PS 12-21-21 *Electrons

*First a comment:

I was looking for some Drawing software for our Macintosh and found the following video titled: “The Big Misconception About Electricity”. (If I understand it correctly… This video explains that the “Electrons” within the wires, between the Power Station and your lightbulbs, toasters, etc., do not actually make those products work. Instead, the Electrons within those wires vibrate (move slightly) and THIS cause a “Magnetic Field” to be created around that wire and it’s this Field which makes those products work.
Why am I talking about “Electricity” and “Lightbulbs”?… because it shows the types of informational “Weapons” the cabal uses to control us.
  • “Some say” that we have been in “world war 3” for a few years now.
  • “Some say” “the next war won’t be televised”… but it is.
Sylvia and I haven’t had a “Television” for over 15-years now but we currently work in a retail place which shows one of the cabal’s “Informational Warfare Stations” on a public-area “Television”. So, every day, we see the half-truths and even outright “Propaganda” that the cabal wants whispered into the ears of the Sheeple.
We are being lied to… BIG TIME and the cabal is broadcasting it into most people’s homes and businesses every single day.
The good news is that more and more people are waking up. Sylvia and I see this every day at work. Of the 100-to-400 people who walk through the building each day, more and more of them are not wearing a “mask”.
  • For whatever reason, they feel they do not need to cover their face.
  • Some will do this because they feel “all the shots” they had will protect them.
  • Some will do this because they understand that the “virus” is not what the cabal’s Media is whispering into everyone’s ears. They realize that the “virus” is really no more dangerous than the yearly Flu. They realize that this “virus” has been around since at least the 1950s. They realize that this “virus” has been killed by “Lysol Spray Disinfectant” since the 1960s. (Some have seen photos of those cans from the 60s and it clearly shows, on the back, that it kills “coronavirus”. I’ve seen this myself. It’s also on the cans you can purchase today.
  • Some realize that the many “variants” of the “virus” are merely psychological tactics, by the cabal, to keep everyone in “fear”.
  • Some realize that every Time someone sees a person wearing a “mask” it reinforces a subliminal (deep down psychology) response which reads: “remain in fear, we are still under control of everything we do”.
This unseen, unannounced “war” is being reinforced at every turn by the MSM (Main Stream Media):
  • Every 3 or 4 months, there will be another “variant”.
  • (Sheeple) Why?
  • (People who are awake) Because it continues to reinforce the “lockdown”.
  • (Sheeple) We’re not in a lockdown.
  • (People who are awake) In those countries, states and cities, where a “lockdown” has not been activated by that government, the Sheeple have automatically locked THEMSELVES down… “Oh, there’s another variant. We better go back to wearing a mask and getting more shots… and we probably shouldn’t travel for a while.”
Question it… Question everything. Please do your own Research. Look into WHERE the “Television” is getting its “facts”.
  • (Sheeple) That’s easy. They get them from reputable doctors and the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
Then dig deeper and look at how many of those people have changed their stories many times, since the beginning of 2020… “masks”, no “masks”… “shots” no “shots”… “lockdown”, no “lockdown”. First, “all you need is one shot”. Later, it became “you’ll need a booster” shot. How many “boosters” have some people had? but “those in-charge” continue to say you have to do more?
Here are some simple observations I’ve had:
  • If the “masks” were actually being helpful, don’t you think we would all be encouraged to wear them 24/7? Do YOU wear a “mask” when you’re sleeping?
  • If the “virus” was as bad as the “Television” is telling us don’t you think they would be spraying Lysol Disinfectant from Crop Duster Planes ALL OVER THIS PLANET?
  • If the “virus” was as bad as the “Television” is telling us don’t you think the SUPER RICH would be wearing Hazmat Suits 24/7? Think about it.
  • If the “virus” was as bad as the “Television” is telling us don’t you think everyone would be seeing a LOT of people just “dropping” in the streets, on buses and airplanes, while walking or driving… while sitting at their desk at work?
Think, people. Please do your Research… your OWN Research. Blindly following what the “Television” presents is exactly what the cabal wants you to do.
So, if we’ve been lied to about a basic idea, such as “Electricity”, isn’t there a small chance the cabal is also lying about… other things?
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 12-20-21 *Comments, Cobra

*First a comment:
Yes, it looks like our last Post was on 11/25/21. This is partially because:
  1. I just haven’t found anything worthwhile to include. (Remember, I’m looking for information which provides me with feedback on what Sylvia “told” and “showed” me shortly after she passed away in 2011.
  2. Some days I simply get very discouraged at not being able to find any new information AND I’m very tired of being the “Donkey” which is constantly being told (by the cabal) to “follow this carrot” and being led in circles of half-truths.
  3. …and because Sylvia bought me a new Electronic Drumset. So I’ve been learning how to use it and playing it when I can.
Yes, not only do I have a brand new $3,500 Drumset but parts of it are “Electronic” and parts are “Digital”… AND, Sylvia managed to buy it for about $1,300.
  • It’s a “Roland TD-27”, for those who want to look it up.
…but how did Sylvia manage to do this when I only work Part Time as a low-paid Janitor?…and already have about $8,000 in Credit Card debt?…
  • First, she had me apply for a “only use at Guitar Center” Credit Card. I was instantly approved, online but they only gave me a $1,500 Credit Limit… and the $3,200 Drumset I wanted (along with an optional, $300 Hi-Hat Stand, would cost us $3,500.
  • Next, Sylvia “nudged” me to immediately go to their “Request a Credit Limit Increase” page (online). I entered $3,500 and was instantly approved. This was about 2-weeks or so before Black Friday (November 26th)
  • So I waited for the Credit Card to arrive in the Mail… but, instead, we received a letter from that Credit Card company informing us that our “Credit Line Increase” could not be raised afterall. So I thought I would have to settle for a much less-expensive Drumset. However, Sylvia mentioned that I should ignore that letter.
  • A few days later, the physical Credit Card arrive but I still wasn’t sure how much the Credit Limit was. (Online showed “$3,500” but that letter, implying that we only had “$1,500” in Credit, kept pulling on my energy.)
  • So I did some extra Research, to see if I could find an “under $1,500” Drumset, in case we couldn’t buy the better-quality one.
  • Many months ago, Sylvia mentioned that she wanted to buy me a new Drumset. The Electronic Drumset she bought me for my Birthday, around 2006, had developed a few problems with its Sound Module (the computer part). She indicated that it would be ok with her if I sold some of her Music Gear, as long as I bought a new Drumset with the money. So, for a couple a weeks before all of this started, I dug out the boxes and dusted off the gear. When we were done, we had 2 Keyboards (one had 88-keys), 2 mixers, a vocal harmonizer, a delay pedal, a Drum-sounds module,  a Flight Case for one of the Keyboards, a PA (Public Address) System and a few other items.
  • When Black Friday finally arrived, we hurried over to our local Guitar Center after work. After taking about an hour to examine all of the gear we were selling to them, they made us a fair offer and we bought the new Drumset.
I’ve provided these details because:
  • Some people have told me they like to know the various interactions that take place (now) between me and Sylvia… and
  • because Sylvia and I want to share these small triumphs, in order to empower everyone to never give up, question everything and believe in yourself.
Today, 12/20/21, Cobra Posted the following 2 messages…
  • “Upgrade MASTERPIECE v3.4 into DREAMLAND”
The 2nd Post simply reads:
  • “”Divine Intervention Activation Countdown”
Under that title is a “Countdown Timer”. When I first saw that page, it showed “13-hours” to go. However, I have no idea what will happen once that Counter reaches “0”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the “Dreamland” information:
This Cobra page explains “Dreamland”:
Here’s the link to the “Divine Intervention” information: