PS 2-12-22 Sather, Cobra, Updates

The following 55-minute video is from Researcher Jordan Sather. I don’t agree with everything he talks about but the information he presents should provide another perspective on what “may” be happening “on” and “to” this Planet.
Around the 23-minute mark, he talks about the recent disabling of 40, new, StarLink Satellites.
My comments: One thing which caught my attention was the weakening of the Earth’s Magnetic Shield. Sylvia and I had heard about this a couple of decades ago. I just didn’t realize just how weak this Shield is at this point in Time.
This information is extremely important, at least to “me”, because it might be feedback… it might be providing me with “when” the Earth Changes will take place and the “Veil” (between me and Sylvia) is removed.
So is this a real “Sign” that “Ascension” is getting closer?
…and remember what “Q” and President Trump have said, many times… “nothing can stop this”. Were they referring to “society events” or something off-Planet? Only Time will tell.
Question everything.
Here’s the link to Jordan’s video:

Here’s the link to the Solar data website that Jordan mentions:

This was Posted on February 12, 2022 by Cobra:
  • Ascension Plan Update
  • “Time has come to release the next portion of the Ascension plan for this planet.”
  • “Some intel about the Ascension plan was already released in a previous update:”
  • “Since then, the Plan has evolved and new intel was given by the Light Forces.”
  • “Most importantly, the Light forces have communicated that the Ascension window of 1975-2025 will NOT close in 2025, but will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN. This means that energies will keep increasing and since 2025, the Ascension energies will forever permanently flow from the Galactic Central Sun through our Solar System towards the planetary surface.”
  • “The Light forces have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event. Based on the intel I have, I can make an educated guess and speculate for two possible scenarios. The first scenario predicts the Event in 3-15 months timeframe from now and then a fast transformation of the surface human society until the Galactic Pulse in 2025. The second scenario predicts the Event in 2025 and the Galactic Pulse a few years later, but earlier than 2030. Be aware that these dates are just speculations and may be wrong, since they were not directly confirmed by the Light forces.”
  • “Also very importantly, there was a substantial change to the Ascension plan when Project 501 collapsed in the summer of 2019. It then became absolutely clear to the Light forces that surface humanity will not be able to undergo healing and liberation without direct physical intervention, and that surface society will have to go through a slow collapse until direct intervention can be safely introduced without dark forces destroying the planet. Therefore the original plan with three Ascension waves between the Event and the Galactic Superwave was too ambitious and had to be revised. So here is the revised Ascension plan.”
  • “First, the increased energy from the Galactic Central Sun will continue to purify all the remaining quantum and subquantum anomaly around the planet and beyond, and the Light forces will keep removing all negative non-physical entities. Some quite reliable clues about the removal of various aspects of the primary anomaly can be found here:”
  • “Second, the solar activity will keep increasing, as we are coming closer and closer to the solar maximum of solar cycle 25. Early predictions were estimating that cycle to peak in July 2025, but now scientists are expecting the solar maximum in late 2024:”
  • “Early research of Alexander Tchijevsky has shown that 60% of all social unrest happens within a year and a half of each solar maximum:”
  • “Therefore we can expect monumental societal changes between early 2023 and early 2026, that is a year and a half of the current solar maximum of solar cycle 25:”
  • “This coincides perfectly with Portal 2025:”
  • “And with prophecy of Beinsa Douno:”
  • “All negative timelines will collapse and all timelines will converge into the Event:”
  • “At the time of peak social unrest and with enough anomaly removed, the Light forces will upgrade the current state of emergency for the surface of the planet into martial law.”
  • “This practically means that the whole surface population will undergo a brief (3-7 days) military lockdown during which the mass arrests will be taking place. People will be instructed to strictly stay at home to ensure the safety of military operations without collateral damage. Positive forces will be using quantum pulse weapons to block the weaponry of the Negative military and to freeze the troops and civilians who will refuse to obey the orders of the Positive military.”
  • “There is still a large aspect of the Event plan that needs to stay classified and will be a big surprise almost to everybody.”
  • “After the Event, the surface society will undergo a drastic transformation that will take a few years.”
  • “General surface population will keep integrating intel about Exposure and Disclosure that will be released through the mass media, and begin to heal their deep psychological wounds from the dark past.”
  • “While the most extreme psychopaths and sociopaths will be removed from the surface of the planet at the Event and shortly after, many latent sociopaths will remain in the society until the Galactic Superwave and keep a low profile without causing any harm, knowing that any harmful action would trigger their swift removal.”
  • “It takes quite a long time to completely purge a system:”
  • “After the Event, the vast majority of Lightworkers will go through a massive healing process with much assistance from positive energies, angels and Light forces. There is a lot of self-healing work that needs to be done, and it is expected that a few years later when the Galactic Pulse arrives, about 2000 people will be ready to Ascend in the first wave of Ascension which will coincide with the Galactic Superwave and the planetary Evacuation:”
  • “Those preparing to Ascend will be living in Islands of Light, which will begin to be formed shortly after the Event.”
  • “They will connect with their twin souls, many of them being on the motherships:”
  • “They will expand their horizons beyond past programming and start forming Soul relationships:”
  • “During the Evacuation, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will rescue the surface humanity from the Galactic Tsunami:”
  • “After the Evacuation and after the Earth goes through its transformation, only beings fully aligned with Light will be allowed to return and reinhabit the Earth in Islands of Light and prepare for the second and third wave of Ascension which will happen relatively soon afterwards.
  • The mass of humanity will be evacuated and transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system which already inhabits about 70 billion humans which were evacuated from the astral plane of planet Earth in 1999.”
  • “About 500 million of surface evacuees, mostly sociopaths and psychopaths and many of them Dracos and Reptilians who came to Earth in 1996-1999 period and were living since then in human clones on the surface, will not be able to fulfill the minimum criteria for evolution and will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring.”
  • “This effectively means the end of darkness and suffering for the whole universe, and a “new cycle of luminosity can begin”.”
  • “Victory of the Light!”
Be sure the visit the following web page, in order to view the images and access the links provided by Cobra.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:
This 27-minute video, from February 11th, cover several different topics of Current Events.
I’m including this because it provides yet another perspective on what is “supposedly” happening around the world, at least at the “Society” level.
Around the 11:42-mark, the Narrator shows a short video clip of a Canadian Trucker giving an update on that situation.
Question everything.
Here’s the link:

PS 2-10-22 *Starship, *Electricity, *Testing, *Hamilton

*First a few comments:
Ever since I was about 8-years old, I had a sense, a feeling that I was not from this Planet.

A few decades ago, I had a feeling that I not only have my own Starship but that it’s here, on Earth, somewhere.

A few years before Sylvia crossed-over, I saw (within my mind), that very Ship, buried several feet (or several miles) underground.. I saw the “standard, Saucer-shaped Craft” that has been shown in many movies and various pieces of Art, for hundreds of years. However, the Ship within my mind was “tilted” — one end lower than the other. The feeling that I had was that my Ship had been lodged (parked) in the ground for so very long that the push and pull of the land masses caused it to tilt.

I explained my vision to Sylvia at that time.

Ever since I first saw my Ship in that vision, I kept checking on it, mentally (Psychically).

A few years after Sylvia crossed-over, I saw that my Ship had righted itself — the Saucer was on a true-horizontal Plane. After Sylvia was on the other side of the “Veil”, I had given her permission to enter the Ship and informed the Robot onboard, and the various Systems of this. That allowed her to have full access to everything. So maybe “Sylvia” made some adjustments which caused the Ship to be righted and to be in “Readiness Mode”.

Today, while at work, the “thought” of my Ship appeared within my mind. As I started to bring its image into the examination portion of my memory, Sylvia began explaining a few things…

  • (me) I find it odd that “my” Ship is a standard “Storybook”, Saucer shape.
  • (Sylvia) It’s not.
  • (me) …but I kept seeing…
  • (Sylvia) That image appeared within your mind when you were ready for it… When you had evolved enough to begin to grasp that next Level of yourself. It was shown to you as “Saucer-shaped”, to show you the “tilt”… and the tilt was designed into that image so you would place your “Attention” / “Intention” on it. You thought you were “righting the Ship” but you were actually making a “re-connection” to your Ship, which you had established long, long ago. It was a “Call” to your Ship: “I’ve evolved to my goal… the first rung of my awakening on the ladder of me and Sylvia “going home”. So move to Readiness Mode. Monitor and stabilize my energies.”
  • (Sylvia) Sending you the true image of your Ship would not show you that it needed your Attention and sending feelings along with it, in order to get you to place your Intention on that Craft, would have taken much longer.

I don’t know if my Ship is only capable of Solar System Travel or if it can “Portal Jump”. I have a feeling it’s a short-range Ship and relies on a much larger vessel to bring it to far-away destinations.

Question everything.
A few Posts ago, I included some information and a link to a video which stated that Electricity doesn’t travel along cables. Instead, a Magnetic Field is “generated” along each cable and THAT’S what provides the “Energy” for the devices connected to it to operate.
Recently, I’ve been thinking about that…
If that information was true, then we’d be hearing about, and experiencing, lots of devices activating, simply because their cables were “not connected” but laying “along side” other cables which were.
Question everything.
This was sent to me by E.R. (who’s on this list) thank you.
It was sent to me on December 22, 2021. I haven’t forgotten it. I’ve just been a bit pre-occupied with various facets of this existence.
E.R. was responding to something I had Posted. Here is what was sent to me:
  • “Hey Paul,”
  • “Your latest message about government mind-control via TV and Covid related fear-mongering got me thinking.”
  • “In order to take the ‘free’ covid test, to make sure you DON’T have it, you’ve got to stick that 6″ Q-tip up your nose.”
  • “And what exactly is on that Q-tip? I mean there must be something that reacts at the microbial level to detect some kind of microbial ‘covid’ kind of thing. Does that make sense?. Does anybody know exactly what is on that swab?”
  • “So here we are, 500 million Americans told to stick a chemical-laden swab deep into the sinus passages to do what? How much better a time could it be for the Cabal to ‘inject’ some kind of harmful substances, either short-term (doubtful) or long-term (more likely).”
  • “Take a sample out, or more likely, put something in!”
This might seem like a simple thing…
  • (sheeple) “It’s only a cotton swab. It’s coated with some type of Litmus chemical that reacts to that covid virus. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) says it will help us all be safe.”
…but is it really “safe”? Safe for everyone to come into contact with?
  • If a “stranger” gave you a cotton swab and told you to stick it up your nose, would you do it? Most of us would NOT.
  • If a “random doctor” gave you a cotton swab and told you to stick it up your nose, would you do it? He doesn’t know anything about you, your possible allergies or negative reactions to various drugs. Would you still “just stick that swab up your nose”? I don’t think so!
I’m including this because, “yes, what IS ON that Q-Tip?” and to show, just like E.R., there are a lot of people out there who are not simply following whatever is on “Television” (the cabal’s narrative). They are actually questioning what the cabal is whispering into “Society’s Collective Ears”.
Question everything.


This is from Experiencer and GateKeeper, Peg Hamilton. I’m on her eMail list and I don’t think she has a website. So I don’t have a link to provide you with…
  • Dear friends”
  • ”    I am being stimulated to send this information from myself.”
  • “You probably already knew and applied this.”
  • “When you are creating, the universe does not recognize any form of NO. So if you take that word out sometimes whats left is not what you desire. sample; “I am not a smoker”.  universe reads as “I am a smoker.”
  • “There is no code for “no” in this universe.”
  • “Many humans are using the negative form of a request”
  • “I do not know how I knew this.  I may have learned from the original RA material.”
  • “I find that if I use “I Have” OR “I AM” —-AND FOLLOW WITH POSITIVE FORM OF REQUEST it is powerful.”
  • sample  I am cleaning my lungs of smoke.”
  • ”              I have clean clear lungs”
  • ”              I am free of additions now”
  • ”              I am receiving powerful energies”
  • ”              The universe helps me be smoke free”
  • ”              I am smoke free”
  • ”              I have cleared all addictions”
  • ”              I am creating smoke free  healthy body”
  • “These are some appropriate statements to say outloud often. you will receive the corresponding energies.”
  • “This applies to all focus creations.”
  • ”               Avoid “not” and “no”. in your thoughts and words.”
  • ”   you can look at what the thought reads  with no/not dropped off.”
  • “I am that which I seek.”
  • “love peg
I’m including this because it’s something that Sylvia taught me a few decades ago. I don’t know where she learned about this but it has helped me ever since. Peg’s explanation of this provides the foundation of how this works.
Question everything.
To subscribe to Peg Hamilton’s eMail list just send your Address to her: