PS 2-22-20 Separation?

This was sent to me by M.R. (who’s on this list) thank you. I would have never seen this otherwise.
This is a Channeling Session where Mary Ennis brings-through an Entity called “Elias”.
As I was reading this particular Session, I had to stop at this paragraph:
  • “Now, what happens with individuals at times, especially if they are very bonded and very connected to that other being, is that there becomes this element of perception that if you stop crying, if you stop weeping, if you stop missing, then you are somehow betraying the relationship; that you should forever after be expressing in this manner because that is the indicator—that is, in a manner of speaking, the proof of how important this individual is to you, how important the relationship is to you and has been to you, and how close and engaging the relationship is. But in actuality, the whole point of grieving is to move you in that direction to the point in which you realize that there isn’t the separation that you think there is, that you aren’t any less connected and you aren’t any less interactive; you are simply interactive and connected physically in a different manner, in a different capacity.”
My comments: (For me and Sylvia, it’s now been 463-weeks since she crossed-over.) This is describing me and Sylvia. We have both been EXTREMELY fortunate to actually find each other within this Incarnation. Then, when Sylvia crossed-over, because our Bond was so complete… so unquestioning, she continued including me with her new “world” as much as she is able to. Because Sylvia started this within a few minutes after her crossing, I was not only able to receive her entire “message”, but we both cemented that particular “new” connection when it was at its strongest. This is why I KNOW what I now know about her current situation… why I know she’s here with me most of the Time… why I know when she’s “nudging” me in a certain direction, etc.
  • Even when My Sylvia was on THIS side of the “Veil”, she never “told” me to do “anything”. She’s always very open, loving and considerate of others… especially with “me”.
So, yes, Sylvia is still with me. She never really left my side… and, just as it’s stated in the paragraph above, we’re “connected in a different manner”… but we’re still very much connected to each other.
For those of you out there who don’t “feel” or “sense” your Loved One on the “other side”, it could be that they are involved with a project which takes their “focus” away from you briefly or because “you” have been stressed or have blocked their energies somehow.
  • Keep in mind that “Time” does not hold the same Measurement for those on the “other side” as it does for us on “this” side of the “Veil”. So don’t think “he or she has forgotten me”. For that other person, they may only feel a sense of a “month” or 2, compared to “you” measuring your Time apart in “years”.
I think I’ve mentioned this long ago but it’s important for those who have Loved Ones on the “other side” but don’t understand some of this…
  • That person’s “Character”, their “Individuality”, will remain with them. Sylvia loves to play music and I know she’s still a “Musician” because she showed me her bedroom (she’s staying with her Mom) where she has a Piano and I saw her playing it. This was months after she “crossed”.
  • So if your Loved One enjoyed being outdoors… or learning… or singing, etc., then they will retain that “character” trait.
  • Your Loved One “may” or “may not” change their name, when they reach the “other side”. It just depends on different things. In Sylvia’s case, she is still using that name. She did this so I could Tune-In to her energies a bit easier.
  • Many years after my Mom crossed-over, we met for Lunch one day. It was a planet in another Solar System and we met just outside a small sandwich shop within a large city. She told me she was a Liaison between 2 different planets. (When she was on “this” side of the “Veil”, she was always a Cook. She was very good at it and loved it.) I don’t remember what we talked about but I’m pretty sure she changed her name. However, I’m currently not allowed to know what it is.
  • Several years after my Dad crossed-over, he came to visit. Sylvia and I were home. I think she was in another room. I was near the Living Room — standing there. My Dad just “appeared” in the middle of the Living Room. I saw him in my mind as if I had put-on special eyeglasses. (When my Dad was on “this” side of the “Veil” he was almost always a Carpenter.) He stood there for at least 30-seconds with a half-smile on his face. He said: “They build with Shapes over here.” A few more seconds passed and he just disappeared. I haven’t seen him since. However, I do feel him around me, “some times”, when I’m intensely working on building something out of wood and struggling with it. At those points, if I really focus on his energy, I can feel him guiding me… showing me how to accomplish what I’m trying to do.
Again, this is not about “me”. I’m simply the person having these experiences and happy to share them with others. In other words, I’m happy to share these experiences (my “personal” and “very real” experiences) with anyone, hoping it will help others understand a little more about their own Loved Ones who may currently be on the “other side”.
I”m still reading the information in this Session. I’ve come to a few paragraphs which begin with:
  • “Now; what that means is that individual will continue to generate objective reality. They don’t remember their death for a time framework, and therefore they immediately begin creating reality that appears to be physical, appears to be the same as what they are accustomed to.”
My comments: Elias is describing the disorientation of the person who just crossed-over. He forgot to state that this does not happen to EVERY person who crosses. This didn’t happen to Sylvia. Her Parents, who crossed-over many years before, came to the foot of her bed about a week before she crossed. Then, during those first few minutes of Sylvia crossing-over, before walking with them, she stopped and presented me with some information. Then she left with them. The next day, less than 12-hours later, Sylvia went back to Hospice to see me. I had gone back because I couldn’t stand the horrible emptiness at home without her. This is when Sylvia actually “spoke” to me and said:
  • “The Veils are getting thinner. I will be with you soon.”
So, what I’m pointing out here is that the information “Elias” is presenting does not apply to “every” person who has crossed-over.
Question everything.

Here’s the link to this Session as “Text”:

Here’s the link to this Session in “Audio” form:
Here’s the link to Mary Ennis’ website: