PS 11-22-23 *Sylvia’sDesk, TwoEarths

*First a few comments:
Sylvia and I are off tomorrow, Thanksgiving. Those who have to work will receive a $25 bonus.
After we bought my current Drumset (about a year ago), I wanted to integrate the Drumset Sylvia bought me, many years ago, into it. However, I couldn’t because there’s not enough room in our Living Room.
  • Our Living Room is divided in half with my Drums and desk area and Sylvia’s wrap-around (U-shaped) desk.
At the beginning of 2023, I asked Sylvia if I could take her desk apart. I asked her every day and it took her 3-months to send me a reply…
  • One night, between Dreamstate and waking-up, she showed me a circle with the word “yes” inside it. I knew it was from her and I knew she was giving me permission to remove her desk.
…However, every day, when I started to tackle this monumental Project, I got depressed and couldn’t bear to move her things. (Yes, even after 12-years, all of Sylvia’s things, throughout our home, are exactly where she left them.)
At that point, it had been months since I had 2-days off in a row. So I told Sylvia, “I’ll move your desk the next Time we have 2-days off in a row.”
Last week, the new Schedules were Posted at work. I even had to ask the Supervisor… “Did you really give me THREE DAYS OFF IN A ROW?”
Three days in a row! So I took that as coming from Sylvia and telling me “Now, deal with my desk now!”
  • So I’ve spent more than 19-hours over the last 2-days (with one more day to go) sorting through the things in her desk area, moving some papers to other parts of our home, setting aside the MANY papers (especially the music she wrote) and decorative objects which we’ll keep, cleaning everything and throwing out those things which don’t apply any more. (I told Sylvia we’re going to focus on OUR Energy, OUR Band, OUR Logo.)
  • I’ve kept several Apple-branded items and copies of the M.A.C.S. club newsletters that we created but everything else went into the trash.
  • There are BOXES of things in the trash and a box that we’ll take to Goodwill.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to complete this Project tomorrow but my goal is to disconnect the 2-parts of her “U” desk (which I’ve done) and rotate her main desk 90 or 180 degrees and slide it agains a wall.
  • Initially, I was going to put her entire desk in the trash and keep all the papers and music scores that she created but I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that… emotionally or mentally. As it is, there were a few times, during these last 2-days, when I almost had a meltdown.
At the beginning of this year, Sylvia and I had 3 Credit Cards and owed them $8,000 total. Right now, I managed to pay-off and Close 2 of those Cards and we owe $800 on the third one. (I still have no idea how we did this. I just listen to Sylvia’s suggestions and everything just seems to work.)
  • With that said, we just bought me another piece of music gear for my electronic Drum setup. So we now owe another $900 on top of that.
  • We bought a new “Roland SPD SX Pro” Multipad. It was discounted $300 for Black Friday.
  • The Multipad is where I’ll connect the electronic Pads from my older Drumset.
On October 31st, the following was sent to me by Peggy Hamilton. (I’m on her Mailing List.) The article is by Jenny Schiltz. Here’s the link:

I would like to share with you a dream communication that I received that had snakes in it. I feel that the messages are important. Run them through your heart center and feel the meaning it has for you.

I was in a vast room, walking with my highest aspect. I saw a snake in the corner and she was laying 2 eggs.  We picked up the eggs and put them in the center of the room. We then went to a gazebo surrounded by the most gorgeous flowers and watched the eggs in the center of the room. It wasn’t long before they began to hatch, and what they hatched were bubbles that I instinctively knew represented two Earths. I watched them both fill with people and energy.

The group on the left were Souls that were able to work together, they were able to give and receive in equal measure. There was much creation and joy in this group. They simply glowed.

The group on the right seemed miserable.  They were unable to see that they were holding themselves and others back. This group appeared stuck, stuck in their ways of thinking, acting, and feeling.  I asked if I could go into that bubble and assist. I had packets of medicine that I thought could help people. My highest aspect smiled knowingly at me and gave permission.

I entered the bubble and immediately touched a man and was transported into his reality. It was a dog-eat-dog world. All he could see was that people were out to get him and he chose to get them first. I looked at my medicine packets and knew nothing could help this. I tried to talk to him but it fell on deaf ears and I walked away.

I then came across a woman who was so full of Sorrow that her tears could have created a flood. When I touched her I was able to see her world. She had a deep belief that Humanity was doomed and that the majority of people were cruel and harmful. Due to this belief, she found things that confirmed it over and over again. She submerged herself in stories of animal and child abuse, crime, torture and gross injustices. She could see no other way. I gave her a medicine packet of Hope but it was just washed away by her tears. I knew I could do nothing more so I walked away.

I looked around and I saw a woman who had incredible light that she was giving to others. She seemed different than the others and I was very hopeful that I could assist her. But when I touched her I realized that while she was able to bring in great light, but she was unable to love herself enough to keep any. Because of this lack of self-love, she attracted people that took her for granted, people who abused her good nature and were very happy to take every ounce that she was willing to give. I gave her a packet of medicine called self-love but then I watched her give that away too. I knew that until she decided she was worthy of all that she has given away she would be unable to change her situation.

I then saw another man and when I went up to him and touched him I saw his world too. He was so filled with mistrust and anger, it was aimed at people, things, the government, the healthcare system, really anything. He was so busy protecting himself from them and sounding the alarm that he couldn’t see that his feet had shackles trapping him into the reality that he was so desperately trying to warn everyone about. I tried to give him a packet of Medicine with the word Clarity on it but he didn’t trust me enough to take it.

At this point, I was exhausted. I understood that there was little that I could do. It was their perceptions that had them caught in a loop. They couldn’t see past their grief, their pain, sorrow, or their inability to forgive. I could also see who I use to be in some of the people I touched. I could remember the years of being so full of sorrow at all the pain in the world, of being taken for granted and having a deep self-loathing. I could also remember being the one to shout the alarm and how that spiraled me into a depression and anxiety that was crushing.

I exited the bubble tired and a little despondent. I went and sat with my highest aspect who says “There is nothing that you can do. You must accept the choices one makes. If you continue, you risk becoming stuck in that creation and then you will be able to do very little.” I knew she was right. I knew how easy it was to get caught up in the stories.

When I looked at the two bubbles they didn’t look any different, they were both full of the same beauty, potential, and creation. Yet it was each person’s beliefs and filters that changed how that world looked for them.  I asked why the group on the left seemed to be and create from a different space. She answered simply “They understand that they are the creators of their own reality.”

It wasn’t long before I noticed that the bubble on the right had a few people pressed up against it and they were staring intently at the bubble on the left and the light that was shining so brightly from it.  In the left bubble, there was a feeling of community, of love for self, each other and love for the Earth. It just felt like pure possibility. The people were not perfect but they were all willing to change and undo their programming.

I then saw a beautiful sight, one by one people would leave the bubble on the right and slip into the one on the left. As I watched in excitement, the bubble on the right began to get smaller and smaller.

My highest aspect grabbed my arm and with a big smile she said: “It is almost time”.

I woke joyously and with the feeling that all of us shining our light out into the world is and has worked.

Sending you all so much love ❤
