PS 3-10-23 *Songs, *MusicGear, *TheFuture, Fulford, Hypnosis, Cobra

*First a comment:
A few days ago, Sylvia and I received another Royalty Check for the Songs we’ve released so far…
  • …through our Album “Perfectionately Yours” and
  • …the Single “Calling All Humans”.
We were paid 10-cents per Song, each Time it’s played. The check was for almost $24. Here’s how it was broken down:
  • “Dialog – Mergible Inertia”: This was played 3 times. Once by someone in France, once in Italy and once in Spain.
  • “Dialog – Inextinguishable”: This was played by someone in the United Kingdom but it was played there more than a few times because the Royalty total is over $10.
  • “Dialog – The Broken Chord”: This was also played in the United Kingdom… and played more than once. The total for this entry is more than $12.
I’m not including this information here because I want to show-off. I’m doing this for 2 reasons:
  1. None of our Songs have been “purchased”. These Royalties are only for “Streaming”. I truly don’t understand why anyone would want to “listen to” and “pay for” the “Dialogs” on that Album. Those Tracks only contain sound effects and me talking — no Music (except for one which has a few, short snippets of Songs, which show that I’m “remembering” them). Plus, if someone thought so much of those “Dialogs” why didn’t they listen to any of the actual Songs?
  2. Another reason I’m spelling this all out is for you up-and-coming Musicians out there. If you’re thinking about releasing your Songs but are hesitant because you feel “that next step” as being overwhelming, I’m telling you to “go for it”. If you have something to say through a Song, then say it. If that Song comes from your Heart, then you WILL be rewarded — sometimes in Energies which far-surpass “money”. You won’t make a million dollars, at least not at first but put one foot in front of another, follow your Heart and just keep going.

So if anyone out there has heard ANY of our Songs, especially the “Dialogs”, maybe you can shed some light on “why” those people (in the above Royalties) have put Time and money into them. Sylvia and I are just confused at this point.

Question everything.
Here’s the link to our BandCamp web page, where anyone can listed to all of our Songs for free:
Also in the “Music” category… For those of you who are interested, I recently added about 10 new entries to our Music Blog. (I don’t update it as often as I’d like.)
Here’s the link:
“Some say” the “cabal” informs the General Public to its plans before actually carrying them out. it’s been said that this is due to some type of agreement between the “cabal” and… I don’t know. This is also why I take on Movies as yet another Source for my many “Puzzle Pieces”… Those facets which I use to line-up with any new piece of information which may cross my Path. (When Sylvia crossed-over, in 2011, my main goal is to find out “when” the “Veil” will be removed.)
Tonight, I was looking up an old, 1940s movie and discovered that there will be a new “Flash” movie in June 2023. All I saw was a Poster online with a large image of Batman. When I zoomed-in to see the small print, I knew it might be important… because the subtitle is: “World’s Collide”.
  • I instantly thought of what Researcher and Contactee, Lisa Harrison, recently stated: “…I think we will see the alien narrative this year.”
  • I thought: “Could this particular movie be the “cabal’s” way of telling the General Public what we will experience this year? Only Time will tell.
Besides this movie’s subtitle, these aspects also caught my attention:
  • Although this movie is called: “The Flash”, Batman and Supergirl are also featured.
  • The main storyline for this movie seems to be “Timelines”. (I watched the Trailer) Something happens and the Past is changed. This also changes the Future. We also see off-world Starships over the cities of Earth. (Could this be the “cabal’s” way of saying, “we’re bring holographic Starships to this Reality this year”? Only Time will tel.)
  • 8 Directors are listed as having worked on this movie at different times.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to this movie’s information page:
Here’s the link to the movie’s Trailer:
  • Entire KM financial system about to collapse with Credit Suisse the likely first domino
  • The collapse of the Khazarian Mafia financial system is looking imminent with Credit Suisse the likely first domino. If it falls it will trigger a process that would lead to the collapse of multiple major banks and then after that the World Bank, the IMF and the big Kahuna, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION .⇒ Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda
  • A full-fledged bank run on Credit Suisse is now underway as customers withdrew $120 billion last month alone. Now the New York Post reports sensitive personal information including social security identification, employment information, and contact details of customers who keep $50 million or more in the bank has been compromised.
  • “Yes, the Credit Suisse matter is very serious, think how many accounts are linked to every known elite criminal in the world,” a CIA source chimes in.
  • This “Suisse Secrets” report from a year ago just touches the tip of the iceberg.
  • “Suisse most likely will be the first major KM-controlled bank to be let go…This smells like end game,” a Mossad source says.
  • The head of MI6 agrees saying: “Credit Suisse is indeed implicated in international criminal fraud, in this case, the money laundry in Geneva of The Europe Union paying bribery to all of The Queen’s Prime Ministers to commit high treason. We have all the evidence. This is why I keep firing prime ministers in London. The Queen and Her Majesty’s husband were both murdered because of this among so many.”
  • The shoot-to-kill licenses 001 and 002 are now in full play, he adds.
  • This implosion is not just about high-level gangsters but is likely to lead to the removal of most of the so-called leaders in the world, White Dragon Society sources say.
  • The revelations of Vatican bank bribery accounts below from the Obama administration are a sample of systematic KM bribery that could be reproduced across most of the Western-controlled countries of the world.
  • Because banks all lend to the same people if one bank falls and pulls its loans, then the borrowers cannot pay other loans either so, the whole system comes tumbling down.
  • “I know from very credible sources that Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase are insolvent and have bankruptcy proceedings active. They are ‘sealed’ from the public’s view,” the Mossad source adds.
  • Despite the attempt to cover this up, bits and pieces are leaking. Chinese real estate developers have stopped about USD 53.6 Billion in loans to Western banks, Blackstone defaulted $580 million on a Manhattan building (40% vacancy); the second default on Nordic REIT (46% vacancy) totaling $2.1 Billion…PIMCO defaulted on $1.7 Billion and Brookfield defaulted on 2 Los Angeles bldgs with $783 million in mortgages.
  • This is expected to pull down the Swiss Octagon group and with it, their control over the G7 countries and various slave states around the world.
  • The big question is where is all the physical gold the Swiss have been storing in their vaults for more than 50 years? They have so far refused to honor legitimate requests to return either Chinese or Japanese imperial gold. If they no longer have the gold, this is very important because at the very top of the financial system, only real assets like gold are accepted: paper is not.
  • The Khazarian Mafia has been reduced to threatening to use earthquake weapons to force countries to hand over gold. Indonesian authorities tell us they are being told to hand over gold and other natural resources, or a very large earthquake will occur later this month. The threats came from the Dutch embassy in Jakarta. It was passed on to a high-level official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesian intelligence sources say.
  • That explains why Dutch “seismologist” Frank Hoogerbeets -who rose to international prominence after predicting the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria- predicts a “mega-earthquake” with a magnitude of 8.5 or higher “due to the special position of the Earth, Mercury and Saturn.” This pseudo-science is nothing other than a thinly veiled threat.
  • This is a message from the WDS to the Dutch: “People who live below sea level shouldn’t throw tsunamis.”
  • Indonesia is not alone. The KM is also trying to intimidate the Philippines into handing over its gold and other resources. The Philippine people are fighting back.
  • A Philippines court has issued an international arrest warrant for Bill Gates, who as the founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is “wanted in connection with hundreds of thousands of deaths, a number which cannot be estimated at present and is certain to increase exponentially in time.”
  • This arrest warrant is connected to the murder of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo.
  • A Philippine government source said “Bill Gates and David Rockefeller Jr. are involved. More threats/assassination attempts are being planned. The KM cabal is desperate for control of the Philippines.” Neither Mr, Gates nor Mr. Rockefeller were available for comment by the time this report went live.
  • In any case, this financial turmoil and the accompanying threats were visible at last week’s G20 foreign ministers meeting which broke up without issuing a communique. This is highly unusual because usually, such meetings will paper over cracks by at least issuing a bland statement.
  • “Some Western delegations turned the G20 agenda into a farce, trying to blame Moscow for their own economic failures,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
  • At the G20 countries like Brazil, India, China, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey asked for the “elimination of the Western monopoly” in international organizations. The Western countries responded with “blow-below-the-belt” tactics by threatening to “punish” countries that disobey, Lavrov said.
  • That would explain the tsunami threats against Indonesia etc..
  • The head of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev went further saying Washington and its allies resort to “political pressure, military blackmail, financial enslavement, economic sanctions and, of course, deceitful propaganda,”
  • This video below of slave camp conditions at a cobalt mine (needed to make mobile phones etc.) shows the kind of economic management the rest of the world is sick of.
  • If the Western leadership was competent, people might be more willing to overlook their bullying but they are not. Their paranoid leadership has been repeatedly proven to spread disease, cause environmental disasters, and promote war.
  • Just last Tuesday a Russian commander warned a train carrying a cargo of poisonous chemicals arrived in the city of Kramatorsk and that the United States is planning to use the “highly toxic and banned substances” in it to stage a “false flag” operation in Ukraine to blame on Moscow,
  • Now we have Israel -that for 30 years has been saying Iran will get a nuclear bomb within three months- screaming “It would now take Iran just 12 days to produce a bomb’s worth of missile material.”,
  • Their KM refrain is “attack Russia, attack Iran, attack China etc.”
  • Not only do they keep trying to start an all-out nuclear war, but they have also been caught red-handed trying to kill most of the world’s population with toxic vaccines. Official data from the UK government shows that vaccines killed 24 times more people than the so-called pandemic they were supposed to protect them from.
  • If you think this wasn’t premeditated, ask yourself why the exact authorities and manufacturers who mandated the Covid vaccine – were never required to get the jab!
  • GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – Trust The Plan!
  • The Deep State do not want small businesses in America. Big corporations do want the competition for their new system. The system they are developing is the same system that Mussolini developed in Italy, it’s called fascism. Inflation is one way of getting rid of the old corrupt system and ushering in a news people’s system. This is what we are witnessing right now.
  • The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM – digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about Nesara – Gesara, XRP and digital assets.
  • The game always been rigged. Most people invest their money/savings in the stock market with financial institutions who offers investments packages to BUY in the market. MOST people can’t SHORT/SELL the market. So when it drops and we’re in a down trend 95% of normal people are losing it all as they can’t SHORT/Sell the market.
Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the links provided.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

The following 42-minute video (audio only) is by Hypnosis Practitioner, Allison Coe. In this Session, her Client talks about:
  • Forrests, Trees and their vast knowledge and wisdom.
  • The Trees are sad because we have been tricked and we lost our way.
  • The Trees are filled with intense Light. Touching a Tree brings that Light into you were it is toned-down a bit, in order to be used by the other Beings on this Planet.
  • Allison’s Client was instructed to seek-out the special, natural Energy Points, around this Planet, which are made of Trees or Stones (like Stonehenge).
  • The Client says, when someone is near, especially “touching”, a Tree, there is no sickness. There is no hunger or thirst.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This is Cobra’s “Part 2” of an Interview (from March 6, 2023) which happened about a year ago. It’s on “Tachyon” (faster than Light) technology…
Basically, 99-percent of the questions and Cobra’s answers are on the subject of Tachyons and Tachyon Chambers… What they are, when they will be introduced and where they will be located.
Question everything.
Here’s the direct link to the Interview:
Here’s the link to Cobra’s website, where you can find this Interview in other Languages, as well as a video version of this Interview:

PS 3-1-23 Harrison, RemoteViewing?

This 10-minute video is an update from Researcher and Contactee, Lisa Harrison.
Here are a few highlights…
  • She says Hydration is an issue. Even though she had been drinking a lot of water, she says she wasn’t really absorbing it. So she started putting a little Salt in her water and taking Magnesium Supplements.
  • She says things are really “Event” based and believes that every Event (by the “cabal”, I think) makes the timeline shorter and shorter.
  • Lisa feels that “we are going to see the Alien Narrative this year”.
My comment: Woah. She just presented a great insight. One I hadn’t thought about before.
I’m going to be thinking about this but, right now, this new information doesn’t seem to make a difference… in the unfolding or the final outcome (of what this Planet is going through).
Here’s what Lisa stated…
  • Lisa says the “Realm” (maybe a “Reality-perspective) we are in has been “on the move for some Time.
  • She says, because we are raising our Vibrations, the Alien Narrative isn’t “coming to us”, instead “we are going to IT”.
  • Lisa says the REAL “first of each year” is April 1st. (Maybe the “cabal” want us to call it “April Fools Day”, just to throw us off track.)
  • It’s important to have Physical exchanges with people and not rely on Internet interactions.
  • “Your body is fueling this Transition. So look after it.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:
I was looking through the “Above Top Secret” website (it’s on my Research list) when I saw the title: “Remote viewing or a Dream?”. I read the recounting by the OP (Original Poster) but only found it “interesting” and “something new”. I then browsed through the comments and found this one, which caught my attention:
  • “nugget1″
  • “posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 03:50 PM”
  • “a reply to: JAGStorm”
  • “For what it’s worth, Jag I began seeing faces I didn’t recognize occasionally when I’d first lay down to sleep. I never recognized any of the faces flashing by in my minds’ eye or could find any connection to things going on in my life.”
  • “It was a bit upsetting at first, especially when the frequency of these events began to increase, but didn’t appear to be causing any harm so I’d just go with it until I fell asleep.”
  • “One night recently I realized I hadn’t seen any of these faces in awhile, and decided to ‘look’ for them in my mind. There they were!”
  • “I have no idea what they’re all about. Nothing I’ve ever researched have given any clues, other than some sort of ‘visual hallucination’. If that’s the case, how can I find them when making a conscious effort?”
  • “Is my pineal gland producing hallucinogen? Is it another dimension bleeding over into this one? Is it my subconscious mind messing with me? Do I have some serious mental disorder that allows me to function perfectly normal in every other aspect of my life? Are they demons? Angels?”
  • “I’ve considered how complex our entire bodies are, and so similar to a computer. One glitch or bad program and you’re crazy or get some disease.”
  • “If there are multi-universes along side ours that we can’t perceive, a firewall would be needed to keep our minds from information overload. Maybe my firewall has become corrupted? lol”
  • “I have no clue why it happens. No harm has ever come to me in the 25+ years it’s been happening, so I just enjoy the show until I fall asleep.”
My comments: This is exactly what started happening to me… probably 5 or 6-months ago.
  • Right after laying down for sleep and almost instantly when I closed my eyes, I would see a “Scene” of people. Sometimes it was 2 or 3 and all I could see was their faces or I’d see 30 to 50 people, outside, as if they were just milling around, talking to others around them. In each situation, though, “some” or “all’ of those people seem to be staring right at me. It’s like they knew I was there looking at them. I couldn’t hear anything. I just saw them. Each “Scene” was in color but it wasn’t as bright or as sharp as it would have been, if I had actually been there.
  • My Scenes don’t happen every night.
  • I never thought of those “Scenes” as being a “Dream”. I always feel as though I’m either “Remote Viewing” or looking through a “Portal”… that it’s happening “now”, in real-Time.
  • Yes, all of the people were moving. I wasn’t looking at a “photo”.
  • None of the people looked familiar.
  • …and I wasn’t asleep. I had just closed my eyes. Sometimes, I opened my eyes within a couple of seconds, didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, closed my eyes again and they were still there. After a minute or so, the “people” simply disappeared or I fell asleep.
I never “looked for them”, as the Commenter above did. I HAVE spoken to them but they don’t respond.
From “my” perspective, I feel that this is happening because, as Sylvia told me when she crossed-over in 2011…
  • “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
Between the “Veils” getting thinner and the “timelines” merging, I feel that more and more people will experience similar things.
Question everything.
Here’s the link: