PS 7-21-20 Cobra, Gold

This was Posted today by Cobra:
  • Music of the Spheres
  • “Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:”
  • “Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.”
  • “During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:”
  • “One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:”
  • “Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:”
  • “Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.”
  • “The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.”
  • “If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:”
  • “Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.”
  • “Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.”
  • “If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:”
  • “Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.”
  • “On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.”
  • “Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.”
  • “Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:”
  • “Pleiadians have communicated that they are expecting the virus to die out on its own because it will fail to find new hosts who have not yet developed immunity, by the end of the year:”
  • “Many cures have been found for the covid disease, and some of them are very effective:”
  • “Scientists are finally beginning to discover the toroidal shape of the universe:”
  • “They are finally discovering previous cosmic cycles:”
  • “And are beginning to understand the 11th dimensional structure of the human brain as a reflection of the universe as it is described by 11th dimensional string theory models:”
  • “Soft disclosure of life on Mars is starting to appear in the mainstream media:”
  • “Disclosure race is a race China wants to win:”
  • “Until Disclosure happens, we can surrender to the cool Italian galactic music:”
  • “Or help planting some trees.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following page, in order to see the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This 1-hour, 13-minute video is a talk by “in5D’s” Greg Prescott. The following web page contains a short article and a few videos. The last video is the one I watched.
In this video, he covers 3 main topics:
  • Gold Standard: He says President Trump’s removal of 2, former U.S. Presidential Portraits and replacing them with President McKinley is no accident. Greg’s information on McKinley is: “He promoted the 1897 Dingley Tariff to protect manufacturers and factory workers from foreign competition and in 1900 secured the passage of the Gold Standard Act.” Greg feels that President Trump is using McKinley’s Portrait to tell us that he is about to reveal that the United States is now BACK on the “Gold Standard”.
  • JFK Jr.: During this video, one of Greg’s Zoom Room participants sends him a short video, which he plays. It “supposedly” shows JFK Jr. in the doorway of the President’s plane, while the President talks with someone on the ground nearby. This isn’t the first Time I’ve “seen” or “heard” information that JFK Jr. is still alive. Only Time will tell if this is true.
  • Silver Valuation: At the 50:50-mark, Greg shows the “US Debt Clock”. He explains that the “Dollar to Silver Ratio”, shown on this Chart, is (currently) almost $4,000 per ounce. However, in “today’s” Market, Silver is currently Trading at over $22 an ounce. He states that if someone buys an ounce of Silver today, for $22, ONCE THE US SWITCHES OVER TO THE GOLD STANDARD, they will instantly be holding $4,000… for a $22 investment!!! He says, buying about 260-ounces of Silver “now”, for about $5,000, will bring you about $1MILLION DOLLARS once the Gold Standard is in place… hopefully “this year”. He explains that “Silver” will become rarer than “Gold”, because Silver is used in many more things, such as Electronics. Does this mean Silver will be worth more than Gold? Only Time will tell.
My comments: Think about it. Have you ever heard stories of the person who took a tiny bit of money and invested it in a Painting, the Stock Market, a Race Horse, etc., and got rich because of it? Most of us would have thought: “Wow. I wish “I” could discover a great opportunity like that.” Well, buying “Gold” or “Silver”, right now, just “might” be the solution.
  • Of course, if you’re out of work or simply cannot afford $22 for an ounce of Silver, then please don’t do it.
I’m simply pointing out one of those “once in a lifetime” / “too good to be true” situations that some of you might want to take advantage of.
Think carefully about this… Yes, we’ve been hearing about returning to the “Gold Standard” for a long Time. “I’ve” been hearing about it for these last 484-weeks. “Personally”, I truly believe the U.S. WILL be on the “Gold Standard” in my lifetime and, to “me”, it does feel like it will be within the next 18-months.
Here’s another thought about this… Let’s say the U.S. does NOT return to the “Gold Standard”. You will still be holding a “physical” piece of high-quality Silver. Technologies of every type are continually created and, eventually, find their way into the Public arena… and because there’s only so much Silver in the ground, at some point, companies will pay a high price for high-quality Silver, in order to develop even more high-tech devices. At that point, YOUR Silver will be VERY valuable.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the web page:
Here’s the direct link to the last video on that page:
Here’s the link to the “US Debt Clock”:

PS 9-25-19 Cobra

Cobra Posted this update today:
The Shift
“Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe.”
“The Galactic Central sun is becoming more active even at subluminal speeds, as the signal of the previous galactic superwave traveling with the speed of Light is perfectly entrained with the new one that is coming extremely soon:”
“This is already creating big changes in our Solar system. The Cosmic Central race has created a multidimensional flower of life grid throughout the Solar system that extends from lunar obit outwards to the heliopause. This grid will serve as transmission buffer for the coming superwave.”
“In their last ditch effort to prevent the shift, the Chimera group have filled the Solar system with as much anomaly and darkness as possible from early 2017 to January 21st, 2019.”
“Since 2012, the Chimera was leading a strong war against the Resistance and actually managed to fool the Resistance a few times by arranging leaks of incorrect intel to them. For example, the Resistance was scanning the Solar system for any remaining Chimera ships and found none, when in fact those ships were hiding in hyperdimensional wormholes and later staged massive surprise attacks.”
“This disnfo campaign has a few times lead to some inconsistencies that were posted on this blog. Yet I need to say that Resistance was releasing true intel to best of their understanding and ability, and overall most of intel they have released is valid and correct.”
“Now Resistance is recovering from all those attacks and a new reinforcement of 50 million new members has arrived from Kuiper belt into the underground network, membership now totaling 120 million. More reinforcements are expected to arrive soon as we come closer to the shift.”
“The Chimera has realized that they have lost the Solar system and are now concentrated on defending planet Earth and sublunar space as their last fortress.”
“They are still using toplet plasma bombs as their last line of defense. Top quarks can eat ordinary matter even more efficiently than strange quarks and are far more dangerous than strange quarks:”
“The plan of Chimera is now to spin limited disclosure into a fake Draco alien invasion that would use TR3-B spacecraft attacking the surface of the planet and the Cabal using the US Space Command as defense against the TR3-B fleet:”
“In the ensuing chaos, the Jesuits would crash the financial system and implement an AI dystopian surface civilization, similar to what was existing throughout the Solar system in many colonies:”
“Introduction of smartphones was part of the Chimera’s plan to alienate humanity and entrap them in the dark spider web of technological dystopia:”
“The robots that would control humanity are already being developed:”
“The Jesuit plan for the global collapse and the new crypto financial system is also proceeding:”
“In the last few weeks, certain key positive developments have happened that have effectively stopped this Chimera-Jesuit plan and it will NOT be successful.”
“Many sources are predicting the bankruptcy of a major bank such as Goldman Sachs or Deutsche Bank in October:”
“Cosmic Central race is claiming that the Light forces can handle the collapse situation and that plans are in place which can not be discussed.”
“The Resistance has communicated that major volatility is expected in the financial system in October, but not yet the systemic collapse.”
“The systemic collapse is actually the collapse of the debt-slavery bubble and is planned to coincide with the timing of the Event:”
“Many countries are already preparing their distribution chains for the Event:”
“The Light Forces have asked to step up the frequency of Flower of Life meditation to every 4 hours in order to stabilize the planetary situation, for those that feel guided to participate:”
“Light Forces have also communicated that as much Goddess energy as possible should be anchored in the planetary energy grid to stabilize the situation:”
“Atargatis is a mermaid Goddess that came from Sirius star system and landed in an egg shaped craft on the bank of Euphrates river many millennia ago:”
“Her archetype was later distorted by the Cabal, but her original energy is one of the key energies for peaceful transition into the post- Event society.”
“In current distorted culture, a fresh perspective on sexual energy is needed:”
“For example foot fetish, judged by many, is actually a past life memory of Goddess worship:”
“Archeologists have finally released proof of the first Archon invasion:”
“Soon, a new Cobra interview will be published online. You can send your questions which will be answered in that interview, to’.”
“And at the end, a cryptic message for those who understand:”
“Victory of the Light!”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to view the images and access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 7-29-19 Cobra

This message is from today:
  • A Short Notice To The Surface Population
  • “Next two weeks will be crucial to determine how the process of planetary liberation will continue.”
  • “The Light Forces are asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided, for the process in the next two weeks to continue in positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, humanity and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet.”
  • “The Light Forces are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation:”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link: