PS 8-5-16 *Sleep, Hoffman, Wilcock

*First a comment:

I’m mentioning this in case others are experiencing a similar situation…

  • This morning, I partially woke-up, saw that the clock by our bed showed we were now about 45-minutes late in getting up. The alarm never went off. So we got up, did a few things and then I walked by the only clock in our home that Sylvia and I have set to the correct Time. It showed that we were actually a half-hour EARLY! So we laid back down for about 15-minutes.

It was almost surreal. I don’t remember that happening, since Sylvia crossed-over.

Question everything.


Although I check Jennifer Hoffman’s facebook page almost every day, I haven’t found many entries that I feel are providing me with some feedback of how Humanity is feeling. Today’s entry, however, is providing me with the type of information I’m looking for.

  • “Isn’t it an unusual day. Are you feeling empowered and confident? It’s the energy shift that we are working with now. Something significant happens on the 7th of August, I don’t know what but we’re leading into it now. This is another one of those “rubber meets the road” times, when people who have done their work are going to feel the changes in an empowered, flowing way, and those who have not done it yet are going to be panicking.And when I say ‘done their work’, that is a very broad term used to describe many different aspects of the ascension path, covering everything from awakening to the potential of a different kind of life to having a full on spiritual awakening experience (which can be a rather tough process). Everyone does their work at the right time and in the right way, there is no ‘wrong’ way to do this. But if it has been ignored and shoved aside, the repercussions may be happening now.”

“How are you feeling the energy today?”

Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This recent, 2-hour video is a presentation by whistleblower David Wilcock. He covers:

  • the Secret Space Program
  • the “Progenitors”
  • the hollow Moons and planets in our Solar System
  • The 100-foot tall race of Beings
  • The 12-foot tall Beings who have been in “Stasis” (Suspended Animation) all around this planet for a VERY long Time.
  • the 3 very tall Beings who are STILL in Stasis, in Ohio, where a Crystal technology keeps them in a Time Bubble, which the Cabal cannot pierce.

Is all of this part of “Disclosure”. Is “he” part of this unfolding?

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 7-13-16 WhiteHat-DarkHat

This is another Posting from a “group” or “person” who is a whistleblower. This is what was Posted:
“Intel Update 7-12-16 “Illuminati Update”
“The implant stations inside of the Kepler belt were successfully removed by the Pleiadians which lead to key Illuminati members having moments of clarity.”
“There are other groups on this planet that exist that are separate from the Illuminati/Cabal that can rival the Dracos/reptilians in technology and power.”
“These groups exist outside of the Illuminati and have always been baited into using their technology to consolidate power over the population for the Dracos.”
“Most of the key Illuminati members on the face of the planet have been removed. These are the people that do not appear in public and are generally unknown.”
“The head of the Illuminati has been cut off and there hasn’t been any organization by them in nearly 7 months.”
“The hierarchy of the Illuminati/Cabal is under complete siege and is falling a part at a very accelerated pace.”
“Any group that enters into the atmosphere of the planet either physically or etherically is immediately tracked by groups with advanced technology. They are then targeted with a technology that simulates the effects electro-shock torture. This makes it very hard for the group to make decisions while operating within the atmosphere. It also leads to a lot of groups being baited into landing physically on the surface of the planet and being forced into stasis-pods by certain Draco factions.”
“Non-physically or etherically the Pleiadians have been going back and forth between Taygeta and our solar system. Physically the vast majority of them are in stasis-pods underground in the Taygeta system or in deep underground military bases around the world.”
“The Ashtar Command which is an off-shoot of the Pleiadian fleet has been in orbit around the Earth sinch the 1950s and can be considered one of the secret space program factions.There was a general split among the Pleiadian High Command which lead to the creation of the Ashtar Command. Ashtar was willing to align with the Dracos in order to have some control of the Earth while the Pleiadian faction would only settle for unconditional surrender. There has always been people in the Ashtar Command that baited Ashtar into making decisions that aided the population of Earth.”
“Neither of the groups can live up to the prestige given to them by New Age lore. They make mistakes like everyone else but together the Asthar Command and Pleiadians have delayed the plans of the Cabal for 10,000 years which has given the population of Earth a chance to evolve at the end of this cycle.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 7-10-16 *AlbumQuestion, *Sun, Light, WhiteHat-DarkHat

*First a comment:


While doing more design work on the 12-page booklet which will be included in this album’s Jewel Case, Sylvia and I were talking again about what information to include. We always wanted to include the Lyrics and Song Titles. So this is what we’ve done. (Song Titles are easily viewable by potential Buyers because they’re on the outside-back of the Jewel Case. The Lyrics span the 12-pages of the included booklet.

  • Right now, this entire package will cost us $1,732 for 1,000 CDs in Jewel Cases and an included 12-page booklet… all 12-pages are now full. (This price also includes full Distribution for these CDs and Digital versions of this album.)

What we’re now wondering is if it’s worth the extra $300 to include each song’s details (or should we make a note in the CD that these details are on our website?) Some of these are very short and some are fairly long. The information for “Time Machine” seems to be the longest. I’m including that information here, in order for everyone to get an idea of the type of information we’re talking about:

  • Time Machine
  • Duration: 5:05
  • Bpm (Beats Per Minute): 134, 67
  • Tracks: 15
  • Style: Progressive-Rock
  • Mood: Stressful-hopeful. Searching for a way back to togetherness
  • Sylvia and I have spent about 70-hours on this song.
  • Paul and “Cyber Diva” sing in this song
  • 4/4 triplets, 4/4 134bpm, 4/4 67bpm, 4/4 134bpm, 3/4 67bpm, 4/4 134bpm, 5/4 134bpm March, 4/4 134bpm Rock
  • Drum Track: Used 20 Pads and 23 sounds.The “hollow wood” sound and “high, bell” sound are “Velocity Switched” from the same Pad. These “sounds” and “Pads” include the use of 2 Cymbal Pads as well as a Hi-Hat pedal and 2 Bass Drum pedals (on 2 different Bass Drum Pads, which means I had to move my foot between them during this song).
  • The main melodic instrument is actually 3 synthesizers sounding at the same time. Our “Roland JP-08” (Patch 64) produces “mostly” the Attach (beginning) of each note. Our “Novation UltraNova” produces “mostly” the Sustain (middle) of each note. This synth also is the keyboard for all 3 synths. Our “Roland System-1m” (Bank 7, Patch 3) produces “mostly” the Decay (ending) of each note.
  • The upward-sweeping, “alert” sound, in the 5/4 (March) section was made with the JP-08. I set one Envelope Generator to up-sweep the Oscillators, each time I pressed a key on the UltraNova keyboard. I simply had to press that key in Tempo.
  • This was the most difficult song on this album to assemble, because there are so many “sound”, “Tempo” and “Rhythm” changes. My 3D-mind didn’t understand the various pieces to this puzzle, when Sylvia sent them to me through our “Streaming” process. So it took a while just to place these pieces in the correct order and select the instrumentation Sylvia had in-mind.

So, our question to everyone is… Should we pay the extra $300 and include information like this or wait to see if this album is a success and make a “Remastered Edition” (or something) down the road?

Please let us know what you think.


Tonight, while having supper, I was thinking about a video by “supposed” Sun expert Eric Dollard. (I’ve included the following video of him talking about this several months ago.) As I was thinking about his explanations of how the Sun works, my mind pulled-up a short video of the Sun when it had HUGE open spots on its surface.

As I thought about all this, Sylvia asked me (in her “Teacher” mode):

  • (Sylvia) What would happen if the outer layer of the Sun continued to have a growing empty spot.
  • (me) I said the outer shell would be pulled back like the outer layer of a rubber ball.
  • (Sylvia, still guiding me said) Then what would happen?
  • (me) I said the outer layer would be inverted… inside out.
  • (Sylvia) and?
  • (me) The Sun would then go from an “output” device to an “input” device… a Black Hole! Now THAT would be an “Event”. Maybe that’s the “Event” we’re all waiting for… Maybe that’s how this System, this Matrix works. In “breathing” there’s an “in” breath and an “out” breath. If we use “as above, so below”, then “IF” there really was a “Big Bang”, that was the “out” breath. As each Sun reaches a certain point, it goes from sending out Life and reinforcing energies to pulling them back in, digesting and recycling them. So, “IF” that’s true, then the Sun will soon begin pulling in the planets in this Solar System. Of course, we’ll be resonating at a higher frequency by then and probably on a “new Earth” in an “out” breath Solar System.

Is this real?… Did I really receive this information (or figure it out for myself)?… or is this just another activity by my over-active imagination? Only Time will tell.

Question everything.

Here’s the link to an Eric Dollard video (9-minutes):



This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.

This is a Channeled message from her Twin Flame who is on the other side of the “Veil”. Here are some excerpts:

  • “What has been going on behind the veil, and behind the scenes of the political events, is a battle against the Establishment and its forces of control. Mankind has indeed existed for thousands of years in a captivity which the divine plan will liberate it from. As this was caused by an entanglement that is karmic, you have lived through a time of clearance with an Armageddon of the psyche. In other words, the psyche had to be purified and liberated. It is also what we call a transcendental process. The Lower Astral Realm has now been dismantled after centuries and decades of work by the Angelic forces. The Astral level has also been raided by the Forces of the Light to liberate and disentangle the souls of Light from their own shackles of creation, as well as from the dark forces. The latter have constantly been losing power but they have continued playing a game as if they did not realize that they have lost the battle and should surrender to the Light. We have allowed the situation to continue to some extent because they sometime change and see the Light, and stop opposing it.”
  • “The present situation of the Solar System is that it is relentlessly moving within the Stargate towards its final destination, the Constellation of Sirius. It will take its place, as recently stated by Lord Sanat Kumara, as the 8th system that will orbit Sirius A. We are moving towards the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. We are also crossing the Photon belt, the concentrated Light of which is having an effect of awakening upon the psyche of mankind. The Lightbody which is a blueprint for the soul to mirror and express Christ consciousness is also being integrated by the groups of souls that are more sensitive and are responding to this Light. So, that is taking place as explained in previous messages.”
  • “This  is because during this difficult time, you, the Star seeds, the Light workers, you, the incarnations who have come to change the systems, who have come to trigger the harvest and separation of realities, you have done your work well and  have risen yourselves to higher levels of consciousness, with the help of your angelic and Galactic guardians. You have gained a momentum of Light and are winning! The Light has caused your DNA to mutate and in some cases you are now able to communicate telepathically with the higher beings with whom you have a connection. You have become more sensitive to the Tube of Light of your Spirit Within or I Am Presence.”
  • “Towards the end of this year of overcomings and enlightenment, when the new governance is in place as prophesied, you will experience another change. You have already ascended many of you, in the sense of being anchored in consciousness upon the 5th dimension. You have the perspective of the higher dimension and are already creating New Gaia. The seeds have been planted into the ground of this work. Now this will be different because when your atoms of physicality are lifted up to the next position on the chart of the ladder of frequencies and you shift to 4th density, you will experience benefits of a physical nature which will be greatly beneficial to your survival. The Astral Level has been modified for this shift. What was the Astral Plane will now be the level of your physical atoms. Everything else which normally exists upon the higher realms, such as the mental and etheric vehicles, will also be shifted up higher. In a sense this move is taking place gradually until you get very close to the line, then when you cross it, some of you will not notice too much differences and others a lot. After this you will notice that your visualizations and creations are more powerful and that they manifest faster into physical or material precipitations, just as magic. This will permit you to obtain results with healing and rejuvenation in preparation for the help that you will receive from the technology of the higher realms, such as the Light Chambers. The Secret Space Program, with its Alliances and organizations, which have broken away from Earth, also have a similar technology but although what you have heard about it seems miraculous, it is not as advanced as the healing technology we will bring to you from the higher realms.”
  • “Christine: Thank you André for this message dictated yesterday on July 1st. This morning I have received a communication from Archeia Faith, Archangel Michael’s divine complement. She said that what was left of the Reptilian mafia on earth is now being removed and that we will be able to notice an improvement in the political affairs of the world from now on. A message previously received about the Mafia being abolished [published as a video] was concerning the galactic reptilian mafia, the one in space. She also said that all the nuclear missiles and armament have now been deactivated and are worthless. There were some left although this had been announced in the past few years. Some leaders of nations may however still be testing missiles because they have not understood the obvious that the Ufologists are aware of, the fact that the Powers of the Light, Extraterrestrials and our Galactic Family, have been busy deactivating these weapons because Heaven has decreed what is being prohibited. Archeia Faith also said that the beings who will create bodies to come among us will do so in ‘resurrection garments.’ We are being reminded that we should understand the miracle of Resurrection, as for instance, that of the Master Jesus which was misunderstood, as one from mentality and from a Dead Consciousness. This is what we are resurrecting from as we walk the Path of Ascension and this resurrection does lead to eternal life. The recovery of full consciousness is, and will be, a Resurrection! Food for thought! Love, Light and Namaste to all, Christine.”


My comments: I may not be completely understanding that last paragraph but, to “me”, the “Resurrection” has “something” to do with the removing of the “Veil”. Of course, this is what Sylvia and I have been focusing on, dealing with and tearing-away at, since she crossed-over. We are ready!


Question everything.

Here’s the link:



This information comes from a group which, supposedly, has inside information on what is really going on within this Dimension. They don’t Post very often but on July 5th, this is what they shared:

“Intel Update 7-5-16 “On-Going Intervention”

  • We are in the opening stages of an unprecedented intervention that will lead to global changes on the face of this planet.”
  • “All negative groups along with their infrastructure are currently in the process of being removed.”
  • “This sector is the only area in this galaxy and local galaxies where the Dracos were able to successfully wage war. There are many groups that exist non-physically and are not conscious of the fact that their physical bodies are in stasis pods.”
  • “Stasis-pods are a type of technology that mimics the physics of orbit. In other words, the person inside of the pod is able to receive nourishment without eating, is completely purified, and is very immersed in dreams. There are a lot of off-planet groups that have been regularly operating etherically inside of this solar system but are not conscious of the fact that they have been placed into stasis pods by the Draco Federation many millenias ago. An example of a stasis pod would be the technology witnessed in the first matrix movie without the pink goo.”
  • “As we speak, there is currently a stand-off ongoing in Alpha Draconis. Very evolved benevolent groups have become conscious of the intervention occurring on Earth and decided to lower their frequency so that a massive sector-wide intervention could begin to dissolve the final remnants of the Draco Federation that took over this galaxy many millions of years ago. They are giving the Dracos a chance to stand down and deprogram. Most of the infrastructure that the Dracos have been using is connected to a mother computer located in Alpha Draconis. While the infrastructure has been removed from Earth it needs to be understood that there are still implants that influence thousands of other races that were once under the dominion of the Draco Federation.”
  • “Understand that there are literally billions of evolved groups that exist physically that have never experienced war, famine or destruction. There are also super-groups that exist way above the ascended master frequency or 5th dimensional frequency that has been made famous by the New Age Movement.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 6-20-16 *Music, *Anomaly,, *TimeFold, Gaia, Fulford

*First a few comments:

Yesterday, Sylvia and I went back through each song on this album and ran them through the “Equalization” (EQ) feature in Apple’s GarageBand software. We then burned another CD and listened to it in the car while driving “to” and “from” work today.

It worked! It’s not perfect but that $5 GarageBand software just saved us $500 that we would have had to pay for professional “Mastering” services.

  • I’m not saying this $5 program is “as good” as a professional, Human, Audio Engineer. (I’m sure those people are worth every penny they earn.) I’m saying this album is rough, raw and rustic around the edges and “works” with this type of $5 adjustment.

There was only 1, small, tiny sound that we heard in the car which was not quite right. In our song “Time Machine”, I use 3 different Crash Cymbals on my electronic drumset. One of those Cymbals sound “cheap” and “tinny”… as if it was made out of “sheetmetal” instead of the “B20” Bronze mixture used in quality Cymbals.

When we got home, we listened to that same song through headphones and the amplifier on my desk. The Cymbals were fine. However, all of this may simply have been Sylvia’s way of suggesting that I re-record my Vocal Track on Time Machine. As we listened to it, she suggested I sing along. When I did, I found that if I move the notes down 1 or 2 Steps (pitches) I could put a little more power behind them, which was interesting because THAT’S what I’ve been complaining about on that song… I couldn’t seem to get any power from my voice and that song requires a bit of drive in the Vocal Line.

  • When Sylvia and I were deep in the middle of “Time Machine”, I did realize that my voice was not projecting the power this song requires. So we talked about me getting some Singing Lessons. We even went to the local Guitar Center store, where they also offer Lessons, to find out about their pricing, scheduling, etc.
  • Of course, My Sylvia is a great Singer and a 1st-rate Teacher. If she was “physically” here, I would gladly take Singing Lessons from her.

So, tomorrow, we’ll see if I can record not only “slightly more powerful” Vocals but also “on-pitch” Vocals. I feel that I’ve learned a lot from singing the other songs on this album and that my so-called “Singing” voice has strengthened a bit.

Something very odd happened just before Sylvia and I arrived at work today…

  • We were on a main, 8-lane road and had just crossed a bridge and were on the 2-lane exit ramp. This ramp is a few hundred feet in length, is on a small incline and has a Signal Light (intersection) at the top.
  • We were in the Right Lane and driving fairly slow because the Traffic Light up ahead was red. There were only a handful of cars in either Lane.
  • As we were taking our Time reaching the car up-ahead in front of us, I saw a black sedan approaching us from the rear. I didn’t think much of and saw it turn toward the Left Lane. As we sat there, I expected that car to pass us on the Left but it didn’t. I looked in all the mirrors and then through all the windows and could not find that car anywhere. It should have been either behind us, beside us or in front of us in the Left or Right Lane… but it wasn’t.
  • About 15-seconds later, I saw another black sedan approaching us from the rear, in the Right Lane… AND THE SAME THING HAPPENED! As it got closer, it changed Lanes but never passed us. It wasn’t behind us in EITHER Lane. They just disappeared!

I have no real explanation for this “happening”. Maybe this was a “bleedthrough” from the other side of the “Veil”. Maybe the “Veil” is now so incredibly thin that we can sometimes “resonate with” and “experience” events, objects and people through this very frail technology.

Question everything.

There is at least 1 aspect that I do whenever I activate and move-through our home. I do this purposely in a certain way in order to create an energy… I won’t provide the details of this but, today, when I did this a few thing happened:

  • Time seemed to shift a bit.
  • As I turned and began walking, I stepped-into an “image” of either a “small room” or a “regular room but slightly shrunken in size”. The room was mostly beige in color and had a white rectangle in it. I didn’t sense anyone in that space.
  • I could almost sense my own thoughts from within that “room” telling the “me” here to: “Remember, when this happens again, be sure to…” That’s all I can remember… or am “allowed” to remember.

“Logically”, the closest thing my tiny brain can attach this to is “Deja Vu” but it wasn’t.

All of this happened within about 1-second.

In quickly looking through that energy, I felt as though some part of me had setup a type of “energy-remembering sphere”, which would activate when the “me” here was at a certain “resonance” / “thought pattern”… I’m not sure… but it was designed to give the “me” here some special information about something special. That’s as clear as I can interpret the data from my Sensors.

Question everything.


This is from “Gaia Portal”:

  • “Seminal cavities are filled with Higher Intention.”
  • “Inner Light brilliance expands to the many.”
  • “Stepwise portions are viewed and consummated.”
  • “Stevedores of Gaia come to the rescue.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Benjamin Fulford’s full, weekly report. The title is: “In a first US Supreme Commander General Joseph Dunford addresses the UN as head of Republic“. Here are some excerpts:

  • “On June 17th, in an unprecedented move, US Supreme Commander General Joseph Dunford addressed the United Nations peacekeeping summit to discuss transitioning the US military into a global force for peace. US forces will now be replacing corrupt and poorly trained UN peacekeeping troops who have caused many scandals involving rape, theft, etc. The full text of his speech can be seen here:”
  • “The Rothschilds responded by saying Nathaniel Rothschild recently lost a $300 million lawsuit, a first ever loss for that family. Furthermore, the French head of the family, Baron David de Rothschild, is on the run from the French police after an indictment for fraud, In other words, they know they are no longer above the law.”
  • “They also want to find a new protector for their colony of brainwashed slaves known as Israel. That is why Benyamin Netanyahu has gone four times to Russia recently to seek Russian protection from expected Pentagon law enforcement actions against their country.”
  • “The Russian government, however, is now run by the Orthodox Church and the old Tsarist Nationalist network and is in no mood to protect the people who caused their nation so much torment during the 20th century.”
  • “Speaking about R&R, a CIA source says he recently saw Richard Rockefeller alive and well in Argentina. Rockefeller supposedly died in a plane crash in 2014 so, if this source is right, he just faked his death so he could escape from the US.”
  • “Pentagon sources say he is the exception and most top Khazarian mafia bosses still in the US will not be allowed to escape justice.”
  • “The source of their power in the US, the ability to create and distribute money, is also being confiscated. To that end there was an unusual meeting at the US Treasury Department on June 14th where US presidential spokesperson Barack Obama, General Dunford and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed a military takeover of the Treasury Department in order to force the issuance of a domestic US dollar separate from the internationally traded one, according to senior Pentagon sources. “This was why the New York Federal Reserve Board hired a shred-it truck on June 14th as the FRB is now kaput,” a Pentagon source said. The truck can be seen here:”
  • “The creation of a domestic US currency is coinciding with a planned reboot of the global financial system. As the Rothschild family contact said last week: “Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities.””
  • “A separate senior Rothschild source told a WDS member in Europe that their family would come through the current troubles intact “after making some adjustments” but that the Bush and Rockefeller factions were in much deeper trouble because of their association with the genocidal New World Order plan.”
  • “The aim of this plan is to permanently end war on this planet and thus allow for the quarantine on the planet earth to be ended, sources who claim deep connections to the “secret space program” say.”
  • “Pentagon sources confirm the recent Paris Climate Change Accord which has been ratified by France, the BRICS nations and “soon” the US is a disguised gold and asset backed currency framework and global currency reset. In this new system the percentage of emissions will be seen as equal to the percentage of world GDP, so China would have 20% control of the global currency in this system, the sources say. This new system has a huge advantage over what has prevailed until now in that natural ecosystems will have value in and of themselves and so will be protected as never before. For example, a rain forest would have huge value as a carbon sink and so cutting it down would become prohibitively expensive.”
  • “We are also getting more X files type of information sent our way. Years ago Paul Laine of Pentagon military intelligence told this writer of a secret Nazi submarine base in Indonesia. Now a CIA source in Indonesia confirmed such a base does exist and can be found in Nabire, Indonesia. The submarines are busy transporting gold for use in the new financial system, he said. A Google earth screen-shot of what appears to be the base can be seen below.”
  • “The X-files part of the information is that these sources claim about 50 million people disappear around the planet every year and that “they are being taken off world and sold as slaves.” They said that, for example, relatively few bodies were found after the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 because most of the people had been “taken off world.” They add that the official death toll of 230,000 was wrong and that in reality 1 million people vanished and were “taken off world.””
  • “This is crazy sounding stuff but some corroborating evidence is available. Korean government officials have previously told this writer that no bodies were found in the ferry disaster of 2014 there where over 300 secondary school students supposedly died. Nor have we been able to locate photographs of bodies from that incident. A member of the non-genocidal part of the Nazi faction of the cabal said the students were needed to counter-act the effects of too much “Aryan” inbreeding.”
  • “The other X-file information is that this writer, while driving his car and listening to US Armed Forces Radio in Tokyo, heard recruiting advertisements for the “US Space Command.” The ads said serving in the command would be “similar to serving in a ship.” The disclosure and secret space program folk keep saying some big event is coming soon. Hopefully soon we will find out the truth.”

Be sure to visit the link below, in order to access the links provided.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 6-17-16 Gaia, Goode, Calling, Hoffman

This is from “Gaia Portal”:

  • “Stargates impend as Light streams coalesce.”
  • “Perishables are released from Hue-man consciousness.”
  • “Standards of Inner behavior present to all Gaia personnel.”
  • “Flamboyants are noted, and removed.”
  • “Prescient compliance is appreciated.”

Question everything.
Here’s the link:


This seems to be an update of Corey Goode’s “Sphere Alliance” / “Secret Space Program” information. “IF” any of this is real, Corey Goode claims to have been involved with 1 of the Cabal’s Black Ops programs, involving “exotic” / “off-world” technologies. He has since turned “Whistleblower”, revealing various happenings from behind-the-scenes and also claims to be in attendance of some of the meetings between Humans, Inner Earth Beings and Star Visitors.

Here are some excerpts:

  • “The final information Goode shared relates to the Anshar. He says that they have requested a change to a treaty between all major extraterrestrial groups and Inner Earth Civilizations concerning open contact with humanity:”
  • “The reason the Anshar requested the meeting to make changes to the treaty is that they were considering a more active role with the surface populations. They are keeping an eye on the highly programmed nature of humanity and our response to knowing the Anshar exist. They have been troubled by some of the signs they have seen and some of their group has raised these concerns in their recent council meetings.”
  • “Back on May 14, Goode described a forthcoming meeting (since held) between different extraterrestrial and Inner Earth groups for a new treaty:”
  • “Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had informed her that the Anshar request for a meeting over requested ratifications to a treaty that was agreed to by all of the major ET players in the Solar System including those we would consider negative. This meeting is said to be occurring imminently.”
  • “”In his June 15 briefing to me, Goode explained that the current treaty is referred to as the “Muhammad Accords” since it dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 AD). Further Goode added that prior to the “Muhammad Accords,” extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations openly interacted with surface humanity.”
  • “It was decided that in order for surface humanity to evolve, open contact would end, and that extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations would no longer openly intervene in human affairs.”
  • “Goode then said that the meeting referred to by Kaaree had been held, and the request for a new treaty had been opposed by the Draconian Federation – the dominant Reptilian extraterrestrial species in our galaxy, and other “Saurian” or Reptilian groups. According to Goode, both he and Gonzales had in mid-2015 met with the leader of the Draconian Federation in our sector of the Galaxy, a 14 foot Royal White Draco, as part of ongoing negotiations over full disclosure.”
  • “Goode stated that he last met Raw Teir Eir on June 10, and was told that incoming cosmic energies are dramatically ramping up energy levels for the sun, solar system and the entire planet. People and groups are being easily triggered, which helps explains the elite exodus to Antarctica described in Part One, and upsurge of violent extremism around the planet.”
  • “While some may be greatly concerned over the possibility of a solar kill shot as predicted by remote viewers such as Major Ed Dames, it’s important to emphasize that this is merely one of many possible futures.”
  • “Previously Goode has said that according to Raw Teir Eir, the future and the kind of disclosure humanity is going to experience, will be determined by the collective consciousness and how well we react to unfolding events around us.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link to the article:

Here’s the link where I 1st learned of this article:


The following statement was made by the OP (Original Poster) on this Forum Thread:

  • “I think everyone at some point has thought they heard a voice saying their name, only to find that no one is there. This happens to me more frequently than I am comfortable with, but recently it happened at work and I heard it so clearly and like it was so close behind me that I turned around and was confused. I looked back at the customers I had there in my line and felt obligated to explain. When I said I thought I heard someone say my name behind me and no one was there, I tried to jokingly blow it off. The lady behind the lady I was currently ringing out, got a surprised look on her face and said that was strange, she at that same moment thought she heard someone say hers too! I said, ‘wow, that’s really strange.’ or something like that. Then the other lady said that that had happened to her too just the day before. I said, ‘ok, now this is just creepin me out.’ and laughed it off. But I really do think it’s a bit strange. She said, “maybe someone is trying to get our attention. Now we just need to figure out for what.” “
  • “I’m curious to hear other people’s stories of this phenomenon, and also, has anyone else had an increase in this experience more recently?”

I’m including this because I have sometimes heard different voices  and even different people calling my name when there wasn’t anyone nearby. So when I saw this Posting, I thought “maybe” there’s more to this than I 1st realized. In “my” opinion, this is something we all need to be aware of and talk about.

The other thought I had, regarding this, is that it “may” be some of the feedback I’ve been waiting for. So “IF” this happening is real AND it’s increasing, then, in “my” opinion, it means the “Veil” really IS getting thinner. Just like Sylvia told me, shortly after she crossed-over.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


I’m including this as ‘extra credit’. It doesn’t apply to my quest of “when” My Sylvia and I will be together again and it isn’t necessarily what I would consider “bonus” information (which is something “I” feel you may want to know about, in regard to the current world we live in)

An employee at work told me and Sylvia that they were feeling some “anxiety” lately. Tonight, when I read the current Post by Jennifer Hoffman, I thought of that conversation and figured others may also be feeling something similar. So maybe this information from Jennifer Hoffman’s facebook page can be helpful:

  • “What a day, the last 24 hours have been crazy and everything has changed, including my move date! I know it’s for the best and I have to use it as an opportunity to integrate new energy into that situation. This is the hard part of 5D into 3D integration, where you wonder why things are happening and why you have to go over things again, it’s to integrate new energy into them.”
  • “I have also noticed that new portals are opening in advance of Monday’s full moon/solstice and they’re causing a lot of people to be very anxious and edgy. They feel the changes and the energy is opening their hearts too, so there may be lots of emotional action going on too. whew, shine on and brightly and remember to shine on the solution, not the problem.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 5-13-16 *Music, Gaia, Cobra&Corey

*First a few comments

I was hesitant to begin work on the “Veil” song because of its complex rhythms. So just before diving into it, I wanted to talk to Sylvia about its title, so I could setup its Files and Folders.

  • The title that originally came-through was made-up of 2 Latin words. Today, when I did some research on them, I learned that the 1st word is not Latin and the 2nd word “sounds like” it could be “Latin” but it’s not. It’s not even a real word. Together, they sound like “the Veil”. Our usage of these words in this title will translate into: “bad grid”.
  • Sylvia likes simplicity and really doesn’t like the “cleverness” of this particular title but after explaining my thinking behind it, and because she thinks my title is more interesting than “The Veil”, she agreed to use it.

Once we agreed on that title, I was making some notes in our “Curio” program (about that song) when I noticed there was another song for this album that I had forgotten about. We won’t reveal its real title. So it’s “public” title, until the album is released, is “Lighthouse”.

  • It looks like “I” have to sing it. It’s an easy-going song with acoustic guitar (played by “me” on the Korg Krome keyboard) and maybe some light drums.
  • Today, Sylvia had me pull-through the basic Chord structure and some of the Vocal melody.
  • As Sylvia was showing me which notes to play on the keyboard, so I could record them and sing them later, I kept stopping and saying: “This melody sounds familiar.” I even went back through and spot-listened to the songs we’ve already completed but could not find that melody anywhere. So either I’m imagining this or some part of me is knowing those notes from a future-point in Time or its part of another song by someone else.


Today’s message from “Gaia Portal”:

  • “Scatterings of impulses wanes upon the morrow.”
  • “Settlings portray elements of Light.”
  • “Fortresses are vanquished as columns dissolve.”
  • “Spartanized mountains unveil the full view.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is part-1 of an Interview with Cobra and Corey Goode. Here are some excerpts:

  • “COBRA – Yes, of course.  The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough.  The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet.  I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system.  There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface.  They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth.  When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event.  The Event is actually many things at the same moment.  It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure.  This is part of it.  The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal.  The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time.  And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy.  And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process.  That’s the short overview of what the Event is.  And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun.  The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening.  And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.”
  • “Corey – Yea.  It’s going to absolutely require a catalyzing event for everyone to be jerked awake.  If  we’re going to slowly expect everyone to trickle into this new reality of understanding about all these suppressed technologies let alone all this other stuff that Cobra and I talk about.  We’re going to be waiting millennia.  So there’s going to be outside sources that are doing all they can but we have a part to play in this scenario.  Every single one of us.  Not one person is too small to take a part and to make a difference and we all. . . they’re waiting to stand up and take our part in this.  None of us can say that we don’t have skin in the game.  So as each of us contributes and put our differences aside and start to work with full disclosure to get the information out there to the general public then the 100th monkey effect can occur.  As more and more of them learn this information, you know, it’s going to become more acceptable and people are going to start asking the questions we want them to ask.  When that catalyzing event occurs then they’re not going to be in as much in shock as they would prior.”
  • “COBRA – Yes, of course.  I would just give an explication.  It’s a process called phase transition.  Phase transition is a process in physics that happens also in society.  So when you put a certain amount of energy into a society it begins to behave like water that is boiling.  So what we’re experiencing now is this boiling water, it is all this dissent in human society, all of this questioning, seeking.  All of this restlessness in human society is a reflection of this cosmic change.  When a certain amount of energy is brought into that system the water begins to boil.  It begins to change into vapor and this is what is happening with human society.  It is going through a phase transition.  The moment of the phase transition is the Event.  It is a sudden change which can be felt before hand a little bit.  It can be expected but when it happens it’s a sudden transition.  It’s a quantum leap.  And this is the way transitions happen in nature.  They don’t happen gradually.  Phase transitions happen suddenly and this is what is going to occur because we simply do not have time.  We do not have millennia to wait.  We are actually responding to cosmic forces that are triggering this transition.   They are guiding us through this transition so it can happen as fast as possible as harmoniously as possible.  Human race are known for taking one part of this transition, but it is a global cosmic event and each of us of course plays a role in this event.”
  • “Corey – It’s going to be  part of the ___that we’re releasing. ___   had requested a after she had had the meeting out in the Kuiper belt she had requested a meeting with the secret federation and the purpose of this meeting was all of the groups that are similar just not long after the time of Mohammad had signed this accord or agreement about open contact or appearing openly with humanity.  It was to allow us to develop on our own __  and do things from the back-ground, you know, and contact people and kind of secretly.  I don’t know all the details of this accord but it’s pretty binding   ___ skirmished they had.  This is something that they want to re-visit and make some amendments to because some of these inner earth groups want to start making more appearances on the surface and this is a meeting that has been granted and they’re going to be coming up very soon.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 11-11-15 *Thinning, *Manifestation, Gaia, Cobra, Goode, Reality, Meadors

*First a comment:

I’ve mentioned this in a few previous eMails. This doesn’t happen every day but it did happen just now. So I’m including this experience, in order to make a point that… in “my” opinion, the “Veil” is getting thinner every single day:

  • Tonight, while sitting here doing this research, I can clearly and solidly feel My Sylvia sitting right here beside me. The energy is thick and almost tangible (I think that’s the correct word).

When I do experience moments like this, it does help me A LOT!

I’m sharing this to show that anyone can do this. I’m not any “more” or “less” special than any Human on the surface of this planet. I may simply be more focused on a lot of alternative energies. During my away-from-home days, I see a lot of Humans caught in the Cabal’s trap of “technology”. Some Humans are like a moth to their cellphone’s flame… they can’t escape whatever it will do next and are so focused on THAT they forget the immediate world around them. Don’t they understand that they’re pushing away “Nature” and diving deep into the Cabal’s purposely-harmful technologies?

Sylvia and I, but mostly “me”, used to also be caught-up in “some” of the Cabal’s traps. However, since Sylvia crossed-over, I completely withdrew most of my energies from what Humans perceive as a “Society” and have focused on “the inner Me” and “My Sylvia”… and only interacting with “Society” when I really have to. I can’t even tell you who’s the current “celebrity of the week” or “who’s running for the Cabal’s artificial presidency”… I can tell you who will be the next President and Vice President but these Beings are not on most Human’s radar. When I tell you their names, most people will simply say I’m even crazier than they thought I was… but if everyone were to put down their cellphones, switch-off the Cabal’s television, radio and newspaper propaganda and take a giant step back, you’ll see how Humanity’s current Timeline is rolling out in front of us.

Several months ago, I mentioned 3 or 4 projects that Sylvia and I will be working on together. One of those is the album we are currently working on. Another project is an “adventure game” that I’d like to create:

  • Although this would be a “game” for the User, it will tell the story of me and Sylvia and our life now “across the Veil”. It will also ask those User’s to provide me with any information, ideas, dreams, etc., which may help me figure out how to remove the “Veil” or how to walk through it like Carlos Castaneda’s character “Don Juan” did.

There are 2 main pieces of software that I’ll need, in order to create this User-paced “game”:

  • Carrara, a 3D modeling program that I’ve used in the past but need the newest version.
  • SuperCard, a computer programming environment, similar to Apple’s HyperCard (which I’ve programmed in many years ago).

Yesterday, E.R. (who’s on this list), sent me a link to a Macintosh-based software bundle which contains… SuperCard… AND you get to pick the price you want to pay for the 8 programs offered. So, instead of paying $279 for SuperCard, Sylvia had me buy their 8-program bundle for just $15.

As for “Carrara”. We do have an older version (version “5”) and they’re currently on version 8.5…

  • The company that owns it has not updated it in a very long time. I checked the Forums for that software today and discovered that the company has just recently… as in a week or 2 ago, started working on version “9”!

I’m including this information because it shows that “I” or “Sylvia” manifested these 2 experiences.

Here’s a link to Carlos Castaneda’s books:

Here’s the link to the software bundle:


“Gaia Portal” has released this encouraging message today:

  • “Nodes of sterility have released.”
  • “Activities of Light permeate the multitudes.”
  • “Paradigms of new life come to the forefront.”
  • “Essential views are now allowed.”

My comment: Once again, “IF” this information is true, it is very encouraging and very powerful.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is Cobra’s Posting from today:

  • “It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on November 21st. On that day, an important cycle will end and another one begin. This is the turning point where we can utilize our collective power of manifestation to use it as a pivot to trigger the changes we are all waiting for. Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters and subterranean beings of Light that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.”
  • “Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.”

Be sure to visit Cobra’s webpage below, in order to access the images and links he has included.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This is the latest message from Corey Goode, regarding the SSP (Secret Space Program) and meetings between the Cabal and the Star Visitors. The title is: “Negotiations for Disclosure, China Canceling Debt, SSP Alliance Pushing for Full Disclosure, David Wilcock’s Comment”.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


This next one’s a ‘bonus’ (something you should know but it doesn’t directly provide “me” with any feedback of “when” me and My Sylvia will be together).

The OP (Original Poster) on the following forum, questions how we perceive “reality”. This is just part of her or his idea:

  • “The reason for this initial conversation was due to my partner recovering from a severe psychotic episode within the last 2 years. She literally awoke one morning and it was like someone had flipped a switch. She had become totally delusional where she believed and would see things no one else could. She would experience these delusions on every sensory level. She could no longer differentiate her delusions from reality.”

I’m including this because, “IF” this theory is correct, it may provide some Insights and clues into the “Veil” and how it makes more of Humanity perceive the world around them.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


I’m also including this a “bonus” information…

This message is from Alexandra Meadors, owner of the Galactic Connection website:

  • “If you haven’t already noticed it seems that EVERYONE is having some sort of crisis, interference, or intensity in their life in some way, shape or form right now. I have one friend who went away on a short vacation only to find out that their house caught fire. Another has such bad vertigo that he hasn’t been able to lift his head off the pillow for over 3 days, despite alternative therapies. And still another with incessant computer problems even though her computer is brand new and was working brilliantly until recently. This began at a meteoric speed on Halloween Night and is actually a good thing, however while we are moving through this transition things don’t feel that way…they feel resistant, challenging, almost monumental in scope.”
  • “You should notice that we are in a reorganizational mode and many changes will appear over the course of the months to follow. But for now, all of us at GalaticConnection are asking all of you to hold the space for us. Send us Golden Light and Protection.”
  • “Another thing we have noticed is can you feel the difference between those that are implanted and those that are not? Wow has it become apparent to those of us that are unimplanted! Medussa is truly rearing her ugly head!”
  • “Have you noticed that ever since the Mike Harris interview we have had let’s just say “glitches” with our site? I have already been told who is responsible and we know that the call for truth and disclosure is behind it all.”
  • “Please be patient with us as we transition through a electronically challenging period…PLEASE COMMAND that the hub for alternative news remains in tact through this massive shift on Planet Earth.”
  • “I call on ALL GUARDIANS…be alert, aware, and on stand by. The stage has been set and the curtain is about to be pulled…”


I’m including this because it provides feedback on what a lot of people are going through right now and this information may be helpful to anyone who may be experiencing similar things.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 10-26-15 *Random, *Birthday, *Tremors, *JP-08, Fulford, Goode

*First a few comments:

Just a few short and disconnected pieces…

  • After several days of “Pending”, our “Domain Name” Hosting Company just sent us an eMail saying that we can’t get the website name: “” because the organization which created that name has restrictions on it. This means Sylvia and I have to contact them directly, to see if they will allow us to buy that name. This happens with certain “TLD” names (Top Level Domains, such as “.rocks”, “.band”, etc.)
  • While at work today, Sylvia reminded me that in last night’s eMail, I forgot to include SoulSpeak’s Blogsite. So here it is:

Today went as well as it could be, under the circumstances.

  • The Manager and Assistant Manager, at different times, came over to me and mentioned my birthday. I told them “thank you, but I don’t want to make a big deal about it”.
  • After work, Sylvia and I decided to quickly shop at a grocery store that’s usually out of our way to get to. So instead of driving from “work” to the “music store”, we headed in a slightly different direction. We’ve been to this store several times but, today, I got lost. Stuck in the maze of back-streets in the downtown area.
  • After asking for directions, and learning that I drove in the opposite direction from where we needed to go, we finally found that grocery store. We wanted to pick-up some cereal that we like but can only find at 1 store in town. We also wanted to buy some “Amy’s” soup. We did find them in this store AND both items were on sale! We’re talking about “Amy’s” soup and “Purely Elizabeth” cereal. Both are high quality and expensive. This items rarely go “on sale”. Sylvia did this… because we’ve been wanting to get to that store for a couple of months now. It’s out-of-our-way but we made the extra effort today because it’s only a couple of side-tracked miles from the music store we were heading to. So, of all days for us to finally get there and by “accident” they have a “sale”. The “odds” are better in the Lottery. So I KNOW Sylvia set this up.
  • We were just about to step into 1 of the lines at the Checkout when an employee approached us saying: “I can take you at this Register”, which he was just about to open. No lines. No waiting. It must be my birthday.
  • While waiting for our pizza today, at a place that offers $10 16-inch pizzas on Mondays, Sylvia and I saw a cricket on the floor. I noticed its movement when someone walked by. It jumped right towards me.
  • In interpreting this as a “dream”… Some say “crickets” represent “luck”. According to this web page, crickets represent “success”:

After lunch today, Sylvia and I unpacked our new musical instrument friend, the “Roland JP-08” synthesizer. We were creating different sounds with it, when I felt a “sensation” in my head. It felt like a subtle but quickly-vibrating “tremor”… either in my brain, near my brain or on my 3rd-Eye. This happened 3-times within about 2-minutes. Each lasted about 2-seconds. I’ve never felt that before. I definitely sense that this happened because something has changed in the “Veil”. Changed in a “good” way… meaning the “Veil” now has a few more holes in it.

Have any of you felt this same type of thing recently?

*JP-08 (“Roland JP-08)
Sylvia’s birthday present for me arrived today.

From my many years experience with synthesizers, I knew this new product would be more flexible and more powerful than most of the critics have stated… but it’s even more than I expected.

It’s a little larger than a hardcover book and, yes, its knobs and sliders are very small but they’re not as difficult to work with as they appear in the photos and videos I’ve seen.

  • It “can” run on 4-AA batteries (which were included).
  • The sounds, through its built-in speaker, are better than I expected but then I ran it through a small Roland amplifier and, wow! The sounds are very rich and highly detailed. The sounds through the online videos don’t do this unit justice.
  • There are 2 built-in “Ribbon Controllers” (for “Pitch Bend” and “Modulation”) — 2 strips of plastic where you can modify the sound by placing your finger on that area and sliding it higher or lower. Since this product doesn’t have a built-in keyboard, you can place individual notes by touching the “Pitch Bend’s” plastic strip.
  • One of the reasons we bought it, is its ability to send extra MIDI notes (keyboard notes) out to another piece of MIDI gear. I connected the JP-08 to our Korg Krome, so I could use that keyboard to control the notes of the synth. I then connected the synth to our Novation UltraNova synthesizer, so it could receive (act-on) the “extra” notes that I played. It does work and the possibilities are a bit interesting but this does require a slightly different mindset.
  • It’s fairly intuitive to use but, as with any synthesizer, if you’re new to this type of instrument, it would be wise to learn what the basic synthesizer components (Oscillators, Filter, Envelope Generator, etc.) do.Within the 1st 30-minutes or so, I had created 5 or 6 very interesting sounds. A couple of times, I was confused at how this tiny unit was producing “Reverb” effects when it doesn’t have “Reverb”. It has “Delay” but it wasn’t turned ON.


This was sent to me by K.K. (who’s on this list) thank you.

This is Benjamin Fulford’s weekly report. The title is: “Arresting Richard Armitage and forcing him to talk may be final straw to break back of Khazarian gangster rule”. Here are some excerpts:

  • “The information below was provided to us by CIA colleagues of Armitage as well as by Japanese government sources, members of Japanese yakuza crime syndicates and others. Armitage was given a chance, by phone and e-mail, to rebut what is written below but he refused to answer, meaning that he is not denying what we are hearing about him.”
  • “Armitage is but one of the key operators in the Nazionist Bush mafia. Benyamin Netanyahu is another and there are now signs he is being taken down by genuine Jews who have finally figured out Netanyahu actually works for their Nazi tormentors. Recent bizarre comments made by Netanyahu about Hitler show that somebody is forcing him to commit political hara kiri.”
  • “In Canada too, Stephen Harper, a notorious Bush operative and source of deep shame for Canada, was decisively ousted from power last week. Once the purge of political operatives appointed by Harper to the Canadian police and military command structure is completed, Harper’s crimes will be prosecuted for sure. Hopefully this traitor will sing like a canary about his handlers.”
  • “There are, in any case, growing signs that the US military are well under way in their own ongoing purge of Khazarian traitors in their midst. The biggest sign of this was the unprecedented veto by President Barack Obama (on orders from the Pentagon) of the 2016 defense appropriations bill because it blocks the closing of the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay. He also vetoed it to stop payment of $600 million to Syrian “rebels” and $350 million to neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, according to Pentagon sources.”
  • “Inside the US, the “Saudi loving, ISIS supporting” CIA Director John Brennan got his e-mails hacked and his contacts exposed as part of the ongoing purge in Washington DC.”

Be sure to visit the following web page, in order to access the links provided.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


The following page contains a 48-minute video of a Corey Goode interview from October 23rd. Below that video, you’ll find background information on this former Cabal “black projects” participant and current whistleblower. Section titles and Time-marks are also Posted.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:

PS 10-17-15 *Breakthrough, *Financial, Gaia, Keshe, Releases, Goode

*First a few comments:

Because of yesterday’s “Keshe” information, could almost feel the crack in the “Veil” throughout the day.

After Sylvia and I got home today, at one point when I closed my eyes (focused on “Sylvia”), I could see her face… it was like viewing an image on a very old, not-locked-in television station… like the way televisions worked in the 60s. Only the “snow” (white, random pixels flying around) had larger (about half-inch) “pixels” flying around that looked like chips off of rocks flying around. I almost started crying because, even if it’s “symbolic”, it means not only has there recently been another crack in the “Veil” but it feels like a breakthrough was made (because of the shattered rock pieces going everywhere).

  • …and then we checked our eMail and saw a new Posting from “Gaia Portal” saying: “Mass releases soon to commence” and felt like that was confirmation that, YES, there was some type of breakthrough recently. “Where?”, “How”, “Can we see it yet?”… I don’t know but I’m sensing that a big change has happened.

Today after work, Sylvia and I drove to the local music store and bought that very new, but very small, synthesizer: the “Roland JP-08”. Here’s its product page:

  • This will be the 1st time Sylvia and I have purchased a musical instrument which has only started shipping a few days ago. In other words, the “new” pieces of music gear we purchased in the last 12-months, the “Korg Krome” and “Novation UltraNova” were released 3 or 4-years ago! (When we bought them there seemed to be no sign of them being replaced or superseded any time soon.)

After paying for it, I asked the Sales Clerk if he wanted to hear a clever financial technique that Sylvia taught me about a week ago. He said “yes”. (He knows about me and Sylvia.)

  • We had 2 credit cards with payments which are due in a couple of weeks. Knowing that we were going to buy this synthesizer today, A few days ago, Sylvia told me to put the money we were going to bring in as “cash” and put it on those 2 credit cards. So I did.
  • Doing this, means those credit card companies see our payment as “many times more” than what their minimum payment was. This moves us into a higher standing with them. It also means our total credit “worth” / “history”, in general, is also higher than it was before.
  • So, even though we almost immediately used that money, by using those credit cards today, their financial records for us show a big surge in what we are capable of paying. (I would say it boosts our “Credit Report” but we never look at it. We’ve never requested it because we really don’t care about it.
  • It’s like going to a “doctor” to learn if we’re “Well”. Why? We know we’re completely healthy. We constantly monitor every tiny detail of discomfort, pain, etc. and take care of it right away. When people look outside of themselves for confirmation on something you already are an expert in… in “my” opinion, simply means that person is not being totally responsible with the Unit they are currently inhabiting.
  • (Of course, the same could be said for when someone’s car develops problems. If we don’t know how to fix the problem ourselves with “throw money at it” and have someone else deal with it. Instead, the “car” is symbolic of your “Drive”. We, instead, should be looking within ourselves and asking: “What is going on with me, personally, that is now being “reflected” / “manifested” in my car?” Interpret your “day” like a “dream” and many things might be revealed.)
  • Be responsible. No one knows YOUR body better than YOU. The various Customs of the Society on this planet always baffle me and Sylvia.


This is the latest message from “Gaia Portal”:

  • “Productions of Higher Energies commence in earnest.”
  • “Refinements follow.”
  • “Standards of Higher Vibrations are instituted.”
  • “Mass releases soon to commence.”

My comment: “Mass releases” of what? Whatever it is, “IF” it’s true, this is very helpful.

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


Sylvia and I are in the middle of watching that 3-hour “exotic technology” video with M.T. Keshe. I included the link last night and simply thought anyone who wanted to watch it would… but as we’re watching it, Mr. Keshe just stated something which “I” interpret as a HUGE speed-up in whatever is about to unfold. (I’m talking about the “Event”. Not the “Keshe Foundation.)

Here’s what really caught our attention just now (at the 39:55-mark):

  • (Not an exact quote) “In the previous, Ambassador Meeting 2, we gave you 2-years to examine our technology and look over our patents. Now, at this 3rd meeting, we give you 10-days. In 10 days time we open our patents. We teach every citizen on this planet how to make a unit… to be independent of governments. To be independent of energies. Independent of medicine. Independent of food.”

Here are a few more highlights:

  • “It gives you energy for 30… 40-years.”
  • “You don’t need to re-charge it. You don’t need to re-fuel it.”
  • “On October 26th, 1,000 units per day will be manufactured in Italy. We will raise this number to 1-million a month in November-December.”
  • The device is Solid State. It can melt and it will still work.
  • “In many ways, we give you the path to peace. It’s for you to walk it.”
  • “There’s 1 piece of news I have not told you… If you connect this unit, in a specific way, to your car, you can reduce your fuel cost up to 70-percent.”
  • When you place an orange on top of a glass of water, the way we show, and separate the atoms in its structure to its “plasma” structure, you transfer all the energy, all the taste of the orange into the water. When you drink the water, you drink an orange with all its benefits. They can feed many people an orange with just 1 orange.
  • For the 1st time, we know how to produce protein from air.
  • “We have broken all the rules of the present science.”
  • “Man has been fighting so long, he’s forgotten “peace” is so easy. The time of abuse is finished.”
  • Mr. Keshe told the Saudi Prince, last week, not to send any oil Tankers on the high-seas because there will be no more customers for them.
  • In the next 4-to 6-weeks, they will release a new version which doesn’t have to be connected to a power supply (to give your home electricity).

Question everything.

Here’s the link:


According to “Article 1” below, the U.S. is about to release 6,000 inmates from prisons. This is exactly what an “alternative news” Source stated many months ago… that lots of non-violet inmates will be freed.

The other 2 articles below also state that thousands of inmates in those countries have also been released.

My comment: From the different “rabbit holes” I’ve been Tracking, these articles provide feedback that, yes, “something” is happening… at least on “some” level.

Regardless of what the MSM (Main Stream Media) tells us, these actions are the result of the LightWorkers doing a LOT of work behind-the-scenes, in “my” opinion.

Question everything.

Here’s the link to “Article 1”:

“Article 2”:

“Article 3”:


This article is from Corey Goode. He talks about his recent involvement with the SSP (Secret Space Program), the state of the Earth and other off-world facets. Here are a few excerpts:

  • “We truly are the saviors we are waiting for. Why else would the opposition focus so hard on this community to fragment it by spending decades infiltrating it and creating competing belief systems that would cause us to enter into intellectual circular debates instead of focus inwardly and locate that co-creative power, unite and use that power during the most important time in our history? There is a lot of speculation and beliefs about where these energy changes are coming from or what they actually are. We should focus only on that they are occurring. These energies are effecting people in different way.”
  • “As a mental exercise we should each focus inwardly at the dark or negative things we do not like to acknowledge about ourselves and work on them. We should forgive ourselves and others and determine what in us is being amplified and broadcast to others during this time. If we have been in a reactionary fit maybe we can have a moment of clarity to do so and stop the wheel of Karma and come together to focus our co-creative consciousness on the right side of the scale. I have seen the “Wheel of Karma” roll heavily over the lives of a number of people recently.”

Question everything.

Here’s the link: