PS 1-5-24 *NameChange

*First a comment:
I may have mentioned part of this before but I’m going to put all the pieces together here, at this point in Time…
For most of my life, probably around 40-years, I realized that I don’t truly identify with my First Name (Paul). The ironic thing is, when I was born, my Parents lived on “Paul Street”. However, there are no Relatives in my entire family with the name “Paul” or even “Paula”.
Whenever someone says my First Name or when I see it written, I’m a bit confused… “That’s supposed to represent “me” but I just don’t feel it… I don’t know who I’m supposed to be or what Name I’m supposed to respond to but “Paul” just doesn’t feel right.
  • Today, as I thought about it being about 40-years since I noticed this, I realized that this is about the Time when my Mom crossed-over. I just found that interesting. There’s probably a connection there but I can’t find it at the moment.
About 15-years ago, I thought strongly, again, about my First Name. When I did, a word came into my mind. I looked at it and, yeah, this could work… it feels right. However, I didn’t feel as though it was Time for me to step-into that Energy. So I waited.
  • Remember, this isn’t a “legal” Name Change. It’s just a nickname which I’d like everyone to call me. If someone forgets and still calls me “Paul”, it’s not really a problem. It’s just… For most of my life, It’s been difficult for me to stop and realize that someone is actually calling “me”, when they say “Paul”. Since I’ll be Calibrating my Energies to my new Name, responding to “Paul” will be even more difficult.
When that word came into my mind, I talked everything over with Sylvia, who was still on THIS side of the “Veil”. So she’s the only Being who knows all the details… until now.
This “First Name identification” has been on my mind, more and more, for all of these last 15-years.
Near the end of November, 2023, I was beginning to receive strong Energies, which I interpreted as “2024. You need to reveal this new Name in 2024.”
I then began to think about how I would Ground that new word to “me”… If I did some type of small Ceremony, I would need a female to Speak my Name to me.
  • “Female” because, as “some say”, the Earth is now within the full influence of “Divine Feminine” Energy. So having a female Speak my Name, would be more compatible with the current Earth Energies than having a “male” do the same thing.

I searched my mind but didn’t think I knew a female with a strong enough Energy to perform this Ceremony. At that point, information came to me (from a Star Being or one of my Guides, I’m not sure) which stated that “I” could Ground this Name to myself my Speaking it into a large body of water.

Around mid-December, as I was preparing my mind to bring this Name into me, I had a Dream:
  • My perspective was up about 30-feet and looking down and on a slight angle to the ground.
  • I could see “me” kneeling in front of someone.
  • As I looked at that other person, I saw that it was My Sylvia. She was holding a Sword. (I learned later that this is the same Sword that Sylvia and I used in our Wedding Ceremony.)
  • Sylvia was now “Knighting” me to this new Name.
  • Some point, just before or after waking up, Sylvia and I talked about “when” I should reveal this Name here on THIS side of the “Veil”. We agreed on January 5th, 2024. (In the Realm of “Energy”, I wasn’t to show or mention this new Name to anyone until midnight on that Date.)
I created a document which contained my new Name, in large letters, and the Numerology for both my “Paul” and the new Name.
When we got to work today, I simply held up that sheet of paper, to show the other employees what my new Name is.
  • The Numerology on “Paul” comes out to “5”, which represents “Change”.
  • The Numerology on my new Name comes out to “11”, a Master number. (“1” represents “New Beginnings”.)
NOTE: If you want to test your Psychic abilities, go ahead and do that now. See if you can find my new First Name before I reveal it. I can tell you this about it…
  • It’s not a person’s Name.
  • It’s 2 different words put together and I’m not the first person to put them together.
  • Remember, I’m a Drummer.
See if you can guess it… I’ll count to 10…
My new Name is:

Published by

Paul & Sylvia

Since Sylvia "crossed-over" on 4/9/11", we have been working "through the Veil". In 2016, we finished an album together. Sylvia wrote it "over there" and sent the songs to me as "images", "feelings", etc. The various Rhythms, Melodies, Harmonies, Song Styles, etc. came to me as pieces, which I assembled into Songs. You can listen to this entire album for free from this page: (Be sure to scroll down, in order to read the Background information.)

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