PS 9-22-21 *Sylvia, *Veils

*First a comment:
Today would have been My Sylvia’s Birthday (9/22/36)… her Incarnation… her Manifesting into this “experience” we call “Reality”.
Last week, I was working in one of the public areas at work. The Assistant Manager came by at one point to talk with another employee. They were standing about 12-feet from me and Sylvia.
During their talk, I was thinking:
  • “I need to talk to the Assistant Manager but I’ll do it later today.”
I never said anything to her at that Time and there was no one else around.
They finished their conversation and the Assistant Manager turned away from us and took about 2-steps and stopped:
  • “What? Did someone call my name?”
She was probably within 10-feet of where I was standing when she said that.
Now, to “me”, she actually picked-up on my Telepathy, even though I wasn’t purposely trying to Psychically communicate with her.
I take this as feedback that the “Veils” are continuing to get thinner, just as Sylvia told me within a few hours after she crossed-over.

PS 9-10-21 *IRS, *Babel

*First a comment:
Yes, I still check several of my “alternative news” websites for any information on what “I” am Tracking. I do this every night. However, there just hasn’t been anything worth passing along.
  • Remember, I’m looking for information which provides me with feedback on what Sylvia “showed” and “spoke” to me, within a few hours after she crossed-over.
  • These topics… These “Puzzle Pieces” have nothing to do with Society-level happenings or the various “he said / she said” distractions by celebrities or politicians.
In a previous Blog Post, I mentioned that the “irs” had sent us a letter, asking us to phone them so we can verify we are who we say we are. (That sounds very strange to begin with.) I did verify that this is not a Scam.
It’s been a couple of months now and each Time I phone, I hear a recorded message explaining some parts of that letter and then, when their Automated System switches me over to wait in line, a message comes on, saying they are experiencing extremely high call volumes and cannot take my call at this Time. There’s no choice but to disconnect the call (hang-up).
Today, when I phoned, their Automated Message simply states that they are experiencing an error with their System and we’re forced to hang-up. In other words, the message is very different and very abrupt.
“My” interpretation is that “maybe”… just maybe the illegal “irs” is finally being overhauled, to comply with the upcoming re-instating of the “Republic of the United States”… or the “irs” is being dismantled.
Just a few thoughts.
Last week, I was thinking about “Telepathy”, when a “Puzzle Piece” entered the equation (within my Mind)…
  • What “IF”… Instead of dividing a single Language into many… what “IF” everyone at that Time was communicating with each other through “Telepathy” and the “Event of the Tower of Babel” actually broke that connection? Then, being forced to express themselves by making various sounds with their mouth, the people began to form Clusters with those they felt comfortable with (in forming the sounds required to communicate).
  • In other words… At first, everyone would simply be making any type of grunt, click, swish sounds they could get their Vocal Chords and mouth to create. (Of course, no one would understand anyone else at this point.) Some people who heard those sounds might try to reproduce them but couldn’t. So they would move away from that person. When they heard someone else making sounds they COULD recreate, they felt more comfortable and remained near THAT person. Eventually forming a Cluster of people and ultimately a Language Group and a Culture.
So, “IF” that’s true then, maybe this “breaking of Telepathy” was caused by the cabal’s activating of the “Grid”, which, “some say”, has sealed off the Earth from connecting with our Star Families and introduced the “Soul capture and re-incarnate” Cycle that “some say” has been going on here for a VERY long Time.
Right now, to “me”, what doesn’t make sense in this idea is the timing. If the Tower of Babel incident happened around 5,000-to-6,000-years ago, it just seems a bit too recent. I would have thought the Tower of Babel (and the instillation of the “Grid”) would have happened shortly after the inhabitants of Planet Tiamat crashed in Antarctica… but “I think” that was 100,000 or more years ago. At the very least, it might have happened during the last Time the Earth crossed the Galactic Central Sun — either 12,000 or 26,000-years ago.
Just more thoughts.