PS 9-10-21 *IRS, *Babel

*First a comment:
Yes, I still check several of my “alternative news” websites for any information on what “I” am Tracking. I do this every night. However, there just hasn’t been anything worth passing along.
  • Remember, I’m looking for information which provides me with feedback on what Sylvia “showed” and “spoke” to me, within a few hours after she crossed-over.
  • These topics… These “Puzzle Pieces” have nothing to do with Society-level happenings or the various “he said / she said” distractions by celebrities or politicians.
In a previous Blog Post, I mentioned that the “irs” had sent us a letter, asking us to phone them so we can verify we are who we say we are. (That sounds very strange to begin with.) I did verify that this is not a Scam.
It’s been a couple of months now and each Time I phone, I hear a recorded message explaining some parts of that letter and then, when their Automated System switches me over to wait in line, a message comes on, saying they are experiencing extremely high call volumes and cannot take my call at this Time. There’s no choice but to disconnect the call (hang-up).
Today, when I phoned, their Automated Message simply states that they are experiencing an error with their System and we’re forced to hang-up. In other words, the message is very different and very abrupt.
“My” interpretation is that “maybe”… just maybe the illegal “irs” is finally being overhauled, to comply with the upcoming re-instating of the “Republic of the United States”… or the “irs” is being dismantled.
Just a few thoughts.
Last week, I was thinking about “Telepathy”, when a “Puzzle Piece” entered the equation (within my Mind)…
  • What “IF”… Instead of dividing a single Language into many… what “IF” everyone at that Time was communicating with each other through “Telepathy” and the “Event of the Tower of Babel” actually broke that connection? Then, being forced to express themselves by making various sounds with their mouth, the people began to form Clusters with those they felt comfortable with (in forming the sounds required to communicate).
  • In other words… At first, everyone would simply be making any type of grunt, click, swish sounds they could get their Vocal Chords and mouth to create. (Of course, no one would understand anyone else at this point.) Some people who heard those sounds might try to reproduce them but couldn’t. So they would move away from that person. When they heard someone else making sounds they COULD recreate, they felt more comfortable and remained near THAT person. Eventually forming a Cluster of people and ultimately a Language Group and a Culture.
So, “IF” that’s true then, maybe this “breaking of Telepathy” was caused by the cabal’s activating of the “Grid”, which, “some say”, has sealed off the Earth from connecting with our Star Families and introduced the “Soul capture and re-incarnate” Cycle that “some say” has been going on here for a VERY long Time.
Right now, to “me”, what doesn’t make sense in this idea is the timing. If the Tower of Babel incident happened around 5,000-to-6,000-years ago, it just seems a bit too recent. I would have thought the Tower of Babel (and the instillation of the “Grid”) would have happened shortly after the inhabitants of Planet Tiamat crashed in Antarctica… but “I think” that was 100,000 or more years ago. At the very least, it might have happened during the last Time the Earth crossed the Galactic Central Sun — either 12,000 or 26,000-years ago.
Just more thoughts.

PS 1-25-20 Harrison, Predictions, Ashtar, Disclosure?, DreamStorage?

*First a comment:
Sometimes “weeks” go by with nothing “worthwhile” for me to include in these Posts. Then, sometimes, like today, there are a LOT of facets being placed along my Path.
This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
This 52-minute video is an “energy update” from Lisa Harrison’s personal experiences and insights.
I was watching and listening intensely. All of it’s very helpful information. Some of it I had heard before, then the video reached the 25:04-mark and I quickly stopped it, so I could write down what she just said…
  • Now, I’m going to write some of the highlights but, because she provides important background information at the beginning of this video, it’s best for everyone to watch all of it.
A few highlights:
  • Around the 23:25-mark, she explains the “walls of energy” and how they’ve become thicker, from 2017. She also states that there are a series of events that have to play-out and these are stacked, as energy walls, very close to each other. She says, once the first event happens, the rest will go very quickly like a “house of cards”. “So at this point, I have to assume that it happens before the end of March.” “If other things come to light, that may change.” They didn’t happen in 2017, 2018 or 2019… “but I think they absolutely have to, this time.”
  • This “Construct” that we’re all in is made-up of Layers and we’re waking-up, through those Layers. We skip some. “…and when we all wake-up to the Top Layer, it’s done.” “We’re doing this at our own, individual pace.” … and we sometimes get out of phase with the people around us. “The Mandelas are still happening, as we wake-up through these Layers.”
  • Lisa had a feeling, back in December 2019… “Job’s done”. (This is regarding “her” journey and those who resonate with Lisa’s energies. She explains this better at the beginning of this video.)
  • Lisa says that for the last few “March” months, she keeps feeling there’s something about “March 4th”. She then mentions the book “The Last President” and in it, there’s a Prediction that, on March 4th “The dawn would not break over the United States”.
  • “Everything is “event” driven, not “time” driven.”
  • As we move through these Layers, if anyone has had “ringing in the ears”, pay attention to that because those frequencies may change with each Layer — is it a high frequency?… lower frequency… different texture… left ear… right ear… both, etc.
  • On the 14th of January, Lisa received an internal message: “14-days”, which brings us to the 28th. She doesn’t know what to make of it but she says it’s “big”.
  • “Tones, sounds” are going to play a very big part in whatever’s going to go down.”
  • “Language, sounds, words are the way that we bring energy into Density. It’s how we create Matter.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Lisa’s video:

Here’s the link to the book “The Last President” by Ingersoll Lockwood:

In this 30-minute video, Clairvoyant, Aluna Ash, explains what she sees in the Astrological energies.
I’m including this because, personally, I’ve felt a bit stuck lately and not able to move into a new project that Sylvia and I have been working on together. Aluna states, at the beginning of this video, that some of us feel held-back because of Saturn’s current influence and that, in February, this changes with the incoming influence of Uranus.
Aluna talks about similar energies to what Lisa Harrison mentioned but Aluna’s focus is on a build-up in “February” and Lisa feels there’s something big taking place in “March”.
  • “This is something that’s coming more online with the Collective. We’re going to start seeing more physical changes that are showing us the new era. The new “age of consciousness” / new “Age of Aquarius… and it’s really about equality… it’s about liberation, expansion… It’s becoming your own Teacher… and it’s also about applying what you have learned up until this point.”
  • Here, she provides an interesting insight: “If we’re responding “unconsciously”, then we’re creating “unconsciously”.”
  • “…So you can manifest and create a lot more powerfully… a lot more intentionally, when you’re accessing these higher streams of consciousness, because you’re no longer operating in the physical plane or the mental plane you’re going to the highest creative principle, the Spiritual Plane, which is beyond “Cause & Effect” or the “Law of Karma”. You’re not going beyond Universal Principles, you’re actually working with it. You’re working with the Universal Subconscious and your in the flow, instead of going aimlessly and responding to energy and feeling like you have no control over your destiny or your fate.”
  • “So what I was shown is… When the conscious Mind impresses a Thought, an Idea or a Belief, on the subconscious Mind, whether it be intentional or unintentional, something you would want to experience or you wouldn’t want to experience, the subconscious Mind accepts that as True and it begins to send vibrations through a channel within the brain to the nervous system of the body and the other systems within the body and it adjusts your energy field and the Universal Subconscious, which is within everything… anything that you can think of that exists… in your environment, other people, material objects, experiences, circumstances, conditions… all of it is within the Universal Subconscious.”
  • “Synchronicities could definitely be speeding up.” She feels that there’s a “gateway” opening up and that things could be moving forward “really quickly”.
Aluna also provides a lot of information in the Description Box, located under the video on the following page.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
Although I’ve read some of the “Ashtar” Channelings, from various Channelers, I don’t typically Track those Readings or include them here. However, I’m feeling that there’s something special, a connection, with this particular Reading…
Note: The “me” in the conversation below, I think, is supposed to be “Sharon”.
  •  (1/23/2020) “Ashtar Sheran: The Rays are Returning to Earth”
  •  “I am Ashtar and I wish to speak on a phenomena that has been seen around your planet.”
  • “This is in regard to the sighting of coloured skies without any particular reason known to you for these colours being displayed.”
  • “Your chemtrailing and weather seeding technology is being used to keep the truth from being revealed to you, and that is that the 7 rays are coming back through your Matrix shielding which is diminishing and allowing the colours of Love to embrace your world again. Your matrix shielding has been powerful enough to block these rays from reaching you, and they now, again are breaking through the artificial barrier put up in order to shield you from our Light.”
  • “You will begin to see spots of colours throughout your skies. This indicates the holes in the Matrix barrier that have formed that are now allowing the 7 rays to shine through again. As it once was.”
  • “The Lightworkers have been the main bearers of the rays until now. While the barrier was up and impenetrable by the Light, your people have been shrouded in negativity.”
  • “At these peak energetic times, you will begin to see your skies changing colour. Welcome these loving energies, and bask in them. They are the energies of love.”
  • “I am Ashtar, and I remain at your service.”
  • “Sharon: I am still shocked sometimes at the things you guys tell me, Ashtar. I just didn’t think it was this bad.”
  • “Ashtar: It was. You were close to death. You all were. Lightworkers were sent to hold the energies which are now breaking through your Matrix shield. It was difficult to ask some to go to be the energy holders on a dying planet, however you volunteered and the universe and all within her thank you.”
  • “When you don’t believe it was this bad the reason is that you were taught that what you were experiencing was life on earth, and this is your denial breaking away to make room for the Truth.”
  • “Me: Thank you Ashtar.”
  • “Ashtar: You’re most welcome.”
The reason I’m including this is because of a short video, which was Posted today, called: “Tulsa Woman SEES Giant Metal Disc in the Sky with WINDOWS! – Guessing as Big as 3 Football Fields!“.
  • This is another site I monitor but rarely include… and I wasn’t going to include this particular video but I think it ties-in with what “Ashtar” described above, regarding the colors of the Sky.
My comments: Personally, I have seen 3 different types of Starships, at 3 different times (years apart). One was directly overhead. One was about 200-feet away and one was about 2,000-feet away. All were seen during a sunny, clear-Sky, mid-Time of day. (The one directly overhead was seen by 6 people. It was about 200-to-300-feet up.) None of them were cloaking or partially camouflaged by “Clouds”.
The “Clouds” mentioned by “Ashtar” and the “Clouds” seen in the video below could be the same “type” of Cloud.
If the information provided by Lisa Harrison and Aluna Ash are true, maybe a combination of “weakening control Layers” and “the buildup of Light” is allowing some types of Starships to “get closer to Earth” or “uncloak more of their Craft”. Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the “Ashtar” article”
Here’s the link to the “Starship in the clouds” video:
The title of this Forum Thread is: “New Ancient Aliens Episode On The “Wedge Of Aiud”…UFO Artifact?“. It’s a metallic “wedge” with a couple of holes drilled into and was found near some Mastodon bones. They are saying this “object” is over 11,000-years old. However, when it was analyzed, it was shown to be made of “Aluminum” and a few other materials.
I’m not including this because “we found a metal that this Society didn’t discover until the 1800s… I’m including this because the “Ancient Aliens” Series is wanting to associate “UFOs” and “Star Visitors” with this particular object.
My comments: I’m “guessing” that the television Series, “Ancient Aliens”, is, somehow, relaying some cabal information and that this particular piece of information is part of the cabal’s slow-motion “Disclosure” project. Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
The following was Posted by someone on a Forum Thread:
  • Tesseract Dream Storage
  • “Been sick with the flu for a couple of weeks now and so I’ve been sleeping a lot and as the fever is no longer a problem I’m able to sleep more. What happened last night was interesting I was in a dream which was a reoccurring dream and just had the odd thought this is interesting I’m back in this dream again. So then I kind of backed out of that consciously and I noticed that I was looking at the dream and some kind of aetheric looking structure but then I went on to the next kind of window in this device and I entered into another reoccurring dream which I happen to like. I’ve long been able to become self-aware in dreams so as soon as I realized that I was in some kind of dream storage that is a place where my mind kept some kind of an organizational pattern of my favorite reoccurring dreams for whatever reason. When I backed away from the structure for perspective I noticed that it had the shape of a tesseract and that it behave just like a tesseract dimensionally or should I say multi-dimensionally. I then entered into a few more of these favorite reoccurring dreams to test my hypothesis soon it appeared to be true but then I had to get up cuz I have things to do so I backed out of the dream and got to the bathroom and started cleaning up for the day.”
I’m including this because it ties-in with something Lisa Harrison talked about in a video many months ago… and because I have a feeling that this information may help some of you make sense of what “you” have been experiencing.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: