PS 11-28-20 *Energies, Flynn, “virus”, Lawsuits

  • When I initially thought about writing this out, I knew “I” would be writing a “book”, to explain everything… so everyone would understand that all of this is about “Energies” and not “Society-level”, “financial”, “sexual”, etc. Then the 2nd “Resolve” happened today and, because I actually received an Energy “Response” (from “Girl 2”), I felt that these Energies want to be shared… how they formed… how they can be interpreted… how they can be used.
  • Also… I’m including this information, so others in similar situations can see how all of this unfolded for “me” and how a seemingly-romantic situation might only be a re-connection of “Energies” and then cleanly broken by the people involved.
After Sylvia crossed-over, whenever I had a “Psychic Impression” to explain to someone, I always started my conversation with:
  • “I’m Psychic but not “A” Psychic. I’m only Psychic like everyone else. Some call it “Women’s Intuition” or a “gut feeling”.”
More and more, though, I’m beginning to think I’m, well, not really “Psychic” but, let’s say “an interpreter… a Reader of Energies.”
So let’s begin…
These Energies involve 2 girls… “girls” in their mid-40s.
  • I mean no disrespect. I refer to females as “girls”, “ladies” and “women”, no matter what age they are… “Girls” (even if they’re 100-years old) if they have that “spark”… that open-mided, exploring attitude and positive, active Spirit. “Ladies” when they are in “Classy” mode… they project elegance and finesse. “Women” when they’re in a more “responsible”, “holding down the Fort” mode.
Remember, this is not what you may think. I deal with “Energies” and they simply appear on my Path in that unseen, raw form. I sometimes notice them and do my best to decode them (their feelings and information) and sometimes follow them.
Girl 2: (I Sensed that her and my interaction would be much quicker than “Girl 1”. So I started with her. Her initials are D.H.
  • Early in 2020, 2-memories of D.H. appeared in my mind. Each posed a now-unanswered question for me. As Time went on, this Energy increased. It almost became an obsession and, even “I” thought there was a “romantic” situation brewing… even though I hadn’t seen her since about 2017.
  • I didn’t try to find her because I had been out of work for several months and “IF” it turned into a romantic situation, I would need an inflow of money for meals, gifts, etc.
  • Then, when I got that job at the end of October, I started my quest to find her. She used to work at the Waffle House, Sylvia and I ate at every morning before going to work (at another job). So I started there.
  • A Waitress told us that she now works at another Waffle House that’s almost in the next town… AND she was working “3rd Shift”. “3rd Shift? What Time is that?” “She goes in at 9p and works until 7a.”
  • So the first Saturday we had off, I got up at 4a, because it was a long drive and because I wanted some Time to talk to D.H. before she left work.
  • When we got there, D.H. wasn’t there. I asked the Cook and the only Waitress on-duty but they had never heard of her. I was puzzled. A few minutes later, while still eating Breakfast, a Manager from another Waffle House came in. (He knew us because we were ‘Regulars” at the other Waffle House since 2016) I found that to be very “coincidental”… What are the odds that “I” would see “him” in “that” Waffle House at “that” Time? Answer: Astronomical. (He wasn’t the Manager of this Waffle House.)
  • “Reading the situation” I took that to be a “Sign” that everything I was doing was supposed to happen the way it was unfolding. So I asked him about D.H. He gave me a tiny piece of the puzzle — just enough to put my online searching in the right direction. However, even with this new puzzle-piece, I couldn’t find her. I then started focusing on her “Image”, but after scrolling-through LOTS of search-results images, I still couldn’t find any more about her. Then I saw it. One tiny photo of someone who looked like D.H.… but it was a Mug Shot. “What? What has that girl gone and done?”, I thought.
  • Her hair was still very short, like when I last saw her but the expression on her face was not good and her overall Energy was of “confusion” and “why did I do that?”
  • This started to bother me, more and more over the next few hours. Now my thinking turned to: “The reason her memories came into my mind is probably because she needs my help. Now, I just HAVE to find her.”
  • After doing more online digging and changing my Search Terms, I had a breakthrough. I kept seeing that her name may have changed from D.H. to D.T. and that she now lives in Kentucky.
  • Using these pieces, I dug even deeper.
  • I then found a link to a “facebook” page within her “facebook” Account. I didn’t want to Register with “facebook”. So I used a technique I discovered a long-while ago to bypass the “You have to register or log-in to see that page” notification. It worked.
  • I was then looking at one of her “facebook” pages and it told me the rest of the story.
  • The black & white photo of her, on that page, answered a lot of my questions. Her Energy was very good. The expression on her face was casual and she had long hair. (During the Vietnam war, the U.S. Troops were having a difficult Time. The Military  sought-out an American Indian who was excellent at Tracking. They brought him into “the System” and placed him in Vietnam. He didn’t last long, though. Wondering why he could no longer Track anything, they discovered it was because they had cut his hair. It’s believed that long hair actually connects that person with the Earth… with the natural Energies surrounding everything. The next American Indian Tracker they bought-in, never had his hair cut.)
  • The text stated that she’s a “stay at home Mom”. This told me she’s now married (because of her name-change) and that she has a good Income.
  • Once those pieces fell into place, I knew the Energy between was finished and the connection was broken.
  • Maybe, “on some level”, she just wanted to say “hi” or some part of her saw that I was increasingly becoming consumed with finding her. So her Higher-Self brought me into her world, just a bit, so I could see that she’s really ok now. She also wanted to resolve the Energy behind me discovering her as “someone who was in trouble with the law”.
Girl 1: (This girl’s name begins with “A” but, because I don’t know her last name, I’m going to refer to her as “Consignment-A”, because we used to work in a Consignment Shop together.)
  • Several months ago, Consignment-A’s image, character and Energy appeared within my mind. The last Time I had seen her was shortly before the Consignment Shop moved out of the building it was in. Consignment-A had opened her own Clothing Boutique several streets away. I never went there but she did tell me about it at that Time.
  • Not having much to go on, I started my research but I came up with no new information.
  • I then reached-out to a few people who also worked at that Consignment Shop during that same Time.
  • One facet came back which told me that Consignment-A had closed her Shop because of health issues. Another facet told me her Boutique was near a local Bakery. I now knew I could find her. I would simply go to the Bakery, ask which building she rented, contact the building’s owner and have he or she contact Consignment-A. Before doing that, though, I had one more contact to talk to. She works at a local restaurant and also used to work at the same Consignment Shop. I went there today and spoke with her. She told me Consignment-A had moved out of the State. At that point, I “Psychically” / “Energy-wise” I re-examined the Energy between me and Consignment-A. When I did, I felt the connection between us “break”… or so I thought.
  • After Sylvia and I got home, I realized that connection didn’t “break”. Instead, I had felt the “packaging” of my side of those Energies and the “sending” of them to Consignment-A. I had not Intended to do that and actually never thought of doing that but that’s what happened, somehow… automatically.
  • Here’s the very interesting part…
  • While Sylvia and I were making Supper tonight, a Song popped into my mind. This Song started appearing to me several weeks ago, right around the Time Consignment-A entered my mind:
  • It’s by REO Speedwagon and it’s called: “Can’t Fight This Feeling”. The lines which were the strongest (repeated most) are: “I can’t fight this feeling any more. I don’t know what I’ve been fighting for. You’re like a candle in the window on a cold dark winter night.”
  • Subconsciously, the full Lyrics tell a more interesting story (see the link below)
  • Maybe all of this is from my noticing that she liked me, when we were in that Consignment Shop. I felt it. I saw the signs. I heard it in her voice and I saw it in her actions but I never “returned” / “indicated” that I was really interested in “her”. I was… I am but I never let her know that.
  • Here’s the unbelievable part…
  • Just as those Lyrics played in my head, they began to fade. Then the Lyrics to a different Song began to play within my mind. This Time they are by Fleetwood Mac. The Song is called: “Hypnotized”. The line which was the strongest is: “Seems to me, you got me hypnotized.” They just kept repeating.
  • In “Reading this Energy”, what I discovered is, some part of Consignment-A felt, Sensed, read my Energies… this ball of Energy that I, somehow, unintentionally, packaged-up and sent to her. She not only noticed them but she un-packed them AND RESPONDED.
  • So, using “Energy”, I spoke to Consignment-A… verbally. I explained that I had done all I can at this point and “IF” she wanted to talk to me or see me “she” would have to make the next move. Right now, it would be easier for “her” to connect with “me” than for “me” to connect with “her”.
Remember, I’ve said this many times… anyone can “Read the Energies”. You just have to:
  • Know they’re there.
  • Acknowledge them when you experience them.
  • Thank them for coming into your awareness.
  • and work with them.
Being “Psychic” / “Reading the Energies” is like an Athlete using their muscles. They have to continually use their muscles in order to be good at what they’re doing. If they don’t, their muscles will “forget” those functions. We build “Psychic Awareness” by recognizing them and we create with the “Psychic Clay” by using it.
The reason it’s important to “Acknowledge” and “Thank” the Energies that appear within your world is because they are alive. They want to know that their efforts have not been for nothing.
  • It’s like a friend telling you they just discovered how to do something and they want to share that information with you. If you ignore them, they feel drained and won’t bother telling you that type of information again… but if you embrace their Findings and are enthusiastic about using those details, they will WANT to bring more of that knowledge to you.
Here’s the link to the Lyrics for: “Can’t Fight This Feeling”
Here’s the link where you can here this Song:
Here’s the link to the Lyrics for: “Hypnotized”:
Here’s the link where you can here this Song:
(I forgot to send this out last night)
This 29-minute video is from “Santa Surfing”. She provides information on the latest behind-the-scenes happenings by the White Hats. The information and her enthusiasm is VERY encouraging…
  • Flynn was pardoned on November 25th
  • Weinstein was recently removed from a Judiciary committee, she was the head of
  • Michigan County Board approves Resolution to Impeach Governor Whitmer.
  • “The “Kraken” is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems in acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state.”
  • Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger purchased Dominion in 2019 and Iran and China can monitor and manipulate the Election results.
  • “Kemp and Newsom have been bought-off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes.”… and the NSA records of those transactions!
  • Today, President Trump removed 11 Pentagon Advisors, including Henry Kissinger and Madelin Albright.
  • President Trump stated: “For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be immediately terminated.” This was protecting the “Social Media” companies.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
I’ve seen several articles, since March 2020, which explain that the “virus”, which the “cabal’s” Main Stream Media is pushing down everyone’s throat, is nothing more than “the Common Cold”. The following link will take you to a Forum Thread which provides similar information.
Most of you reading this already know what’s really going on but I’m including this information in case you know someone who still believes in the Easter Bunny.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

This 28-minute video is by “Santa Surfing”. She provides updates on what’s happening behind-the-scenes. Here are a few highlights:
  • On October 3rd, Lisa Page Twitted: “When they ship me off to Girly Gitmo…” In December of 2019, “Q” warned Lisa Page to “prepare for jail”.
  • “More than 700 members of Transnational Organized Crime Groups arrested in Central America, in U.S. assisted operation.” This includes members of “ms13”.
  • Michigan’s Governor “Whitmer” used taxpayer dollars to pay Dominion. (Dominion voting machines)
  • “Vaccine” to be released next week. Although we’re still under “lockdown” and wearing “masks”, talk of the “virus” has faded.
  • Someone noticed a Post by General Flynn, where he wrote “U.S. of A” with the “of” being in lowercase letters. The person finding this says that General Flynn was emphasizing the lowercase letters because “UPPERCASE” letters refers to a “corporation”. So, according to that person, this Country is the “Constitutional Republic of the United States”. (I’ve heard this many months ago but maybe now it’s official.)
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-25-20 *NESARA, Flynn

*First a comment:
Earlier this year, Sylvia and I purchased a few dollars of a Crypto Currency known as “XRP”. At that Time, it was selling for 26-cents per Coin. About a week later, it went down to 22-cents per Coin and mostly stayed there… until last week.
About 5-days ago, I noticed it slowly increasing in price. I actually saw it’s Value rise to 66-cents. (It’s currently at 60-cents per Coin.)
  • Although this is the first Time Sylvia and I have ever owned any Crypto Currencies.
  • Normally, I wouldn’t think much about this 3-fold, price increase but I remember something that whistleblower, Charlie Ward, said in a video a few months ago…
  • He was explaining the upcoming “Quantum Financial System” — the new Bank Accounts everyone will have, with money in them. Charlie said the new Quantum System is “based on” or “related to” the XRP Crypto Currency.
  • So, to “me”, an increase in XRP’s Value by 3-times, “may” reflect a move by the White Hats to activate the new Financial System. Only Time will tell.
Here’s the link to one article which explains the XRP increase:
In this 25-minute video, “Santa Surfing” (from Hawaii) provides some new information on General Flynn and how the Election is “really” moving forward.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
In this 1-minute video, she states that General Flynn was just given a full Pardon.
  • Now, it looks like Lawyer, Sydney Powell, was referring to General Flynn when she said she was about to “release the Kraken”.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-15-20 GESARA, Winner-Elect

This 28-minute video is from “Santa Surfing”. She provides some behind-the-scenes information on what’s really happening. However, in this particular video, start at the 22:30-mark. This person’s story represents what the “cabal” is “trying” to do right now… declare themselves the winners of this Presidential Election.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 30-minute video features Financial whistleblower Charlie Ward and his guest.
“IF” what the guest states is true, then there are less than 120-days until GESARA is announced to the General Public.
  • The guest reads an Executive Order, which is dated November 2, 2020. She says, with everyone focusing on the Elections, almost no one noticed this particular Executive Order.
  • “Reading between the lines”, she says, even though this Executive Order is aimed at “Education”, it actually explains GESARA.
  • (There’s “NESARA”, which is “National”, and “GESARA”, which is “Global”. They both have to do with Debt Forgiveness, the Global Financial Reset, the new, LEGALLY-PRINTED money, etc.)
Remember, the MAIN STREAM MEDIA cannot Call the Election. They are still controlled by the low-life “cabal”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-11-20 Cobra

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This was Posted by Cobra on November 10, 2020
  • A Short Message to the Surface Population
  • “Many people are worried about the outcome of the US election. Light Forces have communicated that whoever becomes the president, it will not influence the overall plan for the planetary liberation. They have also asked people to release the emotional attachment and emotional investment in the outcome of this election, as generated energy of worry, anger, fear, frustration and uncertainty is gathered by the Archons, amplified and distributed through the planetary energy grid.”
  • “Light Forces are also asking everybody to decrease the polarization and to start seeing people as an embodiment of their Soul, regardless of their political orientation.”
  • “That said, neither of the presidential candidates is without flaws and both have a certain degree of involvement with the dark forces:”
  • “The election process is NOT over, and needs to be completed in accordance with the federal law:”
  • “Russia, China, Brazil and many other countries have not recognized Biden as the president-elect, and are waiting for the procedures to be completed legally to recognize the new president, whoever that might be:”
  • “There have been serious allegations of voting fraud:”
  • “Mainstream media has been ordered not to investigate and report that:”
  • “Anyway, legal action is being taken:”
  • “Because transparency is needed:”
  • “Above all, we need to refocus back to our optimal Ascension timeline. Meditation on November 11th is coming in a few hours, and you are welcome to join us:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the image and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-8-20 *Sylvia, *Job, Elections

*First a comment:
If anyone wants to know how many weeks it’s now been… My Sylvia crossed-over on 4/9/11 and as of 11/8/20, it’s been exactly 500-weeks… and I’m still struggling without her by my side. I know she’s here, around me but I need her here “Physically” with me.
I haven’t been Posting as much lately because of a new job I had. Sylvia and I were working at Electrolux… We were on 2nd Shift, which was 2:30p ’til midnight. Yes, 9-hours a day for 5-days and 8-hours on Saturday. Yes, they pay Overtime and the money was good but we had to drive down an Interstate Highway which is heavily under construction. Because I’m a slow eater and slow getting ready for any type of appointment, we’d have to wake-up 3.5-hours ahead of our Clock-In Time.
The work was “Assembling”. They make Kits and sell various parts for all types of Appliances. So I’d spend every night making cardboard boxes and filling them with whatever the Order called for… screws, metal or plastic pipes, sheets of glass for refrigerators or microwave ovens, washer and dryer parts, etc. The backs of my hands have lots of tiny cuts, from making those boxes. In one night, I might assemble 300 cardboard boxes.
The long, 17-mile Interstate drive… the getting up that far ahead of work-time, the highly-repetitive nature of the job and the abuse my hands were getting was too much. So, although I’ve only been working there for less than a month, I found another job. After sitting at home for 39-weeks before getting the Electrolux job, this next one happened almost instantly.
  • Before work, I barely have 5-minutes to turn on our iPhone and check Voicemail and eMail. Last Thursday, for some reason, I also turned on my Desktop Mac. I felt a “nudge”, probably from Sylvia, to check the Job Listings.
  • I saw one which sounded promising. So I phoned the local Employment Service, which I had already Registered with, to learn more about it. She pulled up my Resumé and said: “You’d be perfect for this job.” She set up an Interview for the next day. So Sylvia and I went in to Electrolux an hour late, in order to go to the Interview… and we got the job.
  • This is a Warehouse job, very laid back, small company but in business for 30-years and only 7-miles from home… and instead of “2nd Shift”, this one starts at 8a and goes until 4:30p or 5p.
  • There’s a big cut in Pay — $13 an hour, instead of the Electrolux $14.75 but it will be worth it.
This 1-hour video is of Financial whistleblower, Charlie Ward, and 2 other guests.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Near the beginning of this video, Charlie says that the new “Quantum Voting System” was running along side the standard System.
  • He states that President Trump won the Election with 80-percent of the Vote and has taken the Senate AND the House.
  • Talk of the “virus” has faded, as we all knew it would after the Election.
  • Charlie said he watch a Trump Speech and noticed that the Flags behind him had no gold braid around them. So, goodbye “Maritime Law”.
  • Voter Fraud is a Federal crime and probably comes under “Treason”.
  • “The “Main Steam Media” (MSM) has been allowed to expose themselves with this Fraud.”
  • “There were a lot of traps set on purpose.”
  • Charlie talked about something “Q” mentioned weeks ago, several times… “Keep your eye on the water.” Charlie thought it was the Dam in China but now it turns out that we were being told to watch the “Water Mark” because the White Hats had placed a Water Mark on all the Ballots. The democrats didn’t know this and when they used other Ballots, the White Hats will easily be able to tell the Fraudulent Ballots from the real ones.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: