PS 12-15-17 *Car, Transition, 432

*First a comment:

(Sylvia and I didn’t Post anything yesterday.)

Our new car will be 1-month old in 2-days. Since Sylvia and I have the next 2-days off, this is a good timepoint to say it’s now “1-month” old.

So, for anyone who’s curious… This car has now been driven 355-miles since it was created. Yesterday, on our way home from work, we put gas in this car for the 1st Time since we’ve had it. Yes, we drove it for 30-days on 1 tank of gas. It has a 17.2-gallon gas tank. The “mileage computer”, in the car, shows that it still has “about” an “80-mile” range before it runs out of gas. We’ve learned that the “Range Indicator” is not strictly what it shows. There are several variables involved in how it reaches that number and these change mile-by-mile.

Although we didn’t completely fill the tank this Time, this car knows how much gas is now in its tank and has adjusted the “Range Indicator” accordingly.

So, for $25, we can drive this car for about 1-month. Of course, we do our best to plan “errands” to-and-from work and we don’t leave home when we’re not working.


The title of this article is: ” The Transition Between Symphonic Universes”. It’s the pulse of Humanity as we collectively raise our frequency during this “transition” / “Ascension” process.

I’m including this because I feel it might be helpful to those around you who may not know why they have been experiencing “negative” happenings recently. For those who do know what is happening, this information may help you to better-align with these new ideas and energies as they enter your own “world” / “experience”.

I found the following lines to be most helpful to “me”. Although the mention of “Divine Twin” is not referring to “Twin Flames”, “I” am seeing this information directly reflecting what Sylvia and I are currently going through.

  • “As the Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine are Unified at individual Chakra Systems, the Divine Twin activates Within.”
  • “Inner Grids reflect outer grids and vice versa, so inner twin must be unified in order for the Divine twin ship to occur in a manifested reality.”
  • “We are preparing for this Now As the Root Chakra Of The New world anchors to the new reality.”

Thank you “M” for bringing this information through.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

Although I’ve covered the number “432” and its important relationship with Music, many months ago, this 22-minute video explains this number even further. I hadn’t realized just how many facets of our 3D existence are “based-on” or “divided-down-into” the number 432.

This video also explains a few ancient Cultures and their use of this number and ties things together with questions about the current awakening of Humanity. It also covers “Sacred Geometry” and show how the basic “2D” and even “3D” versions of those shapes “contain” or “reduce-down-into” the number “432”.

I’m including for those who didn’t know about it and because it brings together many seemingly-different aspects.

  • This video was Posted in 2013 and is actually 31-minutes long. The 1st 22-minutes is filled with information and the rest of the video contains kaleidoscope images and music, which, “I assume”, is based on the 432 frequency.

Question everything.

Here’s the link: