PS 12-13-16 *Song, Cobra

*First a comment:

While Sylvia and I were having breakfast at Subway this morning, they played the radio, as they always do. They play a Station that Airs a mixture of music styles. So we “half-listen” but mostly tune most of it out.

At one point, this morning, I noticed a Song that was almost “ok”. I was half-tuned-in to the Lyrics and the music was, what I would call “light Pop”. Then I heard these lines:

  • “I may only have one match”
  • “But I can make an explosion”

…and just as I was thinking: “That’s a very good Insight.” The “Chorus” kicked-in… AND IT IS POWERFUL! I instantly began to cry… hard!… and continued crying through the rest of the Song. Just before it finished, I jumped up and quickly walked to the Counter. I asked the employee if she knew the name of that Song but she didn’t. While the Lyrics were still burning in my mind, I wrote down what I could remember and researched it when Sylvia and I got home.

Even now, when I listened to it, I start crying… especially during the “Chorus”. They’re using a very powerful, sonic palette in that section.

I think the Chorus repeats 3-times. When it got to the 3rd repeat of it, I realized why I’m feeling the power of this Song. I’m not sure about the rest of this Song but the “Chorus” is “coded”. My feeling is… If someone’s inner-core frequency is resonating close to its energy, that Chorus will “pull you up” / “boost your energy”. If you’re already at that frequency, then that Chorus will remind you (or an inner part of you) why you’re on this planet at this Time!

As I said, that’s just “my” feeling of what’s happening. Your mileage may vary.

The Song is called: “Fight Song” and it’s sung by “Rachel Platten”. When I listened to it just now, I also felt as though she’s singing for “Humanity”… or “Humanity” is singing through HER. Either way, its message is exactly what I mentioned a few nights ago… about Humanity taking back its power. So it’s interesting that, within a day or 2, this Song, that Sylvia and I have not heard before today) manifested IN Subway WHILE we were in there. Funny “coincidence”.

In “our” opinion, this should be Humanity’s “Anthem”!

I won’t include the Lyrics here because the Song will be much more powerful if you hear the words WHILE the Song is playing.

After finishing this Section and adding the links below, I just HAD to hear that Song again. I’m sitting down and with Headphones ON, I turned it up and pressed “Play”. Everything is “interesting”… until it gets to the CHORUS. There is a solid wall of POWERFUL ENERGY that just pushes me back in my chair. I almost can’t move while the Chorus is playing. Right now, the Song just finished. I’m crying hard, my face is all wet and I’m worn out by the energy that was hurled at me. When that Chorus is playing, I feel like a Test Pilot in “Rocket Sled”.

Here’s the link to the Song:

Here’s the link to the Lyrics:

Here’s the link to her website:

Here’s a link to a short “Rocket Sled” video:


Today’s message from Cobra is the “cryptic” variety:

  • “Systems / Isidic security breach at 504, grid ratio failure”

My comments: “Who’s” Grid are we talking about?… the “Cabal’s” or the “Lightworker’s”?

In Cobra’s Posting on December 11th, he mentioned:

  • “It might be said that militaries are now the foci of the proxy war between the Galactic forces of Light on one side and the Chimera / Draco alliance on the other side. When this war is over and the Light factions win, the Resistance will push the button for the Event.”

Once “the Event” begins, ALL the Beings on this planet, and throughout this Universe, will actually RAISE their vibrations and pour an untold amount of positive, love-based energy into EVERYTHING… EVERYWHERE. So why don’t the Lightworkers use that as the final push of energy to complete this mission? That burst of love-energy will not only energize the Lightworkers but will also deplete the energy of the “dark forces”.

Why don’t the Lightworkers understand this?

Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 11-11-16 *MusicGear, TimeLines, Ascension

*First a comment:

This piece of music gear was announced last January. It didn’t reach authorized U.S. Resellers until around June. Sylvia and I have been talking about this instrument since its announcement. I don’t know if it’s the influence of the “11:11” energies but, today, Sylvia and I went to a local music store and purchased it. It’s called: “Volca FM” and is made by Korg. It’s based on the $2,000 Yamaha DX7 synthesizer of the 80s but, unlike that difficult to program keyboard, this small, sonic palette is easy to use, is battery-powered and retails for only $159. (It’s being shipped. So we won’t pick it up until next week.)

The main reason I told Sylvia we need this piece of music gear is because it will provide us with a sound source which is a little different than we currently have — mostly in its ability to create “bell”, “glass” and “metallic” sounds. The synthesizers we currently own are based on “subtractive” synthesis. The Korg Volca FM approaches sound-creation in a different way: “additive synthesis”. (these are explained in a link below.)

The Korg Volca FM web page:

The Yamaha DX7 keyboard:

Here’s a link to a short article on “additive versus subtractive synthesis”:

A link to a good review of the Volca FM:


This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.

The title of this article is: “11.11 Portal – High Magick, Manifestation, And The Mandela Effect” and was written by Michelle Walling.

This is the paragraph that really caught my attention… because Sylvia and I planned our Marriage for August 1, 1987, in order to be Married to each other when the Harmonic Convergence appeared (on August 10, 1987):

  • “In Barbara’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” video, she described that time travelers who came from the future to the time we are in now had to follow “time stamps” to navigate time, since it doesn’t really exist. Time stamps are major consciousness shifting events that happen and mark specific points in time. She named a few points that many will recognize, like the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the splitting on the atom, and the splitting of the second. At that moment, I realized that Tuesday’s election, and more specifically waking up to Wednesday to find Trump had won, was indeed one of those time stamps. In other words, it was a “node” and timelines had shifted because of the election outcome.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


The title of this article is: “17 Year Old Indigo Child Message To The New Children And Lightworkers”. Here are some excerpts:

  • “Whether it is spiritual, psychic or emotional, feeling stuck and limited is an integral part of our awakening because we are becoming aware of the limitations that is forced upon us in the third dimension. With this awareness, deep inside our being we begin to feel uncomfortable. We try over and over to move something with our minds or to fly or leave our body and it just doesn’t work. This feeling is important. Feeling is a universal language, the language that reveals the secrets we all seek to uncover. By feeling limited you begin to understand that you are not! That is why we feel uncomfortable in such cases. A lot of discomforts will be on this awakening path but they are not there to stop you from reaching your potential. This is where you will be tested and required to use your inner strength, your inner knowingness to pierce through the veil of forgetfulness and move to the next phase of your awakening and why you are here.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 2-14-16 *OLTTLW, *Resources, *Washer, *Time, Scalia

*First a few comments:

*OLTTLW – Open Letter To The Light Workers

  • Cabal = capitulated
  • So now the Clock is on YOU. The “Light Forces”, comprising the Earth-based Light Workers and the off-world-based Star Visitors have until 31-March-2016 to initiate the Plan.
  • Your actions must be “public-based”.
  • Failing to activate the next Phase, by that Time-Point, will result in an in-depth examination of your efforts by the Three-Point-Council.

Over these last 253-weeks, I’ve done this once or twice before… Yesterday morning, I felt a strong need to gather a few resources… These are a handful of people, in the building where Sylvia and I work, which, we feel, are also in-tune with at least some of the facets of this illusion that I am Tracking.

I’ve talked to these people before, so I have an idea of their level of “energy-knowledge”. Yesterday, I explained:

  • Once things begin to unfold, if “I’m” not in the building, you and the others I’ve mentioned, should talk between you, re-group and decide what needs to be done.

I’ve done this before but, since then, all the reports I had read explained how very carefully everything was being considered and that things would unfold with as few disruptions as possible.

Recently, however, I read a couple of reports which reminded me that the Banks need to shutdown completely, in order to thoroughly reset the entire Financial System. This means, although there will be announcements, all day and all night, explaining everything, a LOT of people will simply storm the Banks and Grocery Stores.

  • I’m still feeling that we’re on a “Positive” TimeLine. From what “I’ve” been reading, there will be 3-to 15-days of banks being closed. No one will lose any of their money, that is in the bank at that Time. It will be converted to the new “Treasury Reserve Notes” at a 1-to 1 exchange.
  • People will also need gas in their vehicles and food for at least 3-to 15-days.
  • At some point this year, when the “sky Event” happens, there “may” be “about” 3-days of little or no “Sun”. It’s not the “end of the world”. It will either be the cosmic “dust cloud” that’s traveling with the Nibiru or Nibiru itself that’s blocking the Sun as it passes in front of it.
  • Some people have said that whenever a planetary body gets close to another planetary body, it will cause major problems, such as volcanic activity, flooding, etc. “I” do not believe this will happen… at least not while the majority of Beings are on this Earth. Instead, either the Star Visitors will neutralize the negative effects of Nibiru on the Earth… or… the majority of Beings on “this Earth” will have moved to the “new Earth” before then.
  • When Sylvia… My Sylvia crossed-over, we could have easily and quickly moved to the other side of the “Veil” at the same Time… but we didn’t. A few days before she left, I asked her “why” she had to go. She told me “Higher Purpose”. We all have a “Higher Purpose”… a “focused goal”. This also meant that “I” had to stay “here”, on THIS side of the “Veil”… because there’s something that “I” am supposed to be doing here… and it’s not to stand around and be crushed by an Earthquake or be instantly submerged under 500-feet of water!
  • Think about it… If most of us have incarnated more than a few times, wouldn’t each person have already experienced a lot of different situations?… some “positive” and some “negative”? So “IF” most of us, as some point in our personal, very long, history have experienced a “crossing-over” by a HUGE disaster, why would we want to experience that again? We wouldn’t.

If “you”, the Reader, want to help those around you, think about the “conversations” and “mindset” of those family members, friends and co-workers you interact with. Select those who you feel are either ready, “psychically”, or have a “good Heart” and would go out of their way to help those around them in any situation.

We are really out of Time. So it would be wise for you to talk to them “sooner” than “later”.

  • What “I” do, basically, is “sense” their energy. If I can’t “read” them, or if I’m not certain, I will ask them 4 questions that I have created, which are fairly easy to answer… especially if that person has an “open” and “alternative-thinking” mind.
  • If I feel they’re ready for the information I need to provide them with, I go-ahead and explain the main topics that I’ve been Tracking: “Financial Reset”, “Debt Forgiveness”, “Nibiru”, “Disclosure”, etc. If they start “smiling” at you and “backing away”, you may have to find someone else. However, if that person is your best choice, you may have to continue.
  • I then explain that “I” don’t know everything that’s going to happen or “how” it will unfold. The reason “I” will “probably” step forward, when the “Event” begins, is because I’m now known as the “local lunatic” or “that crazy guy” or “he’s a conspiracy theory nut”. That’s fine… but because some people have already put those labels on me, when they face a “lunatic” situation, they will “most likely” start calling my name.
  • Once everything begins to unfold, basically, everyone “in the know” is to simply keep everyone else calm and explain what is happening. It’s all “good”… it’s all “positive”.

Ok. It’s been about 3- or 4-hours now and I think we’ve solved this problem.

  • Picture this and listen… Take an outdoor, metal, trashcan. Place 3 heavy, metal wrenches inside and close its metal lid. Turn it on its side and roll it down a flight of stairs!

I placed a load of laundry in our Washer. It then worked-away, while Sylvia and I were getting ready to work on the 1st song on our upcoming album. Then, without that sound fading-in, THAT’S what we heard. It was a very LOUD, metal-on-metal CLUNKING sound. I couldn’t figure out what I was hearing at 1st and then Time stretched while I JUMPED up from my chair, ran into our Laundry Room and stopped the Washer.

It was almost finished with its Rinse Cycle but not completely. There’s still a noticeable puddle in the bottom of the Washer.

  • Remember, I’m still having trouble with my “Reasoning” and “short-term memory, because of Sylvia crossing-over. Yes, it’s now been over 253-weeks ago and I still can’t function 100-percent. A “loss” is a “loss”… and “Time” does NOT heal this type of Soul-piercing situation.

So I pulled the clothes out in small batches and placed them in the Dryer. Yes, they were dripping-wet but I didn’t know what else to do.

  • I’m always aware of placing the clothes in the Washer, so the Load will be “Balanced”. So that wasn’t the problem.
  • I went online to search for what could have gone wrong and how much it would cost but every video I found, was NOTHING like what we heard here. There were videos stating “Loud grinding sound” and “Very loud, clunk”, etc. but they were very mild compared to what we heard.
  • It actually sounded like a spinning, steel rod was about to tear-through the front, metal panel on the Washer. It was THAT loud and THAT violent!
  • Once we turned it off, we decided NOT to turn it back on.

We did find 1 video online, which had a very similar noise to ours but I forgot to save the link. (I wasn’t thinking about anything but that Washer at the Time. We read-through a few Washer-repair forums and the problem “might” be a part that costs $250… If WE install it. (Also, the spiral-turning, pole in the center of the Tub doesn’t turn correctly. I broke it many years ago, by constantly rotating it, in order to disperse the liquid soap we put in. In other words, our Washer now has 2 problems.)

We just finished some “buying” research. So, tomorrow, after work, we’ll be going to a local store to buy a new Washer with money we really don’t have. We’re still catching-up from November’s buying of the “Roland System-1m” synthesizer. Our last paycheck had to be used for January’s bills and we were “tightening our belt”, not buying anything, until we get paid this Friday. Now THIS happens!


I almost had “panic attacks” because of this… Partly because it involves spending big money and partly because “SYLVIA” picked-out our matching (Sears Kenmore), beige & brown, Washer & Dryer set. Yes, we’ve gotten a lot of good use out of them. They’re over 16-years old but we do take care of our things. There’s not a scratch on them and I talk to both the Washer and the Dryer each Time we use them… and I did this today also.

So, in trying to figure out how we were going to come up with the $428 needed for this Maytag Washer, Sylvia reminded me to simply let the “Cabal” pay for it. I had forgotten about that… especially since the “Financial Reset” and “Debt Forgiveness’ will happen this year.

So, I checked the balances on our Credit Cards and found about $120 between them. It will not only help but this will also pull a little more money out of the pockets of the Cabal. It’s like having a “psychic finger” and poking them in the eye with it.

  • Also…
  • This situation matches what I included on 2/12/16, in the “Cleaning” Section…
  • This is when an Assistant Manager at the grocery store where Sylvia and I work, came up to us and said: “stop cleaning”… because the machine we were using was making too much noise. So now, this “machine”, our “Washer”, has stopped working, which is another way to say: “stop cleaning”.
  • I’m still very stressed right now. So I haven’t figured out how the Washer not working fits into that puzzle.

I know I’ve had a fairly surreal day today but I woke-up with a slight headache and I just noticed that, after supper, it’s still here… or it faded for a while and then returned.

  • All day, when I sensed it, it’s covered an area about 2-inches in diameter, just above my 3rd-eye and about 1-inch inside my head.

Sylvia and I rarely get “headaches”. So maybe this was either an energy, which caused the Washer to break-down or it’s feedback… telling me that something is happening on the other side of the “Veil”.

As Sylvia and I were having supper just now, I told her the “Date”, at one point. When I got to “Sunday”… I couldn’t find the correct “day” in my mind. Although I told Sylvia the “Date” earlier, I hadn’t thought about the “Sunday” part of it. Today, to “me”, really doesn’t feel like a “Sunday”.


I don’t Track very much “Society” happenings, and I started not to include this, then, while thinking about this information, I had a Flash of a memory…

  • According to the many articles I saw online just now, including the Wikipedia information at the link below, Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia crossed-over on 2/13/16.
  • The reason I’m including this is because I read this online 1-to 2-weeks ago! I didn’t read those articles. I just saw the titles. Now, I could be wrong and it was “another” Judge. So, if a different Judge DID cross-over 7-to 14-days ago, let me know. I was very sure that it was a “Supreme Court” Judge, when I saw those titles.
  • So, “IF” I’m right, then… either the “Matrix” has been reset (or has hiccuped) (and what “I” saw was an “echo” of his crossing, before he actually crossed-over) or I have jumped “realities”.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 11-12-15 *Music, StarVistors

*First a few comments:

More and more, I’m feeling a stronger pull for Sylvia and I to stay home and work on the many projects we now have lined-out for ourselves.

Today, I not only felt that pull a little stronger but I was actually motivated enough to do some work on our upcoming album.

  • About a week ago, Sylvia gave me some suggestions the outline for 3 songs. The 1st song is sung by her (using the “Cyber Diva” software we have). This is a slow, simple song and uses Sylvia’s favorite combination of instruments — piano and strings together. Because this song represents “Sylvia” singing to me (on the album), I’m also using her favorite music “Key”, D-Flat Major (Db). This means I have to play all but 2 black keys on the keyboard. I’m not a keyboardist like Sylvia. So I’m having a difficult Time with this. I had no idea the black keys were so much narrower than the white ones. My fingers keep slipping off of them. It’s really awkward for me.
  • The name of this song is: “Shining Armor”. Last week, I only had the “knight in shining armor” message from Sylvia to go on. Today, I tuned-in to the “Stream” and wrote the lyrics in 5-minutes.
  • The 2nd song Sylvia mentioned is my response reply to the song (above) that she sings to “me”. This song Streamed-through in 10-minutes and is called: “SearchLight”.
  • The 3rd song is a combination of those 2. I’m supposed to somehow blend them together, so they are interwoven and heard at the same Time. Separately, they are “basic” songs but combining them takes on a much deeper direction as a songwriter. It might seem like a simple task but the melodies, harmonies and rhythms need to line-up or it will quickly become a train wreck… a collision of sounds.
  • I worked on the 1st 2 songs for about 3-hours so far. Although I’m grateful for having software that can sing like a female, the shell which makes it work, “Cubase”, is very uncooperative for my workflow. I spent over an hour just getting Cyber Diva to sing the 1st 4 lines of the lyrics!


This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.

This article is titled: “SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #113The Clearing of the Secret Malibu Undersea Base,The origin of LA Missile Launch”. I’m not sure who wrote that article. I thought it was Corey Goode, because it talks about the “Sphere Alliance”, but Corey’s website doesn’t show this particular story. Here are some excerpts:

  • “There was a rogue Pleiadian base off shore of Malibu California, first reported to my knowledge by Jimmy Church in June 2014. The base was Pleiadian only in the sense of the one individual who ran it and and the minions and slaves who worked it.   It was not a sanctioned operation.  There were also covert Earth personnel in the base, whether they were enslaved is not known.”
  • “The base has been cleared, although some Earth personnel from the powers that were apparently launched TWO armed missiles.  The Sphere Alliance intercepted the sea missile, the one that made it to the atmosphere was destroyed by an SA Plasma weapon, which made quite a show over Los Angeles.”

My comments: Now THIS makes sense. I don’t know if ANY of this information is real but saying there was a Cabal undersea base and while it was being cleared, a Cabal slave launched 2 missiles… put the pieces together for “me”.

I can understand why the LightWorkers didn’t tell anyone the real reason they were “holding military exercises” off the coast of California… because lots of people would be in fear-mode… but why don’t the LightWorkers step-up now and explain the entire situation? Why can’t they just “tell us” what is really going on? Why do they have to wait until it comes through “official” channels? Remember, these “official” channels are the Cabal’s own creations — the “corporate” government.


Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 10-31-15 *Movie, Gaia, Cobra

*First a comment:

I just noticed that I titled yesterday’s Posting as “10-29-15” when it should have been “10-30-15”. I remember telling Sylvia, yesterday (all day), that it was “10-29-15”.

Yesterday, while at work mopping the floor, an idea for a Movie or a Book came to me. It’s not a “comedy” but, I guess, it would be called “light hearted”. It involves Star Visitors, a Portal, solving a mystery, a treasure hunter, spies, counter-spies and counter-counter-spies.

I just spent almost 3-hours writing-out the “outline” for it. I only have about 4-pages to show for all that work but it feels like there should be hundreds more. I guess it was the energy around me as I was Streaming it… every step of it felt like I was there IN IT. Maybe I was.

In these last 238-weeks, I haven’t really felt like doing much of anything. Every now-and-then, though, like just now, I have moments of motivation. So I do my best to run with them when I can. So this “Movie” or “Book” will probably never happen. If I get another burst of motivation, at some point, I may use it to turn that “outline” into a short story and just make it available to everyone. We’ll see.

If nothing else, it was a bit of “therapy” and I did enjoy being in it, while that Stream was active.


This was Posted today by “Gaia Portal”:

  • “Inner harmonizations continue the unfoldment of the human and Hue-man.”
  • “Awaitings of futures are no more.”
  • “Released from shackles, Higher Consciousness flourishes.”
  • “Standards of old paradigms are viewed and released.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


Here’s the 1st of 2 Cobra interviews (from 10/18-15). Here’s a brief background of Cobra:

  • “Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.”

