PS 5-22-21 Hypnosis

This is an April 2021 Session by Hypnosis Practioner, Allison Coe.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Her Client goes to an incarnation where he was a Cave Man and the Session begins with him being picked-up in a Starship by his off-world friends. He says he had gone back in Time to observe various things but now he was done with that Mission and has returned to his Ship.
  • Allison asks him to look at another aspect of his existence and he talks about the “Flash of Light” that hits the Earth. Everyone instantly stops what they’re doing. Most people are very confused about what is happening.
My comments: Although there’s not a lot of detail in how her Client helps those around him during the “Flash” but it is still good information to put in the back of your mind.
  • Whether those Events are real or not doesn’t really matter. It’s always good to have an open mind and to fill yourself with a variety of knowledge, in order to handle most-any situation.
  • In other words, “IF” there is a huge informational Flash coming to this planet, each of us may be better-equipped to help those around us if we absorb some of this information.
  • Everything looks the same after the “Flash” but it’s a new Vibration.
  • It’s a Time of rebuilding… taking down the old structures and building Crystal cities. All the cities will be on Grid Lines.
  • Some people didn’t make it through the transition. They weren’t Resonating at a high-enough Vibration. So, initially, there are less people on the planet. However, the others will be coming back later, as they build-up their Frequencies.
  • Her Client says the “Flash” will take place in 2022.
  • Shortly before the “Flash”, Starships come down and those who will not be able to cope with the high-frequency Light, will board those Ships and will be taken off-planet, in order to be protected during the “Event”.
  • “In July, the first information is going to come out and that’s going to be the beginning.”
  • “There’s going to be Disclosure this year… Even if it doesn’t happen in July, it’s going to happen this year.” “By the end of the year, everyone’s going to know that there’s Extraterrestrials.” Once this avalanche of information starts, it’s not going to stop.
  • “The Earth has to Shift by next Summer. She can’t hold it any more.”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-21-21 8 *Yawn, *Manifestations, *Treasury, Feedback

*First a comment:
Early this week, I noticed I had a new “ability”. You could call it a “Psychic” ability or “mind-over-matter”… or simply “body control”. It just came out of nowhere. I wasn’t even practicing with the Energies.
  • At the beginning phase of a Yawn, something within me (or maybe it was Sylvia) suggested I just “stop” that Yawn. So I did. It was effortless. I thought to myself: “Just stop Yawning” and it never really started its cycle.
  • I didn’t force the Energies. I wasn’t like forcing your mouth closed while it’s open while Yawning.
  • I also noticed that I didn’t have any urge to Yawn after that.
This has happened several times since then and each Time that I “wanted” to not Yawn, I didn’t.
This is a very interesting process. It never feels “forced” and there’s no side-effect or repercussions. I just simply “turn off” my wanting to Yawn.
Overall, this experience feels like a “Lesson”… Like something My Sylvia would guide me through, in order to bring me up to a higher Resonating level… or something I need to learn (controlling more of my own Energies), in order to learn something more complicated later.
Question everything.
For the last 12-months or so, when I lay down to sleep and close my eyes, I see people. Sometimes one person. Sometimes 50 at a Time. Sometimes it’s just their faces. Other times, I see most of their body. Sometimes they walk around, as if they’re wandering through a Market Place in a very small village somewhere. Other times, they look right at me, as if they knew I was there looking at them. They seem to peer-in to a ‘window” or “camera”, so they can see me better. Of course, then, I can see “them” better too.
This is a very strange experience for me. It’s never happened before but it continues “almost” every Time I lay down to sleep.
  • Remember, when people say things are “strange”, it usually means it’s something they don’t understand yet.
I don’t know who these people are or “where” they are. Most of the clothes and locations seem to be of small villages in foreign countries. Sometimes the faces “morph”. A face may quickly change a few times or dozens of times in less than 5-seconds… between male, female, young, old, black, white, etc. It’s as if there’s not enough space for everyone to show themselves to me. So they very quickly take turns getting within my view and I see this as “morphing”… or it may mean that the Master Program running this illusion can’t focus or can’t decide on which Being to place within my viewing field.
This entire experience seems to only last about 1-minute and then disappears or I simply fall deeper into Sleep mode.
A couple nights ago, when Sylvia and I went to bed, I closed my eyes and the faces began appearing. This Time, however, there was only one face — an older male. I could see him from the shoulders up and he didn’t “morph”. He looked right at me and said, in a firm, stressed, almost angry voice: “I’m not leaving”.
  • I was still doing my best to make some sense of what I was seeing when several facets of information just appeared within my mind. I wasn’t trying to analyze him or the situation. I was just taking it all in when the information was simply presented to me.
  • I can only compare it to being at a Museum or the Zoo. You walk up to an Exhibit and see the animal or artwork and automatically, a pamphlet is placed in your hand. It explains everything about the item you are now looking at.
Here’s what I unpacked from those facets…
  • This Being’s Energy has been around since the days of Atlantis. During that timeframe, at some point, some Beings wanted to remove the responsibility and the “work” of Manifesting from themselves and place it on various objects and rituals found within the 3D realm.
  • In other words, instead of working with the Energies “directly”, in order to Manifest something, they turned to forcing the physical, 3D elements to become what they needed. They went from “connected to all things” to “connected only to 3D objects”.
Those facets also explained that this Being, and a few others like him, had not only completely forgotten how to work with the Energies but, after all these eons, they were now highly dependent on the 3D rituals and objects. Because of this, they cannot understand how they will exist if they “let go” and follow the transition to the next Dimension (the Ascension). So they just want to stay… or stay behind once everyone else has increased their Resonance. They simply stopped believing in themselves.
Question everything.
A few months ago, I mentioned that a lot of people now have Proof that the illegal “irs” has now been folded into the “Untied States Treasury”, with the letter they may have received about the last Stimulus Check.
  • Look on any recent (n the last 6-months or so) documentation, especially the Return Address on the envelope, and you’ll see: “Internal Revenue Service” but above that line it reads: “Department of the Treasury”.
Today, Sylvia and I had to run some errands. Before returning home, we checked our (paper) Mail, which we only do about once a month. There was a letter from the “irs” telling us that we forgot to send a Check with the last Income Tax form that we sent in.
In reading-over the information, I noticed that it states:
  • “Make your check or money order payable to the United States Treasury”
That’s what I call “Proof”, hiding in plain sight because all checks to the “irs” had to be made out to the “Internal Revenue Service”.
Things ARE changing and HAVE changed but most of them still seem to be behind-the-scenes. Sometimes one (like this) slips through but how many people have noticed this?
Question everything.
This was sent to me by M.R. (who’s on this list) thank you.
  • “This writer calls Source or God, “the Dude”, and has a positive message.  Her young daughter died unexpectedly and she has written about that and formed a charity called the 222 foundation, those numbers mean something to her. I thought this was a newsletter worth sharing…………………M.R.”
In this particular message, I highly value the Feedback in the last line of this re-counting by one of Pam’s subscribers…
  • “A couple of weeks before your girl left this planet my son also left very unexpectedly, only in his early 20’s I was in shock at first, then hysterical and then unable to even think.”
  • “I found myself sitting at the kitchen table late one night when I said out loud, Jake please just let me know you are ok, that you’re still here. In that instant all the lights in my house went out. I was even stupid enough to go out and check the fuse box which was just fine. He kindly left the power points working so I could turn on a lamp and boil the kettle. I almost phoned an electrician but I couldn’t bear anyone in my home at the time. I waited three whole days before I finally sat back at the table and said, ok ok Jake I know it’s you. And the lights came back on. All the hairs on my arms stood up. It’s also the day I stopped crying. I was still so sad because I missed him so much but it gave me a peace I had never had before. For the first time I truly knew we never die.
I’ve mentioned this very aspect many times… The “D” word does not exist… “Dead”, “Die”, “Dying”. These represent ideas of something being “final”… “the end” but that’s not true. Sylvia and I knew this decades ago and this was quickly reinforced within me by Sylvia, within seconds of her “crossing-over” to the other side of the “Veil”.
In reading Pam’s article, it was good to know that “one more” person, on the surface of this planet, understand what “Society” calls “Death” is not “the end”. It’s simply a transition… a new beginning… a new chapter.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 5-16-21 *Canada, Captial

*First a comment:
Last Thursday, me, Sylvia and a former co-worker went to a local shopping center (We like to “buy local” whenever possible and I needed some pants.)
While we were there we spoke with a Canadian man who was sitting outside one of the stores, waiting for his wife. He told us their Son was going to college in town and they were here to pick him up and bring him back home between Semesters.
He also told us his family had gotten their “vaccine shots” for the “virus”.
He then explained… They not only had to have the shots before re-entering Canada but they have to show documentation of this AND they all have to be quarantined for FIVE DAYS in a hotel, in Canada, before being allowed to go to their home.
I’m including this information “here” because first-hand information is always the best.
  • I haven’t been Tracking this type of information and I don’t know what the cabal’s television and newspaper systems have been spewing about this but I found it very interesting and very sad that people are being put through those “hoops”.
Question everything.
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
I found this in the following video by Researcher, “Santa Surfing”…
  • Go to Google Maps.
  • Zoom in to Washington, D.C., until you see “United States Capital”.
  • Now, notice the words under that title. Look closely and you’ll see “Temporarily Closed”.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to the “Santa Surfing” video (Her general news begins at the 2:40-mark):

Here’s the direct link to Google Maps:

PS 5-11-21 *Work, *AntiGravity?, *Gasoline, *Gasoline, Cobra, Wilcock

*First a comment:
Although I continue to do my nightly Research, I haven’t written in a while. Partly because I haven’t been motivated and partly because I haven’t seen anything  important to pass along.
The Energies have definitely changed, either within “me” or on this Planet… or about 18-months ago, I jumped to this Timeline.
I’ve never had so many jobs in such a short span of Time. In 2016, Sylvia and I began working for a large retail chain which begins with the letter “D”. I quit there in January of 2020, in order to spend more Time looking for another job.
  • The work environment at “D” became too cold, especially in the Winter, when an important Heater on the Loading Dock stopped working. Unloading trucks, sweating and moving quickly between that cold Loading Dock area and the Sales Floor, to distribute the merchandise, was not good.
Shortly after Sylvia and I left there that January, global Society began to unravel. Lots of jobs became unavailable, forcing us to stay home for many months without work.
I then found a good-paying job about 22-miles from our home. (The “D” job was only 6-miles away.) However, it meant traveling on the Interstate Highway twice a day, which was constantly under construction. Plus, the job itself was sort of a manual-assemblyline where we put kits together for Washers, Dryers, Microwave Ovens, Vacuum Cleaners, etc. Highly repetitive work like that isn’t something I prefer doing. So I only lasted 3-weeks there.
A few days after I left that job, I began working for a small, food distribution company in their Shipping-Receiving Department. One very, very cold morning, we had to unload a truck. There was no protection from the outside cold air. That night, a Friday, I developed a very slight runny nose from it. That Sunday night, I thought I’d give myself an extra day or 2 before going back to work. So I contacted that company and was told “Don’t come back until you test negative for the virus.” This was a Time when I had heard that a lot of those “tests” were returning “false-positives”. So I never went back to work there. Another 3-week job.
In March 2021, I found another job. It was a retail furniture company selling discounted items. On our first day working there, I realized that the way they unload their trucks was not safe. However, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t “re-acting”. So I waited until I worked 2 “truck days” before deciding. I was right, though. So I talked to the Store Manager. It’s a long story but I only worked there for 9-weeks.
Sylvia and I are currently not working. We don’t really have much money in the bank but my “plan” is to not go back to work until the “masks” are gone in this State, which, hopefully, will be June 1st.
One day, while on that last job, another employe, me and Sylvia were outside throwing out trash. It was a very clear day.
At one point, I heard an airplane. I looked up and saw a fairly large, probably Military plane. It wasn’t very far away and seemed to just “hang” there in the Sky. I immediately told the other employee:
  • (me) “Doesn’t that plane look as though it’s not moving fast enough to stay in the air?”
  • (the employee) “Yes, it does.”
So 3 of us saw it. We watched it for almost 3-minutes and were amazed that something so large and heavy could fly so slow but remain in the air.
We talked about how… “maybe” that particular plane was using Anti-Gravity.
Question everything.
Yesterday, on our way home from grocery shopping, Sylvia and I noticed that every Gas Station we passed had a line of cars in the street, waiting to get gas. When we got home, I checked the Internet for information on why that was happening.
  • I probably have this information twisted a bit but I “think” something happened to a Refinery or that Refinery declared a surplus of Gasoline… then the price at the Pumps increased and people panicked and drained all of the gas from the local Stations. (Something like that.)
Sylvia and I talked about this and thought, “maybe”, the cabal is wanting people to switch to “all-electric” vehicles, so they can more-easily throw one switch and immobilize everyone.
Just some thoughts.
Question everything.
Cobra Posted the following information on May 6th:
  • Planetary Situation Update
  • “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear all Chimera space fleet, except for a small number of TR-3B and other reverse-engineered craft, operable in suborbital space by the negative military under direct or indirect orders from the Chimera.”
  • “A certain number of Chimera underground bases, with most of them not very deeply underground, is still remaining and they are very difficult to clear, because they contain Chimera-controlled Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian and other star race hostages who are controlled and guarded by physical Chimera spiders. Those bases also still host a large amount of captured human children and adults. The main Chimera base under near Bukavu in Congo is still intact with both spider queen and king and a few other Chimera spiders inhabiting it.”
  • “Quantum anomaly around Earth is clearing nicely, but with enough remaining anomalous quantum fluctuations very close to the surface of the planet to still prevent physical manifestations of Ascended beings and their Lightships (external merkabas):”
  • “Quantum fluctuations directly related to human implants and biochips are clearing better than expected. Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is thus being reduced fast and drastically. This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks. Also, most of the akashic records have been cleared. This does not mean that the recordings of past events have been deleted, the Light forces are only removing all negative energetic and emotional charge of those past events, and it will be thus easier for people to release and forgive.”
  • “The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia.”
  • “On the surface of the planet, our meditation for peace in Ukraine has been quite successful and the war has been averted this time:”
  • “People are fighting against medical tyranny and there are already large liberated areas such as Florida:”
  • “There is a lot of fear-based disinformation circulating on internet of vaccinated people shedding spike proteins and infecting everybody. Spike protein shedding is far less dangerous than many people fear, although it moderately increases the chance of getting prion disease:”
  • “Also, vaccines do NOT block your Ascension process, they only decrease your vibration frequency to a degree.”
  • “Current vaccines are only a Trojan horse for a potential future technology that the Cabal wants to develop, a biochip that would be inserted into the body and would be tied to a global online digital currency system after the Great Reset for all financial transactions, the so-called “Mark of the Beast”.”
  • “DARPA made one step further in this plan by connecting vaccines and biochips:”
  • “Needless to say, this “Mark of the Beast” plan will NOT be successful.”
  • “Here it is interesting to know that Anthony Fauci, one of the frontmen of the Great Reset, is connected with the Abys family which is a black nobility family from Switzerland:”
  • “Abys family was one of the “controllers of Daat”, occultly speaking.”
  • “The next phase of the plan of the Great Reset Cabal is to engineer a global cyberattack that would take down the internet, which they would then resurrect with a new online financial system under their control:”
  • “All bitcoin, cryptocurrency and Tor fans need to know that Bill Gates has secretly installed a backdoor keystroke logger into all Windows operation systems so the Cabal knows everything about your bitcoin transactions:”
  • “Speaking of Bill Gates, the real reason why Melinda divorced him is because she is afraid of the guillotine:”
  • “According to sources, the Nuremberg style trials that are approaching will include a public trial of many Cabal members for crimes against humanity which will result in somewhere between 500 and 5000 death sentences. Cabal criminals will be publicly executed mainly in the USA, China, Japan and a fourth country which must not be named. Those criminals will then be gathered on the etheric plane by the Light Forces, will undergo another trial by the Galactic Court at the Ganymede sorting facility and then be processed in the Galactic Central Sun.”
  • “Many lesser Cabal criminals will be arrested, then rapidly tried by military courts, then transported off planet by the Resistance and sorted through the Ganymede sorting center. Those among them unable or unwilling to correct their crimes will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring and the rest will be taken to correctional facilities across the Galaxy where they will be able to “work out their karmas”.”
  • “About 500,000 Cabal middlemen who were promoting the negative agenda such as corrupt city mayors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, hospital managers, doctors, journalists and even some who were posing as “light workers”, will be arrested at the time of the Event and will serve their term. It is interesting to know that a few past members of my team who betrayed the Light will be among those arrested.”
  • “After all this is done, the Light Forces will address so-called injustice nodes and many more people among the surface population who have seriously wronged others will serve their term with house arrest, community work or financial fines.”
  • “Here it is important to understand that many past injustices will be settled and healed through truth and reconciliation commissions, through mediation and through forgiveness.”
  • “Many people who were incarcerated across the planet for minor offenses such as marijuana possession or petty theft will be released from jail immediately after the Event.”
  • “All this will bring much needed closure, so a dark and unjust chapter of human history will close and a new, better one will open.”
  • “Next month, a process of partial Disclosure may begin through signs of life detected on Mars through Perseverance NASA rover and through Pentagon UFO files.”
  • “Some Disclosure hints are already here:”
  • “With less primary anomaly remaining, quarantine Earth is finally opening up, and suborbital flights will be available for the surface population starting from July 20th:”
  • “As we are getting closer to the Event, there is much activity behind the scenes in militaries across the planet that can not be reported, except for a few hints here:”
  • “You might want to read this sci-fi novel which includes both the pandemic and the Event, and can bring an interesting perspective:”
  • “You might practice using the violet flame to purify the energies in those challenging times:”
  • “Or plant more cintamani stones in locations worldwide to support the positive energy grid.”
  • “A Japanese team has taken this photo of a beautiful Galactic Confederation cloudship after a successful cintamani mission in Aomori, Japan:”
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to see the images and access the Links provided by Cobra.
Victory of the Light!”
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).
For those of you who would like to know about Researcher, David Wilcock, is releasing a 5-part Series called “Ancient and Modern Prophecies Converge on Current Events.”

The byline to this Series is:
  • “A 5-week LIVE Online Program to Understand the Hidden Cycles of History. Prepare for the Ascension & Master Your Hero’s Journey””

Here’s the link to his YouTube video Library:

Question everything.