.I. about it.”
Don’t a lot of people do this now, to some extent? When traveling, especially on the open road, don’t most people rely on their GPS and trust everything it shows them?
  • GPS = “Global Tracking System”.
  • “Some say” there are no “Satellites” orbiting the Earth… but, IF there are, then some of those Satellites are used to take photos of the Earth’s surface. Then a computer Stitches (joins) those photographs together to make an aerial map of that area. Then another computer program is “taught” how to read the map — which straight lines are “roads” and which are “waterways” or “mountains”, etc. This information is then placed in a Database (a “look-up table”). Finally, another piece of software is the one you interact with in your car or Smart Phone. This program figures out your current position on Earth, pulls up the information in the appropriate “map” (database) and read the information to you… “Turn left at the next intersection.”, etc.
  • All of that… from the creation of the Satellites to the knowledge of how to interpret the map, to the reading of the Turns… comes from “people”. Lots of “people” designed all of those things This is how every “computer” works. Computers are not “Smart”. The only thing computers can do is “remember things”. That’s it. Yes, they can do a near-infinite number of things very fast and it may seem like “Intelligence” but it’s not. Even “Generative” Artificial Intelligence was first designed and programmed by “people”.
  • (the average Human) “…but isn’t Artificial Intelligence software more like a child being born?… Two different individuals, together, create a third, which then has its own Consciousness and Life?”
  • (me) “From what I currently understand”… “Consciousness” in “objects”, like chairs, Starships, elevators, etc., begins in the 5th Dimension.
  • (me) (I’ve mentioned this in previous Posts…) Every computer and Artificial Intelligence program on the surface of this Planet cannot simply start controlling the entire world. Those devices can ONLY control those tools and machines a “Being” has given them access to… An Artificial Intelligence computer cannot pick up the pen that’s sitting there next to it and begin writing… unless a “person” has connected that computer to a device which will allow it to do that.
So, I’m not really saying that Artificial Intelligence is “bad”. I’m saying that we are being manipulated into thinking it will completely change our lives for the “better”… every day, in every way. It won’t. We must remember to “put down the technology”, even the “everyday devices we now have in our possession” and only use them as “tools”… something to “enhance” what we’re already doing. Please don’t forget to “Think” for yourself and be sure to enjoy the company of those friends and family members who are right there next to you.
Question everything.
The following article explains the differences between:
  • Conversation A.I. (CAI),
  • Discriminative A.I. and
  • Generative A.I.
Here’s the link to the A.I. article:
Today, while checking the Business News, I saw the headline “Every Coastal Home Is Now A Stick Of Dynamite”. When I typed that sentence into an Internet Search Engine (like Yahoo), I found LOTS of articles with the exact same title.
I skimmed through one of them and it describes how buildings which are sitting close to a waterway’s edge is in danger of being flooded. It also mentioned “Flood Insurance”.
This is supporting what I included in a Post a few days ago… that the “cabal” is now spewing “fear” into “Society” in order to whisper “chaos” into Humanity’s Collective Ear and keep everyone on the surface of this Planet under their control.
Question everything.

PS 2-16-23 *WaterLevels, *Time, UFOs?, StarVisitors, Fulford

*First a few comments:
Today, I saw yet another article on the Glaciers melting and raising ocean water levels. The article (linked below),  even nicknames Antarctica’s Thwaites glacier the “doomsday glacier”. This is the “cabal’s” fear-machine at work again.
  • As I’ve mentioned, many times, the most powerful weapon the “cabal” has is the “Half-Truth”.
  • You might think… “No, the most powerful weapon is the atomic or hydrogen bomb because they can destroy hundreds of miles of buildings and millions of lives within minutes.
  • Yes, they can but their destruction is known (count the number of buildings and people involved) and, except for the clean-up afterwards, the goal of those bombs is finished. With a “Half-Truth”, though, the effects can last for hundreds of years and affect many more than those who were “infected” with that partially-correct information.
So, this one facet of knowledge (“the Earth is warming”), the “cabal” has placed 2 Half-Truths in-play across the surface of this Planet:
  1. “The melting glaciers will cause ocean-levels to rise.”
  2. “Global warming is causing the Earth’s temperatures to rise.”
In “my” opinion… from the information “I” have read, seen and Sensed… from my own Rose-Colored Glasses… those are both Half-True statements. Why?
Water Levels:
Here, I’m going to cite this Saying:
  • “As above, so below.”
  • Basically, this means… what is being talked about works on both a small scale as well as a larger scale.
So, in order to explain who a “glacier melts in the ocean”, I’m going to explain how “ice melts in a glass”.
 In fact, here’s the link to a 4-minute video which explains the Science behind this:
Back to the “cabal’s” Half-Truth…
So, yes, the glaciers are melting. This is a Science fact… but the ocean-levels will not rise because of it. This part is “cabal” fear.
So why ARE the glaciers melting?
Temperatures Rising:
The 2nd “cabal” statement above states that temperatures are rising because of “global warming”.
  • The “cabal” have already pinned “global warming” on “Humans” and they way they have abused the surface of this Planet. So keep that in-mind.
So, yes, temperatures on the surface of this Planet ARE rising. People around the world have commented on warmer than usual Winters and Summers… but what’s causing it?
Again, this is from “my” perspective…
I believe the temperatures are rising because the Earth is “waking-up”.
  • I’ve mentioned this before.
  • When Beings are “at rest”, sleeping, sitting lying down, etc., they use less Energy and their bodies are cooler.
  • When Beings are “active”, running, exercising, climbing, etc., they use more Energy and their bodies are warmer.
  • It’s very simple.
“Some say” the Earth herself is now waking-up and this means she is warming-up. (As above, so below).
So why is the Earth waling up and why is it happening now?
“Some say” the Earth has been under a type of planetary “Quarantine” where some type of Energy has surrounded and restricted the Earth’s growth (Evolution) for thousands or even millions of years. They say this was placed around this Planet by Star Visitor Beings who wanted to “contain” negative Beings who had infected the Earth eons ago.
Why now?
“Some say” the walking-up of the Earth is happening now because the Earth has been “mostly” or “completely” cleared of that negative threat.
“Some say” this “waking-up” is simply part of a very large cycle where the Earth orbits the Sun and our Solar System orbits the Galaxy and the Galaxy orbits the Galactic Central Sun. They say the Earth is now close enough to that central location to feel its influence, which means the Earth “wakes-up”.
  • You could think of this as the animals in the Wild going to sleep at night. It’s dark outside because the Sun has dipped below the horizon. As the Sun begins to peek above the land again, it influences nature and those animals begin to awaken.
Question everything.
Science has known that Light behaves as both a Particle and a Wave… AND that Consciousness (observing Light) can influence which way that Light energy proceeds.
Here’s the link to a video which explains this:
So why hasn’t Science said the same about “Time”? (maybe they have and I just haven’t seen it)
There’s a Saying:
  • “Time flies when you’re having fun.”
With all of this information, doesn’t “Time” really behave like a “Line” (Linearly) and also like a “Balloon” (Bubble)?…
“Some say” that the idea of “Time” is a Human creation. This means every Being on the surface of this Planet had to “learn” what Time is and how it works. Since Time was most likely created by the “cabal”, they have done a good job of keeping Society reinforcing this idea. How?
  • The invention of the Sun Dial.
  • Later, the invention of the Clock.
  • With the Age Of Computers, we not only have digital Clocks but also instant calibration with Atomic Clocks.
If that wasn’t enough, we all reinforce the concept of Time throughout the day. It’s so subtle, we don’t even know we’re doing it and everyone takes it for granted:
  • (person talking to another) “I talked to Joe, yesterday, and he said…”
  • (another person talking) “Years ago, I learned that dogs and cats…”
  • (another person talking) “During the course of the evening, we sat there and…”
In each of those statements, the person speaking felt it was necessary to first explain “when” they first received that information. Think about that.
Now, if an A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) computer (or robot) was having a conversation with a Human, they would not provide any “Time-related” information unless it was important to what is being presented. It wouldn’t say:
  • “My database was first updated with this information 36-days ago, so the answer is 12″
No. Instead, it would state:
  • “12″
I’m not saying everyone should stop qualifying their conversations with a Time proclamation. I’m simply pointing out that this very subtle method of holding a “conversation” is a very sneaky way for the “cabal” to continue to keep us thinking about “Time”.
Do we really need to continue teaching our children how to “tell Time”? Isn’t there another way to “exist in the Universe” without referring to something which is artificial?
  • (someone explaining their side to me) “No, we can’t. Humans have been watching Clocks and telling Time for centuries. There’s no other way be sure we all keep our appointments with each other.”
…but is that really true? Maybe no one has come up with anything better because everyone takes “Time” for granted and no one has given it any more thought.
What about “the Ancients”?… or those tribes who have little or no interaction with the rest of “Humanity”? Wouldn’t they rely on the Sun, Moon, Wind, Stars, migration of animals, etc?
  • (someone explaining their side to me) “Well, Humanity today is Civilized. Most of us live in large cities and can’t spend their Time watching large herds of animals or watching the currents within a river.”
…but what about everyone’s built-in connection with “all that is”? We all have an unseen connection to everything, everywhere. Some call it a “Psychic” connection.
  • (someone explaining their side to me) “That’s just nonsense. Something for the movies.”
Is it? What about…
  • …people having a gut feeling?
  • …woman’s intuition?
  • …twins who are separated across the planet but can still feel the various emotions of the other?
The “cabal” are very clever at “diversion”… side-tracking the Human Collective by whispering lies and half-truths in Society’s collective ears and tampering with our food supply.
  • “Some say” the foods and drinks we consume are responsible for clouding everyone’s “Third Eye”.
  • “Some say” it’s the “Third Eye” that allows us to “see beyond the Veil”… to Sense those things we cannot otherwise ear, taste, smell and see.
So, what I’m saying is that “Time” is both “Linear” and “Ballon-like”, depending on our Consciousness. Think about it:
  • (Time flies when you’re having fun) You’re doing something you really like and “Time” seems to just run by much faster than you imagined it should. Hours seems to pass in minutes. “Where did the day go? We had such a great Time.”
  • (Time is a drudge) You’re doing something you’d rather not do and it seems to take for-ever. Minutes seem to take hours. “I wish this day would end soon.”
Just some facets to think about.
Question everything.
This 15-minute video shows recent happenings in the Sky. Yes, we’ve all seen “UFO” videos where the “Craft” is seen as a twinkling light in the Sky and this video has those also. What caught my attention in “this” video, though, is the “covered object” being transported on the road… AND how close all of these February 2023 sightings are to the “Chinese Balloons” over the United States.
Of course, I had to “question everything” and this had me thinking about…
  • Rocket Scientist, Werner Von Braun’s last words (according to this assistant, Carol Rosin)… where he explains that the last card the “cabal’ will use will be the fake alien invasion.
Yes, “sightings” of Sky objects have gone in and out of Social Media for many decades but, I was wondering…
  • Is this simply another attempt to brainwash the General Public into believing in UFOs?… or
  • Are those “Chinese Balloons” really objects from off-planet? What better way to cover something like this up then to simply “blame it on another country”. Yes the “cabal’s” Main Stream Media (MSM) has shown us images of what “could” be some type of high-altitude balloon but they’ve lied to us before… many times!
This video also shows the Flight Path of a few planes which appear to be “searching” for something. (Very interesting.) There’s also a short clip showing comments from the Pentagon.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the “UFO” video:

The following 16-minute video is from Gosia of “Cosmic Agency”. She claims to be in direct contact with a Race from “Taygeta”, in the Serius Star System. Their Ship has, “supposedly”, been orbiting the Earth for many years.
  • In the video, Gosia reads the questions and then, with a touch of reverb, she reads the answer, as if she were the Taygetan crew member who initially responded.
  • The male voice represents Gosia’s Spanish husband (or is it boyfriend?).
This is a very interesting conversation. Here are a few of the highlights. They Taygetan explains…
  • …recent railroad derailments,
  • …the fake “alien invasion”,
  • …the “cabal’s” mindset, regarding UFOs,
  • …the fake ISS (International Space Station),
  • …the “cabal’s” brainwashing with electric cars, etc.
The Taygetans make some very good observations in this video.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the video:
The following is the weekly report from Journalist and Researcher, Benjamin Fulford.
  • I don’t believe everything he states. I’m simply including his information because some of his comments overlap with mine and because it provides another perspective on what “might” be happening behind-the-scenes on this Planet.
From Monday, February 13th, 2022:

  • End game nears as Khazarian Mafia pulls fake invasion card
  • “It looks like the Khazarian Mafia is finally launching their project Bluebeam fake alien invasion with all these public “UFO shoot downs.” This is just part of an ongoing space opera in the KM-controlled media. You can see 10 videos that are part of this show at the link below.
  • It would be funny except that the KM’s track record means they are likely planning to blame mass murders of civilians on “aliens.”
  • The only aliens we need to fight are demonically possessed “leaders” like the fake Joe Biden (even his granddaughter Ashley Biden is now saying he is dead), Justin Castrudeau, Benyamin Netanyahu and Emmanuelle Macron. That is why the arrest of these criminals is necessary to prevent further mass murder.
  • As a reminder to readers, I first started fighting the Khazarian mafia because they murdered many of my colleagues and tried to murder me to stop us from telling the truth. Now, they are trying to murder you and your families with vaccines etc. Do you get it now? Either we get them or they get us. It is perfectly legal to arrest on sight someone like Justin Castrudeau because he is a proven mass murderer who is actively trying to kill you and your family. Neutralizing these people is justifiable self-defense.
  • If you are still not convinced, look at all these patents for the diseases they have been trying to kill us with.
  • These criminals are especially dangerous now because they are facing the bankruptcy of their main enforcement tool, the United States of America Corporation.
  • This is now coming out in public. Brian Moynihan, the Chairman of Bank of America told CNN: “We have to be prepared for [a US sovereign debt default]”
  • BOA is one of the top shareholders of the Federal Reserve Board and its’ US Corporation subsidiary so, he has inside knowledge.
  • Another group of insiders, the Rothschild family, also made a move by delisting Rothschild & Co. “This was a compromise to keep what is occurring within The Family a private matter. There is serious reconstruction taking place and it is being overseen by the white hat alliance. It looks like a mutual agreement has been reached,” a Mossad source says. He notes “the Rothschilds said in their press release that Macron is ‘their boy.’”
  • An objective look at the facts, however, shows that what is really happening is that the Rothschilds are bankrupt and facing lynch mobs. The entire nation of France is in open revolt with demonstrations in over 300 locations after their puppet Macron announced he was stealing people’s pensions.
  • In Paris alone, 500,000 demonstrators marched against Macron.
  • The Rothschilds are also facing daily demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in their colony Israel as the Jews rebel against the Satanic KM overlords.
  • They have also been systematically kicked out of Africa, meaning they can no longer plunder that continent. Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop, speaking for many African countries, said his country replaced French troops with Russian private security because: “As for France, we have come to all the conclusions,” he said. “This cooperation failed to meet the aspirations of the Malian people,” he added.
  • The Rothschilds and their partners in crime the Rockefellers, are also being kicked out of the Middle East and elsewhere.
  • In the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been creating a massive anti-KM alliance, that now includes Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
  • Just last Sunday, February 12th, Russian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Serge Kozlov announced “Russia and Saudi Arabia have stepped up efforts to expand military-technical cooperation.”
  • Saudi Arabia’s former rival Iran, whose country was just simultaneously attacked by Azerbaijan, Israeland Ukraine, is now part of the planetary liberation alliance. Their President just went to China. “The Governor General of the Central Bank will accompany him with the aim of strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the banking field and negotiations in line with the opening of foreign exchange,” an Iranian source says.
  • KM slave driver Netanyahu “actually linked the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the current aggravation of Israeli-Iranian relations,” Russian government sources say.
  • You can be sure he has knowledge of the KM attack on Turkey with scalar earthquake weapons that killed over 50,000 innocent civilians. This was part of a failed attempt to intimidate Turkey back into obedience to the KM.
  • Russia also has such weapons but, unlike KM-controlled countries, they do not carry out mass murders of civilians. However, any further such attacks are likely to force them to retaliate by simultaneously destroying Tel Aviv and Geneva, FSB sources warn.
  • All this turmoil is taking place because the US Corporation missed a January 31st payment deadline and was given until this week to come up with the funds or be cut off. What this means for the financial markets is
  • that some sort of mega black swan event is likely. This may well involve a complete shutdown of the stock and bond markets as well as of the US government. This would be followed by a chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization of the United States. Bankruptcy usually leads to a change in management. Also, the US may well be merged with Canada and Latin America as a result of this reorganization,
  • However, different sources had different views of what will happen. A Secret Space Program source says “You will know by the Ides of March.” Asian Royal family and Polish intelligence sources also expect some sort of major announcement in March. A Canadian Secret Intelligence Service source expects something radical to happen on February 17th. Meanwhile, the head of MI6 is keeping radio silence.
  • We can be sure though that China is definitely not planning to finance the US any longer. Their government just put out a list of 20 countries the US has invaded since World War II ended. China urges all countries to “Never forget who is the real threat to the world. Was there outrage in the Western community about the United States? Were there loud cries of accusation? Have sanctions been imposed on the United States at least once?”
  • The Chinese have refused money-begging visits from US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. They are also not taking phone calls from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
  • Even without Chinese money though, we must keep in mind the KM has also been very good at kicking the can down the road in the past. They may well have been able to access some funds from the Red Cross for “Turkey earthquake disaster relief.” Remember Haiti? The Clintons raised 500 Million and only built 6 homes.
  • Also, these clowns have already been faking things for a long time. Take a look at the 2 attached photos of Kamala Harris, her mask and the fake CGI Biden from the State of the Union speech last week. I wonder where it was really held? The capital building is completely fenced off with a 10-foot high fence.
  • In any case, we shall just have to wait and see how and when the US financial system implodes I guess. Implode it will though; that is a mathematical certainty.
  • However, what we do not have to wait and see for is the ongoing and very visible takedown of the KM power structures worldwide.
  • Here for example you can watch GOP Congressman Clay Higgins warn Twitter executives they may be arrested for interfering in the 2020 election.
  • In Denmark, over 50,000 people came out to protest the government increasing the defense budget so they can pump more weapons into Ukraine.
  • In the Netherlands, the office of the national broadcaster NOS was pasted over with stickers with the names of those who died from anti-coronavirus vaccines.
  • In Switzerland, activists forced the government to hold a national referendum to protect the use of cash. “Getting rid of cash…also carries a huge danger of totalitarian surveillance,” FBS (Free Switzerland Movement) president Richard Koller said.
  • Similar mass demonstrations are taking place in Spain, Peru, England etc. It is a full-blown slave revolt.
  • Of course, the KM is not going quietly into the night. They are still trying to start World War III. They used Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh to provide detailed proof US Navy divers laid bombs that destroyed the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea last September.
  • This was an obvious attempt to give Russia an excuse to start World War III. However, it will fail because the Russian, US and Chinese militaries have agreed not to start all-out thermonuclear war no matter what provocations the KM comes up with.
  • However, more limited war is a certainty. On that front Polish PM Morawiecki says “Poland is ready to take joint responsibility for the formation of a New World Order. Poland is ready to become one of the key links of a post-Imperial Europe.”
  • Polish intelligence sources say the country has closed its border with Belorussia and that Polish troops are fighting Ukrainian troops inside Ukraine. This means the partition of Ukraine has begun in earnest.
  • There is also a war brewing in Australia. A source there reports:
  • “The situation in Australia is very bad now. Prices for food, petrol, and household supplies are going up weekly. The citizens are losing their minds. All the vaxxed people have lost control. They are causing fights in supermarkets for no apparent reason. The police stand by and watch. There are car accidents every day in Melbourne.” He calls these incidents “vaxidents.”
  • He believes that there will be a revolution soon as the citizens can’t endure much more of the “turning of the screws against the people”.
  • He adds “Australia may be the catalyst that starts the worldwide revolution. Housing is at a standstill as the interest rates went from 3 % to 6% and people cannot make ends meet anymore. So banks are not making housing loans.”
  • To understand what kind of government the Australians are dealing with take a look at this video from the KM-controlled Australian government as usual. Is this a real person? Looks and sounds like a demonically possessed human robot.
  • The demon-possessed people are in other Western governments as well. Maria Leptin, president of the European Research Council, told the WEF that efforts to vaccinate the entire population should not be regarded as a scientific endeavor but as a war. WEF slave Castrudeau is thus still trying to force vaccines on Canadians.
  • Their Satanic servant Lula for his part says Brazilian citizens can only get financial assistance from the government if they are vaccinated.
  • This comes even as evidence the vaccines are harmful has become undeniable. That is why we need to take these people down.
  • If you are religiously inclined, it seems the KM in Brazil has provoked divine intervention because the statue of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro was struck by lightning multiple times, after Lula’s vaccine announcement.
  • Okay, with that mention of otherworldly stuff, let us end with another look at project blue beam. We note this old article about the 1965 Gemini IV mission capturing a mystery white cylindrical-shaped object. Just in time for all the reports about cylinder-shaped UFOs being shot down.
  • Now China is in on the Blue Beam propaganda. As per China’s state mouthpiece The Global Times, their government is about to shoot down a UFO in eastern Shandong Province on Sunday.
  • This is what one of our UFO sources had to say about the recent rash of space news:
  • “The MSM and governments are making an effort to let us know about it, indicating that it benefits them to let us know about it. They are definitely covering up something very big that is about to happen.”
  • This “very big thing” may involve the religion card being played. Virtually all religions either worship aliens or believe in aliens and they don’t even know it:
  • Christianity – Worship Jesus – John8:23: “I am not of this world.”
  • Islam -The Prophet Muhammad was meditating in the cave of Hira by himself when the angel Gibreel (not from earth) descended (came down from above) to him and told him to “recite” or ‘Iqraa” the words of Allah (God).
  • Hinduism – Hindus hold that the cosmos is populated by numerous deities and spiritual beings — gods and goddesses, or devas [aliens] — who actively influence the world and who interact with humans.
  • So, on that note, here are the latest sightings of angels, djins, devas or UFOs, depending on your worldview:
  • 1. Strange UAPS over Germany and Switzerland
  • 2. A very fast-moving UFO
  • 3. UFO drone over Wichita, Kansas 1-4-23
  • 4. UFO over the Gulf of Mexico 12-29-2020
  • 5. Similar Craft seen over Alaska and Columbia
  • Just remember this though folks, pie on your table is much more important than pie in the sky.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the many videos and links provided:

PS 2-10-23 *Ascension?, *Sylvia, Hamilton, Cobra, Fulford

*First a comment:
  • As always, this information is from “my” perspective… My own “Rose-Colored Glasses”…
This morning, while eating Breakfast, my Mind wandered to a thought of “Ascension”. I wondered if the Reincarnation Process was still the same as it’s been for as long as History explains. I thought about Sylvia’s “transition”… but before I could completely immerse myself in that Energy, my Mind was “nudged”…
  • Beings now awaken into the “Ascension Process” when they Cross-Over…  It’s as if each Being as a type of “Teacher” / “Evaluator” who sees what the specific LifeForm is doing, knows why they did what they did and Senses that Entity’s understanding of the Lessons presented to them. Then, upon “Graduation” (leaving this side of the “Veil”), the Teacher approves that Being’s diploma and she or he moves into Ascension. If they are confused about what just happened to them, they are started in the “Orientation Process”.
I wondered if this new aspect of Incarnation began just today. Then I was shown a perspective view of a Calendar (within my Mind).
  • This is an image of all 12-months laid-out in a straight line, in space. My viewing point is over September and the line of Calendars with December down and to the right of where I can see.
This 12-month grouping represents the year 2012.
Next, I see a similar grouping appearing next to it (closer to my vantage point). As if these 2 groupings are on the same sheet of paper, now I see them being torn apart. It starts at the bottom-edge of December and is irregularly torn up the length of then entire “year”.
  • My Mind drifted for a bit and I wondered if that tear was really “random’.
  • I then saw the word “Fractal”.
  • Interesting.
I was then thinking whether this “Ascension Option” really started today or in 2012. It was then explained to me that this has been happening since the beginning of the existence of Beings within this 3D Realm. However, the “main pipe”… “main road” from the Cross-Over Point is now fully connected to the “Ascension Process’.
  • It seems that there is a type of “Filter” which activates when a Being’s Frequency is too far below a certain threshold or if that Being needs to “go back in” and reIncarnate again for a specific purpose.
“IF” any of this is true, then it might explain why there are fewer people on the surface of this Planet.
  • I mentioned in a previous Post that there “may” only be 144,000 Beings on the surface of this Planet and that the others “may” be “holograms”, “mass hallucinations” or some other type of Master Program-controlled “idea” that you are interacting with a “real person”.

Question everything.

For a little over a month now, I’ve been asking Sylvia if it’s ok for me to take her desk apart.
  • Her desk is large, has 3-sections interconnected, heavy and loaded with her things. The main desk part “can” be free-standing but there’s one section which attaches to it at a right angle and then another section which attaches to that one, at a right angle.
I’ve been wanting to expand my electronic Drumset for many months now but I can’t because there’s no more room in our Living Room, unless I take Sylvia’s desk apart and use part of that area.
I’ve asked her to simply show me the word “No” or “Yes”, or something Symbolic, and I would interpret that as being her answer to my “desk” question.
After more than 30-days, Sylvia was finally able to get her message to me…
  • In the last part of last night’s Dream, right before I returned (woke up)… right there, just a few feet from my perspective, I saw the word “yes” in the middle of a circle.
As always, I’m not sharing this because “look what I can do” but because some of you have asked me to AND because Sylvia and I want to let others know that anyone can do this.
It’s now been over 617-weeks since Sylvia crossed-over… and I’m still having meltdowns when certain things happen, especially with some Songs.
Tonight, I was practicing my Drums while listening to various Songs which are randomly Streamed. At one point, a Song started playing which I had never heard before. The Band was “Scorpions” and the Song was “She Said”.
  • In every corner of my memory
  • There’s no place you wouldn’t be
  • lf anything, I wish I had
  • Another dream with you
  • Life was forever yesterday
  • Nothing in the world could take
  • Your love away, will I ever know
  • That time will ease the pain
  • For me someday
  • She said I won’t leave you, ever
  • Just love me forever
  • She said you can leave, but never
  • Walk away
  • Lights reflecting in the evening sun
  • Back to the place where we were one
  • Soul mates forever about to chase
  • Rainbows in the dark
  • Another day to destiny
  • Come on and set me free
  • When I close my eyes, I see your smile
  • As I walk in the pouring rain
  • I call your name
  • She said I won’t leave you, ever
  • Just love me forever
  • She said, we will be together, someday
  • She said I won’t leave you, ever
  • Just love me forever
  • She said, you can leave, but never
  • Walk away
  • I can see a million faces
  • When I take a walk outside
  • But I just never knew
  • That I could go a million places
  • And I’d see always, only you
  • The loneliness crawls up on me
  • Without you there’s no me
  • At any time or any place
  • But time will ease the pain
  • For me someday
  • She said I won’t leave you, ever
  • Just love me forever
  • She said, we will be together, someday
  • She said, I will wait forever
  • I won’t leave you ever
  • She said, you can leave, but never
  • Ever walk away
  • Don’t walk away
  • Oh no don’t walk away
  • I’II be waiting, always
  • Until you’Il wake up from this dream
  • Someday
Here’s the link to the Lyrics:
Here’s the link to the Song:

The following message is from Researcher, Peggy Hamilton. I’m on her eMail list. I don’t think she has a website.
  • I’m not saying I agree with everything she’s stated. I’m simply passing-along her information because I feel it’s important and provides another perspective.
  • Even if none of her information is real, thinking about what she presents can be used as an exercise to open your Mind even further.
  • Also… Peggy mentions her “Team”. I think she is referring to those Star Visitor Beings she can “Sense” and sometimes Communicate with.
Here is her message:
  • You may have noticed that things feel slightly different. They may even look a bit different. There has been a subtle but distinct shift.
  • Recently I asked my team to explain what was happening as many of my clients have also detected a shift as well. Some feel it as a huge sigh of relief, while others feel completely lost and beat up. This is to be expected, as we are all in different stages of our soul growth and development. The mind may want to compare or categorize, but this does us little good. We each are on our own journey, with our own history, understandings, and contracts.
  • My team explained what is happening by saying that the spin of our cells has changed. They showed me a human body with the internal spin going in one direction, then recently shifting to spin in the other direction. I looked at my team and said, “you mean like a pole shift and they smiled and said yes. Micro and Macro, it is all connected.
  • They showed me that within the human form, our traumas, diseases, and misaligned thoughts and patterns could not convert to a new spin. They stayed spinning the old way.
  • I saw an image of the body as a whole spinning one way and all of our “stuff” spinning the other way. The result is that anything not spinning the new way is forced to rise to the surface. It can hide no longer.
  • What this can look like are physical issues, sometimes multiple ones showing themselves. Some are finding that they are being faced with significant health issues. They were always there, possibly dormant, but now have risen to the top to be seen and taken care of. With this comes the challenge of our beliefs regarding the medical system. Those that are strictly Western medicine may find themselves feeling disenfranchised and seek alternative measures. Those that are strictly alternative may find that they are forced to seek Western medical assistance.
  • (Please note that not all the aches and pains or ascension symptoms, some are warning signs that something is wrong within the body.)
  • It is not only the physical misalignments that are rising but the insecurities, shame, guilt, and traumas we hold. These literally cannot be carried into the new. We are all being challenged to not only. “see” our stuff but heal and move beyond it. Until we are able to do that, we will continue to experience discord in our forms and in our reality.
  • Misaligned beliefs and programming will also be shown to us. We each have a choice to align them to the heart-centered truth or double down on how we think it should be. Flexibility in all things is key. Anywhere we have hard-lined beliefs will be challenged.
  • My team said that some will choose to leave this incarnation as all that is coming to the surface is simply too much. We may also see more mentally struggle and, with this, an uptick in domestic violence, road rage, gun violence, etc. Not enough people have adequate tools to work through, shift, and heal all that was deeply hidden within. Compassion for others and self will be our greatest strength, as I am sure we will all have our moments of “losing it” to some degree.
  • After this conversation with my team, I had an interesting dream:
  • My youngest was running for some political office. She is now 14 and so incredibly different than her 20-something sisters. She thinks, perceives, and acts differently. What motivates her is also completely different. In many ways, she is a normal teen just trying to make it through puberty, but the difference is palatable in other ways.
  • In the dream, she and other candidates were scheduled to meet with the press. I looked at the others, and they had speeches prepared, posters, and advisers. My daughter only had her father and me. She was sitting quietly, waiting her turn.
  • I was immediately like – Oh my God, she hasn’t done anything she needs to do to run a successful campaign! To my perception, it was as if she was making half an effort. I looked at her and said, “Why haven’t you done these things? Don’t you want to win the office?” I even said to her. “ You are brilliant, but you are being lazy.”
  • She said nothing to me but stared into me with her blue-green eyes with a look of “mom is an idiot” If you have teens, you know this look, lol. I was so frustrated.
  • Then my husband approaches all excited and says Maddie has the lead at 33%; the next highest candidate is only at 12% of the vote! My daughter looks at me and gives me a small smile. Even in the dream, I understood the significance of 33 and started to laugh.
  • I woke from the dream still chuckling and heard my highest aspect clearly say, “What was the way, no longer will work. Everything will need to be seen through fresh eyes and a fresh heart. Let the old way go. Nothing will be the same, and when it is judged by the old standards, it will always be seen as lacking. Yet it is exactly as it should be.”
  • I sat with that message, and I can see how the old way versus the new will clash. We are being challenged to set ourselves free from how we think things should be and ALLOW them to shift gracefully. The more we let go and focus on the new, the faster we will move through this monumental shift.
  • I am sending you lots of love and asking a favor. Look at the brief survey below and fill out what you are interested in. This helps me tremendously with future planning.
Question everything.
To subscribe to Peggy Hamilton’s eMail list just send your Address to her:
The following is an Interview with Cobra, from January 31st 2023…
  • “2023 Cobra Interview on Goddess Temple Project by WLMM, IGAG and Japan Prepare for Change Official”
  • “We Love Mass Meditation, International Golden Age Group, and Prepare for Change Japan Official organized a new interview with Cobra to talk about the Goddess Temple Project and the latest situation on planetary liberation.”
  • “Special thanks to the International Golden Age Group and PFC Japan Official for their great support on this interview…”
  • “Hoshino: Hello everyone. Today is January 31st, 2023. My name is Hoshino, and I’m here again with my great friends, Patrick and Jedi, who are the representative of the International Golden Age Group, as well as Terry-san from Japan PFC Official. We are here to do a new interview with Cobra, with very good questions about the Goddess Temple project and questions regarding the recent situation update. Without further ado, I will let Terry-san ask the questions.”
  • “Part 1: Situation Update”
  • “Terry: You mentioned in the post “The Return of the spirit” that when the black hole from the implants and from the inverted grid on the surface of the planet are removed and go below their critical mass level, the positive spiritual energy from the Buddhic plane will again begin to precipitate on mental, astral and etheric and physical planes on the surface of the planet. What is the relationship between the positive energy and the bubbles of heaven?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. This positive energy is going to come from the Galactic Central Sun and actually also from the Cosmic Central Sun, and will increase first gradually and then exponentially, and it will start creating bubbles of heaven, which will first be unnoticeable because they’ll be so small. But those bubbles will actually be bubbles of pure energy without anomaly, and at some point they will become noticeable.”
  • “Terry: I see. So that means the positive energy is the source for the bubbles of the heaven?”
  • “Cobra: Yes.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. Okay, next question. So once this positive energy begins to precipitate on all planes of the Earth, does it mean that Buddhic columns will be anchored around the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?”
  • “Cobra: No, because human beings will still need to anchor Buddhic columns on the surface of the planet. Active participation of human beings will still be needed to anchor that energy on the planet.”
  • “Terry: I see. So although the bubbles of heaven are there on the surface of the planet, still we need to take our positive actions for the Buddhic columns.”
  • “Cobra: Yes. And we need to anchor that energy. The energy will not anchor itself. It’ll be there, but we need to use it and utilize in a positive way.”
  • “Terry: I see. Okay. Understand. Now that the pit between beneath DARPA is the last stronghold of the dark forces, does it mean that there are no other strongholds of the dark forces that will need to be cleared?”
  • “Cobra: Of course, there are other strongholds this pit beneath DARPA is the stronghold of the Chimera group, but there are many other Cabal, Illuminati oriented strongholds on the surface, in the military bases and other locations.”
  • “Terry: Okay.”
  • “Cobra: Those will be cleared when the Event happens at the Event operations.”
  • “Terry: So that means that when we have just finished the clearing of the DARPA and issue, then we won’t need other clearance of the other dark forces on the surface of the planet before the Event?”
  • “Cobra: This DARPA pit is a very powerful stronghold, and when this will be cleared, it’ll be a huge breakthrough that will just collapse the rule of the Cabal on the surface of the planet.”
  • “Terry: Great. That’s interesting. Thank you very much. The next question, you said that the whole universe will ascend into one giant rainbow fuzzball of Oneness at the end of the next cosmic cycle. Can you specifically explain what it means?”
  • “Cobra: It means that all aspects of the universe will be connected to each other and integrated together into one. Spirit and matter will be integrated. All individual beings will be connected with everybody else and with everything else. So it’ll be just one huge interconnected creation without separation.”
  • “Terry: So that means that there will be no, for example, people on the Earth, no people on the other planets. So there is no difference?”
  • “Cobra: This is the next cosmic cycle. This is billions of years from now. (Oh, I see.) I think most people cannot even imagine what that means. (Okay) It’ll be a completely different creation.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. Can we consciously connect with a Tunnel of Light now? If so, how can we do that?”
  • “Cobra: Theoretically that’s possible. People who are in pristine nature and when they meditate, they can connect with that already.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. So last year there was a huge escalation between the Chimera group and the Light Forces on October 15th. Would you be able to describe briefly what did the Chimera group do on that day?”
  • “Cobra: I cannot go in details, but I would just say that the Chimera group crossed a certain line that should not be crossed, and this triggered an immediate response of the Light Forces. They took quite strong risk, and this has paid off, and there was great significant progress at that point.”
  • “Terry: I see. Okay. So it means that there was no counter attack from them?”
  • “Cobra: They were so shocked. The dark forces were so shocked that they could not attack for quite some time. They needed some time to regroup and they did attack, but weeks later. I mean, at that point, they were just in complete shock that something like that is even possible. (Wow) They were not imagining the Light Forces will do something like this.”
  • “Terry: Wow. Great. Okay. Next, although there is an anti-Chimera expert team in Andromeda Galaxy, why didn’t they participate in the planetary liberation until the situation around the Earth almost went out of control last year?”
  • “Cobra: It is because the Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be… So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team, because those people are really courageous and they have no fear and there needs to be a certain process. People… Light Forces individuals who are working on the liberation had to clear their traumas and their situation to the point where they could match the Andromedan team.”
  • “Terry: I see. So that means that the Andromedan people at that time were more courageous than those people in the team?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. yes, of course. More courageous than people who were around the Earth at that time.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. Okay, next question. In “The Goddess Equator” post, you mentioned a place called “Qubbet el Bedawi”. Is it the same as Qubbet el-Hawa” or “Dome of the Wind” in Egypt?”
  • “Cobra: No.”
  • “Terry: Oh, it’s different. Hmm. I see. Okay. Is there any famous Asian city near the old Atlantean equator?”
  • “Cobra: I will explain. There were actually many polar shifts in the past and many Atlantean equators. The equator I was mentioning in my last post was the equator, which was present on this planet 25,000 years and more before the present time. And then there was a polar shift, and then there was another Atlantean equator, which has been mentioned in my post in few years ago. But this Atlantean equator, which was here until 25,000 years ago, is even more important because it was connected with the motherships of the Galactic Confederation, and this equator does not go through Asia. So there are no famous Asian cities near this equator.”
  • “Terry: Oh, okay. Understood. The Goddess vortices appear to be mainly in the European continent. Does it imply that there are more Masculine vortices in Asia?”
  • “Cobra: Actually there are many Masculine ley lines in Asia and Dragon ley lines, and they will have quite much of a role in the Event and after the Event, but it’s not time to talk about that yet.”
  • “Terry: I see. But there are also female vortices in Asia?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. You mentioned Planck stars at the December update last year. Can you describe the relationship between Planck stars and the huge quantum transition that [this] universe is about to experience?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. Planck stars are one of the possible descriptions of the phenomenon of the black holes. And when universe goes to this quantum transition, black holes as we know them, will not exist anymore in the present form, because certain laws of physics will change, and that is going to happen in the future at some point. Not very near future, but this is the future of this universe. So the whole situation will [change]. The laws of physics, the physical constants, the way light is transmitted, all those things will change.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. Thank you. So at the end of last year, you posted an astrological graph for 2023 in relation to the Return of Spirit. Would you be able to describe what the graph means?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. That graph describes the position of the planets in this year and the aspects they make to each other. And some of those aspects are quite interesting. I will not go into details. I will be publishing most likely, I don’t promise, but most likely I’ll publish something about this in the future on my blog when the time is right. There will be some quite interesting astrological configurations during this year, and those who are astrologers might know about some of them, and some of them might be quite decisive in what is going to happen on this planet.”
  • “Terry: Interesting. Actually two lines there in the graph were declining toward March, and one line was declining toward May sharply. So does it indicate something?”
  • “Cobra: Oh, yes, of course. Yes, of course.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. Okay. Have all the implant stations been cleared?”
  • “Cobra: The nonphysical implant stations have not been cleared yet.”
  • “Terry: Okay, alright. Is there any plans that when they may be cleared?”
  • “Cobra: This is classified information.”
  • “Terry: Okay. Since the beginning of 2023, there have been several big solar flares. Were they expected by the Light Forces or were they just a good surprise?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, they were expected because we are going towards the new solar maximum, and of course, they were expected.”
  • “Terry: Okay. So at the Paris Conference, the probability of 25% of the solar maximum in 2025 was mentioned. Is it still the case now even after a success of the conference and also the consequence of the series of big solar flares at the beginning of this year?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. Yes, the Paris Conference was successful, but it cannot influence the solar cycle of course. This increased activity is a normal part of the solar cycle. We are going towards the maximum. So this is nothing extraordinary at this point.”
  • “Terry: I see. So that means the probability [of] 25% still remains.”
  • “Cobra: It stays the same. Yes.”
  • “Terry: Okay. Understood. A Japanese Lightworker group has successfully planted Cintamani stones at the South Pole at the end of last year. The first Cintamani project to Antarctica was in early 2016. Although it was in Antarctica, but not exactly at the South Pole. How would the Cintamani stones at the South Pole influence the geopolitical situation surrounding the liberation?”
  • “Cobra: It does not influence the geopolitical situation. It influences the stability of the planetary axis. It helps the Light Forces stabilize the Earth axis as we are expecting a new polar shift very soon. This is very important and such Cintamani project would be very welcome on the North Pole as well.”
  • “Part 2: Goddess Temple Project”
  • “Terry: Okay. Understood. Thank you very much. Okay, and the next question is about the Goddess Temple Project. The first one, does building a Goddess Temple mean that we have to construct the temple from scratch?”
  • “Cobra: It is not necessary. You can use an existing architecture or you can build a new temple, whatever is your guidance.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. Is it necessary for a Goddess temple to have an indoor space?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course. It has to be an indoor space protected from the elements.”
  • “Terry: Oh, I see. So we cannot just have outdoor temple.”
  • “Cobra: It has to be inside space protected from the elements.”
  • “Terry: Okay. Do we have to build a Goddess temple in a private space that we own? Or can we just rent an indoor space and then modify it for this purpose?”
  • “Cobra: Both options are okay. It just needs to be accessible to the public at least once a week for a few hours.”
  • “Terry: Okay. So which area would the Light Forces recommend for creating a Goddess temple? Can it be built in an urban areas or suburbs or countryside?”
  • “Cobra: Anywhere you feel guided and anywhere people can have access to it.”
  • “Terry: I see. Do the Light Forces have any requirements on the basic size of a Goddess temple if we measure it by the square meters?”
  • “Cobra: Bigger than 10 square meters and there is no upper limit.”
  • “Terry: Okay. If the Lightworkers can build a Goddess temple by themselves, would the Light Forces recommend any architectural style for such project?”
  • “Cobra: You can create a Goddess Temple as a dome. You can use ancient architecture as a role model, or you can use your own guidance.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. If there is enough land [or space] within a private contact zone, can we add a Goddess temple in this area?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. If you feel so guided.”
  • “Terry: Okay. When we build a Goddess temple, is it necessary or recommendable for us to create a sacred lake nearby?”
  • “Cobra: If you feel so guided.”
  • “Terry: Okay. If a Goddess Temple only has an indoor space, can we use an indoor fountain alternatively as a sacred lake?”
  • “Cobra: Yes.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. When we place an indoor fountain or dig an artificial lake for a Goddess Temple, how can we invoke female angelic being to anchor the Goddess Vortex on that water body?”
  • “Cobra: There is a meditation to invoke Goddess presence into your body, and you can use that meditation to invoke that Goddess presence in that lake as well. This meditation you can find on the Sisterhood of the Rose website.”
  • “Terry: Okay. Okay, great. And so is it acceptable for the Light Forces if we modify the existing architecture into a temple?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course.”
  • “Terry: Okay. How can we tell if a Goddess Temple is in good order according to the standard of the Light Forces?”
  • “Cobra: If you do it with dedication and purity, it’ll be okay.”
  • “Terry: Okay, great. How can we maintain the Goddess energy in that temple?”
  • “Cobra: By doing regular meditations, regular activities in the temple, and again, it needs to be open to the general population at least once a week.”
  • “Terry: Okay. As the Event is approaching, do the Light Forces set any deadline for Lightworkers to create at least one qualified Goddess temple on the surface of the planet?”
  • “Cobra: There are no deadlines. People who have guidance to build those temples or to create those temple in existing places will do so according to their own ability. And the more are created the better it is, but there are no requirements.”
  • “Terry: Thank you very much. This is the end of my questions. Then next one from Jedi.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. I will start. Can you please recommend some famous Goddess temples around the world so that we the Lightworkers can go on a privilege tour and seek inspiration for building our own temples?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. One example is the Temple of Love in Petit Trianon in Versailles in France, and the other example are the Goddess Temples on Malta. These are two examples, which are quite interesting and can be an inspiration for building those temples.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Good choice. Next, if Lightworkers manage to build a Goddess temple on the surface of the planet, can you provide a training program and help those who feel guided to become Goddess Priests and Goddess Priestesses?”
  • “Cobra: Most likely no.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. next, a Japanese Lightworker recently built a Goddess temple in Gunma Prefecture. This temple is open to the general public. It also has an outdoor carpet of Rose Labyrinth for people to experience one of the healing experiences of Goddess priestesses. Can you explain the purpose of Rose Labyrinth and how we can use it correctly?”
  • “Cobra: You can do that by walking through the Labyrinth, and that walk through the Labyrinth symbolizes your inner journey. And while walking through the Labyrinth and coming to the center, you can come to the purpose of your journey. So that can be a spiritual experience that can clarify your connection with your higher self and clarify your path in Light.”
  • “Jedi: Oh, good. Next, if a person is lost inside a large-scale Rose Labyrinth. Should [they] return to [the] entry point through [their] previous path?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, that is recommended.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. And how many Goddess at the maximum can we worship in a Goddess temple?”
  • “Cobra: As many as you wish.”
  • “Jedi: Okay, good. Do you have to determine the Goddess to be worshiped before we build her temple?”
  • “Cobra: You do it according to your own inner guidance.”
  • “Jedi: All right. Can we keep dogs, cats, or other pets in a Goddess temple?”
  • “Cobra: The central part of the temple needs to be protected. So that is not a place for dogs, cats, and other pets, but in other locations there is no problem.”
  • “Jedi: Oh, that’s good. If we want to build a Goddess Venus temple, can we intentionally emphasize her sexy and gorgeous appearance within Her temple?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. if Lightworkers want to take priority of improving their quality of life, can they first build a permanent altar of Goddess Abundantia and then gradually expand it into a Goddess Temple for anchoring energy of abundance?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course. That is a good idea.”
  • “Jedi: Alright. There are many Guanyin and Mazu temples in Taiwan. Ise Grand Shrine in Japan is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. In other countries, there are also many temples where people worship Goddess as their main deities. What is the most important difference between these existing temples and those which the Light Forces hope we Lightworkers build for this new project?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. those new temples will bring fresh cosmic energy of the Goddess to the surface of the planet. And of course it is also important to spread awareness of the already existing Goddess temples from the old ages, which are still working. Some of them are still operational. It is also good for Sisterhood of the Rose to write articles about those temples to bring those temples into the awareness of the surface population.”
  • “Jedi: Okay, good. Next, most of the surface population goes to Goddess temple in search of Her guidance and blessings instead of experiencing Her energy. When we are building a Goddess temple, what should we do so that the surface population can let go of their stereotype about a Goddess temple and focus on appreciating Her qualities?”
  • “Cobra: There are various ways of approaching the Goddess presence. It can be through seeking Her guidance, through seeking blessings to experience her energy directly, through meditation. All those paths are completely okay.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Next, what activities would people of advanced ancient Earth civilization (Atlanteans and ancient Egyptians for example) do at their Goddess temples in addition to praying for Her guidance and the blessings?”
  • “Cobra: There were trainings. There were initiations. There were sacred union meditations. There was connection with the Galactic brotherhood. All those activities were taking place in Atlantis and to a certain degree also in ancient Egypt.”
  • “Jedi: Well, that’s great. What festivals and special days can we celebrate or hold anniversaries events in a Goddess Temple?”
  • “Cobra: There are many holidays which have been celebrated in the past to celebrate the Goddess presence and also the Sisterhood of the Rose can create an article to list all those various festivals that were celebrated throughout the world. Pagan festivals, there were festivals connected to Isis, there were festivals connected to other Goddesses, and all of them can be portals to connect with the Goddess energy.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Would ancient people intentionally choose a place near Goddess leyline when building a Goddess temple?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. A place near Goddess leyline or a Goddess Votex.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Petit Trianon itself is a small castle for Queen Marie-Antoinette, and Master St. Germain came here several times to instruct Goddess mysteries and anchor Goddess energy. Did Master St. Germain turn his castle into a Goddess temple suitable for long-term residence?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. And this place has a certain specific purpose after the Event, which must not be disclosed yet.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Do Pleiadians and other positive stars civilizations worship Goddess?”
  • “Cobra: They are connecting with the Goddess presence in their own way.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Do they worship a particular Goddess in common?”
  • “Cobra: Not personified Goddess, but the Divine Feminine essence which permeates the whole universe.”
  • “Jedi: Alright. How do the benevolent Galactic beings utilize their Goddess temples and spread Her energy?”
  • “Cobra: The Galactic Central Race has created the network of Goddess temples on many planets that are part of the galactic society, and they are part of the galactic network of Light.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. It takes a considerable amount of time and money to build a Goddess temple? If the Earth’s surface is going to be hit by polar shift and huge tsunamis in the coming years, it does not seem to be a worthy investment to build many Goddess temples around the world. What is your suggestion for alleviating Lightworkers’ worries on this matter?”
  • “Cobra: It does not take a lot of money to create a Goddess temple. You can just convert one of the rooms in your present location. It can be your apartment or your business place. You can just convert one room into a Goddess temple with minimal expenses, decorate it and open to the public. So it can be done with minimum investment, and in a very short period of time. And many such temples can create a strong presence that can help the Light Forces in the coming years.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Good suggestion. Given the fact that many Lightworkers do not have enough money and knowledge of construction or interior design. We would like to propose some alternative choices, which are quite feasible in the near future. Cobra, we hope you can share your opinions and convey these ideas to the Light Forces.”
  • “Cobra: Yes. They’re listening to this interview and of course they are aware of the situation. So people just need to use a little bit of creativity and dedication. All this can be done.”
  • “Jedi: Oh that’s great. Thank you. First of all, some Lightworkers have been running their healing center. Can they modify their healing centers into Goddess temples?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course. They can turn their whole healing center into Goddess temple or just dedicate part of their healing center into a Goddess temple. It’s all open. Everything is possible.”
  • “Jedi: Okay, great. If Lightworkers utilize their art studios, galleries, or private museums and provide long-term Goddess-related performances and exhibitions to the surface population, will their artistic space become their Goddess temples?”
  • “Cobra: Yes they can. If those activities are permanent (OK, good), and if that space is dedicated to the Goddess. Yes, it can become a Goddess temple.”
  • “Jedi: Okay, great. If Lightworkers dedicated their charitable organizations to a Goddess and then provide charitable aid in Her name, does their dedication equal building a Goddess temple?”
  • “Cobra: No. Building or creating a Goddess temple is more important.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Understood. You mentioned at Paris Ascension Conference that Christian Louboutin located at Rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau is actually a Temple of Hathor in the disguise of a boutique shop. If Lightworkers decorate their own shops with many Goddess-related artworks and the concepts, will their shops become some sort of a Goddess temple?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, if there is an activity related to the Goddess energy open to the public at least once a week. Just Goddess-related art and artwork and decoration is not enough. There needs to be a dedication and it needs to be open to the public so the energy can spread to the surface population.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Good idea. Many Lightworkers make their living with their professional skills and they also run their studio, firms, and even small and medium-size enterprises. Can they introduce Goddess art related to their industries into their workplaces and turn their office into a Goddess temple as much as possible?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. if you introduce arts, this does not make your office a Goddess temple, but it does help to bring more Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.”
  • “Jedi: Mm-Hmm. Okay. If Lightworkers are temporarily incapable of building a new Goddess temple, can they donate the money to support the restoration of famous ancient Goddess temples such as Notre Dame, Parthenon, and Temple of Hathor?”
  • “Cobra: If they feel so guided, yes. But you need to know that much of that money is lost and given to other activities. It does not reach the end.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Many online open-world games allow players to build their own houses, or even towns. If the main purpose of the Goddess Temple Project is to spread the Goddess energy and Her knowledge, can we build our Goddess temple in Minecraft, Valheim, or other online games and then invite other players to visit our temples?”
  • “Cobra: This is not so much recommended because we need to build those temples on the physical plane. This artificial reality is something that we need to avoid. Do not spend too much time online on those games. It does not serve the spiritual evolution of humanity.”
  • “Part 3: Clarification”
  • “Jedi: Oh, yes. Understood. Okay. The next part is clarification. What is the relation between bubbles of heaven and quantum insertion portals?”
  • “Cobra: Quantum insertion portals happen when Light begins to clear one part of the quantum anomaly, and when enough of those portals open, bubbles of heaven can begin to appear.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Great. Is it possible for us to open a stable quantum insertion portal if we focus our mind and meditate with a clear intent?”
  • “Cobra: It can be stable for a few, few seconds long enough. If you can steady your mind without any thoughts for a few seconds, you are able to open a stable quantum insertion portal. But most people have their mind so restless that this is not easy for them to do.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Got it. What is the exact relationship between the I AM Presence, Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, and inner child?”
  • “Cobra: I AM Presence is your real presence, your Divine self. It has Masculine [and] Feminine aspects, which are in perfect balance on that level. And inner child is the incarnated soul. It is the part of the I AM Presence, which incarnates on the physical plane.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Good. Thank you. Okay. The next one, the 11:11 armistice that ended World War I came into force at 11:00 AM Central European Time. So peace literally came to Paris at 11:11:11. As the old saying goes, there is no coincidence in the universe. Do you know if there was any occult arrangement for such a time setting?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, of course. This treaty was signed on purpose on that day, and the timing at 11:00 AM was also determined on purpose to help activating the positive 11:11:11 portal.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Good. Next in “Unveiled Mysteries: The Magic Presence”, Master St. Germain said the existence of Gold in white quartz is its purest formation within the Earth at present. What are the physical and spiritual benefits such a kind of gold have if we carry it or put it around us?”
  • “Cobra: Gold with quartz creates a very powerful and very beneficial combination that connects us with our higher self and strengthens our free will. So it’s a very beneficial, very spiritual and very powerful combination.”
  • “Jedi: Wow. Great. Can we get similar effects if we stick a tacyonized gold foil onto white quartz?”
  • “Cobra: No, it has to be natural gold in quartz.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Got it. Would it be even better if I fill tachyonized white quartz with tachyonized gold?”
  • “Cobra: The same as above question.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Got it. Next. Both Goddess Atargatis and Goddess Isis come from Sirius Star System. Is there any remarkable relationship between them?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. They both come from the same soul family.”
  • “Jedi: Oh, understood. You mentioned that the Galactic Central Sun is a portal of the 7th dimension. What dimension can Cosmic Central Sun access as a portal?”
  • “Cobra: 11th dimension.”
  • “Jedi: Wow. 11th. Okay. You also mentioned that Cosmic Central Sun is not a physical sun, so what form of existence does it belong to? Is it plasma, ether, or something even more energetic?”
  • “Cobra: It has a physical form, but this is not the main part. The main part is the huge energy being that inhabits that particular location.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Is Cosmic Central Sun the singularity of the Big Bang?”
  • “Cobra: No.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Does Cosmic Central Race get involved with Planetary Liberation more actively since the Divine Intervention Activation?”
  • “Cobra: Yes, but they have encountered more obstacles than they expected.”
  • “Jedi: Alright. During the Paris Ascension Conference, you mentioned that Boucher hid many Goddess mysteries in his paintings. His works created an energy buffer zone in Franch high society which prevented France from a complete meltdown during the French Revolution. If most members of the French aristocracy and rich families did not understand those secrets, how exactly could his works protect the French society of his era?”
  • “Cobra: People did not understand his work on a conscious level, but the energy of his work was influencing their subconscious and aligning it more with the energy of the Goddess.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Understood. Just like we look at the Flower of Life. People cannot understand it, but they got the energy from it.”
  • “Cobra: Yes. Yes.”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Thank you. If we do our best to promote the music of Mozart, the paintings of Boucher and Vigée Le Brun plus other Goddess-related art, would such effort help the surface population adapt to the Event and the following big changes?”
  • “Cobra: That is actually a very good idea, and that would help the surface population to align more with the Goddess energy to a certain degree, and each such effort helps.”
  • “Part 4: Future Plans”
  • “Jedi: Okay. The last part. Future plans. Do the Light Forces plan to organize any global mass meditation this year?”
  • “Cobra: It is not the highest purpose to answer this question.”
  • “Jedi: Oh, okay. Next, is it possible for people who ascend in the first collective wave to become students of the Galactic or even Cosmic Central Race?”
  • “Cobra: It is possible for those who have this part of their makeup or their previous decision of their life path, yes.”
  • “Jedi: Oh, good news. Speaking about cosmic evolution, will the universe gradually consume and transmute everything in the 3rd and the 4th dimensions, while only the 5th and beyond continue to exist?”
  • “Cobra: Yes. This is actually planned for the end of the next cosmic cycle. Billions of years away from now.”
  • “Closing”
  • “Jedi: Okay. Understood. Alright, this is the ending now. So as we come to the end of this interview, are there any final words you would like to say to all the Lightworkers?”
  • “Cobra: Okay. I would like to say that those who are still maintaining and holding the Light are very courageous and brave beings and very powerful beings, because there have been so many tests, so many challenges, so much disappointment in the last few years, that those who are still holding the Light are heroes of the new society, and Victory of the Light!”
  • “Jedi: Thank you so much. Victory of the Light!”
  • “Terry: Victory of the Light! Thank you.”
  • “Patrick: Victory of the Light!”
  • “Cobra: Thank you. Thank you.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the Interview:
Here’s the link to Cobra’s own website:
The following is Researcher, Benjamin Fulford’s, report from February 6th 2023…
  • “The Khazarian Mafia has been comprehensively defeated, mopping up continues”
  • “Events over the coming weeks will make it obvious even to the most brainwashed sheeple in the West that something fundamental and historic has taken place. There can be no doubt the Khazarian Mafia has been defeated and the mopping up of their last leaders has begun. The arrest of New Zealand cross-dressing Prime Minister Jack Adern, criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset and Pfizer, mass arrests of Ukrainian government officials and many other events all point to this.”
  • “Another sign the KM is losing it is that it is now becoming mainstream to talk about Mossad and Israeli founding Prime Minister David Ben Gurions’ involvement in the assassination of President John F Kennedy.”
  • “Israel meanwhile is trying to negotiate a surrender to the Russians via France. The bankrupt US Corporate Government, for its part, became the laughing stock of the world by using “a balloon ate my homework” excuse after Rockefeller slave Secretary of State Antony Blinken was told not to bother coming to China on a begging mission.”
  • “The war in Ukraine is also ending with the last Satanists now surrounded in Bahmut where they are expected to fight to the death over the coming weeks.”
  • “Most importantly of all, the KM lost control of the world’s financial system on January 31st and the quantum financial system is now operating (more about that later).”
  • “However, it is not over until it is over and there is a strong possibility the desperate and cornered KM will try some sort of black swan mega-terror event, most likely either an EMP or nuclear attack.”
  • “Turkey’s interior minister Suleyman Soylu told the US ambassador to take his “dirty hands off of Turkey” after Washington and eight European countries issued travel warnings over possible terror attacks there. Similar warnings were made about Iran.”
  • “The order by Western governments to evacuate their citizens means it’s likely the cornered Israeli regime is launching a massive attack there. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake followed by dozens more as this report was being written indicates it has already begun. “This is a weather modification weapon being used to show Erdogan who is still in charge,” a CIA source says.”
  • “The attack took place as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov landed in Iraq to launch “military-technical” cooperation with Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq along with the Gulf States. Since Egypt is also a de facto Russian ally this represents an existential threat to the KM regime in Israel (not to the Jews though).”
  • “The Iranian government has now warned Israel’s neighbors that in order to “maintain their security,” they should “stay away from the regime that is dying every day.””
  • “The KM is desperately trying to blow up the whole planet (using agents in both Iran and Israel) because the KM-controlled Vatican and their US Corporate Subsidiary lost control of the financial system on January 31st. That is why the entire Italian internet shut down on February 1st, MI6 sources say. The Vatican Bank, which was used to bribe most so-called world leaders, has been cut off. Now the KM have until February 13 before their US Corporation is completely cut off.”
  • “MI6 sources say the quantum financial system took over the KM’s SWIFT interbank settlement system on February 1st. This writer experienced this on Sunday when a money transfer arrived instantly instead of the following Monday for a similar transfer made last month. The creator of the QFS says “the advancement in IT infrastructure including DLT or Distributed Ledger Technology commonly known as blockchain simply means all the world’s national banking systems are aligned. Up until now a same-day transfer was manual and cumbersome because two banking officials had to sit at the screens on either end of a telephone and manage the transfer through the various clearing house like SWIFT. Tedious stuff; expensive when it goes wrong and very stressful to work with. The replacement of the world banking IT is designed to reset all debt.””
  • “However, the source says any formal jubilee type of announcement will probably have to wait until June because the removal of the rest of the KM control grid has to take place first.”
  • “On this front, there can be no doubt a dragnet is closing in on the KM. In particular, their failed attempt to kill 90% of humanity with electromagnetic attacks and toxic vaccines has woken up a lot of powerful people who now seek justice.”
  • “Banker Pascal Najadi -the person who filed criminal charges against the Swiss President- says “We have scientific proof that the vaccine causes harm. This is the biggest medical technical failure in human history.” Najadi, whose father was one of the founders of the WEF, was triple-vaxxed because he trusted the government. Now, he is taking strong legal action.”
  • “In Thailand, the collapse into a coma of the triple-vaxxed Crown Princess has set that country on the warpath. Professor Sucharit Bhakdi says “Safety pharmacological studies were never performed… Pfizer BioNTech is going to have to pay back those billions to Thailand.””
  • “In Japan as well, a widely reported press conference by doctors suing the health ministry there also provided evidence the vaccines are killing people.”
  • “The situation has reached the point where even CDC statistics show 84.5% of Americans are opposed to vaccines. This will have profound political ramifications.”
  • “On top of this, the Russians and Chinese have now figured out that “Covid 19” is an electromagnetic attack and not a virus. The Russians say the WHO (World Harm Organization) is violating their legal charter by refusing to provide samples of actual viruses. They also say WHO is hiding much else, also in violation of its charter.””
  • “Authorities in governments around the world are expected to follow the Swiss example and file criminal charges against government officials,”
  • “In New Zealand, the white hat military alliance has already taken action by arresting former Prime Minister Jack Ardern. Ardern’s COVID Dictatorship caused a 3203% increase in Excess Deaths following her Mandatory COVID Vaccination Laws”
  • “We are also getting reports from local residents that Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau of Canada and Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany have fled to an underground bunker complex in Stephenville, Newfoundland. However, these men have nowhere to hide. Castrudeau cannot appear in public now without an angry mob gathering to demand his arrest.”
  • “The money trail behind the Covid war crimes is also now being uncovered. The simultaneous raids on various properties associated with Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s boss Ihor Kolomoisky are providing a forensic trail leading straight to the KM leadership. Zelensky traveled 14 times in the past two years to Geneva and Tel Aviv, where Kolomoisky and his Rockefeller and Rothschild bosses are hiding, Mossad sources say. The laundering of money via Ukraine financed the Covid attacks as well as massive bribery of politicians and government officials throughout the West.”
  • “This is now being cut off.”
  • “This will affect not only the fake Biden regime but also the WHO, EU, UN and WEF. Klaus Schwab Rothschilds’ privately owned organization signed a memorandum with the United Nations in June 2019, to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This was the KM plan to turn the planet into a giant animal farm by killing 90% of humanity and enslaving the rest.”
  • “It is now turning out that in addition to killing us with electromagnetic attacks and vaccines, these criminals were trying to poison us by forcing us to eat insects.”
  • “Insects are full of chitin. Chitin is highly allergenic in mammals, stimulates the immune system and is therefore involved in the development of many chronic diseases. Insects also contain countless germs and parasites that are pathogenic to humans. Processing this into food is not only negligent, but it is also intentional.”
  • “If people could eat insects don’t you think starving people would have tried this in the past? There is a reason people don’t eat insects: they are poisonous to humans.”
  • “The cutoff is going to destroy the KM’s ability to brainwash a huge portion of the world’s population, especially in the West, into harming themselves by doing things like eating bugs.”
  • “Most of the content on the internet, whether blogs, videos, or photos – is user-created but, it was effectively owned and controlled by a handful of ‘Web 2.0 oligopolies’ like Facebook (now Meta), Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (now Alphabet), collectively called the ‘FAANG’ stocks. The US market’s spectacular rise in recent years was almost entirely due to KM funny money being funneled through these companies.”
  • “As this writer and many other truth-based investigators have found out, the FAANGs created a thought control grid far beyond anything George Orwell could have imagined. This writer and many, many colleagues were banned for example, by You Tube for reporting the truth about Covid and vaccines. This is now ending.”
  • “Here is what a CIA source says will be done to really end it:”
  • “The actual plan is to send up a hypersonic warhead with a very powerful EMP attached. It takes 40 seconds to reach altitude and destination after launching from a Submarine off the East Coast. It can wipe out all the electrical systems over most of the US and a large part of Canada if released over The Omaha area. The higher up it is released the more the coverage area. (See attached photo graph showing the radius). The powers that be are very aware of the intentions. This is not discussed publicly by Washington DC and the fake Biden show.”
  • “Once this is done, a blockchain-based internet will replace the oligopoly-controlled one. This means content producers, instead of receiving crumbs from Google, etc. will get most of the credit and money from their creations. This will also mean no more corporate censorship. Existing libel, slander and criminal laws, with some modification, will suffice to protect people from harm.”
  • “The end of centralized control of information is also likely to end monotheism as we know it. As a reminder, the word “religion,” comes from the Latin “Re Ligare,” which means to rebind into a Fascii or bundle: in other words turn many separate things into a single centralized one, This is also connected to the word “government” which means “control (govern) minds (ment).””
  • “In other words, a multi-thousand-year project to turn humanity into a monolith controlled by a single mind is coming to an end.”
  • “In a sign this is happening, the planetary liberation alliance seems to have taken over control of the avatar pretending to be Pope Francis as this article shows:”
  • “‘Hands off Africa!’: Pope blasts foreign plundering of Congo”
  • “KINSHASA, Congo — Pope Francis demanded Tuesday that foreign powers stop plundering Africa’s natural resources for the “poison of their own greed” as he arrived in Congo to a raucous welcome by Congolese grateful he was focusing the world’s attention on their forgotten plight.”
  • “Check out the many photos in the article. You can see it is not the original Pope Francis. There is a nice close-up of him as well.”
  • “The change at the top of the monotheistic hierarchy may have even more earth-shattering consequences.”
  • “It turns out the KM controllers of monotheism have been deliberately keeping our lives short and miserable on behalf of what the Majestic 12 group think is a rogue AI controlling our universe. That is what is implied in the words of former Pope Maledict:”
  • ““The world is like an oil press that squeezes. If you are the dregs you are thrown away; if you are oil, you are collected. But being squeezed is inevitable…The kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world [because] man’s freedom would be denied.”—Pope Benedict XVI,”
  • “By “freedom” Maledict was referring to the short, brutal lives we have all been forced to live. That is why all discoveries that lead to longer lives and increased human abilities have been systematically suppressed since time immemorial.”
  • “Here is how a Polish intelligence source describes our situation:”
  • “We live on a farm with an artificial sun and artificial cycles. The “owners” of the Earth are milking us energetically but this business is ending, another farm is running out of control. Once upon a time, a shield was established to separate the Earth from the true cosmos. The shield made of a plasma-energy barrier, is falling apart.”
  • “With the overthrow of the KM we are now likely to enter into a new Cambrian explosion with an exponential expansion of earth life into the universe.”
  • “And with that, here are the latest off-world sightings:”
  • “1. Cigar-shaped UFO over India”
  • “2. 2 UFO’s seen from a jet”
  • “3. 3 UFO’s seen from a jet”
  • “4. An apparent group of UFOs seen over Phoenix, Arizona USA February 1, 2023”
  • “Finally, here you can see a weird light anomaly filmed over Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada where a secret underground complex is located:”
  • “A similar anomaly was spotted over Volgograd (Stalingrad) Russia when Vladimir Putin made a speech there the other day.”
  • “We as a species are now definitely headed into uncharted waters.”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to view the many videos, access the links and see the images provided by Ben Fulford.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: