PS 9-22-21 *Sylvia, *Veils

*First a comment:
Today would have been My Sylvia’s Birthday (9/22/36)… her Incarnation… her Manifesting into this “experience” we call “Reality”.
Last week, I was working in one of the public areas at work. The Assistant Manager came by at one point to talk with another employee. They were standing about 12-feet from me and Sylvia.
During their talk, I was thinking:
  • “I need to talk to the Assistant Manager but I’ll do it later today.”
I never said anything to her at that Time and there was no one else around.
They finished their conversation and the Assistant Manager turned away from us and took about 2-steps and stopped:
  • “What? Did someone call my name?”
She was probably within 10-feet of where I was standing when she said that.
Now, to “me”, she actually picked-up on my Telepathy, even though I wasn’t purposely trying to Psychically communicate with her.
I take this as feedback that the “Veils” are continuing to get thinner, just as Sylvia told me within a few hours after she crossed-over.

PS 12-31-20 *Summary, *Fireworks, *Stimulus, Epstein

*First a comment:
Now that “2020” is behind us, I just want to say “Thank You” to those people who have read at least one of our Blog Posts. Sylvia and I find it comforting to know that there are so many open-minded people on the surface of this planet.
We’ve never wanted to “convince” anyone of our personal experiences or of the information we include. “I” am merely sharing what “Sylvia” has sent to me — energy, thoughts, feelings, nudgings, insights, Dreams, etc.
I’ve mentioned this many times…
  • Within a few minutes of My Sylvia crossing-over, she placed images within my mind. Then, several hours later, she actually spoke to me and I heard her voice clearly as if she was sitting right next to me. She said: “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
  • It’s those 2 personal and wonderful experiences that started me on this journey of heavy Research — gathering any type of supporting feedback from any Source imaginable. I’ve been collecting those “Puzzle Pieces” ever since. Once in a while, 2 might fight together. I simply add them to the group and keep going.
You can “read into” Sylvia’s message whatever you like but “I was there”. It was custom-made especially for “me”… and my interpretation is this:
  • “Sylvia” is coming “here” or, technically, the “Veils” between us will be removed and we will be re-united with each other. This means “I” am not “crossing-over”. Instead, “within my lifetime” (and I’m 66), those “Veils” will be removed. I know this to be true and real from within my very Core. I just don’t know “when”… and THAT is what I am constantly searching for in my nightly Research. I am looking for any indicators which tell me the “Date” or even the “Timeframe” of WHEN Sylvia and I will be “physically” with each other again.
So, while Sylvia and I wait for those “Veils” to be dissolved, I post some of the experiences we have as well as some of the insights, Dreams and messages Sylvia wants me to share. We have always wanted to empower others.
Some of you have wondered about what happens when someone “crosses-over”. Through these Posts, we have also been sharing Sylvia’s personal journey with that. Of course, her information is interpreted by “me” but I’m doing the best I can in presenting everything she wants to reveal. Just keep in my that the information we Post is from “our world”… “our Truth”. As with everything along your Path:
  • …take what Resonates and leave the rest.
During the various Holidays throughout the year, especially the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve, Sylvia and I typically see and hear a lot of professional Fireworks right from our Living Room window. Tonight, New’s Year’s Eve, however, just as our clocks were approaching Midnight… there was nothing. There’s usually “one” source of those Fireworks but, tonight, we saw none.
I mentioned to Sylvia… more people than we realized must have “bought into” the “virus” and “lockdown” propaganda.
Then our clocks stuck Midnight and the loud, Firework’s “booms” began to interrupt the calm night air. We opened our Blinds and saw not “one” but 3 sources of Fireworks, heard lots of “booms” and even some “Celebrating gunshots”.
There weren’t a lot of Fireworks but they were very much appreciated. Thank you!
The people hadn’t lost their way afterall. They were simply conserving their money and stretching the few Fireworks they were able to find.
So, yes, there is still hope for the Humans on the surface of this planet.
We are now ready to leave “2020” behind us in the dust and embrace a new and positive 2021.
Around 2:15a, January 1st, Sylvia and I saw that our Stimulus money was deposited into our Checking Account. Everyone should be checking their Bank Accounts until they see their money appear.
I also Logged-In to our “Debt” Accounts — our Leased Car and 2 Credit Cards. With each of those companies, we had a difficult Time getting past the “Log-In” screen. We did finally see our Account information but none of it was “zeroed” out… yet. I realize it’s still, technically, “New Year’s Eve” but I find it very suspicious (in a “good” way) that 3 major companies had Log-In problems at the same Time. I even tried to Log-In to the Social Security website but could not. It stated that we should try again during business hours and presented a list of them for each Day.
This 30-minute video is from the “X22 Report”.
I’ve heard this particular piece of information from several Sources, over the last several months. I’m including this because, around the 23-minute mark, the Narrator reads something from Lin Wood and “he” states that Jefferey Epstein is still alive.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 6-4-20 Harrison

This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.
In this 30-minute energy update, Experiencer, Lisa Harrison, shares a few of the insight, dreams and drawings of some of the people who follow her work.
It’s better if you watch this video but here are a few key pieces of information:
  • July 31st is “an” Event. Not “the” Event.
  • A Portal will open.
  • Although things may get worse, between now and “the Event”, the more things are revealed the more the energies to the next Level will be unlocked.
  • She feels that 2012 was supposed to be the point when Humanity “goes Home”… “the Event” but was, somehow hijacked. Lisa now Senses that the energies of 2012, which were leading up to “the Event”, are now springing-back and when they’re all collapsed, that’s when we get to go Home.
My comments: This matches pretty well to what Sylvia told me, when she crossed-over in April 2011:
  • “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
Because of “Time-Rate” difference, between how “she” perceives Time and how “I” perceive Time, December 2012 could be the Launch Point… the Event that Sylvia saw a few hours after her crossing.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: