PS 2-27-16 *Plane, *Bang, Rose, Rother

*First a few comments:

At one point today, while at work, Sylvia and I heard a heavy aircraft in the sky. I didn’t know what I was hearing at first. So I listened for a few seconds to determine if it was an airplane and whether or not it was coming towards us or moving away from us.

Within a few seconds, I had digested that information and calculated that the aircraft was very nearby. Although we were in the building’s “Neutral Zone” (the very back), I ran down the long hallway to the door leading to the outside. Our timing was very good because the plane had just appeared overhead.

This is the closest photo I could find of what we saw:

However, the plane we saw was a bit huskier than that and completely painted in medium gray. There were no markings that I could see and we didn’t notice any lights. It was bright daylight but the Sun was not behind the plane. So i should have seen lights… if it had any.

I also remember the 2 propellers being very large… maybe even larger than the ones in the above photo.

This was not a “commercial” plane and we didn’t sense that it was a “cargo” plane.

Shortly before it was Time for Sylvia and I to Clock-Out for the day, we went next door to the consignment shop, in order to check the mail for the grocery store.

  • That’s where the mailboxes for the building are located and, sometimes, the MailPerson places mail for the different businesses in other businesses box.

We reached the glass door, with metal frame, of the consignment shop… I opened it a few inches and placed my other hand around the metal doorframe (griping it). As soon as I did this, my foot was in the wrong place the the door hit it… and immediately sprung-back into the door-frame… BANGING my fingers!

I thought my fingers were badly hurt. So I apologized to them while using an energy technique that Sylvia learned, and taught to me, many years ago.

  • (I was going to describe it but as I searched my memories for “words” and “images”, I realized it would take a few images and a LOT of words. So I won’t bore everyone with that. You’ll have to look it up or follow your Heart, if something like this happens to you, your pet, friends or family.)

So I quickly swept the now-chaotic energy away from my fingers and then re-aligned the energy-gap, so all the energies flowed in harmony. I had to do this several times. (It was actually bad-enough that I had to calm myself and go deep within, in order to perform a deeper-level of healing on myself.)

There were 3 Vendors in there at the Time, who saw what happened. They instantly offered very helpful and very kind suggestions on how they could help or how I could help myself. One asked if I wanted her to take me to the Emergency Room. I simply remained in my “healing mode”.

Another Vendor makes and sells her own essential oils, lip balms, shampoos, etc. She quickly went over to her area and brought me the “Tester” for her “Arnica”. I let her only put a pea-sized drop on 1 finger and I worked it into my skin.

That crashing door did break the skin and, for several minutes, there was a purple bruise forming on 1 finger but now, several hours later, my fingers are fine. There’s no bruising and the only discoloration is from the tiny “scratch” that the door created on 1 finger.

It’s as if that incident never happened.

  • As always, I’m mentioning this “happening”, and its details, in order to show that everyone can heal themselves. This particular technique can be done on any part of the body, on another person’s body, a dog, cat, etc.
  • When doing the “Sweeping” and the re-alignment, you do not touch the “in-pain” area with the “healing hand”. If you know how to use a Crystal, this technique becomes even more powerful. This is how Sylvia performs this healing. I simply used the fingers of my “non-hurt” hand.


This seems to be an update from “Yellow Rose For Texas” (YRFT):

(This is a bit long but “IF” it’s true, then it’s very important information.)

  • “Ed is getting darker, as the blow outs continue daily, and there are now limited to no repairs going on. Some of the ‘booms’ can be heard here, but most people think that they’re hearing traffic or other sounds. In their minds, the sun is too far for them to be able to hear it.”
  • “This is not jupiter. But I haven’t a name for it, other than it was identified as one of the enemy vah’s. It made a run for the exit. Took hits from Ed, and winked out for a few days. But repaired and made it here. It is now rushing through all its protocols, in its application for the exit. The flag is now rising, but not lit (white).”
  • “It is not going to make it. We’ve heard of a vah that is going to lay, even though the exit is closed. I believe they were speaking of this vah, but there could actually be another, along the other now closed path, to the underworld. Just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean its not there.”
  • “We’ve also got a flag up, on our secondary pole. Remember. Our exit is very different. Never has anyone seen, this array for an emit. We actually have more than one vah, going in at the same time. And, Earth has a support pole, which no other has had.”
  • “Things have been very very busy, upstairs.”
  • “We see these images, as ‘hours’ inside here. But on the outside, these are literally minutes, for them. So, its is actually going very fast, not a long strobe or a long morph, as we see in the images.”
  • “There were two paths, when the eye divided.”
  • “There are simply some things, we cant visualize well enough, to grasp the mechanics of.”
  • “The two paths, Right goes Above, Left goes Below.”
  • “Those trapped on Earth, in Human form, who are part of those invading species, are in deep terror. They have lost the war. When the division occurs, it is the pit for them, and they can not escape it. Their ego’s and blind ambition, blocked them from acknowledging this moment would come. Now that its here, they are stupefied, in most cases.”
  • “About 5 years ago, we busted “Metatron”. The guru was Micheal in human form. Micheal, Gabriel, St. Germain, Sophia…there are hundreds of thousands, of these incarnates on Earth. They are recognized by their inability to let go of myths. The el in particular, are “god” driven. Their covens and their mentality, create these myths and propaganda. The more with them….. Misery likes company.”
  • “It is surprising, how much we can look back on, and say ‘oh, well now that explains it, I wonder why I didn’t catch on earlier’. For the most part, it was a case of the mind slowing down the connection, until you are prepared for the answer. Which is usually bad news.”
  • “What we’ve learned is this. Some people, are in human form, that are not the species of Mankind. When you break it down further, there are Souls, who are ‘mirrors’, acting within our society with the inbuilt command to sabotage mans society and replace it with the codes of conduct from Ur. Their society, which is patriarchal, hierarchical and runs the slave system “Corporate Government, Religion, Money system” It simply depends, on where they are placed, as to which of those three categories they are acting here, in support of.”
  • “Religion supports the myth system. The myth is that there isn’t any punishment, for being evil. And that there isn’t any punishment, for their invasion and masking as men while sabotaging societies.”
  • “Those in human form, who are possessed of the soul, of one of the invading races, are under categories. Those who helped Ur (The Underworld), those who did not. For those who did not, and who have not committed murder, etc, these are lawed up. Those who are aiding the enemy, do not exit. Those in particular, who are the el, owl/reppy’s, and eels, do not exit.”
  • “These are the “people” who are on blogs, saying that this information is a fabricated lie.”
  • “Because if true, this information terrifies them. They can’t tolerate it.”
  • “From July to August, we saw Earth split, as usual, into two locations.”
  • “In the past, Those who couldn’t make the eye, because they didn’t have enough fat, or because they didn’t wake in time or had incurred a debt that had to be repaied, were simply moved to the second earth. Under the veil, they never remember the division or that they have been moved.”
  • “This gave that soul the time needed, to gain the weight of fat required to move forward. Or time to repay a debt incurred, for which they were being held back.”
  • “This isn’t allowed to happen this time.”
  • “Yes, protocols were followed, and it was divided. But the evil people that are in control here, that are responsible for this misery were running it. So the next ‘skit’ was the NWO conquest. They had already started moving their “Orgs” over there. The mafia, bankers, etc.”
  • “We continued to watch, and more than once, that vah was hit. Destroyed. Yes, it did have the ability as all of them do, to self repair. And we hit it again.”
  • “This has always been the case here, and why things were so difficult. They repaired in a few days, and it took constant hits.”
  • “Now, like the sun, their repair systems are shutting down, and the end of the cycle has hit.”
  • “And apparently, it shuts down all ships, vahs, exits, and self cleans.”
  • “It is the intent, to shut this area down completely. We leave them no humans for beef, no heirs to move forward to their underworld hell worlds, no ability to continue as races.”

Question everything.

Be sure to visit the following link, in order to access the images provided.

Here’s the link to that informtion:

Here’s the link to Rose’s abbreviations:


This Trance / Channeled message is through Steve Rother. Here are some highlights:

  • He talks about the “beginning”… when the 1st Beings came to Earth and how we all played various “games”. Then a new game was created where we all place “Veils” over our heads (over our awarenesses), in order to “forget” that we are all interconnected.
  • “There’s a critical window opening up right now… and over the next 3-months, you’re going to have a opportunity to make a profound difference in the world.”
  • “It’s a time for humanity to awaken from the dream.”
  • “There’s a new energy here on planet Earth and you can move it into fear very easily, because that’s where it will naturally go… if it is un-hampered… or you can stand in the way and direct it toward love.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link (It’s “Segment 6”, near the bottom of the following page and he begins the message at the 6:58-mark):