Here are some excerpts:

  • “COBRA – OK.  Micro-chipping is no longer a problem.  It was a big problem decades ago.  Actually microchipping campaign began after WWII after the vaccination campaign of the WHO is late ‘40s.  1940’s and the Resistant Movement has neutralized all the micro chips so they are no longer active.”
  • “COBRA – The light forces especially the Galactic Confederation has stabilized the earth grids to the extent that there are no drastic earth changes are expected especially not before the event, so people don’t need to worry about this.”
  • “COBRA – OK the shift of the Fed has not happened yet.  When the sift of the Fed will happen it will be the moment of the financial re-set.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

Here’s the 2nd Cobra interview (from 10/27/15) with some excerpts:

  • “COBRA – Sacred geometry is actually very much connected with the passing of cosmic cycles, so yes, the Event is a moment of intersection of certain cosmic cycles, so when the right combination of energies which is related to those cosmic cycles appears, the Event will happen.”
  • “COBRA – A few things here. First, it was very hard for the Pleiadians and any other positive races to make contact with people within those space programs, because it’s a fact, all individuals in those space programs were heavily monitored and controlled. So there was not much contact made. There were some negotiations on the top level, but those negotiations were not successful. And then after, I would say, 1999, when the Resistance Movement came to this planet, the RM had a quite strong force inside of the solar system, especially the asteroid belt, and they were beginning a house clearing operation.”
  • “They were clearing all those Illuminati structures throughout the solar system. In the year 2012, the vast majority of this was cleared. The so-called Solar Warden program as we know it, did not cease to exist in 2012, and whatever was remaining on the dark side was just small factions and fractures connected directly to the Chimera group. All the rest of the personnel and people infrastructure crossed over to the light forces and the SSP aligned that is now inside the solar system is mostly working for the light. It’s a positive alliance.”
  • “COBRA – Okay. After the Event, many options will open but they will open gradually. So at a certain point after the Event, it will be possible to leave the planet, and it will be possible to go to other locations, and spiritual growth itself will be much accelerated because the veil will be removed.”
  • “COBRA – Okay. It is simply one aspect of the implant has been cleared. But the core of the implant. . . they are no longer black holes. They are now just rotating singularities, which means that they are not so strong any more, but still the veil, the network, the technology, the plasma, it’s all there still. The veil is still there, so this has to go before the Event happens.”
  • “COBRA – Okay. First, the RM is not making contact with the surface population at this point. This is not possible. Second, the RM will contact certain people at the time of the Event, at the moment of the Event, and give them certain guidelines how they can assist in the actual process of the Event. And third, we are not searching for followers. We are searching for leaders. So each person needs to go inside and find inner guidance what to do. I’m not here to tell anybody what to do. I am just releasing intel to make it easier for you to be informed, and then you’re the one who needs to take a leap and decide what to do. People are always questioning me what should I do? How can I help? I ‘m not here to tell you how to help. You are the one who needs to go inside, find your talents, find your inspiration, find your inner power and find the drive to do something.”
  • “COBRA – The master Chimera group, a small group and master Archon group, they are the ones who coordinate the plans and they give input for those plans in their master computer, which gives possible solutions. So it’s an interaction between actual beings and the AI (Artificial Intelligence) computer network that is called The Veil. But this computer network and this AI is always subjected to the supreme real and decisions of the Archons and Chimera entities. They are the ones who make the decisions and  the actual implémentation of those decisions is done through the sophisticated computer programs which create models of behavior of the masses, of the trends, of the most advisable course of action for those beings.”
  • “Rob – We had some question about the top and the bottom. I want to ask just a real basic one here. Have they removed any of the strangelet or toplet bombs at all? Have any of them been dismantled?”
  • “COBRA – Oh, yes. Many, many, many have been removed.”
  • “Rob – Oh. Wow. Okay. When all of them are removed, will this immediately activate the Event.”
  • “COBRA – Yes.”
  • “Rob – Very good. So that’s kind of the final tipping point when that mission is accomplished, the Event can take place.”
  • “COBRA – According to my intel, that’s the last thing that needs to go.”
  • “COBRA – One thing that they can do is spend some time in nature because the veil is not so strong away from human populations. The veil tends to concentrate where most of the people are. So in larger cities the concentration of field technology is the most intense. If you spend some time in nature, that will help you quite much. Also, energy of liquid water, running water, is very good to remove some of the veil interference. Then you can have various more advanced technologies – the violet ray, which diffuses negative plasma, and, of course, you have meditations – your own individual connection with your own higher self and the invocation of the light.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link: