PS 3-17-18 *Veil, Lies?, Arrests?

*First a few comments:

(Sylvia and I didn’t Post anything yesterday.)

On Thursday, I mentioned to Sylvia that we had a nice, clear, blue Sky — no “Chemtrails” / “Vapor Trails” / “Cloud Grids” and that we hadn’t seen any for several months. Then, yesterday, on our way to work, we those very “trails” again! We counted at least 6 planes leaving straight “Clouds” in the Sky. We also noticed that they seem to “mostly” place those “trails” in front of the “Sun”.

  • If the cabal was going to harm us by dispersing chemicals in the Air they would spray the entire Sky. So, to “me”, they are simply trying to keep us from seeing something that’s near the “Sun”.

So, if the cabal was keeping us from seeing something near the “Sun”, they would have to use a LOT of planes… right? Well, Sylvia and I saw 6 planes coating the Sky over the town we live in. Because we’ve been told that the “Sun” is millions of miles from here, the cabal would have to use 6 planes over every populated “town” and “city” on this planet, in order to keep “everyone” from seeing whatever is up there. This would mean millions of planes in the Sky JUST to cover the “Sun”. “Financially” and “logistically” this doesn’t seem possible.

So if the cabal aren’t using millions of planes to hide the “Sun”, then, maybe, the “Sun” isn’t as far away as they’ve been telling us. This would make more sense because it would take fewer planes to hide the “Sun” from being seen at more locations.

As always, YOUR mileage may vary.


  • About a week ago, Sylvia asked me to include this information. However, I kept forgetting to do this and there may have been a day or 2 where we didn’t Post anything.

(I’ve mentioned some of this in previous Postings.)

  • Sylvia wants this information included at this point in Time because some people are now doing this with THEIR Loved Ones across the “Veil” and a few others would like to know more about it…

Sylvia appreciates that I explain the major happenings around me:

  • the loud-sounding Central Heater in our home turns on or shuts off… or
  • when I’m about to activate my loud, electric Shaver… or
  • when we’re going outside and it’s an extremely low temperature…
  • or when I manage to damage this Unit (the body and its many System).

In those situations where there is a large and sudden surge of electro-magnetic energy around me, Sylvia appreciates me describing what’s going on. She’s indicated that she sometimes sees me as a ball of chaotic particles. She recognizes my “Energy Signature” but she sometimes cannot determine exactly what I’m doing.

  • For example… Let’s say Sylvia and I are home and I told her I was about to eat Breakfast. She knows we’re inside and safe. There’s no one else around and that I’m enjoying the food I’m eating. At some point, however, my energy surges slightly into the negative but she can’t understand why. Knowing this, I tell her what just happened… I was drinking my coffee but it was too hot and I burned my tongue.

So it’s important to our Loved Ones to know what we’re doing and if we are in any strange or painful situations. Beyond that, knowing which aspects of your Daily existence to explain to your Loved One depends on the Character of that Being. With Sylvia, I know she likes to know that I’m safe, what the Weather is like and that we have enough Gas in our car. So I state these things as I encounter them.

Because I feel Sylvia right next to me most of the Time, I also talk to her throughout the Day and include her in pretty much any decision I have to make… right down to which Soup to buy for Lunch.

Sylvia’s now reminding me… For those of you who are doing this, the more you use your Senses, in order to feel your Loved One near you and the more you include them in your Day-to-Day happenings, the faster and easier it will be and the stronger your connection with them will be.

It’s been very sad for many, who are currently on the other side of the “Veil”, because they can “see” and “hear” us much better than we can sense “them”. For “some” on THIS side of the “Veil”, you once told your Loved Ones that you would love them forever… any yet, you have allowed “Time” to place a wedge between your commitments with them and the illusion you think you live in.

  • Let’s say we’re talking about your “Spouse” / “Significant Other”. Let’s say they are driving a car and you are in the Passenger Seat. You’re tired. So you go to sleep. At some point, they drive to a grocery store, quietly get out and go inside to shop. After several minutes, you wake-up, look around and don’t see that person. You call-out to her or him but they don’t respond. They must be “gone forever”. Right? Well, if “you” can’t “see” or “hear” them, they must not be “out of your life” / “never to return”.

So, just as in that example, you can understand that the idea is just dumb… because, of course that person is simply inside that building… and this is very similar to what Sylvia and I now understand about our perception of the “Veil” and those who “cross-over” to the other side of it.

Those Beings are still with us after they “cross”. (“Most” of them. It depends on several things — Life Contract with those on THIS side of the “Veil”, their Higher Purpose, etc.) So “most” of those Beings will be spending a lot of Time near their Loved Ones on THIS side of the “Veil”. However, if we listen to the cabal’s “Society”, they will collectively whisper in our ears: “You’ll find someone else”… “It’s time you moved on with your life”, etc. If you then decide to “get rid of their Belongings” and begin “Dating”, this is when those on the “other side” become sad. They do understand the situation and “most” don’t fault their Loved Ones on THIS side but it’s still very sad.

As for me and Sylvia… It’s now been over 362-weeks since she crossed-over and I continue to do all those things that I did when she was “physically” here. In other words, I can’t “see” or “hear” her… yet but all of her things are still exactly where she left them. I talk with her throughout the Day… EVERY day. I don’t “have a cup of coffee with the guys”, accept any invitations for Holiday Dinner at a co-workers home. I don’t do anything more with “Society” than I have to. So, basically, I go to work, eat, research, sleep, get-up and do it all the next Day. Rinse and repeat. I do this, this way, because I KNOW the “Veil” will be removed IN MY LIFETIME.

Because I continually remain energetically connected to Sylvia, I know a lot about her and her situation “on the other side”. I wish I knew more but I have pieced-together several facets:

  • I know what she looks like. Yes, it’s “Sylvia”, so of course I would know what she looks like… but she’s changed a bit. She selected the form she now has. So her outer-body design is slightly different. I won’t go into details but I know how she now appears.
  • I know where she’s living.
  • I know the types of things she’s been eating.
  • I know the members of “my” family, who have crossed-over, that she has been in contact with, and more.

So the old Saying: “Practice makes perfect” fits here. Please take the Time to practice your connection with YOUR Loved Ones… and pay attention to your Dreams. Those things, together, may surprise you at what they may show you.


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)

I’m including this as yet another facet that “we’ve been lied to” and “question everything”.

“IF” this information is true, this 29-minute video explains that “Dinosaurs” are not real. The Narrator provides several pieces of information, which points to this.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


According to this 35-minute video, the Arrests of the higher-level cabal members are now taking place.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

Here’s the link to the 21-minute, Alex Jones video mentioned in the above video:

Published by

Paul & Sylvia

Since Sylvia "crossed-over" on 4/9/11", we have been working "through the Veil". In 2016, we finished an album together. Sylvia wrote it "over there" and sent the songs to me as "images", "feelings", etc. The various Rhythms, Melodies, Harmonies, Song Styles, etc. came to me as pieces, which I assembled into Songs. You can listen to this entire album for free from this page: (Be sure to scroll down, in order to read the Background information.)

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