PS 2-3-24 *Ascension, *Gravity, *Sylvia

*First a comment:
I used to think the Medical Machine (big Pharma) was designed to keep Humanity from evolving.
  • “Some say” more and more Beings who Incarnate onto the Earth at this Time are here to “anchor the Light”… to bring their knowledge and memories of what is truly happening to the rest of us.
A few days ago, however, I had a slight “insight” into something else…
  • What “IF” the “cabal” knows what is about to unfold in this Galaxy… and what is about to unfold is that all Beings will be Upgraded to 5th Dimension Energies. This means no 3rd Dimension drugs (medicines) will be able to hold back (negatively manipulate) any Being anywhere.
  • What the “cabal” don’t understand is… negatively manipulating someone with 3D tools is like trying to nail a sheet of paper to a flame.
Last week, I began thinking about something which I thought was unique but when I mentioned it to a co-worker, she told me her High School Physical Science Teacher presented this same question to her classes:
It’s still a very good idea for “Mental Exercise”… “What if there was no gravity?”
  • Would all the moisture in the Clouds simply remain up in the Sky?
  • Would each splash from a Waterfall, or the crashing of ocean waves, cause that water to float upward?
  • Would all the water on the surface of the Earth eventually float up into the Atmosphere?
  • Would all the Beings who walk or crawl evolve into Beings who can only fly or swim?
  • Would birds lose the ability to control where they fly and how fast they do it?
  • Would bridges, cars, trains, ships and planes become obsolete?
  • Would buildings become impossible to anchor to the ground?
  • Would Skyscrapers reach to the Heavens?
  • Using a breathing apparatus, would people be able to walk to the Moon?
  • Would new types of food be invented?
  • Would new sports be invented?
  • Would people build new cities which float over the land?
  • Would some countries built border walls which reach to the upper Atmosphere?

Just something to think about.

Although it’s now been over 670-weeks since Sylvia crossed-over, I know she’s here with me every day. Some days I feel her stronger than others and last night was a very strong experience…
  • About 2-hours before I normally wake-up for work, I heard a slight “crack” sound. Similar to when you’re outside and someone steps on a dry twig but this sound was not on the floor. It was up a couple of feet and around the corner from our bedroom.
  • I laid there listening and completely focused on that sound.
  • Within a few seconds, I then heard 7-tones, one after the other. Each tone was the same pitch and made-up of a pure Sine Wave with a very quick Attack and a very short Decay. Although the Tones were fairly quick, they didn’t just play in a mechanical progression. Instead, 2 of the Tones were spaced slightly away from the one before it, creating a Pattern.
I know this was Sylvia, for several reasons.
As always, I’m including this information…
  1. …to show that experiences are still happening between me and Sylvia and
  2. …to show that anyone can “get in touch with” the Energies which surround all things. It’s just a matter of paying attention, keep an open mind, don’t take anything for granted and communicate, acknowledge and respect the many Signs, Symbols and Synchronicities which you will discover along your Path.
Question everything.

Published by

Paul & Sylvia

Since Sylvia "crossed-over" on 4/9/11", we have been working "through the Veil". In 2016, we finished an album together. Sylvia wrote it "over there" and sent the songs to me as "images", "feelings", etc. The various Rhythms, Melodies, Harmonies, Song Styles, etc. came to me as pieces, which I assembled into Songs. You can listen to this entire album for free from this page: (Be sure to scroll down, in order to read the Background information.)

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