PS 12-19-23 *NameChange

*First a comment:
The following was sent to me by K.K., who is on this List. Her Comments are in response to my explaining my upcoming Name Change:
  • Very cool about the name change. In 2001-3 sometime in that space, I was working with the Shape shifted music. I got to have a healing session on a table that had crystals glued to it and speakers with their music. I listened to their Shambles album. It is a very intense piece. I was taken to the “Star Nursery” where I was created. The beings that created me sang me into being. They sang “KAFARATHA, KAFARATHA  WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH. YOU ARE OUR ONLY ONE” And more, but I don’t remember the rest. You can share this to the group.
  • BTW, I have been getting Lisa Harrison’s weekly 5 minute videos. They are good. You can pay for the whole thing. LISAMHARRISON.COM
  • KAFARATHA means beautiful flower.
Here’s the link to Lisa Harrison’s YouTube Channel:

Published by

Paul & Sylvia

Since Sylvia "crossed-over" on 4/9/11", we have been working "through the Veil". In 2016, we finished an album together. Sylvia wrote it "over there" and sent the songs to me as "images", "feelings", etc. The various Rhythms, Melodies, Harmonies, Song Styles, etc. came to me as pieces, which I assembled into Songs. You can listen to this entire album for free from this page: (Be sure to scroll down, in order to read the Background information.)

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